Applications of fraction operations

  1. How to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions?
  1. Solve.
    1. 56+23×14\frac{5}{6} + \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{1}{4}
    2. 115÷(3712)1\frac{1}{5} \div \left( {\frac{3}{7} - \frac{1}{2}} \right)
    3. 413+125÷(8514)4\frac{1}{3} + 1\frac{2}{5} \div \left( {\frac{8}{5} - \frac{1}{4}} \right)
  2. Three fifths of the students in a class are girls; and the rest are boys. One fourth of the boys play basketball. What fraction of the boys in the class play basketball?
  3. A farmer plans to grow 50 fruit trees in his farm. 34\frac{3}{4} of them will be apple trees. Among these apple trees, half of them will be Gala apples. How many Gala apple trees will the farmer plant?