Fundamentals of light

  1. Fundamentals of light 
  2. Nature of light and introduction to light fundamentals
  3. Luminous body Vs. Illuminated body
  1. What is the frequency of red light, λ\lambda = 635nm?
    1. Calculate the distance covered by light in feet for 1ns.
        1. What is the length of green light that lasts for 4.0 fs?
        2. How many wavelengths of green light (λ\lambda = 550 nm) are included in such a pulse?
        1. Calculate the distance from Earth to the moon knowing that a pulse of light sent to the moon takes 2.562s to return back to Earth.
          1. Light takes 16 minutes to cross Earth's orbit (3.0× 1011m). calculate the speed of light
            1. What is the illumination on a wall if it is lighted by 1750-lm light bulb which is 1.50 m away from the wall?
              1. A lamp is moved from 40cm to 80cm above the pages of a book. What is the illumination before and after the lam is moved?
                1. The illumination on desktop is 3.0 × 102lx. The source providing the illumination is 2.0m above the desk. What is the intensity (luminous flux) of the lamp?
                  Topic Notes

                  Introduction to Light: The Fundamentals

                  Light is an essential element that shapes our perception of the world around us. From the warm glow of sunrise to the artificial illumination in our homes, light plays a crucial role in our daily lives. This article delves into the fascinating realm of light, exploring its nature, properties, and fundamental concepts. To begin our journey, we've included an introductory video that provides a visual foundation for understanding light. This video serves as a gateway to comprehending the complex yet captivating world of electromagnetic radiation. As we progress, we'll examine the electromagnetic spectrum and focus on visible light, the portion that human eyes can detect. By unraveling the mysteries of light, we'll gain insights into how it influences our environment, technology, and even our biology. Join us as we illuminate the path to a deeper understanding of this remarkable phenomenon that surrounds us every day.

                  The Nature of Light

                  The Dual Nature of Light

                  Light exhibits a fascinating dual nature, behaving as both a particle and a wave. This concept, known as particle-wave duality, is fundamental to our understanding of light and other electromagnetic waves. As a wave, light propagates through space, exhibiting properties such as interference and diffraction. As a particle, light consists of discrete packets of energy called photons, which interact with matter in specific ways, such as in the photoelectric effect.

                  The Electromagnetic Spectrum

                  Light is part of the broader electromagnetic spectrum, which encompasses all types of electromagnetic radiation. This spectrum ranges from low-energy, long-wavelength radio waves to high-energy, short-wavelength gamma rays. Visible light occupies a small but crucial portion of this spectrum, sandwiched between infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

                  Visible Light

                  The visible spectrum is the range of electromagnetic radiation that the human eye can detect. It spans wavelengths from approximately 400 to 700 nanometers. This narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum is what we perceive as colors, from violet at the shorter wavelengths to red at the longer wavelengths. The visible spectrum is just a tiny fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, yet it plays a crucial role in our perception of the world around us.

                  Light Frequency and Wavelength

                  The frequency and wavelength of light are inversely related. Frequency refers to the number of wave cycles that pass a fixed point in space per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). Wavelength, on the other hand, is the distance between successive wave crests, typically measured in meters or nanometers for light. As the frequency of light increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: c = f λ, where c is the speed of light, f is the frequency, and λ (lambda) is the wavelength.

                  The Range of Visible Light

                  Within the visible spectrum (400-700 nm), different wavelengths correspond to different colors. At the lower end, around 400 nm, we perceive violet light. As the wavelength increases, we see blue, green, yellow, orange, and finally red at about 700 nm. This range of colors is often remembered by the mnemonic ROY G BIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet). It's important to note that while these are the primary colors we perceive, the visible spectrum is actually a continuous range of wavelengths, with countless subtle variations in between.

                  Beyond Visible Light

                  While our eyes are limited to detecting visible light, other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are crucial for various applications. Infrared radiation, with wavelengths longer than visible light, is used in thermal imaging and remote sensing. Ultraviolet light, with shorter wavelengths than visible light, plays a role in sterilization and can cause sunburns. X-rays and gamma rays, with even shorter wavelengths, are used in medical imaging and cancer treatments. Radio waves, with the longest wavelengths, are essential for communication technologies.

                  The Importance of Light in Science and Technology

                  Understanding the nature of light as both a particle and a wave has led to numerous technological advancements. Fiber optic communications rely on the wave properties of light to transmit data over long distances. Solar cells harness the particle nature of light to convert sunlight into electricity. Spectroscopy, which analyzes the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation, has applications in fields ranging from astronomy to medical diagnostics. The dual nature of light continues to be a rich area of study in physics, driving innovations in quantum mechanics and optics.

                  Sources of Light and Reflection

                  Light is an essential part of our daily lives, allowing us to perceive the world around us. There are various sources of light, which can be broadly categorized into natural and artificial sources. Natural light sources include the sun, stars, and bioluminescent organisms, while artificial light sources are man-made, such as light bulbs, LEDs, and lasers.

                  The sun is the primary natural light source for Earth, providing both heat and light. Stars, though distant, also contribute to natural light, especially visible at night. Bioluminescent organisms, like fireflies and certain deep-sea creatures, produce their own light through chemical reactions.

                  Artificial light sources have revolutionized our ability to illuminate spaces. Incandescent bulbs, fluorescent lamps, and LEDs are common examples found in homes and offices. These sources allow us to extend activities beyond daylight hours and provide controlled lighting for various purposes.

                  When discussing light, it's crucial to understand the difference between luminous and illuminated bodies. Luminous bodies are objects that produce their own light, such as the sun, stars, or a lit candle. These objects emit light through various processes like nuclear fusion (in stars) or combustion (in flames).

                  On the other hand, illuminated bodies are objects that do not produce their own light but become visible when light falls on them and is reflected. Most objects we see in our daily lives are illuminated bodies. For example, the moon appears bright in the night sky, but it's actually reflecting sunlight rather than producing its own.

                  The concept of reflection is fundamental to how we perceive the world. When light hits an object, it bounces off its surface in a predictable manner. This reflected light then enters our eyes, allowing us to see the object. The color we perceive depends on which wavelengths of light are absorbed by the object and which are reflected.

                  For instance, a red apple appears red because it absorbs most wavelengths of light but reflects the red wavelengths. Similarly, a white sheet of paper appears white because it reflects all visible wavelengths of light equally. Conversely, a black object absorbs most of the light that falls on it, reflecting very little.

                  The nature of the surface also affects how light is reflected. Smooth surfaces, like mirrors, reflect light in a very organized manner, creating clear images. Rough surfaces scatter light in many directions, resulting in a more diffused reflection. This is why a calm lake can act like a mirror, while a rippled surface creates distorted reflections.

                  Understanding these concepts helps explain various phenomena we observe daily. For example, the blue sky is a result of sunlight being scattered by air molecules, while the colorful appearance of soap bubbles is due to the interference of light reflected from the thin film of soap.

                  In conclusion, the interplay between light sources, luminous and illuminated bodies, and the process of reflection shapes our visual perception of the world. From the natural brilliance of the sun to the artificial glow of a smartphone screen, light and its interactions with objects around us create the rich, colorful environment we experience every day.

                  The Ray Model of Light

                  The ray model of light is a fundamental concept in optics that simplifies the complex nature of light propagation. This model represents light as traveling in straight lines, known as rays, which are typically depicted as thin arrows pointing in the direction of light travel. The ray model is an essential tool for understanding how light interacts with various objects and surfaces, making it invaluable in solving optical problems and designing optical systems.

                  In the ray model, light is conceptualized as a series of parallel lines emanating from a source. These rays travel in straight paths until they encounter an object or change in medium. The straight-line propagation of light is a key principle that allows us to predict how light will behave in various scenarios, such as reflection, refraction, and shadow formation.

                  One of the primary advantages of the ray model is its simplicity and ease of use. By representing light as straight lines, we can easily visualize and calculate how light will interact with mirrors, lenses, and other optical elements. This model is particularly useful in geometric optics, where the wavelike properties of light are not as significant for understanding phenomena.

                  The ray model helps explain several everyday observations. For instance, the formation of shadows is a direct result of light traveling in straight lines. When an opaque object blocks the path of light rays, it creates a shadow on the surface behind it. Similarly, the ray model elucidates why we see objects in straight lines of sight and why light from distant stars appears to come from specific points in the night sky.

                  In diagrams, light rays are typically represented as straight arrows, with the arrowhead indicating the direction of light propagation. Multiple rays can be drawn to show how light spreads out from a source or how it interacts with surfaces. For example, when illustrating reflection, rays are shown bouncing off a surface at the same angle they strike it, adhering to the law of reflection.

                  While the ray model is highly effective for many optical scenarios, it's important to note its limitations. It doesn't account for wave properties of light, such as diffraction and interference, which become significant when dealing with very small apertures or wavelength-scale structures. In such cases, more complex models that incorporate wave optics are necessary.

                  Despite these limitations, the ray model of light remains a cornerstone in optics education and practical applications. Its ability to simplify complex light behavior into straightforward, straight-line representations makes it an indispensable tool for students, engineers, and scientists working with optical systems. From designing cameras and telescopes to understanding the human eye, the ray model continues to illuminate our path in exploring the fascinating world of light and optics.

                  Speed of Light and Basic Equations

                  The speed of light is a fundamental constant in physics, representing the fastest speed at which information or energy can travel through the universe. In a vacuum, light travels at an astonishing 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s), often rounded to 3 x 10^8 m/s for simplicity. This constant, denoted by the letter 'c', plays a crucial role in many areas of physics and has profound implications for our understanding of space, time, and the nature of reality.

                  The constancy of the speed of light in vacuum is a cornerstone of Einstein's theory of special relativity. It implies that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, regardless of their relative motion. This concept has led to revolutionary ideas about the nature of space and time, including time dilation and length contraction.

                  One of the most fundamental equations in physics relating to light is the wave equation: c = λf. In this equation, 'c' represents the speed of light, 'λ' (lambda) is the wavelength, and 'f' is the frequency. This simple yet powerful relationship demonstrates that for electromagnetic waves, including light, the product of wavelength and frequency is always equal to the speed of light in vacuum.

                  The c = λf equation has numerous practical applications and implications. For instance, in telecommunications, it helps engineers design and optimize systems for transmitting information using electromagnetic waves. By manipulating wavelength and frequency, we can create various forms of communication, from radio and television broadcasts to mobile phone signals and Wi-Fi.

                  In the field of spectroscopy, scientists use this equation to analyze the composition of distant stars and galaxies. By examining the specific wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by celestial bodies, researchers can determine their chemical makeup, temperature, and even their motion relative to Earth.

                  The equation also plays a crucial role in understanding the electromagnetic spectrum. From radio waves with long wavelengths and low frequencies to gamma rays with extremely short wavelengths and high frequencies, all forms of electromagnetic radiation obey this fundamental relationship.

                  To illustrate these concepts, let's consider some examples. Visible light, which our eyes can detect, has wavelengths ranging from about 380 to 700 nanometers. Using the c = λf equation, we can calculate that the corresponding frequencies range from about 4.3 x 10^14 Hz to 7.9 x 10^14 Hz. This demonstrates how a relatively small change in wavelength can result in a significant change in frequency, given the large value of c.

                  Another practical application is in the design of fiber optic communication systems. Engineers must consider the relationship between wavelength and frequency when selecting appropriate light sources and detectors. For instance, infrared light with a wavelength of 1550 nanometers is commonly used in long-distance fiber optic cables due to its low attenuation in glass fibers.

                  The speed of light and the c = λf equation also have important implications in fields such as astronomy and cosmology. The vast distances in space are often measured in light-years, the distance light travels in one year. This concept helps us comprehend the immense scale of the universe and the time it takes for light from distant stars and galaxies to reach Earth.

                  In conclusion, the speed of light and the fundamental equation c = λf are central to our understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its behavior. From everyday technologies to cutting-edge scientific research, these principles continue to shape our world and our exploration of the universe. As we delve deeper into the realms of quantum mechanics and cosmology, the speed of light remains a constant guide, illuminating the path to new discoveries and insights into the nature of reality.

                  Luminous Flux and Illuminance

                  Luminous flux is a fundamental concept in photometry that quantifies the total amount of light emitted by a source in all directions. Measured in lumens (lm), it represents the perceived power of light as detected by the human eye. Understanding luminous flux is crucial for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of light sources in various applications, from interior lighting to outdoor illumination.

                  The importance of luminous flux lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive measure of a light source's output. Unlike other metrics that focus on specific directions or intensities, luminous flux considers the entire sphere of light emission. This makes it an essential parameter for comparing different light sources and determining their suitability for specific lighting requirements.

                  While luminous flux describes the total light output, illuminance introduces the concept of light falling on a surface. Illuminance is defined as the amount of luminous flux per unit area, effectively measuring the intensity of light at a specific point or surface. This relationship between luminous flux and illuminance is crucial for understanding how light interacts with our environment and affects our visual perception.

                  The unit of measurement for illuminance is lux (lx), which is equal to one lumen per square meter. This metric allows us to quantify the amount of light reaching a particular surface, making it invaluable for designing lighting systems that meet specific requirements for different tasks and environments. For instance, office spaces typically require higher illuminance levels than residential areas to ensure optimal working conditions.

                  The equation for calculating illuminance (E) is:

                  E = Φ / A


                  • E is illuminance in lux (lx)
                  • Φ (phi) is the luminous flux in lumens (lm)
                  • A is the area in square meters (m²)

                  This equation demonstrates the inverse square relationship between illuminance and distance from the light source. As the distance increases, the same amount of luminous flux is spread over a larger area, resulting in lower illuminance levels.

                  To illustrate these concepts with practical examples, consider a 1000-lumen LED bulb illuminating a room. If this bulb is placed 2 meters above a desk with a surface area of 1 square meter, the illuminance on the desk would be 1000 lux (1000 lm / 1 m²). However, if the same light is used to illuminate a larger area of 4 square meters, the illuminance would decrease to 250 lux (1000 lm / 4 m²).

                  Another example is outdoor lighting. A streetlight with a luminous flux of 10,000 lumens might provide adequate illuminance for a small area directly beneath it. However, as you move further away, the illuminance decreases rapidly due to the inverse square law. This is why multiple streetlights are needed to maintain consistent illumination along a road.

                  Understanding the relationship between luminous flux and illuminance is essential for lighting designers, architects, and engineers. It allows them to create efficient lighting solutions that provide appropriate light levels for different activities while minimizing energy consumption. For instance, in a museum, carefully calculated illuminance levels ensure that artworks are well-lit for viewing without causing damage from excessive light exposure.

                  In conclusion, luminous flux and illuminance are interconnected concepts that form the foundation of lighting design and measurement. By grasping these principles and their practical applications, professionals can create lighting solutions that enhance visual comfort, improve energy efficiency, and meet the specific needs of various environments. Whether designing a cozy living room or a large industrial facility, the careful consideration of luminous flux and illuminance is key to achieving optimal lighting results.

                  Visible Light Colors and Wavelengths

                  The relationship between visible light colors and their corresponding wavelengths is a fascinating aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light, which is the portion of the spectrum that the human eye can detect, consists of a range of wavelengths that produce different colors. This spectrum of visible light extends from violet, with the shortest wavelength, to red, with the longest wavelength.

                  At the shorter end of the visible spectrum, we find violet light with wavelengths ranging from about 380 to 450 nanometers (nm). Moving along the spectrum, we encounter blue light (450-495 nm), followed by green (495-570 nm), yellow (570-590 nm), orange (590-620 nm), and finally, red light at the longer end with wavelengths between 620 and 750 nm. This progression of colors is commonly remembered by the mnemonic ROY G. BIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet).

                  The human eye perceives these different wavelengths as distinct colors through a complex process involving specialized cells in the retina called cones. There are three types of cones, each sensitive to different ranges of wavelengths corresponding roughly to red, green, and blue light. When light of a particular wavelength enters the eye, it stimulates these cones in varying degrees, and the brain interprets this combination of signals as a specific color.

                  For instance, when we see violet light, it primarily stimulates the blue-sensitive cones, with some activation of the red-sensitive cones. Green light, on the other hand, strongly activates the green-sensitive cones while also mildly stimulating the blue and red cones. The perception of yellow occurs when both red and green cones are stimulated equally, with little blue cone activation.

                  It's important to note that the boundaries between colors in the visible spectrum are not sharply defined. Instead, they blend smoothly into one another, creating a continuous range of hues. This gradual transition is why we can perceive millions of different colors, despite having only three types of color-sensitive cones.

                  The relationship between wavelength and color has numerous practical applications. In fields such as photography, printing, and digital displays, understanding this relationship is crucial for accurate color reproduction. Additionally, in fields like astronomy and spectroscopy, analyzing the wavelengths of light emitted or absorbed by objects can provide valuable information about their composition and properties.

                  In conclusion, the visible light spectrum represents a small but incredibly important part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The varying wavelengths within this range give rise to the rich tapestry of colors we experience in our daily lives, from the deep violets of a twilight sky to the vibrant reds of a sunset. Understanding the relationship between these wavelengths and our perception of color not only enhances our appreciation of the visual world but also underpins many technological and scientific advancements.

                  Conclusion: The Importance of Understanding Light

                  In this article, we've explored the fundamental principles of light, covering its nature as both a particle and a wave, its behavior in different mediums, and its crucial role in various scientific fields. From physics to biology, light plays an integral part in our understanding of the world around us. Moreover, we've seen how these light fundamentals impact our everyday lives, from the colors we perceive to the technology we use. The introduction video provides a visual representation of these concepts, making them more accessible and engaging. By grasping these light fundamentals, we open doors to a deeper appreciation of science and its practical applications. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply curious about the world, understanding light is essential. We encourage you to continue exploring this fascinating topic, as it holds the key to unlocking many mysteries in science and enhancing our daily experiences. Dive deeper into the world of light and discover how it illuminates every aspect of our lives.

                  Fundamentals of Light

                  Nature of light and introduction to light fundamentals

                  Step 1: Understanding the Source of Light

                  In this step, we explore the origins of light. Light can be emitted from various sources such as lamps and the sun. These sources generate light that we can see. Additionally, other objects around us reflect light, allowing us to perceive their dimensions and recognize them. This reflection is crucial for our ability to see and understand the world around us.

                  Step 2: The Electromagnetic Spectrum

                  Light is a small, visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum includes a range of waves such as x-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, and microwaves. However, our eyes can only detect the visible light portion of this spectrum. This visible light is what allows us to see colors and perceive the world visually.

                  Step 3: Dual Nature of Light

                  Light exhibits a dual nature, meaning it can behave both as a particle and as a wave. This duality is explained through two different models: the particle model and the wave model. Understanding these models helps us comprehend the complex behavior of light in various situations.

                  Step 4: Frequency and Wavelength of Light

                  The frequency of light changes as it moves along the electromagnetic spectrum. Different colors of visible light correspond to different frequencies and wavelengths. For instance, violet light has the shortest wavelength, while red light has the longest wavelength. The range of wavelengths for visible light is approximately 400 nanometers to 700 nanometers.

                  Step 5: Propagation of Light

                  Light travels in a straight line when it moves through a vacuum or any uniform medium. This straight-line propagation is essential for understanding how light behaves in different environments. For example, when sunlight enters a forest, it travels in straight lines, creating visible rays of light.

                  Step 6: Introduction to Light Fundamentals

                  Light is a visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and it consists of a range of frequencies. Different frequencies correspond to different colors of light. The wavelength of light waves ranges from about 400 nanometers to 700 nanometers. This range includes seven different colors that are visible to the human eye. The shortest wavelength appears as violet, while the longest wavelength appears as red.

                  Step 7: Ray Model of Light

                  The ray model of light is used to represent light traveling in straight lines. This model is useful for visualizing how light moves and interacts with objects. In diagrams, rays of light are often depicted as straight arrows to indicate their direction of travel.

                  Step 8: Wave and Particle Models of Light

                  The wave model of light describes light as a wave, while the particle model describes it as a particle. These models help explain different aspects of light's behavior. For example, the wave model is useful for understanding phenomena like interference and diffraction, while the particle model helps explain the photoelectric effect.

                  Step 9: Speed of Light

                  The speed of light is a constant value represented by the letter "c." In a vacuum, the speed of light is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 meters per second. This value is also considered constant in air. The equation v = λf, where v is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency, is used to describe the relationship between these properties of light.


                  1. What is the dual nature of light?

                    Light exhibits both wave-like and particle-like properties, known as the wave-particle duality. As a wave, light can interfere and diffract, while as particles (photons), it can interact with matter in discrete energy packets. This dual nature is fundamental to understanding light's behavior in various phenomena and experiments.

                  2. How does the human eye perceive different colors of light?

                    The human eye contains three types of cone cells, each sensitive to different wavelengths of light corresponding roughly to red, green, and blue. When light enters the eye, it stimulates these cones in varying degrees. The brain interprets the combination of signals from these cones as specific colors. For example, yellow light stimulates both red and green cones equally, while violet light primarily activates blue cones with some red cone stimulation.

                  3. What is the difference between luminous flux and illuminance?

                    Luminous flux is the total amount of light emitted by a source in all directions, measured in lumens (lm). Illuminance, on the other hand, is the amount of luminous flux that falls on a specific area, measured in lux (lx). While luminous flux describes the light output of a source, illuminance quantifies the intensity of light at a particular point or surface. The relationship between them is expressed as: Illuminance = Luminous Flux / Area.

                  4. Why is the speed of light considered a fundamental constant?

                    The speed of light in a vacuum (approximately 299,792,458 meters per second) is a fundamental constant in physics, denoted by 'c'. It represents the maximum speed at which information or energy can travel through the universe. This constant plays a crucial role in Einstein's theory of special relativity and has profound implications for our understanding of space, time, and the nature of reality. The constancy of the speed of light in all reference frames is a cornerstone of modern physics.

                  5. How does the ray model of light help in understanding optical phenomena?

                    The ray model of light simplifies light propagation by representing it as straight lines or rays. This model is particularly useful in geometric optics for understanding phenomena like reflection, refraction, and shadow formation. It allows for easy visualization and calculation of light paths in various optical systems, such as mirrors and lenses. While it doesn't account for wave properties like diffraction, the ray model is invaluable for solving many practical optical problems and designing optical devices.

                  Prerequisite Topics

                  Understanding the fundamentals of light is a crucial aspect of physics, and to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. One of the most important prerequisites for studying the fundamentals of light is the reflection of light. This topic serves as a cornerstone for comprehending how light behaves and interacts with various surfaces and materials.

                  The reflection of light is a fundamental principle that plays a significant role in our understanding of light's behavior. When studying the fundamentals of light, knowing how light reflects off different surfaces is crucial. This knowledge helps explain phenomena such as mirror images, the visibility of objects, and even more complex concepts like the formation of rainbows.

                  By mastering the reflection of light, students can better understand how light travels and changes direction when it encounters various materials. This understanding is essential when exploring more advanced topics within the fundamentals of light, such as refraction, diffraction, and polarization.

                  Moreover, the principles of light reflection are applicable in numerous real-world scenarios and technologies. From the design of optical instruments like telescopes and microscopes to the development of efficient lighting systems and solar panels, the knowledge of how light reflects is invaluable. Understanding this prerequisite topic allows students to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications, enhancing their overall comprehension of the fundamentals of light.

                  As students delve deeper into the study of light, they'll find that the reflection of light serves as a building block for more complex topics. For instance, when exploring the wave nature of light or the principles of color theory, a solid grasp of light reflection is essential. It helps in explaining phenomena such as interference patterns, the formation of images in curved mirrors, and the perception of colors in different lighting conditions.

                  Furthermore, understanding the reflection of light is crucial for grasping concepts related to energy transfer and conservation in optical systems. It provides insights into how light interacts with different materials, which is fundamental to fields such as optics, photonics, and even quantum mechanics.

                  In conclusion, the reflection of light is an indispensable prerequisite topic for anyone studying the fundamentals of light. It provides a strong foundation for understanding more advanced concepts and applications in the field of optics and beyond. By mastering this prerequisite, students will be better equipped to explore the fascinating world of light and its numerous applications in science and technology.

                  In this lesson, we will learn:

                  • What is light?
                  • Source of light
                  • Light is the visible part of electromagnetic waves
                  • Light range frequencies
                  • Visible light colors and wavelengths
                  • Ray model of light
                  • Solving problems involving the speed of light
                  • Solving illumination problems


                  Introduction to Light Fundamentals
                  • Light is emitted and reflected from objects around us
                  • Light is a small visible part of electromagnetic waves.
                  • Light travel along straight line in vacuum or other uniform medium
                  • The nature of light is explained by two models; particle model and wave model
                  • Light frequency changes upon moving along the electromagnetic spectrum
                  • Light is the range of frequencies of electromagnetic waves
                  • Light waves have wavelength about 400nm to 700nm
                  • Shortest wavelengths are seen as violet light
                  • Longest wavelengths are seen as red light
                  • Knowing that light travels along a straight line in vacuum or any uniform medium leads us to the ray model of light.
                  • A ray of light is a straight line representing the path of a narrow beam of light.

                  Waves in two dimensions

                  Speed of Light
                  • Speed of light is represented by letter cc
                  • Speed of light is constant in the air and is 3.00×108m/s
                  • Recall the equation V=λfV=\lambda f to find the speed of waves, we can modify the equation in terms of speed of light c=λfc=\lambda f

                  Luminous body Vs. Illuminated body
                  • Luminous body emits light waves (sun, lamp)
                  • Illuminated body reflects waves produced by an outside source (moon, bridge)
                  • Luminous flux, is the rate at which light is emitted from a source
                  • Unit of luminous flux is the lumen
                  • The mount of illumination of a surface called illuminance,

                      • E=E = lumens per square meter =lm/m2= lm/m^{2} OR lux, lx
                        E=P4πd2 E = \frac{P}{4 \pi d^{2}}
                        P=P = luminous flux of the source
                        d=d = distance between the surface and the source