Probability involving permutations and combinations

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  1. Two cards are picked without replacement from a standard deck of 52 cards.
    Determine the probability that both cards are queens using:
    a) the multiplication rule
    b) combinatorics
  1. Three prizes are awarded in a raffle to a class of 25 students. Each student holds one ticket.
    1. If the raffle has three identical prizes, what is the probability that Amy, Ben, and Calvin are the 3 prize winners?
    2. What is the probability that Amy, Ben, and Calvin win first prize of $100, second prize of $20, and third prize of $5, respectively?
  2. A class has 6 girls and 4 boys. A committee of 3 is to be randomly selected. What is the probability of each event?
    1. All 3 people selected are girls.
    2. Only 1 person selected is a girl.
    3. At least 2 people selected are boys.