Reflection of light

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  1. Reflection of Light
  2. Reflection of light and types of reflection
  3. Key terms in reflection of light
  4. The laws of reflection
  1. What is the difference between regular reflection and diffuse reflection?
    1. Can you apply the laws of reflection for diffuse reflection? Explain
      1. An incident ray strikes the surface of a plane mirror making an angle of 30° with the normal. What is the angle of reflection?
        1. A reflected ray bounces off a boundary making an angle of 60° with the normal. What was the angle of incident?
          1. A ray making an angle of 30° with a smooth surface is reflected off the boundary. What would be the angle of reflection?
            1. The angle between the normal and incident ray is 45°. What is the angle between incident ray and reflected ray?
              Topic Notes

              In this lesson, we will learn:

              • The key terms in reflection
              • Types of reflection
              • The laws of reflection
              • Solve reflection problems


              Reflection of light: when light strikes objects, it is partly absorbed (as heat) and partly sent back (reflected)

              Regular reflection Vs. Diffuse reflection
              • Regular reflection: reflection of light by smooth surfaces such as mirror.
              • Diffuse reflection: reflection of light by rough surfaces such. (most objects)

              Reflection of Light

              Key terms

              • Incident ray: The incoming ray of light
              • Reflected ray: The outgoing ray of light
              • Point of incidence: The intersection of incident ray and the boundary
              • Normal: Imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the boundary at point of incidence
              • Angle of incidence (< ii ): The angle between the NORMAL and the incident ray
              • Angle of reflection (< rr): The angle between the NORMAL and the reflected ray
              Reflection of Light

              • Laws of Reflection
                1. Incident ray, reflected ray, and normal all lie in the same plane called plane of incidence
                2. Angle of incidence equals to angle of reflection (< ii= < rr)