Factoring polynomials: x^2 + bx + c

  1. What is the cross-multiplying method of factoring? (a.k.a the Decomposition method)

    • - How does it work?
    • - How to use it?
  2. How to Factor Polynomials?
  1. Factor the following
    1. x2+7x+10{x^2 +7x +10}
    2. x24x+4{x^2-4x+4}
    3. x2+7x30{x^2+7x-30}
    4. x24x21 {x^2-4x-21}
  2. Factor with common factoring first
    1. 4x2+20x+24{4x^2+20x+24}
    2. 4x228x+120{-4x^2 - 28x + 120}
    3. x212xy+36y2 {x^2-12xy+36y^2}
    4. x3y23x2y3+4xy4{-x^3y^2-3x^2y^3+4xy^4}
    5. 14x3x28x{1\over4}{x^3-x^2-8x}
  3. Factor with unusual exponents
    1. x6n3x3n+2{x^{6n}-3x^{3n}+2}
    2. x2n7xnxm+10x2m{x^{2n}-7x^nx^m+10x^{2m}}
    3. (x2y)28a(x2y)+15a2{(x-2y)^2-8a(x-2y)+15a^2}
Topic Notes
This form of polynomials can be often factorized into a product of two binomials. Sometimes, we need to find the common factor of the polynomial before factorizing. We will learn it all in this lesson.


Factoring polynomials is a fundamental skill in algebra, and understanding how to factor trinomials of the form x^2 + bx + c is particularly crucial. This lesson builds upon the concepts introduced in the introductory video, which provides essential background knowledge for mastering this technique. By focusing on factoring trinomials into a product of two binomials, we'll unlock a powerful tool for solving equations and simplifying complex expressions. The process involves identifying the factors of the constant term and the coefficient of x that sum to the middle term. This method not only helps in solving quadratic equations but also in graphing parabolas and understanding the roots of polynomials. As we delve deeper into this topic, you'll discover how factoring polynomials connects various areas of mathematics and enhances your problem-solving abilities. Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in factoring trinomials of the form x^2 + bx + c.

Understanding Trinomials and Factoring

Trinomials are algebraic expressions consisting of three terms. In their general form, trinomials are typically written as ax² + bx + c, where a, b, and c are constants, and x is the variable. Understanding trinomials is crucial in algebra, as they form the basis for many mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques.

Factoring trinomials is a fundamental process in algebra that involves breaking down a mathematical expression into simpler parts. It is essentially the reverse of multiplication. When we factor a trinomial, we aim to express it as a product of two or more simpler expressions. This process is closely related to multiplication, as the factors, when multiplied together, should yield the original trinomial.

To illustrate factoring, let's consider some simple numerical examples. For instance, the number 12 can be factored as 3 × 4 or 2 × 6. Similarly, 15 can be factored as 3 × 5. These examples demonstrate how factoring works with numbers, breaking them down into their constituent parts.

Factoring polynomials, including trinomials, follows a similar principle to factoring numbers. Just as we look for pairs of numbers that multiply to give a certain product when factoring numbers, we search for expressions that, when multiplied, produce the given polynomial. This process requires identifying patterns and using algebraic techniques to determine the factors.

Let's examine the example from the video: x² - 3x - 18. To factor this trinomial, we need to find two numbers that multiply to give -18 (the product of the first and last terms) and add up to -3 (the coefficient of the middle term). These numbers are -6 and 3. We can rewrite the middle term as -6x + 3x, allowing us to factor by grouping:

x² - 3x - 18 = x² - 6x + 3x - 18

= x(x - 6) + 3(x - 6)

= (x + 3)(x - 6)

This factored form (x + 3)(x - 6) represents the solution. We can verify this by multiplying these factors to obtain the original trinomial.

Factoring trinomials is a valuable skill in algebra, as it helps solve equations, simplify expressions, and understand the behavior of polynomial functions. It's a process that requires practice and pattern recognition, but mastering it opens doors to more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques.

In conclusion, trinomials and factoring are interconnected concepts in algebra. Trinomials represent a specific form of polynomial, while factoring is the process of breaking down these expressions into simpler parts. By understanding the relationship between factoring and multiplication, and practicing with various examples, students can develop a strong foundation in algebraic manipulation and problem-solving.

The Decomposition Method for Factoring Trinomials

The decomposition method is a powerful technique for factoring trinomials, offering a systematic approach to factoring trinomials, breaking down complex expressions into simpler factors. This method is particularly useful when dealing with trinomials that don't factor easily using other methods. Let's explore this process using the example of factoring x^2 - 3x - 18.

To begin, we need to understand the structure of a trinomial: ax^2 + bx + c. In our example, a = 1, b = -3, and c = -18. The decomposition method involves finding two numbers that multiply to give the last term (c) and add up to the middle term (b). This is the key to splitting the middle term effectively.

Step 1: Identify the factors of the last term (-18 in this case). The factors of -18 are: ±1, ±2, ±3, ±6, ±9, ±18.

Step 2: Find the pair of factors that add up to the middle term (-3). By inspection or trial and error, we find that -6 and 3 work: (-6) + 3 = -3.

Step 3: Rewrite the trinomial, splitting the middle term using the numbers we found: x^2 - 6x + 3x - 18.

Step 4: Factor by grouping. This is where the magic of the decomposition method happens. We'll group the first two terms and the last two terms: (x^2 - 6x) + (3x - 18).

Step 5: Factor out the common factor in trinomials from each group. From the first group, we can factor out x: x(x - 6). From the second group, we can factor out 3: 3(x - 6).

Step 6: Rewrite the expression: x(x - 6) + 3(x - 6).

Step 7: Identify the common factor between these two terms. In this case, (x - 6) is common to both.

Step 8: Factor out the common factor: (x - 6)(x + 3).

And there we have it! We've successfully factored x^2 - 3x - 18 into (x - 6)(x + 3) using the decomposition method.

This method is particularly effective because it breaks down the problem into manageable steps. The key is identifying those two crucial numbers that multiply to give the last term and add up to the middle term. This can sometimes require a bit of trial and error, but with practice, it becomes more intuitive.

The decomposition method shines when dealing with trinomials where the leading coefficient (a) is 1. For trinomials with a leading coefficient other than 1, a slight modification to this method is needed, but the core principle remains the same.

One of the great advantages of this method is its consistency. Once you master the steps to factor trinomials, you can apply them to a wide range of trinomials. It's also a great way to check your work when using other factoring methods, as it provides a clear, step-by-step process that's easy to follow and verify.

Remember, the key steps are: identify the factors of the last term, find the pair that adds up to the middle term, split the middle term, and then factor by grouping. This process of splitting the middle term is what gives the decomposition method its name we're literally decomposing the trinomial into a form that's easier to factor.

As you practice this method, you'll find that it becomes second nature. You'll start to recognize patterns and develop a intuition for which factors to try first. This skill is invaluable not just for factoring trinomials, but for algebraic manipulation in general. The decomposition method is a powerful tool in any mathematician's toolkit, providing a reliable way to tackle even the most stubborn trinomials.

The Cross-Multiplication Method

When it comes to factoring trinomials, the cross-multiplication method offers an alternative approach that can be both efficient and intuitive. This method is particularly useful for students who find traditional factoring techniques challenging or time-consuming. Let's explore this method using two examples from our video: x^2 + 8x + 15 and x^2 - 11x + 24.

The cross-multiplication method begins by focusing on the first and last terms of the trinomial. For x^2 + 8x + 15, we start with x^2 and 15. The goal is to find two numbers that multiply to give 15 (the last term) and add up to 8 (the coefficient of the middle term). In this case, those numbers are 3 and 5.

Once we identify these numbers, we can write the factored form as (x + 3)(x + 5). To verify, we can multiply these factors: x * x = x^2 x * 5 = 5x 3 * x = 3x 3 * 5 = 15 Combining like terms: x^2 + 5x + 3x + 15 = x^2 + 8x + 15

Let's apply this method to our second example: x^2 - 11x + 24. We need to find two numbers that multiply to give 24 and add up to -11. These numbers are -3 and -8. Therefore, the factored form is (x - 3)(x - 8). We can verify this using the same cross-multiplication process: x * x = x^2 x * (-8) = -8x -3 * x = -3x -3 * (-8) = 24 Combining like terms: x^2 - 8x - 3x + 24 = x^2 - 11x + 24

The cross-multiplication method offers several advantages. First, it provides a systematic approach to finding factors, which can be especially helpful for students who struggle with "guessing" factors. Second, it works well for trinomials where the leading coefficient is 1, making it an excellent tool for many common algebraic expressions.

Moreover, this method helps students develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between the factors and the terms of a trinomial. By focusing on the product of the last term and the sum of the middle term, students can see how these components relate to the overall structure of the expression.

To use the cross-multiplication method effectively, follow these steps: 1. Identify the first and last terms of the trinomial. 2. Find two numbers that multiply to give the last term. 3. Check if these numbers add up to the coefficient of the middle term. 4. If they do, use these numbers to write the factored form (x + a)(x + b), where a and b are the numbers you found. 5. If they don't, try different pairs of factors until you find the correct combination.

While the cross-multiplication method is powerful, it's important to note that it has limitations. It works best for trinomials where the leading coefficient is 1. For more complex trinomials with different leading coefficients, other factoring techniques may be more appropriate. However, for many common algebraic expressions, the cross-multiplication method provides a quick and reliable approach to factoring.

In conclusion, the cross-multiplication method offers a valuable alternative to traditional factoring techniques. By focusing on the relationship between the factors and the terms of the trinomial, this method can help students develop a deeper understanding of algebraic structures. Whether you're a student looking for a more intuitive approach to factoring or an educator seeking to diversify your teaching methods, the cross-multiplication technique is a valuable tool to add to your mathematical toolkit.

Comparing and Choosing Factoring Methods

When it comes to factoring trinomials, two popular methods stand out: the decomposition method and the cross-multiplication method. Both approaches have their strengths and limitations, and understanding when to use each can significantly enhance your problem-solving skills in algebra. Let's compare these factoring methods and explore their applications.

The decomposition method, also known as the AC method, involves breaking down the middle term of a trinomial into two parts. This method is particularly useful when dealing with trinomials that have a leading coefficient other than 1. Its strength lies in its systematic approach, which can be applied to a wide range of trinomials. By focusing on finding factors that multiply to give the product of the first and last terms (ac) and add up to the middle term (b), students can develop a structured way of thinking about factoring.

On the other hand, the cross-multiplication method, sometimes called the "X-method," is often favored for its visual approach. This method works well for trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1 and can be quicker to apply once mastered. It involves finding two numbers that multiply to give the last term and add up to the coefficient of the middle term. The visual aspect of drawing an "X" and filling in the factors can be particularly helpful for visual learners.

When choosing between these factoring methods, consider the characteristics of the trinomial at hand. For trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1, the cross-multiplication method is often the go-to choice due to its speed and simplicity. However, when faced with trinomials where the leading coefficient is not 1, the decomposition method typically proves more effective and versatile.

It's important to note that while these methods are powerful tools, they are not one-size-fits-all solutions. Some trinomials may be more easily factored using other techniques, such as grouping or recognizing perfect square trinomials. This is where pattern recognition becomes crucial. With practice, students can develop the ability to quickly identify the most efficient factoring approach for a given problem.

The key to mastering factoring lies in consistent practice and exposure to a variety of problem types. As students work through numerous examples, they begin to recognize patterns and develop intuition about which method to apply in different situations. This pattern recognition not only speeds up problem-solving but also deepens understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts.

To enhance factoring skills, it's recommended to start with simpler trinomials and gradually progress to more complex ones. Begin by practicing the cross-multiplication method with trinomials where the leading coefficient is 1. As confidence grows, introduce trinomials that require the decomposition method. Mix in problems that can be solved using both methods to reinforce the decision-making process of choosing the most appropriate approach.

Remember that factoring trinomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that extends far beyond just solving equations. It plays a crucial role in simplifying expressions, solving higher-degree equations, and understanding more advanced mathematical concepts. Therefore, investing time in mastering these factoring methods and developing strong pattern recognition skills will pay dividends throughout one's mathematical journey.

In conclusion, both the decomposition and cross-multiplication methods have their place in the factoring toolkit. The choice between them depends on the specific characteristics of the trinomial and personal preference. By practicing regularly and exposing oneself to a wide range of problems, students can develop the ability to quickly recognize patterns and select the most efficient factoring method. This not only improves problem-solving skills but also builds a solid foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts.

Common Mistakes and Troubleshooting

Factoring trinomials is a crucial skill in algebra, but many students encounter common mistakes along the way. Understanding these errors and learning how to troubleshoot can significantly improve your factoring trinomials abilities. One frequent mistake is forgetting to consider negative factors when finding the numbers that multiply to give the constant term. Students often limit themselves to positive numbers, overlooking potential negative solutions. Another common error is misidentifying the signs in the factored expression, especially when dealing with negative terms in the original trinomial. It's essential to carefully consider the signs of both the middle term and the constant term when determining the signs in your factors. Additionally, students sometimes struggle with trinomials where the leading coefficient is not 1, forgetting to account for this in their factoring process. To avoid these pitfalls, always start by identifying the leading coefficient and adjusting your approach accordingly. When troubleshooting, if your initial attempt doesn't work, try working backwards from the possible factors of the constant term. List out all factor pairs and methodically test each one until you find the correct combination. Remember, the middle term of the trinomial should be the sum of the cross-multiplication terms in your factored expression. If you're still stuck, consider whether the trinomial might be a perfect square or the difference of squares, as these special cases require different approaches. One of the most critical steps in factoring trinomials is checking your answer. Always multiply your factors back together to ensure they produce the original trinomial. This verification process not only confirms your solution but also helps reinforce the relationship between factoring and multiplication. If your multiplication doesn't match the original expression, review your work step-by-step to identify where you might have made a mistake. Pay close attention to signs and coefficients during this process. By consistently checking your answers through multiplication, you'll develop a better intuition for factoring and catch errors more quickly. Remember, practice is key to mastering trinomial factoring. The more problems you solve, the more familiar you'll become with recognizing patterns and avoiding common pitfalls. Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes; instead, use them as learning opportunities to strengthen your understanding of the factoring process.


In this lesson, we explored the essential techniques for factoring trinomials, a crucial skill in polynomial manipulation. We focused on two primary methods: the AC method and grouping. The AC method involves finding factors of the product of the first and last terms, while grouping requires strategic separation of terms. The introductory video provided a visual and auditory explanation, enhancing your understanding of these concepts. Remember, mastering factoring trinomials requires consistent practice. We encourage you to work through various trinomial examples to solidify your skills and deepen your comprehension. By applying these methods regularly, you'll develop a strong foundation in algebraic manipulation, which is vital for more advanced mathematical concepts. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to revisit the lesson materials if you need a refresher. Your growing proficiency in factoring will prove invaluable in your mathematical journey.

Factoring Polynomials: x2+bx+cx^2 + bx + c

In this guide, we will walk through the process of factoring the polynomial x2+7x+10x^2 + 7x + 10 step by step. Factoring polynomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that involves breaking down a polynomial into simpler components that, when multiplied together, give the original polynomial.

Step 1: Identify the Coefficients

First, identify the coefficients in the polynomial x2+7x+10x^2 + 7x + 10. Here, the coefficient of x2x^2 is 1, the coefficient of xx (denoted as bb) is 7, and the constant term (denoted as cc) is 10.

Step 2: Multiply the Leading Coefficient and the Constant Term

Next, multiply the leading coefficient (1) by the constant term (10). This gives us:

1×10=101 \times 10 = 10

We need to find two numbers that multiply to 10 and add up to the middle coefficient, which is 7.

Step 3: Find the Pair of Numbers

We need to find two numbers that multiply to 10 and add up to 7. The possible pairs are:

  • 1 and 10
  • 2 and 5

Among these pairs, the pair that adds up to 7 is 2 and 5. Therefore, we choose 2 and 5.

Step 4: Decompose the Middle Term

Using the pair of numbers found in the previous step, decompose the middle term (7x) into two terms. This gives us:

x2+7x+10=x2+5x+2x+10x^2 + 7x + 10 = x^2 + 5x + 2x + 10

Note that the order of the terms does not matter, so you could also write it as x2+2x+5x+10x^2 + 2x + 5x + 10.

Step 5: Factor by Grouping

Now, group the terms in pairs and factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) from each pair:

x2+5x+2x+10=x(x+5)+2(x+5)x^2 + 5x + 2x + 10 = x(x + 5) + 2(x + 5)

Notice that both groups contain a common binomial factor, x+5x + 5.

Step 6: Factor Out the Common Binomial

Factor out the common binomial factor x+5x + 5 from both terms:

x(x+5)+2(x+5)=(x+5)(x+2)x(x + 5) + 2(x + 5) = (x + 5)(x + 2)

Thus, the factored form of the polynomial x2+7x+10x^2 + 7x + 10 is (x+5)(x+2)(x + 5)(x + 2).


By following these steps, we have successfully factored the polynomial x2+7x+10x^2 + 7x + 10 into (x+5)(x+2)(x + 5)(x + 2). Factoring polynomials involves identifying coefficients, finding pairs of numbers that satisfy specific conditions, decomposing the middle term, and factoring by grouping. With practice, this process becomes more intuitive and easier to perform.


Q1: What is the general form of a trinomial?
A: The general form of a trinomial is ax² + bx + c, where a, b, and c are constants, and x is the variable. In this form, 'a' is the coefficient of x², 'b' is the coefficient of x, and 'c' is the constant term.

Q2: How do I factor a trinomial when the leading coefficient is not 1?
A: When the leading coefficient is not 1, you can use the AC method. Multiply 'a' and 'c', find factors of this product that add up to 'b', split the middle term using these factors, and then factor by grouping. For example, to factor 2x² + 7x + 3, first find factors of 2 * 3 = 6 that add up to 7 (1 and 6). Then rewrite as 2x² + x + 6x + 3, and factor by grouping.

Q3: What's the difference between the decomposition method and the cross-multiplication method?
A: The decomposition method (AC method) is useful for trinomials with any leading coefficient. It involves finding factors of 'ac' that sum to 'b'. The cross-multiplication method works best when the leading coefficient is 1. It focuses on finding factors of 'c' that sum to 'b'. The decomposition method is more versatile, while the cross-multiplication method can be quicker for simpler trinomials.

Q4: How can I check if my factoring is correct?
A: To verify your factoring, multiply the factors you've found. The result should match the original trinomial. For example, if you factored x² - 3x - 18 into (x + 3)(x - 6), multiply these factors: x² - 6x + 3x - 18 = x² - 3x - 18. If the result matches the original trinomial, your factoring is correct.

Q5: What are some common mistakes to avoid when factoring trinomials?
A: Common mistakes include forgetting to consider negative factors, misidentifying signs in the factored expression, overlooking cases where the leading coefficient isn't 1, and not verifying the answer by multiplication. Always consider both positive and negative factors, pay attention to signs, adjust your method for different leading coefficients, and always check your work by multiplying the factors back together.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the foundation of algebraic concepts is crucial when tackling more advanced topics like factoring polynomials of the form x^2 + bx + c. This journey through algebra builds upon several key prerequisite topics, each playing a vital role in mastering the art of polynomial factorization.

One of the fundamental skills required is solving polynomials with unknown coefficients. This ability is essential because when factoring trinomials, you'll often encounter situations where you need to determine the values of unknown terms. Being proficient in this area allows you to approach factoring with confidence, knowing you can handle variables in different positions within the polynomial.

Another critical prerequisite is using the quadratic formula to solve quadratic equations. While factoring is often a more elegant solution, understanding the quadratic formula provides a powerful alternative method for solving quadratic equations. This knowledge reinforces your understanding of the relationship between the coefficients and roots of a quadratic equation, which is invaluable when factoring.

Graphing quadratic functions, particularly understanding the differences between general form and vertex form, is another crucial skill. Visualizing the parabola can often provide insights into the nature of its factors. The shape and position of the graph can give clues about the signs and magnitudes of the factors, making the factoring process more intuitive.

While it might not seem directly related, adding and subtracting rational expressions builds a strong foundation in working with algebraic fractions. This skill is particularly useful when dealing with more complex factoring scenarios or when simplifying expressions after factoring.

A key concept in factoring polynomials is recognizing special cases. Factoring perfect square trinomials is one such case. Understanding the pattern of a^2 + 2ab + b^2 or a^2 - 2ab + b^2 allows for quick identification and factoring of these special forms, which frequently appear in more complex polynomials.

Similarly, finding the difference of squares is another special case that's crucial to recognize. The pattern a^2 - b^2 = (a + b)(a - b) is a powerful factoring tool that extends beyond simple quadratics and is often a key step in factoring more complex expressions.

Determining the equation of a polynomial function is a skill that reinforces your understanding of how coefficients relate to the behavior of the polynomial. This knowledge is particularly useful when reverse-engineering a factored form back into its expanded form or vice versa.

One of the most fundamental factoring techniques is factoring by taking out the greatest common factor. This skill is often the first step in factoring more complex polynomials and is essential in simplifying expressions before applying other factoring techniques.

Lastly, factoring by grouping is a powerful technique that bridges the gap between simpler factoring methods and more complex polynomials. It's particularly useful when dealing with polynomials that don't immediately appear to fit the x^2 + bx + c form but can be manipulated into factorable expressions.

Each of these prerequisite topics