Linear approximation

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  1. Introduction to Linear Approximations
  2. What is a linear approximation?
  3. Linear Approximation – Lesson Overview.
  1. Apply Linear Approximations and Discuss How to Choose "a"
    Consider the function f(x)=x. f(x)=\sqrt{x}.
    1. Sketch the graph
    2. Find the linearization of the function f(x)=xf(x)=\sqrt{x} at a=4, a=4, and illustrate the tangent line on the graph.
    3. Use the linear approximation to estimate the numbers:
      4.084 \sqrt{4.084}
      3.96 \sqrt{3.96}
      Are these approximations overestimates or underestimates?
    4. Use the same linear approximation to estimate the number 10.2 \sqrt{10.2} , and comment on the accuracy of the approximation. How can the approximation be improved?
  2. Linearization of Radical Functions
    Use a linear approximation to estimate: 68\sqrt{68}
    1. Linearization of Polynomial Functions
      Use a linear approximation to estimate: (2.01)6(2.01)^6
      1. Linearization of Rational Functions
        Use a linear approximation to estimate: 197\frac{1}{97}
        1. Linearization of Exponential Functions
          Use a linear approximation to estimate: e0.025e^{0.025}
          1. Linearization of Logarithmic Functions
            Use a linear approximation to estimate: ln0.98\ln 0.98
            1. Linearization of Trigonometric Functions
              Use a linear approximation to estimate: sin24°\sin 24 \degree
              Topic Notes
              In this section, we will learn how to approximate unknown values of a function given known values using Linear Approximation. Linear Approximation has another name as Tangent Line Approximation because what we are really working with is the idea of local linearity, which means that if we zoom in really closely on a point along a curve, we will see a tiny line segment that has a slope equivalent to the slope of the tangent line at that point.

              Introduction to Linear Approximation

              Linear approximation, also known as tangent line approximation, is a fundamental concept in calculus that allows us to estimate function values using tangent lines. This powerful technique is essential for understanding complex functions and their behavior near specific points. Our introduction video provides a visual demonstration of linear approximation, making it easier to grasp the key concepts. By utilizing the slope of a tangent line at a given point, we can approximate nearby function values with remarkable accuracy. This method is particularly useful in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics, where precise calculations may be challenging or time-consuming. The video illustrates how linear approximation works in practice, showcasing its applications and limitations. As you delve into this topic, you'll discover how linear approximation serves as a bridge between theoretical calculus and real-world problem-solving, offering a practical tool for estimating function values and understanding complex functions and local behavior.

              Fundamentals of Linear Approximation

              Linear approximation is a powerful mathematical technique used to estimate the value of a function near a known point. This method is particularly useful when dealing with complex functions, such as the square root function. By understanding the concept of linear approximation, we can simplify calculations and make quick estimates in various real-world applications.

              The core idea behind linear approximation is to replace a curved function with a straight line that closely matches the function near a specific point. This straight line is called the tangent line, and it provides a good approximation of the function's behavior in a small neighborhood around the chosen point.

              Let's explore linear approximation using the square root function as our primary example. The square root function, denoted as f(x) = x, is a perfect candidate for this method due to its curved nature and frequent use in mathematics and science.

              The linearization formula, also known as the linear approximation formula, is expressed as:

              f(x) f(a) + f'(a)(x - a)


              • f(x) is the function we're approximating
              • a is the point around which we're approximating
              • f(a) is the function's value at point a
              • f'(a) is the derivative of the function at point a
              • (x - a) represents the distance from x to a

              To derive this formula for the square root function, we need to follow these steps:

              1. Start with the function f(x) = x
              2. Calculate the derivative of square root function: f'(x) = 1 / (2x)
              3. Choose a point 'a' near the value we want to approximate
              4. Substitute these into the linearization formula

              For example, let's estimate 68 using a = 64 as our nearby perfect square:

              68 64 + (1 / (264)) * (68 - 64)

              68 8 + (1 / 16) * 4

              68 8.25

              The actual value of 68 is approximately 8.246, so our linear approximation is quite accurate.

              When choosing the appropriate point 'a' for the tangent line, it's best to select a value that's close to the input and easy to calculate. For square roots, using the nearest perfect square is often a good strategy. In our example, 64 was chosen because it's the closest perfect square to 68.

              Linear approximation is most useful in situations where:

              • Exact calculations are difficult or time-consuming
              • Quick estimates are needed
              • The function is well-behaved (smooth and continuous) near the point of interest
              • The input value is close to a known point on the function

              However, it's important to be aware of the limitations of linear approximation:

              • Accuracy decreases as you move further from the chosen point 'a'
              • It may not work well for functions with sharp turns or discontinuities
              • For highly curved functions, the approximation may be poor even close to the chosen point

              Linear approximation can be applied to various functions beyond square roots. For instance, it's commonly used in physics to approximate motion, in economics to estimate changes in supply and demand, and in computer graphics for efficient rendering of curved surfaces.

              To improve accuracy when dealing with non-perfect squares, you can iterate the process. For example, after getting the initial estimate of square roots of 68 8.25

              Linear Approximation of Polynomial Functions

              Linear approximation is a powerful technique in calculus that allows us to estimate complex functions using simpler linear equations. This method is particularly useful when dealing with polynomial functions, such as x^6. In this section, we'll explore how to apply linear approximation to x^6, derive the linearization equation, and discuss its practical applications and limitations.

              To begin, let's consider the function f(x) = x^6. The linear approximation, also known as the tangent line approximation, is based on the function's behavior near a specific point. We'll use the point a = 1 as our reference point.

              The general formula for linear approximation is:

              L(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x - a)

              Where L(x) is the linear approximation, f(a) is the function value at the reference point, f'(a) is the derivative of the function at the reference point, and (x - a) represents the distance from the reference point.

              For our function f(x) = x^6, we need to calculate f(1) and f'(1):

              f(1) = 1^6 = 1

              f'(x) = 6x^5 (using the power rule)

              f'(1) = 6(1)^5 = 6

              Now, we can substitute these values into our linear approximation formula:

              L(x) = 1 + 6(x - 1)

              This is our linearization equation for x^6 near x = 1. We can use this formula to estimate values of x^6 for x close to 1.

              Let's apply this to estimate (1.02)^6:

              L(1.02) = 1 + 6(1.02 - 1) = 1 + 6(0.02) = 1.12

              The actual value of (1.02)^6 is approximately 1.1261, so our linear approximation is quite close. The error is about 0.0061 or 0.54%.

              We can also use this method to estimate (0.98)^6:

              L(0.98) = 1 + 6(0.98 - 1) = 1 + 6(-0.02) = 0.88

              The actual value of (0.98)^6 is approximately 0.8858, making our approximation accurate to within 0.0058 or 0.65%.

              The accuracy of linear approximation depends on how close x is to the reference point. As we move further from x = 1, the approximation becomes less accurate. For example, if we try to estimate (1.1)^6:

              L(1.1) = 1 + 6(1.1 - 1) = 1.6

              The actual value of (1.1)^6 is about 1.7716, showing a larger error of 0.1716 or 9.69%.

              Linear approximation is most useful in situations where:

              1. We need quick estimates without complex calculations.
              2. The values we're estimating are very close to the reference point.
              3. We're working with functions that are difficult to evaluate directly.
              4. We want to understand the local behavior of a function near a specific point.

              In practical applications, linear approximation helps in various fields:

              • Physics: Approximating complex motion equations for small time intervals.
              • Engineering: Estimating system responses to small changes in input.
              • Economics: Predicting small changes in economic variables

              Approximating Rational Functions

              Linear approximation of rational functions is a powerful technique used to estimate values of complex functions, including rational functions. This method is particularly useful when dealing with functions like 1/x, which can be challenging to calculate precisely for certain values. In this section, we'll explore the process of linear approximation of rational functions, focusing on 1/x as our primary example.

              To begin, let's consider the function f(x) = 1/x. The linear approximation of this function at a point a is given by the formula:

              L(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x - a)

              Where f'(a) is the derivative of f(x) at point a. For 1/x, the derivative is f'(x) = -1/x^2. Now, let's derive the linear approximation formula for 1/x:

              1. Choose a convenient point 'a' near the value we want to approximate. For example, if we want to estimate 1/97, we might choose a = 100.

              2. Calculate f(a) and f'(a):

              f(100) = 1/100 = 0.01

              f'(100) = -1/(100^2) = -0.0001

              3. Substitute these values into the linear approximation formula:

              L(x) = 0.01 + (-0.0001)(x - 100)

              This formula can now be used to estimate values of 1/x for x close to 100. Let's use it to approximate 1/97:

              L(97) = 0.01 + (-0.0001)(97 - 100) = 0.01 + (-0.0001)(-3) = 0.01 + 0.0003 = 0.0103

              So, our linear approximation estimates 1/97 0.0103. To compare this with the actual value, we can use a calculator or perform long division:

              1/97 0.0103092783...

              As we can see, the linear approximation provides a reasonably accurate estimate with much less computational effort than traditional long division methods. This becomes even more apparent when dealing with more complex rational functions or when higher precision is not necessary.

              The advantages of using linear approximation for such calculations include:

              1. Speed: Linear approximation can be performed quickly, even mentally for simple cases, making it useful for quick estimates.

              2. Simplicity: The method doesn't require complex calculations or memorization of division algorithms.

              3. Versatility: This technique can be applied to a wide range of functions, not just rational ones.

              4. Insight: Geometric understanding of functions provides a geometric understanding of how functions behave near specific points.

              However, it's important to note that the accuracy of linear approximation decreases as we move further from the chosen point 'a'. For more precise results, we might need to choose a closer point or use higher-order approximations.

              In practical applications, linear approximation of rational functions like 1/x is used in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer science. For instance, in computer graphics, linear approximations are often used to estimate lighting and shading effects, balancing computational efficiency with visual accuracy.

              To further illustrate the power of this method, let's consider another example. Suppose we want to estimate 1/103 using the same linear approximation we derived earlier (with a = 100):

              L(103) = 0.01 + (-0.0001)(103 - 100) = 0.01 + (-0.0001)(3) = 0.01 - 0.0003 = 0.0097

              The actual value of 1/103 is approximately 0.00970873786

              Linear Approximation of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

              Linear approximation is a powerful tool in calculus that allows us to estimate the value of complex functions near a known point. This technique is particularly useful for exponential functions (e^x) and logarithmic functions (ln(x)), which are fundamental in many areas of mathematics and science. In this section, we'll explore how to derive and apply linear approximations for these functions, and discuss their practical applications.

              Let's start with the exponential function e^x. The linear approximation of e^x near x = 0 is given by the formula:

              e^x 1 + x

              To derive this, we use the Taylor series expansion of e^x at x = 0:

              e^x = 1 + x + (x^2/2!) + (x^3/3!) + ...

              For values of x close to 0, the higher-order terms become negligible, leaving us with the linear approximation. This approximation is remarkably accurate for small values of x.

              Now, let's consider an example. Suppose we want to estimate e^0.025. Using our linear approximation:

              e^0.025 1 + 0.025 = 1.025

              The actual value of e^0.025 is approximately 1.0253, so our estimate is quite close.

              Moving on to logarithmic functions, the linear approximation of ln(x) near x = 1 is given by:

              ln(x) x - 1

              To derive this, we use the Taylor series expansion of ln(x) at x = 1:

              ln(x) = (x-1) - ((x-1)^2/2) + ((x-1)^3/3) - ...

              Again, for values of x close to 1, the higher-order terms become negligible, leaving us with the linear approximation.

              Let's estimate ln(0.98) using this approximation:

              ln(0.98) 0.98 - 1 = -0.02

              The actual value of ln(0.98) is approximately -0.0202, so our estimate is very close.

              These linear approximations of logarithmic functions are particularly useful in calculus for several reasons. First, they simplify complex calculations, allowing for quick estimates without the need for advanced computational tools. This is especially valuable in situations where rapid decision-making is required.

              Second, linear approximations form the foundation for more advanced calculus concepts, such as derivatives. The derivative of a function at a point is, in fact, the slope of its linear approximation at that point. Understanding linear approximations helps students grasp the geometric interpretation of derivatives.

              Third, these approximations are crucial in numerical methods and computer algorithms. Many computational techniques rely on linear approximations to solve complex problems iteratively, improving accuracy with each step.

              In real-world applications, linear approximations of logarithmic functions and exponential functions are invaluable. In finance, for example, the approximation of e^x is used to estimate compound interest for small time intervals. The formula A = P(1 + rt) for simple interest is actually a linear approximation of the compound interest formula A = Pe^(rt) for small values of rt.

              In physics, the approximation of ln(x) is used in various contexts, such as estimating the decay of radioactive materials or the discharge of capacitors. Engineers use these approximations in signal processing and control systems to simplify calculations and design efficient algorithms.

              In biology and chemistry, linear approximations help in modeling population growth, chemical reactions, and enzyme kinetics. The exponential growth model, often used in these fields, relies on the principles of linear approximation to make accurate predictions.

              Trigonometric Functions and Linear Approximation

              Linear approximation is a powerful tool in mathematics, particularly when applied to trigonometric functions like sine. This technique allows us to estimate values of these functions at non-standard angles, providing a quick and often surprisingly accurate method for calculations. In this section, we'll explore how to derive and apply the linear approximation for sine, demonstrating its practical use and discussing its implications across various fields.

              To begin, let's derive the linear approximation formula for sin(x). The foundation of this approach lies in the concept of derivatives and tangent lines. We know that the derivative of sin(x) at x = 0 is cos(0) = 1. Using the point-slope form of a line, we can write the equation of the tangent line to sin(x) at x = 0 as:

              y = sin(0) + cos(0)(x - 0)

              Simplifying this, we get:

              y = x

              This simple equation, y = x, is our linear approximation for sin(x) near x = 0. It's important to note that this approximation works best for small angles, typically expressed in radians. For angles closer to zero, this approximation becomes increasingly accurate.

              Now, let's apply this concept to estimate sin(24°). First, we need to convert 24° to radians:

              24° * (π/180°) 0.4189 radians

              Using our linear approximation, we can estimate:

              sin(0.4189) 0.4189

              To assess the accuracy of this approximation, let's compare it to the actual value of sin(24°) calculated using more precise methods:

              sin(24°) 0.4067 (to four decimal places)

              Our linear approximation yielded 0.4189, which is remarkably close to the actual value. The error is about 0.0122, or about 3% off the true value. This level of accuracy is often sufficient for many practical applications, especially when quick estimations are needed.

              Traditionally, evaluating trigonometric functions at non-standard angles required interpolation from tables, use of specialized calculators, or complex series expansions. The linear approximation method offers a simpler alternative, especially useful in situations where high precision isn't critical or when computational resources are limited.

              The accuracy of linear approximations for sine (and other trigonometric functions) decreases as we move further from x = 0. For angles closer to 90° or π/2 radians, the approximation becomes less reliable. However, for many practical applications in physics, engineering, and other fields, the accuracy within the range of small angles is often sufficient.

              In various fields, these approximations find numerous applications:

              • Physics: In the analysis of simple harmonic motion, small-angle approximations of sine are frequently used to simplify equations.
              • Engineering: When designing systems involving periodic motion or waves, these approximations can provide quick, back-of-the-envelope calculations.
              • Computer Graphics: In rendering and animation, approximations can speed up calculations for real-time applications where slight inaccuracies are imperceptible.
              • Navigation: For short distances on the Earth's surface, linear approximations of trigonometric functions can simplify calculations in GPS and mapping systems.

              The usefulness of these approximations extends beyond mere calculation shortcuts. They provide insight into the behavior of trigonometric functions near the origin, helping students and professionals alike to develop intuition about these fundamental mathematical relationships. Understanding when and how to apply such approximations is a valuable skill in mathematical modeling and problem-solving across various disciplines.

              In conclusion, linear approximation of trigonometric functions, particularly sine, offers a powerful method for estimating values at non-standard angles. While not always as precise as full calculations, these approximations provide quick, often sufficiently accurate results for many practical applications. As we've seen with the example of sin(

              Overestimation and Underestimation in Linear Approximation

              Linear approximation is a powerful tool in calculus, allowing us to estimate function values near a known point. However, it's crucial to understand whether these approximations result in an overestimate or underestimate of the actual function value. This understanding is closely tied to the concept of function concavity and can significantly impact the accuracy of our calculations.

              To determine whether a linear approximation leads to an overestimate or underestimate, we need to examine the function's concavity. A function is said to be concave up if its graph lies above its tangent lines, and concave down if its graph lies below its tangent lines. This relationship between concavity and tangent lines is key to understanding the nature of linear approximations.

              When a function is concave up, its graph curves upward, resembling a cup. In this case, the linear approximation (which is based on the tangent line) will always lie below the actual function curve. Consequently, for concave up functions, linear approximations typically result in underestimates of the true function value. Visually, imagine a U-shaped curve with a straight line touching it at a single point the line will always fall below the curve except at the point of tangency.

              Conversely, when a function is concave down, its graph curves downward, like an inverted cup. Here, the linear approximation will lie above the actual function curve. For concave down functions, linear approximations generally lead to overestimates of the true function value. Picture an inverted U-shaped curve with a tangent line the line will always be above the curve except at the point of contact.

              It's important to note that these relationships hold true in the vicinity of the point of approximation. As we move further from this point, the accuracy of the approximation decreases, and the overestimate or underestimate becomes more pronounced. This is why linear approximations are most accurate close to the point where they're calculated.

              To minimize error in approximations, several strategies can be employed. First, always choose the closest known point to the value you're approximating. The closer you are to the point of approximation, the smaller the error. Second, be aware of the function's concavity in the region of interest. If you know whether the function is concave up or down, you can anticipate whether your approximation is likely to be an over- or underestimate.

              Another effective strategy is to use both left-hand and right-hand approximations when possible. By calculating approximations from both sides of the point of interest and taking their average, you can often achieve a more accurate estimate. This method helps to balance out the over- and underestimates that might occur on either side.

              For more complex functions, breaking down the domain into smaller intervals where the concavity is consistent can improve accuracy. By applying linear approximations over these smaller intervals and then combining the results, you can achieve a better overall approximation of the function.

              It's also beneficial to use higher-order approximations when greater accuracy is required. While linear approximations use only the first derivative, quadratic approximations incorporate the second derivative, often providing a more accurate estimate, especially for functions with significant curvature.

              Understanding the relationship between function concavity and linear approximations is crucial in calculus and its applications. By recognizing when an approximation is likely to overestimate or underestimate, and by employing strategies to minimize error, we can make more informed decisions in various fields, from physics and engineering to economics and data science.

              In conclusion, the key to determining whether a linear approximation results in an overestimate or underestimate lies in understanding the function's concavity. Concave up functions lead to underestimates, while concave down functions result in overestimates. By visualizing these relationships and applying error minimization strategies, we can enhance the accuracy and reliability of our approximations, making them more valuable tools in mathematical analysis and real-world problem-solving.

              Conclusion and Further Applications

              Linear approximation is a powerful mathematical tool that allows us to estimate complex functions using simpler linear equations. This article has covered the fundamental concepts, including the tangent line approximation, the formula for linear approximation, and its applications in various fields. We've explored how this technique can be used to simplify calculations, estimate function values, and solve real-world problems. The introduction video provided a crucial visual understanding of these concepts, making it an essential starting point for grasping the topic. By mastering linear approximation, you'll be better equipped to tackle more advanced calculus topics and apply these skills in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. Remember that while linear approximation is incredibly useful, it's most accurate for small changes in the input variable. As you continue your mathematical journey, you'll discover how this foundational concept paves the way for more sophisticated approximation methods and numerical analysis techniques.

              Apply Linear Approximations and Discuss How to Choose "a"

              Consider the function f(x)=x f(x) = \sqrt{x} . Sketch the graph.

              Step 1: Understand the Function

              First, we need to understand the function f(x)=x f(x) = \sqrt{x} . This function represents the square root of x x , which is a common mathematical function. The square root function is defined for all non-negative values of x x and produces non-negative outputs. The graph of this function is a curve that starts at the origin (0,0) and increases gradually as x x increases.

              Step 2: Create a Table of Values

              To sketch the graph, it is helpful to create a table of values. This table will include selected values of x x and their corresponding y y values, where y=x y = \sqrt{x} . Here are some points to consider:

              • When x=0 x = 0 , 0=0 \sqrt{0} = 0 .
              • When x=1 x = 1 , 1=1 \sqrt{1} = 1 .
              • When x=4 x = 4 , 4=2 \sqrt{4} = 2 .
              • When x=9 x = 9 , 9=3 \sqrt{9} = 3 .

              These points are chosen because they produce integer values, making it easier to plot them on a graph.

              Step 3: Plot the Points

              Next, we plot the points from the table on a coordinate plane. The points we have are (0,0), (1,1), (4,2), and (9,3). These points will help us visualize the shape of the graph.

              • Plot the point (0,0).
              • Plot the point (1,1).
              • Plot the point (4,2).
              • Plot the point (9,3).

              Step 4: Draw the Curve

              After plotting the points, we draw a smooth curve that passes through these points. The curve should start at the origin and gradually increase, reflecting the nature of the square root function. The graph will look like a gentle upward curve.

              Step 5: Verify with a Graphing Calculator

              To ensure accuracy, you can use a graphing calculator to plot the function f(x)=x f(x) = \sqrt{x} . The graphing calculator will provide a precise curve, which should match the points we plotted and the curve we drew by hand. The graph should include the points (0,0), (1,1), (4,2), and (9,3).


              The graph of the function f(x)=x f(x) = \sqrt{x} is a smooth curve that starts at the origin and increases gradually. By choosing appropriate points and plotting them, we can accurately sketch the graph. Using a graphing calculator can help verify the accuracy of our sketch.


              Here are some frequently asked questions about linear approximation:

              1. What is the general formula for linearization?

              The general formula for linearization is L(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x - a), where f(a) is the function value at point a, f'(a) is the derivative at point a, and x is the input value near a.

              2. How do you find the linearization of a function?

              To find the linearization of a function, follow these steps:

              1. Choose a point 'a' near the value you want to approximate.
              2. Calculate f(a) and f'(a).
              3. Substitute these values into the formula L(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x - a).

              3. How does linearization work in calculus?

              Linearization in calculus works by approximating a function with a linear function (tangent line) near a specific point. It uses the function's value and slope at that point to create a linear equation that closely estimates the function's behavior in a small neighborhood around the chosen point.

              4. What is linearization in simple terms?

              In simple terms, linearization is the process of approximating a curved function with a straight line near a specific point. It's like zooming in on a curve until it looks almost straight, then using that straight line to estimate values of the function nearby.

              5. How do you know if a linear approximation is an overestimate or underestimate?

              To determine if a linear approximation is an overestimate or underestimate, consider the function's concavity:

              • If the function is concave up, the linear approximation will generally underestimate the true value.
              • If the function is concave down, the linear approximation will typically overestimate the true value.

              This relationship holds true in the vicinity of the approximation point.

              Prerequisite Topics for Linear Approximation

              Understanding linear approximation requires a solid foundation in several key mathematical concepts. One of the most crucial prerequisites is the slope of a tangent line. This concept is fundamental because linear approximation essentially uses the tangent line to a curve at a specific point to estimate values near that point.

              Another important prerequisite is the derivative of square root function. This knowledge is essential when dealing with more complex functions in linear approximation. Similarly, the ability to estimate square roots can be valuable when working with certain types of functions.

              The power rule for derivatives is another critical concept. It's used frequently in calculus and plays a significant role in finding derivatives, which are essential for linear approximation. Understanding the point-slope form of a line is also crucial, as linear approximation relies heavily on the equation of a line.

              While not directly related to basic linear approximation, knowledge of Taylor series expansion can provide a deeper understanding of the concept. Taylor series are essentially more advanced forms of linear approximation, offering higher degrees of accuracy.

              Lastly, familiarity with the graph of trigonometric functions can be beneficial when applying linear approximation to periodic functions.

              Each of these prerequisite topics contributes to a comprehensive understanding of linear approximation. The slope of a tangent line forms the basis of the approximation, while derivatives and function transformations allow for more complex applications. Understanding square roots and estimation techniques helps in dealing with various function types. The point-slope form of a line is crucial for expressing the approximation, and knowledge of Taylor series provides insight into more advanced approximation techniques.

              By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can approach linear approximation with confidence, understanding not just how to perform the calculations, but also why the method works and how it relates to other mathematical concepts. This deeper understanding enables more effective problem-solving and application of linear approximation in real-world scenarios.

              linear approximations
              Use a linear approximation to estimate a given number:
              1) identify the corresponding function
              2) pick an appropriate "a", such that:
              -"a" is within a reasonable range
              -f(a)f(a) is easy to evaluate
              3) set up the linear approximation formula:
              - for xx near a:f(x)f(a)+f(a)(xa)f(x) \approx f(a)+f'(a)(x-a)
              4) estimate the given number!