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  1. Introduction to Skip Counting:
  2. How to count by more than 1 each time for skip counting?
  3. Finding the skip counter using subtraction and writing pattern sentences
  4. How does the multiplication table relate to skip counting?
  5. Skip counting by powers of 10
  1. Skip counting patterns to find the next numbers
    Find out the pattern of what is being added each time (the skip counter). Then, write the next 3 numbers.
    1. 32, 34, 36, __, __, __
    2. 185, 188, 191, __, __, __
    3. 5607, 5611, 5615, __, __, __
    4. -11, -5, 1, __, __, __
    5. -21, -14, -7, __, __, __
    6. -8500, -8495, -8490, __, __, __
  2. Using skip counting to fill in the blanks
    Figure out the skip counter (what is being added each time). Then, fill in the blanks.
    1. ___, 456, 462, ___, ___, 480
    2. 4096, ____, 4106, 4111, ____, ____
    3. 61 335, ______, ______, ______, 61 363, 61 370
    4. 15, -7, __, __, 17, __
    5. ____, -691, -682, ____, ____, -655
  3. Skip counting by powers of 10
    Observe what the skip counter is; counting by 10s, 100s, or 1000s. Then, write the next 3 numbers.
    1. 89, 99, 109, ___, ___, ___
    2. 1654, 1754, 1854, ___, ___, ___
    3. 35 708, 36 708, 37 708, ___, ___, ___
    4. -9299, -9199, -9099, ___, ___, ___
  4. Skip counting word problem - 1
    Lily has 36 gummy bears. She gets 4 from her big sister every day for 5 days. How many gummy bears does she have in total after 5 days? Solve using skip counting (and assuming that she doesn't eat any of them).
    1. Skip counting word problem - 2
      In the classroom, there is a pile of 44 mittens. 5 more students come in from playing in the snow and take off their mittens. Use skip counting to find the total number of mittens.
      1. Skip counting word problem - 3
        There are five spiders and three ants. Each spider has 8 legs and each ant has 6 legs. If 6 more spiders show up, use skip counting to find the total number of legs that all the bugs have.
        Topic Notes

        In this lesson, we will learn:

        • What is skip counting?
        • How can you understand the pattern of skip counting?
        • How do you skip count by powers of 10?


        • With normal counting, we count forwards (count up) by 1 each time
          • Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …
        • Skip counting is when you count by more than one each time!
          • Ex. counting up by 2s: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, …

        • You can use a pattern sentence to describe skip counting.
          • It tells what number you start on, and how much you count up each time.
          • Ex. for 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, … we “start at zero and add 2 each time”.
          • Ex. if you “start at 12 and add 3 each time”, it would be: 12, 15, 18, 21, …

        • You can find the “skip counter” (how much you are counting up by each time) by:
          • Looking at any two consecutive numbers in the list (one after the other)
          • If you subtract them, then you will find the skip counter:
            • Ex. 12, 18, 24, 30, … the skip counter is 6 because
            • (18 – 12 = 6) and (24 – 18 = 6) and also, (30 – 24 = 6)

        • Skip counting by powers of 10 (i.e. 10, 100, 1000) is simple!
          • You only need to change the power of 10’s place value; increase by 1 each time.
          • Ex. starting at 682 and add 10 each time: 682, 692, 702, 712, 722, …