Characteristic equation with repeated roots

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  1. What is the solution to the Characteristic Equation with Repeated Roots?
  1. Determining the Characteristic Equation with Repeated Roots
    Find the particular solution to the following differential equation:


    With initial values y(0)=3,y(0)=2y(0)=3, y'(0)=2
    1. Find the particular solution to the following differential equation:


      With initial values y(2)=e3,y(2)=12e3y(2)=e^3, y'(2)=\frac{1}{2}e^3
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Characteristic Equations with Repeated Roots

      Welcome to our exploration of characteristic equations with repeated roots! This fascinating topic is a crucial part of differential equations and linear algebra. When solving these equations, we sometimes encounter a unique situation where roots appear more than once. These repeated roots lead to special solutions that require a different approach. Our introduction video provides a clear, step-by-step explanation of this concept, making it easier to grasp. You'll see how repeated roots affect the general solution and why they're significant in various applications. As we dive deeper, you'll discover how to identify repeated roots, understand their implications, and solve problems effectively. Remember, mastering this topic opens doors to more advanced mathematical concepts. So, let's embark on this journey together, unraveling the mysteries of characteristic equations with repeated roots. Stay curious and don't hesitate to pause and review as needed!

      Understanding Repeated Roots in Differential Equations

      In the realm of differential equations, repeated roots play a crucial role in determining the behavior of solutions. To understand repeated roots, we must first explore the concept of characteristic equations and how they relate to different types of roots.

      A characteristic equation is a polynomial equation derived from a linear differential equation. The roots of this equation determine the form of the general solution. There are three main types of roots: real distinct roots, complex roots, and repeated roots.

      Repeated roots occur when the characteristic equation has multiple roots with the same value. This situation differs from real distinct roots, where each root has a unique value, and complex roots, which come in conjugate pairs with imaginary components.

      For example, consider the characteristic equation x² - 4x + 4 = 0. This equation can be factored as (x - 2)(x - 2) = 0, resulting in a repeated root of x = 2. In contrast, the equation x² - 5x + 6 = 0 has real distinct roots x = 2 and x = 3, while x² + 4 = 0 has complex roots x = ±2i.

      The presence of repeated roots significantly impacts the solution of the differential equation. When dealing with repeated roots, the general solution includes terms with the form t^n * e^(rt), where r is the repeated root and n ranges from 0 to one less than the multiplicity of the root.

      For instance, a second-order differential equation with a characteristic equation yielding a double root r would have a general solution of the form y = (c + ct) * e^(rt), where c and c are arbitrary constants.

      Repeated roots often arise in physical systems exhibiting critical damping. In mechanical systems, this represents the fastest return to equilibrium without oscillation. Understanding repeated roots is essential for engineers and physicists analyzing system behavior and stability.

      To identify repeated roots, one can examine the discriminant of the characteristic equation. For a quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0, the discriminant is given by b² - 4ac. When the discriminant equals zero, the equation has a repeated root.

      Higher-order differential equations can also have repeated roots. For example, the characteristic equation x³ - 3x² + 3x - 1 = 0 can be factored as (x - 1)³ = 0, resulting in a triple root of x = 1.

      It's important to note that the methods for solving differential equations with repeated roots differ from those used for real distinct or complex roots. Special techniques, such as the method of undetermined coefficients or variation of parameters, are often employed to find particular solutions in these cases.

      In summary, repeated roots in differential equations represent a unique scenario where multiple roots of the characteristic equation share the same value. They differ from real distinct roots and complex roots in their impact on the solution form and the methods used to solve the equations. Recognizing and understanding repeated roots is crucial for accurately analyzing and solving various mathematical and physical problems in fields such as engineering, physics, and applied mathematics.

      Deriving the General Solution for Repeated Roots

      Understanding the process of deriving the general solution for differential equations with repeated roots is crucial for mastering advanced mathematics. This derivation provides insight into the behavior of systems described by these equations and is essential for various applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. Let's walk through the derivation process step by step, using a clear example to illustrate each stage.

      Consider a second-order homogeneous linear differential equation of the form:

      ay'' + by' + cy = 0

      where a, b, and c are constants, and y is a function of x. The characteristic equation for this differential equation is:

      ar² + br + c = 0

      In the case of repeated roots, this equation has a single solution r = -b/(2a), which occurs when b² = 4ac. This condition is known as the discriminant being equal to zero.

      The general solution for a differential equation with repeated roots takes the form:

      y = (C + Cx)e^(rx)

      where C and C are arbitrary constants, and r is the repeated root. To derive this solution, we start with the assumption that one solution has the form y = e^(rx). We then seek a second, linearly independent solution.

      Let's assume the second solution has the form:

      y = v(x)e^(rx)

      where v(x) is an unknown function. Substituting this into the original differential equation and using the fact that e^(rx) is already a solution, we can simplify and obtain:

      av'' + (2ar + b)v' = 0

      Since r is a repeated root, we know that ar + b/2 = 0. Substituting this into the equation for v(x), we get:

      v'' = 0

      Integrating twice, we find that v(x) = Ax + B, where A and B are constants. Therefore, our second solution is:

      y = (Ax + B)e^(rx)

      The general solution is a linear combination of y and y:

      y = Ce^(rx) + C(x)e^(rx) = (C + Cx)e^(rx)

      This derivation process demonstrates why the x term appears in the solution for repeated roots. It's not merely a mathematical trick but a result of finding a second linearly independent solution.

      Let's consider a specific example to illustrate this process. Suppose we have the differential equation:

      y'' - 4y' + 4y = 0

      The characteristic equation is r² - 4r + 4 = 0, which can be factored as (r - 2)² = 0. This indicates a repeated root of r = 2.

      Applying our derived general solution, we can write:

      y = (C + Cx)e^(2x)

      This solution captures all possible functions that satisfy the original differential equation.

      Understanding this derivation process is crucial for several reasons:

      1. It provides insight into the structure of solutions for differential equations with repeated roots.

      2. It demonstrates the importance of finding linearly independent solutions.

      3. It illustrates how the form of the solution relates to the nature of the roots of the characteristic equation.

      4. It prepares students for more complex cases, such as systems of differential equations or higher-order equations.

      5. It reinforces the connection between the algebraic properties of the characteristic equation and the behavior of the solutions.

      Simplified Formula for Repeated Roots

      The simplified formula for the general solution of differential equations with repeated roots is a crucial tool in solving certain types of differential equations. When dealing with characteristic equations that have repeated roots, the standard approach needs to be modified. The general solution for a second-order differential equation with a repeated root r is given by:

      y = (C + Cx)e^(rx)

      Where C and C are arbitrary constants, x is the independent variable, and r is the repeated root. This formula is essential for solving differential equations where the characteristic equation yields a repeated root.

      To use this formula in practice, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the differential equation and its characteristic equation.
      2. Solve the characteristic equation to find the repeated root r.
      3. Apply the simplified formula y = (C + Cx)e^(rx).
      4. Use initial conditions, if provided, to determine the values of C and C.

      Let's consider an example problem to illustrate the application of this formula:

      Example: Solve the differential equation y'' - 4y' + 4y = 0, given that y(0) = 2 and y'(0) = 0.


      1. The characteristic equation is r² - 4r + 4 = 0.
      2. Solving this equation, we get (r - 2)² = 0, so r = 2 is a repeated root.
      3. Applying the formula: y = (C + Cx)e^(2x)
      4. Using the initial conditions:
        • y(0) = 2 implies C = 2
        • y'(0) = 0 implies 2C + C = 0, so C = -4
      5. The final solution is y = (2 - 4x)e^(2x)

      This example demonstrates how the simplified formula for repeated roots can be effectively applied to solve differential equations. By recognizing the repeated root in the characteristic equation and using the appropriate formula, we can efficiently solve these types of problems. The formula's structure, with its combination of polynomial and exponential terms, allows for a wide range of solutions that satisfy differential equations with repeated roots.

      Comparing Solutions: Repeated Roots vs. Other Types

      When solving differential equations, the nature of the roots in the characteristic equation plays a crucial role in determining the form and behavior of the solutions. This comparison will focus on three types of roots: repeated roots, real distinct roots, and complex roots, exploring their differences and implications in practical applications.

      Let's start with real distinct roots. When a differential equation has real distinct roots, its general solution consists of a linear combination of exponential functions. Each root corresponds to a unique exponential term, resulting in a solution that can exhibit various growth or decay rates. This type of solution is often encountered in systems that have multiple, independent modes of behavior.

      In contrast, differential equations with repeated roots present a unique challenge. The presence of repeated roots indicates a special case where the system's behavior is more nuanced. The general solution for repeated roots includes not only exponential functions but also polynomial factors multiplied by these exponentials. This combination leads to solutions that can demonstrate both exponential and polynomial growth or decay, depending on the specific problem.

      The key difference between repeated roots and real distinct roots lies in the additional polynomial factors. These terms allow for a more gradual change in the solution's behavior, often resulting in smoother transitions or more subtle variations over time. This characteristic can be particularly important in systems where stability is a concern, as the polynomial factors can introduce a slower divergence from equilibrium compared to purely exponential solutions.

      Moving on to complex roots, we encounter yet another distinct behavior. Complex roots always occur in conjugate pairs and lead to solutions involving trigonometric functions (sine and cosine) multiplied by exponential terms. This combination results in oscillatory behavior, where the solution exhibits periodic fluctuations that may grow or decay over time, depending on the real part of the complex roots.

      The oscillatory nature of solutions with complex roots stands in stark contrast to both real distinct and repeated root solutions. While real roots (distinct or repeated) produce monotonic behavior, complex roots introduce cyclical patterns. This difference is crucial in modeling systems that naturally exhibit periodic behavior, such as electrical circuits, mechanical vibrations, or population dynamics with predator-prey relationships.

      In practical applications, the implications of having repeated roots can be significant. Systems with repeated roots often represent critical points where the behavior transitions from one type to another. For instance, in control systems, repeated roots might indicate the boundary between overdamped and underdamped responses. In such cases, the system is said to be critically damped, achieving the fastest non-oscillatory return to equilibrium.

      The presence of repeated roots can also signify increased sensitivity to initial conditions or system parameters. Small changes in these factors might lead to qualitative changes in the system's behavior, potentially shifting from stability to instability or vice versa. This sensitivity makes systems with repeated roots particularly challenging to control and predict accurately in real-world scenarios.

      Furthermore, repeated roots can indicate a loss of uniqueness in solutions. In some cases, this may represent a physical system's ability to exist in multiple stable states or configurations. Engineers and scientists must carefully consider these implications when designing systems or analyzing natural phenomena, as the behavior near repeated roots can be substantially different from what is observed with distinct or complex roots.

      In conclusion, the comparison between solutions for differential equations with repeated roots, real distinct roots, and complex roots reveals fundamental differences in behavior and practical implications. While real distinct roots lead to straightforward exponential solutions, repeated roots introduce polynomial factors that can result in more gradual changes. Complex roots, on the other hand, bring oscillatory behavior into the mix. Understanding these differences is crucial for accurately modeling and predicting the behavior of various physical, biological, and engineering systems, especially when dealing with critical points or transitions in system behavior.

      Solving Initial Value Problems with Repeated Roots

      Solving initial value problems for differential equations with repeated roots is a crucial skill in advanced mathematics. This process involves finding a unique solution to a differential equation that satisfies given initial conditions when the characteristic equation has repeated roots. Let's explore the step-by-step approach to tackle these problems.

      Step-by-Step Instructions:

      1. Identify the differential equation and initial conditions: Begin by clearly stating the given differential equation and the associated initial conditions.
      2. Form the characteristic equation: Convert the differential equation into its characteristic equation by replacing d/dx with r and y with 1.
      3. Solve the characteristic equation: Find the roots of the characteristic equation. In this case, we're dealing with repeated roots.
      4. Determine the general solution: For a repeated root of multiplicity m, the general solution takes the form y = (C + Cx + Cx² + ... + Cx¹)e^(rx), where r is the repeated root.
      5. Apply initial conditions: Use the given initial conditions to create a system of equations.
      6. Solve for constants: Solve the system of equations to find the values of the constants (C, C, etc.).
      7. Write the particular solution: Substitute the found constants into the general solution to obtain the particular solution that satisfies the initial conditions.

      Example Problem:

      Let's solve the following initial value problem with repeated roots:

      y'' - 4y' + 4y = 0, y(0) = 2, y'(0) = 0


      1. Characteristic equation: r² - 4r + 4 = 0
      2. Solve for roots: (r - 2)² = 0, so r = 2 (repeated root with multiplicity 2)
      3. General solution: y = (C + Cx)e^(2x)
      4. Apply initial conditions:
        • y(0) = 2: C = 2
        • y'(0) = 0: 2C + C = 0, so C = -4
      5. Particular solution: y = (2 - 4x)e^(2x)

      This step-by-step approach demonstrates how to solve initial value problems for differential equations with repeated roots. The key is recognizing the repeated root in the characteristic equation and adjusting the general solution accordingly. By following these steps and practicing with various problems, you'll become proficient in handling such differential equations.

      Remember that initial value problems with repeated roots often arise in real-world applications, such as modeling damped oscillations or analyzing electrical circuits. Mastering this technique will enhance your ability to solve complex mathematical problems and apply them to practical situations in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

      As you continue to practice, you'll encounter variations of these problems, including higher-order differential equations or systems with more than two repeated roots. The fundamental approach remains the same, but the complexity of the general solution and the number of constants to solve for will increase. Always start by carefully identifying the repeated roots and structuring your general solution accordingly before applying the initial conditions.

      Conclusion: Mastering Characteristic Equations with Repeated Roots

      Understanding differential equations with repeated roots is crucial in differential equations. As we've explored in the introduction video, these equations arise when the discriminant equals zero, resulting in multiple roots of the same value. Key points to remember include the modified general solution format, which incorporates additional terms to account for repeated roots. The number of repeated roots determines the structure of the solution, with each repetition adding a factor of t to the exponential term. Mastering this concept is essential for solving higher-order differential equations and understanding their behavior. The video provided a solid foundation, but practice is key to truly grasping this topic. Engage with additional problems, explore real-world applications, and don't hesitate to revisit the video for clarification. Remember, characteristic equations with repeated roots are a fundamental concept that will serve you well in advanced mathematics and engineering. Keep practicing and building your skills in this important area.


      1. What is a repeated root?

        A repeated root occurs in a polynomial equation when a root appears more than once. In the context of characteristic equations, a repeated root is a solution that satisfies the equation multiple times. For example, in the equation (x - 2)² = 0, 2 is a repeated root with multiplicity 2.

      2. What is the quadratic equation with repeated roots?

        A quadratic equation with repeated roots takes the form ax² + bx + c = 0, where the discriminant (b² - 4ac) equals zero. This results in a single solution occurring twice. The general form of such an equation is a(x - r)² = 0, where r is the repeated root.

      3. How to find repeated roots?

        To find repeated roots, solve the characteristic equation and check if any solutions appear more than once. Alternatively, calculate the discriminant; if it's zero, the equation has a repeated root. For higher-degree polynomials, factor the equation and look for terms that appear multiple times.

      4. Does a repeated root count as two roots?

        Yes, a repeated root counts as multiple roots equal to its multiplicity. For instance, a double root counts as two roots, a triple root as three, and so on. This is important when considering the fundamental theorem of algebra and when solving differential equations.

      5. How does a repeated root affect the solution of a differential equation?

        A repeated root in the characteristic equation of a differential equation leads to a modified general solution. For a root r with multiplicity m, the solution includes terms of the form (C + Cx + ... + Cx¹)e^(rx). This results in solutions that combine exponential and polynomial behaviors.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the characteristic equation with repeated roots is a crucial concept in differential equations, but to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. One of the most fundamental skills required is solving quadratic equations, which forms the basis for analyzing characteristic equations. This skill is closely related to understanding the discriminant of quadratic equations, which helps determine the nature of roots, including when they are repeated.

      Before delving into repeated roots, it's beneficial to explore characteristic equations with complex roots. This provides a broader context for understanding different types of solutions. Additionally, familiarity with solving polynomial equations is crucial, as characteristic equations often involve higher-degree polynomials.

      The study of homogeneous linear second-order differential equations is directly related to characteristic equations with repeated roots. This topic sets the stage for understanding how repeated roots affect the general solution of differential equations. Furthermore, knowledge of exponential functions in differential equations is essential, as solutions often involve exponential terms, especially in cases with repeated roots.

      To appreciate the practical significance of characteristic equations, exploring initial value problems in differential equations is valuable. This helps in understanding how repeated roots impact real-world applications. The method of undetermined coefficients is another important technique that often comes into play when dealing with repeated roots in non-homogeneous equations.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the complexities of characteristic equations with repeated roots. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive understanding of differential equations and their solutions. For instance, the ability to recognize and handle repeated roots stems directly from a strong grasp of quadratic and polynomial equations. Similarly, understanding the implications of repeated roots in the context of differential equations is greatly enhanced by prior knowledge of homogeneous equations and exponential functions.

      In conclusion, while focusing on characteristic equations with repeated roots, it's crucial to recognize the interconnectedness of these mathematical concepts. Each prerequisite topic contributes uniquely to the overall understanding, providing the necessary tools and insights to approach more complex problems in differential equations confidently and effectively.

      In the previous section we came up with a method to solve linear homogeneous constant coefficient second order differential equations:


      By using the characteristic equation:


      Using the quadratic formula:


      But what if B2=4ACB^2=4AC?


      Throughout the videos it will be shown that our solutions are:


      Or in full generality:
      y(x)=c1er1x+c2xer2xy(x)=c_1 e^{r_1 x}+c_2 xe^{r_2 x}

      Where r1=r2=B2Ar_1=r_2=-\frac{B}{2A}