Identifying functions

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    1. What is a function?
    2. How to do the Vertical Line Test?
  1. Equations VS. Functions
  1. Are the following sets of ordered pairs functions?
    1. (4,3), (2,6), (-3,4), (-2,5)
    2. (4,5), (4,-3), (2,6), (3,2)
    3. (3,6), (2,6), (5,3), (1,2)
  2. Which of the following is a function?

    Identifying functions
    1. Using the table of values to answer the questions below:
      1. X value -5 -3 -1 1 3
        Y value 3 1 -1 -2 -3
        Express the relations using ordered pairs, mapping notations and determine is it a function
      2. X value -5 -3 -1 1 3
        Y value 2 2 -1 -2 -3
        Express the relations using ordered pairs, mapping notations and determine is it a function
      3. X value -5 -5 -1 1 3
        Y value 2 3 2 3 -3
        Express the relations using ordered pairs, mapping notations and determine is it a function
    Topic Notes
    Bring on more grid papers! In this chapter, we're going to study functions. Functions are notations that tell us what the value of y is for every value of x. By carrying out the vertical line test, we are able to find out the relationships of ordered pairs.

    Introduction to Functions

    Functions are fundamental concepts in mathematics, serving as the building blocks for more complex mathematical ideas. They describe relationships between sets of numbers, typically represented as ordered pairs. Understanding functions is crucial for students as they progress in their mathematical journey. Our introduction video provides a clear and engaging explanation of what functions are and how to identify them. One key method for recognizing functions is the vertical line test, which we'll explore in detail. This visual technique helps determine if a graph represents a function by checking if any vertical line intersects the graph more than once. As we delve deeper into functions, you'll discover their wide-ranging applications in various fields, from physics to economics. By mastering functions, you'll gain a powerful tool for analyzing and describing real-world phenomena. Let's embark on this exciting journey to unravel the mysteries of functions together!

    Understanding Functions: The Basics

    Functions are fundamental concepts in mathematics that describe relationships between variables. At its core, a function is a rule that assigns each input to exactly one output. This relationship forms the basis of many mathematical and real-world phenomena. To understand functions better, let's explore their key components and terminology.

    The concept of function inputs is crucial. These are the values we feed into a function, often represented as x-coordinates in a coordinate system. Function inputs are also known as the independent variables because their values are chosen independently and determine the function's behavior. For example, in a function that calculates the cost of a taxi ride based on distance, the distance would be the input or independent variable.

    On the other hand, function outputs are the results we get after applying the function's rule to the inputs. These are typically represented as y-coordinates and are also called dependent variables. They depend on the input values and the function's specific rule. In our taxi fare example, the cost would be the output or dependent variable, as it depends on the distance traveled.

    When we pair function inputs with their corresponding outputs, we create ordered pairs function representations. These ordered pairs are usually written in the form (x, y), where x is the input and y is the output. For instance, if a taxi ride of 5 miles costs $15, we could represent this as the ordered pair (5, 15).

    In a coordinate system, we often refer to the horizontal axis as the x-axis and the vertical axis as the y-axis. The x-coordinate represents the input value and is measured along the horizontal axis, while the y-coordinate represents the output value and is measured along the vertical axis. This visual representation helps us understand the relationship between inputs and outputs more intuitively.

    Let's consider a simple example to illustrate these concepts. Imagine a function that doubles any number you input. We could represent this function algebraically as f(x) = 2x, where x is the input. If we input 3, the function would output 6. We can express this as the ordered pair (3, 6). If we plot several such ordered pairs on a coordinate system, we'd see a straight line, visually representing how the function behaves for different inputs.

    Understanding the relationship between function inputs and outputs is crucial for analyzing and predicting function behavior. For instance, in a linear function like y = mx + b, changing the input (x) directly affects the output (y) based on the slope (m) and y-intercept (b). This relationship allows us to make predictions and solve problems in various fields, from physics to economics.

    It's important to note that not all relationships between variables qualify as functions. A key characteristic of a function is that each input value corresponds to exactly one output value. This is often tested using the vertical line test on a graph if any vertical line intersects the graph more than once, the relationship is not a function.

    As you delve deeper into the study of functions, you'll encounter more complex relationships and representations. However, these fundamental concepts of inputs, outputs, and their relationships form the foundation for understanding more advanced topics in mathematics and its applications in various fields.

    Identifying Functions: The Vertical Line Test

    The vertical line test is a powerful and intuitive method for identifying functions in mathematics. This simple yet effective technique helps students and professionals alike determine whether a given graph represents a function or not. In essence, a function is a relationship where each input value (x) corresponds to exactly one output value (y). The vertical line test provides a visual way to confirm this one-to-one correspondence.

    To apply the vertical line test, imagine drawing vertical lines across a graph. If any vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the graph fails the test and does not represent a function. Conversely, if every possible vertical line intersects the graph at no more than one point, the graph passes the test and represents a function.

    Let's consider some visual examples. A simple parabola, such as y = x², passes the vertical line test because any vertical line will only touch the curve once. Similarly, a straight line like y = 2x + 1 also passes the test. On the other hand, a circle with the equation x² + y² = 1 fails the vertical line test because a vertical line can intersect the circle at two points, except at the leftmost and rightmost points.

    The vertical line test works because it directly relates to the definition of a function. In a function, each x-value in the domain must correspond to exactly one y-value in the range. When a vertical line intersects a graph at multiple points, it means that for a single x-value, there are multiple y-values, which violates the definition of a function.

    Understanding the relationship between ordered pairs and the vertical line test is crucial. Ordered pairs are coordinates (x, y) that represent points on a graph. In a function, each x-coordinate should appear only once in a set of ordered pairs. For example, the ordered pairs (1, 2), (2, 4), and (3, 6) could represent a function because each x-value (1, 2, and 3) appears only once. However, the set (1, 2), (2, 4), (1, 3) cannot represent a function because the x-value 1 appears twice with different y-values.

    When plotting ordered pairs on a coordinate plane, you can visually apply the vertical line test. If you can draw a vertical line that passes through more than one plotted point, the set of ordered pairs does not represent a function. This visual representation helps reinforce the concept of unique x-values in functions.

    It's important to note that while the vertical line test is an excellent tool for identifying functions from graphs, it has limitations. It works well for continuous graphs but may not be as effective for discrete data points or certain types of piecewise functions. In these cases, examining the ordered pairs directly or using other methods may be more appropriate.

    In practical applications, the vertical line test helps in various fields. In physics, it can determine if a position-time graph represents a valid motion. In economics, it can verify if a price-demand curve is a function. Understanding and applying the vertical line test enhances one's ability to interpret and analyze graphical data across multiple disciplines.

    To further solidify your understanding, practice applying the vertical line test to various graphs and sets of ordered pairs. Start with simple examples like straight lines and parabolas, then progress to more complex shapes like circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas. By doing so, you'll develop a strong intuition for identifying functions and improve your overall mathematical reasoning skills.

    Function Notation and Representation

    Functions are fundamental concepts in mathematics that describe relationships between variables. There are several ways to represent functions, each offering unique insights into their behavior and properties. Understanding these various representations is crucial for mastering mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills.

    One of the most common ways to represent a function is through function notation, typically written as f(x). This notation explicitly shows that the function, denoted by f, takes an input x and produces an output. For example, f(x) = 2x + 3 represents a linear function where the output is twice the input plus three. This notation is particularly useful for algebraic manipulations and clearly defining the relationship between variables.

    Another method of representing functions is through coordinate points or ordered pairs. This representation lists specific input-output pairs that satisfy the function. For instance, the points (0,3), (1,5), and (2,7) could represent a linear function. This method is especially helpful for visualizing discrete data points and understanding the function's behavior at specific values.

    Graphs provide a visual representation of functions, offering a comprehensive view of the relationship between inputs and outputs. On a coordinate plane, the x-axis typically represents the input values, while the y-axis shows the corresponding outputs. Graphs allow us to observe important characteristics such as increasing or decreasing trends, maximum and minimum points, and the overall shape of the function.

    The concept of a 'function machine' is a useful analogy for understanding how functions operate. Imagine a machine that takes an input, processes it according to a specific rule, and produces an output. This analogy helps in visualizing the input-output relationship and the transformation process that occurs within the function. For example, a function machine that doubles its input and adds three would align with the function f(x) = 2x + 3.

    When interpreting functions written in different formats, it's essential to recognize the relationship between inputs and outputs. For a function written as f(x) = x² + 2, we understand that for any input x, the output will be the square of x plus 2. If presented with a table of values or ordered pairs, we can identify patterns or use the data to construct a rule or equation that describes the function.

    Graphical representations require careful analysis of the axes, scale, and shape of the curve or line. For instance, a parabola opening upward indicates a quadratic function with a positive leading coefficient, while a straight line suggests a linear function. The y-intercept, where the graph crosses the y-axis, provides the function's value when x = 0, offering valuable information about the function's behavior.

    It's important to note that functions can also be represented through verbal descriptions or real-world scenarios. For example, "The cost of a taxi ride is $2.50 plus $0.50 per mile" describes a linear function where the input is the number of miles and the output is the total cost. Translating such descriptions into mathematical notation or graphs is a crucial skill in applying functions to practical situations.

    Each representation of a function offers unique advantages. Function notation is precise and allows for easy algebraic manipulation. Ordered pairs provide specific data points that can be useful for analysis or plotting. Graphs offer a visual understanding of the function's behavior across its domain. The function machine concept helps in understanding the process of transformation from input to output.

    By mastering these various representations, students and mathematicians can choose the most appropriate method for analyzing and solving problems involving functions. Whether working with simple linear relationships or complex polynomial functions, the ability to move fluidly between these representations is a valuable skill in mathematics and its applications in science, engineering, and data analysis.

    Common Misconceptions about Functions

    Functions are a fundamental concept in mathematics, but students often encounter several misconceptions that can hinder their understanding. One common misunderstanding is the belief that functions must always have a unique output for each input. While it's true that one input cannot have multiple outputs in a function, it's perfectly valid for multiple inputs to yield the same output.

    Consider the function f(x) = x². Both 2 and -2, when squared, result in 4. This demonstrates that different inputs (2 and -2) can produce the same output (4) without violating the definition of a function. However, if we were to say that f(2) could equal both 4 and -4, this would no longer be a function, as one input (2) cannot have multiple outputs.

    Another area of confusion is the distinction between continuous functions and discrete functions. Continuous functions have no breaks or gaps in their graph and can take on any value within their range. For example, f(x) = 2x + 1 is a continuous function because it can produce any real number output. You can zoom in infinitely on its graph, and it will always appear smooth.

    Discrete functions, on the other hand, only take on specific, separate values. They are often represented by distinct points rather than a continuous line. An example is the function that assigns a person's age in years. It only takes on whole number values and jumps from one year to the next without intermediate values.

    The concept of ordered pairs is closely related to understanding functions. An ordered pair (x, y) represents a specific input-output relationship in a function, where x is the input and y is the output. For continuous functions, there are infinitely many ordered pairs, forming a smooth curve when plotted. For discrete functions, the ordered pairs are distinct points, often represented on a graph as individual dots.

    Let's illustrate this with an example. Consider the continuous function f(x) = x³. Some ordered pairs for this function would be (-1, -1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 8), but there are infinitely many more between these points. Now, consider a discrete function g(x) that represents the number of wheels on different vehicles. The ordered pairs might be (bicycle, 2), (car, 4), (tricycle, 3). Here, the inputs and outputs are specific, countable values.

    Understanding these distinctions helps clarify the nature of functions and how they behave. It's important to recognize that while functions always map each input to exactly one output, this doesn't mean the relationship is always one-to-one. Many-to-one relationships in functions are common in functions, but one-to-many relationships are not allowed.

    By addressing these misconceptions and providing clear examples, students can develop a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of functions, their properties, and how they relate to ordered pairs and different types of mathematical relationships. This foundational knowledge is crucial for advancing in more complex mathematical concepts and applications.

    Practical Applications of Functions

    Functions and their representations through ordered pairs play a crucial role in various real-world applications, spanning multiple fields and everyday situations. Understanding these mathematical concepts can significantly enhance problem-solving skills and data analysis capabilities. Let's explore some practical examples of function applications and how they relate to ordered pairs in different domains.

    In physics, functions are fundamental to describing natural phenomena. For instance, the relationship between time and distance in motion can be represented as a function. Consider a car traveling at a constant speed of 60 km/h. The function d(t) = 60t describes the distance traveled (d) in kilometers after t hours. This can be represented as ordered pairs such as (1, 60), (2, 120), (3, 180), where the first number in each pair is the time, and the second is the distance traveled. Such functions help physicists predict and analyze motion, enabling advancements in fields like automotive engineering and space exploration.

    Economics heavily relies on functions to model financial relationships. The supply and demand curves are classic examples of economic functions. For instance, the demand function for a product might be represented as Q(p) = 1000 - 5p, where Q is the quantity demanded and p is the price. This function can generate ordered pairs like (100, 500), (150, 250), (200, 0), showing how demand changes with price. Economists use these functions to predict market behavior, set pricing strategies, and analyze economic trends.

    In everyday life, functions appear in various forms. Consider a mobile phone plan where the monthly cost depends on the amount of data used. This relationship can be represented as a function C(d) = 20 + 5d, where C is the cost in dollars and d is the data usage in gigabytes. Ordered pairs like (0, 20), (2, 30), (4, 40) illustrate how the cost increases with data usage. Understanding this function helps consumers make informed decisions about their phone plans and budget accordingly.

    Environmental science utilizes functions to model climate patterns and ecological relationships. For example, the growth of a tree population over time can be represented by a function P(t) = 1000(1 + 0.05)^t, where P is the population and t is the time in years. This exponential growth model generates ordered pairs such as (0, 1000), (5, 1276), (10, 1629), showing how the population increases over time. Such models are crucial for forest management and conservation efforts.

    In the field of medicine, functions help in analyzing the effectiveness of treatments. The concentration of a drug in a patient's bloodstream over time can be modeled as a function C(t) = C0 * e^(-kt), where C is the concentration, C0 is the initial dose, k is the elimination rate, and t is time. This function produces ordered pairs that help doctors determine optimal dosing schedules and monitor drug efficacy.

    Understanding functions and their representations through ordered pairs is essential in data analysis across all fields. It allows researchers and analysts to identify patterns, make predictions, and draw meaningful conclusions from complex datasets. For instance, in marketing, functions can model the relationship between advertising spend and sales, helping businesses optimize their marketing strategies.

    In conclusion, functions and their applications through ordered pairs are ubiquitous in our world, from scientific research to everyday decision-making. By grasping these concepts, individuals can enhance their problem-solving abilities, make more informed decisions, and better understand the relationships that govern various aspects of life and nature. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply curious about the world around you, recognizing and utilizing functions can provide valuable insights and practical solutions to real-world challenges.


    Identifying functions is a crucial skill in mathematics, with the vertical line test serving as a powerful tool for graphical representations. Understanding ordered pairs is equally important, as they form the foundation of function relationships. The introduction video provides essential insights into these concepts, helping students grasp the fundamental principles of functions. To solidify your understanding, practice identifying functions in various forms, including graphs, equations, and tables. The vertical line test is particularly useful for determining if a graph represents a function, while analyzing ordered pairs helps in recognizing function relationships in numerical data. As you continue your mathematical journey, explore additional resources to deepen your knowledge of functions and their applications. Remember, mastering the identification of functions is key to success in more advanced mathematical topics. By consistently applying these concepts and seeking further information, you'll develop a strong foundation in function analysis and interpretation.


    Are the following sets of ordered pairs functions? (4,3), (2,6), (-3,4), (-2,5)

    Step 1: Understand the Definition of a Function

    Before determining whether a set of ordered pairs is a function, it's essential to understand what a function is. In mathematics, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs. Each input (or x-value) is related to exactly one output (or y-value). This means that for a set of ordered pairs to be a function, no x-value should be repeated with a different y-value.

    Step 2: Identify the x-values in the Ordered Pairs

    To determine if the given set of ordered pairs is a function, we need to look at the x-values. The ordered pairs provided are (4,3), (2,6), (-3,4), and (-2,5). Extract the x-values from these pairs:

    • First pair: x = 4
    • Second pair: x = 2
    • Third pair: x = -3
    • Fourth pair: x = -2

    Step 3: Check for Repeated x-values

    Next, we need to check if any of the x-values are repeated. From the list above, we have the x-values 4, 2, -3, and -2. Since none of these x-values are repeated, we can conclude that each x-value is unique.

    Step 4: Conclusion Based on x-values

    Since there are no repeated x-values in the given set of ordered pairs, we can conclude that the set of ordered pairs is a function. This is because each x-value is associated with exactly one y-value, satisfying the definition of a function.

    Step 5: Verify with the Vertical Line Test

    To further verify that the set of ordered pairs is a function, we can use the vertical line test. This test involves plotting the points on a graph and checking if any vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point. If a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the relation is not a function.

    • Plot the point (4,3) on the graph.
    • Plot the point (2,6) on the graph.
    • Plot the point (-3,4) on the graph.
    • Plot the point (-2,5) on the graph.
    Move a vertical line across the graph. If at any point the vertical line touches more than one point, the set is not a function. In this case, the vertical line will only touch one point at a time, confirming that the set of ordered pairs is indeed a function.

    Step 6: Final Verification

    After performing the vertical line test and confirming that no vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, we can confidently conclude that the given set of ordered pairs is a function. This final verification step ensures that our initial conclusion based on the x-values was correct.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about identifying functions and ordered pairs:

    1. What is an example of an ordered pair?

    An ordered pair is a set of two numbers written in a specific order, typically in the form (x, y). For example, (3, 7) is an ordered pair where 3 is the x-coordinate and 7 is the y-coordinate. In the context of functions, x represents the input and y represents the output.

    2. How can you determine if a set of ordered pairs represents a function?

    To determine if a set of ordered pairs represents a function, check if each x-value (input) corresponds to exactly one y-value (output). If any x-value is paired with more than one y-value, it's not a function. For example, {(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6)} is a function, but {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)} is not because 1 is paired with both 2 and 3.

    3. What is the vertical line test and how is it used to identify functions?

    The vertical line test is a visual method used to determine if a graph represents a function. Imagine drawing vertical lines through the graph. If any vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the graph does not represent a function. This is because a function must have only one output for each input.

    4. How do you find a function rule from a set of ordered pairs?

    To find a function rule from ordered pairs, look for patterns in how the y-values (outputs) change in relation to the x-values (inputs). For linear functions, calculate the slope and y-intercept. For example, given (0, 2), (1, 4), (2, 6), you might deduce the rule f(x) = 2x + 2. For more complex functions, you may need to use curve fitting techniques or advanced mathematical methods.

    5. What's the difference between a relation and a function in terms of ordered pairs?

    A relation is any set of ordered pairs, while a function is a special type of relation where each x-value (input) is paired with exactly one y-value (output). All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions. For example, {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)} is both a relation and a function, while {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)} is a relation but not a function.

    Prerequisite Topics for Identifying Functions

    Understanding the concept of identifying functions is crucial in mathematics, particularly in algebra. However, to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. These foundational concepts not only provide the necessary background knowledge but also help in developing a more comprehensive understanding of functions.

    One of the fundamental prerequisites is the vertical line test. This concept is vital because it provides a quick and visual method to determine whether a graph represents a function. By understanding how vertical lines interact with graphs, students can easily identify functions and distinguish them from relations that are not functions.

    Another critical prerequisite is understanding the domain and range of a function. These concepts are essential because they define the set of possible input and output values for a function. When identifying functions, knowing how to determine the domain and range helps in understanding the function's behavior and limitations.

    Familiarity with different types of functions is also crucial. For instance, understanding the quadratic function in its general form (y = ax² + bx + c) provides insight into a common class of functions. This knowledge helps in recognizing parabolic shapes and understanding how coefficients affect the graph's appearance.

    Similarly, knowledge of exponential functions is important. Being able to identify and work with exponential functions broadens the scope of function identification, as these functions behave differently from polynomial functions and have unique characteristics.

    Lastly, proficiency in function notation is indispensable. This skill allows students to properly express and interpret functions in mathematical language. Understanding function notation is crucial for identifying functions in various forms and contexts.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for identifying functions. Each concept contributes to a deeper understanding of what constitutes a function, how to recognize different types of functions, and how to analyze their properties. This comprehensive approach ensures that when faced with the task of identifying functions, students can apply a wide range of tools and concepts, leading to more accurate and insightful analysis.

    In conclusion, the journey to mastering function identification is built upon these interconnected prerequisite topics. Each concept serves as a stepping stone, gradually building the skills and knowledge necessary for a thorough understanding of functions. By investing time in these foundational areas, students set themselves up for success not only in identifying functions but also in more advanced mathematical concepts that rely on this fundamental skill.

    Relations: Sets of ordered pairs ( x , y )

    Function: For every value of x, there is a value of y. It will need to pass the vertical line test.

    One-To-One Function: For every one value of x, there is only one value of y, and vice versa. It will need to pass both vertical and horizontal line test.

    Vertical line Test: A vertical line that intersects the graph of the equation only once when moves from across on the x-axis.