Characteristic equation with complex roots

  1. A very brief run-down on Complex Numbers and Euler's Formula
  2. Using the Characteristic Equation with Complex Roots
  1. Determining Complex Solutions to the Characteristic Equations
    Find the particular solution to the following differential equation:


    With initial values y(0)=0,y(0)=2y(0)=0, y' (0)=2
    1. Find the particular solution to the following differential equation:


      With initial values y(π2)=1y( \frac{\pi}{2} )=-1, y(π2)=1y' (\frac{\pi}{2})=1
      1. Find the particular solution to the following differential equation:


        With initial values y(0)=4y( 0)=4, y(0)=5y' (0)=5
        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Characteristic Equations with Complex Roots

        Characteristic equations with complex roots play a crucial role in solving differential equations. This topic is essential for students delving into advanced mathematics and engineering. Our introduction video serves as a cornerstone for understanding this concept, providing a visual and intuitive approach to grasping the fundamentals. When solving differential equations, the characteristic equation helps determine the nature of the solution. Complex roots arise when the discriminant of the quadratic characteristic equation is negative, leading to solutions involving imaginary numbers. These complex roots result in oscillatory behavior in the solution, which is particularly relevant in fields like physics and electrical engineering. The video explains how to identify and work with complex roots, demonstrating their impact on the overall solution. By mastering characteristic equations with complex roots, students gain a powerful tool for analyzing differential equations encountered in various scientific and engineering applications.

        Understanding Complex Numbers and Euler's Formula

        Complex numbers are a fundamental concept in mathematics, extending our understanding beyond real numbers. They are essential in various fields, including engineering, physics, and advanced mathematics. A complex number is typically represented as a + bi, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part, and i is the imaginary unit defined as the square root of -1.

        The concept of imaginary numbers arose from the need to solve equations that seemed impossible within the realm of real numbers. For instance, the equation x^2 + 1 = 0 has no real solutions, but it does have complex solutions: i and -i. This introduction of imaginary numbers opened up a whole new world of mathematical possibilities.

        Complex numbers can be visualized on a two-dimensional plane, known as the complex plane or Argand diagram. The horizontal axis represents the real part, while the vertical axis represents the imaginary part. This geometric representation helps in understanding the nature of complex numbers and their operations.

        One of the most powerful tools in dealing with complex numbers is Euler's formula. Named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler, this formula establishes a profound connection between exponential and trigonometric functions. Euler's formula states that:

        e^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x)

        This elegant equation relates the exponential function to the trigonometric functions cosine and sine. It's often described as one of the most beautiful formulas in mathematics due to its simplicity and the deep connections it reveals.

        The significance of Euler's formula extends far beyond its aesthetic appeal. It plays a crucial role in many areas of mathematics and physics, particularly in solving differential equations and analyzing periodic phenomena. One of its most important applications is in solving characteristic equations with complex roots.

        When dealing with systems described by differential equations, we often encounter characteristic equations. These equations help determine the behavior of the system over time. In many cases, these equations have complex roots, which can be challenging to interpret and work with. Euler's formula provides a powerful method for expressing these complex solutions in a more manageable form.

        For example, consider a second-order differential equation that leads to the characteristic equation:

        r^2 + 4r + 13 = 0

        The roots of this equation are complex: r = -2 ± 3i. Using Euler's formula, we can express the general solution as:

        y(t) = e^(-2t)(A cos(3t) + B sin(3t))

        Where A and B are constants determined by initial conditions. This form clearly shows the oscillatory nature of the solution, modulated by an exponential decay.

        Another powerful application of Euler's formula is in the analysis of periodic functions through Fourier series. Complex exponentials, expressed using Euler's formula, form the basis functions for Fourier analysis, allowing us to decompose complicated periodic signals into simpler sinusoidal components.

        The concept of complex numbers and Euler's formula also finds applications in quantum mechanics, where the wave function is often expressed in complex form. The famous Schrödinger equation, a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics, relies heavily on complex numbers and their properties.

        In electrical engineering, complex numbers are used to analyze alternating current (AC) circuits. The impedance of circuit elements can be represented as complex numbers, simplifying calculations and providing insight into phase relationships between voltage and current.

        To further illustrate the power of Euler's formula, consider the famous Euler's identity:

        e^(iπ) + 1 = 0

        This equation, obtained by setting x = π in Euler's formula, is often cited as an example of mathematical beauty, as it combines five fundamental mathematical constants (e, i, π, 1, and 0) in a single, simple equation.

        In conclusion, complex numbers and Euler's formula represent a significant advancement in mathematical thinking. They provide powerful tools for solving problems in various fields of science and engineering. By bridging the gap between algebra and geometry, and connecting exponential and trigonometric functions, they offer a unified approach to understanding many

        Deriving the General Solution for Complex Roots

        When solving differential equations, we often encounter characteristic equations with complex roots. Understanding how to derive the general solution for these cases is crucial in applied mathematics and engineering. This process involves several key steps, including the use of Euler's formula and the separation of real and imaginary parts.

        Let's begin with a second-order linear homogeneous differential equation: y'' + ay' + by = 0, where a and b are constants. The characteristic equation for this differential equation is r^2 + ar + b = 0. When this equation has complex roots, they appear in conjugate pairs: r = λ ± μi, where λ represents the real part and μi the imaginary part.

        The general solution for complex roots takes the form: y = e^(λx)(ccos(μx) + csin(μx)), where c and c are arbitrary constants. To derive this solution, we follow these steps:

        1. Start with the complex roots: r = λ ± μi

        2. The general solution for a second-order linear homogeneous differential equation with distinct roots is y = ce^(rx) + ce^(rx), where r and r are the roots.

        3. Substitute the complex roots: y = ce^((λ+μi)x) + ce^((λ-μi)x)

        4. Apply Euler's formula: e^(ix) = cos(x) + isin(x)

        5. Expand the solution using Euler's formula:

        y = ce^(λx)(cos(μx) + isin(μx)) + ce^(λx)(cos(μx) - isin(μx))

        6. Distribute the constants:

        y = e^(λx)[(ccos(μx) + cisin(μx)) + (ccos(μx) - cisin(μx))]

        7. Group real and imaginary parts:

        y = e^(λx)[(c + c)cos(μx) + (ci - ci)sin(μx)]

        8. Define new constants: Let A = c + c and B = ci - ci

        9. Write the final general solution:

        y = e^(λx)(Acos(μx) + Bsin(μx))

        This form of the solution clearly separates the real and imaginary components, making it easier to work with in practical applications. The exponential term e^(λx) represents the overall growth or decay of the solution, while the cosine and sine terms capture the oscillatory behavior.

        Understanding this derivation process is essential for several reasons:

        1. It provides insight into the behavior of systems described by differential equations with complex roots.

        2. It allows for the accurate prediction of system responses in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics.

        3. It forms the basis for more advanced techniques in differential equations and complex analysis.

        When applying this solution to specific problems, remember that the constants A and B are determined by initial conditions or boundary values of the differential equation. The real part λ influences the exponential growth or decay, while the imaginary part μ determines the frequency of oscillations.

        In practice, complex roots often arise in systems exhibiting oscillatory behavior in differential equations, such as spring-mass systems with friction or RLC circuits in electrical engineering. The ability to derive and interpret these solutions is crucial for engineers and scientists working on dynamic systems.

        To further solidify understanding, it's beneficial to work through examples with different values of λ and μ, observing how changes in these parameters affect the oscillatory behavior in differential equations.

        Interpreting and Applying the General Solution

        Interpreting and applying the general solution derived in the previous section is crucial for understanding and solving specific problems in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. The general solution typically consists of three main components: an exponential term, a cosine term, and a sine term. Each of these terms plays a significant role in describing the behavior of the system under study.

        Let's begin by examining the exponential term. This term represents the overall growth or decay of the solution over time. If the exponent is positive, it indicates exponential growth, while a negative exponent signifies exponential decay. The rate of this growth or decay is determined by the coefficient of the exponential term. For example, in a population growth model, a positive exponential term would indicate a rapidly increasing population, while in a radioactive decay problem, a negative exponential term would represent the decreasing amount of radioactive material over time.

        The cosine and sine terms in the general solution are responsible for describing any oscillatory behavior in the system. These trigonometric functions introduce periodic fluctuations that repeat at regular intervals. The amplitude of these oscillations is determined by the coefficients of the cosine and sine terms, while the frequency is governed by the argument within the trigonometric functions. In mechanical systems, such as spring-mass systems or pendulums, these terms represent the back-and-forth motion of the object.

        To apply the general solution to specific problems, one must first identify the initial conditions and boundary conditions of the system. These conditions allow us to determine the values of the constants in the general solution, tailoring it to the particular situation at hand. For instance, in a problem involving the vibration of a guitar string, the initial displacement and velocity of the string would be used to calculate the specific coefficients of the cosine and sine terms.

        Let's consider an example to illustrate the application of the general solution. Suppose we have a damped harmonic oscillator, such as a mass attached to a spring with some friction present. The general solution for this system might take the form:

        x(t) = A * e^(-γt) * (B * cos(ωt) + C * sin(ωt))

        Here, A represents the initial amplitude, γ is the damping coefficient, ω is the angular frequency, and B and C are constants determined by the initial conditions. To interpret this solution:

        1. The e^(-γt) term shows that the oscillations will decay over time due to damping.

        2. The cosine and sine terms indicate that the mass will oscillate back and forth.

        3. The overall behavior will be a decaying oscillation, with the amplitude decreasing exponentially.

        To apply this solution to a specific problem, we would need to know the mass of the object, the spring constant, and the damping coefficient. We would also need the initial position and velocity of the mass. With these values, we can calculate γ, ω, and determine A, B, and C.

        Another example of applying the general solution could be in solving the heat equation for a rod. In this case, the solution might involve an infinite series of sine terms, each representing a different mode of heat distribution along the rod. The coefficients of these terms would be determined by the initial temperature distribution and boundary conditions, such as fixed temperatures at the ends of the rod.

        It's important to note that while the general solution provides a mathematical description of the system's behavior, interpreting it in the context of the physical problem is equally crucial. This involves understanding what each term and coefficient represents in the real world and how changes in these values affect the system's behavior.

        In conclusion, interpreting and applying the general solution requires a deep understanding of the physical system being modeled, as well as the mathematical techniques used to derive the solution. By carefully analyzing each term and its significance, and by applying the appropriate initial and boundary conditions, we can use the general solution to predict and explain the behavior of complex systems across a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines.

        Comparing Complex Roots to Real Roots

        When solving differential equations, the characteristic equation plays a crucial role in determining the nature of the solutions. The roots of this equation, whether complex or real, significantly influence the behavior of the solutions and their relationship to the original differential equation. In this section, we'll compare and contrast the solutions for characteristic equations with complex roots to those with real roots, exploring their implications and significance.

        Let's begin with real roots. When a characteristic equation has real roots, the solutions to the differential equation exhibit exponential behavior. For distinct real roots, the general solution is a linear combination of exponential functions, each corresponding to a root. This results in solutions that either grow or decay exponentially, depending on whether the roots are positive or negative. For repeated real roots, the solution includes terms with the form t^n * e^(rt), where r is the repeated root and n is related to its multiplicity. These solutions show polynomial-exponential growth or decay.

        In contrast, complex roots lead to oscillatory behavior in the solutions. Complex roots always occur in conjugate pairs (a ± bi), and they give rise to solutions involving sine and cosine functions. The general form of these solutions is e^(at) * (c1 * cos(bt) + c2 * sin(bt)), where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part of the complex root. This combination of exponential and trigonometric functions results in solutions that oscillate while either growing or decaying exponentially, depending on the sign of the real part.

        The implications of these different types of roots are significant for understanding the behavior of the system described by the differential equation. Real roots indicate non-oscillatory behavior, with the system either monotonically approaching equilibrium (negative roots) or moving away from it (positive roots). Complex roots, on the other hand, signify oscillatory behavior, with the system exhibiting periodic fluctuations that may be damped (negative real part), sustained (zero real part), or growing (positive real part) over time.

        In physical systems, real roots often correspond to overdamped or critically damped scenarios, where the system returns to equilibrium without oscillation. Complex roots typically represent underdamped systems, where oscillations occur before the system settles (if the real part is negative) or continues to oscillate indefinitely (if the real part is zero). The imaginary part of complex roots determines the frequency of these oscillations.

        The relationship between the roots and the original differential equation is profound. The order of the differential equation determines the number of roots in the characteristic equation. Second-order equations, common in physics and engineering, can have two real roots, two complex conjugate roots, or a repeated real root. Higher-order equations can have a mix of real and complex roots, leading to more complex solution behaviors that combine various exponential and oscillatory components.

        It's important to note that while real roots lead to relatively straightforward exponential solutions, complex roots introduce trigonometric functions that can make the analysis and interpretation of solutions more challenging. However, complex roots also allow for a richer description of oscillatory phenomena, which are prevalent in many natural and engineered systems.

        The stability of solutions is another crucial aspect affected by the nature of the roots. For systems with all negative real roots or complex roots with negative real parts, the solutions are stable, converging to equilibrium over time. Positive real parts in either real or complex roots indicate unstable solutions that grow unbounded. This stability analysis is vital in control theory and system design, where ensuring stable behavior is often a primary goal.

        In practical applications, the distinction between real and complex roots becomes particularly relevant. For instance, in electrical circuits, real roots might indicate a circuit that doesn't oscillate, while complex roots could represent a circuit with inherent oscillatory behavior. In mechanical systems, real roots might describe overdamped motion, while complex roots could represent vibrations or oscillations.

        Understanding the relationship between root types and solution behavior is essential for engineers and scientists working with differential equations. It allows for accurate prediction of system behavior, design of control mechanisms, and analysis of natural phenomena. The ability to interpret and manipulate these solutions is a powerful tool in fields ranging from physics and engineering to biology and economics.

        Practical Applications and Examples of Differential Equations with Complex Roots

        Differential equations with complex roots play a crucial role in various scientific and engineering fields. These equations often arise when modeling oscillatory systems or phenomena with periodic behavior. Let's explore some practical applications and examples, along with step-by-step solutions to demonstrate the process of solving these equations.

        1. Mechanical Vibrations

        One common application of differential equations with complex roots is in the study of mechanical vibrations. Consider a mass-spring system with damping:

        Example: A 2 kg mass is attached to a spring with a spring constant of 8 N/m and a damping coefficient of 4 Ns/m. Find the motion of the mass if it is displaced 0.5 m and released from rest.

        Step-by-step solution:

        1. The differential equation is: 2x'' + 4x' + 8x = 0
        2. Characteristic equation: 2r² + 4r + 8 = 0
        3. Solving for r: r = (-4 ± (16 - 64)) / 4 = -1 ± i3
        4. General solution: x(t) = e^(-t)(A cos(3t) + B sin(3t))
        5. Apply initial conditions: x(0) = 0.5, x'(0) = 0
        6. Final solution: x(t) = 0.5e^(-t)(cos(3t) + (1/3)sin(3t))

        2. Electrical Circuits

        RLC circuits often lead to differential equations with complex roots. Consider a series RLC circuit:

        Example: An RLC circuit has R = 4 Ω, L = 1 H, and C = 1/16 F. Find the current i(t) if the initial current is 2 A and the initial charge on the capacitor is 0.

        Step-by-step solution:

        1. The differential equation is: i'' + 4i' + 16i = 0
        2. Characteristic equation: r² + 4r + 16 = 0
        3. Solving for r: r = -2 ± 2i
        4. General solution: i(t) = e^(-2t)(A cos(2t) + B sin(2t))
        5. Apply initial conditions: i(0) = 2, i'(0) = -8
        6. Final solution: i(t) = 2e^(-2t)(cos(2t) - sin(2t))

        3. Population Dynamics

        In ecology, some population models lead to differential equations with complex roots, especially when considering predator-prey relationships or cyclical population patterns.

        Example: A population model is described by the equation P'' + 4P' + 5P = 0, where P is the population size. If the initial population is 1000 and growing at a rate of 200 per year, find the population function.

        Step-by-step solution:

        1. Characteristic equation: r² + 4r + 5 = 0
        2. Solving for r: r = -2 ± i
        3. General solution: P(t) = e^(-2t)(A cos(t) + B sin(t))
        4. Apply initial conditions: P(0) = 1000, P'(0) = 200
        5. Final solution: P(t) = e^(-2t)(1000 cos(t) + 1400 sin(t))


        In summary, this article has explored the crucial concept of complex roots in differential equations with complex roots in differential equations. We've covered key points including the nature of complex roots, their significance in solving differential equations, and how they relate to oscillatory behavior in physical systems. Understanding these complex roots in differential equations is essential for engineers and scientists working with dynamic systems. The article has highlighted the importance of recognizing and interpreting complex roots in characteristic equations, as they provide valuable insights into system behavior. We've also discussed methods for solving differential equations with complex roots and their applications in various fields. To reinforce these concepts, we encourage you to watch the introduction video, which offers a visual explanation of these important ideas. This visual aid will help solidify your understanding of complex roots in differential equations and their practical implications. By mastering this topic, you'll be better equipped to analyze and solve a wide range of differential equations encountered in advanced mathematics and engineering problems.

        Characteristic Equation with Complex Roots

        A very brief run-down on Complex Numbers and Euler's Formula

        Step 1: Introduction to Complex Numbers

        Complex numbers are a combination of real numbers and imaginary numbers. An imaginary number is denoted by ii, which is defined as the square root of -1. The concept of imaginary numbers was introduced to solve equations that do not have real solutions, such as the square root of a negative number.

        Historically, the development of number systems evolved to address various mathematical problems. For instance, the ancient Romans did not have a concept of zero, which was later introduced by other cultures. Similarly, negative numbers and fractions were developed to solve specific mathematical challenges. Imaginary numbers were introduced to handle the square roots of negative numbers, leading to the creation of complex numbers.

        Step 2: Understanding the Structure of Complex Numbers

        A complex number is expressed in the form a+bia + bi, where aa is the real part and bb is the imaginary part. For example, in the complex number 5+7i5 + \sqrt{7}i, 5 is the real part, and 7i\sqrt{7}i is the imaginary part. These two parts are distinct and cannot be combined into a single real number.

        To denote the real and imaginary parts of a complex number zz, we use the notation Re(z)(z) for the real part and Im(z)(z) for the imaginary part. For instance, if z=5+7iz = 5 + \sqrt{7}i, then Re(z)=5(z) = 5 and Im(z)=7(z) = \sqrt{7}.

        Step 3: Visualizing Complex Numbers on the Complex Plane

        The complex plane is a way to visualize complex numbers, where the x-axis represents the real part and the y-axis represents the imaginary part. For example, the complex number 5+7i5 + \sqrt{7}i can be plotted on the complex plane with 5 units along the real axis and 7\sqrt{7} units along the imaginary axis.

        Another example is the complex number 3+2i3 + 2i, which would be plotted 3 units along the real axis and 2 units along the imaginary axis. This graphical representation helps in understanding the magnitude and direction of complex numbers.

        Step 4: Introduction to Euler's Formula

        Euler's formula is a fundamental equation in complex analysis, given by eiθ=cos(θ)+isin(θ)e^{i\theta} = \cos(\theta) + i\sin(\theta). This formula connects complex exponentials with trigonometric functions and is essential for solving problems involving complex numbers.

        Euler's formula can be derived using Taylor series expansion, but for practical purposes, it is often used directly. The formula shows that complex exponentials can be represented as a combination of cosine and sine functions, which are periodic and symmetric.

        Step 5: Applying Euler's Formula

        One common application of Euler's formula is to evaluate expressions like eiπe^{i\pi}. By substituting π\pi into Euler's formula, we get eiπ=cos(π)+isin(π)e^{i\pi} = \cos(\pi) + i\sin(\pi). Since cos(π)=1\cos(\pi) = -1 and sin(π)=0\sin(\pi) = 0, this simplifies to eiπ=1e^{i\pi} = -1.

        This result, known as Euler's identity, is celebrated for its elegance and simplicity, connecting the fundamental constants ee, ii, and π\pi in a single equation.

        Step 6: Exploring Further with Euler's Formula

        Euler's formula can be extended to other values, such as e2πie^{2\pi i} and e4πie^{4\pi i}. By substituting these values into the formula, we can explore the periodic nature of complex exponentials. For instance, e2πi=cos(2π)+isin(2π)=1e^{2\pi i} = \cos(2\pi) + i\sin(2\pi) = 1, showing that the exponential function repeats every 2π2\pi units.

        These explorations help in understanding the behavior of complex functions and their applications in various fields, including engineering, physics, and signal processing.


        Understanding complex numbers and Euler's formula is crucial for solving characteristic equations with complex roots. By visualizing complex numbers on the complex plane and applying Euler's formula, we can simplify and solve complex mathematical problems. This foundational knowledge is essential for advanced studies in mathematics and related disciplines.


        Q1: What are complex roots in differential equations?
        A1: Complex roots in differential equations occur when the characteristic equation of the differential equation has solutions that include imaginary numbers. These roots typically appear in conjugate pairs (a ± bi) and lead to solutions involving oscillatory behavior, represented by sine and cosine functions.

        Q2: How do complex roots affect the solution of a differential equation?
        A2: Complex roots result in solutions that exhibit oscillatory behavior. The general form of these solutions is e^(at) * (c1 * cos(bt) + c2 * sin(bt)), where 'a' is the real part and 'b' is the imaginary part of the complex root. This combination of exponential and trigonometric functions produces solutions that oscillate while either growing or decaying exponentially.

        Q3: What is the significance of Euler's formula in solving differential equations with complex roots?
        A3: Euler's formula (e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x)) is crucial in deriving solutions for differential equations with complex roots. It allows us to express complex exponential functions in terms of trigonometric functions, simplifying the process of finding and interpreting solutions to these equations.

        Q4: In what fields are differential equations with complex roots commonly applied?
        A4: Differential equations with complex roots are widely applied in various fields, including: - Mechanical engineering (vibration analysis) - Electrical engineering (RLC circuits) - Physics (oscillatory systems) - Control systems (stability analysis) - Population dynamics (cyclical population patterns)

        Q5: How can one determine if a differential equation will have complex roots?
        A5: To determine if a differential equation will have complex roots, examine its characteristic equation. If the discriminant of the quadratic characteristic equation (b^2 - 4ac for ax^2 + bx + c = 0) is negative, the equation will have complex roots. For higher-order equations, more advanced techniques like the Routh-Hurwitz criterion may be necessary to analyze the nature of the roots.

        Prerequisite Topics

        Understanding the characteristic equation with complex roots is a crucial concept in advanced mathematics, particularly in the study of differential equations and their applications. To fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. Let's explore how these fundamental concepts contribute to your understanding of characteristic equations with complex roots.

        First and foremost, a strong grasp of complex numbers is vital. Complex numbers form the basis for solving characteristic equations that yield non-real solutions. Being able to manipulate and interpret these numbers is crucial when dealing with complex roots. Closely related to this is the concept of imaginary numbers, which are a fundamental component of complex numbers. Understanding imaginary numbers helps you interpret the nature of complex roots and their implications for the solutions of differential equations.

        Moving into more advanced territory, knowledge of second-order linear homogeneous differential equations is essential. These equations form the backbone of many problems where characteristic equations with complex roots arise. The characteristic equation is derived from these differential equations, and understanding their structure and properties is crucial for solving and interpreting complex root scenarios.

        Another important prerequisite is familiarity with exponential growth and decay models. These concepts are often represented by solutions to differential equations with complex roots, especially in oscillatory systems. Understanding how complex roots relate to periodic behavior in growth and decay models enhances your ability to interpret and apply characteristic equations in real-world scenarios.

        Lastly, proficiency in initial conditions in differential equations is crucial. When solving differential equations using characteristic equations with complex roots, initial conditions play a vital role in determining the specific solution from the general form. This knowledge allows you to bridge the gap between abstract mathematical concepts and practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

        By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the intricacies of characteristic equations with complex roots. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive understanding that allows you to not only solve problems but also interpret their significance in various applications. Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject, and a strong foundation in these prerequisites will significantly enhance your ability to grasp and apply more advanced concepts in your studies and future career.

        Complex Numbers and Euler's Formula:

        A complex number is a number of the form:


        We can plot these numbers on the complex plane:

        complex plane

        Euler's Formula:
        eiθ=cos(θ)+isin(θ)e^{i \theta}=\cos (\theta) + i\sin(\theta)

        Characteristic Equation with Complex Roots:

        In the previous section we came up with a method to solve linear homogeneous constant coefficient second order differential equations:


        By using the characteristic equation:


        Using the quadratic formula:


        Let's suppose that B2B^2 < 4AC4AC. Hence we're in the realm of complex roots.

        r=B±B24AC2Ar=\frac{-B\pm\sqrt{B^2-4AC}}{2A} =B2A±B24AC2A=\frac{-B}{2A} \pm \frac{\sqrt{B^2-4AC}}{2A}

        Or alternatively:
        r=λ±μir=\lambda \pm \mu i
        r1=λ+μir_1=\lambda + \mu i
        r2=λμir_2=\lambda - \mu i

        And the general solution will be:

        y(x)=eλx((c1)cos(μx)+(c2)(sin(μx))y(x)=e^{\lambda x} ((c_1) \cos ( \mu x)+(c_2)( \sin (\mu x))