Explore the Relative Strength of Acids and Bases
Dive into the fundamental chemistry concept of acid-base strength. Understand proton donation, pH levels, and chemical reactions. Gain essential knowledge for advanced chemistry topics and real-world applications.

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Now Playing:Relative strength of acids and bases – Example 0a
  1. Which is the stronger acid / base?
  2. Which is the stronger acid / base?
    Competing conjugate acids/bases.
  3. Which is the stronger acid / base?
    Using Ka/Kb expressions to find Keq.
  1. Find the equilibrium constant for two competing weak acids and their conjugate pairs.
    Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH and carbonic acid, H2CO3 are both weak acids. Their Ka acidity constants1 are below:
    Ka (CH3COOH) = 1.4*10-5
    Ka (H2CO3) = 4.5*10-7
    1. Identify their conjugate bases and write the equilibrium equation for the reaction of the two conjugate pairs.

    2. Use the Ka values above to calculate which side of the equation is favoured. Which is the stronger acid?

Introduction to acid-base theory

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to determine the stronger of two acids/bases in reactions between two competing conjugate pairs.
  • How to use ka/kb expressions to construct expressions for the equilibrium constant of two competing conjugate pairs.
  • How to calculate the equilibrium constant with two competing conjugate pairs.


  • In Acid dissociation constant we looked at the expression for ka (and kb), which tells us how dissociated a weak acid (or weak base) is in solution. The larger the Ka (or Kb) value, the stronger the acid (or base).
    That the Ka value is basically an “acid strength rating” is good to remember for solutions with multiple conjugate pairs. When two conjugate pairs are mixed together in equilibrium, there are two competing acids (and bases) both trying to be an acid – trying to donate H+ (and two competing bases both trying to accept H+). You can use the values for Ka and Kb to see which one is the stronger acid/base, and which side is the equilibrium favors.
    • For example, if solutions containing CH3COOH and H3PO4 were combined, there would be two acids both competing to donate protons to other species.
    • The stronger acid will do this to a greater extent. The Ka values1 will identify which it is: Ka (CH3COOH) = 1.4 * 10-5, while Ka (H3PO4) = 6.9 * 10-3. This shows that H3PO4 donates protons with greater ability than CH3COOH.
      Therefore an equilibrium can be written:

      H3PO4 + CH3COO- \rightleftharpoons CH3COOH + H2PO4-

      The Ka values show, H3PO4 is the stronger acid which means the equilibrium should   favor the products. We can write an equilibrium constant expression for this:

      Keq = [CH3COOH][H2PO4][H3PO4][CH3COO]\frac{\left[CH_3COOH\right] \left[H_2PO_{4}^{-} \right] }{ \left[H_3PO_4\right] \left[CH_3COO^{-} \right] }

    • By multiplying through by [H+], the following expression is obtained:

      Keq = [CH3COOH][H2PO4][H+][H3PO4][CH3COO][H+]\frac{\left[CH_3COOH\right] \left[H_2PO_{4}^{-} \right] \left[H^{+} \right]}{ \left[H_3PO_4\right] \left[CH_3COO^{-} \right] \left[H^{+} \right]}


      Ka (H3PO4) = [H2PO4][H+][H3PO4]\frac{ \left[H_2PO_{4}^{-} \right] \left[H^{+} \right]}{ \left[H_3PO_4\right] }


      Ka (CH3COOH) = [CH3COO][H+][CH3COOH]\frac{ \left[CH_3COO^{-} \right] \left[H^{+} \right]}{ \left[CH_{3}COOH\right] }

    • Notice these are now expressions of dissociation? This can now be simplified using Ka expressions!

      Keq = Ka (H3PO4) * 1Ka(CH3COOH)\frac{1}{K_a (CH_{3} COOH)}

    • Simplified further:

      Keq = Ka(H3PO4)Ka(CH3COOH)\frac{K_a(H_3PO_4)}{K_a (CH_{3} COOH)}

    • Both of these are known constants (we used them earlier!) so we can calculate an equilibrium constant to determine which side of the equilibrium is favored; it should back up our prediction that H3PO4 dissociates more:

      Keq = 6.91031.4105\large \frac{6.9 \, * \, 10^{-3}}{1.4 \, * \, 10^{-5}} = 492.86...

    • This value (a ratio of around 493:1) shows the equilibrium heavily favors the products as predicted by the acid dissociation constants. For any two conjugate pairs in competition, look up the Ka value for both conjugate acids then set up the equilibrium and Keq expression like this:

      HX = conjugate acid (stronger acid; larger Ka),
      HY = conjugate acid (weaker acid; smaller Ka),
      X- = conjugate base of HX
      Y- = conjugate base of HY

      HX + Y- \rightleftharpoons HY + X-

      Keq = [Proucts][Reactamts]\large\frac{[Proucts]}{[Reactamts]} or:

      Keq = Ka(HX,  acid  in  reactants)Ka(HY,  acid  in  products)\large\frac{K_a (HX,\; acid\; in\; reactants)}{K_a (HY,\; acid\; in\; products)}

    • If done correctly, the Keq expression will yield a value greater than 1 (showing the equilibrium shifted right; that the stronger acid dissociates more). Another way to read this is that the equilibrium will favor the side with the weaker acid.

Introduction to Relative Strength of Acids and Bases

Understanding the relative strength of acids and bases is a fundamental concept in chemistry. This topic explores how different acids and bases compare in terms of their ability to donate or accept protons. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for grasping these concepts, offering visual explanations and real-world examples. By watching this video, students can gain a clear understanding of how acid-base strength is measured and its significance in chemical reactions. The relative strength of acids and bases plays a vital role in various chemical reactions, from industrial applications to biological systems. It influences reaction rates, equilibrium constants, and pH levels. Mastering this topic is essential for predicting chemical behavior, understanding buffer solutions, and analyzing titration curves. As we delve deeper into acid-base chemistry, this introduction serves as a springboard for more advanced concepts, making it an indispensable starting point for chemistry students and enthusiasts alike.

  1. What is the difference between Ka and Kb?

    Ka (acid dissociation constant) measures the strength of an acid, while Kb (base dissociation constant) measures the strength of a base. Ka represents how readily an acid donates protons in solution, and Kb represents how easily a base accepts protons. A higher Ka indicates a stronger acid, while a higher Kb indicates a stronger base.

  2. How do you determine which acid is stronger when comparing two acids?

    To determine which acid is stronger, compare their Ka values. The acid with the higher Ka value is the stronger acid. For example, if Acid A has a Ka of 1.0 × 10^-3 and Acid B has a Ka of 1.0 × 10^-5, Acid A is the stronger acid because it has a higher Ka value.

  3. What is the relationship between Keq and Ka/Kb?

    The equilibrium constant (Keq) for an acid-base reaction can be derived from the Ka and Kb values of the participating species. For a reaction between an acid HA and a base B, the relationship is expressed as Keq = Ka(HA) / Ka(HB+), where HB+ is the conjugate acid of B. This relationship allows us to predict the direction and extent of acid-base reactions.

  4. How do you interpret Keq values in acid-base reactions?

    Keq values indicate the direction of equilibrium in acid-base reactions. If Keq > 1, the equilibrium favors the products, meaning the reaction tends to proceed forward. If Keq < 1, the equilibrium favors the reactants, indicating the reaction tends to proceed in reverse. The magnitude of Keq provides information about the relative concentrations of products and reactants at equilibrium.

  5. What are some practical applications of understanding acid-base strength?

    Understanding acid-base strength has numerous practical applications, including: developing effective buffer solutions for biological systems, optimizing industrial processes like wastewater treatment, formulating pharmaceuticals with appropriate pH for absorption, analyzing soil chemistry for agricultural purposes, and understanding enzyme function and catalysis in biochemistry. This knowledge is crucial for predicting chemical behavior and designing efficient chemical processes across various fields.


Understanding the relative strength of acids and bases is a crucial concept in chemistry, but to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. These fundamental concepts provide the necessary context and tools to analyze and compare the strength of different acids and bases effectively.

One of the most important prerequisites is the acid dissociation constant. This concept is vital for quantifying the strength of acids and bases, as it directly relates to their ability to dissociate in solution. By understanding the acid dissociation constant, students can predict the behavior of acids and bases in various chemical reactions and compare their relative strengths.

Closely related to this is the equilibrium constant, which plays a crucial role in determining the extent of acid-base reactions. The equilibrium constant expression helps in calculating the concentrations of species at equilibrium, which is essential for assessing the strength of acids and bases in solution.

Another key prerequisite is solubility and ion concentration. This topic is particularly important when dealing with weak acids and bases, as their strength is often related to the concentration of hydrogen or hydroxide ions in solution. Understanding how to calculate and interpret ion concentrations is crucial for comparing the relative strengths of different acids and bases.

The logarithmic scale, particularly the pH scale, is an indispensable tool in acid-base chemistry. This mathematical concept allows for the convenient expression of hydrogen ion concentrations over a wide range of values. Mastery of the logarithmic scale is essential for interpreting pH values and relating them to the strength of acids and bases.

Lastly, while it may seem less directly related, knowledge of calculating cell potential in voltaic cells can provide valuable insights into the relative strength of acids and bases. This is because the strength of acids and bases can influence redox reactions, and understanding cell potentials can help in predicting the behavior of acids and bases in electrochemical contexts.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the complexities of comparing and analyzing the relative strength of acids and bases. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive framework for understanding this fundamental aspect of chemistry. As students progress in their studies, they'll find that these prerequisite topics continually resurface, reinforcing their importance in the broader context of chemical principles and reactions.