Diffraction and interference of light

  1. Diffraction and Interference of Light
  2. Introduction to refraction of light and interference
  3. Measuring the wavelength of light wave using Young's equation
  1. Two slits experiment is performed to measure the wavelength of red light. The silts are 0.0160 mm apart. A screen is placed 0.500m away and the separation between the central bright line and the first-order bright line is found to be 21.1mm. What is the wavelength of the red light?
    1. Yellow- orange lamp from a sodium lamp of wavelength 597 nm is aimed at two slits separated by 1.80 x 10-6 m. What is the distance from the central line to the first-order yellow line if the screen is 0.400m from the slits?
      1. A monochromatic light of wavelength of 456nm falls on a single-slit with width 0.085mm. The slit is located 65cm from the screen. How far from the center of the central band is the first dark band?
        1. Light from a He-Ne laser (λ=523.6nm\lambda = 523.6 nm) falls on a slit of unknown width. A pattern is formed on a screen 1.12m away on which the first dark band is 5.7mm from the center of the central bright band. How wide is the slit?
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Diffraction and Interference of Light

          Welcome to our exploration of diffraction and interference of light! These fascinating phenomena are key to understanding how light wave behavior as a wave. Diffraction occurs when light waves bend around obstacles or pass through openings, while interference happens when light waves interact with each other. The introduction video we'll watch demonstrates these concepts beautifully, making them easier to grasp. You'll see how light creates intricate patterns through Young's two-slit experiment, a cornerstone in wave optics. This experiment shows light passing through two narrow slits, creating an interference pattern on a screen. It's a perfect illustration of how light can behave both as a particle and a wave. Understanding diffraction and interference is crucial in various applications, from optical instruments to modern telecommunications. As we delve deeper into these topics, you'll gain insights into the mesmerizing world of light wave behavior and its wave-like properties. Let's embark on this illuminating journey together!

          Understanding Diffraction and Young's Two-Slit Experiment

          Diffraction is a fundamental phenomenon in wave physics that occurs when waves encounter obstacles or openings. It is the bending of waves around corners or spreading out of waves as they pass through an opening. This behavior is particularly evident in light waves and plays a crucial role in our understanding of the wave nature of light.

          One of the most iconic demonstrations of diffraction is Young's two-slit experiment, conducted by Thomas Young in 1801. This groundbreaking experiment not only provided strong evidence for the wave nature of light but also laid the foundation for quantum mechanics.

          In Young's two-slit experiment, a coherent light source (such as a laser) is directed towards a screen with two narrow, parallel slits. As the light passes through these slits, it diffracts and spreads out. The diffracted light from both slits then overlaps and interferes with each other, creating an interference pattern on a distant screen.

          The interference pattern consists of alternating bright and dark bands, known as fringes. Bright fringes occur where the light waves from both slits arrive in phase, reinforcing each other (constructive interference). Dark fringes appear where the waves arrive out of phase, canceling each other out (destructive interference).

          The behavior of light in this experiment can be explained by considering the following:

          1. When light encounters the narrow slits, it diffracts and spreads out in a semicircular pattern.
          2. The diffracted light from both slits overlaps in the region beyond the slits.
          3. At any point on the screen, the light from both slits has traveled different distances.
          4. The difference in path length determines whether the waves arrive in phase or out of phase, resulting in constructive or destructive interference.

          The spacing between the fringes in the interference pattern depends on several factors:

          • The wavelength of the light: Longer wavelengths produce wider fringe spacing.
          • The distance between the slits: Wider slit separation results in narrower fringe spacing.
          • The distance to the screen: A greater distance leads to wider fringe spacing.

          Young's two-slit experiment has profound implications for our understanding of light and matter. It demonstrates that light exhibits both particle-like and wave-like properties, a concept known as wave-particle duality. This duality is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics and has led to numerous technological advancements, including electron microscopes and quantum computing.

          The principles of diffraction and interference observed in Young's experiment have practical applications in various fields:

          • Spectroscopy: Analyzing the composition of stars and distant galaxies
          • Telecommunications: Optimizing antenna designs for better signal transmission
          • Medical imaging: Improving resolution in X-ray and ultrasound technologies
          • Optical instruments: Enhancing the performance of telescopes and microscopes

          In conclusion, diffraction and Young's two-slit experiment are fundamental concepts in physics that have revolutionized our understanding of light and matter. By demonstrating the wave nature of light through interference patterns, this experiment has paved the way for modern quantum theory and continues to inspire new discoveries in science and technology.

          Interference of Light and Coherent Waves

          Light interference is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when two or more light waves interact with each other. This interaction can result in either constructive or destructive interference, depending on how the waves align. Understanding these concepts is crucial for comprehending various optical phenomena and applications in modern technology.

          Constructive interference happens when two light waves meet in such a way that their crests and troughs align perfectly. This alignment causes the waves to reinforce each other, resulting in a brighter light intensity at that point. On the other hand, destructive interference occurs when the crest of one wave aligns with the trough of another. In this case, the waves cancel each other out, leading to a reduction in light intensity or even complete darkness at that point.

          For interference to occur in a predictable and observable manner, the light waves must be coherent. Coherent waves have a constant phase relationship and the same frequency. This means they maintain a fixed pattern of crests and troughs relative to each other over time. Coherence is crucial in interference experiments because it ensures that the interference pattern remains stable and observable.

          One of the most common ways to observe light interference is through the creation of interference fringes. These fringes appear as alternating bright and dark bands on a screen when coherent light passes through specific setups. A classic example is the double-slit experiment, where light passes through two narrow slits and creates an interference pattern on a distant screen.

          In the double-slit experiment, the interference fringes appear as a series of parallel light and dark bands. The bright bands represent areas of constructive interference, where the light waves from both slits arrive in phase. The dark bands indicate destructive interference, where the waves arrive out of phase and cancel each other out.

          Another notable example of interference is the thin-film interference observed in soap bubbles or oil slicks on water. The colorful patterns we see are the result of light waves interfering as they reflect off the top and bottom surfaces of the thin film. The thickness of the film and the wavelength of light determine the colors we observe.

          Interference fringes are not limited to visible light. They can be observed with any type of wave, including sound waves, water waves, and even matter waves in quantum mechanics. This universality makes interference a fundamental concept in wave physics with applications ranging from acoustics to quantum computing.

          The study of light interference has led to numerous practical applications. Interferometers, devices that use interference patterns to make precise measurements, are used in various fields. For instance, the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) uses laser interferometry to detect gravitational waves, providing groundbreaking insights into the universe.

          In telecommunications, interference principles are applied in fiber optic networks to multiplex signals, allowing multiple data streams to be transmitted simultaneously over a single fiber. Anti-reflective coatings on camera lenses and eyeglasses also utilize interference to reduce unwanted reflections and improve optical clarity.

          Understanding and controlling interference is also crucial in holography, where complex interference patterns are used to create three-dimensional images. The ability to manipulate light waves through interference has opened up new possibilities in fields such as data storage, security, and display technologies.

          As we continue to explore and harness the properties of light, the principles of interference remain at the forefront of optical science and technology. From the mesmerizing patterns in nature to cutting-edge scientific instruments, interference of light waves continues to play a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the world and driving technological innovation.

          Diffraction of White Light and Monochromatic Light

          Diffraction is a fascinating phenomenon in optics that occurs when light waves encounter obstacles or openings. The diffraction of white light and monochromatic light exhibits distinct characteristics, particularly in the context of a double-slit experiment. Understanding these differences is crucial for comprehending the nature of light and its behavior.

          Monochromatic light, which consists of a single wavelength, produces a simpler diffraction pattern compared to white light. In a double-slit experiment using monochromatic light, such as from a laser, the resulting pattern displays a series of bright and dark fringes. The central fringe is the brightest, with alternating bright and dark bands on either side. These fringes are evenly spaced and have a uniform color matching the source light.

          White light diffraction, on the other hand, presents a more complex and visually striking pattern. White light is composed of multiple wavelengths corresponding to different colors of the visible spectrum. When white light passes through a double-slit apparatus, each wavelength diffracts differently, resulting in a pattern of colored spectra. The central fringe appears white, as all wavelengths constructively interfere at this point. However, moving away from the center, the pattern displays a rainbow-like array of colors.

          The colored spectra in white light diffraction occur because different wavelengths of light bend at slightly different angles. Red light, having the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum, diffracts the least and appears on the outer edges of the pattern. Conversely, violet light, with the shortest wavelength, diffracts the most and is found closer to the center. This dispersion of colors creates a beautiful display of the entire visible spectrum, repeating on both sides of the central white fringe.

          In the double-slit experiment, the spacing between fringes also differs for white light and monochromatic light. For monochromatic light, the fringe spacing is constant and depends on the wavelength of the light used. With white light, each color component creates its own set of fringes with slightly different spacings. This leads to an overlap of colored fringes, resulting in a more complex pattern where colors blend and separate as you move away from the center.

          The intensity distribution of the fringes also varies between the two types of light. Monochromatic light produces sharp, well-defined fringes with clear boundaries between bright and dark regions. White light diffraction patterns have more gradual transitions between colors and intensities, creating a smoother overall appearance.

          Understanding these differences is crucial in various applications of optics and spectroscopy. Monochromatic light diffraction is often used in precision measurements and interferometry due to its clear, well-defined patterns. White light diffraction, with its colored spectra, finds applications in spectral analysis, color science, and even in everyday phenomena like the colors seen in soap bubbles or oil slicks on water.

          In conclusion, while both white light and monochromatic light undergo diffraction, their patterns differ significantly. Monochromatic light produces simple, uniform fringes, while white light creates a complex array of colored spectra. This contrast highlights the wave nature of light and demonstrates how different wavelengths interact with obstacles and openings. The study of these diffraction patterns continues to be a fundamental aspect of optics, contributing to our understanding of light's behavior and its applications in technology and natural phenomena.

          Measuring the Wavelength of Light

          Measuring the wavelength of light using double-slit interference is a fundamental technique in optics that demonstrates the wave nature of light. This method, based on the principles of wave interference, provides a precise way to determine the wavelength of monochromatic light sources. The double-slit experiment, first performed by Thomas Young in 1801, has become a cornerstone in our understanding of light's behavior and quantum mechanics.

          The double-slit interference method relies on the phenomenon of wave interference. When light passes through two narrow, closely spaced slits, it creates an interference pattern on a screen placed at a distance. This pattern consists of alternating bright and dark fringes, resulting from constructive and destructive interference of light waves from the two slits.

          To calculate the wavelength of light using this method, we use the following equation:

          λ = (d * y) / (L * m)


          • λ (lambda) is the wavelength of light
          • d is the distance between the two slits
          • y is the distance between adjacent bright fringes on the screen
          • L is the distance from the slits to the screen
          • m is the order of the fringe (m = 1 for first-order fringes, m = 2 for second-order, etc.)

          To use this equation in practical situations, follow these steps:

          1. Set up the double-slit apparatus with a monochromatic light source, double-slit, and screen.
          2. Measure the distance (d) between the two slits accurately using a micrometer or calibrated scale.
          3. Measure the distance (L) from the double-slit to the screen.
          4. Observe the interference pattern on the screen and identify the bright fringes.
          5. Measure the distance (y) between adjacent bright fringes. For more accuracy, measure the distance across several fringes and divide by the number of intervals.
          6. Determine the order (m) of the fringes you're measuring. Usually, it's easiest to use first-order fringes (m = 1).
          7. Substitute these values into the equation and solve for λ.

          For example, if d = 0.1 mm, y = 5 mm, L = 1 m, and m = 1, the calculation would be:

          λ = (0.1 mm * 5 mm) / (1000 mm * 1) = 0.0005 mm = 500 nm

          This result indicates a wavelength in the green part of the visible spectrum.

          The double-slit interference method is highly accurate for measuring wavelengths of light, but it requires precise measurements and careful setup. Factors such as the width of the slits, the coherence of the light source, and environmental conditions can affect the results. For best results, perform multiple measurements and take an average.

          This technique is not limited to visible light; it can be used to measure wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to X-rays, provided appropriate materials and detectors are used. Understanding and applying this method is crucial for students and researchers in physics, optics, and related fields, as it forms the basis for more advanced interferometry techniques used in various scientific and technological applications.

          Single-Slit Diffraction

          Single-slit diffraction is a fascinating phenomenon in wave optics that occurs when light passes through a narrow opening. This process is distinct from double-slit diffraction, and understanding the differences between the two is crucial for grasping the nature of light and wave behavior.

          In single-slit diffraction, light waves passing through a narrow aperture spread out and interfere with each other, creating a characteristic interference pattern on a distant screen. This pattern consists of a bright central maximum flanked by alternating dark and bright fringes of decreasing intensity. The width of the slit plays a crucial role in determining the extent of the diffraction effect.

          The equation governing single-slit diffraction is given by:

          sin θ = mλ / d


          • θ is the angle to the mth minimum (dark fringe)
          • m is the order number (m = 1, 2, 3, ...)
          • λ is the wavelength of light
          • d is the width of the slit

          To apply this equation, one typically knows the slit width and the wavelength of light used. By measuring the positions of the dark fringes in the diffraction pattern, one can determine the angles θ and verify the relationship described by the equation.

          The single-slit diffraction pattern differs significantly from that produced by double-slit diffraction. In double-slit experiments, two narrow slits are used, resulting in a more complex interference pattern. The double-slit pattern features a series of equally spaced bright fringes of equal intensity, modulated by the single-slit diffraction envelope.

          Key differences between single and double-slit diffraction include:

          1. Intensity distribution: Single-slit patterns have a bright central maximum with decreasing intensity in higher-order fringes, while double-slit patterns show multiple bright fringes of equal intensity.
          2. Fringe spacing: Double-slit fringes are typically more closely spaced than those in single-slit patterns.
          3. Central maximum: The central bright fringe in single-slit diffraction is twice as wide as the other bright fringes, which is not the case in double-slit patterns.
          4. Mathematical description: Single-slit diffraction is described by the sinc function, while double-slit interference is modeled by a cosine function modulated by the single-slit envelope.

          Understanding single-slit diffraction is essential in various applications, including spectroscopy, telescope design, and the study of fundamental wave properties. It demonstrates the wave nature of light and provides insights into the behavior of electromagnetic radiation when interacting with obstacles comparable to its wavelength.

          In conclusion, single-slit diffraction showcases the intricate interplay between wave properties and physical obstacles. By comparing it with double-slit diffraction, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of wave interference phenomena and their role in shaping our understanding of light and matter. The diffraction equation serves as a powerful tool for quantifying these effects, enabling precise measurements and predictions in various optical systems.

          Applications and Real-World Examples

          Diffraction and interference of light are fundamental optical phenomena that have numerous real-world applications across various fields. These concepts have led to significant advancements in technology, and their understanding has helped us appreciate many natural occurrences. Let's explore some of the most notable applications of diffraction and interference in technology, nature, and everyday life.

          In the realm of technology, diffraction gratings play a crucial role in spectroscopy, allowing scientists to analyze the composition of materials by separating light into its component wavelengths. This technology is used in fields ranging from astronomy to forensic science. Astronomers use diffraction gratings in telescopes to study the chemical composition of distant stars and galaxies. In the medical field, spectroscopy is employed in diagnostic tools for non-invasive analysis of tissues and blood samples.

          Interference is the basis for anti-reflective coatings on eyeglasses and camera lenses. These coatings consist of thin layers that cause destructive interference of reflected light, reducing glare and improving optical clarity. Similarly, interferometers, which utilize the principle of interference, are used in precision measurements. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) employs this technology to detect gravitational waves, opening up new avenues in astrophysics research.

          In telecommunications, diffraction is both a challenge and a tool. While it can cause signal loss in radio and cellular communications, understanding diffraction helps engineers design better antennas and optimize signal coverage. Fiber optic communications also rely on the principles of total internal reflection and interference to transmit data over long distances with minimal loss.

          Nature provides stunning examples of diffraction and interference. The iridescent colors seen on butterfly wings, peacock feathers, and soap bubbles are not due to pigments but result from thin-film interference. This phenomenon, known as structural coloration, has inspired biomimetic materials in fashion and technology. Similarly, the bright colors of some beetles and the blue hue of certain bird feathers are attributed to diffraction gratings naturally present in their structures.

          In everyday life, we encounter diffraction and interference more often than we might realize. The rainbow patterns seen on CDs and DVDs are a result of diffraction from the microscopic tracks on their surfaces. Holography, used in security features on credit cards and banknotes, relies on interference patterns to create three-dimensional images. Even the colorful patterns observed when oil spreads on water are due to thin-film interference.

          The understanding of diffraction has led to advancements in imaging technologies. X-ray crystallography, which uses the diffraction of X-rays to determine the atomic and molecular structure of crystals, has been instrumental in fields like structural biology and materials science. This technique was crucial in discovering the structure of DNA and continues to be vital in drug design and development.

          In the field of astronomy, diffraction limits the resolution of telescopes. However, astronomers have developed techniques like adaptive optics and interferometry to overcome these limitations, allowing for clearer images of distant celestial objects. The Event Horizon Telescope, which captured the first image of a black hole, used a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry to achieve unprecedented resolution.

          The applications of diffraction and interference extend to manufacturing and quality control. Laser diffraction is used to measure particle sizes in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to food processing. Interferometry is employed in the production of precision optical components and in testing the surface quality of materials.

          As our understanding of these phenomena continues to grow, new applications emerge. For instance, metamaterials that manipulate light in unconventional ways are being developed, potentially leading to invisibility cloaks and super-lenses. The field of nanophotonics, which deals with the behavior of light on the nanoscale, is opening up possibilities for ultra-compact optical devices and more efficient solar cells.

          In conclusion, the applications of diffraction and interference of light are vast and varied, touching almost every aspect of modern technology and scientific research. From the colors we see in nature to the cutting-edge tools used in astrophysics, these fundamental optical principles continue to shape our understanding of the world and drive innovation across multiple disciplines.


          In this article, we've explored the fascinating phenomena of diffraction and interference of light. We've learned how these principles explain the behavior of light waves as they interact with obstacles and openings. The introduction video provided a crucial visual foundation for understanding these complex concepts. Key points covered include the wave nature of light, single-slit diffraction, double-slit interference, and their applications in various fields. We've seen how diffraction patterns form and how interference creates alternating bright and dark fringes. These principles are fundamental to many modern technologies, from spectroscopy to holography. We encourage readers to delve deeper into these topics, perhaps by conducting simple experiments at home or researching more advanced applications. Understanding diffraction and interference is not just academically valuable but also practically useful in fields like optics, telecommunications, and materials science. By grasping these concepts, you're opening doors to a world of scientific and technological possibilities.

          Diffraction and Interference of Light

          Introduction to refraction of light and interference

          Step 1: Understanding Diffraction

          Diffraction is a phenomenon that occurs when a directed beam of light encounters an obstacle or a slit that is comparable in size to its wavelength. When light passes through two closely spaced narrow slits, it gets diffracted, and the rays from the two slits overlap. This overlapping of light waves results in a pattern of bright and dark bands on a screen, known as diffraction fringes. The bright bands are areas of constructive interference where the crests of the waves overlap, while the dark bands are areas of destructive interference where the crests and troughs of the waves meet and cancel each other out.

          Step 2: Young's Two-Slit Experiment

          Young's two-slit experiment is a classic demonstration of the wave nature of light. In this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser, is directed at a barrier with two narrow slits. The light passing through the slits diffracts and the diffracted waves overlap, creating an interference pattern on a screen behind the barrier. This pattern consists of alternating bright and dark bands, known as interference fringes. The bright fringes are the result of constructive interference, while the dark fringes are the result of destructive interference.

          Step 3: Coherent Waves

          For interference patterns to be observed, the light waves must be coherent. Coherent waves are waves that have a constant phase difference and the same frequency. In the context of light, this means that the light waves are monochromatic, having only one wavelength. When monochromatic light passes through a narrow slit, it produces coherent waves that can interfere with each other to create a clear and stable interference pattern.

          Step 4: Single-Slit Diffraction

          Single-slit diffraction occurs when light passes through a single narrow slit and spreads out to form a diffraction pattern. This pattern consists of a central bright band flanked by alternating dark and bright bands. The central bright band is the result of constructive interference, while the dark bands are the result of destructive interference. The intensity of the bright bands decreases as you move away from the central band.

          Step 5: Double-Slit Diffraction

          In double-slit diffraction, light passes through two closely spaced narrow slits, and the diffracted waves from each slit overlap to create an interference pattern. This pattern consists of a series of bright and dark bands, known as interference fringes. The bright fringes are the result of constructive interference, where the crests of the waves overlap, while the dark fringes are the result of destructive interference, where the crests and troughs of the waves meet and cancel each other out.

          Step 6: Diffraction of White Light

          When white light, which is a combination of multiple wavelengths, is used in a double-slit experiment, the diffraction pattern appears as a series of colored spectra. This is because each wavelength of light diffracts at a slightly different angle, causing the colors to spread out and form a rainbow-like pattern. The central bright band remains white, while the fringes on either side display the colors of the spectrum.

          Step 7: Measuring Wavelength

          The wavelength of light can be measured using the interference pattern produced in a double-slit experiment. By measuring the distance between the bright fringes and knowing the distance between the slits and the screen, the wavelength of the light can be calculated using the formula: λ = (d * x) / L, where λ is the wavelength, d is the distance between the slits, x is the distance between the fringes, and L is the distance from the slits to the screen.


          1. What is the difference between diffraction and interference?

            Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles or through openings, while interference is the interaction of waves with each other. Diffraction occurs when light encounters edges or small apertures, causing it to spread out. Interference happens when two or more waves overlap, resulting in constructive (amplification) or destructive (cancellation) effects.

          2. How does Young's double-slit experiment demonstrate the wave nature of light?

            Young's double-slit experiment shows that light behaves as a wave by creating an interference pattern. When light passes through two narrow slits, it diffracts and spreads out. The waves from each slit then interfere with each other, creating alternating bright and dark fringes on a screen. This pattern can only be explained if light behaves as a wave, as particles would not produce such interference.

          3. What causes the colors in soap bubbles?

            The colors in soap bubbles are caused by thin-film interference. Light waves reflect off both the outer and inner surfaces of the soap film. The thickness of the film varies, causing different wavelengths (colors) of light to interfere constructively or destructively at different points. This interference creates the shifting rainbow patterns we see on soap bubbles.

          4. How is diffraction used in telecommunications?

            In telecommunications, understanding diffraction is crucial for optimizing signal transmission and reception. Diffraction allows radio waves to bend around obstacles like buildings or mountains, enabling communication in non-line-of-sight conditions. Engineers use diffraction principles to design antennas and plan network coverage, ensuring efficient signal propagation in various environments.

          5. What is the practical significance of measuring light wavelengths using diffraction?

            Measuring light wavelengths using diffraction is important in spectroscopy, which has numerous applications. It allows scientists to identify chemical elements in distant stars, analyze the composition of materials, and detect pollutants in environmental samples. In industry, it's used for quality control in manufacturing processes. This technique is also fundamental in developing precise optical instruments and in advancing our understanding of atomic and molecular structures.

          Prerequisite Topics

          Understanding the fundamental concepts that lay the groundwork for more advanced topics is crucial in physics education. When delving into the fascinating world of diffraction and interference of light, it's essential to have a solid grasp of the prerequisite topics. One such critical concept is the wave behavior of light, which forms the foundation for comprehending how light interacts with its environment and creates intricate patterns.

          The wave behavior of light is intrinsically linked to the phenomena of diffraction and interference. When we consider light as a wave, we can better understand how it bends around obstacles (diffraction) and how multiple waves interact with each other (interference). These processes are fundamental to explaining many optical phenomena we observe in our daily lives, from the colorful patterns on soap bubbles to the functioning of telescopes and microscopes.

          By studying wave behavior at a boundary, students gain insights into how light waves respond when they encounter different mediums or obstacles. This knowledge is directly applicable to understanding diffraction, which occurs when light waves encounter edges, slits, or other obstacles. The principles learned about wave reflection, refraction, and transmission at boundaries provide the necessary context for exploring more complex light behaviors.

          Moreover, the concept of wave superposition, which is central to understanding interference, builds upon the foundational knowledge of wave behavior. When light waves from different sources or paths combine, they can reinforce or cancel each other out, creating interference patterns. This phenomenon is only comprehensible when one has a solid understanding of how waves behave and interact.

          Students who have mastered the wave behavior of light will find it much easier to grasp the intricacies of diffraction and interference. They will be better equipped to visualize wave fronts, understand phase differences, and interpret the resulting patterns. This prerequisite knowledge also helps in understanding practical applications such as the working principles of diffraction gratings, interferometers, and holography.

          In conclusion, the study of diffraction and interference of light builds upon the fundamental principles of wave behavior. By ensuring a strong foundation in this prerequisite topic, students can approach the more advanced concepts with confidence and clarity. The interconnectedness of these topics highlights the importance of a structured learning approach in physics, where each new concept builds upon and reinforces previously learned material. As students progress in their understanding of light's wave nature, they open doors to exploring a wide range of optical phenomena and technologies that shape our modern world.

          In this lesson, we will learn:

          • Young’s two-slit experiment and diffraction of light
          • Interference fringes
          • Coherent waves
          • Diffraction of white light
          • Measuring the wavelength of light wave
          • Single- slit diffraction


          Young’s two-slit experiment and diffraction of light

          A directed beam of light at two closely spaced narrow slits in a barrier gets diffracted and rays from two slits overlap. A pattern of bright and and dark bands can be seen on the screen.

          Diffraction and Interference of Light

          Interference Fringes

          The bright and dark bands that can be seen on the screen as the result of light interference. The bands are the result of constructive (crests overlap) and destructive (crests meet troughs) interference of light waves form the two slits.

          Coherent Waves

          A narrow slit is placed in front of a monochromatic light (light with only one wavelength) produces coherent waves. Crests reach the same point at the same time as do the troughs.
          Diffraction of monochromatic light results in a bright central band on the screen as the result of constructive interference, other bright bands are placed on either sides. Between the bright bands dark areas are located as the result of destructive interference.

          Diffraction of white light

          When white light is used in a double-slit experiment, diffraction causes the appearance of colored spectra instead of bright and dark bands.

          Measuring the wavelength of light wave

          The wavelength of light waves using double-slit interference can be measured using:

          λ=xdL\large \lambda = \frac{xd}{L}

          x= x = distance between the central band and the first bright
          L=L = distance between the slits and the screen
          d= d = distance between two slits
          λ= \lambda = wavelength

          Single- slit diffraction
          • In single-slit diffraction the x is the distance between the central bright band and the first dark band
          • x= x = λ2\large \frac{\lambda}{2}
          • L=w2, L = \frac{w}{2}, (w is the width of the slit)
          • XL \frac{X}{L} λ/2w/2=λwx=λLw\large \frac{\lambda / 2} {w / 2} = \frac{\lambda}{w} \Rightarrow x = \frac{\lambda L} {w} (distance between the central bright band the and first dark band)