Vector operations in one dimension

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  1. Introduction to vector operations:
  2. What is the difference between adding scalars and vectors?
  3. Solving vector problems graphically
  4. Solving vector problems numerically
  5. Sign convention for vector problems
  1. Solve vector addition problems
    Solve the following vector additions graphically and numerically:

    i. A+B=C\vec{A} + \vec{B} = \vec{C}, if A=10m\vec{A} = 10 m [E], B=7m\vec{B} = 7 m [E].

    ii. v1+v2=vres\vec{v}_{1} + \vec{v}_{2} = \vec{v}_{res} if v1=4.5m/s\vec{v}_{1} = 4.5 m/s [E], v2=13.2m/s\vec{v}_{2} = 13.2 m/s [W]

    1. Solve vector subtraction problems
      Δd1=1.2km\Delta \vec{d}_{1} = 1.2 km [N], Δd2=0.8km\Delta \vec{d}_{2} = 0.8 km [N]. Solve the equation Δd1Δd2=Δdres\Delta \vec{d}_{1} - \Delta \vec{d}_{2} = \Delta \vec{d}_{res} graphically and numerically.
      1. Solve vector multiplication and division problems
        D=12m/s \vec{D} = 12 m/s [W]. Solve the following graphically and numerically:

        i. 3D=E3\vec{D} = \vec{E}

        ii. -D2=F\frac{\vec{D}}{2} = \vec{F}

        1. Create Vector Equation and Diagram from Word Problem
          A city block is 50 m long. While doing errands, Tia walks 1 block east, then three fifths of a block west, then two blocks east.

          i. Write the displacement vector Δdblock\Delta \vec{d}_{block} that describes walking 1 block east.

          ii. Describe this situation with a vector equation and a vector diagram in terms of Δdblock\Delta \vec{d}_{block}

          iii. Find Tia's overall displacement.

          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Vector Operations in One Dimension

          Vector operations in one dimension form the foundation for understanding more complex vector concepts in physics and mathematics. Our introduction video provides a clear and concise overview of these fundamental operations, making it an essential starting point for students and enthusiasts alike. By mastering vector addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication in one dimension, learners gain crucial skills that serve as building blocks for more advanced topics. These operations are not only vital for solving physics vector problems but also play a significant role in various mathematical applications. The video demonstrates how to visualize and manipulate vectors on a number line, offering practical examples that reinforce theoretical concepts. As you progress through your studies, you'll find that a solid grasp of one-dimensional vector operations greatly enhances your ability to tackle more challenging multi-dimensional problems. This introductory material sets the stage for a deeper exploration of vector mathematics and its wide-ranging applications in science and engineering.

          Understanding scalar multiplication in one dimension is crucial for students aiming to excel in both physics and mathematics. It provides the necessary tools to approach and solve complex physics vector problems with confidence. The principles learned here will be applicable in higher-dimensional vector spaces and various scientific fields.

          Understanding Vectors vs. Scalars

          Hey there! Let's dive into the fascinating world of vectors and scalars. These concepts might seem tricky at first, but I promise you'll get the hang of it in no time. We'll use the example of distance (a scalar) and displacement (a vector) to help you understand the difference, and we'll even follow our friend Bob on a little adventure to illustrate these ideas.

          First, let's talk about scalars. A scalar is a quantity that only has magnitude and direction (size or amount) but no direction. Think of distance as a perfect example of a scalar. When you say, "I walked 5 kilometers," you're giving a scalar measurement. It doesn't matter which direction you walked; the distance remains 5 kilometers.

          Now, let's introduce vectors. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. This is where displacement comes in. Displacement is the shortest distance between your starting point and ending point, including the direction. For instance, if you say, "I walked 3 kilometers north," you're describing a vector quantity - displacement.

          Let's follow Bob to see how this works in real life. Imagine Bob leaves his house and walks 2 kilometers east to the grocery store. Then, he walks 1 kilometer north to the park. Finally, he walks 2 kilometers west and 1 kilometer south back home. Here's where it gets interesting:

          The total distance Bob walked (our scalar quantity) is 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6 kilometers. However, his displacement (our vector quantity) is actually zero! Why? Because he ended up right back where he started. The direction is crucial here - Bob's various directions of travel canceled each other out.

          This brings us to an important point about vectors: direction affects calculations. When we add or subtract vectors, we must consider both magnitude and direction. In Bob's case, his eastward movement was canceled by his westward movement, and his northward movement was canceled by his southward movement, resulting in zero displacement.

          Let's look at another scenario. If Bob had only walked 2 kilometers east and then 1 kilometer north, his distance traveled (scalar) would be 3 kilometers. But his displacement (vector) would be different. To find it, we'd need to use the Pythagorean theorem, resulting in a displacement of about 2.24 kilometers northeast.

          Understanding the difference between vectors and scalars is crucial in physics and many real-world applications. Vectors help us describe things like velocity, acceleration, and force, where direction is just as important as magnitude. Scalars, on the other hand, are perfect for quantities like temperature, mass, or energy, where we only need to know the amount.

          Remember, when dealing with vectors, always keep direction in mind. It's not just about how far you go, but where you end up relative to where you started. And don't worry if it takes some time to get comfortable with these concepts - practice makes perfect!

          So, next time you're out for a walk, think about Bob and his adventures. Consider your distance traveled versus your displacement, and you'll be thinking like a physicist in no time! Keep exploring these ideas, and you'll see how they apply to all sorts of situations in science and everyday life.

          Vector Addition and Subtraction

          Vector addition and subtraction in one dimension are fundamental concepts in physics and mathematics that describe how we combine or compare directed quantities. These operations are crucial for understanding motion, forces, and other physical phenomena. In one dimension, vectors are typically represented as arrows along a single line, with the direction indicated by the arrow's orientation and the magnitude by its length.

          Vector addition and subtraction is the process of combining two or more vectors to obtain a resultant vector. In one dimension, this is straightforward: vectors pointing in the same direction are added, while those pointing in opposite directions are subtracted. For example, if we have two vectors, A = 5 units to the right and B = 3 units to the right, their sum would be A + B = 8 units to the right. Conversely, if B were 3 units to the left, the result would be A + B = 2 units to the right.

          The concept of tip-to-tail addition method is a graphical method for adding vectors. In this approach, we place the tail (starting point) of the second vector at the tip (endpoint) of the first vector. The resultant vector is then drawn from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the last vector. This method works for any number of vectors and in any dimension, but it's particularly easy to visualize in one dimension.

          Vector subtraction can be thought of as adding the negative of a vector. In one dimension, this means reversing the direction of the vector being subtracted. For instance, subtracting B from A (A - B) is equivalent to adding the negative of B to A (A + (-B)).

          To solve vector problems graphically, we can draw the vectors to scale on a number line or graph paper. This visual representation allows us to easily see the direction and magnitude of each vector and their sum or difference. The tip-to-tail addition method is particularly useful for graphical solutions.

          Numerically, we can solve vector problems by assigning positive values to vectors pointing in one direction (e.g., right or up) and negative values to those pointing in the opposite direction (left or down). We then perform simple arithmetic to find the result.

          Let's use the example of Bob's walk to demonstrate these operations. Suppose Bob walks 5 meters east, then 3 meters west, and finally 2 meters east. We can represent these as vectors:

          A = 5 m (east), B = -3 m (west), C = 2 m (east)

          To find Bob's final position, we add these vectors:

          Final position = A + B + C = 5 m + (-3 m) + 2 m = 4 m east

          Graphically, we would draw an arrow 5 units long to the right, then from its tip, draw an arrow 3 units long to the left, and finally from that tip, draw an arrow 2 units long to the right. The resultant vector from the starting point to the final tip represents Bob's displacement.

          Numerically, we simply add the signed values: 5 + (-3) + 2 = 4.

          If we wanted to know how far Bob walked in total (his total path length), we would add the magnitudes of the vectors, ignoring direction:

          Total distance = |A| + |B| + |C| = 5 m + 3 m + 2 m = 10 m

          This example illustrates the difference between displacement (the vector sum, which considers direction) and total distance traveled (the scalar sum of magnitudes).

          Understanding vector problems in physics in one dimension provides a foundation for more complex vector operations in two and three dimensions. These concepts are essential in physics for analyzing forces, velocities, and other vector quantities, as well as in mathematics and engineering applications. The ability to solve vector problems in physics both graphically and numerically offers flexibility in approaching various real-world scenarios and helps in developing a deeper intuition for vector behavior.

          Positive and Negative Directions in Vector Operations

          Hey there, future vector master! Let's dive into the exciting world of assigning positive and negative directions in vectors in one dimension. It's simpler than you might think, and I'm here to guide you through it step by step.

          First things first, when we're dealing with vectors in one dimension, we're essentially working along a straight line. Imagine you're standing on a long, straight road. Now, we need to decide which way is positive and which is negative. This is where the concept of sign conventions comes into play.

          The beauty of working with vectors is that you have the freedom to choose which direction is positive. However, and this is crucial, once you've made that choice, you need to stick with it throughout your problem-solving process. Consistency in vector operations is key!

          Let's say you decide that moving to your right is the positive direction. This means that any vector pointing to your right will have a positive vector magnitude, while any vector pointing to your left will have a negative magnitude. It's that simple!

          Now, you might be wondering, "Why is consistency in vector operations so important?" Well, imagine if you kept changing your mind about which direction is positive in the middle of solving a problem. It would be like trying to follow a map where north keeps switching between up and down. Confusing, right? That's why we stick to our initial choice.

          To make this concept even easier to grasp, let's introduce the x-axis analogy. Picture the number line you learned about in math class. Remember how numbers to the right of zero are positive, and numbers to the left are negative? We can apply the same principle to vectors in one dimension.

          Imagine your one-dimensional vector space as an x-axis. The positive direction corresponds to the positive x-axis (to the right), and the negative direction in vectors corresponds to the negative x-axis (to the left). This analogy is super helpful because it ties into concepts you're already familiar with from basic math.

          Using this x-axis analogy, if we say a vector has a magnitude of +5, it means it's pointing 5 units to the right. If we say it has a magnitude of -3, it's pointing 3 units to the left. Easy peasy!

          Remember, though, that this is just a convention. In some problems or real-world scenarios, you might find it more convenient to assign the positive direction differently. For example, if you're analyzing the motion of an elevator, you might choose "up" as the positive direction. The key is to clearly state your convention at the beginning and stick to it.

          By consistently applying your chosen sign convention, you'll find that vector problems become much more manageable. It helps you keep track of directions, makes your calculations more straightforward, and reduces the chances of making mistakes.

          So, to sum it up: Choose your positive direction, be clear about your choice, and stick to it. Use the x-axis analogy to help visualize the concept, and remember that consistency is your best friend when working with vectors in one dimension.

          With practice, assigning positive and negative directions will become second nature to you. Keep at it, and soon you'll be tackling vector problems with confidence and ease. You've got this!

          Solving Vector Problems: Step-by-Step Approach

          Welcome to our comprehensive guide on solving vector problems in one dimension! Whether you're a student or enthusiast, this step-by-step approach will help you master both graphical and numerical methods. Let's dive in and make vector problem-solving a breeze!

          Step 1: Understand the Problem

          Before diving into calculations, carefully read the problem statement. Identify given information, unknown variables, and the question at hand. For example, if you're dealing with a car's motion, note its initial position, velocity, and any changes in direction.

          Step 2: Choose Your Method

          Decide whether a graphical or numerical approach suits your problem best. Graphical methods are great for visual learners and provide intuitive understanding, while numerical methods offer precise calculations.

          Graphical Method

          Step 3: Draw a Number Line

          For one-dimensional problems, start by drawing a number line. Mark the origin (0) and choose a suitable scale. For instance, if dealing with distances in kilometers, each unit could represent 1 km.

          Step 4: Plot Given Information

          Place known points on your number line. If a car starts at 2 km and ends at 7 km, mark these positions clearly.

          Step 5: Represent Vectors

          Draw arrows to show vector quantities. The arrow's length represents magnitude, and its direction indicates positive or negative values. A rightward arrow might represent positive velocity, while a leftward arrow shows negative velocity.

          Step 6: Analyze the Graph

          Use your visual representation to solve the problem. For displacement, measure the distance between start and end points. For velocity, consider the arrow's direction and length.

          Numerical Method

          Step 7: Identify Relevant Equations

          Choose appropriate formulas for your problem. Common equations include displacement (Δx = xf - xi) and velocity (v = Δx / t).

          Step 8: Plug in Known Values

          Insert given information into your chosen equations. Be mindful of units and sign conventions. For example, if displacement is 5 km to the right, use +5 km in your calculations.

          Step 9: Solve the Equation

          Perform necessary calculations to find your unknown variable. Double-check your math and units for accuracy.

          Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

          • Sign Confusion: Always use consistent sign conventions. Typically, right and up are positive, while left and down are negative.
          • Unit Mismatch: Ensure all units are compatible before calculations. Convert if necessary (e.g., km to m).
          • Misinterpreting Direction: In one dimension, direction is crucial. Pay attention to words like "towards," "away from," or "opposite."
          • Overlooking Initial Conditions: Don't forget to consider starting positions or velocities in your calculations.

          Practice Makes Perfect

          Remember, solving vector problems becomes easier with practice. Start with simple scenarios and gradually tackle more complex ones. Don't hesitate to use both graphical and numerical methods to cross-check your results.


          Congratulations! You've now learned a structured approach to solving one-dimensional vector problems. By following these steps and being aware of common pitfalls in vector problems, you'll boost your problem-solving skills significantly. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep practicing, stay curious, and soon you'll be a vector problem-solving pro!

          Applications of One-Dimensional Vector Operations

          One-dimensional vector operations might sound like a complex mathematical concept, but they're actually all around us in our daily lives and play a crucial role in physics and engineering. Let's dive into some real-world applications that showcase just how important these operations are!

          In physics, one-dimensional vector operations are fundamental to understanding and analyzing motion along a straight line. Imagine you're driving on a long, straight highway. Your car's speed, acceleration, and distance traveled can all be represented as one-dimensional vectors. When you press the gas pedal, you're essentially adding a positive vector to your velocity. Hit the brakes, and you're subtracting from it. This simple concept helps engineers design safer cars and more efficient transportation systems.

          Force analysis is another area where one-dimensional vector operations shine. Picture a game of tug-of-war. The forces exerted by each team can be represented as vectors pointing in opposite directions. The team that wins is essentially the one with the larger vector magnitude. Engineers use these principles when designing structures like bridges or buildings, ensuring they can withstand various forces acting upon them.

          In the world of electrical circuits, one-dimensional vector operations are indispensable. Current flowing through a wire can be thought of as a vector quantity, with its direction and magnitude. When analyzing complex circuits, engineers use vector addition and subtraction to determine the net current at different points. This helps in designing everything from simple household appliances to sophisticated electronic devices.

          But it's not just about big engineering projects. One-dimensional vector operations have practical applications in our everyday lives too. Ever wondered how your GPS calculates your estimated time of arrival? It uses vector operations to combine your speed and distance to destination. Or consider how weather forecasters predict wind speeds and directions they're using vector operations to analyze atmospheric data.

          Understanding these operations helps in solving complex problems by breaking them down into manageable components. For instance, in robotics, the movement of a robotic arm can be broken down into one-dimensional vectors for each joint. This simplifies the programming and control of the robot's movements.

          Even in sports, one-dimensional vector operations come into play. A long jumper's performance can be analyzed using these concepts, considering the horizontal component of their jump as a vector. Coaches use this information to help athletes improve their technique and distance.

          The beauty of one-dimensional vector operations lies in their simplicity and versatility. They provide a powerful tool for understanding and manipulating quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Whether you're an engineer designing a rocket, a physicist studying particle motion, or just someone trying to understand why it takes longer to walk uphill, these concepts are incredibly useful.

          So next time you're pushing a shopping cart, remember you're applying a force vector. When you're adjusting the volume on your music player, you're manipulating a one-dimensional vector of sound intensity. These operations are not just abstract mathematical concepts they're an integral part of how we interact with and understand our world.

          By grasping these fundamental principles, we open doors to solving more complex problems in physics and engineering. From optimizing traffic flow in busy cities to developing more efficient renewable energy systems, one-dimensional vector operations continue to play a crucial role in shaping our technological future. So embrace these concepts they're your key to unlocking a deeper understanding of the world around you!


          In summary, this article has explored the fundamental concepts of vector operations in one dimension. We've covered key points including vector addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, and dot product. Understanding these operations is crucial for building a strong foundation in physics and mathematics. We encourage readers to practice these concepts regularly, solving problems and exploring real-world applications to reinforce their understanding. Remember, mastering vector operations in one dimension paves the way for more complex multi-dimensional vector analysis. The introduction video provided at the beginning of this article serves as an excellent visual complement to the written content, offering a different perspective on these concepts. By combining the video with the detailed explanations and examples in this article, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of one-dimensional vector operations. Continue to explore this topic further, as it forms the basis for many advanced mathematical and scientific concepts.

          Introduction to Vector Operations: What is the Difference Between Adding Scalars and Vectors?

          In this section, we will explore the fundamental differences between adding scalars and vectors. Understanding these differences is crucial for solving problems in physics and engineering. Let's break down the concepts step by step.

          Step 1: Understanding Scalars and Vectors

          Before diving into the operations, it's essential to understand what scalars and vectors are. Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude alone. Examples include distance, speed, and mass. Vectors, on the other hand, are quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Examples include displacement, velocity, and force.

          Step 2: Adding Scalars

          When adding scalars, you simply sum up their magnitudes. The direction is not a factor. For example, if Bob walks 3 meters and then another 2 meters, the total distance he walks is the sum of these two distances:

          Distance = 3 meters + 2 meters = 5 meters

          In this case, we do not care about the direction in which Bob is walking. The total distance is simply the sum of the individual distances.

          Step 3: Adding Vectors in the Same Direction

          When adding vectors, you must consider both the magnitude and the direction. If the vectors are in the same direction, you can add their magnitudes just like scalars, but you must also include the direction. For example, if Bob walks 3 meters to the west and then another 2 meters to the west, the total displacement is:

          Displacement = 3 meters west + 2 meters west = 5 meters west

          Here, the direction (west) is included in the final displacement.

          Step 4: Adding Vectors in Opposite Directions

          When vectors are in opposite directions, you need to subtract the magnitudes and keep the direction of the larger vector. For example, if Bob walks 3 meters to the west and then 2 meters to the east, the total displacement is:

          Displacement = 3 meters west - 2 meters east = 1 meter west

          In this case, Bob's final position is 1 meter to the west of his starting point.

          Step 5: Importance of Direction in Vector Addition

          The key difference between adding scalars and vectors is the importance of direction. When dealing with vectors, the direction must always be considered. This is not the case with scalars, where only the magnitude matters. This distinction is crucial when solving problems involving vector quantities.

          Step 6: Solving Vector Problems Graphically and Numerically

          There are two main methods for solving vector problems: graphically and numerically. Graphical methods involve drawing diagrams to visually represent the vectors and their directions. Numerical methods involve using mathematical operations to calculate the resultant vector. Both methods require careful consideration of the direction and magnitude of each vector.


          In summary, the main difference between adding scalars and vectors is the consideration of direction. Scalars are added by simply summing their magnitudes, while vectors require both magnitude and direction to be taken into account. Understanding this difference is essential for accurately solving problems involving vector quantities.


          1. What is the difference between a vector and a scalar?

            A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction, while a scalar only has magnitude. For example, displacement is a vector because it specifies both distance and direction, whereas distance is a scalar as it only indicates how far something has moved without specifying the direction.

          2. How do you add vectors in one dimension?

            In one dimension, vector addition is straightforward. Vectors pointing in the same direction are added, while those pointing in opposite directions are subtracted. For instance, if you have two vectors, 5 units to the right and 3 units to the right, their sum would be 8 units to the right. If the second vector was 3 units to the left, the result would be 2 units to the right.

          3. What is scalar multiplication in vector operations?

            Scalar multiplication involves multiplying a vector by a scalar (a regular number). This operation changes the magnitude of the vector but not its direction (unless the scalar is negative, which reverses the direction). For example, multiplying a vector of 3 units to the right by 2 results in a vector of 6 units to the right.

          4. How do you determine the direction of a vector in one dimension?

            In one-dimensional vector operations, direction is typically represented as positive or negative. Usually, right or up is considered positive, while left or down is negative. It's crucial to establish and maintain a consistent convention throughout problem-solving to avoid confusion.

          5. What are some real-world applications of one-dimensional vector operations?

            One-dimensional vector operations have numerous applications in physics and everyday life. They are used in analyzing motion along a straight line, such as a car's movement on a highway. They're also applied in force analysis, like in tug-of-war games or structural engineering. In electrical engineering, they help in analyzing current flow in circuits. Even GPS systems use these concepts to calculate estimated arrival times based on speed and distance.

          Prerequisite Topics for Vector Operations in One Dimension

          Understanding vector operations in one dimension is crucial for students pursuing mathematics and physics. To fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These topics provide the necessary building blocks for comprehending and applying vector operations effectively.

          One of the fundamental prerequisites is operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form. This knowledge helps students understand how vectors behave and interact, which is vital when working with one-dimensional vector operations. Similarly, familiarity with properties of matrix scalar multiplication is crucial, as it relates directly to how vectors can be scaled and manipulated in one dimension.

          While our focus is on one-dimensional vectors, understanding solving two-dimensional vector problems can provide valuable context and help students appreciate the simplifications that occur in one-dimensional scenarios. Additionally, knowledge of the applications of Pythagorean theorem is beneficial, especially when dealing with vector magnitudes and projections.

          A critical skill for vector operations is adding and subtracting vectors in component form. This forms the basis of many one-dimensional vector calculations. Similarly, being proficient in solving linear equations using addition and subtraction is essential, as these operations are frequently used in vector problems.

          Understanding the tip-to-tail addition method for vectors provides a visual representation of vector addition, which can be particularly helpful in one-dimensional scenarios. Moreover, a solid grasp of vector components is crucial, even though we're focusing on one dimension, as it helps in breaking down more complex problems.

          Lastly, knowledge of conservation of momentum in one dimension offers practical applications of vector operations, demonstrating their importance in real-world physics problems.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle vector operations in one dimension with confidence and understanding. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive foundation for more advanced vector studies.

          In this lesson, we will learn:
          • How to add, subtract, multiply, and divide vectors
            • Graphically (with diagrams)
            • Numerically (with math)


          Just like scalars, vectors can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided:

          • When vectors are added, the vector diagram is drawn by tip-to-tail addition. To add A\vec{A} and B\vec{B}, draw the vector A\vec{A}, then starting at the tip of A\vec{A} draw B\vec{B}. The tail of B\vec{B} connects to the tip of A\vec{A}.
          • Taking the negative of a vector "flips" the vector to point in the opposite direction, while keeping the same magnitude.
          • Multiplying or dividing a vector by a positive scalar changes the magnitude of the vector, while keeping the same direction.