Data collection

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  1. Population VS. Sample
    • What is a population?
    • What is a sample?
  2. Different types of sample
    • Convenience sample
    • Random sample: 1) stratified sample & 2) systematic sample
    • Voluntary response sample
  1. Who would you survey in each of the following situation? Identify if you would use the population or a sample. Explain.
    1. The government wants to know how many hours high school students exercise each week.
    2. An online department store wants to know how often parents shop online for their children.
    3. A teacher wants to know if his homeroom students want a year-end party.
    4. A computer company wants to know how their customers rate their customer service.
Topic Notes
When you need to conduct a survey in order to collect data, who would you ask for the data? In what situations will you be surveying the whole population or picking a sample? If you are going to pick a sample, you still need to decide the details of sampling. You may choose from, for instance, stratified sampling, convenience sampling and voluntary response sampling.