Waves in two dimensions

  1. Waves in two dimensions
  2. Introduction to reflection of two-dimensional waves
  3. Introduction to refraction of two-dimensional waves
  4. Introduction to diffraction of two-dimensional waves
  1. A train of water waves reflected at a boundary. The angle between the incident ray and normal in 30°. What would be the angle between normal and reflected wave?
    1. Sound wave are reaching a rigid boundary at a speed of 330 m/s. What would be the speed of the reflected wave bouncing of the same medium?
      1. Refraction of water waves occurred from deep to shallow water. Explain what happens to the wavelength, speed and the frequency of the refracted wave.
        1. Light waves reflect off a boundary with frequency of 30Hz. The angle between the reflected wave and incident wave is given to be 60°. What are the values for angle of reflection and angle of incident?
          1. What is the difference between the diffraction of light waves through small gaps and large gaps?
            Topic Notes

            Introduction to Waves in Two Dimensions

            Waves in two dimensions offer a fascinating glimpse into the behavior of energy propagation across surfaces. These waves exhibit three key phenomena: reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Reflection occurs when waves bounce off barriers, while refraction involves the bending of waves as they pass between media of different densities. Diffraction describes how waves spread out when passing through openings or around obstacles. To observe these phenomena, scientists often use a ripple tank, a shallow water-filled container that allows for the creation and study of two-dimensional waves. This apparatus provides a visual representation of wave behavior, making complex concepts more accessible. The introduction video accompanying this section is crucial for understanding these principles, as it demonstrates real-time wave interactions and their effects. By observing waves in two dimensions, we gain valuable insights into the fundamental properties of wave motion, which have applications in fields ranging from physics to engineering and beyond.

            Reflection of Two-Dimensional Waves

            Reflection is a fundamental concept in the study of two-dimensional waves, playing a crucial role in understanding how waves interact with boundaries. This phenomenon occurs when a wave encounters a barrier and changes direction, bouncing back into the medium from which it originated. To comprehend reflection fully, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with key terms and principles.

            Let's begin by defining the important components of wave reflection. The incident ray is the path along which the wave approaches the reflecting surface. The point where this ray meets the surface is called the point of incidence. After reflection, the wave travels along a new path known as the reflected ray. The normal is an imaginary line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence. Two critical angles come into play: the angle of incidence, which is formed between the incident ray and the normal, and the angle of reflection, formed between the reflected ray and the normal.

            The law of reflection governs how waves behave when they encounter a boundary. This fundamental principle states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. In other words, the incoming wave and the outgoing wave make the same angle with respect to the normal at the point of incidence. This law applies universally to all types of waves, including water waves, sound waves, and light waves.

            When a two-dimensional wave undergoes reflection, it's important to note that certain properties remain unchanged. The speed of the wave, its wavelength, and its frequency all stay the same during the reflection process. This conservation of wave characteristics ensures that the reflected wave carries the same energy and information as the incident wave, just traveling in a different direction.

            To visualize reflection in two-dimensional waves, scientists often use a ripple tank. This apparatus consists of a shallow tray of water with a wave generator at one end. When waves are produced, they travel across the surface of the water. By placing barriers or obstacles in the tank, we can observe how the waves reflect off these surfaces. The ripple tank clearly demonstrates the law of reflection, showing how incident waves bounce off straight or curved barriers at predictable angles.

            In a ripple tank experiment, you can observe fascinating patterns formed by reflected waves. For instance, when parallel waves encounter a straight barrier, the reflected waves appear to originate from an imaginary source behind the barrier. This illustrates how reflection can create the illusion of a virtual source. With curved barriers, such as parabolic reflectors, waves can be focused to a single point, demonstrating principles used in various technologies like satellite dishes and acoustic mirrors.

            Understanding reflection in two-dimensional waves has numerous practical applications. In oceanography, the study of wave reflection helps predict coastal erosion and design effective breakwaters. In acoustics, architects use reflection principles to create spaces with optimal sound qualities. Even in fields like medical imaging and seismology, the principles of wave reflection play a crucial role in developing technologies that can peer inside the human body or map the Earth's interior.

            As we delve deeper into the study of waves, reflection emerges as a cornerstone concept, interconnected with other wave phenomena such as refraction, diffraction, and interference. By mastering the principles of reflection in two-dimensional waves, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of waves in various media and contexts, paving the way for advancements in science, engineering, and technology.

            Refraction of Two-Dimensional Waves

            Refraction is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when waves move from one medium to another, causing a change in their direction and properties. This process is particularly evident in two-dimensional waves, such as water waves or light waves. Understanding refraction is crucial in various fields, including physics, oceanography, and optics.

            When a wave encounters a boundary between two different media, it undergoes refraction. The refracted ray is the portion of the wave that continues to propagate in the new medium after crossing the boundary. The angle between this refracted ray and the normal line (perpendicular to the boundary) is called the angle of refraction. This angle is determined by the properties of both media and the initial angle of incidence.

            During refraction, two key wave properties change: velocity and wavelength. The wave's velocity typically changes as it enters the new medium due to differences in the medium's properties. For instance, when a water wave moves from deep to shallow water, its velocity decreases. Conversely, the wavelength, which is the distance between successive wave crests, also changes during refraction. In the case of water waves moving into shallow water, the wavelength decreases.

            Interestingly, while velocity and wavelength change during refraction, the frequency of the wave remains constant. Frequency is the number of wave cycles passing a fixed point per unit time, and it is determined by the wave source rather than the medium through which it travels. This constant frequency is a fundamental principle in wave physics and has important implications for various applications.

            The behavior of waves in shallow water and deep water illustrates the effects of refraction clearly. In deep water, where the depth is greater than half the wavelength, waves travel faster and have longer wavelengths. As these waves approach the shore and enter shallow water, they slow down, and their wavelengths decrease. This change causes the wave fronts to bend, aligning more parallel to the shoreline a process known as wave refraction.

            To visualize this concept, imagine a diagram showing waves approaching a beach at an angle. As the waves enter shallower water, you would see their paths bend towards the normal line at the boundary between deep and shallow water. This bending is more pronounced for the parts of the wave front that first reach shallow water, resulting in the characteristic curved appearance of wave fronts near a shoreline.

            The effects of refraction in shallow water are not limited to changes in direction. As waves slow down and their wavelengths decrease, their height often increases. This phenomenon, known as wave shoaling, is why waves tend to grow taller as they approach the shore. However, this process has limits, and eventually, the waves become unstable and break when the water depth becomes too shallow relative to the wave height.

            Refraction in two-dimensional waves has numerous practical applications. In oceanography, understanding wave refraction helps predict coastal erosion patterns and design effective coastal protection structures. In optics, the principles of refraction are used to create lenses for eyeglasses, cameras, and telescopes. Even in fields like seismology, refraction concepts help geologists understand how seismic waves propagate through different layers of the Earth.

            To further illustrate these concepts, consider a diagram showing a wave front approaching a boundary between two media at an angle. On one side of the boundary, you would see evenly spaced wave crests representing the incident wave. As the wave crosses the boundary, you would observe the refracted wave with a changed direction and wavelength. This visual representation helps clarify how the wave properties transform during refraction.

            In conclusion, refraction in two-dimensional waves is a complex but crucial concept in wave physics. It explains how waves change direction, velocity, and wavelength when moving between different media, while maintaining a constant frequency. The differences in wave behavior between deep and shallow water demonstrate these principles clearly, with important implications for coastal processes and marine engineering. By understanding refraction, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of waves in various environments, enabling us to harness and manage wave energy more effectively in numerous scientific and practical applications.

            Diffraction of Two-Dimensional Waves

            Diffraction is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when waves encounter obstacles or openings in their path. In the context of two-dimensional waves, such as water waves or light waves, diffraction plays a crucial role in how these waves interact with their environment. This article will explore the concept of diffraction in two-dimensional waves, focusing on how waves spread through small gaps and the resulting interference patterns.

            When a wave encounters a small gap or opening, it doesn't simply pass through in a straight line. Instead, the wave spreads out or bends around the edges of the gap. This spreading effect is what we call diffraction. The extent of diffraction depends on the size of the gap relative to the wavelength of the wave. When the gap is comparable to or smaller than the wavelength, diffraction becomes more pronounced.

            The size of the gap significantly affects the diffraction pattern. As a general rule, the smaller the gap, the more pronounced the diffraction effect. When the gap is much larger than the wavelength, the wave passes through with minimal spreading. However, as the gap size approaches the wavelength, the wave begins to spread out more noticeably. In cases where the gap is smaller than the wavelength, the wave can spread out in almost all directions beyond the gap.

            One of the most intriguing aspects of diffraction is the interference that occurs between diffracted waves. When waves from different parts of the gap spread out and overlap, they interact with each other. This interaction can result in two types of interference: constructive and destructive. Constructive interference occurs when the peaks of two waves align, resulting in a larger amplitude. Conversely, destructive interference happens when the peak of one wave aligns with the trough of another, causing the waves to cancel each other out.

            The interference of diffracted waves creates distinct patterns that can be observed on a screen placed behind the gap. These patterns typically consist of alternating bright and dark bands. The bright bands represent areas of constructive interference, where the waves reinforce each other. Dark bands, on the other hand, indicate areas of destructive interference, where the waves cancel each other out.

            The central bright band in a diffraction pattern is usually the most intense and widest. This is because waves from all parts of the gap arrive at this point in phase, resulting in strong constructive interference. Moving away from the center, you'll observe alternating bright and dark bands of decreasing intensity and width. The spacing between these bands depends on factors such as the wavelength of the wave, the size of the gap, and the distance to the screen.

            Understanding diffraction and interference patterns is crucial in many scientific and technological applications. For example, in optics, diffraction gratings use this principle to separate light into its component colors. In telecommunications, diffraction effects must be considered when designing antennas and signal transmission systems. Even in everyday life, we can observe diffraction effects, such as the colors seen in soap bubbles or the patterns of light around street lamps on a foggy night.

            To visualize diffraction patterns, scientists often use experimental setups involving lasers and small apertures. By shining a coherent light source through a narrow slit or small circular opening, they can project the resulting diffraction pattern onto a screen. This allows for detailed study of the bright and dark bands, providing insights into the wave nature of light and the principles of diffraction.

            In conclusion, diffraction is a fundamental wave phenomenon that demonstrates the wave nature of light and other forms of energy. By understanding how waves spread through small gaps and interfere with each other, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of waves in various contexts. The study of diffraction patterns, with their characteristic bright and dark bands, continues to be an important area of research in physics and engineering, driving advancements in fields ranging from telecommunications to medical imaging.

            Applications and Experiments with Two-Dimensional Waves

            Two-dimensional wave concepts play a crucial role in various fields of physics and engineering, offering practical applications that extend far beyond theoretical understanding. One of the most effective ways to demonstrate and study these wave behaviors is through experiments using a ripple tank. This simple yet powerful tool allows researchers and students to visualize and analyze wave phenomena such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction in a controlled environment.

            Reflection experiments in a ripple tank involve creating waves that bounce off barriers, mimicking how sound waves reflect off surfaces or how water waves interact with coastal structures. By adjusting the angle and shape of these barriers, observers can study how waves change direction and intensity upon reflection. This knowledge is invaluable in acoustics, where understanding sound reflection is essential for designing concert halls with optimal acoustics or developing noise-reduction technologies.

            Refraction experiments demonstrate how waves change direction when entering media of different depths or densities. In a ripple tank, this can be simulated by creating areas of varying water depth. As waves pass from deeper to shallower regions, their speed and direction change, illustrating principles crucial in oceanography for understanding how ocean waves behave near coastlines. This concept also applies to optics, explaining how light bends when passing through different materials, which is fundamental to the design of lenses and optical instruments.

            Diffraction experiments in ripple tanks show how waves spread out when passing through openings or around obstacles. By creating small gaps or placing objects in the path of waves, researchers can observe how wave patterns change. This phenomenon is particularly important in telecommunications, where understanding how radio waves diffract around buildings and terrain is essential for optimizing signal coverage in cellular networks.

            These ripple tank experiments provide tangible insights into wave behavior that have far-reaching applications. In oceanography, the principles of wave reflection and refraction are used to predict coastal erosion patterns and design effective breakwaters. Acoustic engineers apply these concepts to create sound-absorbing materials and design spaces with specific acoustic properties, from recording studios to underwater sonar systems.

            In optics, the understanding of wave behavior is fundamental to the development of advanced imaging technologies. For instance, the principles of diffraction are crucial in designing high-resolution microscopes and telescopes. The wave nature of light, as demonstrated in these experiments, also underpins the development of fiber optic communication systems, which rely on the controlled propagation of light waves through optical fibers.

            Moreover, these wave concepts find applications in cutting-edge fields such as metamaterials research. Scientists and engineers are developing materials with unique wave-interacting properties, potentially leading to innovations like invisibility cloaks or super-lenses capable of imaging beyond the diffraction limit.

            The practical applications of two-dimensional wave concepts extend to seismology as well. Geophysicists use their understanding of wave propagation to interpret seismic data, helping in the exploration of oil and gas reserves and in predicting earthquake behaviors. In medical imaging, ultrasound technology relies heavily on the principles of wave reflection and refraction to create detailed images of internal body structures.

            In conclusion, the study of two-dimensional waves through ripple tank experiments provides a foundation for understanding complex wave behaviors in real-world scenarios. From the vast oceans to the microscopic world of optics, these concepts shape our ability to interact with and manipulate waves for technological advancement. As research continues, our deepening understanding of wave phenomena promises to unlock new possibilities in fields ranging from renewable energy harvesting to advanced communication technologies, showcasing the enduring importance of these fundamental physical principles.

            Mathematical Analysis of Two-Dimensional Waves

            Two-dimensional waves are fascinating phenomena that occur in various physical systems, from water surfaces to electromagnetic fields. To understand and predict their behavior, scientists and engineers rely on mathematical tools and concepts. In this section, we'll explore the fundamental mathematical principles used to describe and analyze two-dimensional waves, focusing on wave equations, phase velocity, and group velocity.

            The wave equation is the cornerstone of mathematical analysis for waves. For two-dimensional waves, the general form of the wave equation is:

            ²u/t² = c²(²u/x² + ²u/y²)

            Where u represents the wave amplitude, t is time, x and y are spatial coordinates, and c is the wave speed. This equation describes how the wave's shape evolves over time and space. Solutions to this equation can take various forms, depending on the specific wave type and boundary conditions.

            One important concept in wave analysis is phase velocity. Phase velocity (v_p) represents the speed at which a particular phase of the wave, such as a crest or trough, propagates through space. For a two-dimensional wave, the phase velocity is given by:

            v_p = ω / k

            Where ω is the angular frequency and k is the wavenumber. In two dimensions, k is a vector quantity with components k_x and k_y, such that k² = k_x² + k_y². The phase velocity helps us understand how quickly individual wave features move through the medium.

            Another crucial concept is group velocity. Group velocity (v_g) describes the speed at which the overall shape or envelope of a wave packet propagates. In two dimensions, the group velocity is given by:

            v_g = _k ω

            Where _k is the gradient operator with respect to the wavenumber components. Group velocity is particularly important when dealing with dispersive waves, where different frequency components travel at different speeds.

            These mathematical tools help predict and analyze wave behavior in various scenarios. For example, consider a two-dimensional water wave with a frequency of 2 Hz and wavelengths of 3 m in the x-direction and 4 m in the y-direction. We can calculate the phase velocity as follows:

            k_x = 2π/λ_x = 2π/3 2.09 m¹

            k_y = 2π/λ_y = 2π/4 1.57 m¹

            k = (k_x² + k_y²) 2.62 m¹

            ω = 2πf = 4π 12.57 rad/s

            v_p = ω / k 4.80 m/s

            This calculation shows that the wave crests move at approximately 4.80 m/s in the direction of propagation.

            Mathematical analysis of two-dimensional waves extends beyond these basic concepts. Researchers use advanced techniques such as Fourier analysis, Green's functions, and numerical methods to solve complex wave problems. These tools allow for the study of wave interference, diffraction, and scattering in two-dimensional systems.

            Understanding and applying these mathematical concepts is crucial in various fields. In oceanography, scientists use wave equations to model tsunami propagation and coastal wave patterns. In optics, phase and group velocities help explain phenomena like dispersion in optical fibers. Acoustics engineers apply these principles to design concert halls with optimal sound distribution.

            As technology advances, the mathematical analysis of two-dimensional waves continues to evolve. Modern computational techniques allow for more accurate simulations of complex wave behavior, leading to improved predictions and designs in fields ranging from telecommunications to seismology. By mastering these fundamental concepts and tools, researchers and engineers can better understand and harness the power of waves in our multidimensional world.


            Understanding waves in two dimensions is crucial for various scientific and engineering fields. Key concepts include reflection, where waves bounce off surfaces; refraction, the bending of waves as they pass through different media; and diffraction, the spreading of waves around obstacles. These phenomena explain numerous natural occurrences and technological applications, from ocean waves to fiber optics. Revisiting the introduction video can provide a visual reinforcement of these concepts, enhancing comprehension. For those eager to delve deeper, consider exploring wave simulations, conducting simple experiments with ripple tanks, or studying advanced texts on wave mechanics. The principles of two-dimensional waves form the foundation for understanding more complex wave behaviors in fields like acoustics, optics, and quantum mechanics. By mastering these fundamentals, you'll be better equipped to tackle advanced topics and contribute to innovative solutions in science and technology.

            Waves in Two Dimensions: Introduction to Reflection of Two-Dimensional Waves

            Understanding the behavior of waves in two dimensions is crucial for various applications in physics and engineering. This guide will walk you through the fundamental concepts of reflection, refraction, and diffraction of two-dimensional waves, with a focus on the reflection of these waves.

            Step 1: Understanding Wave Behavior in Different Mediums

            Similar to light waves, two-dimensional waves exhibit behaviors such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction when they move from one medium to another. When waves encounter a boundary between two different mediums, they get partially reflected and partially refracted (or transmitted) into the other medium. This is a fundamental concept that applies to all types of waves, including water waves, sound waves, and light waves.

            Step 2: Observing Two-Dimensional Waves Using a Ripple Tank

            To study the behavior of two-dimensional waves, a device called a ripple tank is often used in laboratory settings. A ripple tank allows you to visualize the motion of waves on a flat surface. When waves in a ripple tank reach barriers, you can observe their reflection. The tank helps in understanding how waves interact with boundaries and how their properties change upon reflection.

            Step 3: Reflection of Waves in a Ripple Tank

            In a ripple tank, reflection occurs when waves reach the sides or barriers of the tank. Imagine a flat surface with water waves oscillating up and down. As these waves reach the sides of the surface, they reflect back. This reflection can be observed and studied to understand the behavior of waves at boundaries.

            Step 4: Key Definitions in Reflection

            To understand reflection, it's important to know the following terms:

            • Incident Ray: The arrow representing the wave moving towards the boundary.
            • Point of Incidence: The point where the incident ray hits the boundary.
            • Reflected Ray: The arrow representing the wave moving away from the boundary after reflection.
            • Barrier: The straight line showing the direction of the boundary.
            • Normal: A line drawn perpendicular to the barrier to define angles.
            • Angle of Incidence: The angle between the incident ray and the normal.
            • Angle of Reflection: The angle between the reflected ray and the normal.

            Step 5: Measuring Angles in Reflection

            When measuring angles in reflection, always use the normal as a reference. The angle of incidence is measured between the incident ray and the normal, while the angle of reflection is measured between the reflected ray and the normal. According to the law of reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

            Step 6: Properties of Reflection

            Upon reflection, the speed, wavelength, and frequency of the wave do not change. This is a key property of reflection that distinguishes it from refraction and diffraction. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and this principle holds true for all types of waves.

            Step 7: Practical Applications and Observations

            Understanding the reflection of two-dimensional waves has practical applications in various fields, including acoustics, optics, and engineering. By studying wave behavior in a controlled environment like a ripple tank, researchers can develop better models and technologies for wave manipulation and control.

            In summary, the reflection of two-dimensional waves involves understanding how waves interact with boundaries, measuring angles of incidence and reflection, and recognizing that the wave's speed, wavelength, and frequency remain unchanged upon reflection. Using tools like ripple tanks, we can observe and analyze these behaviors to gain deeper insights into wave dynamics.


            Q1: What are the three main phenomena observed in two-dimensional waves?
            A1: The three main phenomena observed in two-dimensional waves are reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Reflection occurs when waves bounce off barriers, refraction is the bending of waves as they pass between media of different densities, and diffraction describes how waves spread out when passing through openings or around obstacles.

            Q2: How does a ripple tank help in studying two-dimensional waves?
            A2: A ripple tank is a shallow water-filled container that allows for the creation and study of two-dimensional waves. It provides a visual representation of wave behavior, making complex concepts more accessible. Scientists use ripple tanks to observe and analyze wave phenomena such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction in a controlled environment.

            Q3: What happens to a wave's properties during refraction?
            A3: During refraction, a wave's velocity and wavelength change as it enters a new medium, while its frequency remains constant. For example, when water waves move from deep to shallow water, their velocity and wavelength decrease, but the frequency stays the same. This change in properties causes the wave to bend as it enters the new medium.

            Q4: How does diffraction affect waves passing through small gaps?
            A4: When waves encounter a small gap, they spread out or bend around the edges of the gap. The extent of diffraction depends on the size of the gap relative to the wavelength. If the gap is comparable to or smaller than the wavelength, diffraction becomes more pronounced, causing the wave to spread out in almost all directions beyond the gap.

            Q5: What are some practical applications of understanding two-dimensional waves?
            A5: Understanding two-dimensional waves has numerous practical applications across various fields. In oceanography, it helps predict coastal erosion and design breakwaters. In acoustics, it's used to create spaces with optimal sound qualities. In optics, it's crucial for developing lenses and imaging technologies. Additionally, it's applied in fields like telecommunications, seismology, and medical imaging for tasks such as optimizing signal coverage, interpreting seismic data, and creating ultrasound images.

            Prerequisite Topics

            Understanding waves in two dimensions is a fascinating and complex topic in physics that builds upon several fundamental concepts. While there are no specific prerequisite topics provided for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong foundation in basic physics and mathematics is crucial for grasping the intricacies of two-dimensional wave behavior.

            To fully appreciate waves in two dimensions, students should have a solid understanding of one-dimensional wave properties. This includes concepts such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude, and wave speed. These fundamental principles serve as the building blocks for exploring more complex wave phenomena in multiple dimensions.

            Additionally, a good grasp of trigonometry and vector mathematics is essential. Two-dimensional waves often involve analyzing wave patterns and interactions using trigonometric functions and vector representations. These mathematical tools allow us to describe and predict wave behavior in planar surfaces accurately.

            Another important aspect to consider is the study of interference and superposition. These concepts, which are typically introduced in one-dimensional wave studies, become even more significant when examining waves in two dimensions. Understanding how waves interact, combine, and interfere with each other in a plane is crucial for comprehending phenomena such as standing waves and diffraction patterns.

            Furthermore, familiarity with oscillations and simple harmonic motion provides a strong foundation for understanding the periodic nature of waves. This knowledge helps in visualizing and interpreting the motion of particles in a two-dimensional medium as waves propagate through it.

            It's also beneficial to have a basic understanding of partial differential equations, as these mathematical tools are often used to describe wave behavior in multiple dimensions. While not always a strict prerequisite, exposure to these concepts can greatly enhance one's ability to analyze and model complex wave systems.

            Lastly, a general understanding of physics principles such as energy conservation and momentum is valuable. These fundamental laws play a role in explaining various aspects of wave behavior, including reflection, refraction, and energy transfer in two-dimensional systems.

            By building a strong foundation in these related areas, students can approach the study of waves in two dimensions with confidence. This comprehensive understanding allows for a deeper appreciation of the subject and its applications in various fields, from acoustics and optics to seismology and quantum mechanics.

            Remember, while specific prerequisites may not be listed, the interconnected nature of physics means that a broad and solid understanding of fundamental concepts will always be beneficial when exploring more advanced topics like waves in two dimensions.

            In this lesson, we will learn:

            • Reflection of two-dimensional waves
            • Recreation of two-dimensional waves
            • Diffraction of two-dimensional waves


            • Waves moving along rope or spring are mechanical waves that move only in one dimension.
            • Waves on the surface of water or sound waves move in two dimensions.
            • Similar to one one-dimensional waves, two-dimensional waves get both reflected and refracted.
            • As waves from one medium to another, partially reflect and partially refract.
            • Properties of two-dimensional waves can be shown using a ripple tank which contains a thin layer of water. Vibrating boards produce wave pulses with constant frequency. The lamp above the tank produces shadows below the tank to show the exact location of crest and troughs.
            • Pulses travelling towards a rigid barrier get “Reflected”.
            • Pulses reaching a boundary might change direction or get “Refracted”.
            • Pulses passing through a small hole, spread or get “Diffracted”.


            • A ray diagram model is used to study the reflection of two-dimensional waves.
            • A ray is a line drawn at right angles to the crests of the waves.

            Key terms using a ray model to study reflection:

            Incident Ray: An arrow pointing towards the boundary

            Point of incidence: Point where incident ray meets the boundary

            Reflected Ray: An arrow pointing away from the boundary

            A straight line: showing the direction of the barrier

            Normal: A line drawn perpendicularly to the barrier at point of incidence

            Angle on incidence (<i < i ): The angle between incident ray and NORMAL

            Angle of reflection (<r < r ): The angle between reflected ray and NORMAL


            Waves in two dimensions

            • According to the law of reflection; angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection ( θi=θr \angle \theta_{i} = \angle \theta_{r} )
            • Upon reflection Speed, Wavelength, and Frequency do NOT change.


            Key terms using ray model to study refraction:

            Incident Ray: An arrow pointing towards the boundary

            Point of incidence: Point where incident ray meets the boundary

            Refracted Ray: An arrow pointing away from the boundary in the other medium

            A straight line: showing the direction of the barrier

            Normal: A line drawn perpendicularly to the barrier at point of incidence

            Angle on incidence (θi \angle \theta_{i}): The angle between incident ray and NORMAL

            Angle of refraction (θr \angle \theta_{r}): The angle between refracted ray and NORMAL

            Waves in two dimensions

            • As waves move from one medium to another with different densities (shallow or deep), they get refracted, change direction at the boundary.
            • Shallow medium: Lower Velocity, Shorter Wavelength, Same Frequency
            • Deep medium: Higher Velocity, Longer Wavelength, Same Frequency

            Diffraction of waves

            • The process of diffraction is the spreading of waves through a small gap, waves circulating out of the gap.
            • Size of the gap affects the shape of the diffracted wave;

            Waves in two dimensions

            Interference of diffracted waves
            • Diffracted waves interfere with each other producing constructive and destructive interface.
            • The result of light interference through small gaps can be collected on a screen, light and dark fringes are seen on the screen. Points where waves interference constructively

            Waves in two dimensions