Adding multi-digit numbers

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  1. Introduction to Adding Multi-Digit Numbers

    Overview of lesson
  1. Adding 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
    1. 13 + 9
    2. 36 + 28
    3. 45 + 86
    4. 58 + 42
  2. Adding 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
    1. 136 + 557
    2. 758 + 163
    3. 128 + 879
  3. Adding 4-, 5- and 6- Digit Numbers with Regrouping
    1. 2863 + 3478
    2. 6481 + 7319
    3. 41285 + 18468
    4. 283591+ 321428
  4. Adding three numbers
    1. 22 + 450 + 312 
    2. 638 + 385 + 128
  5. Multi-Digit Adding with Regrouping: Word Problems
    1. Ben collects stamps and keeps them in three boxes (red, green and blue boxes). The red box has 780 stamps. The green box has 445 stamps and the blue box has 173 stamps. How many stamps does he have in total?
    2. Usually there are 2353 chairs in the auditorium. Before a show, 1868 more chairs are added. How many chairs are there for the show?
Topic Notes

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How to add multi-digit numbers
  • How to add three numbers
  • Word problems with multi-digit addition


  • Ten ones need to be regrouped into 1 ten
  • Ten tens need to be regrouped into 1 hundred
  • Ten hundreds need to be regrouped into 1 thousand
    • Remember to always stack the numbers you are adding so that the place values line up properly