Naming organic compounds and groups

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  1. Organic functional groups
  2. General rules for naming organic compounds.
  3. Naming carboxylic acids, esters, acyl chlorides & amides.
  4. Naming nitriles and carbonyl groups.
  5. Naming alcohols, amines and hydrocarbons.
  6. Naming Alkanes, ethers, halides and nitro groups.
  7. Naming aromatic compounds.
  1. Apply IUPAC nomenclature and naming priorities to organic compounds.
    Give the IUPAC systematic name for the following compounds, shown using skeletal formula.
    1. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1a
    2. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1b
    3. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1c
    4. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1d
    5. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1e
    6. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1f
    7. IUPAC systematic name for compounds ex 1g
Topic Notes

Introduction to Naming Organic Compounds and Groups

Naming organic compounds and functional groups is a fundamental skill in chemistry, essential for clear communication and understanding of molecular structures. This lesson introduces the systematic approach to naming, known as IUPAC nomenclature. The accompanying video provides a visual guide to this complex topic, helping students grasp key concepts more easily. Understanding how to name organic compounds is crucial for identifying their properties and predicting their behavior in chemical reactions. We'll explore the basic principles of systematic naming, focusing on common functional groups and their impact on compound nomenclature. By mastering these skills, students will be better equipped to navigate the vast world of organic chemistry, from simple alkanes to complex biomolecules. This systematic approach ensures consistency and clarity in scientific communication, allowing chemists worldwide to understand and work with organic compounds effectively.

Basic Guidelines for Naming Organic Compounds

Naming organic compounds is a fundamental skill in organic chemistry, governed by a set of rules established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). These guidelines ensure consistency and clarity in chemical nomenclature. The process involves several key steps, each crucial for accurately identifying and naming compounds.

The first rule in naming organic compounds is to identify the longest continuous carbon chain in the molecule. This chain forms the backbone of the compound's name and determines its primary prefix. For instance, a chain of six carbon atoms would be called "hex-". It's essential to count carefully, as the longest chain may not always be immediately apparent, especially in branched or cyclic structures.

Next, chemists must determine the highest order functional group present in the molecule. Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms within molecules that give them characteristic chemical properties. These groups are hierarchically ranked, with some taking precedence over others in naming. For example, carboxylic acids (-COOH) have higher priority than alcohols (-OH). The highest-ranking group typically determines the suffix of the compound's name.

Once the longest chain and primary functional group are identified, the next step is to number the carbon chain. This numbering is crucial as it indicates the positions of substituents and functional groups. The chain is numbered to give the lowest possible numbers to the substituents, particularly the highest priority functional group. This ensures that the name accurately reflects the structure and arrangement of the molecule.

To illustrate these concepts, let's consider the example of 3-ethyl-4-methylhexan-1-ol. In this compound, the longest carbon chain contains six carbons, hence "hex-" as the base name. The highest priority functional group is the alcohol (-OH), which determines the suffix "-ol". The chain is numbered from the end closest to the alcohol group, making it "hexan-1-ol". The ethyl (C2H5) and methyl (CH3) groups are substituents attached to the third and fourth carbons, respectively.

An important aspect of naming organic compounds is the use of prefixes to indicate substituents. These prefixes must be listed in alphabetical order, ignoring any numerical prefixes like "di-" or "tri-". In our example, "ethyl" comes before "methyl" alphabetically, so it's listed first in the name. This alphabetical ordering is crucial for maintaining consistency and avoiding confusion when multiple substituents are present.

The importance of alphabetical order for prefixes cannot be overstated. It provides a standardized method for arranging substituents in the name, regardless of their position on the carbon chain. This system ensures that chemists worldwide can interpret and understand compound names consistently. For instance, a compound with methyl, ethyl, and propyl substituents would list them as "ethyl-methyl-propyl-" in the name, regardless of their positions on the chain.

Understanding these fundamental rules for naming organic compounds is essential for students and professionals in chemistry. It allows for clear communication of molecular structures and properties. As compounds become more complex, with multiple functional groups and substituents, these naming conventions become even more critical. They provide a systematic approach to describing even the most intricate organic molecules, ensuring that chemists can accurately convey and interpret structural information across the global scientific community.

High-Priority Functional Groups: Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Acyl Chlorides, and Amides

In organic chemistry, understanding high-priority functional groups is crucial for proper compound naming and structure identification. These groups include carboxylic acids, esters, acyl chlorides, and amides, all of which contain the important carbonyl group. Let's explore each of these functional groups in detail, focusing on their structures, prefixes, and suffixes, as well as providing examples of naming compounds containing these groups.

Carboxylic acids are characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group (-COOH) attached to a carbon atom. The structure consists of a carbonyl group (C=O) bonded to a hydroxyl group (-OH). When naming carboxylic acids, the suffix "-oic acid" is used, and the carbonyl carbon is always included as part of the main chain. For example, CH3COOH is named ethanoic acid, commonly known as acetic acid. The prefix "carboxy-" can be used when the -COOH group is not the main functional group in a compound.

Esters are derived from carboxylic acids and alcohols, with the general structure R-COO-R', where R and R' are alkyl or aryl groups. The naming of esters follows a specific pattern: the alkyl group from the alcohol is named first, followed by the name of the carboxylate ion. For instance, CH3COOCH2CH3 is named ethyl ethanoate. It's important to note that the carbonyl carbon is always included in the main chain when naming esters. The suffix "-oate" is used for the carboxylate part of the ester name.

Acyl chlorides, also known as acid chlorides, have the general structure R-COCl, where R is an alkyl or aryl group. These compounds are named by replacing the "-ic acid" suffix of the corresponding carboxylic acid with "-yl chloride". For example, CH3COCl is called ethanoyl chloride. The carbonyl carbon is always included in the main chain when naming acyl chlorides. The prefix "chlorocarbonyl-" can be used when the -COCl group is not the main functional group in a compound.

Amides are compounds containing the -CONH2 group, derived from carboxylic acids by replacing the -OH with an -NH2 group. The general structure is R-CONH2, where R is an alkyl or aryl group. When naming amides, the suffix "-amide" is used, replacing the "-oic acid" or "-ic acid" of the corresponding carboxylic acid. For instance, CH3CONH2 is named ethanamide. As with the other groups, the carbonyl carbon is always included in the main chain when naming amides. The prefix "carbamoyl-" can be used when the -CONH2 group is not the main functional group.

The carbonyl group (C=O) plays a central role in all these high-priority functional groups. It's essential to include the carbonyl carbon in the main chain when naming compounds containing these groups because it serves as the point of attachment for the characteristic atoms or groups that define each functional group. This ensures consistency in naming and helps in accurately representing the compound's structure.

Let's consider some additional examples to illustrate the naming conventions:

1. CH3CH2COOH: propanoic acid (a carboxylic acid)
2. CH3CH2COOCH2CH3: ethyl propanoate (an ester)
3. CH3CH2CH2COCl: butanoyl chloride (an acyl chloride)
4. CH3CH2CH2CONH2: butanamide (an amide)

In each of these examples, notice how the carbonyl carbon is included in the main chain, and the appropriate suffix is used to indicate the specific functional group. This naming system allows chemists to quickly identify the type of compound and its structure based on its name.

Understanding these high-priority functional groups and their naming conventions is crucial for students and professionals in chemistry. These groups are involved in numerous important

Medium-Priority Functional Groups: Nitriles, Aldehydes, and Ketones

Nitriles, aldehydes, and ketones are important organic compounds with distinct structures and naming conventions. Understanding these functional groups is crucial for students of organic chemistry and professionals in related fields. Let's explore each group in detail, focusing on their structures, naming rules, and key differences.

Nitriles are organic compounds characterized by the presence of a cyano group (-CN) at the end of a carbon chain. The general formula for nitriles is R-CN, where R represents the rest of the molecule. When naming nitriles, we use the suffix "-nitrile" and include the cyano carbon in the main chain numbering. For example, CH-CH-CH-CN is called butanenitrile. The longest carbon chain, including the cyano group, determines the base name.

Aldehydes and ketones both contain a carbonyl group (C=O), but their positions in the carbon chain differ. Aldehydes have the carbonyl group at the end of the chain, while ketones have it within the chain. This structural difference leads to distinct naming conventions for each group.

For aldehydes, we use the suffix "-al" and number the carbonyl carbon as position 1. The carbonyl carbon is always included in the main chain. For instance, CH-CH-CHO is named propanal. When naming branched aldehydes, ensure the aldehyde group is at the end of the longest carbon chain.

Ketones, on the other hand, use the suffix "-one" and require the carbonyl group to be part of the main chain. The chain is numbered to give the carbonyl carbon the lowest possible number. For example, CH-CO-CH is called propanone (commonly known as acetone). In more complex ketones, like CH-CH-CO-CH-CH, we name it pentan-3-one, indicating the carbonyl group's position.

It's crucial to emphasize that when naming these compounds, the functional group carbon must always be included in the main chain. This rule ensures consistency and clarity in nomenclature. For nitriles, the cyano carbon is part of the longest chain. In aldehydes, the carbonyl carbon is always at position 1. For ketones, the carbonyl group determines the numbering of the chain.

The position of the carbonyl group is a key difference between aldehydes and ketones. Aldehydes always have the carbonyl at the end, making them more reactive due to the exposed nature of the carbonyl carbon. Ketones, with the carbonyl within the chain, are generally less reactive. This structural difference also affects their physical and chemical properties, such as boiling points and reactivity in various organic reactions.

When dealing with compounds containing multiple functional groups, priority rules come into play. Nitriles, aldehydes, and ketones are considered medium-priority functional groups. In compounds with multiple groups, higher-priority groups (like carboxylic acids) take precedence in naming, while lower-priority groups (like alkenes) are treated as substituents.

Understanding these structures and naming conventions is essential for accurately identifying and describing organic compounds. Proper naming not only facilitates communication in chemistry but also provides insights into the compound's structure and potential reactivity. As you progress in organic chemistry, you'll encounter more complex molecules where these naming rules become increasingly important.

In conclusion, nitriles, aldehydes, and ketones each have unique structures and naming conventions. Nitriles are characterized by the -CN group, aldehydes by the -CHO group at the chain end, and ketones by the C=O group within the chain. Remember to always include the functional group carbon in the main chain when naming these compounds, and pay attention to the position of the carbonyl group to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. Mastering these concepts will provide a solid foundation for understanding more complex organic molecules and their reactions.

Lower-Priority Functional Groups: Alcohols, Amines, Alkenes, and Alkynes

Understanding the structures and naming conventions for alcohols, amines, alkenes, and alkynes is crucial in organic chemistry. These functional groups play significant roles in various chemical compounds and reactions. Let's explore each group and their naming conventions in detail.

Alcohols are organic compounds containing a hydroxy (-OH) group attached to a carbon atom. The general structure is R-OH, where R represents an alkyl group. Naming alcohols follows a systematic approach. First, identify the longest carbon chain containing the -OH group, then name it as an alkane, replacing the "-e" ending with "-ol". The position of the -OH group is indicated by a number. For example, CH3-CH(OH)-CH2-CH3 is named 2-butanol.

Amines are organic compounds derived from ammonia (NH3) by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms with alkyl or aryl groups. They contain an amino (-NH2) group. Primary amines have one alkyl group attached to nitrogen, secondary amines have two, and tertiary amines have three. Naming amines is similar to alcohols, but we use the suffix "-amine". For instance, CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-NH2 is called 1-butylamine.

Alkenes are hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-carbon double bond. Their general formula is CnH2n. Naming alkenes involves identifying the longest carbon chain containing the double bond and changing the "-ane" ending of the corresponding alkane to "-ene". The position of the double bond is indicated by the lowest number possible. For example, CH3-CH=CH-CH3 is named 2-butene.

Alkynes are hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon triple bond. Their general formula is CnH2n-2. Naming alkynes follows a similar pattern to alkenes, but we use the suffix "-yne". The position of the triple bond is indicated by the lowest possible number. For instance, CHC-CH2-CH3 is called 1-butyne.

When both alkenes and alkynes are present in a molecule, we encounter the concept of 'enynes'. In naming enynes, we prioritize the functional group that appears first in the name (i.e., the one with the lower number). For example, CHC-CH=CH-CH3 would be named 1-penten-3-yne, as the double bond (ene) takes precedence over the triple bond (yne) in this case.

There are notable similarities in naming alcohols and amines. Both use the parent chain name as the base, with the functional group indicated by a suffix (-ol for alcohols, -amine for amines). The position of the functional group is denoted by a number. However, there's a key difference: in alcohols, the -OH group is considered part of the main chain, while in amines, the -NH2 group is treated as a substituent.

When naming compounds with multiple functional groups, it's essential to understand priority rules. Generally, the functional group with the highest priority is used as the suffix, while others are treated as prefixes. For instance, in a molecule containing both an alcohol and an alkene, the alcohol would typically take precedence.

Mastering these naming conventions is crucial for effective communication in chemistry. It allows chemists to precisely describe molecular structures and understand the properties and reactions of these compounds. As you delve deeper into organic chemistry, you'll encounter more complex molecules combining these functional groups, making a solid foundation in naming conventions invaluable.

Lowest-Priority Groups: Ethers, Halides, and Nitro Compounds

Understanding the naming conventions for ethers, halides, and nitro compounds is crucial in organic chemistry. These functional groups are considered lowest-priority when naming organic compounds, but their nomenclature is essential for clear communication in the field. Let's explore each group and their naming rules.

Ethers are compounds with an oxygen atom bonded to two alkyl or aryl groups. They can be named using two methods. The first method involves using the word "ether" after the names of the alkyl groups in alphabetical order. For example, CH3CH2OCH2CH3 is called "diethyl ether." The second method uses the alkoxy group as a substituent. In this case, the same compound would be named "ethoxyethane." The alkoxy group (-OR) is named by replacing the "-yl" ending of the alkyl group with "-oxy."

Halides, also known as haloalkanes, are compounds where a halogen atom replaces a hydrogen in an alkane. The naming convention for halides uses prefixes to indicate the specific halogen: "fluoro-" for fluorine, "chloro-" for chlorine, "bromo-" for bromine, and "iodo-" for iodine. These prefixes are added to the name of the parent alkane. For instance, CH3CH2Br is named "bromoethane," and CH3CHClCH3 is "2-chloropropane."

Nitro compounds contain the nitro group (-NO2) attached to a carbon atom. The nitro group is always named as a prefix in organic nomenclature. For example, CH3CH2NO2 is named "nitroethane," and C6H5NO2 is "nitrobenzene." When multiple functional groups are present, the nitro group is considered a substituent and is named accordingly in the overall compound name.

It's important to note that when these groups are present alongside other functional groups, they are generally given lower priority in determining the parent chain or suffix of the compound name. However, their position on the carbon chain is still indicated by numbers. For example, in 3-bromo-1-propanol, the hydroxyl group (-OH) takes precedence over the bromine in naming, but the bromine's position is still specified.

Mastering these naming conventions is essential for accurately describing and identifying organic compounds. Whether dealing with simple ethers like diethyl ether, halides such as chloroform (trichloromethane), or nitro compounds like trinitrotoluene (TNT), understanding these rules allows chemists to communicate effectively and precisely about molecular structures and their properties.

Naming Aromatic Compounds

Naming aromatic compounds, particularly benzene derivatives, requires special considerations due to their unique structure and historical naming conventions. The aromatic ring, with its characteristic stability and resonance, presents a challenge in systematic nomenclature. Understanding these naming rules is crucial for chemists and students alike.

Benzene, the simplest aromatic compound, serves as the foundation for naming more complex structures. However, inconsistencies arise due to historical reasons, leading to some common names that don't follow the standard IUPAC nomenclature. For instance, toluene, a methyl-substituted benzene, retains its traditional name instead of being called methylbenzene. Similarly, benzoic acid is widely used instead of its systematic name, benzenecarboxylic acid.

The term "phenyl" is often used to denote the benzene ring when it acts as a substituent in larger molecules. This nomenclature helps in quickly identifying the presence of the aromatic ring in complex structures. For example, phenylethane refers to a compound where an ethane molecule is attached to a benzene ring.

When naming more complex aromatic compounds, it's often helpful to treat the benzene ring as a six-membered alkene chain. This approach allows for the application of standard alkene naming rules while acknowledging the special nature of the aromatic system. For instance, when naming disubstituted benzenes, the positions are numbered to give the lowest possible numbers to the substituents, similar to alkene nomenclature.

It's important to note that some common substituents on benzene have their own specific names. For example, -OH becomes "phenol" when attached to benzene, rather than "hydroxybenzene." Similarly, -NH2 is referred to as "aniline" instead of "aminobenzene." These exceptions are part of the accepted nomenclature and are widely used in both academic and industrial settings.

When dealing with polycyclic aromatic compounds, the naming becomes more complex. Naphthalene, anthracene, and phenanthrene are examples of fused ring systems that have their own systematic names. These compounds follow specific numbering patterns for substituents, which must be memorized for accurate naming.

In conclusion, naming aromatic compounds requires a balance between systematic IUPAC rules and historically accepted common names. While the trend is moving towards more systematic nomenclature, many traditional names persist in both literature and practical usage. Mastering these naming conventions is essential for effective communication in organic chemistry and related fields.

Organic Functional Groups: General Rules for Naming Organic Compounds

This guide will help you understand the general rules for naming organic compounds, focusing on the major functional groups. By following these steps, you will be able to systematically name organic molecules, even if you encounter new functional groups.

Step 1: Identify the Longest Carbon Chain

The first step in naming an organic compound is to identify the longest continuous carbon chain in the molecule. This chain will serve as the base name of the compound. Remember, organic compounds are primarily based on carbon atoms and their bonds. For example, if you have a chain of seven carbon atoms, the base name will be "heptane."

Step 2: Identify the Highest Order Functional Group

Next, you need to identify the highest order functional group present in the molecule. Functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules that have characteristic properties. The highest order functional group will determine the suffix of the compound's name. Common functional groups include alcohols, esters, and carboxylic acids. For instance, if an alcohol group (OH) is present, it will take priority and influence the suffix of the name.

Step 3: Number the Carbon Chain

Once you have identified the longest carbon chain and the highest order functional group, the next step is to number the carbon chain. The numbering should be done in such a way that the functional groups get the lowest possible numbers. This ensures that the compound's name reflects the positions of the functional groups accurately. For example, if you have a seven-carbon chain with an alcohol group on the fifth carbon, you would number the chain to give the alcohol the lowest possible number.

Step 4: Assign Numbers to Functional Groups

After numbering the carbon chain, assign numbers to the positions of all functional groups. The highest order functional group will get the suffix, while other groups will be treated as prefixes. For example, if you have an alcohol group on the fifth carbon, a chlorine atom on the fourth carbon, and a nitro group on the second carbon, the compound's name will reflect these positions.

Step 5: Combine the Elements to Form the Name

Now, combine all the elements to form the compound's name. Start with the prefixes for the functional groups in alphabetical order, followed by the base name of the carbon chain, and finally the suffix for the highest order functional group. For example, if you have a seven-carbon chain with an alcohol group on the fifth carbon, a chlorine atom on the fourth carbon, and a nitro group on the second carbon, the name would be "4-chloro-2-nitro-5-heptanol."

Step 6: Verify the Name

Finally, verify the name to ensure it follows the systematic naming rules. Check that the functional groups are in the correct order, the numbers are assigned correctly, and the name accurately reflects the structure of the molecule. This step is crucial to avoid any errors in the naming process.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind while naming organic compounds:

  • Always start with the longest carbon chain as the base name.
  • Identify and prioritize the highest order functional group for the suffix.
  • Number the carbon chain to give the lowest possible numbers to the functional groups.
  • Use alphabetical order for prefixes when multiple functional groups are present.
  • Practice with different examples to become familiar with the naming conventions.

By following these steps and tips, you will be able to systematically name organic compounds and understand the structure and properties of various organic molecules.


Here are some frequently asked questions about naming organic compounds and groups:

  1. What is the IUPAC system of nomenclature?

    The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) system is a standardized method for naming chemical compounds. It provides a set of rules to create unique and unambiguous names for organic molecules, ensuring consistency in scientific communication worldwide.

  2. How do you determine the parent chain in an organic compound?

    The parent chain is typically the longest continuous carbon chain in the molecule. In cases where there are multiple chains of equal length, choose the one with the most substituents. For compounds with multiple functional groups, select the chain that includes the highest priority functional group.

  3. What's the difference between a prefix and a suffix in organic nomenclature?

    Prefixes are used to name substituents or lower-priority functional groups attached to the parent chain (e.g., "chloro-", "methyl-"). Suffixes indicate the primary functional group of the molecule and are added to the end of the parent chain name (e.g., "-ol" for alcohols, "-oic acid" for carboxylic acids).

  4. How are numbers used in organic compound names?

    Numbers in organic names indicate the positions of substituents or functional groups on the parent chain. The chain is numbered to give the lowest possible numbers to substituents, with priority given to the main functional group. For example, in "3-methylhexan-1-ol", 3 indicates the position of the methyl group, and 1 shows the position of the alcohol group.

  5. Why are some organic compounds still known by their common names?

    Some organic compounds retain their common names due to historical reasons and widespread use. Examples include acetone (propanone), acetic acid (ethanoic acid), and toluene (methylbenzene). While IUPAC names are more systematic, common names are often still used in industry and everyday chemistry for simplicity and tradition.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the fundamentals of organic chemistry is crucial when delving into the topic of naming organic compounds and groups. While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic chemistry concepts is essential for mastering this area of study.

Naming organic compounds and groups is a fundamental skill in organic chemistry that requires a solid understanding of chemical structures, bonding, and nomenclature rules. This knowledge allows students to effectively communicate and describe complex organic molecules, which is vital in various fields such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, and biochemistry.

Although there are no direct prerequisites mentioned, students should be familiar with general chemistry principles, including atomic structure, chemical bonding, and molecular geometry. These concepts provide the necessary background to comprehend the arrangement of atoms in organic molecules and how they influence naming conventions.

Additionally, a basic understanding of carbon's unique properties and its ability to form diverse compounds is crucial. Carbon's tetravalency and its capacity to form single, double, and triple bonds are key factors in the structural diversity of organic compounds, which directly impacts their naming.

Familiarity with functional groups is another important aspect that, while not explicitly listed as a prerequisite, greatly enhances one's ability to name organic compounds. Recognizing common functional groups such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids helps in identifying the primary components of organic molecules and applying the correct naming rules.

Moreover, a grasp of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) nomenclature principles is beneficial. While the specific rules for naming organic compounds will be covered in this topic, having prior exposure to systematic naming conventions in chemistry can accelerate the learning process.

As students progress in their study of naming organic compounds and groups, they will find that this knowledge serves as a foundation for more advanced topics in organic chemistry. It enables them to understand and describe complex reactions, synthesize new compounds, and analyze molecular structures in various applications.

In conclusion, while there are no explicit prerequisites listed for naming organic compounds and groups, a strong background in general chemistry principles, an understanding of carbon's properties, familiarity with functional groups, and exposure to basic nomenclature concepts will significantly enhance a student's ability to master this crucial aspect of organic chemistry. This knowledge not only facilitates learning but also prepares students for more advanced studies and practical applications in the field of organic chemistry.

In this lesson, we will learn:
  • The names and structures of the major organic functional groups.
  • The naming priority of the major functional groups in organic chemistry.
  • How to apply IUPAC systematic naming and priorities to more complex organic compounds.

  • There is a huge number of organic functional groups, but there are around 10 that you will see far more than any others. The most common are acylic groups containing O and N with single or double bonds to carbon.

  • Dont worry about naming compounds with new functional groups. The IUPAC systematic nomenclature is systematic, which means whatever molecule you have, you follow the same rules to name it. Weve seen these rules before:
    1. Identify the longest continuous carbon chain. This is the parent chain of the compound
    2. Identify the functional groups in the molecule. Find the highest priority functional group and use the suffix for this group.
    3. Number the carbon chain, starting at the chain end which results in the lowest combination of numbers for the substituents.
      • This means, for example, 2-methyl-3-octene is correct instead of 6-methyl-5-octene.
    4. Give the highest priority functional group the suffix of the compound name.
      • The groups shown in this lesson are listed in order of decreasing priority. Notice that higher priority groups generally have multiple bonds to oxygen and nitrogen.
    5. All other functional groups can be numbered and named in alphabetical order once the highest priority group has the suffix and the carbon chain is numbered.

  • Naming aromatic compounds is not clear-cut. There is no ruleset that will always find the best name for an aromatic compound because the old pre-IUPAC names (which are not systematic) are still in use and often preferred to the new IUPAC name.
    However, the following is a sensible ruleset that will lead you to a recognized name for aromatic organic compounds:
    • Treat benzene rings as a 6-carbon alkene group.
    • Treat groups below alkenes as lower priority. Alkynes, alkanes, ethers, halogens and nitro groups. With just these, the suffix will be benzene.
    • Treat any carbon chain longer than 6 carbons and groups higher than alkenes as higher priority to the benzene ring it will take the prefix phenyl- here.

  • The following functional groups are listed according to their priority, highest first, in the naming of organic compounds:
    Key for the table:
    R, R', R'' = can be any alkyl or aromatic group.
    X = halogen (F, Cl, Br, I)