Base ten blocks and numbers

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  1. Introduction to Base Ten Materials
    Overview of lesson
  1. Representing Numbers with Blocks
    Show these numbers using base ten blocks
    1. 28
    2. 346
    3. 105
  2. Numbers from Blocks
    What number is this?

    1. Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

    2. Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

    3. Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

    4. Representing Numbers: Tally Marks
  3. Regrouping
    Regroup hundreds as thousands, tens as hundreds and ones as tens
    1. 2 hundreds + 12 ones + 17 ones
    2. 9 hundreds + 14 tens + 15 ones
  4. Representation in Expanded Form (Using numerals and words)
    Write the number in expanded form using numerals and words
    1. 89
    2. 831
    3. 4216
  5. Representation in Expanded Form (Using numerals)
    Write the number in expanded form using numerals
    1. 74
    2. 561
    3. 3183
Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to use base ten materials to represent numbers
  • Writing numbers in expanded form


  • Regrouping 

  • 10 ones can be regrouped into 1 ten:

    Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

    10 tens can be regrouped into 1 hundred:

    Representing Numbers: Tally Marks

    10 hundreds can be regrouped into 1 thousand

    Representing Numbers: Tally Marks