Polar coordinates

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  1. Polar Coordinates Overview:
  2. Understanding the Cartesian to Polar Conversion Formulas
  3. Converting Cartesian equations into polar coordinates
  4. Converting polar equations into Cartesian coordinates
  5. Graphing Polar Equations
  1. Converting Cartesian equations into polar coordinates
    Convert the following Cartesian equations into polar coordinates:
    1. x2+y2=5x^2+y^2=5
    2. x2+4x+y2+4y+8=(tan1yx)2x^2+4x+y^2+4y+8=(\tan^{-1} \frac{y}{x})^2
    3. x2y3=6 x^2-y^3=6
  2. Converting Polar equations into Cartesian coordinates
    Convert the following Polar equations into Cartesian coordinates
    1. 3r=cosθ \frac{3}{r}=\cos \theta
    2. r4=1secθ+1cscθ r^4=\frac{1}{\sec \theta} + \frac{1}{\csc \theta}
    3. r12=tan[θ(sin2θ+cos2θ)32] r^{\frac{1}{2}}=\tan[\theta (\sin^2 \theta + \cos^2 \theta)^{\frac{3}{2}}]
  3. Graphing Polar Equations by changing to Cartesian coordinates
    Convert the polar equations into Cartesian coordinates and then graph the equation:
    1. r=5 r=5
    2. r=3cosθ r=-3 \cos \theta
    3. 4sinθ=2r 4 \sin \theta = \frac{2}{r}
  4. Graphing Polar Equations with table of values
    Graph the Polar Equations using table of values:
    1. r=1+cosθ r=1+ \cos \theta
    2. r=2sinθ r=2 \sin \theta
Topic Notes
In this section, we will introduce a new coordinate system called polar coordinates. We will introduce some formulas and how they are derived. Then we will use these formulas to convert Cartesian equations to polar coordinates, and vice versa. We will then learn how to graph polar equations by using 2 methods. The first method is to change the polar equations to Cartesian coordinates, and the second method is to graph the polar equation using a table of values.

Introduction to Polar Coordinates

Welcome to the fascinating world of polar coordinates! Unlike the familiar Cartesian coordinates you've been using, polar coordinates offer a unique way to describe points in a plane. Instead of using x and y values, we use distance from a central point (called the pole) and an angle. This system is incredibly useful for describing circular motion or spiral patterns in mathematics and real-world applications. Our introduction video is designed to give you a clear, visual understanding of how polar coordinates work. It's a great starting point for grasping this concept, which might seem a bit tricky at first. As we explore polar coordinates together, you'll see how they can simplify certain problems that might be complex in Cartesian coordinates. From describing planetary orbits to analyzing circular motion, polar coordinates have a wide range of applications. So, let's dive in and discover how this powerful mathematical tool can expand your problem-solving toolkit!

Understanding Polar Coordinate System

Introduction to Polar Coordinates

The polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system that uses the distance from a central point (called the pole) and an angle to specify the position of a point. This system provides an alternative to the more commonly used Cartesian coordinate system and is particularly useful for describing circular or spiral patterns.

Key Components of Polar Coordinates

Radius (r)

The radius, denoted as 'r', represents the distance from the pole to the point. It is always a non-negative value and is measured in linear units (e.g., meters, centimeters).

Angle (θ)

The angle, typically represented by the Greek letter theta (θ), measures the rotation from a reference direction (usually the positive x-axis) to the line connecting the pole to the point. It is measured in radians or degrees, with positive angles measured counterclockwise from the reference direction.

Representing Points in Polar Coordinates

A point in polar coordinates is written as (r, θ). For example:

  • (5, π/4) represents a point 5 units away from the pole at an angle of 45 degrees (π/4 radians).
  • (3, 2π/3) describes a point 3 units from the pole at an angle of 120 degrees (2π/3 radians).

Comparison with Cartesian Coordinates


Both polar and Cartesian coordinate systems: - Use two values to specify a point in a two-dimensional plane. - Can represent any point in the plane. - Have a defined origin or central point.


1. Nature of coordinates: - Cartesian: Uses perpendicular distances (x, y) from two axes. - Polar: Uses distance from origin (r) and angle (θ) from a reference direction.

2. Representation of points: - Cartesian: (x, y) - Polar: (r, θ)

3. Handling of angles: - Cartesian: No direct angle representation. - Polar: Angle is an integral part of the coordinate.

4. Uniqueness of representation: - Cartesian: Each point has a unique representation. - Polar: Multiple representations possible for the same point (e.g., (r, θ) and (r, θ + 2π)).

Advantages of Polar Coordinates

1. Simplifies description of circular motion and radial symmetry. 2. Useful in navigation, astronomy, and physics (especially for rotational problems). 3. Provides a more intuitive representation for certain types of curves (e.g., spirals).

Disadvantages of Polar Coordinates

1. Can be less intuitive for linear relationships. 2. Calculations may be more complex for certain operations. 3. Multiple representations for a single point can lead to ambiguity.

Converting Between Polar and Cartesian Coordinates

To convert from polar (r, θ) to Cartesian (x, y): x = r cos(θ) y = r sin(θ)

To convert from Cartesian (x, y) to polar (r, θ): r = (x² + y²) θ = tan¹(y/x) (with appropriate quadrant adjustments)

Applications of Polar Coordinates

1. Navigation: Used in GPS systems and maritime navigation. 2

Converting Cartesian Equations to Polar Coordinates

Are you struggling to convert Cartesian equations to polar coordinates? Don't worry! This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, making it easy to understand and apply. Let's dive into the world of coordinate conversion and unlock the power of polar equations!

First, let's review the fundamental formulas for converting Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates:

  • x = r cos(θ)
  • y = r sin(θ)

These formulas are the key to our conversion process. Now, let's break down the steps to convert Cartesian equations to polar coordinates:

  1. Identify the Cartesian equation you want to convert.
  2. Replace all x terms with r cos(θ) and all y terms with r sin(θ).
  3. Simplify the equation by combining like terms.
  4. Use trigonometric identities in polar conversion to simplify further if necessary.
  5. Solve for r or θ, depending on the desired form of the polar equation.

Let's start with a simple example to illustrate this process. Suppose we want to convert the Cartesian equation x² + y² = 25 to polar coordinates.

  1. Our Cartesian equation is x² + y² = 25.
  2. Replace x with r cos(θ) and y with r sin(θ): [r cos(θ)]² + [r sin(θ)]² = 25
  3. Simplify: r² cos²(θ) + r² sin²(θ) = 25
  4. Factor out r²: r²[cos²(θ) + sin²(θ)] = 25
  5. Use the trigonometric identities in polar conversion cos²(θ) + sin²(θ) = 1: r² * 1 = 25
  6. Solve for r: r² = 25, so r = 5

Therefore, the polar equation of a circle is simply r = 5, which represents a circle with radius 5 centered at the origin.

Now, let's tackle a more complex example. Consider the Cartesian equation y = 2x + 3.

  1. Our Cartesian equation is y = 2x + 3.
  2. Replace x with r cos(θ) and y with r sin(θ): r sin(θ) = 2r cos(θ) + 3
  3. Rearrange the equation: r sin(θ) - 2r cos(θ) = 3
  4. Factor out r: r[sin(θ) - 2cos(θ)] = 3
  5. Divide both sides by [sin(θ) - 2cos(θ)]: r = 3 / [sin(θ) - 2cos(θ)]

This gives us the polar equation of a line r = 3 / [sin(θ) - 2cos(θ)], which represents the same line in polar form.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to converting Cartesian equations to polar coordinates. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

  • Always start by replacing x with r cos(θ) and y with r sin(θ).
  • Look for opportunities to simplify using trigonometric identities in polar conversion.
  • Be comfortable working with both r and θ in your equations.
  • Visualize the shape of the equation to help verify your result.

As you become more familiar with the process, you'll find that converting Cartesian equations to polar coordinates becomes second nature.

Converting Polar Equations to Cartesian Coordinates

Converting polar equations to Cartesian coordinates is a fundamental skill in mathematics, particularly in calculus and geometry. This process allows us to represent curves and shapes in the more familiar x-y coordinate system. Understanding how to convert polar equations to Cartesian coordinates is crucial for solving complex problems and visualizing mathematical concepts.

Basic Conversion Formulas

The conversion from polar to Cartesian coordinates relies on two essential formulas:

  • r² = x² + y²
  • θ = tan¹(y/x)

These formulas establish the relationship between the polar coordinates (r, θ) and the Cartesian coordinates (x, y). The first equation relates the radius r to the x and y coordinates, while the second equation defines the angle θ in terms of x and y.

Step-by-Step Conversion Process

  1. Start with the given polar equation.
  2. Substitute x = r cos(θ) and y = r sin(θ) into the equation.
  3. Use the identity r² = x² + y² to eliminate r if necessary.
  4. Simplify and rearrange the equation to isolate x and y terms.

Converting Simple Polar Equations

Let's begin with a simple example: r = 2. To convert this to Cartesian coordinates:

  1. Substitute r² = x² + y²
  2. 4 = x² + y²

This results in the equation of a circle with radius 2 centered at the origin.

Converting Polar Equations with Trigonometric Functions

For equations involving trigonometric functions, like r = 2 cos(θ), follow these steps:

  1. Substitute x = r cos(θ) and y = r sin(θ)
  2. r = 2 cos(θ) becomes r = 2(x/r)
  3. Multiply both sides by r: r² = 2x
  4. Substitute r² = x² + y²: x² + y² = 2x
  5. Rearrange: x² - 2x + y² = 0
  6. Complete the square: (x - 1)² + y² = 1

This results in the equation of a circle with radius 1 centered at (1, 0).

Converting More Complex Polar Equations

For more complex equations like r = 1 + cos(θ), known as a cardioid, the process is similar but may require more algebraic manipulation:

  1. Start with r = 1 + cos(θ)
  2. Substitute x = r cos(θ) and y = r sin(θ)
  3. r = 1 + (x/r)
  4. Multiply by r: r² = r + x
  5. Substitute r² = x² + y²: x² + y² = r + x
  6. Substitute r = (x² + y²): x² + y² = (x² + y²) + x
  7. Square both sides: (x² + y²)² = ((x² + y²) + x)²
  8. Expand and simplify: x + 2x²y² + y = x² + y² + 2x(x² + y²) + x²
  9. Graphing Polar Equations

    Graphing polar equations is an essential skill in advanced mathematics, particularly in calculus and engineering. This process involves creating a visual representation of equations expressed in polar coordinates (r, θ) rather than the more familiar Cartesian coordinates (x, y). Let's explore the step-by-step process of graphing polar equations, including how to create a table of values, plot points, and connect them to form the graph.

    Step 1: Create a Table of Values
    The first step in graphing polar equations is to create a table of values. This table will help you organize the relationship between the radius (r) and the angle (θ). To do this:

    1. Choose a range of θ values, typically from 0 to 2π (or 0° to 360°).
    2. Select intervals for θ, usually in increments of π/6 or 30°.
    3. Calculate the corresponding r values using the given polar equation.
    4. Record these (r, θ) pairs in your table.

    Step 2: Plot Points
    Once you have your table of values, it's time to plot the points on a polar grid. A polar grid consists of concentric circles representing r values and radial lines representing θ values. To plot points:

    1. Start at the origin (pole) of the polar grid.
    2. For each (r, θ) pair, move along the θ angle line.
    3. Mark a point at the distance r from the origin.
    4. Repeat this process for all pairs in your table.

    Step 3: Connect the Points
    After plotting all points, connect them with a smooth curve. This step requires careful attention to the pattern formed by the points. Some tips for connecting points:

    1. Look for symmetry in the graph.
    2. Pay attention to where r becomes negative, as this indicates a reflection across the pole.
    3. Consider the continuity of the function and any potential asymptotes.

    Now, let's explore examples of graphing different types of polar equations:

    1. Graphing a Circle
    Equation: r = a (where a is a constant)
    This equation represents a circle with radius a centered at the origin. To graph:

    - Create a table with θ values from 0 to 2π.
    - Plot points at a constant distance a from the origin for all θ values.
    - Connect the points to form a perfect circle.

    2. Graphing a Rose Curve
    Equation: r = a sin(nθ) or r = a cos(nθ) (where a and n are constants)
    Rose curves create petal-like shapes. The number of petals depends on n. To graph:

    - Create a table with θ values from 0 to 2π.
    - Calculate r values, noting that they will oscillate between -a and a.
    - Plot points, paying attention to where r changes sign.
    - Connect points to form loops, creating petals.

    3. Graphing a Cardioid
    Equation: r = a(1 + cos(θ)) or r = a(1 + sin(θ)) (where a is a constant)
    Cardioids are heart-shaped curves. To graph:

    - Create a table with θ values from 0 to 2π.
    - Calculate r values, noting that r will always be positive.
    - Plot points, observing that the curve will loop around once.
    - Connect points to form the characteristic heart shape.

    When graphing polar equations, it's crucial to practice with various types of equations to develop intuition for how different functions behave in polar coordinates. Remember that some polar graphs may require multiple revolutions around the origin to complete the curve. In such cases, extend your table of

    Applications of Polar Coordinates

    Polar coordinates might seem like a purely mathematical concept, but they have numerous real-world applications across various fields. Let's dive into how these coordinates are used in physics, engineering, and navigation, making our world function more efficiently!

    In physics, polar coordinates are incredibly useful for describing circular and rotational motion. Imagine a planet orbiting the sun or an electron circling an atom's nucleus. These motions are much easier to describe using polar coordinates than Cartesian coordinates. For instance, when studying planetary orbits, astronomers use polar coordinates to track a planet's position relative to the sun. The radius represents the distance from the sun, while the angle shows the planet's position in its orbit.

    Another fascinating application in physics is in the field of acoustics. Sound waves propagate in a circular pattern from their source, and polar coordinates provide an intuitive way to describe this radial spread. Engineers use this knowledge to design concert halls with optimal acoustics or to create noise-canceling technologies.

    Speaking of engineering, polar coordinates play a crucial role in many areas of this field. In mechanical engineering, they're essential for describing the motion of rotating machinery. Think about a car's wheel or a wind turbine blade - their movement is best represented in polar form. Civil engineers use polar coordinates when designing circular structures like domes or roundabouts. The radial symmetry of these structures makes polar coordinates a natural choice for calculations and design specifications.

    Electrical engineers also find polar coordinates indispensable, especially when working with alternating current (AC) circuits. AC voltage and current are often represented as rotating vectors, which are easily described using magnitude (radius) and phase angle (theta) in polar form. This representation simplifies complex calculations in circuit analysis and design.

    Perhaps one of the most relatable applications of polar coordinates is in navigation and GPS systems. When you use a map app on your phone, it's using polar coordinates behind the scenes! Your location is typically given in latitude and longitude, which are essentially a form of polar coordinates on a spherical surface. The Earth's radius serves as the 'r' coordinate, while latitude and longitude act as angular coordinates.

    In marine navigation, polar coordinates are used in radar systems. The radar screen displays targets as points in a polar coordinate system, with the ship at the center. The distance from the center represents the target's distance from the ship, while the angle shows its direction relative to the ship's heading.

    Air traffic control systems also rely heavily on polar coordinates. Controllers use radar displays that show aircraft positions in a polar format, making it easier to visualize and manage the complex three-dimensional airspace.

    Even in fields like computer graphics and game design, polar coordinates find their place. They're particularly useful for creating circular or spiral patterns, or for implementing rotational effects in animations. Many natural phenomena, like the spiral patterns in sunflowers or the shape of galaxies, can be modeled using polar equations, making them valuable in fields ranging from botany to astrophysics.

    In meteorology, weather patterns such as hurricanes are often described using polar coordinates. The eye of the storm serves as the origin, with wind speeds and directions mapped out radially. This representation helps meteorologists track and predict the storm's movement and intensity.

    As you can see, polar coordinates are far more than just a mathematical curiosity. They're a powerful tool used across numerous disciplines to describe, analyze, and solve real-world problems. From the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast expanses of space, from the gadgets in our pockets to the infrastructure of our cities, polar coordinates play a vital role in how we understand and interact with the world around us. So the next time you're working with polar coordinates in class, remember - you're not just solving abstract problems, you're learning a language that helps decipher the workings of our universe!


    In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of polar coordinates and their relationship to Cartesian coordinates. We've learned how polar coordinates use distance and angle to define points, offering a unique perspective on spatial representation. The introduction video provided a visual and intuitive understanding of these concepts, making them more accessible to learners. Understanding polar coordinates is crucial for various fields, including mathematics, physics, and engineering. We've seen how to convert between polar and Cartesian coordinates, a skill that enhances problem-solving abilities in geometry and trigonometry. Remember, mastering these concepts requires practice and application. We encourage you to explore further examples and exercises to solidify your understanding. By grasping polar coordinates, you'll gain a powerful tool for analyzing circular and periodic phenomena, opening up new possibilities in your mathematical journey. Continue to practice and apply these concepts to deepen your comprehension and problem-solving skills.

Polar Coordinates Overview: Understanding the Cartesian to Polar Conversion Formulas

Step 1: Introduction to Cartesian and Polar Coordinates

In this section, we will discuss the basics of Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Cartesian coordinates represent a point in a plane using an ordered pair (x, y), where 'x' is the horizontal distance and 'y' is the vertical distance from the origin. On the other hand, Polar coordinates represent a point using a pair (r, θ), where 'r' is the radial distance from the origin and 'θ' is the angle measured from the positive x-axis.

Step 2: Conversion Formulas Overview

The main goal of this section is to understand how to convert between Cartesian coordinates (x, y) and Polar coordinates (r, θ). The conversion formulas are as follows:

  • x = r * cos(θ)
  • y = r * sin(θ)
  • r = (x² + y²)
  • θ = tan¹(y / x)

These formulas allow us to switch between the two coordinate systems seamlessly.

Step 3: Deriving the Formulas for x and y

To derive the formulas for x and y in terms of r and θ, we start by considering a right triangle formed by the point (x, y), the origin, and the projection of the point onto the x-axis. In this triangle, 'r' is the hypotenuse, 'x' is the adjacent side, and 'y' is the opposite side. Using trigonometric identities:

  • cos(θ) = x / r
  • sin(θ) = y / r

By multiplying both sides of these equations by 'r', we get:

  • x = r * cos(θ)
  • y = r * sin(θ)

Step 4: Deriving the Formula for r

To find the formula for 'r', we use the Pythagorean theorem. In the right triangle, the hypotenuse 'r' can be expressed as:

  • r² = x² + y²

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

  • r = (x² + y²)

Step 5: Deriving the Formula for θ

To find the formula for 'θ', we use the tangent function, which relates the opposite side to the adjacent side in a right triangle:

  • tan(θ) = y / x

Taking the inverse tangent (arctan) of both sides, we get:

  • θ = tan¹(y / x)

Step 6: Summary of Conversion Formulas

We have derived the following conversion formulas:

  • x = r * cos(θ)
  • y = r * sin(θ)
  • r = (x² + y²)
  • θ = tan¹(y / x)

These formulas are essential for converting between Cartesian and Polar coordinates, allowing us to represent points in different coordinate systems effectively.

Step 7: Practical Application

Understanding these conversion formulas is crucial in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. For example, in physics, polar coordinates are often used to describe the motion of objects in a circular path. In computer graphics, these conversions are used to rotate and scale objects.


By understanding the derivation and application of these conversion formulas, we can effectively switch between Cartesian and Polar coordinates, enhancing our ability to solve problems in different domains. This foundational knowledge is a stepping stone to more advanced topics in mathematics and science.


Here are some frequently asked questions about polar coordinates:

1. How do you convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates?

To convert polar coordinates (r, θ) to Cartesian coordinates (x, y), use these formulas: x = r * cos(θ) y = r * sin(θ) Where r is the radius and θ is the angle in radians.

2. What are the rules for converting polar equations to Cartesian equations?

The general steps are: 1. Replace r with (x² + y²) 2. Replace cos(θ) with x/r, which becomes x/(x² + y²) 3. Replace sin(θ) with y/r, which becomes y/(x² + y²) 4. Simplify and rearrange the equation

3. How do you graph polar equations?

To graph polar equations: 1. Create a table of r and θ values 2. Plot points on a polar grid using (r, θ) pairs 3. Connect the points smoothly 4. Pay attention to symmetry and periodicity

4. What are some real-world applications of polar coordinates?

Polar coordinates are used in: 1. Navigation and GPS systems 2. Radar and sonar technology 3. Planetary motion and astronomy 4. Engineering, especially for circular or rotating systems 5. Weather mapping, particularly for cyclones and hurricanes

5. How do you convert Cartesian equations to polar form?

To convert Cartesian equations to polar form: 1. Replace x with r * cos(θ) 2. Replace y with r * sin(θ) 3. Use the identity r² = x² + y² if needed 4. Simplify and solve for r or θ as required

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Polar Coordinates

Mastering polar coordinates requires a solid foundation in several key mathematical concepts. One of the most crucial prerequisites is integration using trigonometric identities. This skill is essential because polar coordinates heavily rely on trigonometric functions to describe points and curves in a circular system. Understanding how to manipulate and integrate these identities will greatly enhance your ability to work with polar equations and solve complex problems in this coordinate system.

Another fundamental skill is converting between degrees and radians. Polar coordinates often express angles in radians, so being comfortable with both units and the conversion process is crucial. This knowledge allows you to seamlessly switch between different representations of angles, which is frequently necessary when working with polar equations or graphing in the polar plane.

The concept of horizontal circular motion is also closely related to polar coordinates. Understanding how objects move in circular paths provides a practical context for polar coordinates and helps visualize the relationship between angular displacement and radial distance. This physical interpretation can make abstract polar concepts more tangible and easier to grasp.

Proficiency in derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions is another crucial skill. In polar coordinates, you'll often encounter these functions when dealing with complex curves or when converting between polar and Cartesian forms. Being able to differentiate and manipulate these functions is essential for analyzing the behavior of polar curves and solving related calculus problems.

When it comes to graphing polar equations, understanding how to determine the number of solutions to equations becomes particularly important. This skill helps you predict the shape and behavior of polar curves, including whether they form closed loops, spirals, or other intricate patterns. It's a critical step in visualizing and interpreting polar graphs accurately.

Lastly, proficiency in solving polar equations is essential. This skill draws on your ability to handle distance and time-related questions in linear equations, but applies them to the circular nature of polar coordinates. Being able to solve these equations efficiently is crucial for finding intersection points, determining curve characteristics, and solving real-world problems expressed in polar form.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for understanding and working with polar coordinates. Each concept contributes uniquely to your ability to navigate this circular coordinate system, from the fundamental trigonometric relationships to the more advanced calculus applications. As you progress in your study of polar coordinates, you'll find that these prerequisite skills continually resurface, reinforcing their importance and demonstrating the interconnected nature of mathematics.

Our goal of this section is to introduce a new coordinate system called Polar Coordinates. Most of these questions will involve converting polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, converting Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, and drawing polar equations.

In Cartesian coordinates we say that the coordinate of the point is at (x,y)(x, y). However in Polar Coordinates we say that the coordinate of the point is at (r,θ)(r, \theta).

When converting from Polar to Cartesian, we can use the following formulas:
x=rcosθx=r \cos \theta
y=rsinθy=r \sin \theta
θ=tan1(yx)\theta = \tan^{-1}(\frac{y}{x})