Unravel the Mysteries of Organic Chemistry
Dive into the world of carbon-based compounds and their pivotal role in life. Explore molecular structures, functional groups, and reaction mechanisms to gain insights into the chemistry that shapes our world.

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Now Playing:Organic chemistry introduction – Example 0a
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  1. Organic chemistry - Introduction
  2. Organic chemistry - Introduction
    Beginning of organic chemistry.
  3. Organic chemistry - Introduction
    Why is carbon so important?
0/4 watched
  1. Recall the different ways to represent organic compounds.
    Which types of formulae show chains of carbon atoms in organic molecules?
    i) Molecular formula
    ii) Condensed formula
    iii) Skeletal formula
    iv) Structural formula
    Introduction to organic chemistry
    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • How organic chemistry began and how it got its name.
    • The reason that carbon's chemistry is studied much more than the chemistry of other elements.
    • The basic rules of naming simple organic compounds.
    • The different ways to draw and represent organic compounds and their features.

    • Organic chemistry is all about carbon compounds. Any compound that contains carbon atoms can be called an organic compound, but it usually means compounds with a carbon chain of some type.
      The earliest organic chemistry started with chemicals found from living organisms like trees, other plants and animals.
      Some of the most important molecules in living organisms are carbon compounds:
      • Amino acids that combine to make the proteins in our body.
      • Nucleotides that combine to make the DNA in our cells.
      • Glucose that breaks down in respiration, producing the energy for all living processes
      This is likely where the organic label came from; carbon is the element of life on Earth.

    • Carbon atoms can make four separate bonds with any other atom(s), including other carbon atoms. This allows for an incredible variety of bonding to different atoms in compounds of different sizes. Thats why there are millions of carbon compounds and organic chemistry is such a large field.
      • Since there are so many different carbon compounds, chemists organize compounds by their functional group, the most reactive part or group of atoms in the molecule. We will learn specific functional groups in the next few lessons.
      • Because carbon can bond to itself in these long chains, these functional group families of carbon compounds are normally then arranged in a homologous series. A homologous series is a family of compounds with the same functional group and general formula that differs from the next by -CH2-, which is a unit of a carbon chain.

    • Aside from living organisms, organic molecules have a wide range of uses in our day to day lives, with most being products of crude oil and the petroleum industry. Some organic chemicals from crude oil are:
      • Gasoline/petrol, fuel for cars.
      • Kerosene, fuel for aircraft.
      • Refinery gases used as fuels, heating homes.
      • Bitumen, used to tar roads.
      • 'Naphtha' which is a mix of organic compounds that are used to make many different chemicals like plastics and cosmetics.

      The pharmaceutical industry uses organic compounds taken from crude oil and makes medicinal organic compounds that treat many conditions, such as:
      • Atorvastatin, heart disease medication.
      • Humira, a medication for many autoimmune (the body attacking itself) diseases.
      • Prozac, an antidepressant.
      • Salbutamol, anti-asthma medication.
      Organic is a word sometimes used in a positive light to mean natural and not artificial. This ignores that all man-made chemicals were man-made using the naturally occurring substances found on Earth. .
      To a chemist, calling a chemical natural or artificial is meaningless. Is a treehouse unnatural? We learn nothing by saying natural or unnatural because it does not tell us a chemicals properties. There are toxic natural substances and safe, beneficial ones. The same goes with artificial substances.

    • There are so many organic compounds that they are divided into categories depending on what atoms or types of bonds they contain. Amongst the simplest and most important, compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.

    • There is a systematic way of naming organic compounds. The two most important, basic rules are below:
      • Identify the longest carbon chain in the compound. This is the core of the compound name. Depending on the carbon chain length, the following names are assigned. The table below summarizes them.

      • Carbon chain length:

        Root name:

















      • Identify the functional group(s) in the compound. This will give you the suffix (end part) of the name. A few basic examples (which we'll study in detail later) are in the table below.

      • Functional group










      • Combining these two parts will give you the name of unbranched organic compounds:
        • e.g. hexane (6 carbon chain, alkane),
        • butene (4 carbon chain, alkene),
        • ethyne (2 carbon chain, alkyne).
        • Ethanol (2-carbon alkane chain, alcohol).
        We will identify, draw and learn the properties of these later.

    • When studying organic compounds, there are many ways to represent a chemical compound that we are talking about. Some are simpler than others, and some are more appropriate in certain situations.
      • We already know the molecular formula, which shows the chemical symbols of the atoms in the molecule and how many of these atoms there are.
        • For example CH4 is a compound which has one carbon atom (symbol C) and four hydrogen atoms (symbol H) in each molecule.
      • The empirical formula is a shortened version of the molecular formula which shows the smallest whole-number ratio of the molecular formula.
        • For C2H6, the empirical formula would be CH3.
        • The molecular formula C4H10 has the empirical formula C2H5. It cannot be CH2.5 because there is a non-integer number of atoms (you cant have half an atom in a molecule!)
      • For organic compounds we can also use the condensed formula – this is used to show the chain of carbon atoms in the compound.
        • For example C5H12 can be written as CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 to show the 5 carbon chain in the molecule.
      • You could also use the structural/displayed formula, which shows all the bonds between all atoms in the molecule.
      • For larger organic molecules, the structural formula can be simplified by using skeletal formula to save time while keeping all the relevant information. The skeletal formula shows carbon chains as zig-zags, where the carbon atoms are the joints in the chain. In skeletal formula, hydrogen atoms are implicit meaning they not shown in the representation, but they are there. The ends of the zig zag chains count as carbon atoms as well. This means you can draw long, complicated, branching carbon chains easily with just a few zig-zag lines. We will build on skeletal formula and drawing molecules later on.
        • Two examples of compounds shown with each of these formulae are shown below:

        • Hexane in different formula

          Butane in different formula


    Introduction to Organic Chemistry

    Organic chemistry is the fascinating study of carbon-containing compounds, forming the backbone of life itself. This branch of chemistry explores the structure, properties, and reactions of molecules that make up living organisms and countless everyday materials. Our introduction video provides a captivating overview of organic chemistry, helping viewers grasp its fundamental concepts and significance. As we delve into this field, you'll discover how carbon's unique bonding capabilities lead to an astounding variety of compounds, from simple hydrocarbons to complex biomolecules. The video teases exciting topics to be covered in the main sections, including functional groups, reaction mechanisms, and the synthesis of important organic molecules. By understanding organic chemistry, we gain invaluable insights into the chemistry of life, paving the way for advancements in medicine, materials science, and environmental studies. Join us on this journey to unravel the mysteries of carbon compounds and their pivotal role in shaping our world.

    1. What is organic chemistry?

      Organic chemistry is the study of compounds containing carbon. It focuses on the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds, which form the basis of life and many materials we use daily.

    2. Why is carbon so important in organic chemistry?

      Carbon is central to organic chemistry due to its unique ability to form up to four stable covalent bonds. This property allows carbon to create an incredibly diverse range of compounds, from simple molecules to complex macromolecules, forming the backbone of life itself.

    3. What are functional groups in organic chemistry?

      Functional groups are specific atoms or combinations of atoms within organic molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical properties and reactivity of those compounds. Examples include alcohols (-OH), aldehydes (-CHO), and carboxylic acids (-COOH).

    4. How are organic compounds named?

      Organic compounds are named using a systematic approach called nomenclature. This system is based on the number of carbon atoms, the type of bonds between them, and the presence of functional groups. For example, simple alkanes are named with prefixes like meth- (1 carbon), eth- (2 carbons), prop- (3 carbons), etc.

    5. What are some real-world applications of organic chemistry?

      Organic chemistry has numerous applications in everyday life, including pharmaceuticals (drug design and synthesis), materials science (plastics, synthetic fibers), food chemistry (flavors, preservatives), petrochemicals (fuels, lubricants), and environmental science (pollutant analysis, green chemistry).


    Embarking on the journey of organic chemistry requires a solid foundation in several key areas. Understanding these prerequisite topics is crucial for grasping the complexities of organic compounds and their reactions. One of the most fundamental concepts is the structure and bonding of carbon. This topic forms the backbone of organic chemistry, as carbon's unique bonding properties allow for the formation of diverse organic molecules.

    Carbon's ability to form stable covalent bonds with itself and other elements is what makes organic chemistry so rich and varied. By mastering the principles of carbon bonding, students can better understand the formation of complex organic structures, from simple hydrocarbons to intricate biomolecules. This knowledge is essential for predicting molecular shapes, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds.

    Another critical skill in organic chemistry is understanding reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry, often represented through arrow pushing or curly arrow notation. This technique is indispensable for visualizing how electrons move during chemical reactions. By learning to use and interpret these arrows, students can predict reaction outcomes, understand why certain reactions occur, and even design new synthetic pathways.

    Proficiency in arrow pushing allows for a deeper comprehension of how organic molecules interact and transform. It's a powerful tool that bridges the gap between the static representation of molecules and the dynamic nature of chemical reactions. This skill is particularly valuable when studying complex organic synthesis and biochemical processes.

    Equally important is the ability to correctly identify and name organic compounds. Naming organic compounds is not just about memorization; it's a systematic approach that provides crucial information about a molecule's structure and properties. Understanding nomenclature allows chemists to communicate effectively and unambiguously about complex organic structures.

    Mastering organic nomenclature enables students to quickly deduce structural information from a compound's name and vice versa. This skill is essential for interpreting scientific literature, writing accurate lab reports, and engaging in meaningful discussions about organic chemistry concepts.

    By thoroughly grasping these prerequisite topics - carbon bonding, reaction mechanisms, and organic nomenclature - students lay a strong foundation for their study of organic chemistry. These concepts are interconnected and build upon each other, creating a comprehensive understanding of how organic molecules behave and interact. As students progress in their organic chemistry studies, they'll find that these fundamental principles continually resurface, reinforcing their importance and providing a framework for tackling more advanced topics.

    In conclusion, investing time in mastering these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance a student's ability to navigate the fascinating world of organic chemistry. It's not just about memorizing facts; it's about developing a intuitive understanding of the principles that govern the behavior of organic compounds. With this solid grounding, students will be well-prepared to explore the diverse and exciting field of organic chemistry, from synthetic applications to understanding the chemistry of life itself.