The solubility constant

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  1. What is the solubility product?
  2. Ksp and the solubility product expression.
  3. What does Ksp tell us about solubility?
  4. Expressing solubility and saturation using equilibrium.
  1. Be able to write the solubility product expression for ionic compounds.
    1. What is the Ksp expression for the following ionic compounds dissolved in water?
      1. AlCl3
      2. Ba(NO3)2
      3. K2S
Topic Notes


The solubility constant is a fundamental concept in chemistry, playing a crucial role in understanding the behavior of sparingly soluble compounds in solution. At its core lies the solubility product constant (Ksp), a key parameter that quantifies the extent of dissociation of a compound at equilibrium. This constant is essential for predicting precipitation reactions, determining solubility, and understanding complex ion formation. The Ksp is directly related to the equilibrium between a solid compound and its constituent ions in a saturated solution. By utilizing the solubility constant, chemists can calculate the concentration of dissolved ions, predict the formation of precipitates, and manipulate solution conditions to control solubility. To help visualize these concepts, we've included an introductory video that demonstrates the principles of solubility constants and their applications in real-world chemical processes. This visual aid will enhance your understanding of how the solubility product constant influences equilibrium dynamics in various chemical systems, including complex ion formation.

Understanding the Solubility Product Constant (Ksp)

The solubility product constant, commonly denoted as Ksp, is a fundamental concept in chemistry that plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of sparingly soluble ionic compounds in aqueous solutions. This constant provides valuable information about the solubility of a substance and its equilibrium in saturated solutions. To comprehend the significance of Ksp, it's essential to delve into its definition, relationship with saturated solutions, and practical applications.

Ksp is defined as the product of the concentrations of ions in a saturated solution of a sparingly soluble ionic compound, raised to the power of their respective stoichiometric coefficients. This constant represents the equilibrium that exists between the solid form of the compound and its dissolved ions in a saturated solution. A saturated solution is one in which the dissolved solute is in equilibrium with the undissolved solid, meaning no more solute can dissolve at a given temperature.

To illustrate this concept, let's consider the example of magnesium chloride (MgCl2). When MgCl2 dissolves in water, it dissociates into Mg2+ and Cl- ions. The equilibrium reaction can be written as:

MgCl2 (s) Mg2+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq)

In this case, the Ksp expression for MgCl2 would be:

Ksp = [Mg2+][Cl-]2

Where [Mg2+] represents the concentration of magnesium ions and [Cl-] represents the concentration of chloride ions in the saturated solution. The exponent 2 for [Cl-] reflects the stoichiometric coefficient of chloride in the dissociation equation.

It's important to note that the Ksp expression varies depending on the compound's formula. For instance, let's examine calcium carbonate (CaCO3), another sparingly soluble ionic compound. The dissociation equation for CaCO3 is:

CaCO3 (s) Ca2+ (aq) + CO32- (aq)

Consequently, the Ksp expression for CaCO3 would be:

Ksp = [Ca2+][CO32-]

Understanding how to write the Ksp expression correctly is crucial for solving solubility-related problems and predicting the behavior of ionic compounds in solution.

The relationship between Ksp and solubility is of paramount importance in chemistry. A larger Ksp value indicates higher solubility, while a smaller Ksp value suggests lower solubility. This relationship allows chemists to compare the relative solubilities of different compounds and predict whether precipitation will occur when solutions are mixed.

Moreover, the Ksp concept finds applications in various fields, including environmental science, geology, and industrial processes. For instance, it helps in understanding the formation of limestone caves, the treatment of hard water, and the design of water purification systems.

To further illustrate the practical significance of Ksp, consider its role in qualitative analysis. By comparing the Ksp values of different compounds, chemists can selectively precipitate specific ions from a solution, allowing for the identification and separation of various ionic species.

In conclusion, the solubility product constant (Ksp) is a vital concept that provides insights into the behavior of sparingly soluble ionic compounds in aqueous solutions. By understanding Ksp and its relationship to saturated solutions and equilibrium, chemists can predict solubility, calculate ion concentration calculation, and design processes that rely on precipitation or dissolution. Whether dealing with simple salts like magnesium chloride or more complex compounds like calcium carbonate, mastering the principles of Ksp is essential for anyone working in chemistry or related fields.

Interpreting Ksp Values

Understanding Ksp values is crucial for chemists and students alike when it comes to predicting and comparing the solubility of different compounds. Ksp, or the solubility product constant, provides valuable information about how readily a substance dissolves in water. In this section, we'll explore how to interpret Ksp values and their relationship to solubility, using examples to illustrate key concepts.

The fundamental principle to remember is that larger Ksp values indicate higher solubility, while smaller Ksp values suggest lower solubility. This relationship is directly proportional, meaning that as the Ksp value increases, so does the solubility of the compound. Conversely, compounds with smaller Ksp values are less soluble in water.

To better understand this concept, let's consider two hypothetical compounds: NX2 and A2B3. Suppose NX2 has a Ksp value of 1.0 × 10^-8, while A2B3 has a Ksp value of 1.0 × 10^-20. Based on these values, we can conclude that NX2 is more soluble than A2B3. The significantly larger Ksp value of NX2 indicates that it dissociates more readily in water, resulting in a higher concentration of dissolved ions.

When comparing Ksp values, it's essential to consider orders of magnitude. In chemistry, an order of magnitude refers to a factor of 10. For example, the difference between 10^-8 and 10^-9 is one order of magnitude, while the difference between 10^-8 and 10^-10 is two orders of magnitude. This concept is particularly important when assessing relative solubilities.

In our example, the Ksp values of NX2 (1.0 × 10^-8) and A2B3 (1.0 × 10^-20) differ by 12 orders of magnitude. This substantial difference indicates that NX2 is significantly more soluble than A2B3. In fact, NX2 is approximately one trillion times more soluble than A2B3, demonstrating the dramatic impact that Ksp values can have on solubility comparisons.

It's important to note that while Ksp values provide valuable information about relative solubility, they don't directly represent the amount of a substance that will dissolve in water. The actual solubility depends on various factors, including temperature, pressure, and the presence of other ions in solution. However, Ksp values remain a reliable indicator for comparing the solubilities of different compounds under similar conditions.

When interpreting Ksp values, chemists often use scientific notation to express these constants, as they can vary widely in magnitude. For instance, highly soluble compounds like sodium chloride (NaCl) have relatively large Ksp values (around 37.5 at room temperature), while sparingly soluble compounds like silver chloride (AgCl) have much smaller Ksp values (approximately 1.8 × 10^-10 at room temperature).

Understanding the relationship between Ksp values and solubility is crucial for predicting precipitation reactions, designing purification processes, and analyzing environmental systems. For example, in water treatment, knowledge of Ksp values helps determine which compounds will precipitate out of solution under specific conditions, allowing for effective removal of contaminants.

In conclusion, interpreting Ksp values is a fundamental skill in chemistry that allows for the comparison of solubilities between different compounds. By recognizing that larger Ksp values indicate higher solubility and understanding the concept of orders of magnitude, chemists can make informed predictions about the behavior of substances in solution. This knowledge is invaluable in various applications, from industrial processes to environmental science, highlighting the importance of mastering the interpretation of Ksp values in relation to solubility.

Ksp and Saturated Solutions

The solubility product constant, or Ksp, plays a crucial role in understanding saturated solutions and their behavior. In chemistry, a saturated solution is one that contains the maximum amount of dissolved solute at a given temperature. The Ksp value is a fundamental concept that provides insight into the solubility of sparingly soluble ionic compounds in water.

One of the most significant aspects of Ksp is its constancy in saturated solutions. Regardless of how a saturated solution is prepared, the Ksp value remains constant for a given compound at a specific temperature. This principle is essential for predicting and understanding the behavior of ionic compounds in solution.

To illustrate this concept, let's consider two different methods of preparing a saturated solution of magnesium chloride (MgCl2). In the first method, we directly dissolve MgCl2 in water until saturation is reached. In the second method, we mix solutions of magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2) and sodium chloride (NaCl) to form MgCl2. Despite these different preparation methods, the Ksp value for MgCl2 will be the same in both cases once the solution reaches saturation.

The constant Ksp value is a result of the fundamental principle known as the solubility product constant expression. This expression states that for a sparingly soluble ionic compound, the product of the concentrations of its ions raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients is constant at a given temperature. For MgCl2, the Ksp expression would be Ksp = [Mg2+][Cl-]2, where [Mg2+] and [Cl-] represent the molar concentrations of magnesium and chloride ions, respectively.

The concept of constant ion concentration product in saturated solutions is of paramount importance in various chemical applications. It allows chemists to predict the solubility of compounds, determine the conditions under which precipitation will occur, and understand the effects of common ions on solubility. This principle is widely used in fields such as environmental science, water treatment, and pharmaceutical formulation.

To further emphasize this concept, let's consider another example involving silver chloride (AgCl). Whether we prepare a saturated AgCl solution by dissolving solid AgCl or by mixing solutions of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and sodium chloride (NaCl), the Ksp value will be the same at saturation. The Ksp expression for AgCl is Ksp = [Ag+][Cl-], and this product will remain constant regardless of the preparation method.

It's important to note that while the Ksp value remains constant for a given compound at a specific temperature, it can change with temperature variations. Generally, the solubility of most ionic compounds increases with temperature, leading to a higher Ksp value at higher temperatures.

Understanding the significance of Ksp in saturated solutions is crucial for various practical applications. For instance, in water treatment, knowledge of Ksp values helps in controlling the precipitation of scale-forming compounds in pipes and boilers. In environmental science, it aids in predicting the mobility and fate of pollutants in aquatic systems. In the pharmaceutical industry, Ksp values are used to develop drug formulations with optimal solubility and bioavailability.

In conclusion, the constancy of Ksp in saturated solutions, regardless of preparation method, is a fundamental principle in chemistry. It underscores the importance of ion concentrations and their product in determining the behavior of sparingly soluble compounds. By understanding and applying this concept, scientists and engineers can make accurate predictions and develop effective solutions in various fields, from environmental remediation to drug development.

Applications of Ksp in Chemistry

The solubility product constant, or Ksp, is a fundamental concept in chemistry with numerous practical applications. Understanding Ksp and its uses is crucial for chemists, environmental scientists, and engineers working in various fields. This article explores the practical applications of Ksp in chemistry, focusing on precipitation reactions, solubility calculations, and the common ion effect.

One of the primary applications of Ksp is in predicting precipitation reactions. When two aqueous solutions are mixed, a precipitate may form if the product of the ion concentrations exceeds the Ksp value. This principle is widely used in qualitative analysis to identify unknown ions in a solution. For example, in water treatment plants, Ksp values are used to determine the optimal conditions for removing dissolved ions through precipitation.

Calculating the solubility of sparingly soluble salts is another important application of Ksp. By using the Ksp value, chemists can determine the maximum concentration of ions that can exist in a saturated solution. This information is valuable in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, where understanding drug solubility is crucial for formulation and dosage calculations. In environmental science, Ksp calculations help predict the behavior of pollutants in natural water systems.

The common ion effect, which is closely related to Ksp, has significant practical implications. This effect occurs when a solution containing a sparingly soluble salt is combined with another solution containing one of the ions of the salt. The presence of the common ion reduces the solubility of the salt. Understanding this effect is essential in many industrial processes, such as the purification of chemicals or the selective precipitation of desired compounds.

In geochemistry, Ksp plays a vital role in understanding mineral formation and dissolution. Geologists use Ksp values to predict the conditions under which minerals will precipitate or dissolve in natural water systems. This knowledge is crucial for understanding the formation of geological features like caves and stalactites, as well as for mineral exploration and extraction.

Water treatment is a field where Ksp applications are particularly prominent. In water softening processes, Ksp calculations are used to determine the conditions necessary to remove hardness-causing ions like calcium and magnesium. Similarly, in wastewater treatment, understanding Ksp helps in designing effective processes for removing heavy metals and other contaminants through precipitation.

The food industry also benefits from Ksp applications. In the production of certain dairy products, such as cheese, controlling the solubility of calcium phosphate is crucial for achieving the desired texture and flavor. Ksp calculations help food scientists optimize these processes.

In analytical chemistry, Ksp is used in gravimetric analysis, a technique for determining the amount of an analyte through the precipitation of a compound of known composition. This method relies on precise Ksp calculations to ensure complete precipitation and accurate results.

The field of materials science utilizes Ksp concepts in the development of new materials. For instance, in the creation of advanced ceramics or specialized coatings, understanding the solubility behavior of various compounds is essential for controlling material properties and performance.

In conclusion, the applications of Ksp in chemistry are diverse and far-reaching. From predicting precipitation reactions and calculating solubilities to understanding the common ion effect, Ksp is a powerful tool in both theoretical and applied chemistry. Its relevance in water treatment, geochemistry, food science, and materials development underscores the importance of this concept in solving real-world problems and advancing various industries. As research continues, new applications of Ksp are likely to emerge, further cementing its status as a cornerstone of chemical understanding and practical problem-solving.

Factors Affecting Solubility and Ksp

Solubility and the solubility product constant (Ksp) are fundamental concepts in chemistry that play crucial roles in various chemical processes. Understanding the factors that influence these properties is essential for manipulating and controlling chemical reactions in both laboratory and industrial settings. This section explores the key solubility factors, including temperature effects, pH influence, and the presence of complexing agents, and how they impact solubility and Ksp values.

Temperature is one of the most significant factors affecting solubility. In general, the solubility of solid solutes in liquid solvents increases with temperature. This is because higher temperatures provide more energy for solute particles to overcome intermolecular forces and dissolve. For example, sugar dissolves more readily in hot tea than in cold water. However, it's important to note that this trend doesn't apply to all substances. Gases, for instance, typically become less soluble in liquids as temperature increases. This phenomenon explains why carbonated beverages lose their fizz more quickly when warm.

The pH of a solution can dramatically influence the solubility of compounds, especially those that can undergo acid-base reactions. For instance, many metal hydroxides are more soluble in acidic solutions than in neutral or basic ones. This pH influence on solubility is particularly relevant in environmental chemistry and wastewater treatment. By adjusting the pH, we can precipitate or dissolve specific compounds, allowing for the removal of contaminants or the recovery of valuable materials. In the human body, the solubility of calcium carbonate in bones and teeth is highly dependent on pH, with acidic conditions potentially leading to demineralization.

Complexing agents, also known as ligands, can significantly alter the solubility of compounds by forming complex ions. These agents can increase the solubility of otherwise insoluble compounds by binding to metal ions and forming more soluble complexes. EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a common complexing agent used in various applications, from water softening to food preservation. In analytical chemistry, complexing agents are utilized to manipulate solubility for selective precipitation or dissolution of specific ions, enabling more accurate analyses.

The practical applications of manipulating solubility through these factors are numerous and diverse. In the pharmaceutical industry, understanding and controlling solubility is crucial for drug formulation and delivery. By altering temperature, pH, or using complexing agents, scientists can enhance the solubility of drugs, improving their bioavailability and efficacy. In environmental remediation, pH adjustment and complexation techniques are employed to remove heavy metals from contaminated soils and water bodies. The mining industry utilizes similar principles in hydrometallurgy, where metals are extracted from ores through selective dissolution and precipitation processes.

Consider the example of calcium carbonate, a compound with low solubility in water. Its solubility can be increased by lowering the pH, as carbonate ions react with hydrogen ions to form bicarbonate, which is more soluble. This principle is applied in treating hard water, where acidic conditions are used to dissolve scale deposits in pipes and appliances. Conversely, in water treatment plants, the pH is often raised to precipitate calcium carbonate, effectively softening the water.

Another illustrative example is the solubility of transition metal hydroxides. These compounds generally have low solubility in neutral solutions but become more soluble in both acidic and strongly basic conditions. This amphoteric behavior is exploited in metal purification processes. For instance, aluminum can be separated from impurities by dissolving it in a strong base, where it forms soluble aluminate ions, while many other metal hydroxides remain insoluble.

In conclusion, the solubility and Ksp of compounds are not fixed properties but can be significantly influenced by various factors. Temperature, pH, and complexing agents offer powerful tools for manipulating solubility in diverse applications across chemistry, environmental science, and industry. By understanding and controlling these factors, scientists and engineers can optimize processes, develop new materials, and solve complex chemical challenges. The interplay between these solubility factors underscores the dynamic nature of chemical systems and highlights the importance of considering multiple variables in solubility-related problems and applications.


Understanding the solubility constant and Ksp is crucial in chemistry, providing insights into the behavior of sparingly soluble compounds. These concepts help predict precipitation reactions and determine solubility equilibria. The introduction video offered a visual representation of these principles, making them more accessible. To reinforce your knowledge, consider exploring additional resources such as online chemistry forums, textbooks, or academic journals. Practice problems are essential for mastering these concepts; look for workbooks or online problem sets focused on solubility and Ksp calculations. Remember that these principles have practical applications in various fields, including environmental science, pharmaceuticals, and materials engineering. By grasping these fundamental concepts, you'll be better equipped to tackle more advanced chemistry topics and real-world problems. Continue to explore and apply your understanding of solubility constants and Ksp to deepen your chemistry knowledge and enhance your problem-solving skills in this fascinating field.

Understanding the Solubility Product (Ksp)

What is the solubility product? Ksp and the solubility product expression.

Step 1: Introduction to Solubility Product (Ksp)

The solubility product, denoted as Ksp, is a type of equilibrium constant that applies to the solubility of ionic compounds. It represents the level at which a solute dissolves in solution. The solubility product is particularly useful for understanding the solubility of sparingly soluble salts. When a salt dissolves, it dissociates into its constituent ions, and the Ksp value helps quantify this process.

Step 2: Understanding Saturation and Equilibrium

Saturation is a key concept in solubility. It occurs when no more solute can dissolve in the solvent, and any additional solute will remain undissolved. At this point, the solution is in a state of dynamic equilibrium where the rate of dissolution of the solute equals the rate of precipitation. This equilibrium can be expressed using the solubility product constant, Ksp.

Step 3: Expressing Solubility Using Equilibrium

To express solubility using equilibrium, consider a saturated solution of a salt like magnesium chloride (MgCl2). When MgCl2 is added to water, it dissociates into magnesium ions (Mg2+) and chloride ions (Cl-). The equilibrium can be represented as:
MgCl2 (s) Mg2+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq)
The Ksp expression for this equilibrium is:
Ksp = [Mg2+][Cl-]2
Here, the concentrations of the ions are raised to the power of their coefficients in the balanced equation.

Step 4: Example of Solubility Product Expression

Let's consider another example with calcium carbonate (CaCO3). When CaCO3 is in a saturated solution, it dissociates into calcium ions (Ca2+) and carbonate ions (CO32-). The equilibrium can be written as:
CaCO3 (s) Ca2+ (aq) + CO32- (aq)
The Ksp expression for this equilibrium is:
Ksp = [Ca2+][CO32-]
In this case, there are no coefficients other than 1, so the concentrations are not raised to any power.

Step 5: Importance of Ksp in Chemistry

The solubility product constant, Ksp, is crucial in predicting whether a precipitate will form in a solution. By comparing the ion product (the product of the ion concentrations in a solution) to the Ksp value, chemists can determine if a solution is unsaturated, saturated, or supersaturated. If the ion product exceeds the Ksp, a precipitate will form, indicating that the solution is supersaturated.

Step 6: Calculating Ksp from Experimental Data

To calculate the Ksp from experimental data, one must measure the concentrations of the ions in a saturated solution. For example, if the concentration of Mg2+ in a saturated MgCl2 solution is found to be 0.1 M, and the concentration of Cl- is 0.2 M, the Ksp can be calculated as:
Ksp = [Mg2+][Cl-]2 = (0.1)(0.2)2 = 0.004

Step 7: Practical Applications of Ksp

The concept of Ksp is widely used in various fields such as environmental science, medicine, and industrial processes. For instance, in water treatment, understanding the Ksp of different salts helps in predicting and controlling the formation of scale and precipitates. In pharmaceuticals, Ksp values are essential for formulating drugs that require precise solubility characteristics.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the solubility constant:

  1. What is the solubility constant K?

    The solubility constant K, also known as the solubility product constant (Ksp), is a numerical value that represents the equilibrium between a solid ionic compound and its ions in a saturated solution. It quantifies the extent to which a sparingly soluble compound dissociates in water.

  2. What is a solubility constant expression?

    A solubility constant expression is a mathematical representation of the equilibrium between a sparingly soluble compound and its ions in solution. It's written as the product of the concentrations of the ions, each raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced equation.

  3. What does Ksp tell you?

    Ksp provides information about the solubility of a compound. A larger Ksp value indicates higher solubility, while a smaller Ksp value suggests lower solubility. It helps predict precipitation reactions, calculate ion concentrations, and compare solubilities of different compounds.

  4. How do you write a Ksp expression?

    To write a Ksp expression, write the product of the concentrations of the ions formed when the compound dissociates, each raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced equation. For example, for AgCl Ag+ + Cl-, the Ksp expression is Ksp = [Ag+][Cl-].

  5. What is the general expression for solubility?

    The general expression for solubility is derived from the Ksp expression. For a compound AxBy that dissociates into xA^y+ and yB^x-, the solubility (S) is related to Ksp by the equation: Ksp = (xS)^x * (yS)^y, where S is the molar solubility of the compound.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the solubility constant is a crucial concept in chemistry, but to fully grasp its significance, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts provide the necessary context and background knowledge to comprehend the intricacies of solubility constants and their applications in chemical reactions and equilibrium systems.

One of the key prerequisite topics is equilibrium solutions. This concept is vital because the solubility constant is directly related to the equilibrium state of a saturated solution. When studying equilibrium solutions, students learn about the dynamic balance between dissolved and undissolved substances in a solution. This understanding is crucial when dealing with the solubility constant, as it describes the equilibrium between a solid and its constituent ions in a saturated solution.

Another important prerequisite topic is calculating cell potential (voltaic cells). While this may seem unrelated at first glance, it actually plays a significant role in understanding solubility constants. The principles behind predicting precipitation reactions, which are closely tied to solubility constants, share similarities with the concepts used in calculating cell potentials. Both involve understanding ion concentrations and their effects on chemical equilibria.

Perhaps one of the most directly relevant prerequisite topics is the common ion effect. This concept is crucial for a deeper understanding of solubility constants because it explains how the presence of a common ion can affect the solubility of a compound. The common ion effect can significantly influence the solubility of a substance, and understanding this principle is essential when working with solubility constants in real-world applications.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of solubility constants. The knowledge of equilibrium solutions provides the foundation for understanding the dynamic nature of saturated solutions. The skills gained from calculating cell potentials offer insights into predicting and analyzing precipitation reactions. Lastly, comprehending the common ion effect allows students to consider the various factors that can influence solubility in different chemical environments.

In conclusion, these prerequisite topics are not just isolated concepts but interconnected pieces of knowledge that build upon each other. They form a comprehensive framework that enables students to approach the study of solubility constants with confidence and a deeper understanding of the underlying principles. By investing time in mastering these fundamental concepts, students will find themselves better prepared to explore the fascinating world of solubility constants and their wide-ranging applications in chemistry and related fields.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the solubility product expression, Ksp.
  • How to express solubility and saturation using equilibrium expressions.


  • In Solubility and ion concentration, we updated our definitions of solubility and saturation. Their correct definitions are about an equilibrium between the dissolved and undissolved state. This means we can write solubility as an equilibrium constant expression.
    • For example, a saturated solution of the salt MgCl2, can be described by the equilibrium equation:

      MgCl2 (s) \enspace \rightleftharpoons \enspace Mg2+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq)

    • The solubility product expression for this equilibrium is:

      Ksp = [Mg2+][Cl-]2

    • The solubility product constant, Ksp, is used for any equilibrium constant between dissolved ions and the undissolved compound; it is the Keq for saturated solutions.

  • Remember how Ka is an acid strength rating and Keq is basically a product rating in any equilibrium? Ksp is effectively a dissolved ions rating! A large Ksp value means the concentration of dissolved ions in the saturated solution is large. Therefore the larger the Ksp value, the more soluble a substance is.

  • Its important to remember the concept of the solubility product constant when dealing with practical problems involving multiple saturated solutions:
    • The reason it is called the solubility product CONSTANT is because when the solution is saturated, Ksp is equal to the product of the concentration of dissolved ions, regardless of how the solution was prepared or the relative concentrations. The Ksp for any given compound at saturation does not change. Recall that:

      Ksp = [Mg2+][Cl-]2

      If MgCl2 was dissolved in solution until saturation occurred, we would have a stoichiometric ratio of Mg2+ and Cl- ions, according to the equation:

      MgCl2 (s) \enspace \rightleftharpoons \enspace Mg2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq)

    • However, we could make the saturated solution of magnesium chloride another way. Separate compounds may be added in different quantities, such as Mg(NO3)2 and NaCl which together contribute to the MgCl2 Ksp equilibrium.

      The Ksp constant value could be reached if one ion concentration was larger while the other smaller.
      Regardless of the proportion of ion concentrations, Ksp is constant for a saturated solution and it is the product of the separate dissolved ion concentrations multiplied together.