Change in variables

  1. Change in Variables Overview:
  2. Transformations
    • Transformation = change one variable to another
    • Similar to u-substitution in integral calculus
    • xyxy-coordinate \to uvuv-coordinate
    • An Example of Change in Variable of Regions
  3. Jacobian of a Transformation
    • Definition of Jacobian
    • Determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix
    • Deals with derivatives
  4. Change of Variables for a Double Integral
    • All xx's & yy's become uu's & vv's
    • Extra term is absolute value of Jacobian
    • An Example
  1. Finding the Transformations
    Suppose we have R\, R, where R\, R \, is the region bounded by y=x+2,y=x\, y = x + 2, y = -x , and y=x2\, y = \frac{x}{2} . Use the transformation x=13u13v \, x = \frac{1}{3}u - \frac{1}{3}v \, and y=13u+13v \, y = \frac{1}{3}u + \frac{1}{3}v \, to determine the new region.
    1. Suppose we have R\, R, where R\, R \, is the region bounded by y=1x,y=2x,x=2,x=4\, y = \frac{1}{x}, y = \frac{2}{x}, x = 2, x = 4 . Use the transformation x=2u \, x = 2u \, and y=vu \, y = \frac{v}{u} \, to determine the new region.
      1. Finding the Jacobian
        Given that the transformations are x=2u+4v2 \, x = 2u + 4v^{2} \, and y=u24v \, y = u^{2} - 4v , find the Jacobian.
        1. Given that the transformations are x=u3v5\, x = u^{3}v^{5} \, and y=uv \, y = \frac{u}{v} , find the Jacobian.
          1. Changing the Variables & Integrating
            Evaluate RxydA\, \int\int_{R} x - ydA \, where R \,R \, is the region bounded by x24+y29=1 \, \frac{x^{2}}{4} + \frac{y^{2}}{9} = 1 \, using the transformation x=2v, \, x = 2v, \, and y=3v \, y = 3v .
            1. Evaluate R2xydA\, \int\int_{R} 2xydA \, where R \,R \, is the region bounded by xy=2,xy=4,x=2,x=4 \, xy = 2, xy = 4, x = 2, x = 4\, using the transformation x=2u, \, x = 2u, \, and y=vu \, y = \frac{v}{u} .
              Topic Notes

              Introduction to Change in Variables

              Change in variables, a fundamental concept in calculus, is a powerful technique for simplifying complex integrals and solving multivariable problems. This transformation method builds upon the U-substitution learned in Calculus 2, extending its application to higher dimensions in Calculus 3. The introductory video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this topic, demonstrating how to rewrite integrals in terms of new variables. By mastering change in variables, students can tackle more advanced problems in multivariable calculus, such as converting between coordinate systems. This technique is essential for simplifying complicated integrals and solving real-world problems in physics and engineering. The connection to U-substitution from Calculus 2 helps students bridge their previous knowledge with new concepts, making the learning process more intuitive. As students progress through Calculus 3, they'll find that change in variables becomes an indispensable tool in their mathematical toolkit, enabling them to approach complex problems with confidence and efficiency.

              Transforming Regions in Double Integrals

              Transforming regions in double integrals is a powerful technique that simplifies complex integration problems. This process involves changing the shape of the region of integration to make the calculation more manageable. A classic example of this transformation is converting an ellipse into a circle, which we'll explore in detail.

              The process of region transformation in double integrals follows these key steps:

              1. Identify the original region and its equation
              2. Choose appropriate substitution variables
              3. Express the original variables in terms of the new ones
              4. Determine the Jacobian of the transformation
              5. Rewrite the integral using the new variables and Jacobian
              6. Adjust the limits of integration

              Let's apply these steps to transform an ellipse into a circle:

              1. Original ellipse equation: (x²/a²) + (y²/b²) = 1

              2. Substitution: Let u = x/a and v = y/b

              3. Express x and y: x = au and y = bv

              4. Jacobian: J = |(x,y)/(u,v)| = |ab|

              5. Rewrite the integral: f(x,y) dxdy = f(au,bv) |ab| dudv

              6. New region: u² + v² = 1 (a circle)

              This transformation converts the elliptical region into a circular one, which is often easier to integrate over. The benefits of such transformations are numerous:

              Transforming regions in double integrals is particularly useful when dealing with ellipses, as they can be challenging to integrate directly. By converting an ellipse to a circle, we can leverage the symmetry and simplicity of circular regions, often leading to more straightforward integration techniques like application of polar coordinates.

              The process of substitution in these transformations is crucial. It allows us to express complex shapes in terms of simpler, more manageable forms. The Jacobian, which represents the "stretching factor" of the transformation, ensures that we account for the change in area during the transformation process.

              When applying this technique to real-world problems, it's important to consider the physical meaning of the variables and how they relate to the problem at hand. In many cases, transforming regions can provide insights into the underlying physics or geometry of a system.

              While the ellipse-to-circle transformation is a common example, this technique can be applied to various other shapes and regions. For instance, transforming rectangles into squares, or more complex shapes into simpler polygons. The key is to choose a transformation that simplifies the integration process while maintaining the integrity of the problem.

              In conclusion, transforming regions in double integrals is a valuable skill in advanced calculus. It allows mathematicians and engineers to tackle complex integration problems by simplifying the geometry of the region. By mastering this technique, one can approach a wide range of mathematical and physical problems with greater efficiency and insight.

              The Jacobian of Transformation

              The Jacobian is a fundamental concept in multivariable calculus and plays a crucial role in transformations and change of variables. Named after the German mathematician Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, the Jacobian is essentially a matrix of partial derivatives that helps us understand how a transformation affects areas or volumes in different coordinate systems.

              To calculate the Jacobian, we use partial derivatives. For a transformation from (x, y) to (u, v), where u = f(x, y) and v = g(x, y), the Jacobian matrix is defined as:

              J = [u/x u/y]
              [v/x v/y]

              Each element in this matrix represents how one variable changes with respect to another. The determinant of this matrix, known as the Jacobian determinant, is crucial in the change of variables process.

              Let's walk through a detailed example to illustrate how to compute the Jacobian. Consider the transformation from Cartesian coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, θ), where:

              r = (x² + y²)
              θ = arctan(y/x)

              To find the Jacobian, we need to calculate the partial derivatives:

              r/x = x/(x² + y²)
              r/y = y/(x² + y²)
              θ/x = -y/(x² + y²)
              θ/y = x/(x² + y²)

              Now, we can form the Jacobian matrix:

              J = [x/(x² + y²) y/(x² + y²)]
              [-y/(x² + y²) x/(x² + y²)]

              The Jacobian determinant is then calculated as:

              det(J) = (x/(x² + y²)) * (x/(x² + y²)) - (y/(x² + y²)) * (-y/(x² + y²))
              = (x² + y²) / ((x² + y²) * (x² + y²))
              = 1 / (x² + y²)
              = 1 / r

              This Jacobian determinant is crucial in the change of variables process. When integrating in polar coordinates, we multiply the integrand by |det(J)| = 1/r to account for the change in area elements.

              The importance of the Jacobian in the change of variables process cannot be overstated. It allows us to transform integrals from one coordinate system to another, often simplifying complex calculations. For instance, when changing from Cartesian to polar coordinates in a double integral, we use:

              f(x,y) dx dy = f(r cos θ, r sin θ) |det(J)| dr dθ

              Here, |det(J)| = r, which is why we often see the factor 'r' in polar coordinate integrals. This transformation can turn a difficult integral in Cartesian coordinates into a more manageable one in polar coordinates.

              The Jacobian's applications extend beyond just polar coordinates. It's used in various coordinate transformations, such as spherical or cylindrical coordinates in three dimensions. In each case, the Jacobian helps us understand how the transformation affects volume elements, ensuring that our calculations remain accurate across different coordinate systems.

              In conclusion, the Jacobian is a powerful tool in multivariable calculus, providing a bridge between different coordinate systems and enabling us to solve complex problems more efficiently. By understanding how to calculate and apply the Jacobian, we gain deeper insights into the nature of transformations and their effects on areas.

              Transforming Double Integrals

              Transforming a double integral from one set of variables to another is a powerful technique in multivariable calculus. This process, known as change of variables, allows us to simplify complex integrals and solve problems that might otherwise be intractable. The complete process involves several key steps, each crucial for accurately evaluating the transformed integral.

              Step 1: Identify the Need for Transformation
              Before diving into the transformation process, it's essential to recognize when a change of variables is beneficial. This often occurs when the original integral is difficult to evaluate due to complex boundaries or an intricate integrand. Transformations can simplify these issues by altering the shape of the region or the form of the function.

              Step 2: Choose Appropriate New Variables
              Select new variables that will simplify the problem. Common transformations include switching between Cartesian, polar coordinates transformation, spherical, or cylindrical coordinates. The choice depends on the specific problem and the geometry of the region of integration.

              Step 3: Express Old Variables in Terms of New Variables
              Establish the relationship between the original variables (x, y) and the new variables (u, v). This step creates the transformation equations, such as x = f(u,v) and y = g(u,v).

              Step 4: Find the New Region of Integration
              Determine the boundaries of the new region in terms of the new variables. This often involves solving the transformation equations for the limits of integration. The new region may have a simpler shape, making the integral easier to evaluate.

              Step 5: Transform the Function
              Rewrite the integrand in terms of the new variables. This involves substituting the expressions for x and y in terms of u and v into the original function.

              Step 6: Calculate the Jacobian
              The Jacobian is a crucial element in the transformation process. It represents the factor by which the transformation stretches or shrinks areas in the xy-plane. The Jacobian is calculated as the determinant of the matrix of partial derivatives:

              J = |x/u x/v|
              |y/u y/v|

              Step 7: Incorporate the Jacobian
              Multiply the transformed integrand by the absolute value of the Jacobian. This step is essential for preserving the correct area or volume in the new coordinate system.

              Step 8: Set Up the New Double Integral
              Construct the new double integral using the transformed function, the Jacobian, and the new limits of integration.

              Step 9: Evaluate the Transformed Integral
              Solve the new double integral using standard integration techniques.

              Example: Let's walk through a detailed example to illustrate this process. Consider the double integral:

              (x² + y²) dA over the region R: x² + y² 1

              Step 1: This integral is a good candidate for transformation to polar coordinates transformation due to the circular region.

              Step 2: Choose polar coordinates: x = r cos(θ), y = r sin(θ)

              Step 3: The transformation equations are already established in step 2.

              Step 4: The new region in polar coordinates is 0 r 1, 0 θ 2π

              Step 5: Transform the function: x² + y² becomes r² cos²(θ) + r² sin²(θ) = r²

              Step 6: Calculate the Jacobian:
              J = |cos(θ) -r sin(θ)| = r
              |sin(θ) r cos(θ)|

              Step 7: Incorporate the Jacobian: The integ

              Applications and Benefits of Change in Variables

              Change in variables, also known as substitution, is a powerful technique in calculus that offers numerous practical applications and benefits. This method simplifies complex integrals and makes certain problems more manageable, allowing mathematicians and scientists to solve a wide range of real-world challenges. By transforming difficult equations into more straightforward forms, change in variables enhances problem-solving capabilities across various fields.

              One of the primary advantages of this technique is its ability to simplify complex integrals. When faced with intricate functions or unusual forms, changing variables can transform the integral into a more familiar or easier-to-solve expression. This simplification often leads to more efficient calculations and reduces the likelihood of errors in the problem-solving process. For instance, in physics, when dealing with rotational motion, changing from Cartesian to polar coordinates can significantly simplify the equations of motion and make integration more straightforward.

              In real-world scenarios, change in variables proves particularly useful in fields such as engineering and physics. For example, in fluid dynamics, engineers often use this technique to analyze flow patterns in complex geometries. By changing variables from a Cartesian coordinate system to a curvilinear one that better fits the shape of the flow, they can more easily solve equations describing fluid behavior. Similarly, in electrical engineering, transforming variables in circuit analysis can simplify the calculation of current and voltage in complex networks.

              Another area where this technique shines is in probability and statistics. When dealing with probability density functions of transformed random variables, change of variables is essential. It allows statisticians to derive new probability distributions from known ones, which is crucial in modeling real-world phenomena. For instance, in finance, this method is used to price options and assess risk in complex financial instruments.

              The applications extend to computer graphics and image processing as well. Changing variables is often employed in coordinate transformations, which are fundamental in rendering 3D objects on 2D screens or applying effects to digital images. This technique enables developers to manipulate and transform visual data efficiently, leading to more realistic graphics and advanced image processing capabilities.

              In conclusion, the change in variables technique in calculus offers significant benefits in simplifying complex integrals and solving real-world problems. Its versatility makes it an indispensable tool across various scientific and engineering disciplines, from fluid dynamics to financial modeling. By mastering this method, professionals can tackle more challenging problems and develop more accurate models of physical phenomena, ultimately driving innovation and progress in their respective fields. For instance, in physics, when dealing with rotational motion, changing from Cartesian to polar coordinates can significantly simplify the equations of motion and make integration more straightforward.

              Common Transformations and Their Effects

              Calculus often involves complex integrals and regions that can be simplified through strategic transformations. Understanding these transformations and their effects is crucial for problem-solving in advanced mathematics. Let's explore some common transformations and their applications:

              1. Polar Coordinates

              Polar coordinates transform problems from the Cartesian (x, y) plane to a system based on radius (r) and angle (θ). This transformation is particularly useful for:

              • Circular or radially symmetric regions
              • Integrals involving trigonometric functions
              • Problems with rotational symmetry

              Effect: Simplifies circular regions and can turn complex double integrals into more manageable single integrals.

              2. Spherical Coordinates

              Spherical coordinates extend polar coordinates to three dimensions, using radius (ρ), polar angle (θ), and azimuthal angle (φ). This transformation is ideal for:

              • Spherical or radially symmetric 3D regions
              • Problems involving spherical shells or surfaces
              • Calculations of volume or surface area in 3D space

              Effect: Simplifies triple integrals over spherical regions and can reduce computational complexity.

              3. Cylindrical Coordinates

              Cylindrical coordinates combine polar coordinates in the xy-plane with a z-axis, using (r, θ, z). This system is beneficial for:

              • Cylindrical or axially symmetric regions
              • Problems involving circular cross-sections
              • Calculations of flux through cylindrical surfaces

              Effect: Simplifies integrals over cylindrical regions and can make certain vector calculus problems more intuitive.

              4. Geometric Transformations

              Various geometric transformations can be applied to simplify regions or integrals:

              • Translation: Shifting the origin to simplify boundaries
              • Rotation: Aligning axes with symmetry lines of the region
              • Scaling: Adjusting the size of the region to simplify limits
              • Reflection: Exploiting symmetry to reduce integration bounds

              Effect: These transformations can significantly simplify the geometry of the problem, making integration easier.

              Simplification Strategies

              When approaching a complex calculus problem, consider these strategies:

              1. Identify symmetries in the region or integrand
              2. Assess the geometry of the problem (circular, spherical, cylindrical)
              3. Consider the nature of the functions involved (trigonometric, radial)
              4. Evaluate whether a change of coordinates could simplify the bounds or integrand
              5. Look for opportunities to exploit geometric transformations

              By strategically choosing the appropriate transformation, complex problems can often be reduced to more manageable forms, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors in calculation.

              Conclusion and Further Study

              In summary, this article has explored the fundamental concept of change in variables within calculus. We've covered key points including the definition of variables, how they change over time or in relation to other factors, and the importance of this concept in various fields. Understanding change in variables is crucial for grasping more advanced calculus topics and applying mathematical principles to real-world problems. To solidify your understanding, it's essential to practice with diverse examples and problem sets. We encourage you to further your study by exploring related topics such as differential equations, multivariable calculus, and applications in physics and engineering. Additional resources like online calculus courses, textbooks, and interactive simulations can greatly enhance your learning experience. Remember, mastering this concept opens doors to a deeper understanding of mathematics and its practical applications across numerous disciplines.

              Change in Variables Overview:


              • Transformation = change one variable to another
              • Similar to u-substitution in integral calculus
              • xyxy-coordinate \to uvuv-coordinate
              • An Example of Change in Variable of Regions

              Step 1: Introduction to Change in Variables

              Welcome to this section. Today, we will learn about the concept of change in variables. Essentially, this means transforming one variable into another. For instance, you might change from a variable XX to a variable UU. This concept is similar to what you learned in Calculus 2, known as U-substitution. U-substitution involves changing an integral in terms of XX into an integral in terms of UU. This transformation often simplifies the integral, making it easier to solve.

              Step 2: Understanding Transformations

              In Calculus 2, U-substitution was used to transform single integrals. In Calculus 3, we extend this idea to double integrals. The process involves transforming regions first before transforming the entire double integral. Regions help determine the bounds of the double integral. By transforming these regions, we can simplify the process of solving double integrals.

              Step 3: Example of Transforming a Region

              Let's consider an example. Suppose we have a region RR, which is an ellipse defined by the equation x2/36+y2/9=1x^2/36 + y^2/9 = 1. We are asked to apply the transformation x=6ux = 6u and y=3vy = 3v to get the new region. This means we need to change the equation from being in terms of xx and yy to being in terms of uu and vv.

              Step 4: Applying the Transformation

              To apply the transformation, we substitute x=6ux = 6u and y=3vy = 3v into the original equation. This gives us:
              (6u)2/36+(3v)2/9=1 (6u)^2/36 + (3v)^2/9 = 1
              Simplifying this, we get:
              36u2/36+9v2/9=1 36u^2/36 + 9v^2/9 = 1
              Further simplification yields:
              u2+v2=1 u^2 + v^2 = 1
              This new equation represents a circle with radius 1.

              Step 5: Understanding the Result

              Initially, we had an ellipse, which is more complex to work with. After the transformation, we have a circle, which is simpler and more convenient for calculations. This demonstrates the power of transformations in making equations easier to handle.

              Step 6: Importance of the Jacobian

              In addition to transforming regions, we also need to consider the Jacobian when dealing with double integrals. The Jacobian is a determinant that helps in changing variables in multiple integrals. It accounts for the scaling factor introduced by the transformation. In the next section, we will learn how to calculate the Jacobian for a given transformation.


              1. What is the change in variables technique in calculus?

                The change in variables technique, also known as substitution, is a method used in calculus to simplify complex integrals by transforming them into more manageable forms. It involves replacing the original variables with new ones, often changing the coordinate system or the shape of the integration region. This technique is particularly useful for solving multivariable problems and simplifying complicated integrals.

              2. How does the Jacobian relate to change in variables?

                The Jacobian is a crucial component in the change of variables process. It's a matrix of partial derivatives that represents how a transformation affects areas or volumes in different coordinate systems. When changing variables in an integral, the absolute value of the Jacobian determinant is multiplied by the integrand to account for the stretching or compression of space caused by the transformation.

              3. What are some common coordinate transformations used in calculus?

                Common coordinate transformations include:

                • Cartesian to polar coordinates (and vice versa)
                • Cartesian to spherical coordinates
                • Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates
                • Various geometric transformations like translation, rotation, and scaling

                These transformations are chosen based on the problem's geometry and can significantly simplify complex integrals.

              4. How does changing variables help in solving real-world problems?

                Changing variables is invaluable in solving real-world problems across various fields. In physics, it can simplify equations of motion in rotational systems. In engineering, it aids in analyzing fluid dynamics and complex electrical circuits. In statistics, it's used to derive new probability distributions. This technique allows professionals to model and solve complex phenomena more efficiently, leading to advancements in their respective fields.

              5. What are the key steps in applying the change of variables technique to a double integral?

                The key steps are:

                1. Choose appropriate new variables
                2. Express old variables in terms of new ones
                3. Find the new region of integration
                4. Transform the integrand function
                5. Calculate the Jacobian
                6. Set up the new integral with the Jacobian
                7. Evaluate the transformed integral

                This process allows for the transformation of complex integrals into more solvable forms, often simplifying the calculation significantly.

              Prerequisite Topics

              Understanding the concept of "Change in variables" is crucial in mathematics, particularly in calculus and geometry. To fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite areas. Two key prerequisites that play a significant role in comprehending change in variables are polar coordinates and rotational symmetry and transformations.

              Let's start by exploring the importance of polar coordinates in relation to change in variables. Polar coordinates provide an alternative way to represent points in a two-dimensional plane, using distance from the origin and an angle, rather than x and y coordinates. This system is particularly useful when dealing with circular or spiral patterns, which are common in many real-world applications. When studying change in variables, understanding polar coordinates is crucial because it allows us to transform between different coordinate systems. This polar coordinates transformation is a perfect example of how variables can change while still describing the same point or function.

              The concept of rotational symmetry and transformations is another vital prerequisite for grasping change in variables. Rotational symmetry occurs when an object looks the same after being rotated by a certain angle. This concept is closely tied to the idea of transformations, which involve moving or changing the shape of geometric figures. When we talk about change in variables, we're often dealing with transformations of functions or equations. Understanding rotational symmetry helps us visualize how these changes affect the overall structure and behavior of mathematical objects.

              The interplay between these prerequisites and change in variables becomes evident in various mathematical scenarios. For instance, when converting a function from Cartesian to polar coordinates, we're essentially performing a change of variables. This process requires a solid understanding of both coordinate systems and how to transform between them. Similarly, when applying rotational transformations to functions or equations, we're changing the variables in a way that preserves certain symmetrical properties.

              Moreover, these prerequisite topics provide the necessary tools for analyzing and solving problems involving change in variables. Polar coordinates offer a more intuitive approach to dealing with circular motion and radial functions, while rotational symmetry and transformations help in simplifying complex problems by exploiting their inherent symmetrical properties.

              In conclusion, mastering the concepts of polar coordinates and rotational symmetry and transformations is essential for a comprehensive understanding of change in variables. These prerequisites not only provide the foundational knowledge required but also offer different perspectives and problem-solving techniques that are invaluable in higher-level mathematics. By thoroughly grasping these concepts, students will be better equipped to tackle more advanced topics and applications involving change in variables across various fields of mathematics and science.



              Recall that in Integral Calculus, we can change the variable xx to uu of an integral using u-substitution. In other words, we can change from

              f(x)dxf(u)du \int f(x)dx \to \int f(u)du

              We would like to do something similar like this with double integrals.

              Transformations is about changing from one variable to another. We will first start by transforming regions.

              Jacobian of a Transformation

              The Jacobian of a transformation x=g(u,v)x=g(u,v) & y=h(u,v)y=h(u,v) is the following:

              jacobian of a transformation

              It is the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix.

              Change of Variables for a Double Integral

              Suppose we want to integrate the function f(x,y)f(x,y) in the region RR under the transformation x=g(u,v)x=g(u,v) & y=h(u,v)y=h(u,v). Then the integral will now become:

              Rf(x,y)dA=Sf(g(u,v),h(u,v))d(x,y)d(u,v)dudv\int \int_R f(x,y)dA = \int \int_S f(g(u,v), h(u,v)) \left| \frac{d(x,y)}{d(u,v)}\right| du dv