Solving two dimensional vector problems

  1. Introduction to solving two dimensional vector problems

    • Overview of trigonometry strategies for different types of vector problems
    • Definition of the law of sines and the law of cosines
  1. Use the law of sines to solve triangles
    1. Find the length of side c
      triangle to solve for side c
    2. Find the angle &theta
      triangle to solve for angle theta
  2. Use the law of cosines to solve triangles
    1. For the following triangle:
      triangle to solve
      1. Find the length of the unknown side.
      2. Find the angle θ
    2. A paper airplane is thrown 11.0 m [W], then thrown 14.0 m, then 16.0 m. The final throw returns it to its original position. Find the angle of the 14.0 m throw.
      airplane triangle to solve
  3. Solve a vector word problem using the laws of sines and cosines

    To get to school, Pauline leaves her house and walks due east 1.40 km, then takes a shortcut by walking 0.650 km [35° S of E] through a park. Find her displacement from home to school.

    1. Solve a difficult vector triangle using geometry

      Solve the equation A+B=C\vec{A} + \vec{B} = \vec{C} .

      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Solving Two-Dimensional Vector Problems

      Two-dimensional vector problems are fundamental in physics and engineering, providing a crucial foundation for understanding more complex spatial relationships. Our introduction video serves as an essential starting point, offering a clear and concise overview of the topic. This video will help you grasp the basic concepts and prepare you for more advanced applications. In this course, we'll explore three main methods for solving 2D vector problems: right triangle solutions, the component method, and the laws of sines and cosines. Each approach has its strengths and is suited to different types of problems. Right triangle solutions are ideal for vectors at 90-degree angles, while the component method breaks vectors into their horizontal and vertical parts. The laws of sines and cosines are particularly useful for non-right triangles. By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to tackle a wide range of vector problems in various scientific and engineering fields.

      Solving Right Triangle Vector Problems

      Solving right triangle vector problems that result in right triangles is a fundamental skill in physics and engineering. These problems often involve 2 dimensional vectors and can be effectively tackled using trigonometric functions in vector problems and the Pythagorean theorem. Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone working with vectors in a two-dimensional space.

      The first step in solving right triangle vector problems is to visualize the vectors as sides of a right triangle. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with perpendicular vectors, such as one pointing west and another pointing south. In this scenario, the west-pointing vector forms the base of the triangle, while the south-pointing vector forms the height.

      Trigonometric functions in vector problems play a vital role in these calculations. The sine function (sin) relates the opposite side to the hypotenuse, the cosine function (cos) relates the adjacent side to the hypotenuse, and the tangent function (tan) relates the opposite side to the adjacent side. These relationships are crucial for determining angles and side lengths in right triangles.

      For example, if we know the magnitude of a vector and its angle with respect to the horizontal, we can use sine and cosine to find its vector components calculation. The sine of the angle multiplied by the vector's magnitude gives the vertical component, while the cosine multiplied by the magnitude gives the horizontal component.

      The Pythagorean theorem is another essential tool in solving adding vectors using Pythagorean theorem. It states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of squares of the other two sides. This theorem is particularly useful when adding vectors that form a right triangle.

      Let's consider an example of adding vectors using Pythagorean theorem: a vector pointing 3 units west and another pointing 4 units south. To find the resultant vector, we can use the Pythagorean theorem. The magnitude of the resultant vector would be the square root of (3² + 4²), which equals 5 units. The direction of this resultant vector can be determined using inverse tangent for vector direction of the ratio of the vertical component to the horizontal component.

      In more complex scenarios, these principles can be extended to solve problems involving multiple vectors or vectors in three-dimensional space. The key is to break down the problem into manageable components and apply the appropriate trigonometric functions and the Pythagorean theorem as needed.

      Mastering these techniques for solving right triangle vector problems is essential for anyone working in fields that involve vector analysis, such as physics, engineering, or computer graphics. With practice, these methods become powerful tools for understanding and manipulating vectors in various real-world applications.

      The Component Method for Non-Right Triangle Vector Problems

      Solving non-right triangle vector problems using the component method is a powerful technique in 2 dimensional vector analysis. This approach allows us to break down complex vector problems into manageable parts, making it easier to find the resulting vector. The component method is particularly useful when dealing with vectors that don't form right angles, as it provides a systematic way to analyze and solve these problems.

      The first step in the component method is to break down each vector into its vector components calculation. This process involves using trigonometry to determine the horizontal (x) and vertical (y) parts of each vector. For a vector with magnitude |v| and angle θ from the positive x-axis, the x component is calculated as |v| cos(θ), and the y component as |v| sin(θ). This decomposition allows us to work with the vectors in a Cartesian coordinate system.

      Once we have the x and y components for each vector, we can treat them separately. The key principle is that vector addition can be performed by adding the corresponding components. This means we can add all the x components together and all the y components together to find the components of the resulting vector.

      To illustrate this process, let's consider an example. Suppose we have two vectors: Vector A with a magnitude of 10 units and an angle of 30° from the positive x-axis, and Vector B with a magnitude of 15 units and an angle of 60° from the positive x-axis. Our task is to find the resulting vector when these two are added together.

      Step 1: Calculate the vector components calculation of Vector A x component of A = 10 cos(30°) 8.66 units y component of A = 10 sin(30°) = 5 units

      Step 2: Calculate the components of Vector B x component of B = 15 cos(60°) = 7.5 units y component of B = 15 sin(60°) 12.99 units

      Step 3: Add the x components and y components separately Resulting x component = 8.66 + 7.5 = 16.16 units Resulting y component = 5 + 12.99 = 17.99 units

      Step 4: Determine the vector magnitude and angle of the resulting vector using the Pythagorean theorem Magnitude = (16.16² + 17.99²) 24.18 units

      Step 5: Calculate the angle of the resulting vector using inverse tangent for vector angle Angle = tan¹(17.99 / 16.16) 48.1°

      Therefore, the resulting vector has a magnitude of approximately 24.18 units and forms an angle of about 48.1° with the positive x-axis.

      This example demonstrates the power of the component method in solving non-right triangle vector problems. By breaking down vectors into their x and y components, we can easily manipulate and combine them, even when they don't form right angles. This technique is fundamental in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics, where vector analysis plays a crucial role.

      The component method's versatility extends beyond simple addition. It can be applied to vector subtraction, multiplication by scalars, and even more complex operations. By mastering this technique, you'll be well-equipped to tackle a wide range of 2 dimensional vector problems, regardless of the angles involved.

      Understanding the vector magnitude and angle is crucial in these calculations, as it allows for precise determination of the resulting vector's properties.

      Additionally, using inverse tangent for vector angle helps in accurately finding the direction of the resulting vector, which is essential in many practical applications.

      Introduction to the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines

      When working with 2 dimensional vectors, solving vector triangles is a common challenge. While the component method is widely used, there are alternative approaches that can be more efficient and faster in certain scenarios. Two such methods are the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. These trigonometric laws provide powerful tools for solving vector triangles without the need for breaking vectors into components.

      The Law of Sines states that for any triangle, the ratio of the sine of an angle to the length of the opposite side is constant for all three angles and sides. Mathematically, it is expressed as: a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C), where a, b, and c are the lengths of the sides, and A, B, and C are the opposite angles. This law is particularly useful when dealing with vector triangles where you know two angles and one side, or two sides and one angle (as long as the known angle is opposite one of the known sides).

      On the other hand, the Law of Cosines relates the lengths of the sides of a triangle to the cosine of one of its angles. The formula is: c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos(C), where c is the length of the side opposite to the angle C, and a and b are the lengths of the other two sides. This law is especially helpful when you know all three sides of a vector triangle and need to find an angle, or when you know two sides and the included angle and need to find the third side.

      The significance of these laws in vector problem-solving cannot be overstated. They allow for direct calculating unknown sides or angles without the need for intermediate steps of breaking vectors into components. This directness often leads to faster and more efficient solutions, especially in complex problems involving multiple vectors.

      The efficiency of the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines becomes apparent when compared to the component method. While the component method requires breaking down vectors into x and y components, performing separate calculations, and then recombining the results, these trigonometric laws work with the vector magnitudes and angles directly. This approach not only saves time but also reduces the chances of computational errors that can occur with multiple step processes.

      Moreover, these laws provide a more intuitive understanding of the relationships between vector magnitudes and angles. They allow problem-solvers to visualize the vector triangle as a whole, rather than dealing with abstract components. This holistic approach can lead to deeper insights into the problem and sometimes reveal solution paths that might not be obvious when using the component method.

      In conclusion, while the component method remains a fundamental approach in vector analysis, the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines offer powerful alternatives for solving vector triangles. Their efficiency, directness, and intuitive nature make them invaluable tools in the arsenal of anyone working with 2 dimensional vectors. By mastering these laws, problem-solvers can tackle a wide range of vector problems with greater speed and clarity.

      Applying the Law of Sines in Vector Problems

      The law of sines is a powerful tool in solving 2 dimensional vector problems, particularly when dealing with triangles formed by vectors. This method is especially useful when you have information about angles and magnitudes but lack direct Cartesian coordinates. Let's explore how to apply the law of sines to vector problems and why it's advantageous in certain scenarios.

      The law of sines states that for any triangle with sides a, b, and c, and opposite angles A, B, and C:

      (a / sin A) = (b / sin B) = (c / sin C)

      To apply this to vector problems, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the known components of your vectors (magnitudes and/or angles).
      2. Sketch the vector diagram, forming a triangle.
      3. Label the sides and angles of the triangle.
      4. Apply the law of sines formula to solve for unknown quantities.

      Let's work through an example to illustrate this process:

      Problem: Two vectors, A and B, form a triangle. Vector A has a magnitude of 10 units and makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Vector B makes an angle of 45° with vector A. Find the magnitude of vector B.

      Step 1: We know |A| = 10, angle between A and horizontal = 30°, angle between A and B = 45°.

      Step 2: Sketch the triangle formed by vectors A and B.

      Step 3: Label the triangle. Let C be the angle between B and the horizontal. We can deduce that C = 180° - (30° + 45°) = 105°.

      Step 4: Apply the law of sines:

      (10 / sin 105°) = (|B| / sin 45°)

      Solving for |B|:

      |B| = (10 * sin 45°) / sin 105° 7.65 units

      The law of sines method is most useful when:

      • You have information about angles and at least one side length.
      • The problem involves non-right triangles.
      • You need to find unknown side lengths or angles in a triangle formed by vectors.

      Advantages of using the law of sines for vector problems include:

      • Simplicity in solving problems with oblique triangles.
      • Ability to work directly with magnitudes and angles without converting to Cartesian coordinates.
      • Efficiency in solving problems where trigonometric ratios are more straightforward than vector component calculations.
      • Versatility in handling a wide range of triangle configurations.

      While the law of sines is powerful, it's important to note its limitations. It works best for 2 dimensional vector problems and may not be suitable for more complex 3D vector scenarios. Additionally, when dealing with very small angles or nearly parallel vectors, numerical precision can become an issue.

      In conclusion, mastering the application of the law of sines to vector problems enhances your problem-solving toolkit. It provides a straightforward approach to tackling non-right triangle vector configurations, often simplifying calculations that might be more complex using other methods. By understanding when and how to apply this technique, you can efficiently solve a wide range of vector problems in physics, engineering, and mathematics.

      Using the Law of Cosines in Vector Problem Solving

      The law of cosines is a powerful tool in vector problem solving, particularly when dealing with 2 dimensional vectors. This mathematical principle extends the Pythagorean theorem to scenarios where the angle between vectors is not necessarily 90 degrees. Understanding its application can significantly simplify complex vector calculations and provide insights into various physical and engineering problems.

      The law of cosines states that in a triangle with sides a, b, and c, and an angle θ opposite side c, the following relationship holds: c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos(θ). This formula becomes particularly useful when working with vectors, as it allows us to find the magnitude of a resultant vector or determine unknown angles between vectors.

      Let's walk through a step-by-step guide to applying the vector problem solving steps:

      1. Identify the known vector components and the angle between vectors.
      2. Set up the law of cosines equation: c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos(θ).
      3. Substitute the known values into the equation.
      4. Solve for the unknown variable (either a side length or an angle).
      5. Interpret the result in the context of the vector problem solving.

      For example, consider two force vectors acting on an object: F1 = 5N and F2 = 3N, with an angle of 60° between them. To find the magnitude of the resultant vector, we can use the law of cosines:

      1. Known: a = 5N, b = 3N, θ = 60°
      2. Equation: c² = 5² + 3² - 2(5)(3)cos(60°)
      3. Simplify: c² = 25 + 9 - 30(0.5) = 19
      4. Solve: c = 19 4.36N
      5. Interpretation: The resultant force has a magnitude of approximately 4.36N.

      The law of cosines is particularly useful in scenarios where:

      • We need to find the magnitude of a resultant vector without decomposing vectors into components.
      • The angle between vectors is known, but not necessarily 90 degrees.
      • We need to determine an unknown angle between vectors given their magnitudes.
      • We're dealing with force diagrams in physics or engineering problems.
      • We're analyzing triangulation problems in navigation or surveying.

      Compared to other methods, the law of cosines offers several advantages in vector problem solving:

      • Efficiency: It often requires fewer steps than decomposing vectors into components and using trigonometric functions.
      • Directness: It provides a straightforward way to calculate magnitudes without the need for intermediate steps.
      • Versatility: It can be applied to a wide range of problems involving non-right triangles.
      • Intuitive understanding: It helps visualize the relationship between vector magnitudes and angles.

      However, it's important to note that the law of cosines may not always be the most efficient method, especially when dealing with multiple vectors or when vector components are already known. In such cases, vector addition using components or the dot product method might be more appropriate.

      In conclusion, mastering the application of the law of cosines in vector problem solving enhances one's ability to tackle complex 2 dimensional vector challenges efficiently. By understanding when and how to apply this principle, problem solvers can choose the most effective approach for each unique situation, leading to more accurate and insightful solutions in fields ranging from physics and engineering to navigation and beyond.

      Comparing Methods: When to Use Each Approach

      When working with 2 dimensional vectors and vector triangles, several problem-solving methods are available. Understanding when to use each approach is crucial for efficient problem-solving. Let's compare and contrast the right triangle method, component method, law of sines, and law of cosines, providing guidance on their application in different scenarios.

      The right triangle method is ideal for problems involving perpendicular vectors or when a right angle is present. It's particularly useful when you need to find the magnitude of a vector or when dealing with simple vector addition. This method is straightforward and often the quickest solution for basic vector problems. However, its application is limited to right triangles, making it less versatile for complex vector relationships.

      The component method is highly versatile and can be applied to any vector problem. It's especially useful when dealing with multiple vectors in different directions or when you need to find the resultant of several vectors. This method breaks down vectors into their x and y components, making it easier to perform calculations. While it can be used for most vector problems, it may require more steps than other methods for simpler scenarios.

      The law of sines is particularly useful when dealing with oblique triangles (non-right triangles) and when you know two angles and one side, or two sides and one angle opposite a known side. It's an excellent choice for finding unknown angles or sides in vector triangles. However, it may not be the most efficient method when all sides are known or when dealing with right triangles.

      The law of cosines is most effective when working with oblique triangles where you know all three sides or two sides and the included angle. It's particularly useful for finding the magnitude of a resultant vector when you know the magnitudes of two vectors and the angle between them. While versatile, it can involve more complex calculations compared to other methods.

      When choosing the most efficient method, consider the given information and the problem type. For right triangles or perpendicular vectors, start with the right triangle method. If dealing with multiple vectors or need to find components, opt for the component method. For oblique triangles with known angles and one side, the law of sines is often the best choice. When all sides are known or you have two sides and the included angle, the law of cosines is typically the most efficient approach.

      Remember, proficiency in all methods allows for flexibility in problem-solving. Sometimes, a combination of methods may be necessary for complex vector problems. Practice with various scenarios to develop intuition for selecting the most appropriate method, enhancing your ability to solve 2 dimensional vector problems efficiently.

      Conclusion and Further Practice

      In this comprehensive guide, we've explored various methods for solving two-dimensional vector problems. We covered essential techniques such as graphical representation, component analysis, and algebraic manipulation. Understanding these problem-solving methods is crucial for mastering 2D vector concepts in physics and mathematics. Remember, each approach has its strengths, and proficiency in all methods will enhance your problem-solving skills. If you're still unsure about any concepts, we encourage you to revisit the introductory video for a refresher. To further solidify your understanding, practice solving a wide range of vector problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Seek out additional resources like textbooks, online tutorials, or interactive simulations to reinforce your learning. By consistently applying these methods and expanding your knowledge, you'll become adept at tackling even the most challenging 2D vector problems. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Your mastery of vector problems will prove invaluable in your academic and professional pursuits.


      Use the law of cosines to solve triangles For the following triangle:
      triangle to solve

      1. Find the length of the unknown side.
      2. Find the angle θ

      Step 1: Identify the Type of Triangle

      In this problem, we are given a triangle with two sides and the included angle. This is known as a side-angle-side (SAS) triangle. The law of cosines is particularly useful for solving SAS triangles because it allows us to find the unknown side when we know two sides and the included angle.

      Step 2: Write Down the Law of Cosines

      The law of cosines states that for any triangle with sides aa, bb, and cc, and the angle CC opposite side cc, the following equation holds: \[ c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab \cdot \cos(C) \] In this problem, we will use this formula to find the unknown side.

      Step 3: Substitute the Known Values

      Substitute the given values into the law of cosines formula. For this triangle, let:

      • a=25a = 25 \, cm
      • b=48b = 48 \, cm
      • C=112C = 112^\circ
      Substitute these values into the formula: \[ c^2 = 25^2 + 48^2 - 2 \cdot 25 \cdot 48 \cdot \cos(112^\circ) \]

      Step 4: Calculate the Unknown Side

      Calculate the value of cc by first finding c2c^2 and then taking the square root. Use a calculator to find the cosine of 112 degrees and perform the arithmetic operations: \[ c^2 = 625 + 2304 - 2 \cdot 25 \cdot 48 \cdot \cos(112^\circ) \] \[ c^2 = 625 + 2304 - 2400 \cdot \cos(112^\circ) \] \[ c = \sqrt{625 + 2304 - 2400 \cdot \cos(112^\circ)} \] After calculating, you will find the length of the unknown side cc.

      Step 5: Use the Sine Law to Find the Angle θ

      Now that we have the length of the unknown side, we can use the sine law to find the angle θ\theta. The sine law states: \[ \frac{a}{\sin(A)} = \frac{b}{\sin(B)} = \frac{c}{\sin(C)} \] We need to find θ\theta, which is opposite the side of 48 cm. Set up the sine law equation: \[ \frac{\sin(\theta)}{48} = \frac{\sin(112^\circ)}{c} \] Substitute the known values and solve for θ\theta: \[ \sin(\theta) = \frac{48 \cdot \sin(112^\circ)}{c} \] \[ \theta = \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{48 \cdot \sin(112^\circ)}{c}\right) \] Use a calculator to find the value of θ\theta.

      Step 6: Verify the Solution

      After finding the angle θ\theta, verify the solution by checking if the sum of the angles in the triangle is 180 degrees. This ensures that the calculations are correct and consistent with the properties of a triangle.

      Here's the HTML content for the FAQs section based on your instructions:


      What is a two-dimensional vector?

      A two-dimensional vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude and direction in a two-dimensional space. It is typically represented by two components, usually denoted as (x, y), where x represents the horizontal component and y represents the vertical component.

      What is 2D and 3D vector?

      A 2D vector exists in a two-dimensional space and has two components (x, y). A 3D vector exists in a three-dimensional space and has three components (x, y, z). 2D vectors are used for planar problems, while 3D vectors are used for spatial problems.

      What is the formula for a 2D vector?

      The formula for a 2D vector v = (x, y) is often written as v = xi + yj, where i and j are unit vectors in the x and y directions, respectively. The magnitude of a 2D vector is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem: |v| = (x² + y²).

      Can you have a 2D vector in C++?

      Yes, you can represent 2D vectors in C++ using various methods. One common approach is to use the std::vector container from the C++ Standard Library to create a vector of vectors. Alternatively, you can create a custom class or struct to represent 2D vectors with x and y components.

      How do you visualize vectors in 2 dimensions?

      Vectors in 2 dimensions are typically visualized as arrows on a coordinate plane. The starting point of the arrow is usually at the origin (0, 0), and the arrowhead points to the coordinates (x, y) that represent the vector's components. The length of the arrow represents the vector's magnitude, and its direction shows the vector's orientation in the 2D space.

      Prerequisite Topics for Solving Two Dimensional Vector Problems

      Understanding two-dimensional vector problems is crucial in various fields of mathematics and physics. To excel in this area, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the fundamental concepts is the Pythagorean theorem applications, which forms the basis for calculating vector magnitudes and distances in two-dimensional space.

      Trigonometry plays a vital role in vector analysis. Mastering right triangle solutions using the cosine ratio is crucial for determining angles and sides of vectors. Additionally, understanding law of cosines applications becomes invaluable when dealing with non-right triangles in vector problems.

      When working with vectors, it's important to grasp the concept of vector magnitude and angle. This knowledge allows you to represent vectors accurately in two-dimensional space. Furthermore, understanding how to calculate the inverse tangent for vector direction is essential for determining the orientation of vectors.

      Another critical aspect of solving two-dimensional vector problems is vector addition using components. This technique enables you to break down vectors into their horizontal and vertical components, making complex calculations more manageable. Knowing how to find the angle between vectors is also crucial for many vector applications.

      While not always directly applied, having knowledge of trigonometric functions in vector problems can provide a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and potentially simplify certain calculations.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to tackle two-dimensional vector problems with confidence. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive framework for vector analysis. For instance, understanding vector components relies on your knowledge of trigonometric ratios, while calculating vector magnitudes often involves applying the Pythagorean theorem.

      Remember, these topics are interconnected, and proficiency in each one contributes to your overall ability to solve complex vector problems. As you progress in your studies, you'll find that these foundational concepts repeatedly come into play, reinforcing their importance in the field of vector mathematics and physics.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • How to solve two dimensional vector problems using the law of sines and the law of cosines


      • Often, vector equations in physics problems result in vector triangles which can be solved using trigonometry
      • At least three pieces of information are needed to solve a triangle, which can be three side lengths (SSS), two side lengths and one angle (SSA, SAS), or one side length and two angles (SAA, ASA).
        • Knowing three angles (AAA) does not let you solve a triangle since you will not be able to solve for the side lengths. There is no way to know the size of the triangle without more information.
      • You can always solve a triangle that you know four or more pieces of information about.
      • Vector triangles that do not contain right angles can be solved either by breaking vectors into their components or using the law of sines and the law of cosines, which are trigonometric laws that apply to all triangles

      Law of Sines

      asinA=bsinB=csinC\frac{a}{sinA} = \frac{b}{sinB} = \frac{c}{sinC}
      a,b,c: length of sides a,b,c
      A,B,C: angles opposite sides a, b, c

      Law of Cosines

      c2=a2+b22abcosCc^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab \,cosC