Momentum and impulse

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  1. Introduction to impulse and momentum:
  2. What is impulse?
  3. Derivation of impulse from Newton's second law
  4. Impulse equations, units
  1. Impulse = F\bold{\vec{F}}Δt=Δp\bold{\Delta t = \Delta \vec{p}}
    1. A tennis ball is initially at rest, then hit by a racket with 30.0 N [E]. The racket is in contact with the ball for 0.070 s. Find the impulse given to the ball by the racket, and the final momentum of the ball.
    2. A go kart has momentum 1000 kg·m/s forward when the engine applies a force of 55 N forwards for 6 s. Find the impulse given to the go kart by the engine and the final momentum of the go kart.
    3. A baseball is pitched with momentum 5.85 kg·m/s [S], and is hit by a bat which applies a force of 300 N [N]. The bat is in contact with the ball for 0.05 s. Find the impulse given to the ball and the final momentum of the ball.
  2. Impulse = F\bold{\vec{F}}Δt=m(vfvi)\bold{\Delta t = m(\vec{v}_f - \vec{v}_i )}
    1. A 1.25 kg skateboard rolls forward at 0.60 m/s. It is given a push forward with a force of 5.0 N for 1.2 s. What is the final velocity of the skateboard?
    2. A soccer ball is initially at rest. Kicking the ball with an impulse 1.30 N·s causes the ball to move at 3.00 m/s. What is the mass of the ball?
    3. A 0.035 kg rubber ball is thrown at a wall at 13 m/s and rebounds at 7 m/s. Find the impulse given to the ball by the wall.
    4. A 1200 kg car travels at 11 m/s [E]. At t = 5.0 s, the driver starts accelerating with a force of 300 N [E] applied to the car. If the final velocity of the car is 17 m/s, what is the time when the driver stops accelerating?
    5. A 50 kg ice skater glides without friction at 7.2 m/s [W] when he skates through a rough patch on the ice for 3.0 s. If his velocity after the patch is 4.5 m/s [W], what is the average force of friction experienced in the patch?
  3. Impulse of stopping a car

    A 1300 kg car travelling at 13.5 m/s [E] can be stopped in 20 s with gentle braking, 4.3 s in a panic stop, and 0.78 s if it hits a wall.

    1. What is the impulse given to the car to stop it in each case?
    2. What is the average force experienced by the car in each case?
    1. Impulse = area under F  vs  t\bold{F\;\mathrm{vs}\; t} graph, during the time interval Δt \bold{\Delta t}
      1. A 0.060 kg golf ball is struck by a golf club which exerts the force shown in the graph over a period of 0.001 s in the forward direction. Find the impulse exerted on the ball, and the final velocity of the ball.
        graph of golf ball F vs t
      2. A 0.425 kg soccer ball is moving 0.80 m/s [E] when it is kicked and experiences the force shown in the graph below. The direction of the kick is [W]. Find the final velocity of the ball.
        graph of soccer ball F vs t
      3. Two people begin pushing a cart. The force experienced by the cart is shown in the graph. At t = 5 s, person A lets go of the cart. At t = 12 s, person B lets go of the cart. Find the impulse person B gives the cart during the time he is the only person pushing it.
        graph of cart F vs t
    2. Momentum and Impulse in two dimensions
      1. A 1300 kg car travelling 12 m/s [W] is given a 1.6×104 N·s [N] impulse. What is the final velocity of the car?
      2. A 1.40 kg ball rolling 8.00 m/s [N] hits a barrier and bounces off, then moving 6.20 m/s [E]. What was the impulse given to the ball?
      3. A 0.25 kg billiard ball in motion is given an impulse of 0.78 N·s [E]. If the final velocity of the ball is 3.2 m/s [27° S of E], what was the initial velocity of the ball?
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Momentum and Impulse

    Momentum and impulse are fundamental concepts in physics that describe the motion and interaction of objects. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point for understanding these interrelated ideas. Momentum represents an object's mass in motion, while impulse is the force that changes an object's momentum over time. The video illustrates how impulse is the source of momentum, explaining that when a force acts on an object for a specific duration, it imparts momentum. This relationship is key to grasping various physical phenomena, from collisions to rocket propulsion. By watching the video, students will gain insights into how these concepts apply in real-world scenarios. The visual demonstrations and explanations provided help clarify the sometimes abstract nature of momentum and impulse, making them more tangible and easier to comprehend. This foundational knowledge is essential for advancing to more complex topics in physics and mechanics.

    Understanding Impulse and Momentum

    The relationship between impulse and momentum is a fundamental concept in physics, often illustrated through real-world examples like car races. To understand this connection, let's dive into these concepts and explore how they interact in everyday situations.

    Momentum is a measure of an object's motion, calculated by multiplying its mass by its velocity. In a car race, each vehicle has momentum as it speeds around the track. The faster the car goes and the heavier it is, the more momentum it possesses. Impulse, on the other hand, is the change in momentum over time. It's the force applied to an object multiplied by the time the force is applied.

    The relationship between impulse and momentum is expressed in the impulse-momentum theorem, which states that the impulse applied to an object equals the change in its momentum. In our car race example, when a driver applies the brakes, they're creating an impulse that changes the car's momentum. The force of the brakes, applied over a period of time, reduces the car's speed and, consequently, its momentum.

    Force and time play crucial roles in determining impulse. A larger force applied for the same amount of time will result in a greater impulse, as will a smaller force applied for a longer time. In the context of our car race, a driver might choose between slamming on the brakes hard for a short time or applying less pressure for a longer duration to achieve the same change in momentum when approaching a turn.

    This relationship between force, time, and impulse has important implications for safety in racing and everyday driving. Car manufacturers design crumple zones to extend the time of impact during a collision, reducing the force experienced by passengers. This is because the same change in momentum can be achieved with a smaller force if the time of impact is increased.

    Intuitively, we experience the effects of impulse and momentum in many aspects of our lives. When catching a fast-moving ball, we instinctively "give" with our hands to extend the time of contact, reducing the force we feel. This is the same principle at work in the design of airbags, which increase the time over which a person's momentum changes during a crash.

    In sports, the concept of impulse is utilized to maximize performance. A long jumper, for instance, extends their legs during takeoff to increase the time they apply force to the ground, resulting in a greater impulse and, consequently, a longer jump. Similarly, in martial arts, practitioners aim to deliver quick, powerful strikes that impart a large impulse in a short time.

    Understanding the relationship between impulse and momentum also helps explain why it's easier to stop a slowly moving heavy object than a fast-moving light one, even if they have the same momentum. The heavier object requires a larger force but over a longer time, while the lighter, faster object needs a more intense force applied quickly.

    In conclusion, the interplay between impulse and momentum is a crucial concept in physics with wide-ranging applications. From the thrilling world of car racing to the everyday act of catching a ball, these principles shape our interactions with the physical world. By grasping how force and time affect impulse, and how impulse relates to changes in momentum, we gain a deeper appreciation for the physics at play in our daily lives and the engineering decisions that keep us safe on the roads and in various sports.

    Mathematical Foundations of Impulse and Momentum

    The impulse-momentum equation is a fundamental principle in classical mechanics, derived from Newton's Second Law of Motion. This derivation provides crucial insights into the relationships between force, mass, velocity, and time in physical systems. Let's explore the mathematical journey from Newton's Second Law of Motion to the impulse-momentum equation.

    We begin with Newton's Second Law, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

    F = d(mv)/dt

    Where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and v is its velocity. This equation forms the foundation of our derivation.

    To proceed, we consider a scenario where the force F is constant over a time interval Δt. Our goal is to relate this force to the change in momentum of the object. We start by integrating both sides of Newton's Second Law with respect to time:

    F dt = d(mv)

    The left-hand side of this equation represents the impulse, which is the product of force and time. On the right-hand side, we have the change in momentum. Evaluating these integrals from an initial time t to a final time t, we get:

    F(t - t) = m(v - v)

    This equation is the impulse-momentum theorem in its most basic form. It states that the impulse applied to an object (F·Δt) is equal to its change in momentum (m·Δv).

    To further understand the significance of this equation, let's break it down:

    1. F·Δt represents the impulse. It quantifies the effect of a force applied over a period of time.

    2. m(v - v) represents the change in momentum. It describes how the object's motion has changed due to the applied impulse.

    This derivation highlights several important concepts:

    - The role of time: The duration over which a force acts is crucial in determining its effect on an object's motion.

    - The importance of mass: An object's mass influences how much its velocity changes in response to an impulse.

    - The relationship between force and velocity change: A larger force or longer time interval results in a greater change in velocity.

    The impulse-momentum equation has wide-ranging applications in physics and engineering. It's particularly useful in analyzing collisions, rocket propulsion, and ballistic motion. For instance, in collision analysis, it helps predict how objects will behave during impact, considering factors like elasticity and conservation of linear momentum.

    It's worth noting that this derivation assumes a constant force. In reality, forces can vary with time. For such cases, we use the more general form of the impulse-momentum theorem:

    F(t) dt = m(v - v)

    Here, F(t) represents a time-varying force, and the integral is taken over the time interval of interest.

    The impulse-momentum equation also leads to other important concepts in physics. For example, when dealing with systems of particles or extended bodies, it gives rise to the principle of conservation of linear momentum. This principle states that in the absence of external forces, the total momentum of a closed system remains constant.

    Understanding the mathematical derivation of the impulse-momentum equation from Newton's Second Law provides a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of fundamental physical concepts. It demonstrates how basic principles of force and motion can be extended to analyze complex physical phenomena, from the microscopic world of particle physics to the macroscopic realm of celestial mechanics.

    In conclusion, the impulse-momentum equation, derived from Newton's Second Law, serves as a powerful tool in physics and engineering. It elegantly connects the concepts of force, mass, velocity, and time, allowing us to predict and analyze the motion of objects under various conditions. This mathematical relationship not only helps solve practical problems but also provides

    Key Equations and Units for Impulse and Momentum

    The impulse equation is a fundamental concept in physics that relates force, time, and change in momentum. Understanding its various forms and the vector nature of impulse is crucial for grasping the dynamics of collisions and interactions between objects. In this section, we'll explore the important forms of the impulse equation, discuss the vector nature of impulse, and delve into the units used for impulse and momentum.

    The most common form of the impulse equation is:

    J = F * Δt = Δp


    • J represents impulse
    • F is the average force applied
    • Δt is the time interval over which the force acts
    • Δp is the change in momentum

    This equation highlights the relationship between impulse and change in momentum. It's important to note that impulse is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The symbol for impulse, J, is typically written in bold or with an arrow above it (J̄) to denote its vector nature.

    Another form of the impulse equation involves the integral of force over time:

    J = F dt

    This form is particularly useful when dealing with varying forces over time. It allows for a more precise calculation of impulse in situations where the force is not constant.

    The vector nature of impulse is crucial to understand, as it means that impulse has both magnitude and direction. When a force is applied to an object, the resulting impulse acts in the same direction as the force. This vector property is essential when analyzing collisions or interactions between multiple objects, as the direction of the impulse determines how the object's motion will change.

    When it comes to units, impulse and momentum share the same units due to their direct relationship in the impulse equation. The standard SI unit for both impulse and momentum is the kilogram-meter per second (kgm/s). However, impulse is often expressed in newton-seconds (Ns) as well. These units are equivalent:

    1 Ns = 1 kgm/s

    This equivalence can be derived from Newton's second law of motion (F = ma) and the definition of impulse. Since force is measured in newtons (N) and time in seconds (s), their product naturally yields newton-seconds. The equivalence to kilogram-meters per second becomes clear when we consider that 1 N = 1 kgm/s².

    Understanding these units is crucial for problem-solving and dimensional analysis in physics. When working with impulse and momentum problems, it's often helpful to check that the units match on both sides of the equation. This can serve as a quick verification that calculations are on the right track.

    In practical applications, such as in sports or engineering, impulse plays a significant role. For instance, in designing safety features for vehicles, engineers consider how to maximize the time of impact (Δt) to reduce the force experienced during a collision. This application directly stems from the impulse equation, where increasing the time of impact for a given change in momentum results in a lower average force.

    To summarize, the impulse equation in its various forms provides a powerful tool for analyzing the effects of forces acting over time. The vector nature of impulse, represented by the symbol J, emphasizes the importance of considering both magnitude and direction in physical interactions. The interchangeable units of newton-seconds and kilogram-meters per second for impulse and momentum highlight the deep connection between these concepts in classical mechanics. Mastering these fundamental aspects of impulse and momentum is essential for a comprehensive understanding of dynamics and its wide-ranging applications in physics and engineering.

    Applying Impulse and Momentum in Problem Solving

    Problem solving using impulse and momentum concepts is a crucial skill in physics and real-world applications. Understanding how to approach these problems can greatly enhance your ability to analyze and solve complex scenarios involving collisions and impacts. In this guide, we'll explore the fundamental principles and provide practical examples to help you master impulse calculation and problem solving techniques.

    Impulse and momentum are closely related concepts in physics. Momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity, while impulse is the change in momentum over time. The relationship between impulse and momentum is expressed by the impulse-momentum theorem, which states that the impulse applied to an object equals the change in its momentum.

    When approaching problem-solving scenarios involving impulse and momentum, it's essential to follow these steps:

    1. Identify the initial and final states of the system
    2. Determine the relevant variables (mass, velocity, time of impact)
    3. Apply the impulse-momentum theorem
    4. Solve for the unknown quantities

    Let's consider a common example: kicking a ball. When you kick a soccer ball, you apply an impulse that changes the ball's momentum. To calculate the impulse applied, you need to know the ball's mass, initial velocity, and final velocity after the kick. The impulse can be calculated using the formula:

    Impulse = m(v_f - v_i)

    Where m is the mass of the ball, v_f is the final velocity, and v_i is the initial velocity.

    For instance, if a 0.45 kg soccer ball initially at rest is kicked to a velocity of 20 m/s, the impulse applied would be:

    Impulse = 0.45 kg * (20 m/s - 0 m/s) = 9 kg·m/s

    This calculation gives us the magnitude of the impulse, but it's also important to consider its direction, which is the same as the direction of the kick.

    Another common scenario is hitting a ball with a racket, such as in tennis or badminton. In this case, the impulse is applied over a very short time interval, resulting in a large force. To calculate the average force applied during the impact, we can use the impulse-momentum theorem in its force form:

    F_avg * Δt = m(v_f - v_i)

    Where F_avg is the average force, Δt is the duration of the impact, m is the mass of the ball, and v_f and v_i are the final and initial velocities, respectively.

    For example, if a tennis ball with a mass of 0.057 kg is hit from rest to a velocity of 30 m/s in 0.005 seconds, we can calculate the average force as follows:

    F_avg * 0.005 s = 0.057 kg * (30 m/s - 0 m/s)

    F_avg = (0.057 kg * 30 m/s) / 0.005 s = 342 N

    This calculation demonstrates the significant force applied during a brief impact, highlighting the importance of impulse in sports and other dynamic situations.

    When solving more complex problems involving impulse and momentum, it's crucial to consider additional factors such as:

    • Conservation of momentum in collisions
    • Coefficient of restitution for bouncing objects
    • Angular momentum in rotational motion
    • External forces acting on the system

    By incorporating these factors into your problem-solving approach, you can tackle a wide range of scenarios, from simple collisions to complex multi-object interactions.

    To enhance your problem-solving skills, practice with various examples and scenarios. Start with simple cases like the ball-kicking example, then

    Real-World Applications of Impulse and Momentum

    Impulse and momentum are fundamental concepts in physics that have numerous real-world applications across various fields, including sports, transportation, and safety engineering. Understanding these principles is crucial for designing safer vehicles, improving athletic performance, and enhancing overall safety in many aspects of our daily lives.

    In sports, the concepts of impulse and momentum play a significant role in optimizing performance and reducing the risk of injuries. For instance, in baseball, batters use the principle of impulse to generate maximum force when hitting the ball. By increasing the time of contact between the bat and the ball, players can impart a greater impulse, resulting in a more powerful hit. Similarly, in martial arts, practitioners utilize momentum transfer techniques to maximize the impact of their strikes while minimizing the force exerted on their own bodies.

    The field of transportation heavily relies on impulse and momentum principles for both performance and safety. In automotive design, engineers apply these concepts to create more efficient and safer vehicles. Crumple zones in cars are a prime example of how impulse is used to enhance safety. These zones are designed to absorb and dissipate the energy of an impact over a longer period, reducing the force experienced by passengers. This application of impulse helps to minimize injuries in the event of a collision.

    Moreover, in the realm of safety engineering, impulse and momentum concepts are crucial for developing protective gear and equipment. Helmets used in various sports and occupations are designed to extend the duration of impact, thereby reducing the force transmitted to the head. This application of impulse helps prevent severe head injuries in activities ranging from cycling to construction work.

    In the aviation industry, understanding momentum is essential for aircraft design and operation. Engineers must consider the momentum of an aircraft during takeoff, landing, and in-flight maneuvers to ensure safe and efficient travel. The concept of conservation of momentum is also applied in the design of jet engines, where the expulsion of high-velocity gases generates thrust to propel the aircraft forward.

    The field of robotics and automation also benefits from the application of impulse and momentum principles. In industrial settings, robotic arms and conveyor systems are designed to handle objects with varying masses and velocities efficiently. By precisely controlling the impulse applied to these objects, engineers can ensure smooth and accurate movements in assembly lines and material handling processes.

    In the realm of space exploration, impulse and momentum play a critical role in spacecraft design and mission planning. The concept of specific impulse is used to measure the efficiency of rocket engines, while momentum exchange devices like reaction wheels are employed for attitude control of satellites and space probes.

    Understanding these concepts can lead to significant improvements in various fields. In sports, coaches and athletes can use this knowledge to develop more effective training techniques and equipment. For example, analyzing the momentum transfer in a golf swing can help golfers optimize their technique for maximum distance and accuracy.

    In transportation safety, engineers can apply impulse and momentum principles to design more effective restraint systems, such as airbags and seatbelts. By carefully controlling the rate of deceleration during a collision, these systems can significantly reduce the risk of severe injuries to vehicle occupants.

    Furthermore, in the field of biomechanics, researchers use these concepts to study human movement and develop better prosthetics and assistive devices. By understanding how momentum is transferred through the body during various activities, engineers can create more natural and efficient artificial limbs and exoskeletons.

    In conclusion, the real-world applications of impulse and momentum concepts are vast and diverse. From enhancing athletic performance to improving transportation safety and advancing space exploration, these fundamental principles of physics continue to shape our world in countless ways. As technology progresses, our understanding and application of these concepts will undoubtedly lead to further innovations and improvements in safety, efficiency, and performance across numerous industries.


    In summary, impulse and momentum are fundamental concepts in physics that describe the motion and interaction of objects. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these principles. Key points include the relationship between force and time in impulse, the conservation of momentum in collisions, and the practical applications of these concepts in real-world scenarios. Impulse-momentum theorem links these ideas, showing how changes in momentum relate to the impulse applied. Remember that momentum is a vector quantity, considering both mass and velocity. To solidify your understanding, it's essential to practice solving various impulse and momentum problems. Explore different collision types, analyze sports movements, and consider safety applications. By mastering these concepts, you'll gain valuable insights into the physics of motion and impact. Continue to challenge yourself with more complex scenarios to deepen your knowledge and problem-solving skills in this fascinating area of physics.

    Understanding the conservation of momentum is crucial for analyzing different types of collisions. This principle helps in predicting the outcomes of interactions between objects, whether in sports, vehicle crashes, or other scenarios. By applying the conservation of momentum, you can solve complex problems and gain a deeper appreciation for the laws governing motion and impact.

    Introduction to Impulse and Momentum: What is Impulse?

    Impulse is a fundamental concept in physics, particularly in the study of momentum. Understanding impulse helps us grasp how forces affect the motion of objects over time. Below is a step-by-step guide to understanding what impulse is, based on the provided content.

    Step 1: Introduction to Momentum and Impulse

    In this section, we are introduced to the concepts of momentum and impulse. Momentum is the quantity of motion an object has, and impulse is related to how that momentum changes. Impulse can be thought of as the source of an object's momentum. For instance, if an object is at rest and you push it, causing it to move, the push you applied is the impulse that gave the object its momentum.

    Step 2: Definition of Impulse

    Impulse is defined as the change in momentum. Whenever an impulse is applied to an object, its momentum changes. This change in momentum is what we refer to as impulse. For example, if you push a stationary object and it starts moving, the impulse you applied is responsible for the change in the object's momentum.

    Step 3: Understanding Impulse with an Example

    To understand impulse and momentum intuitively, consider a car race. Imagine two cars at the starting line. When the race begins, the engines of the cars apply a force that propels them forward. If one car has a more powerful engine, it will apply a greater force, resulting in higher momentum. This example illustrates that impulse depends on the force applied to an object.

    Step 4: The Role of Force in Impulse

    The harder you push an object, the faster it will go, and the more momentum it will have. Therefore, the impulse is larger when a greater force is applied. In the car race example, if the pink car applies twice as much force as the blue car, the pink car will move faster and have more momentum. This demonstrates that impulse is directly related to the force applied to an object.

    Step 5: The Role of Time in Impulse

    Impulse also depends on the duration for which the force is applied. If two cars have identical engines and masses, the car that accelerates for a longer period will have greater momentum. For instance, if the pink car accelerates for only five seconds and then coasts, while the blue car accelerates for the entire race, the blue car will have greater momentum. This shows that the longer the force is applied, the greater the impulse.

    Step 6: Combining Force and Time

    Impulse is a product of both the force applied and the time over which it is applied. The greater the force and the longer the duration, the larger the impulse. This relationship helps us understand how different factors contribute to the change in an object's momentum. In summary, impulse depends on two key factors: the magnitude of the force and the time duration for which the force is applied.


    In conclusion, impulse is a crucial concept in understanding how forces affect the motion of objects. It is defined as the change in momentum and depends on both the force applied and the time duration of the application. By considering examples like car races, we can intuitively grasp how impulse works and its significance in the study of physics.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about momentum and impulse:

    1. What is the difference between momentum and impulse?

      Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, representing its quantity of motion. Impulse, on the other hand, is the change in momentum over time, typically caused by a force acting on the object. While momentum is a property of a moving object, impulse is the effect of a force applied over a period of time.

    2. How is impulse related to force and time?

      Impulse is the product of the average force applied to an object and the time interval over which the force acts. This relationship is expressed as J = F * Δt, where J is impulse, F is the average force, and Δt is the time interval. This equation shows that the same impulse can be achieved with a large force applied for a short time or a smaller force applied for a longer time.

    3. What is the impulse-momentum theorem?

      The impulse-momentum theorem states that the impulse applied to an object equals the change in its momentum. Mathematically, it's expressed as J = Δp, where J is the impulse and Δp is the change in momentum. This theorem is derived from Newton's Second Law of Motion and is fundamental in understanding collisions and impacts.

    4. How is the concept of impulse applied in vehicle safety?

      In vehicle safety, impulse is applied through the design of crumple zones and airbags. These safety features extend the time of impact during a collision, reducing the force experienced by passengers. By increasing the time over which the change in momentum occurs, the average force is decreased, potentially reducing injuries.

    5. Can you explain the conservation of momentum in collisions?

      The conservation of momentum principle states that in a closed system, the total momentum before a collision equals the total momentum after the collision. This principle is crucial for analyzing collisions and predicting the motion of objects after they interact. It applies in both elastic collisions, where kinetic energy is conserved, and inelastic collisions, where some energy is converted to other forms.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding momentum and impulse is crucial in physics, but to truly grasp these concepts, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. Two key areas that form the backbone of momentum and impulse are Newton's Second Law of Motion and the conservation of linear momentum.

    Newton's Second Law of Motion is fundamental to understanding momentum and impulse. This law states that the force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration. This relationship is crucial because it directly relates to the concept of impulse, which is the change in momentum over time. When we apply a force to an object, we're essentially changing its momentum, and the magnitude of this change is determined by the impulse.

    The connection between Newton's Second Law and momentum becomes even clearer when we consider that momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity. As force causes acceleration, it changes the object's velocity and, consequently, its momentum. This interplay between force, acceleration, and momentum is at the heart of many physical phenomena and is essential for solving problems related to collisions and impacts.

    Another critical prerequisite topic is the conservation of linear momentum. This principle states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant, regardless of the interactions within the system. Understanding this concept is vital when dealing with collisions and explosions, which are common applications of momentum and impulse.

    The conservation of momentum principle allows us to predict the outcomes of collisions and understand how objects interact in various scenarios. It's particularly useful in analyzing complex systems where multiple objects are involved. By applying this principle, we can solve problems involving elastic and inelastic collisions, which are fundamental to many real-world applications in physics and engineering.

    Moreover, the conservation of momentum ties directly into the concept of impulse. When two objects collide, the impulse experienced by each object is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, ensuring that the total momentum of the system is conserved. This relationship between impulse and conservation of momentum is crucial for understanding how forces act over time and how they affect the motion of objects.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can build a strong foundation for understanding momentum and impulse. Newton's Second Law of Motion provides the fundamental relationship between force and motion, while the conservation of linear momentum offers a powerful tool for analyzing complex interactions. Together, these concepts form the bedrock upon which a deeper understanding of momentum and impulse can be built, enabling students to tackle more advanced problems and applications in physics with confidence.

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • What is impulse?
    • Derivation of impulse from Newton's second law
    • Impulse equations, units
    • Problem solving with impulse and momentum
    • Problem solving with F vs t graph


    • Impulse is change in an object's momentum.
    • To change an object's momentum, an impulse must be given to that object. An example would be kicking a soccer ball (an impulse) to set it into motion (give it momentum).
    • An impulse is defined as a force that acts on an object for a period of time.
    • In a graph of force vs. time, the area under the graph is impulse.


    p=mv\vec{p} = m \vec{v}

    p:\vec{p}: momentum, in kilogram meters per second (kg∙m/s)

    m:m: mass, in kilograms (kg)

    v:\vec{v}: velocity, in meters per second (m/s)


    J=FΔt=Δp=m(vfvi\vec{J} = \vec{F} \Delta t = \Delta \vec{p} = m( \vec{v}_f - \vec{v}_i)

    J:\vec{J}: impulse, in newton seconds (N∙s)

    F:\vec{F}: net force acting on an object, in newtons (N)

    Δt:\Delta t: the length of time for which the force acts, in seconds (s)

    Δp:\Delta \vec{p}:change in momentum of an object, in kilogram meters per second (kg∙m/s)