Traditional hypothesis testing

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  1. Introduction to traditional hypothesis testing
  1. Traditional Proportion Hypothesis Testing
    I make the claim that "7575% of people like statistics." If 50 people were sampled and it was found that 6464% of them like statistics then with a significance level of α=\alpha=0.05 can my claim be proven to be false?
    1. Thomas is shopping for a used car. He is fairly unconcerned with what car he buys and makes the claim that "[he] likes most cars". If he checks out 40 cars and he likes 30 of them, with a 90% confidence level is his claim true?
      1. Traditional Mean Hypothesis Testing
        Daisy is brewing a batch of Kombucha. She made a total of 20 jars, with a standard deviation of σ=2\sigma=2 ozoz. If she samples 5 jars and finds that the mean amount of liquid in these 5 jars is x=27\overline{x} =27 ozoz, then with 99% confidence what could be said about the claim that "she has on average less than 30 ounces per jar".
        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Traditional Hypothesis Testing

        Traditional hypothesis testing is a cornerstone of statistical analysis, representing the culmination of concepts you've been exploring in previous sections. This fundamental approach allows researchers to make informed decisions about population parameters based on sample data. The introduction video provides a crucial overview of this topic, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of statistical inference. As you delve into hypothesis testing, you'll learn to formulate null and alternative hypotheses, calculate test statistics, and interpret p-values. These skills are essential for drawing meaningful conclusions from data across various fields, including science, business, and social research. By mastering traditional hypothesis testing, you'll be equipped to critically evaluate claims, design experiments, and contribute to evidence-based decision-making processes. Remember, this concept builds upon your existing knowledge of probability, sampling distributions, and confidence intervals, tying together the statistical principles you've been studying.

        Understanding the null and alternative hypotheses is crucial as it forms the basis of hypothesis testing. When you calculate test statistics, you are essentially determining the likelihood of observing your sample data under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true. This process is deeply connected to the concept of sampling distributions, which describe the distribution of a statistic over many samples drawn from the same population. Additionally, constructing confidence intervals allows you to estimate the range within which a population parameter lies with a certain level of confidence, further enhancing your ability to make data-driven decisions.

        Step 1: Formulating Hypotheses

        Formulating null and alternative hypotheses is a crucial first step in hypothesis testing, serving as the foundation for statistical analysis. This process begins with a claim or research question that needs to be investigated. The null hypothesis (H) typically represents the status quo or no effect, while the alternative hypothesis (H or H) represents the claim or the change we're testing for.

        To formulate hypotheses from a given claim, we first need to understand the nature of the claim. Is it suggesting a difference, a relationship, or a specific value? The claim usually becomes the alternative hypothesis, while the null hypothesis is its logical opposite.

        For example, if a company claims that more than 60% of customers prefer their product, we can formulate the hypotheses as:

        • H: p 0.60 (Null hypothesis: The proportion of customers preferring the product is 60% or less)
        • H: p > 0.60 (Alternative hypothesis: The proportion of customers preferring the product is greater than 60%)

        It's important to note the difference between hypotheses for proportions and means. When dealing with proportions, we use the symbol 'p' to represent the population proportion. For means, we use 'μ' (mu) to represent the population mean.

        Consider a claim that the average time spent on a website is more than 5 minutes. The hypotheses would be:

        • H: μ 5 (Null hypothesis: The mean time spent on the website is 5 minutes or less)
        • H: μ > 5 (Alternative hypothesis: The mean time spent on the website is more than 5 minutes)

        When formulating hypotheses, it's crucial to use the appropriate symbols and inequalities. The null hypothesis always includes the equality sign (=, , or ), while the alternative hypothesis uses strict inequalities (< or >).

        The importance of this step cannot be overstated. Properly formulated hypotheses guide the entire testing process, including the choice of statistical test, the interpretation of results, and the conclusions drawn. They provide a clear framework for decision-making and help avoid bias in the analysis.

        Moreover, well-formulated hypotheses ensure that the research question is testable and specific. They force researchers to clarify their expectations and assumptions, leading to more rigorous and meaningful studies.

        In some cases, the alternative hypothesis may be two-tailed, indicating a difference in either direction. For instance, if we're testing whether a new teaching method affects test scores (without specifying if it increases or decreases them), the hypotheses would be:

        • H: μ = μ (Null hypothesis: The mean test score with the new method equals the current mean)
        • H: μ μ (Alternative hypothesis: The mean test score with the new method is different from the current mean)

        Remember, the null hypothesis is always the one being tested directly. We gather evidence to potentially reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. This approach ensures that we maintain a skeptical stance and require strong evidence to support new claims or changes.

        In conclusion, formulating clear, precise, and appropriate null and alternative hypotheses is a critical skill in statistical analysis. It sets the stage for all subsequent steps in hypothesis testing, influencing everything from data collection to final conclusions. By mastering this step, researchers and analysts can ensure their investigations are focused, meaningful, and scientifically sound.

        Step 2: Determining Confidence and Significance Levels

        Understanding confidence and significance levels is crucial in statistical analysis. These concepts are fundamental to hypothesis testing and play a vital role in making informed decisions based on data. Let's explore how to determine these levels and their relationship to the standard normal curve.

        Confidence level refers to the probability that a statistical estimate falls within a certain range of values. It's typically expressed as a percentage, such as 95% or 99%. To determine the confidence level, researchers consider the desired level of certainty in their results. For instance, a 95% confidence level means there's a 95% chance that the true population parameter falls within the calculated confidence interval.

        On the other hand, the significance level, often denoted as α (alpha), is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it's actually true. It's the complement of the confidence level. For example, if the confidence level is 95%, the significance level would be 5% (100% - 95%). The significance level is crucial in hypothesis testing as it determines the threshold for statistical significance.

        The concept of rejection regions is closely tied to the standard normal curve, which is a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve representing the distribution of a standardized variable. The rejection region is the area under the curve where the null hypothesis would be rejected if the test statistic falls within it. This region is determined by the significance level.

        To visualize this, imagine a standard normal curve divided into three sections:

        Standard Normal Curve with Rejection Regions

        The central area of the curve represents the "fail to reject" region, where we don't have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. The tails of the curve, on both ends, represent the rejection regions. For a two-tailed test with a 5% significance level, each tail would contain 2.5% of the area under the curve.

        The relationship between confidence level and significance level is inverse. As the confidence level increases, the significance level decreases, and vice versa. This relationship affects the size of the rejection region. A higher confidence level (lower significance level) results in a smaller rejection region, making it harder to reject the null hypothesis. Conversely, a lower confidence level (higher significance level) leads to a larger rejection region, increasing the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis.

        When determining these levels, researchers must balance the risk of Type I errors (rejecting a true null hypothesis) and Type II errors (failing to reject a false null hypothesis). A common practice is to use a 95% confidence level (5% significance level), but this can vary depending on the field of study and the consequences of potential errors.

        In practice, determining confidence and significance levels involves:

        1. Assessing the research context and potential consequences of errors
        2. Choosing an appropriate confidence level (e.g., 90%, 95%, 99%)
        3. Calculating the corresponding significance level (α)
        4. Identifying the critical values on the standard normal curve
        5. Defining the rejection and fail to reject regions

        By understanding these concepts and their interrelationships, researchers can make more informed decisions in statistical analysis, ensuring that their conclusions are both reliable and meaningful. The choice of confidence and significance levels ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the study and the acceptable level of risk in drawing conclusions from the data.

        Step 3: Calculating the Test Statistic

        Calculating the test statistic is a crucial step in hypothesis testing, as it allows us to quantify the difference between our sample data and the null hypothesis. The test statistic, often referred to as a z-value or t-value, helps determine whether we should reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. In this section, we'll explore the process of finding the test statistic for both proportions and means, providing formulas and step-by-step instructions.

        Test Statistic for Proportions

        When dealing with proportions, we use the z-test statistic. The formula for the z-test statistic for proportions is:

        z = (p̂ - p) / [p(1 - p) / n]


        • p̂ (p-hat) is the sample proportion
        • p is the hypothesized population proportion
        • n is the sample size

        Steps to Calculate the Test Statistic for Proportions:

        1. Identify the sample proportion (p̂) from your data.
        2. Determine the hypothesized population proportion (p) from the null hypothesis.
        3. Note the sample size (n).
        4. Plug these values into the formula.
        5. Calculate the result to find your z-value.

        Example for Proportions:

        Suppose we're testing whether the proportion of left-handed people in a population is different from 10%. In a sample of 200 people, we find 30 left-handed individuals.

        p̂ = 30/200 = 0.15

        p = 0.10

        n = 200

        z = (0.15 - 0.10) / [0.10(1 - 0.10) / 200] 2.11

        Test Statistic for Means

        For means, we use either the z-test or t-test statistic, depending on whether the population standard deviation is known. If the population standard deviation is known, we use the z-test. If it's unknown, we use the t-test. The formula for the z-test statistic for means is:

        z = (x̄ - μ) / (σ / n)


        • x̄ is the sample mean
        • μ is the hypothesized population mean
        • σ is the population standard deviation
        • n is the sample size

        For the t-test statistic (when population standard deviation is unknown), the formula is:

        t = (x̄ - μ) / (sample standard deviation / n)

        Where s is the sample standard deviation.

        Steps to Calculate the Test Statistic for Means:

        1. Calculate the sample mean (x̄) from your data.
        2. Identify the hypothesized population mean (μ) from the null hypothesis.
        3. Determine the population standard deviation (σ) if known, or calculate the sample standard deviation (s) if unknown.
        4. Note the sample size (n).
        5. Plug these values into the appropriate formula (z or t).
        6. Calculate the result to find your test statistic.

        Example for Means

        Step 4: Making a Decision

        After calculating the test statistic, the next crucial step in hypothesis testing is using this value to make a decision about the null hypothesis. This process involves comparing the test statistic to a critical value and interpreting the results. Understanding this step is essential for drawing meaningful conclusions from statistical analyses.

        The comparison between the test statistic and the critical value is at the heart of decision-making in hypothesis testing. The critical value is a predetermined threshold that depends on the chosen significance level (usually denoted as α) and the type of test being conducted. It serves as a boundary between the region where we would reject the null hypothesis and where we would fail to reject it.

        To make a decision, we compare the absolute value of the test statistic to the critical value. There are two possible outcomes:

        1. Rejecting the null hypothesis: If the absolute value of the test statistic is greater than the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis. This suggests that the observed data is significantly different from what we would expect if the null hypothesis were true. In this case, we conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

        2. Failing to reject the null hypothesis: If the absolute value of the test statistic is less than or equal to the critical value, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This indicates that the observed data is not significantly different from what we would expect if the null hypothesis were true. In this scenario, we conclude that there is not enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

        It's important to note that failing to reject the null hypothesis is not the same as proving it true. It simply means that we don't have enough evidence to conclude that it's false based on our current data and chosen significance level.

        The decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis must be interpreted in the context of the original claim being tested. If the original claim aligns with the alternative hypothesis, rejecting the null hypothesis provides support for the claim. Conversely, if the original claim is represented by the null hypothesis, failing to reject it suggests that the claim may be valid.

        For example, if we're testing whether a new drug is more effective than a placebo, rejecting the null hypothesis would indicate that the drug likely has a significant effect. On the other hand, failing to reject the null hypothesis would suggest that we don't have enough evidence to conclude that the drug is more effective than the placebo.

        It's crucial to remember that statistical decisions are always made with a degree of uncertainty. The significance level (α) represents the probability of making a Type I error rejecting the null hypothesis when it's actually true. Researchers must balance this risk with the possibility of a Type II error failing to reject the null hypothesis when it's actually false.

        In practice, many researchers also consider the p-value in addition to the critical value approach. The p-value represents the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed data, assuming the null hypothesis is true. If the p-value is less than the chosen significance level, we reject the null hypothesis.

        Ultimately, the decision-making process in hypothesis testing provides a structured way to draw conclusions from data. By comparing the test statistic to the critical value, researchers can make informed decisions about their hypotheses and interpret the results in the context of their original research questions. This approach allows for objective analysis and helps advance scientific understanding across various fields of study.

        Practical Examples of Hypothesis Testing

        Hypothesis testing examples is a crucial statistical method used to make inferences about population parameters based on sample data. Let's explore two detailed hypothesis testing examples, covering both proportion and mean scenarios, to demonstrate how to apply these concepts in real-world situations.

        Example 1: Proportion Test - Customer Satisfaction Survey

        A company claims that 80% of its customers are satisfied with their product. To test this claim, they conduct a survey of 200 randomly selected customers.

        Step 1: State the hypotheses

        Null hypothesis (H0): p = 0.80 (The true proportion of satisfied customers is 80%)
        Alternative hypothesis (Ha): p 0.80 (The true proportion is not 80%)

        Step 2: Choose significance level

        Let's use α = 0.05

        Step 3: Calculate test statistic

        Suppose 150 out of 200 customers reported satisfaction.
        Sample proportion: p̂ = 150/200 = 0.75
        Standard error: SE = [(0.80 * 0.20) / 200] = 0.0283
        Z-score: z = (0.75 - 0.80) / 0.0283 = -1.77

        Step 4: Determine p-value

        For a two-tailed test, p-value = 2 * P(Z < -1.77) 0.0768

        Step 5: Make a decision

        Since p-value (0.0768) > α (0.05), we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

        Step 6: Interpret results

        There is not enough evidence to conclude that the true proportion of satisfied customers differs from 80%.

        Example 2: Mean Test - Average Daily Screen Time

        A researcher wants to determine if the average daily screen time for teenagers in a certain city is different from the national average of 7 hours. They collect data from a sample of 50 teenagers in the city.

        Step 1: State the hypotheses

        Null hypothesis (H0): μ = 7 (The mean daily screen time is 7 hours)
        Alternative hypothesis (Ha): μ 7 (The mean daily screen time is not 7 hours)

        Step 2: Choose significance level

        Let's use α = 0.01

        Step 3: Calculate test statistic

        Suppose the sample mean (x̄) is 7.5 hours and the sample standard deviation (s) is 1.2 hours.
        Standard error: SE = s / n = 1.2 / 50 = 0.1697
        t-statistic: t = (7.5 - 7) / 0.1697 = 2.95
        Degrees of freedom: df = 50 - 1 = 49

        Step 4: Determine p-value

        For a two-tailed t-test with df = 49, p-value 0.0048

        Step 5: Make a decision

        Since p-value (0.0048) < α (0.01), we reject the null hypothesis.

        Step 6: Interpret results

        There is strong evidence to suggest that the average daily screen time for teenagers in this city is significantly different from the national average of 7 hours.

        Common Pitfalls and Tips for Success

        Hypothesis testing is a crucial statistical tool, but students often encounter common mistakes that can lead to misinterpretation of results. Understanding these pitfalls and learning how to avoid them is essential for accurate statistical analysis. One frequent error is misinterpreting the p-value, with many students incorrectly believing that a small p-value proves the alternative hypothesis true. In reality, it only suggests evidence against the null hypothesis. To avoid this, always remember that hypothesis tests don't prove hypotheses; they provide evidence for or against them.

        Another common mistake is confusing statistical significance with practical significance. A result may be statistically significant but have little real-world impact. To address this, consider effect sizes alongside p-values and think critically about the practical implications of your findings. Students also often struggle with choosing the appropriate significance level (α) before conducting the test. Arbitrarily selecting α without considering the context can lead to flawed conclusions. Instead, carefully consider the consequences of Type I and Type II errors in your specific situation when setting α.

        Misspecifying hypotheses is another pitfall. Ensure your null and alternative hypotheses are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. Additionally, be cautious of multiple testing issues. Conducting numerous tests without proper adjustment increases the likelihood of Type I errors. To mitigate this, use methods like the Bonferroni correction or consider overall experiment-wise error rates. It's also crucial to check assumptions underlying the test, such as normality or independence, as violating these can invalidate results.

        When interpreting results, avoid overconfidence in your conclusions. Recognize that hypothesis tests have limitations and can't prove causality. Always consider alternative explanations for your findings and acknowledge the possibility of errors. Be transparent about your methods, including any data transformations or outlier treatments. Lastly, remember that failing to reject the null hypothesis doesn't mean it's true; it simply means there's insufficient evidence to reject it. By being aware of these common mistakes and following best practices, students can improve their hypothesis testing skills and draw more accurate conclusions from their statistical analyses.


        Traditional hypothesis testing is a fundamental statistical method that involves several key points. These include formulating null and alternative hypotheses, selecting a significance level, calculating test statistics, and making decisions based on p-values. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding these concepts. To truly grasp hypothesis testing, students are encouraged to practice with diverse examples, ranging from simple to complex scenarios. This hands-on approach reinforces learning and builds confidence in applying statistical methods. For those seeking deeper knowledge, exploring additional resources for hypothesis testing can offer valuable insights and perspectives. Remember, mastering hypothesis testing is a journey that requires patience and persistence. We invite you to engage further with this topic by discussing your experiences, sharing challenges, and collaborating with peers. By actively participating in your learning process, you'll develop a robust understanding of hypothesis testing that will serve you well in various analytical contexts.

        When you formulate null and alternative hypotheses, it is essential to understand the underlying assumptions. Additionally, calculating test statistics accurately is crucial for making valid inferences. Utilizing additional resources for hypothesis testing can further enhance your comprehension and application of these statistical methods.


        Here are some frequently asked questions about traditional hypothesis testing:

        1. What is the difference between the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis?

          The null hypothesis (H) typically represents no effect or no difference, while the alternative hypothesis (H or H) represents the claim or change being tested. The null hypothesis is what we assume to be true unless we have strong evidence to reject it in favor of the alternative hypothesis.

        2. How do I interpret the p-value in hypothesis testing?

          The p-value represents the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed data, assuming the null hypothesis is true. A small p-value (typically less than the chosen significance level) suggests strong evidence against the null hypothesis, leading to its rejection in favor of the alternative hypothesis.

        3. What is the significance level (α) and how do I choose it?

          The significance level (α) is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it's actually true (Type I error). Common choices are 0.05 or 0.01. The choice depends on the field of study and the consequences of making a Type I error. A lower α reduces the risk of false positives but increases the risk of false negatives.

        4. What's the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed tests?

          A one-tailed test examines the possibility of a relationship in one direction, while a two-tailed test considers the possibility of a relationship in both directions. Two-tailed tests are more conservative and are used when you want to detect any difference from the null hypothesis, regardless of direction.

        5. How do I know which statistical test to use for hypothesis testing?

          The choice of test depends on several factors, including the type of data (categorical or continuous), the number of groups being compared, the distribution of the data, and the research question. Common tests include t-tests for comparing means, chi-square tests for categorical data, and ANOVA for comparing multiple groups.

        Prerequisite Topics for Traditional Hypothesis Testing

        Understanding traditional hypothesis testing is crucial in statistics, but it requires a solid foundation in several key areas. One of the most fundamental concepts is test statistics, which are essential for evaluating hypotheses. These numerical summaries help quantify the evidence against the null hypothesis, forming the backbone of hypothesis testing procedures.

        Equally important is a grasp of sampling distributions. These theoretical distributions of a statistic are vital for understanding the variability of sample estimates and play a crucial role in determining the likelihood of observed results under the null hypothesis. Without this knowledge, it's challenging to interpret test results accurately.

        Another critical prerequisite is understanding confidence intervals, particularly Chi-Squared confidence intervals. These intervals provide a range of plausible values for population parameters, complementing hypothesis tests by offering a measure of precision and uncertainty in our estimates.

        When conducting hypothesis tests, it's crucial to be aware of potential errors. This is where knowledge of Type I and Type II errors becomes invaluable. Understanding these errors helps researchers balance the risks of false positives and false negatives, ensuring more robust and reliable conclusions from their analyses.

        Lastly, familiarity with confidence levels and critical values is essential. These concepts are fundamental in determining the threshold for rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis. Critical values serve as decision points in hypothesis testing, directly influencing the conclusions drawn from statistical analyses.

        By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can approach traditional hypothesis testing with a comprehensive understanding of its underlying principles. This foundation not only facilitates better comprehension of the testing process but also enables more accurate interpretation of results. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a interconnected framework that supports robust statistical analysis and decision-making.

        In conclusion, the journey to mastering traditional hypothesis testing is paved with these essential prerequisite topics. They provide the necessary tools and insights to navigate the complexities of statistical inference, ensuring that students can confidently apply hypothesis testing in various real-world scenarios and research contexts.

        • This section involves the accumulation of all previous sections in this chapter