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  1. Introduction to ions
  2. Recall particles and charge.
  3. Why atoms form ions.
  4. How atoms form ions.
  5. Predicting common ions.
  1. Use information in the Periodic Table to find the number of sub-atomic particles in elements.
    How many electrons are in an atom of the following species?
    i) P
    ii) Ru
    iii) Rb
    1. Identify atoms and their charge when given the number of sub-atomic particles.
      Identify the element and the charge on the particle described below.
      1. i) A particle with 50 protons and 52 electrons.
        ii) A particle with 13 protons and 10 electrons.
      2. i) A particle with 16 protons and 18 electrons.
        ii) A particle with 3 protons and 2 electrons.
    2. Find out the number of sub-atomic particles when given ions and their charge.
      Find the number of protons and electrons in the following species:
      1. i) Cr3+^{3+}
        ii) F^-
      2. i) Sb3+^{3+}
        ii) Zn+^+
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Ion Formation

    Ion formation is a fundamental concept in chemistry that explains how atoms become electrically charged particles. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this process, serving as an essential resource for understanding the basics of ion formation. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This process occurs because atoms strive to attain a full outer shell of electrons, which is energetically favorable. When an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion, or cation. Conversely, when an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion, or anion. The number of electrons gained or lost determines the ion's charge. Understanding how ions are formed is crucial for grasping various chemical reactions and phenomena, including the formation of ionic compounds, electrolysis, and the behavior of electrolytes in solution. By mastering the concept of ion formation, students can better comprehend more advanced topics in chemistry and related fields.

    Why Atoms Form Ions

    Understanding why atoms form ions requires delving into the fascinating world of electron shells and the octet rule. At the heart of this concept lies the fundamental principle that atoms strive for stability, and this pursuit of stability is what drives the formation of ions.

    Electron shells are the regions around an atom's nucleus where electrons are found. These shells are arranged in layers, with each layer having a specific capacity for electrons. The outermost shell, known as the valence shell, plays a crucial role in determining an atom's chemical properties and its tendency to form ions.

    The octet rule, a key concept in chemistry, states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of eight electrons. This configuration mimics the stable electron arrangement of noble gases, which have a complete outer shell and are chemically inert.

    Noble gases, such as helium, neon, and argon, serve as perfect examples of atoms with stable electron configurations. These elements have fully occupied outer shells, making them extremely unreactive. For instance, neon has 10 electrons, with 2 in its inner shell and 8 in its outer shell, giving it a stable octet configuration.

    Other atoms strive to achieve this same stability by either gaining or losing electrons to reach a noble gas-like electron configuration. This process of gaining or losing electrons is what leads to the formation of ions. Ions are charged particles that result from atoms gaining or losing electrons in their quest for stability.

    For example, sodium, with 11 electrons, has one electron in its outermost shell. To achieve stability, it tends to lose this single electron, forming a positively charged sodium ion (Na+) with a stable configuration similar to neon. On the other hand, chlorine, with 17 electrons, is just one electron short of a full outer shell. It readily gains an electron to form a negatively charged chloride ion (Cl-), achieving an electron configuration similar to argon.

    The formation of ions is not limited to single atoms. Polyatomic ions can also form when groups of atoms share electrons to achieve stability. These ions play crucial roles in various chemical processes and are essential components of many compounds.

    Understanding why ions are formed is fundamental to grasping the principles of chemical bonding and reactivity. The drive for atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration explains a wide range of chemical phenomena, from the formation of salts to the behavior of metals and non-metals in chemical reactions.

    In conclusion, the concept of electron shells and the octet rule provide a framework for understanding why atoms form ions. By gaining or losing electrons to achieve a stable outer shell configuration, atoms create charged particles that are essential to countless chemical processes. This pursuit of stability, exemplified by the noble gases, is a driving force in the world of chemistry, influencing everything from the properties of materials to the reactions that sustain life.

    The Process of Ion Formation

    Ion formation is a fundamental process in chemistry that plays a crucial role in various chemical reactions and the behavior of elements. Understanding how ions are formed is essential for grasping concepts in electrochemistry, bonding, and overall atomic structure. There are two main processes by which ions are formed: losing electrons and gaining electrons.

    Losing Electrons: Formation of Cations

    The process of losing electrons primarily occurs in metals and results in the formation of positively charged ions, known as cations. When a metal atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion. This process is driven by the tendency of metals to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

    Let's take the example of sodium (Na) to illustrate this process:

    • A neutral sodium atom has 11 protons in its nucleus and 11 electrons orbiting it.
    • The electron configuration of sodium is 1s² 2s² 2p 3s¹.
    • When sodium loses its outermost electron (3s¹), it forms a sodium ion (Na).
    • The resulting electron configuration of the sodium ion is 1s² 2s² 2p, which is the same as that of the noble gas neon.

    This loss of an electron changes the atom's charge from neutral to +1, as it now has 11 protons but only 10 electrons. The process can be represented as:

    Na Na + e

    Gaining Electrons: Formation of Anions

    The process of gaining electrons typically occurs in non-metals and results in the formation of negatively charged ions, known as anions. When a non-metal atom gains one or more electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion. This process is driven by the tendency of non-metals to achieve a full outer shell of electrons.

    Let's consider the example of chlorine (Cl) to illustrate this process:

    • A neutral chlorine atom has 17 protons in its nucleus and 17 electrons orbiting it.
    • The electron configuration of chlorine is 1s² 2s² 2p 3s² 3p.
    • When chlorine gains an electron to complete its outer shell, it forms a chloride ion (Cl).
    • The resulting electron configuration of the chloride ion is 1s² 2s² 2p 3s² 3p, which is the same as that of the noble gas argon.

    This gain of an electron changes the atom's charge from neutral to -1, as it now has 17 protons but 18 electrons. The process can be represented as:

    Cl + e Cl

    Changes in Electron Configuration During Ion Formation

    The process of ion formation significantly affects an atom's electron configuration. Here's a more detailed look at the changes:

    For Cations (Losing Electrons):

    • The outermost electron shell loses one or more electrons.
    • The resulting configuration often resembles that of the nearest noble gas with fewer electrons.
    • The ion becomes smaller than the original atom due to increased nuclear attraction on fewer electrons.

    For Anions (Gaining Electrons):

    • The outermost electron shell gains one or more electrons to complete the shell.
    • The resulting configuration often resembles that of the nearest noble gas with more electrons.
    • The ion becomes larger than the original atom due to increased electron

      Types of Ions: Cations and Anions

      In the world of chemistry, ions play a crucial role in various chemical processes and reactions. Understanding the difference between cations and anions is fundamental to grasping the behavior of elements and compounds. Cations are positively charged ions, while anions are negatively charged ions. These charged particles form when atoms gain or lose electrons, altering their electrical neutrality.

      Cations are created when an atom loses one or more electrons, resulting in a positive charge. For example, when a sodium atom loses its single valence electron, it becomes a sodium cation (Na+). Similarly, when a magnesium atom loses two electrons, it forms a magnesium cation (Mg2+). On the other hand, anions are formed when an atom gains one or more electrons, acquiring a negative charge. Chlorine, for instance, readily accepts an extra electron to become a chloride anion (Cl-).

      The periodic table serves as an invaluable tool for predicting ion formation tendencies. Elements on the left side of the periodic table, particularly those in Groups 1 and 2 (alkali metals and alkaline earth metals), have a strong propensity to form cations. These elements have few valence electrons and tend to lose them easily. Conversely, elements on the right side of the periodic table, especially those in Groups 16 and 17 (chalcogens and halogens), are more likely to form anions due to their tendency to gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

      Common examples of cations include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and ammonium (NH4+). These positively charged ions play essential roles in biological processes, such as nerve signal transmission and muscle contraction. Anions, on the other hand, include chloride (Cl-), fluoride (F-), oxide (O2-), and sulfate (SO42-). These negatively charged ions are crucial in various chemical reactions and are often found in salts and minerals.

      The charge of an ion is determined by the difference between the number of protons in its nucleus and the number of electrons in its electron cloud. Protons carry a positive charge, while electrons carry a negative charge. In a neutral atom, the number of protons equals the number of electrons. When an atom loses electrons, it retains more protons than electrons, resulting in a positive charge (cation). Conversely, when an atom gains electrons, it has more electrons than protons, leading to a negative charge (anion).

      For instance, a sodium atom has 11 protons and 11 electrons in its neutral state. When it loses one electron to form a sodium cation (Na+), it still has 11 protons but only 10 electrons, resulting in a net positive charge of +1. Similarly, a chlorine atom has 17 protons and 17 electrons when neutral. Upon gaining an electron to become a chloride anion (Cl-), it has 17 protons and 18 electrons, giving it a net negative charge of -1.

      Understanding the concepts of cations and anions is essential for comprehending various chemical phenomena, including the formation of ionic compounds, electrolyte behavior, and electrochemical processes. By utilizing the periodic table and considering the electron configurations of elements, chemists can predict and explain ion formation, which is fundamental to many aspects of chemistry and related fields.

      Predicting Common Ions

      Predicting common ions using the periodic table trends is a fundamental skill in chemistry that relies on understanding the trends in ion formation across groups and periods. The periodic table trends serves as a powerful tool for anticipating how elements will behave in chemical reactions, particularly in terms of gaining or losing electrons to form ions.

      One of the most important trends to recognize is the tendency of metals to form positive ions (cations) and non-metals to form negative ions (anions). This pattern is directly related to the electron configuration of atoms and their position on the periodic table. As we move from left to right across a period, elements generally become less metallic and more likely to form negative ions.

      Let's start with metals and their propensity to form positive ions. Metals, particularly those on the left side of the periodic table, tend to lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. The number of electrons lost often corresponds to the group number. For example, alkali metals ions (Group 1) typically form +1 ions, while alkaline earth metals (Group 2) form +2 ions. Lithium (Li) becomes Li+, sodium (Na) becomes Na+, and potassium (K) becomes K+. Similarly, magnesium (Mg) forms Mg2+ and calcium (Ca) forms Ca2+.

      As we move towards the right side of the periodic table, we encounter non-metals, which tend to gain electrons to form negative ions. The halogens (Group 17) are excellent examples of this trend. They typically gain one electron to form -1 ions. Fluorine (F) becomes F-, chlorine (Cl) becomes Cl-, and bromine (Br) becomes Br-. The chalcogens (Group 16) often form -2 ions, such as oxygen (O) becoming O2- and sulfur (S) becoming S2-.

      Transition metals, located in the middle of the periodic table, can form multiple ions with different charges. For instance, iron can form Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions, while copper can form Cu+ and Cu2+ ions. This variability is due to their complex electron configurations and the ability to lose electrons from different subshells.

      The periodic table also helps predict ion formation through the concept of electron affinity and ionization energy. Elements with high electron affinity, typically non-metals, readily accept electrons to form negative ions. Conversely, elements with low ionization energy, usually metals, easily lose electrons to form positive ions. These properties generally increase from left to right across a period and decrease from top to bottom within a group.

      When predicting ions, it's crucial to consider the octet rule, which states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration similar to that of the nearest noble gas. This rule explains why many ions have charges that result in eight valence electrons, mimicking the electron configuration of noble gases.

      For example, sodium (Na) has one valence electron. By losing this electron, it achieves the electron configuration of neon, forming the Na+ ion. Chlorine (Cl), with seven valence electrons, gains one electron to match the configuration of argon, forming the Cl- ion. This principle applies to many elements across the periodic table, helping to predict their most common ionic forms.

      Understanding these trends allows chemists to predict the behavior of elements in various chemical reactions and compounds. For instance, when sodium and chlorine react, we can anticipate the formation of NaCl (table salt) based on their predicted ionic charges. Similarly, the reaction between magnesium and oxygen can be predicted to form MgO, with Mg2+ and O2- ions.

      In conclusion, the periodic table is an invaluable tool for predicting common ions. By understanding the trends in ion formation across groups and periods, focusing on the tendency of metals to form positive ions and non-metals to form negative ions, and considering examples from different groups, chemists can accurately anticipate the behavior of elements in various chemical contexts. This knowledge is essential for understanding chemical bonding, reactivity, and the properties of ionic compounds.

      Ion Formation in Chemical Reactions

      Ion formation plays a crucial role in chemical reactions, particularly in the process of ionic bonding. Understanding how ions form and interact is essential for comprehending the nature of many chemical compounds and their properties. This article will explore the formation of ions, their significance in ionic bonding, and provide examples of common ionic compounds.

      Ions are atoms or molecules that have gained or lost electrons, resulting in a net electrical charge. The formation of ions occurs when atoms transfer electrons between each other during chemical reactions. This process is fundamental to ionic bonding, where oppositely charged ions attract each other to form stable compounds.

      In ionic bonding, metals typically lose electrons to become positively charged cations, while non-metals gain electrons to become negatively charged anions. The electrostatic attraction between these oppositely charged ions leads to the formation of ionic compounds. This type of bonding is characterized by strong electrostatic forces, resulting in compounds with high melting and boiling points, as well as good electrical conductivity when dissolved in water or molten.

      One of the most common examples of an ionic compound is sodium chloride (NaCl), also known as table salt. In this compound, a sodium atom loses one electron to become a Na+ cation, while a chlorine atom gains one electron to become a Cl- anion. The strong electrostatic attraction between these oppositely charged ions results in the formation of a stable ionic lattice structure.

      Another example is calcium chloride (CaCl2), which forms when a calcium atom loses two electrons to become a Ca2+ cation, and two chlorine atoms each gain one electron to become Cl- anions. The resulting ionic compound has a 1:2 ratio of calcium to chlorine ions, reflecting the different charges of the ions involved.

      The formation of ions and ionic compounds is not limited to simple binary compounds. More complex ionic compounds can form, involving polyatomic ions such as sulfate (SO42-), nitrate (NO3-), or ammonium (NH4+). These polyatomic ions can combine with other ions to form a wide variety of ionic compounds with diverse properties and applications.

      Ion formation also plays a significant role in many other chemical reactions beyond ionic bonding. For instance, in acid-base reactions, the transfer of protons (H+ ions) between species is fundamental to the process. In redox reactions, the transfer of electrons results in changes to the oxidation states of atoms, often involving the formation of ions.

      Understanding ion formation is crucial in various fields, including materials science, environmental chemistry, and biochemistry. In biological systems, ion channels and pumps in cell membranes regulate the flow of ions such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, which is essential for nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction.

      In conclusion, ion formation is a fundamental process in chemical reactions, particularly in ionic bonding. The attraction between oppositely charged ions leads to the formation of stable ionic compounds with unique properties. Examples like sodium chloride and calcium chloride illustrate how different atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ions and subsequently combine into ionic compounds. This understanding of ion formation and ionic bonding is essential for explaining the behavior of many substances and their roles in various chemical and biological processes.


      Ion formation is a fundamental concept in chemistry, crucial for understanding various chemical reactions. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This process occurs due to the tendency of atoms to attain a full outer shell of electrons. Positive ions (cations) are created when atoms lose electrons, while negative ions (anions) form when atoms gain electrons. Understanding ion formation is essential for grasping concepts like chemical bonding, electrolysis, and solution chemistry. It plays a vital role in explaining the behavior of elements and compounds in various chemical reactions. To reinforce your understanding of ion formation, we encourage you to rewatch the introduction video. The visual representation provided will help solidify the concepts discussed, making it easier to grasp the intricacies of this important chemistry fundamental. Remember, a strong foundation in ion formation is key to mastering more advanced chemistry topics.

    Introduction to Ions

    Introduction to ions Recall particles and charge.

    Step 1: Understanding Atoms and Ions

    Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, and they consist of three main particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each of these particles has distinct properties, including mass and charge. Protons are positively charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom, while neutrons, also located in the nucleus, have no charge (they are neutral). Electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus in various energy levels.

    An ion is formed when an atom gains or loses electrons, resulting in a net charge. This process is known as ionization. When an atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (cation). Conversely, when an atom gains one or more electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (anion).

    Step 2: The Role of Electrons in Ion Formation

    Electrons play a crucial role in the formation of ions. In a neutral atom, the number of protons (positive charge) is equal to the number of electrons (negative charge), resulting in no overall charge. However, when an atom gains or loses electrons, this balance is disrupted, leading to the formation of an ion.

    For example, if an atom loses an electron, it will have more protons than electrons, resulting in a positive charge. This positively charged ion is called a cation. On the other hand, if an atom gains an electron, it will have more electrons than protons, resulting in a negative charge. This negatively charged ion is called an anion.

    Step 3: Calculating the Charge of an Ion

    To determine the charge of an ion, you need to know the number of protons and electrons in the atom. The charge of an ion is calculated by subtracting the number of electrons from the number of protons. For instance, if an atom has 11 protons and 10 electrons, the charge of the ion would be +1 (11 - 10 = +1). Similarly, if an atom has 17 protons and 18 electrons, the charge of the ion would be -1 (17 - 18 = -1).

    Understanding the charge of ions is essential for predicting the behavior of elements in chemical reactions. Elements tend to form ions with specific charges based on their position in the periodic table. For example, elements in Group 1 of the periodic table typically form +1 cations, while elements in Group 17 typically form -1 anions.

    Step 4: Recap of Particle Properties

    To fully grasp ion formation, it's important to recall the properties of the three main particles in an atom:

    • Protons: Positively charged particles with a relative mass of 1 atomic mass unit (amu).
    • Neutrons: Neutral particles with a relative mass of 1 amu.
    • Electrons: Negatively charged particles with a relative mass that is negligible compared to protons and neutrons (approximately 0 amu).

    The charge of these particles is crucial in understanding how ions are formed. Protons have a relative charge of +1, neutrons have a relative charge of 0, and electrons have a relative charge of -1.

    Step 5: Importance of Electrons in Chemistry

    In chemistry, electrons are of paramount importance because they are involved in chemical bonding and reactions. While protons and neutrons define the identity and mass of an atom, electrons determine how atoms interact with each other. The arrangement of electrons in an atom's electron shells or energy levels dictates the atom's chemical properties and its ability to form ions.

    When atoms interact, they often do so by transferring or sharing electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration. This transfer or sharing of electrons leads to the formation of ions and chemical bonds, which are the foundation of chemical compounds and reactions.

    Step 6: Predicting Stable Ions

    Predicting the stable ions that elements form involves understanding their electron configurations and their tendencies to gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable configuration. Elements in the same group of the periodic table typically form ions with the same charge because they have similar electron configurations.

    For example, elements in Group 1 (such as sodium and potassium) have one electron in their outermost shell and tend to lose that electron to form +1 cations. Elements in Group 17 (such as chlorine and fluorine) have seven electrons in their outermost shell and tend to gain one electron to form -1 anions.

    By understanding the periodic trends and the behavior of electrons, you can predict the types of ions that different elements are likely to form and how they will interact in chemical reactions.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about ion formation:

    1. How are ions formed?

    Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons. When an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (cation). When an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (anion). This process occurs to achieve a stable electron configuration, typically resembling that of the nearest noble gas.

    2. What is the main reason that atoms form ions?

    The main reason atoms form ions is to achieve a stable electron configuration. Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to attain a full outer shell of electrons, which is energetically favorable. This tendency is explained by the octet rule, where atoms strive to have eight electrons in their outermost shell (except for hydrogen and helium, which aim for two).

    3. How do you write ion formation?

    Ion formation is typically written as an equation showing the loss or gain of electrons. For example:
    Sodium atom losing an electron: Na Na + e
    Chlorine atom gaining an electron: Cl + e Cl

    4. What is an example of forming ions?

    A common example of ion formation is the reaction between sodium and chlorine to form table salt (NaCl). Sodium loses one electron to become Na, while chlorine gains one electron to become Cl. These oppositely charged ions then attract each other to form an ionic compound.

    5. How do you know what ions are formed?

    You can predict ion formation by looking at an element's position on the periodic table. Metals on the left side tend to lose electrons to form positive ions, while non-metals on the right side tend to gain electrons to form negative ions. The group number often indicates the charge of the ion formed. For example, Group 1 metals typically form +1 ions, while Group 17 non-metals usually form -1 ions.

    Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Ion Formation

    To fully grasp the concept of ion formation, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas of chemistry. Understanding these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to comprehend the intricacies of how ions are formed and their behavior in various chemical processes.

    One of the fundamental prerequisites is the history and development of the periodic table. This knowledge provides essential context for understanding how elements are organized and how their properties relate to their position in the table. The periodic table is a cornerstone of chemistry, and its trends play a vital role in predicting ion formation. By understanding how the periodic table was developed and refined over time, you'll gain insights into the underlying principles that govern ion formation.

    Another crucial prerequisite topic is the study of Group 1 and Group 2 elements, particularly alkali and alkaline earth metals. These groups are known for their high reactivity and tendency to form positive ions. By examining the properties of these elements, you'll develop a deeper understanding of how electron configurations influence an atom's propensity to lose electrons and form cations. This knowledge is directly applicable to ion formation across the periodic table.

    Perhaps one of the most directly relevant prerequisite topics is periodic trends in ionization energy. Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its gaseous state. This concept is fundamental to understanding why some atoms are more likely to form ions than others. By studying how ionization energy varies across the periodic table, you'll be better equipped to predict and explain ion formation in different elements and compounds.

    These prerequisite topics form a interconnected web of knowledge that supports your understanding of ion formation. The periodic table provides the framework for organizing elements and their properties. The study of alkali and alkaline earth metals offers concrete examples of elements with a strong tendency to form ions. And the concept of ionization energy ties it all together by explaining the energetics behind electron removal and ion formation.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll develop a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of ion formation. You'll be able to explain why certain elements are more likely to form ions, predict the charge of ions based on an element's position in the periodic table, and understand the energy considerations involved in the process. This foundational knowledge will serve you well as you delve deeper into more advanced topics in chemistry, such as chemical bonding, electrochemistry, and solution chemistry, where ion formation plays a crucial role.

    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • To understand the reason chemical atoms form ions and the particle that causes ionization.
    • To calculate the charge of ions from electron and proton numbers
    • To apply knowledge of ion charges to find number of electrons in ions
    • To predict an element's stable ions based on the Periodic table


    • Atoms are comprised of protons, neutrons and electrons. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons.

    • Many elements and substances engage in chemical reactions to obtain a full outer shell of electrons, which involves metal atoms losing electrons to empty their outer shell ('dropping down a shell' in the process) and non-metal atoms gaining electrons to complete a full outer shell.

    • These changes in number of electrons changes the overall charge of an atom, if the number of protons and electrons isn't equal in an atom then it becomes a charged atom.


    • Chemical reactions only involve outer-shell electrons. They virtually never change the nucleus of an atom.

    • To find the charge of an atom or ion, subtract the number of electrons from the number of protons in the particle.

    • The electron shell configuration (and therefore its position in the Periodic Table) of an element is strongly related to the stable ions it is able to form – atoms gain or lose a number of electrons to fill their outer shell, which dictates their charge!

    Ion formation normally occurs when electrons are transferred from one atom, usually a metal, and donated to another atom, usually a non-metal – this is how ionic compounds are formed.