Introduction to the periodic table

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  1. Introduction to chemistry
  2. What is the Periodic Table?
  3. Basic information in the table.
  4. Definitions from the Periodic Table.
  5. How is the Periodic Table arranged?
  1. Use the information found in the Periodic Table to identify elements.
    Using the Periodic Table, identify the known element…
    That contains 14 protons in its atoms
    That contains 37 protons in its atoms
    That contains 26 protons in its atoms
    1. Use the information found in the Periodic Table to identify elements.
      Using the periodic table, identify the known element…
      That is found in the 4th period in group 5.
      That is found in the 2nd period in group 2.
      That is found in the 5th period in group 15.
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to the Periodic Table

      The periodic table organization is a cornerstone of chemistry, organizing all known elements in a systematic way. This powerful tool helps scientists understand element properties and predict chemical reactions grasp. Our introduction video offers a friendly, accessible overview of this fundamental concept. As you begin your chemistry journey, the periodic table structure will be your constant companion. It arranges elements by atomic number, revealing patterns in their characteristics. From metals to non-metals, and everything in between, the table showcases the building blocks of our universe. Understanding the periodic table structure is crucial for grasping chemical reactions grasp, bonding, and element relationships. Whether you're a budding chemist or simply curious about the world around you, this introduction will demystify the periodic table organization's structure and significance. By the end of our video, you'll have a solid foundation for exploring the fascinating world of elements and their interactions.

      What is the Periodic Table?

      The periodic table is a fundamental tool in chemistry, serving as a comprehensive chart that organizes all known chemical elements in a logical and systematic way. Think of it as a giant family tree for the building blocks of matter. Just as a family tree shows relationships between relatives, the periodic table reveals connections between different elements based on their properties and atomic structure.

      At its core, the periodic table's purpose is to provide scientists, students, and curious minds with a wealth of information about elements at a glance. It's like a cheat sheet for chemistry, allowing us to predict how elements will behave and interact with each other. This arrangement makes it easier to understand patterns and trends in the chemical world, much like how organizing books in a library helps us find what we're looking for quickly.

      The structure of the periodic table is both simple and ingenious. It's divided into rows called periods and columns known as groups. There are seven periods, each representing a new energy level or shell in an atom's structure. As you move from left to right across a period, the elements become more metallic to non-metallic. It's similar to how a color gradient shifts from one shade to another.

      The vertical columns, or groups, are where the real magic happens. Elements in the same group share similar properties because they have the same number of electrons in their outer shell. For example, the rightmost column contains noble gases, which are all very unreactive. It's like a family where all the members share a particular trait, such as having red hair.

      The periodic table arranges elements in order of increasing atomic number, which is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. This arrangement reveals periodic trends in element properties. As you move down a group, elements generally become more reactive, like stairs getting steeper as you descend. Moving across a period, elements typically become less metallic, similar to how the landscape might change from city to countryside.

      For beginners, the periodic table might seem overwhelming at first, but it's actually a user-friendly tool. Each element is represented by a box containing its symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass. It's like a baseball card for elements, giving you quick stats about each one. The table is color-coded to distinguish between metals, non-metals, and metalloids, making it easier to identify element types at a glance.

      To make the concept more accessible, think of the periodic table as a giant puzzle where each piece (element) fits perfectly into place. Or imagine it as a map of the chemical world, with different regions representing different types of elements. Just as you might use a map to navigate a city, chemists use the periodic table to navigate the world of elements.

      In conclusion, the periodic table is an invaluable resource in chemistry. It organizes elements based on their properties and atomic structure, revealing patterns and relationships that help us understand the nature of matter. Whether you're a seasoned scientist or a curious beginner, the periodic table serves as a roadmap to the fascinating world of chemical elements, making the complex realm of chemistry more accessible and understandable to all.

      Information Contained in the Periodic Table

      The periodic table is a fundamental tool in chemistry, providing essential information about each element at a glance. For every element, the table presents four key pieces of information: the atomic number, element symbol, name, and atomic mass. Understanding these components is crucial for anyone studying chemistry or working with elements.

      The atomic number is perhaps the most important piece of information provided for each element. It represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element. This number is unique to each element and determines its chemical properties. The atomic number is always a whole number and is typically displayed in the top left corner of each element's box in the periodic table. For example, carbon has an atomic number of 6, meaning every carbon atom has 6 protons in its nucleus.

      The element symbol is a one or two-letter abbreviation used to represent the element. These symbols are internationally recognized and make it easier to write chemical formulas and equations. The symbol is usually placed prominently in the center of the element's box on the periodic table. Continuing with our carbon example, its symbol is C.

      The name of the element is typically written below the symbol in the periodic table. This is the full name by which the element is known, such as "Carbon" for our example. Element names can be derived from various sources, including mythological figures, places, scientists, or properties of the element itself.

      Atomic mass, also known as atomic weight, is another crucial piece of information provided in the periodic table. It represents the average mass of an atom of the element, taking into account the different isotopes that may exist naturally. Atomic mass is typically expressed in atomic mass units (amu) and is usually found at the bottom of the element's box in the periodic table. For carbon, the atomic mass is approximately 12.01 amu.

      The atomic number, also referred to as the proton number, deserves special attention due to its significance. It not only determines the element's identity but also plays a crucial role in the arrangement of elements in the periodic table. Elements are ordered by increasing atomic number, which forms the basis of the table's structure and the periodic law. This ordering reflects the increasing complexity of electron configurations and the periodic trends in elemental properties.

      Using carbon as an illustrative example, we can see how these pieces of information come together. Carbon, with its atomic number of 6, is the sixth element in the periodic table. Its symbol, C, is instantly recognizable in chemical formulas. The full name, Carbon, provides clear identification. The atomic mass of 12.01 amu reflects the average mass of carbon atoms, considering its naturally occurring isotopes.

      Understanding these key pieces of information is essential for anyone working with the periodic table. The atomic number helps identify elements and understand their place in the periodic table. The symbol allows for quick and efficient representation in chemical equations. The full name ensures clear communication about which element is being discussed. The atomic mass is crucial for calculations in chemistry, particularly when dealing with stoichiometry and chemical reactions.

      In conclusion, the periodic table's presentation of atomic number, symbol, name, and atomic mass for each element provides a wealth of information in a compact format. This standardized presentation allows scientists, students, and professionals to quickly access essential data about elements. The atomic number, in particular, stands out as a fundamental characteristic, determining an element's identity and its position in the periodic table. By understanding these components, one gains a powerful tool for navigating the world of chemistry and understanding the building blocks of matter.

      Arrangement of Elements in the Periodic Table

      The periodic table is a fundamental tool in chemistry, organizing elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties. This systematic arrangement provides scientists with a wealth of information at a glance. The element arrangement in the periodic table is not arbitrary; it follows a logical pattern that reflects the underlying structure of atoms and their behavior.

      At the core of this organization is the atomic number, which represents the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, starting with hydrogen (atomic number 1) in the top left corner. This progression continues across and down the table, with each element having one more proton than the previous one.

      The periodic table is divided into periods and groups, each serving a crucial role in element classification. Periods are the horizontal rows in the table, and they represent the electron shells of atoms. As you move across a period from left to right, the number of electrons in the outermost shell increases. For example, the first period contains only two elements: hydrogen and helium. Hydrogen has one electron in its outer shell, while helium has two, completing its first shell.

      Groups, on the other hand, are the vertical columns in the periodic table. Elements within the same group share similar chemical properties due to their identical electron configurations in the outermost shell. For instance, Group 1 elements, known as alkali metals, all have one valence electron and are highly reactive.

      Let's explore some examples to illustrate this arrangement. Hydrogen, with atomic number 1, sits at the top of Group 1 but has unique properties that set it apart from other alkali metals. Helium, despite having only two electrons, is placed in Group 18 (the noble gases) due to its full outer shell and consequent chemical inertness. Sodium, with atomic number 11, is the third element in Group 1, sharing similar properties with other alkali metals like lithium and potassium.

      The organization of the periodic table reflects chemical properties in several ways. Elements in the same group often exhibit similar reactivity patterns. For example, all halogens (Group 17) are highly reactive non-metals that readily form ionic compounds with metals. The transition from metals to non-metals can be observed as you move from left to right across a period, with elements becoming increasingly non-metallic.

      Periodic trends are another significant aspect of this arrangement. Properties such as atomic radius, ionization energy, and electronegativity change predictably across periods and down groups. For instance, atomic radius generally decreases across a period due to increased nuclear charge, while it increases down a group as new electron shells are added.

      The periodic table's structure also helps predict the formation of chemical bonds. Elements on the left side of the table tend to lose electrons and form positive ions, while those on the right side tend to gain electrons and form negative ions. This knowledge is crucial for understanding compound formation and chemical reactions.

      In conclusion, the arrangement of elements in the periodic table based on atomic number, organized into periods and groups, provides a wealth of information about element properties and behavior. This systematic organization has made the periodic table an indispensable tool for chemists, allowing them to predict chemical properties, reactivity, and trends across the elements. From the simplicity of hydrogen to the complexity of heavy elements, the periodic table continues to be a cornerstone of chemical understanding and discovery.

      Understanding Protons and Atomic Structure

      At the heart of every atom lies a fascinating world of subatomic particles, with protons playing a starring role. Imagine an atom as a miniature solar system, where the nucleus is the sun and the electrons are the planets orbiting around it. In this analogy, protons are like the building blocks that make up the sun's core, determining the very essence of what that atom is.

      Protons are positively charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom. They are not just any ordinary particles; they are the key to an element's identity. The number of protons in an atom's nucleus is what we call the atomic number. This number is so crucial that it defines which element the atom belongs to. For example, an atom with one proton is always hydrogen, while an atom with six protons is always carbon. It's like a fingerprint for elements!

      To understand this better, think of protons as the ID cards of atoms. Just as your ID card tells people who you are, the number of protons tells us which element we're dealing with. This is why the atomic number is so important in chemistry and physics. It's the first thing scientists look at when identifying an element.

      But protons aren't alone in the nucleus. They have companions called neutrons. Neutrons are neutral particles, meaning they have no electric charge. While protons determine the element's identity, neutrons contribute to its weight or mass. You can think of neutrons as the silent partners in the atom's core, adding bulk without changing the atom's fundamental nature.

      To visualize this, imagine building blocks. Protons are like red blocks, and neutrons are blue blocks. The number of red blocks (protons) tells you what kind of structure you're building (which element it is), while the blue blocks (neutrons) add to the structure's size and stability without changing its basic identity.

      The combination of protons and neutrons in the nucleus gives us the atom's mass number. This is different from the atomic number, which only counts protons. The mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons together. It's like weighing your luggage the total weight includes both your essential items (protons) and the extra stuff you packed (neutrons).

      Understanding atomic structure in chemistry is crucial in many fields, from chemistry to nuclear physics. It helps explain why elements behave the way they do and how they interact with each other. For instance, the number of protons affects how atoms bond with one another, influencing the formation of molecules and compounds.

      In everyday life, we encounter the effects of protons and atomic structure in chemistry more often than we might realize. The colors we see in fireworks, the way our bodies process nutrients, and even the technology in our smartphones all depend on the behavior of atoms and their protons.

      To sum up, protons are the tiny powerhouses that define an element's identity through the atomic number. Along with neutrons, they form the nucleus of atoms, shaping the foundation of matter as we know it. By understanding these fundamental particles, we gain insight into the building blocks of our universe and the incredible diversity of elements that make up our world.

      Practical Applications of the Periodic Table

      The periodic table is an indispensable tool for chemists and students alike, serving as a comprehensive guide to the elements and their properties. In practice, this organized chart offers numerous applications that streamline chemical analysis, prediction, and understanding. One of the primary uses of the periodic table is in element identification. By referencing an element's atomic number, which corresponds to the number of protons in its nucleus, chemists can quickly pinpoint and name any element. For instance, if an unknown element has 29 protons, a quick glance at the table reveals it to be copper.

      The table's organization also facilitates the prediction of chemical behavior based on an element's position. Elements in the same group (vertical column) share similar properties due to their identical outer electron configurations. This allows chemists to anticipate how an element might react without extensive experimentation. For example, alkali metals in Group 1, such as sodium and potassium, are highly reactive with water, a property that can be inferred for other elements in this group.

      Students often use the periodic table to deduce electron configurations, which are crucial for understanding bonding and reactivity. The table's structure mirrors electron shell filling, making it easier to determine an element's electronic structure. This knowledge is vital in fields like materials science, where understanding electron behavior helps in designing new compounds with specific properties.

      In real-world applications, the periodic table's importance is evident in various industries. Environmental scientists use it to identify and track pollutants, referencing the table to understand how elements like mercury or lead might behave in ecosystems. In medicine, radiologists rely on the periodic table when working with radioactive isotopes for imaging or cancer treatment, using the table to understand decay patterns and half-lives.

      The table also aids in predicting physical properties. For instance, as you move down a group, atomic radius trends generally increase, affecting an element's size and reactivity. This knowledge is crucial in nanotechnology, where scientists manipulate materials at the atomic level. Additionally, the periodic table helps in understanding trends in electronegativity, which is essential for predicting bond types and strengths in molecular structures.

      In the field of materials engineering, the periodic table is invaluable for developing new alloys. By understanding the properties of different elements, engineers can combine metals to create materials with enhanced strength, conductivity, or corrosion resistance. For example, the development of lightweight yet strong aluminum alloys for aerospace applications relies heavily on knowledge derived from the periodic table.

      The periodic table's practical use extends to everyday life as well. In battery technology, understanding the reactivity and electron-donating properties of elements like lithium helps in creating more efficient energy storage solutions. Similarly, in the production of semiconductors for electronics, knowledge of elements like silicon and germanium, derived from their position in the periodic table, is fundamental. Additionally, understanding atomic radius trends helps in predicting the behavior of these elements in various applications.


      The periodic table organization stands as a cornerstone of chemistry fundamentals, offering a systematic organization of elements that revolutionizes our understanding of the chemical world. This powerful tool provides crucial information about atomic structure information, electron configuration, and chemical properties, enabling scientists to predict element behavior and interactions. Its arrangement by atomic number and electron configuration reveals patterns and trends essential for chemical analysis and research. The periodic table organization's importance in chemistry cannot be overstated, serving as a roadmap for countless scientific discoveries and technological advancements. The introduction video provides a solid foundation, but it's merely the beginning of an exciting journey into the world of chemistry. We encourage you to delve deeper into this fascinating subject, exploring each element's unique characteristics and the periodic table's underlying principles. Continue your learning adventure by studying element groups, periods, and their applications in various fields. Embrace the periodic table as your guide to unlocking the secrets of matter and atomic structure information and chemical reactions.

      Introduction to Chemistry: What is the Periodic Table?

      The periodic table is a fundamental tool in the field of chemistry. It organizes all known elements in a systematic way, providing essential information about their properties and relationships. This guide will walk you through the key aspects of the periodic table, helping you understand its structure, content, and significance.

      Step 1: Understanding the Importance of the Periodic Table

      The periodic table is often the first thing that comes to mind when people think of chemistry. This is because it is the most fundamental piece of information that chemists use to build more advanced ideas. The periodic table provides a comprehensive overview of all known elements, allowing chemists to predict the properties of elements and their compounds. It serves as a reference point for understanding chemical behavior and interactions.

      Step 2: The Structure of the Periodic Table

      One of the first things you might notice about the periodic table is its unique shape. Unlike a simple rectangle or square, the periodic table has a specific arrangement that reflects the properties of the elements. This shape includes a dip in the middle and a separate section at the bottom. The arrangement is not arbitrary; it is designed to show the periodic trends and relationships between elements.

      Step 3: The Numbers on the Periodic Table

      Each element on the periodic table is assigned a unique number, known as the atomic number. This number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, starting with hydrogen (atomic number 1) and continuing up to the most recently discovered elements. As of now, the periodic table includes elements up to atomic number 118.

      Step 4: The Content of the Periodic Table

      The periodic table provides a wealth of information about each element. For example, if you look at the element carbon, you will see its atomic number, symbol (C), and atomic mass. Carbon is an element, which means it is a type of atom. The periodic table is essentially an arranged list of all types of atoms known to man. Each element is unique and has specific properties that distinguish it from other elements.

      Step 5: The Concept of Atoms and Elements

      Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. Everything around us is made of atoms, from the pen you hold to the walls of the room you are in. Atoms combine in various ways to form all the materials and substances in our world. The periodic table arranges these atoms in their smallest indivisible units, known as elements. Each element is a unique type of atom, and the periodic table organizes them in a way that highlights their similarities and differences.

      Step 6: The Arrangement of Elements

      The periodic table arranges elements in rows and columns based on their atomic number and properties. The rows are called periods, and the columns are called groups or families. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. This arrangement helps chemists understand and predict the behavior of elements and their compounds.

      Step 7: The Significance of the Periodic Table

      The periodic table is more than just a list of elements; it is a powerful tool for understanding the natural world. By studying the periodic table, chemists can gain insights into the properties of elements, how they interact with each other, and how they can be used in various applications. The periodic table is constantly evolving as new elements are discovered and our understanding of chemistry deepens.


      In summary, the periodic table is an essential tool in chemistry that organizes all known elements in a systematic way. It provides valuable information about the properties and relationships of elements, helping chemists build more advanced ideas and understand the natural world. By studying the periodic table, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and beauty of chemistry.


      1. What is the periodic table?

        The periodic table is a systematic arrangement of chemical elements, organized based on their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. It provides essential information about each element, including its symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass, allowing scientists to predict element behavior and relationships.

      2. How is the periodic table organized?

        The periodic table is organized into rows (periods) and columns (groups). Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells, while elements in the same group have similar chemical properties due to their identical outer electron configurations. The table is arranged by increasing atomic number, with metals on the left and non-metals on the right.

      3. What information does each element's box contain?

        Each element's box in the periodic table typically contains the element's symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass. The atomic number (number of protons) is usually in the top left corner, the element symbol is in the center, and the atomic mass is at the bottom. Some versions may include additional information like electron configuration or oxidation states.

      4. How do I start learning the periodic table?

        Begin by familiarizing yourself with the table's structure and the information provided for each element. Learn the basic groups (e.g., alkali metals, halogens, noble gases) and their properties. Study periodic trends like atomic radius and electronegativity. Practice identifying elements by their symbols and atomic numbers. Use mnemonic devices or online tools to help memorize element names and positions.

      5. What are some practical applications of the periodic table?

        The periodic table has numerous practical applications in chemistry and beyond. It's used for predicting chemical reactions and element properties, designing new materials and alloys, understanding atomic structure, and solving chemical equations. Industries like pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and materials engineering rely heavily on the periodic table for research and development. It's also essential in education for teaching fundamental chemistry concepts.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Before diving into the fascinating world of the periodic table, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain key concepts. Understanding these prerequisite topics will greatly enhance your ability to grasp and appreciate the intricacies of the periodic table.

      One of the most fundamental concepts you need to master is atomic structure. The periodic table is essentially a systematic arrangement of elements based on their atomic structure, so having a clear understanding of how atoms are built is paramount. Knowing about protons, neutrons, and electrons, as well as concepts like atomic number and mass number, will help you make sense of the information presented in the periodic table.

      The atomic structure forms the basis for many of the patterns and trends observed in the periodic table. For instance, the number of protons in an atom's nucleus determines its atomic number, which is used to arrange elements in the table. Additionally, the electron configuration of atoms, which is directly related to their structure, plays a crucial role in determining an element's chemical properties and its position in the periodic table.

      Another key concept to grasp is periodic trends, particularly atomic radius. The periodic table is not just a random arrangement of elements; it's designed to showcase various trends and patterns in elemental properties. Understanding how atomic radius changes across periods and down groups in the table will help you predict and explain many other periodic trends.

      Atomic radius is just one of many periodic trends, but it's an excellent starting point. It's closely related to other important trends like ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity. By understanding how and why atomic radius changes across the periodic table, you'll be better equipped to understand these other trends as well.

      Moreover, grasping these periodic trends is essential for predicting the chemical behavior of elements. The position of an element in the periodic table can tell you a lot about its properties and how it might react with other elements. This knowledge is invaluable when studying chemical reactions and bonding.

      In conclusion, having a solid grasp of atomic structure and periodic trends, especially atomic radius, will provide you with a strong foundation for understanding the periodic table. These concepts will help you make sense of the table's organization, predict elemental properties, and understand chemical behavior. As you delve deeper into your study of chemistry, you'll find that these prerequisite topics continue to be relevant and important, serving as building blocks for more advanced concepts.

      In this lesson, we will learn:
      • What information the Periodic Table tells us.
      • The definition of element, proton number and mass number.
      • The arrangement of the Periodic Table.
      • The fundamental particle the Periodic Table is based on.


      • The periodic table is an organized list of all the different types of atoms known to scientists.
      • We call each different type of atom an element. Whenever you read 'element' in chemistry, the reading is talking about a unique type of atom.
      • The difference between any one element and another is the number of protons that an atom of that element contains. For example, carbon atoms by definition always contain 6 protons each. If an atom doesn't have 6 protons, it is not a carbon atom. If an atom does have 6 protons, it is a carbon atom – no exceptions!
      • The periodic table arranges all known elements by the number of protons they contain. This is known as their atomic number or their proton number. It runs from smallest proton number in the top-left corner (Hydrogen, which has atoms of only one proton) to the bottom-right (where the atoms of some elements have over 100 protons)
      • The periodic table is also arranged in groups which run vertically (the columns of the table), and periods which run horizontally (the rows of the table). For example, all of the elements in the first column on the left of the table are called group 1 elements. We think of the elements in the same column as in a group because by experimenting, chemists can show the elements in the same columns have a lot in common.
      • For each element, the entry in the periodic table shows its chemical symbol, its atomic mass (AKA its mass number) which is the larger number, and its atomic number (AKA its proton number) which is the smaller number.
      • As said above, the defining difference between any two elements is the number of protons its atoms contain. A proton is a particle contained within the atom that affects the properties of elements. We'll learn more about protons in our structure of the atom lesson!

      periodic table