Test statistics

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  1. The Test Statistic is a Z-score corresponding to a particular Null Hypothesis. It is given below for the two types of claims:

    • Proportion:
    Z=p^pp(1p)nZ= \frac{ \hat{p}-p}{ \sqrt{{ \frac{p(1-p)}{n}}}}

    • Mean:
  1. Charlie goes to a thrift store and tries on 50 Hawaiian shirts. He finds that he likes 35 of them. If Charlie were to try on every Hawaiian shirt in the store what is the test statistic that he likes;
    1. 60% of all the Hawaiian Shirts?
    2. 70% of all the Hawaiian Shirts?
    3. 80% of all the Hawaiian Shirts?
  2. From a batch of 100 Toblerone Bars, the mean weight was found to be x=170\overline{x} =170g. It is known that the standard deviation of all Toblerone bars is σ=15\sigma=15g. Find the test statistic that the mean weight of all Toblerone bars is,
    1. μ=165 \mu=165g
    2. μ=170 \mu=170g
    3. μ=175 \mu=175g
Topic Notes

Introduction to Test Statistics

Welcome to the fascinating world of test statistics! This crucial concept plays a pivotal role in hypothesis testing, helping us make informed decisions based on data. Test statistics are numerical values that summarize sample data and allow us to evaluate the strength of evidence against a null hypothesis. They're like detectives, helping us uncover the truth hidden in our data. In our introduction video, we'll dive deeper into this concept, exploring how test statistics are calculated and interpreted. You'll see how they bridge the gap between raw data and meaningful conclusions. Understanding test statistics is essential for anyone working with data analysis, from scientists to business analysts. They provide a standardized way to assess the likelihood of observed results occurring by chance. As we progress, you'll gain confidence in using these powerful tools to draw reliable conclusions from your data. So, let's embark on this exciting journey into the realm of hypothesis testing together!

Understanding Hypothesis Testing

The Frog Jumping Example

Imagine a scientist studying a particular species of frog known for its impressive jumping abilities. The average jump distance for this species is believed to be 20 inches. Our scientist wants to determine if a new diet affects the frogs' jumping distance. This scenario perfectly illustrates the concept of hypothesis testing.

Defining Null and Alternative Hypotheses

In hypothesis testing, we start by defining two competing statements:

  • Null Hypothesis (H): This is the assumption that there's no effect or no difference. In our frog example, H would state that the new diet has no effect on jumping distance (average remains 20 inches).
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H or H): This is the claim we're testing against the null hypothesis. For our frogs, H might state that the new diet does affect jumping distance (average is different from 20 inches).

Setting Up Rejection and Fail to Reject Regions

To make a decision about our hypotheses, we need to establish criteria. This is where the standard normal curve comes into play. The curve helps us visualize where our data falls in relation to what we'd expect if the null hypothesis were true.

The Standard Normal Curve

This bell-shaped curve represents the distribution of z-scores, which are standardized measures of how far a data point is from the mean. The curve is divided into regions:

  • Rejection Region: The area of the curve where, if our test statistic falls, we reject the null hypothesis.
  • Fail to Reject Region: The area where, if our test statistic falls, we fail to reject (but don't necessarily accept) the null hypothesis.

Determining Regions with Z-Scores

Z-scores help us define these regions precisely. For a typical two-tailed test with a 5% significance level:

  • Rejection regions are beyond z = -1.96 and z = 1.96
  • The fail to reject region lies between these z-scores

Applying to Our Frog Example

Let's say we measure 30 frogs on the new diet and calculate their average jump distance. We then convert this to a z-score. If this z-score falls in the rejection region (beyond ±1.96), we'd conclude that there's significant evidence the new diet affects jumping distance. If it falls in the fail to reject region, we'd conclude there's not enough evidence to say the diet has an effect.

Interpreting Results

It's crucial to remember that failing to reject the null hypothesis doesn't prove it true. It simply means we don't have enough evidence to conclude otherwise. In our frog example, if we fail to reject H, we're not proving the diet has no effect; we're just saying we can't conclude that it does based on our data.

The Importance of Sample Size

The size of our sample (number of frogs tested) affects our ability to detect differences. Larger samples generally provide more reliable results and increase our power to detect small effects. This is why replication and large-scale studies are so valuable in scientific research.


Hypothesis testing, illustrated through our frog jumping example, provides a structured approach to making decisions based on data. By defining null and alternative hypotheses, setting up rejection and fail to reject regions using the standard normal curve, and interpreting z-scores, researchers can draw meaningful conclusions from their experiments. Whether you're studying frogs, pharmaceuticals, or financial markets, these principles of hypothesis testing form the backbone of statistical inference in scientific research.

Test Statistics for Proportions

Understanding Test Statistics

Test statistics are numerical values that help us evaluate hypotheses in statistical analysis. In the context of proportions, these statistics are often expressed as z-scores, which measure how many standard deviations an observation is from the mean. When dealing with null hypotheses, test statistics provide a standardized way to compare our sample results to what we would expect if the null hypothesis were true.

Formula for Test Statistics in Proportions

The formula for calculating test statistics for proportions is:

z = (p̂ - p) / [p(1-p)/n]


  • z is the test statistic (z-score)
  • p̂ (p-hat) is the sample proportion (point estimate)
  • p is the hypothesized population proportion
  • n is the sample size

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Formula

  1. Determine the null hypothesis (H) and the alternative hypothesis (H).
  2. Identify the hypothesized population proportion (p) from the null hypothesis.
  3. Calculate the sample proportion (p̂) by dividing the number of successes by the total sample size.
  4. Plug the values into the formula: z = (p̂ - p) / [p(1-p)/n]
  5. Compute the z-score using a calculator or statistical software.

Finding Point Estimates

The point estimate, or sample proportion (p̂), is a crucial component in calculating the test statistic. To find it:

  1. Count the number of successes in your sample.
  2. Divide this count by the total sample size.

This gives you the proportion of successes in your sample, which serves as an estimate of the true population proportion.

The Frog Jumping Example

Let's illustrate this concept with the frog jumping example:

Suppose we want to test if a frog can jump more than 5 feet on average. Our null hypothesis (H) is that the proportion of jumps over 5 feet is 0.5 (50%). We observe 100 jumps (sample size n = 100) and find that 60 jumps are over 5 feet.

Calculating the Test Statistic:

  1. p = 0.5 (from H)
  2. p̂ = 60/100 = 0.6 (point estimate)
  3. n = 100
  4. z = (0.6 - 0.5) / [0.5(1-0.5)/100]
  5. z 2

This z-score of approximately 2 indicates that our sample proportion is about 2 standard deviations above the hypothesized proportion, suggesting evidence against the null hypothesis.

Importance of Sample Size

Note that the sample size (n) plays a crucial role in the formula. A larger sample size reduces the standard error (the denominator in our formula), potentially leading to a larger z-score. This reflects the principle that larger samples provide more reliable evidence about the population.

Interpreting the Test Statistic

The calculated z-score helps us determine the likelihood of observing our sample results if the null hypothesis were true. Generally:

    Test Statistics for Means

    Introduction to Test Statistics for Means

    Calculating test statistics for means is a crucial step in hypothesis testing, allowing researchers to make inferences about population parameters based on sample data. This process differs from calculating test statistics for proportions, and understanding these differences is essential for accurate statistical analysis.

    The Big Mac Weight Example

    To illustrate the calculation of test statistics for means, let's consider an example involving Big Mac weights. Suppose we want to test whether the average weight of Big Macs in a particular region differs from the company's stated weight of 240 grams.

    Components of the Test Statistic Formula

    The test statistic for means, often denoted as z or t (depending on the sample size and whether the population standard deviation is known), involves several key components:

    • Sample mean (x̄): The average weight of Big Macs in our sample
    • Population mean (μ): The stated weight of 240 grams
    • Standard deviation (σ or s): A measure of variability in the data
    • Sample size (n): The number of Big Macs weighed in our sample

    The Formula for Test Statistics for Means

    The general formula for calculating the test statistic for means is:

    z = (x̄ - μ) / (σ / n)


    • z is the test statistic
    • x̄ is the sample mean
    • μ is the population mean
    • σ is the population standard deviation
    • n is the sample size

    Interpreting the Components

    The numerator (x̄ - μ) represents the difference between the sample mean and the population mean. This shows how far our sample average deviates from the expected value. The denominator (σ / n) is known as the standard error of the mean, which accounts for the variability in the data and the sample size.

    Using Sample Standard Deviation

    In many cases, the population standard deviation (σ) is unknown. When this occurs, we use the sample standard deviation (s) instead, and the formula becomes:

    t = (x̄ - μ) / (s / n)

    This change also affects the distribution we use for critical values, shifting from the z-distribution to the t-distribution.

    Differences from Test Statistics for Proportions

    While test statistics for means and proportions share some similarities, there are key differences:

    • Means deal with continuous data, while proportions handle categorical data
    • The formula for proportions uses p (sample proportion) instead of x̄
    • Standard deviation calculation differs for proportions
    • Proportions always use the z-distribution, while means may use t-distribution

    Applying the Formula to the Big Mac Example

    Let's say we sampled 50 Big Macs and found a mean weight of 238 grams with a sample standard deviation of 5 grams. We can calculate the test statistic as follows:

    t = (238 - 240) / (5 / 50) = -2.83

    This value can then be compared to critical values from the t-distribution to determine statistical significance.

    Importance of Sample Size

    The sample size in hypothesis testing (n) plays a crucial role in the test statistic calculation. A larger sample size decreases the standard error, potentially leading to a larger absolute value of the test statistic.

    Practical Applications of Test Statistics

    Real-World Examples of Test Statistics in Action

    Test statistics play a crucial role in various fields, providing valuable insights for decision-making. In medicine, researchers use t-tests to compare the effectiveness of different treatments. For instance, when evaluating a new drug, scientists might employ a two-sample t-test to determine if there's a significant difference in recovery times between patients receiving the new medication and those on a placebo. In marketing, companies utilize chi-square tests to analyze the relationship between customer demographics and purchasing behavior, helping tailor advertising strategies. Environmental scientists often use ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to assess the impact of multiple factors on ecosystems, such as how temperature, rainfall, and soil composition affect plant growth.

    The Importance of Test Statistics in Decision-Making

    Test statistics are indispensable tools in the decision-making process across various industries. They provide a quantitative basis for drawing conclusions from data, reducing the influence of subjective opinions. In quality control, manufacturers use test statistics to maintain product standards. For example, a z-test might be employed to ensure that the average weight of packaged goods meets specifications. In finance, regression analysis helps predict market trends and assess investment risks. Policy makers rely on test statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of public health initiatives or educational programs, using methods like difference-in-differences analysis to measure the impact of interventions.

    Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions in Interpreting Test Statistics

    While test statistics are powerful tools, their interpretation can be fraught with pitfalls. One common misconception is confusing statistical significance with practical significance. A result may be statistically significant due to a large sample size, but the actual effect might be too small to be meaningful in practice. Another pitfall is the misuse of p-values, often interpreting them as the probability that the null hypothesis is true, which is incorrect. It's crucial to understand that p-values indicate the probability of obtaining the observed (or more extreme) results if the null hypothesis were true, not the probability of the hypothesis itself.

    Researchers sometimes fall into the trap of p-hacking, where they manipulate data or analysis methods to achieve statistically significant results. This practice can lead to false positives and unreliable conclusions. Additionally, overlooking the assumptions underlying statistical tests can lead to invalid results. For instance, applying a t-test to non-normally distributed data without proper consideration can yield misleading outcomes.

    Best Practices for Applying Test Statistics

    To effectively use test statistics, it's essential to follow best practices. First, clearly define the research question and hypotheses before collecting data. This approach prevents the temptation to search for significant results post-hoc. Second, choose the appropriate statistical test based on the nature of your data and research design. For example, use non-parametric tests when dealing with ordinal data or when assumptions of normality are violated. Third, consider the practical significance of your findings, not just statistical significance. Effect sizes and confidence intervals provide valuable context for interpreting results.

    It's also crucial to report all relevant information, including sample sizes, effect sizes, and exact p-values, rather than just stating whether a result is significant or not. This transparency allows others to fully evaluate the findings. Lastly, remember that test statistics are tools for inference, not definitive proof. They should be used in conjunction with subject matter expertise and considered within the broader context of the field of study.


    Test statistics are powerful tools that, when used correctly, can provide valuable insights across various fields. From medical research to environmental studies, they offer a quantitative foundation for decision-making. However, their proper application requires a thorough understanding of both their capabilities and limitations. By avoiding common pitfalls and following best practices, researchers and professionals can harness the full potential of test statistics to drive informed decisions and advance knowledge in their respective fields.

    Advanced Concepts in Test Statistics

    One-Tailed vs. Two-Tailed Tests

    As we delve deeper into test statistics, it's crucial to understand the distinction between one-tailed and two-tailed tests. These concepts build upon our basic understanding of hypothesis testing and can significantly impact our conclusions.

    One-tailed tests focus on a single direction of the effect. For instance, when testing if a new drug is more effective than a placebo, we're only interested in one direction - whether it's better, not worse. Two-tailed tests, on the other hand, consider both directions. They're used when we want to know if there's any difference, regardless of direction.

    The choice between one-tailed and two-tailed tests affects the critical values and p-values in our analysis. One-tailed tests can be more powerful when we have a strong directional hypothesis, but they're also more restrictive and can miss important effects in the opposite direction.

    Type I and Type II Errors

    In hypothesis testing, we're always at risk of making errors. Two crucial types of errors to understand are Type I and Type II errors.

    A Type I error occurs when we reject the null hypothesis when it's actually true. This is often referred to as a "false positive." The probability of making a Type I error is denoted by α (alpha), which is typically set at 0.05 or 0.01 in most studies.

    A Type II error, on the other hand, happens when we fail to reject the null hypothesis when it's actually false. This is a "false negative." The probability of a Type II error is denoted by β (beta).

    Understanding these errors is crucial because they help us balance the risks in our statistical decisions. Reducing one type of error often increases the risk of the other, so researchers must carefully consider the implications of each in their specific context.

    Power Analysis

    Power analysis is a critical tool in statistical research that helps us determine the sample size needed to detect an effect of a given size with a certain degree of confidence. It's intimately connected to the concepts of Type I and Type II errors.

    The power of a statistical test is defined as 1 - β, where β is the probability of a Type II error. In essence, power is the probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis. A common target for power is 0.80, meaning we have an 80% chance of detecting an effect if it exists.

    Conducting a power analysis involves specifying several parameters:

    • The effect size you want to detect
    • The desired significance level (α)
    • The desired power (1 - β)
    • The specific statistical test you'll be using

    With these parameters, we can calculate the required sample size. This process ensures that our studies are designed with enough statistical power to detect meaningful effects, reducing the risk of inconclusive results due to inadequate sample sizes.

    Bringing It All Together

    These advanced concepts in test statistics - one-tailed vs. two-tailed tests, Type I and Type II errors, and power analysis - are interconnected and build upon the foundational understanding of hypothesis testing. By mastering these concepts, researchers can design more robust studies, make more informed decisions about their statistical analyses, and interpret their results with greater nuance and accuracy.

    As you progress in your statistical journey, remember that these tools are not just abstract concepts, but practical instruments that can significantly impact real-world research and decision-making. Whether you're conducting academic research, analyzing business data, or exploring scientific phenomena, a deep understanding of these advanced statistical concepts will enhance your ability to draw meaningful conclusions from data.


    In this article, we've explored the crucial role of test statistics in hypothesis testing. We've covered key concepts such as the null and alternative hypotheses, significance levels, and p-values. Understanding these elements is essential for making informed decisions based on statistical data. The introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of these topics, and we encourage you to review it for a deeper understanding. Test statistics are fundamental to scientific research, business analytics, and many other fields. By mastering these concepts, you'll be better equipped to interpret and apply statistical findings. We invite you to further engage with this topic by exploring additional resources, practicing with real-world datasets, and discussing these concepts with peers. Remember, proficiency in test statistics is a valuable skill that can enhance your analytical capabilities and decision-making processes. Continue your learning journey and apply these principles in your work or studies.

    Hypothesis testing is a method used to make decisions or inferences about population parameters based on sample data. It involves formulating a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, then using test statistics to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis. This process is fundamental in various fields, including scientific research and business analytics. By understanding and applying hypothesis testing, you can make more informed decisions and draw more accurate conclusions from your data.


Charlie goes to a thrift store and tries on 50 Hawaiian shirts. He finds that he likes 35 of them. If Charlie were to try on every Hawaiian shirt in the store what is the test statistic that he likes;
60% of all the Hawaiian Shirts?

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

First, we need to understand the problem at hand. Charlie tries on 50 Hawaiian shirts and likes 35 of them. We are asked to determine the test statistic for the hypothesis that Charlie likes 60% of all Hawaiian shirts in the store. This involves understanding whether we are dealing with proportions or means. Since we are dealing with percentages and proportions of shirts liked, this problem is about proportions.

Step 2: Formulating Hypotheses

Next, we need to formulate our null and alternative hypotheses. The null hypothesis (H0) is that Charlie likes 60% of the Hawaiian shirts. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is that Charlie does not like 60% of the Hawaiian shirts. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

  • H0: p = 0.60
  • Ha: p 0.60
Here, p represents the proportion of Hawaiian shirts that Charlie likes.

Step 3: Calculating the Point Estimate

We need to calculate the point estimate, which is the proportion of shirts that Charlie likes from the sample he tried on. The point estimate (p̂) is calculated as the number of shirts liked divided by the total number of shirts tried on:

  • p̂ = 35/50 = 0.70
This means that Charlie likes 70% of the Hawaiian shirts he tried on.

Step 4: Identifying the Sample Size

The sample size (n) is the total number of Hawaiian shirts that Charlie tried on, which is 50 in this case.

Step 5: Using the Test Statistic Formula

We use the formula for the test statistic for proportions:

  • Z = (p̂ - p) / [p(1 - p) / n]
Here, p̂ is the point estimate (0.70), p is the population proportion (0.60), and n is the sample size (50).

Step 6: Plugging in the Values

We plug in the values into the formula:

  • Z = (0.70 - 0.60) / [0.60(1 - 0.60) / 50]
  • Z = 0.10 / [0.60 * 0.40 / 50]
  • Z = 0.10 / [0.24 / 50]
  • Z = 0.10 / 0.0048
  • Z = 0.10 / 0.0693
  • Z 1.44
Therefore, the test statistic (Z) is approximately 1.44.

Step 7: Interpreting the Test Statistic

The test statistic of 1.44 can be used to determine the p-value, which will help us decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. Typically, we compare the test statistic to a critical value from the Z-distribution table based on the desired significance level (e.g., 0.05). If the test statistic falls within the critical region, we reject the null hypothesis; otherwise, we fail to reject it.


  1. What is a test statistic?

    A test statistic is a numerical value calculated from sample data that is used to evaluate a hypothesis in statistical analysis. It quantifies the difference between the observed data and what would be expected under the null hypothesis. Common test statistics include z-scores, t-statistics, and chi-square values.

  2. How do you interpret a p-value in hypothesis testing?

    A p-value represents the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed data, assuming the null hypothesis is true. A small p-value (typically < 0.05) suggests strong evidence against the null hypothesis, leading to its rejection. However, it's important to note that the p-value does not indicate the probability of the null hypothesis being true or false.

  3. What's the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed tests?

    One-tailed tests examine the possibility of a relationship in one direction, while two-tailed tests consider the possibility of a relationship in both directions. One-tailed tests are more powerful but can only be used when there's a clear directional hypothesis. Two-tailed tests are more common and can detect effects in either direction.

  4. How does sample size affect test statistics?

    Sample size plays a crucial role in test statistics. Larger sample sizes generally lead to more precise estimates and increase the power of a test to detect small effects. They also tend to produce smaller standard errors, which can result in larger test statistic values. However, very large sample sizes can lead to statistically significant results that may not be practically significant.

  5. What is the difference between Type I and Type II errors?

    Type I error occurs when we reject a true null hypothesis (false positive), while Type II error happens when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis (false negative). The probability of a Type I error is denoted by α (alpha), typically set at 0.05, while the probability of a Type II error is β (beta). Reducing one type of error often increases the risk of the other, so researchers must balance these risks based on their specific context.

Prerequisite Topics for Test Statistics

Understanding test statistics is crucial in the field of statistical analysis, but to truly grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts provide the necessary context and tools to effectively interpret and apply test statistics in various scenarios.

One of the most important prerequisites is the understanding of null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. These concepts form the basis of statistical testing, allowing researchers to formulate and test their assumptions about population parameters. The null hypothesis typically represents the status quo or no effect, while the alternative hypothesis suggests a significant difference or relationship. Mastering these concepts is crucial for properly setting up statistical tests and interpreting their results in the context of test statistics.

Another critical prerequisite topic is the knowledge of Type 1 and Type 2 errors. These errors are intimately connected to hypothesis testing and, consequently, to test statistics. Type I errors occur when we incorrectly reject a true null hypothesis, while Type II errors happen when we fail to reject a false null hypothesis. Understanding these errors is vital for assessing the reliability of statistical conclusions and making informed decisions based on test statistics.

Additionally, familiarity with the mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution is essential for many test statistics applications. This knowledge is particularly important when dealing with discrete data and probability distributions. The concept of standard error of the mean, derived from the standard deviation, plays a crucial role in calculating many test statistics and constructing confidence intervals.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can develop a more comprehensive understanding of test statistics. The null and alternative hypotheses provide the framework for statistical testing, while knowledge of Type I and Type II errors helps in evaluating the reliability of statistical conclusions. Understanding the mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution, along with the concept of standard error, enables students to work with various probability distributions and calculate test statistics accurately.

In conclusion, these prerequisite topics are not just isolated concepts but interconnected building blocks that form the foundation of statistical inference. They provide the necessary context and tools to properly interpret test statistics, make informed decisions, and avoid common pitfalls in statistical analysis. As students progress in their study of statistics, they'll find that a solid grasp of these prerequisites significantly enhances their ability to apply test statistics effectively in real-world scenarios.