Vibration and energy

  1. Vibration
  2. Hooke's Law
  3. Energy
  1. When a family of three with a total mass of 150kg steps into their 1100kg car, the car's spring compresses 2.0cm.
    1. What is the spring constant of the car's spring?
    2. How far will the car lower if loaded with 400kg?
  2. A spring is 45cm long when a weight of 65N hangs from it but is 96cm when a weight of 190 N hangs from it. What is the spring constant?
    1. A spring stretches 0.120m vertically when a mass of 0.400kg is attached to its end. Then spring is set up horizontally with the 0.400kg resting on a frictionless surface. The mass is pulled so that the spring is stretched 0.200m from the equilibrium position.
      1. Find the spring constant
      2. Find the amplitude of the horizontal oscillation
      3. What is the magnitude of the maximum velocity?
      4. Find the magnitude of the velocity when the mass is 0.04m from the equilibrium.
      5. Determine the maximum acceleration of the mass.
    2. An object with mass 4.0kg is attached to a spring with spring stiffness constant kk = 200N/m and is performing the simple harmonic motion. When the object is 0.04m from its equilibrium position, it is moving with a speed of 0.62m/s.
      1. Calculate the amplitude of the motion.
      2. Calculate the maximum velocity attained by the object.
    3. A mass sitting on a horizontal, frictionless surface is attached to one end of a spring; the other end is fixed to a wall. 2.0J of work is required to compress the spring by 0.14m.

      If the mass experiences a maximum acceleration of 18 m/s2;
      1. Find the spring constant
      2. Find the mass
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Vibration and Energy

    Welcome to our exploration of vibration and energy in physics! These fundamental concepts are crucial for understanding how the world around us works. Vibration, also known as oscillation, is a repetitive motion around an equilibrium point. It's everywhere - from the strings of a guitar to the atoms in a crystal. Energy, on the other hand, is the capacity to do work and comes in various forms like kinetic energy, potential energy, and thermal. The interplay between vibration and energy is fascinating, as one often transforms into the other. Our introduction video will dive deeper into these concepts, providing visual examples and clear explanations. It's an essential starting point for grasping these ideas, which form the foundation for more advanced topics in physics. As we progress, you'll see how vibration and energy are interconnected and how they apply to real-world phenomena. So, let's get ready to explore these exciting concepts together!

    Understanding Vibration and Oscillation

    Introduction to Vibration and Oscillation

    Vibration and oscillation are fundamental concepts in physics that describe repetitive motion in our everyday world. From the gentle swaying of a tree branch to the precise ticking of a clock, these phenomena surround us. Understanding these concepts not only helps us appreciate the world around us but also forms the basis for many technological advancements.

    Defining Vibration and Oscillation

    A vibrating system or oscillating system is any object or structure that moves back and forth around a central point. This central point is known as the equilibrium position. Think of a playground swing at rest this is its equilibrium position. When you push the swing, it moves away from this position and then returns, only to move away again in the opposite direction. This to-and-fro movement is the essence of vibration and oscillation.

    Everyday Examples of Vibration and Oscillation

    Vibrations and oscillations are ubiquitous in our daily lives. Consider these common examples:

    • The pendulum of a grandfather clock
    • A guitar string when plucked
    • The vibration of your smartphone when receiving a call
    • The bobbing of a boat on water
    • The oscillation of a car's suspension system over bumps

    Each of these examples demonstrates a system moving back and forth around its equilibrium position, embodying the principles of vibration and oscillation.

    Understanding Equilibrium Position

    The equilibrium position is a crucial concept in understanding vibrating systems. It's the position where the system would naturally rest if no external forces were acting upon it. For a pendulum, this is the vertical position where it hangs straight down. For a spring, it's the position where the spring is neither stretched nor compressed. When a system is displaced from its equilibrium position, forces act to return it to this state, resulting in oscillatory motion.

    The To-and-Fro Movement

    The hallmark of vibration and oscillation is the to-and-fro movement. This motion is characterized by:

    • Repetition: The movement repeats in a cyclic pattern
    • Symmetry: The motion is typically symmetrical about the equilibrium position
    • Periodicity: The time taken for one complete cycle remains constant (in ideal conditions)

    This to-and-fro movement can vary in amplitude (the maximum displacement from equilibrium) and frequency (how often the cycle repeats), but the basic principle remains the same.

    The Mass-Spring System: A Classic Example in Physics

    One of the most studied and fundamental examples of a vibrating system in physics is the mass-spring system. This system consists of a mass attached to a spring, which is fixed at the other end. When the mass is pulled and released, it oscillates back and forth. The mass-spring system beautifully illustrates several key concepts:

    • Restoring Force: The spring exerts a force proportional to its displacement, always acting to return the mass to equilibrium
    • Simple Harmonic Motion: Under ideal conditions, the motion of the mass follows a sinusoidal pattern
    • Energy Conversion: The system continuously converts between potential energy (when the spring is stretched or compressed) and kinetic energy (when the mass is moving)

    Applications of Vibration and Oscillation Principles

    Understanding vibration and oscillation is crucial in many fields:

    • Engineering: Designing earthquake-resistant buildings and bridges
    • Music: Creating and tuning musical instruments
    • Electronics: Developing precise timekeeping devices and sensors
    • Medicine: Utilizing ult

    Restoring Force and Displacement

    In the fascinating world of physics, the concept of restoring force plays a crucial role in understanding vibrating systems. This force is responsible for bringing an object back to its equilibrium position when it's displaced. Let's dive into this concept and explore how it relates to displacement in vibrating systems.

    Imagine a spring attached to a wall with a mass hanging from its free end. When the mass is at rest, it's in its equilibrium position. This is the natural state where no external forces are acting on the system. Now, if we pull the mass down or push it up, we're creating a displacement from this equilibrium position.

    Displacement is simply the distance and direction an object moves from its starting point. In our spring example, positive displacement could be when we stretch the spring downwards, while negative displacement would be when we compress it upwards. The key thing to remember is that displacement is always measured relative to the equilibrium position.

    Now, here's where the restoring force comes into play. When we displace the mass, the spring exerts a force that tries to bring the mass back to its equilibrium position. This is the restoring force. It's called "restoring" because it always acts to restore the system to its original, undisturbed state.

    The relationship between the restoring force and displacement is fascinating. The direction of the restoring force is always opposite to the direction of displacement. If we pull the mass down (positive displacement), the restoring force acts upwards. If we push the mass up (negative displacement), the restoring force acts downwards. This opposing nature is what causes objects to oscillate or vibrate when disturbed from their equilibrium position.

    In many systems, including our spring example, the magnitude of the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement. This relationship is described by Hooke's Law, which states that F = -kx, where F is the restoring force, k is the spring constant (a measure of the spring's stiffness), and x is the displacement. The negative sign in this equation represents the opposing nature of the force relative to the displacement.

    Let's consider another example to illustrate these concepts. Picture a pendulum swinging back and forth. Its equilibrium position is when it hangs straight down due to gravity. As it swings to the right, it experiences positive displacement. The restoring force (primarily due to gravity in this case) acts to the left, pulling it back towards the center. As it swings to the left of center, it experiences negative displacement, and the restoring force acts to the right.

    Understanding restoring forces and displacement is crucial in many areas of science and engineering. It helps us explain phenomena like the oscillations of guitar strings, the motion of shock absorbers in cars, and even the behavior of atoms in crystals. In each of these cases, when an object is displaced from its equilibrium position, a restoring force acts to bring it back, resulting in vibration or oscillation.

    The interplay between restoring force and displacement also explains why vibrating systems often exhibit simple harmonic motion. This is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to displacement, resulting in smooth, repetitive oscillations. The period and frequency of these oscillations depend on the properties of the system, such as the mass and the strength of the restoring force.

    It's important to note that while we've focused on mechanical systems like springs and pendulums, the concept of restoring forces applies to many other types of systems as well. In electrical circuits, for instance, capacitors can store electric charge, and when disturbed from their equilibrium state, they experience a restoring force that tries to bring the charge back to equilibrium. Similarly, in atomic systems, electrons orbiting a nucleus experience restoring forces that keep them in their orbitals.

    As we delve deeper into the world of physics, we find that the principles of restoring forces and displacement are fundamental to understanding more complex phenomena. They form the basis for studying waves, resonance, and even quantum mechanical systems. By grasping these concepts, we gain valuable insights into how the natural world maintains balance and order, even in the face of constant disturbances and changes.

    In conclusion, the concept of restoring force is a powerful

    Hooke's Law and Spring Constant

    Hooke's Law is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the behavior of elastic objects, particularly springs, under stress. This law is crucial for understanding vibrating systems and forms the basis for many applications in engineering and everyday life. Named after the 17th-century British physicist Robert Hooke, this principle provides insights into the relationship between force and displacement in elastic materials.

    At its core, Hooke's Law states that the force required to extend or compress a spring is directly proportional to the distance of extension or compression. This relationship is linear, meaning that as you increase the force applied to a spring, the displacement increases proportionally. This simple yet powerful concept is essential for analyzing various mechanical systems, from the suspension in your car to the strings of a guitar.

    The key to understanding Hooke's Law is the concept of the spring constant, often denoted by the letter 'k'. The spring constant is a measure of the stiffness of a spring or any elastic object. It quantifies how much force is needed to extend or compress the spring by a certain distance. A higher spring constant indicates a stiffer spring that requires more force to stretch or compress, while a lower spring constant suggests a more flexible spring that deforms more easily under the same force.

    Mathematically, Hooke's Law is expressed by the equation: F = -kx. In this formula:

    • F represents the restoring force exerted by the spring (measured in Newtons, N)
    • k is the spring constant (measured in Newtons per meter, N/m)
    • x is the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position (measured in meters, m)

    The negative sign in the equation is significant. It indicates that the force exerted by the spring is always in the opposite direction to the displacement. When you stretch a spring, it pulls back; when you compress it, it pushes out. This opposing force is what allows springs to store and release energy, making them crucial components in many mechanical systems.

    Understanding the spring constant is vital for engineers and physicists. It allows them to predict how a material will behave under stress and to design systems that can withstand specific forces. For instance, when designing a vehicle's suspension, engineers must choose springs with the right spring constant to provide a balance between comfort and handling.

    Hooke's Law has numerous practical applications beyond simple springs. It's used to analyze the behavior of materials in construction, to design musical instruments, and even in the study of atomic bonds in molecules. In more complex systems, Hooke's Law forms the basis for understanding harmonic motion, which is crucial in fields ranging from acoustics to quantum mechanics.

    While Hooke's Law is remarkably accurate for many materials within their elastic limits, it's important to note that all materials have a point beyond which they no longer behave elastically. This is known as the elastic limit. Beyond this point, the relationship between force and displacement is no longer linear, and the material may deform permanently or even break.

    In conclusion, Hooke's Law provides a simple yet powerful tool for understanding the behavior of elastic materials under stress. By relating force to displacement through the spring constant, it offers insights into a wide range of physical phenomena and forms the foundation for many engineering applications. Whether you're studying physics, engineering, or simply curious about how the world works, grasping Hooke's Law is an essential step in understanding the mechanics of our physical world.

    Energy in Oscillating Systems

    When we talk about oscillating systems, one of the most fascinating aspects to explore is the concept of energy. In these systems, energy constantly transforms between different forms, creating a dynamic and rhythmic motion. Let's dive into this captivating world, focusing on a classic example: the spring-mass system.

    In a spring-mass system, we observe two primary forms of energy: kinetic energy and potential energy. Kinetic energy is associated with motion, while potential energy is stored energy due to position or configuration. As the mass oscillates back and forth, these two forms of energy continuously interchange, creating a beautiful dance of energy transformation.

    Let's start with kinetic energy formula. When the mass is moving, it possesses kinetic energy. This energy is at its maximum when the mass passes through the equilibrium position (where the spring is neither stretched nor compressed). The faster the mass moves, the more kinetic energy it has. We calculate kinetic energy using the formula: KE = ½mv², where m is the mass and v is its velocity.

    Now, let's consider potential energy formula. In a spring-mass system, potential energy is stored in the stretched or compressed spring. This energy is at its maximum when the mass reaches its furthest point from equilibrium (either fully stretched or fully compressed). The more the spring is stretched or compressed, the more potential energy it stores. We calculate the potential energy of a spring using the formula: PE = ½kx², where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

    One of the most important principles in oscillating systems is the conservation of mechanical energy. The total mechanical energy of the system remains constant throughout the oscillation (assuming no energy loss due to friction or other factors). We express this as: Total Mechanical Energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy = Constant

    This principle leads us to an interesting equation for the total mechanical energy in a spring-mass system: E = ½kA², where A is the amplitude of the oscillation. This equation tells us that the total energy depends on the spring constant and the maximum displacement, but not on the mass!

    Now, let's compare energy at different points in the oscillation:

    1. At the equilibrium position: Here, the spring is neither stretched nor compressed, so there's no potential energy. However, the mass is moving at its maximum speed, so kinetic energy is at its peak. All the energy is kinetic at this point.

    2. At the maximum displacement (either fully stretched or compressed): The spring stores maximum potential energy, but the mass momentarily stops, so kinetic energy is zero. All the energy is potential at these turning points.

    3. At any point in between: The energy is part kinetic and part potential, with their sum always equaling the total mechanical energy.

    This continuous exchange between kinetic and potential energy is what keeps the oscillation going. It's like a perpetual energy transfer, with the spring acting as an energy storage device, constantly converting between kinetic and potential forms.

    Understanding energy in oscillating systems helps us grasp many real-world phenomena. From the swinging of a pendulum clock to the vibrations in musical instruments, these principles are at play all around us. Even in more complex systems like electrical circuits or quantum mechanics, similar energy concepts apply, making this knowledge fundamental to many areas of science and engineering.

    As you observe oscillating systems in your daily life, try to visualize this energy dance. Picture the kinetic energy formula at its peak as an object swings through its center point, then watch as it slows down and that energy transforms into potential energy at the extremes. It's a beautiful illustration of nature's efficiency in energy management and transformation.

    Remember, in an ideal oscillating system without friction or other energy losses, this energy exchange could continue indefinitely. In reality, some energy is always lost to heat or other forms, which is why oscillations eventually die down unless energy is continuously added to the system.

    By grasping these energy concepts in oscillating systems, you're equipped with a powerful tool to understand and analyze a wide range of natural and engineered phenomena. Whether you're studying physics, engineering, or just curious about the world around you, this knowledge opens up a new perspective on the dynamic interplay of energy in our universe.

    Velocity and Amplitude in Oscillations

    Oscillating systems are fundamental to many natural phenomena and engineering applications. Two key concepts in understanding these systems are velocity and amplitude. Let's explore these ideas in depth, focusing on how they relate to each other and change throughout an oscillation cycle.

    Amplitude is the maximum displacement of an oscillating object from its equilibrium position. It represents the farthest point the object reaches in its back-and-forth motion. For example, if you pull a pendulum to one side and release it, the amplitude is the distance from the center (equilibrium) to the farthest point of its swing.

    Velocity, on the other hand, is the rate of change of position with respect to time. In oscillating systems, velocity is not constant but varies throughout the cycle. This variation is closely tied to the object's position relative to its equilibrium point.

    One of the most interesting aspects of oscillating systems is the relationship between velocity and position. At the equilibrium position, where the displacement is zero, the velocity reaches its maximum value. Conversely, at the points of maximum displacement (the amplitude), the velocity becomes zero momentarily before changing direction.

    To understand this better, let's consider a simple harmonic oscillator, like a mass on a spring. As the mass moves from one extreme to the other, it passes through the equilibrium position. At this point, all of its energy is kinetic, resulting in maximum velocity. As it approaches the amplitude, the energy converts to potential energy in oscillations, slowing the mass down until it stops momentarily at the extreme point.

    The maximum velocity (vmax) in a simple harmonic oscillator can be calculated using the equation:

    vmax = ω * A

    Where ω (omega) is the angular frequency of the oscillation, and A is the amplitude. This equation shows that the maximum velocity is directly proportional to both the frequency of oscillation and the amplitude.

    For any given position during the oscillation, the velocity can be calculated using:

    v = ±ω * (A2 - x2)

    Where x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. The ± sign accounts for the direction of motion, which changes during each half-cycle.

    To illustrate these concepts, imagine a child on a swing. At the highest points of the swing (maximum amplitude), the child momentarily stops before swinging back down. This is where the velocity is zero. As the child passes through the lowest point (equilibrium position), they're moving the fastest this is the point of maximum velocity.

    Understanding the relationship between velocity and amplitude is crucial in many fields. In physics, it helps explain energy conservation in oscillating systems. In engineering, it's essential for designing everything from shock absorbers to earthquake-resistant buildings. Even in music, these concepts play a role in understanding how string instruments produce sound.

    It's important to note that while we've focused on simple harmonic motion, many real-world oscillations are more complex. However, these basic principles form the foundation for understanding more complicated systems.

    In conclusion, velocity and amplitude are intrinsically linked in oscillating systems. The amplitude determines the extent of motion, while the velocity varies throughout the cycle, reaching its maximum at the equilibrium position and zero at the points of maximum displacement. By understanding these concepts and their mathematical relationships, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of oscillating systems in nature and technology.


    In this enlightening journey through the world of vibration and energy in physics, we've explored fundamental concepts that shape our understanding of oscillatory motion. From simple harmonic motion to the interplay between kinetic energy and potential energy, these principles are crucial in explaining countless natural phenomena. The introduction video provided a visual foundation, making complex ideas more accessible. Remember, vibration is all around us, from the strings of a guitar to the atoms in our bodies. By grasping these concepts, you're unlocking a deeper appreciation of the physical world. We've only scratched the surface of this fascinating topic, and there's so much more to discover. Keep exploring, questioning, and applying these ideas to real-world scenarios. Your newfound knowledge of vibration and energy will enhance your understanding of physics and the universe at large. Stay curious and keep oscillating between learning and application!

    Understanding Vibration and Energy

    Vibration and energy are fundamental concepts in physics that describe the motion and forces acting on objects. In this guide, we will explore the principles of vibration, the role of Hooke's law, and how energy is stored in vibrating systems.

    Step 1: Introduction to Vibrating and Oscillating Systems

    In this section, we will discuss what vibrating and oscillating systems are. Vibration refers to the to-and-fro motion of an object around a fixed point, known as the equilibrium position. Examples of vibrating systems include a ruler placed at the edge of a table and plucked, guitar strings, and a mass attached to a spring. These systems exhibit periodic motion, moving back and forth around the equilibrium position.

    Step 2: Hooke's Law and Restoring Force

    Hooke's law is a principle that describes the behavior of springs and other elastic objects. It states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position. This force is known as the restoring force, as it acts to bring the object back to its equilibrium position. When a mass attached to a spring is displaced, the spring exerts a restoring force that opposes the displacement, causing the mass to oscillate.

    Step 3: Energy in Vibrating Systems

    Vibrating systems store energy in the form of potential and kinetic energy. When a mass is displaced from its equilibrium position, it gains potential energy due to the work done against the restoring force. As the mass moves back towards the equilibrium position, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The total energy in the system remains constant, oscillating between potential and kinetic energy as the mass vibrates.

    Step 4: Analyzing Displacement and Restoring Force

    To understand the behavior of a vibrating system, we can analyze the displacement and restoring force at different points. Consider a mass-spring system:

    • Case 1: When the mass is at rest at the equilibrium position, there is no displacement, and the restoring force is zero.
    • Case 2: When the mass is pulled to the right of the equilibrium position, the displacement is positive, and the restoring force acts to pull the mass back to the left.
    • Case 3: When the mass is pushed to the left of the equilibrium position, the displacement is negative, and the restoring force acts to push the mass back to the right.
    In each case, the restoring force acts to return the mass to the equilibrium position, resulting in oscillatory motion.

    Step 5: Practical Examples of Vibration

    Practical examples of vibration include musical instruments, such as guitar strings, which vibrate to produce sound. Another example is a mass-spring system used in physics experiments to study oscillatory motion. By understanding the principles of vibration and energy, we can analyze and predict the behavior of these systems in various applications.

    Step 6: Conclusion

    In conclusion, vibration and energy are closely related concepts that describe the motion and forces acting on objects. By studying vibrating systems, we can gain insights into the principles of Hooke's law, restoring force, and energy storage. These concepts are essential for understanding the behavior of various physical systems and have practical applications in engineering, music, and other fields.


    1. What is the difference between vibration and oscillation?

      Vibration and oscillation are closely related concepts, often used interchangeably. Vibration typically refers to mechanical oscillations, usually of a higher frequency, while oscillation is a more general term that can apply to any repetitive variation around an equilibrium point. In physics, both describe a back-and-forth motion, but vibration is often associated with more rapid movements in solid objects.

    2. How does Hooke's Law relate to vibrating systems?

      Hooke's Law is fundamental to understanding many vibrating systems, especially those involving springs. It states that the force (F) needed to extend or compress a spring is directly proportional to the distance (x) of displacement from its equilibrium position, expressed as F = -kx, where k is the spring constant. This law explains why many vibrating systems exhibit simple harmonic motion and helps in calculating the frequency and period of oscillations.

    3. What is the relationship between energy and amplitude in an oscillating system?

      In an oscillating system, the total energy is directly related to the square of the amplitude. The formula for total energy in a simple harmonic oscillator is E = ½kA², where k is the spring constant and A is the amplitude. This means that doubling the amplitude quadruples the energy in the system. The energy constantly shifts between kinetic and potential forms throughout the oscillation, but the total energy remains constant in an ideal system.

    4. How does damping affect an oscillating system?

      Damping reduces the amplitude of oscillations over time by dissipating energy from the system. In a damped system, the oscillations gradually decrease in amplitude and eventually stop. The degree of damping affects how quickly this happens. Underdamped systems oscillate with decreasing amplitude, critically damped systems return to equilibrium fastest without oscillating, and overdamped systems return to equilibrium without oscillating but more slowly than critically damped systems.

    5. Can you explain the concept of resonance in vibrating systems?

      Resonance occurs when an oscillating system is driven at its natural frequency, causing it to oscillate with increased amplitude. This happens when the driving frequency matches the system's natural frequency, allowing for efficient energy transfer. Resonance can lead to dramatically increased amplitudes of vibration, which can be both useful (as in musical instruments) and potentially destructive (as in bridges subjected to wind or earthquake forces). Understanding resonance is crucial in engineering and physics for designing stable structures and efficient energy transfer systems.

    Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Vibration and Energy

    To fully grasp the concept of vibration and energy, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas of physics. One of the most fundamental prerequisites is understanding simple harmonic motion, which forms the basis for many vibrational systems. This concept helps explain how objects oscillate around an equilibrium position, a principle that's essential in studying various forms of vibration.

    Another critical aspect of vibration and energy is the relationship between motion and energy. This is where knowledge of rotational kinetic energy and angular momentum becomes invaluable. Understanding how energy is stored in rotating objects and how it relates to their angular momentum provides insights into more complex vibrational systems, especially those involving circular or rotational motion.

    When delving deeper into energy concepts related to vibration, it's essential to grasp the principles of electric potential and electric potential energy. This knowledge is particularly relevant when studying vibrations in electrical systems or when considering the energy stored in oscillating charged particles. The potential energy formula learned in this context can be applied to various vibrational scenarios.

    Perhaps one of the most crucial principles in understanding vibration and energy is the conservation of energy. This fundamental law of physics explains how energy is transferred between different forms in a vibrational system without being created or destroyed. It's particularly important when analyzing the conversion between potential and kinetic energy in oscillating systems.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of vibration and energy. The concept of simple harmonic motion provides the foundational mathematics and physics behind vibrations. Knowledge of rotational kinetic energy and angular momentum extends this understanding to more complex systems. Electric potential and potential energy concepts offer insights into energy storage and transfer in electrical and mechanical systems. Finally, the principle of energy conservation ties everything together, allowing for a holistic analysis of energy transformations in vibrational systems.

    Each of these topics builds upon the others, creating a interconnected web of knowledge that's essential for tackling advanced concepts in vibration and energy. Whether you're studying mechanical oscillations, wave propagation, or quantum mechanical vibrations, these fundamental principles will serve as crucial building blocks. By investing time in thoroughly understanding these prerequisites, students will find themselves well-equipped to explore the fascinating world of vibration and energy in greater depth and complexity.

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • Vibrating and oscillating systems
    • Hooke’s law
    • How to find the amount of energy stored in a vibrating system?


    • There are many examples of vibrating objects around us, an object attached to the end of spring, guitar strings, ruler held firmly at the end of the table.
    • During vibration (oscillation) the object moves back and forth about a fixed position called “equilibrium position”.
    • Let’s consider a mass vibrating at the end of a uniform spring.;
    \qquad \quad (a) The mass is at its equilibrium position, there is no force exerted.

    Vibration and energy

    \qquad \quad (b) The mass is oscillating; the restoring force tries to pull the mass back to its equilibrium position.
    Vibration and energy

    \qquad \quad (c) The mass is oscillating; the restoring force tries to push the mass back to its equilibrium position.
    Vibration and energy

    Hooke’s Law
    • The magnitude of the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement xx;
      FxF \propto x
    • The direction of the restoring force is always opposite to the displacement which is indicated by a minus sign in the equation.

      F=kxF = - kx (Hooke’s Law)

    FF: Force exerted by the spring on the mass
    KK: Spring constant
    xx: Displacement

    • As we know the mechanical energy of a system is the sum of kinetic and potential energies.
    • In the case of the spring-mass system, the potential energy would be in the form of elastic potential energy in the spring which is calculated using the following equation;

    PE=12kx2 PE = \frac{1}{2}kx^{2}

    Therefore; the mechanical energy of the system is;

    E=12mv2+12kx2E = \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} \, + \, \frac{1}{2}kx^{2}

    \qquad \quad (a) At the extreme points where the mass stops momentarily to change the direction; vv = 0, xx = AA (amplitude, maximum displacement)

    E=12kA2E = \frac{1}{2}kA^{2} \, (1)

    \qquad \quad (b) At the equilibrium position the mass moves with maximum velocity;

    V=Vmax,x=0V = V_{max},x = 0

    E=12mvmax2E = \frac{1}{2} mv^{2} _{max} (2)

    From (1) and (2);

    12kA2=12mvmax2Vmax2=(km)A2 \frac{1}{2}kA^{2} = \frac{1} {2}mv^{2} _{max} \quad \Rightarrow \quad V^{2} _{max} = (\frac{k}{m}) \, A^{2}

    \qquad \quad (c) At intermediate points, the energy is a part kinetic and part potential;

    12mv2+12kx2=12kA2 \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} \, + \, \frac{1}{2}kx^{2} = \frac{1}{2}kA^{2}
    • From the above equation we can find velocity as the function of position;

    Vibration and energy

    This gives the velocity of the object at any position.