The equilibrium constant

  1. What is the equilibrium constant?
  2. The equilibrium constant and equilibrium expression.
  3. Changing the equilibrium CONSTANT.
  4. Keq: a number for "where is the equilibrium?"
  5. Heterogeneous systems and equilibria.
  6. Reaction quotient, Q.
  1. Write the expression for the equilibrium constant, Keq and interpret its value.
    The equation for the decomposition of compound A, is below:

    A (g) \, \rightleftharpoons \, 2B (g) + C (g)

    At 298 K, Keq = 4.5*1015
    1. Write an expression for Keq for this reaction.
    2. What does the value of Keq at 298K tell you about the reaction mixture?
  2. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction at equilibrium.
    The decomposition of PCl5 is shown by the equation below:

    PCl5 (g) \, \rightleftharpoons \, PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)

    This reaction was started at room temperature (298K) by placing 0.5 mol of PCl5 in a 20 L container. When the reaction came to equilibrium, 0.3 mol of Cl2 (g) was detected.
    1. Find the number of moles of each substance in the equilibrium mixture.
    2. Calculate the equilibrium constant, Keq given the equilibrium quantities found in question a).
    3. Using the previous Keq equilibrium constant, what would be the equilibrium amounts of PCl3 and Cl2 if 0.8 mol of PCl5 was present?
    4. This equilibrium mixture is then heated up to 400K. Explain whether or not, and if so how, this will affect the Keq value.
  3. Calculate the reaction quotient Q and predict changes to the reaction conditions based on Le Chatelier's principle
    1. consider the reaction:

      N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) \, \rightleftharpoons \, 2NH3 (g)

      If the reaction above is said to have a Keq = 0.180 at a given temperature and current partial pressures at this temperature in the vessel are
      • N2 = 0.6 atm
      • H2 = 0.6 atm
      • NH3 = 0.2 atm

      What direction is the reaction currently going to favour?
Topic Notes

Introduction to Equilibrium Constant and Reaction Quotient

The equilibrium constant (K) and reaction quotient (Q) are fundamental concepts in chemical equilibrium. K represents the ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations at equilibrium, while Q describes this ratio at any point during a reaction. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of these crucial concepts, serving as an essential foundation for understanding chemical equilibrium. By comparing K and Q, chemists can predict the direction of a reaction: if Q < K, the reaction will proceed forward; if Q > K, it will shift backward; and if Q = K, the system is at equilibrium. This relationship is key to determining whether a reaction will produce more products, more reactants, or remain in balance. Mastering these concepts is vital for students and professionals alike, as they form the basis for understanding and manipulating chemical reactions in various fields, from industrial processes to environmental science.

Understanding the Equilibrium Constant (K)

The equilibrium constant, denoted as K, is a fundamental concept in chemistry that provides crucial information about the state of a chemical reaction at equilibrium. It is a quantitative measure of the extent to which a reaction proceeds towards completion. Understanding the equilibrium constant is essential for predicting reaction outcomes and analyzing chemical systems.

K is defined as the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants at equilibrium, each raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients. For a general reaction aA + bB cC + dD, the equilibrium constant is expressed as:

K = [C]^c [D]^d / [A]^a [B]^b

Where [A], [B], [C], and [D] represent the equilibrium concentrations of the species involved, and a, b, c, and d are their respective stoichiometric coefficients.

The significance of K lies in its ability to predict the direction and extent of a reaction. A large K value (K > 1) indicates that the reaction favors product formation, while a small K value (K < 1) suggests that reactants are favored at equilibrium. When K = 1, the concentrations of reactants and products are roughly equal.

Calculating K involves using the equilibrium expression and the concentrations of species at equilibrium. For example, consider the reaction N2 + 3H2 2NH3. The equilibrium expression for K is:

K = [NH3]^2 / [N2][H2]^3

To calculate K, you would substitute the equilibrium concentrations of each species into this expression.

K values can vary widely depending on the reaction. For instance:

  • The formation of HI from H2 and I2 has a K of about 794 at 25°C, indicating that products are strongly favored.
  • The dissociation of acetic acid in water has a K of about 1.8 × 10^-5, suggesting that reactants are favored.
  • The autoionization of water has a K of 1.0 × 10^-14, indicating very little product formation.

The relationship between K and the extent of a reaction is direct. A larger K value corresponds to a greater extent of reaction, meaning more products are formed relative to reactants. Conversely, a smaller K value indicates a lesser extent of reaction, with more reactants remaining at equilibrium.

If K is less than 1, it signifies that the reverse reaction is favored, and the equilibrium lies towards the reactants. This doesn't mean the forward reaction doesn't occur, but rather that at equilibrium, there will be more reactants than products.

It's important to note that while K provides information about the equilibrium state, it doesn't indicate how quickly the equilibrium is reached. The rate at which equilibrium is established is determined by reaction kinetics, which is a separate concept from equilibrium thermodynamics.

The equilibrium constant is also temperature-dependent. Changes in temperature can shift the equilibrium position and alter the K value. This relationship is described by the van 't Hoff equation, which relates the change in K to the change in temperature and the enthalpy of the reaction.

In practical applications, knowing the equilibrium constant allows chemists to predict reaction yields, design more efficient chemical processes, and understand complex chemical systems. For instance, in industrial settings, reactions with favorable K values are often chosen to maximize product yield.

Understanding the equilibrium constant is crucial in various fields, including environmental chemistry (for studying pollutant distributions), biochemistry (for analyzing enzyme kinetics), and materials science (for developing new materials with specific properties).

In conclusion, the equilibrium constant K is a powerful tool in chemistry, providing insights into the nature of chemical reactions at equilibrium. Its calculation and interpretation are essential skills for chemists, enabling them to predict and control chemical processes in both laboratory and industrial settings.

The Reaction Quotient (Q) and Its Significance

The reaction quotient, denoted as Q, is a fundamental concept in chemical kinetics and equilibrium studies. It serves as a powerful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of chemical reactions. While closely related to the equilibrium constant (K), Q offers unique insights into the dynamic nature of reactions as they progress towards equilibrium.

Q is defined as the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants, raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficients, at any given point during a reaction. This definition mirrors that of the equilibrium constant K, with one crucial difference: Q uses non-equilibrium concentrations. This distinction allows chemists to analyze reactions at any stage, not just at equilibrium.

The calculation of Q follows the same mathematical expression as K. For a general reaction aA + bB cC + dD, the reaction quotient is expressed as:

Q = [C]^c [D]^d / [A]^a [B]^b

Here, the square brackets represent the concentrations of each species, and the superscripts denote their stoichiometric coefficients. Unlike K, which uses equilibrium concentrations, Q employs the instantaneous concentrations of reactants and products at any given moment during the reaction.

The importance of Q lies in its ability to predict the direction of a reaction. By comparing Q to K, chemists can determine whether a reaction will proceed towards the formation of products or reactants:

  • If Q < K: The reaction will proceed towards the products (forward direction).
  • If Q > K: The reaction will proceed towards the reactants (reverse direction).
  • If Q = K: The reaction is at equilibrium, and there is no net change in concentrations.

This predictive power makes Q an invaluable tool in various chemical applications, from industrial processes to environmental studies.

To illustrate how Q changes as a reaction progresses towards equilibrium, let's consider a hypothetical reaction:

2A B + C

Imagine we start with only reactant A, with an initial concentration of 1.0 M. At this point, Q = 0, as there are no products present. As the reaction proceeds, the concentration of A decreases while B and C form. Let's say at some point, we have [A] = 0.8 M, [B] = 0.1 M, and [C] = 0.1 M. We can calculate Q:

Q = [B][C] / [A]^2 = (0.1)(0.1) / (0.8)^2 = 0.015625

If the equilibrium constant K for this reaction is 0.25, we can see that Q < K. This indicates that the reaction will continue to proceed forward, forming more products until Q = K = 0.25.

As the reaction continues, the concentrations will change: [A] decreases further, while [B] and [C] increase. This causes Q to gradually increase. For example, when [A] = 0.6 M, [B] = 0.2 M, and [C] = 0.2 M:

Q = (0.2)(0.2) / (0.6)^2 = 0.111

Q is now closer to K but still less than 0.25, so the reaction continues forward. This process continues until Q reaches K, at which point the system attains equilibrium.

Understanding the reaction quotient Q and its relationship to K is crucial for chemists and chemical engineers. It allows for the prediction of reaction behavior, optimization of reaction conditions, and control of chemical processes. In industrial settings, manipulating conditions to keep Q below K can drive reactions to produce more desired products. In environmental chemistry, Q helps in understanding the dynamics of complex systems like carbon cycles or ocean acidification.

Moreover, the concept of Q

Comparing Q and K: Predicting Reaction Direction

Understanding the relationship between the reaction quotient (Q) and the equilibrium constant (K) is crucial for predicting the direction of chemical reactions. This comparison allows chemists to determine whether a reaction will proceed towards products, reactants, or remain at equilibrium. Let's explore three scenarios and their implications for reaction direction, using Le Chatelier's principle to explain the shifts in equilibrium.

Scenario 1: Q < K (If the reaction quotient (Q) for a given reaction is less than the equilibrium constant (K) then)

When Q is less than K, the reaction will proceed in the forward direction, favoring the formation of products. This occurs because the current concentrations of reactants are higher relative to the products than they would be at equilibrium. According to Le Chatelier's principle, the system will shift to counteract this imbalance by producing more products.

Example: Consider the reaction N2 + 3H2 2NH3. If the initial concentrations result in a Q value lower than K, the reaction will produce more ammonia (NH3) to approach equilibrium. As the reaction progresses, the concentrations of N2 and H2 will decrease, while the concentration of NH3 will increase until equilibrium is reached.

Scenario 2: Q > K (If Q is greater than K)

In this case, the reaction will proceed in the reverse direction, favoring the formation of reactants. The current concentrations of products are higher relative to the reactants than they would be at equilibrium. Le Chatelier's principle dictates that the system will shift to reduce the excess products by converting them back into reactants.

Example: For the reaction 2SO2 + O2 2SO3, if the initial concentrations result in a Q value higher than K, the reaction will shift towards the reactants. The concentration of SO3 will decrease, while the concentrations of SO2 and O2 will increase until equilibrium is achieved.

Scenario 3: Q = K

When Q equals K, the reaction is at equilibrium. There is no net change in the concentrations of reactants or products, as the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal. The system is in a state of dynamic equilibrium, with microscopic changes occurring continuously but no macroscopic changes observed.

Example: In the esterification reaction CH3COOH + CH3OH CH3COOCH3 + H2O, if Q = K, the concentrations of all species remain constant over time. The system is at equilibrium, and no net reaction occurs unless an external factor disturbs the equilibrium.

Le Chatelier's principle provides a framework for understanding these shifts in equilibrium. This principle states that when a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change, the system will respond by shifting in a direction that counteracts that change. In the context of Q and K comparisons:

1. When Q < K, the system has an excess of reactants compared to the equilibrium state. The reaction shifts forward to produce more products, counteracting the imbalance.

2. When Q > K, the system has an excess of products compared to the equilibrium state. The reaction shifts backward to produce more reactants, counteracting the imbalance.

3. When Q = K, the system is at equilibrium, and no net shift occurs unless an external factor disturbs the system.

Understanding these relationships allows chemists to predict and control reaction outcomes. By manipulating initial concentrations, temperature, or pressure, they can influence the direction of a reaction and optimize yields in industrial processes.

In practical applications, the comparison of Q and K is essential for:

1. Determining the feasibility of reactions in various conditions.

2. Optimizing reaction conditions in industrial processes to maximize product yield.

3. Predicting the extent of reaction completion and estimating final concentrations.

4. Understanding the behavior of complex chemical systems, such as those in biological processes or environmental chemistry

Factors Affecting Equilibrium and K Values

Understanding the factors that influence chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constants (K values) is crucial in chemistry and industrial processes. The equilibrium position of a reaction can be affected by various factors, including temperature, concentration, and pressure. However, it's important to note that while these factors can shift the equilibrium position, only temperature changes can affect the equilibrium constant (K) itself.

Temperature is a key factor that can significantly impact both the equilibrium position and the K value. According to Le Chatelier's principle, when a system at equilibrium experiences a change in temperature, it will shift to counteract that change. For exothermic reactions, which release heat, an increase in temperature will shift the equilibrium towards the reactants, decreasing the K value. Conversely, for endothermic reactions, which absorb heat, an increase in temperature will favor the products, increasing the K value. This temperature dependence of K is described by the van 't Hoff equation.

Changes in concentration and pressure, on the other hand, only affect the reaction quotient (Q) and not the equilibrium constant (K). When the concentration of a reactant or product is increased, the system will shift to reduce that concentration, following Le Chatelier's principle. For example, in the Haber process for ammonia production (N + 3H 2NH), increasing the concentration of nitrogen or hydrogen will shift the equilibrium towards the production of more ammonia. However, this shift does not change the K value; it only affects the equilibrium position.

Pressure changes primarily affect gas-phase reactions where there is a difference in the number of moles of gas on either side of the equation. According to Le Chatelier's principle, an increase in pressure will favor the side of the reaction with fewer moles of gas. In the Haber process, for instance, increased pressure favors the forward reaction (4 moles of reactant gases 2 moles of product gas), shifting the equilibrium towards ammonia production. Again, this pressure change affects the equilibrium position but not the K value itself.

These principles are extensively applied in industrial processes to optimize product yield and efficiency. In the production of sulfuric acid via the Contact Process (2SO + O 2SO), the forward reaction is exothermic. Manufacturers use a compromise temperature (around 450°C) to balance reaction rate and equilibrium position. They also employ high pressures and remove the product (SO) to continually shift the equilibrium towards the desired product.

Another industrial application is seen in the Ostwald process for nitric acid production. The oxidation of ammonia (4NH + 5O 4NO + 6HO) is highly exothermic. To maximize yield, the reaction is carried out at high temperatures to increase the reaction rate, but the products are rapidly cooled to shift the equilibrium towards the products as the system cools.

In conclusion, understanding how temperature, concentration, and pressure affect equilibrium and K values is essential for chemists and chemical engineers. By manipulating these factors, industries can optimize their processes, increase product yields, and improve efficiency. The principles of Le Chatelier and the behavior of equilibrium systems under various conditions continue to be fundamental in the design and operation of many large-scale chemical production processes worldwide.

Heterogeneous Equilibria and Special Cases

Heterogeneous equilibria are chemical reactions that involve substances in different phases, such as solids, liquids, and gases. This contrasts with homogeneous equilibria, where all reactants and products are in the same phase, typically all gases or all in solution. Understanding the differences between these types of equilibria is crucial for accurately predicting and analyzing chemical reactions.

One of the key distinctions in heterogeneous equilibria is that solids and pure liquids are not included in the equilibrium expression. This may seem counterintuitive at first, but there's a sound scientific reason behind it. The concentration of a pure solid or liquid remains constant throughout the reaction, as their molar concentrations are fixed by their density and molar mass. Since these values don't change, they don't affect the equilibrium position and are omitted from the equilibrium constant expression.

For example, consider the decomposition of calcium carbonate: CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g). The equilibrium constant expression for this reaction is simply K = [CO2], where only the gas phase product is included. The solid reactant and product are excluded from the expression.

Another example of heterogeneous equilibrium is the reaction between iron and steam: Fe(s) + H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + H2(g). The equilibrium constant expression for this reaction is K = [H2] / [H2O], where only the gas phase species are included.

It's important to note that while pure solids and liquids are excluded from equilibrium expressions, solutions and mixtures are treated differently. In these cases, the concentrations can vary and thus are included in the equilibrium constant expression.

There are some special cases and exceptions to be aware of in equilibrium calculations. For instance, in reactions involving gases where the number of moles changes, the partial pressure form of the equilibrium constant (Kp) may be more appropriate than the concentration-based form (Kc). Additionally, in reactions where one product is insoluble and precipitates out of solution, the solubility product constant (Ksp) is used instead of the standard equilibrium constant.

Understanding heterogeneous equilibria and these special cases is essential for accurately predicting chemical behavior in various systems, from industrial processes to environmental reactions. By recognizing when to include or exclude certain components in equilibrium expressions, chemists can more effectively analyze and control complex chemical reactions.

Practical Applications and Problem-Solving Strategies

Understanding equilibrium constants (K) and reaction quotients (Q) is crucial for many real-world applications and problem-solving in chemistry. Let's explore practical examples and strategies to master these concepts.

Practical Applications

1. Industrial processes: K and Q are used to optimize conditions in chemical manufacturing, such as in the Haber process for ammonia production.

2. Environmental science: These concepts help predict the behavior of pollutants in water and air, aiding in environmental remediation efforts.

3. Pharmaceutical research: Drug developers use K and Q to understand drug absorption and distribution in the body.

4. Biochemistry: These principles are applied in studying enzyme kinetics and protein-ligand interactions.

Problem-Solving Strategies

Follow these steps when tackling equilibrium-related questions:

  1. Identify the equilibrium reaction and write its balanced equation.
  2. Determine the given information and what you need to find.
  3. Write the expression for K or Q based on the balanced equation.
  4. Plug in known values and solve for the unknown.
  5. Compare Q to K to determine the direction of the reaction if necessary.

Practice Problem

Consider the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

At equilibrium at 400°C, [N2] = 0.2 M, [H2] = 0.1 M, and [NH3] = 0.04 M. Calculate the equilibrium constant (K).


  1. Write the expression for K: K = [NH3]^2 / ([N2][H2]^3)
  2. Plug in the given values: K = (0.04)^2 / (0.2 × (0.1)^3)
  3. Calculate: K = 0.0016 / (0.2 × 0.001) = 8.0

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Forgetting to square or cube concentrations as indicated by coefficients in the balanced equation.
  • Using initial concentrations instead of equilibrium concentrations when calculating K.
  • Including solids or pure liquids in the K or Q expressions.
  • Misinterpreting the relationship between Q and K when predicting reaction direction.
  • Neglecting to convert all concentrations to the same unit (e.g., molarity) before calculations.

By applying these strategies and avoiding common pitfalls, you'll be better equipped to solve equilibrium problems. Remember that practice is key to mastering these concepts. Try creating your own problems or seek additional resources for more practice questions. As you work through various scenarios, you'll develop a stronger intuition for equilibrium calculations and their real-world applications.

In conclusion, understanding K and Q is not just about memorizing formulas but about grasping their significance in chemical processes. Whether you're studying for an exam or preparing for a career in chemistry-related fields, these concepts will prove invaluable. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to seek clarification on challenging problems. With time and effort, you'll find that equilibrium calculations become second nature, allowing you to tackle complex chemical systems with confidence.


Understanding the equilibrium constant (K) and reaction quotient (Q) is crucial in chemical kinetics. K represents the ratio of product to reactant concentrations at equilibrium, while Q reflects this ratio at any given moment. The relationship between K and Q determines the direction of a reaction. When Q < K, the reaction proceeds forward; when Q > K, it moves backward; and when Q = K, equilibrium is achieved. This concept is vital for predicting reaction outcomes and understanding Le Chatelier's principle. Chemists use K and Q to manipulate reaction conditions, optimize yields, and control industrial processes. By comparing Q to K, one can determine how far a reaction is from equilibrium and predict its future course. Mastering these concepts enables better control and understanding of chemical reactions, making them indispensable tools in fields ranging from pharmaceuticals to environmental science.

Understanding the Equilibrium Constant

What is the equilibrium constant? The equilibrium constant and equilibrium expression.

Step 1: Introduction to the Equilibrium Expression

In this lesson, we will explore the equilibrium expression. We will connect our understanding of Le Chatelier's principle and dynamic equilibrium to the mathematical aspects of equilibrium. Specifically, we will learn how to write an expression for the equilibrium constant, denoted as Keq, and interpret its value. This value is typically given as a decimal and helps us understand the proportions of reactants and products in an equilibrium mixture.

Step 2: Dynamic Equilibrium Recap

Before diving into the equilibrium constant, let's recap dynamic equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium is characterized by constant change, where the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the backward reaction. This results in a system that appears unchanging, even though reactions are continuously occurring in both directions. This concept is crucial for understanding how the equilibrium constant provides information about the concentrations of reactants and products.

Step 3: The Role of the Equilibrium Constant

The equilibrium constant, Keq, allows us to determine the levels of reactants and products in a system at equilibrium. For a general reaction where A moles of A react with B moles of B to produce C moles of C and D moles of D, the equilibrium expression is written as follows:

Keq = [C]^c [D]^d / [A]^a [B]^b

Here, the concentrations of the products (C and D) are in the numerator, and the concentrations of the reactants (A and B) are in the denominator. The lowercase letters represent the stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced chemical equation.

Step 4: Example of Writing an Equilibrium Expression

Let's consider a specific example to illustrate how to write an equilibrium expression. Suppose we have the reaction:

PCl5 (g) PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)

In this reaction, one mole of PCl5 decomposes into one mole of PCl3 and one mole of Cl2. The equilibrium expression for this reaction is:

Keq = [PCl3][Cl2] / [PCl5]

Notice that the products (PCl3 and Cl2) are in the numerator, and the reactant (PCl5) is in the denominator. Since the stoichiometric coefficients are all 1, there are no exponents in this expression.

Step 5: Interpreting the Equilibrium Constant

Understanding the equilibrium constant involves interpreting its value. A large Keq value indicates that the equilibrium mixture contains more products than reactants, suggesting that the forward reaction is favored. Conversely, a small Keq value means that the mixture contains more reactants than products, indicating that the backward reaction is favored. This interpretation helps us predict the composition of the equilibrium mixture.

Step 6: Using the Equilibrium Expression

We can use the equilibrium expression to calculate the equilibrium constant if we know the concentrations of the reactants and products. Conversely, if we know the equilibrium constant and some of the concentrations, we can calculate the unknown concentrations. This flexibility makes the equilibrium expression a powerful tool in chemical analysis.

Step 7: Importance of Language and Notation

When discussing the equilibrium constant, it's essential to use precise language and notation. The term "equilibrium constant" refers to the numerical value (Keq), while the "equilibrium expression" refers to the entire mathematical equation. Understanding this distinction is crucial for clear communication in chemistry.

Step 8: Summary and Key Takeaways

In summary, the equilibrium constant (Keq) is a crucial concept in chemistry that helps us understand the proportions of reactants and products in an equilibrium mixture. By writing and interpreting the equilibrium expression, we can gain insights into the behavior of chemical reactions at equilibrium. Remember to use precise language and notation when discussing these concepts to ensure clear and accurate communication.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the equilibrium constant and reaction quotient:

1. What happens if Q is bigger than K?

When Q is greater than K, the reaction will proceed in the reverse direction. This means that the system has more products than it would at equilibrium, so it will shift towards forming more reactants to reach equilibrium.

2. Which way does equilibrium shift if Q is less than K?

If Q is less than K, the equilibrium will shift towards the products. This occurs because there are more reactants present than there would be at equilibrium, so the reaction proceeds forward to produce more products.

3. What is the relationship between Q and K?

Q and K have the same mathematical form, but Q uses instantaneous concentrations while K uses equilibrium concentrations. Comparing Q to K allows us to predict the direction of a reaction: if Q < K, the reaction proceeds forward; if Q > K, it goes backward; if Q = K, the system is at equilibrium.

4. Where does equilibrium lie when K is less than 1?

When K is less than 1, the equilibrium lies towards the reactants side. This means that at equilibrium, there will be more reactants than products. However, it doesn't mean the reaction doesn't occur; it just indicates that the reverse reaction is favored.

5. What happens if K >> 1?

If K is much greater than 1 (K >> 1), it indicates that the equilibrium strongly favors the products. In this case, the reaction will proceed nearly to completion, with a high concentration of products and very low concentration of reactants at equilibrium.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the equilibrium constant is a crucial concept in chemistry, but to fully grasp its significance, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts provide the necessary context and skills to comprehend the equilibrium constant's role in chemical reactions and systems.

One of the key prerequisite topics is introduction to kinetics. This foundational knowledge is vital because reaction kinetics plays a significant role in understanding how equilibrium is established. By studying reaction rates and mechanisms, students can better appreciate how the equilibrium constant relates to the forward and reverse reactions in a chemical system.

Another important prerequisite is solving polynomials with unknown constant terms. This mathematical skill is particularly relevant when dealing with the partial pressure form of the equilibrium constant. In many equilibrium calculations, students will encounter equations that require manipulating and solving polynomials, making this algebraic knowledge indispensable.

Perhaps the most closely related prerequisite is the solubility constant, also known as the solubility product constant. This concept serves as an excellent introduction to equilibrium constants in general. Understanding how the solubility product constant describes the equilibrium between a solid and its ions in solution provides a strong foundation for grasping the broader applications of equilibrium constants in various chemical systems.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of the equilibrium constant. The introduction to kinetics helps in understanding the dynamic nature of equilibrium, while algebraic skills in solving polynomials are crucial for manipulating equilibrium expressions. Additionally, familiarity with the solubility constant offers a specific example of how equilibrium constants are applied in real-world scenarios.

As students progress in their chemistry studies, they'll find that these prerequisite topics continually resurface, reinforcing their importance. The equilibrium constant itself is a powerful tool in predicting the direction of chemical reactions and understanding the behavior of chemical systems at equilibrium. By building a strong foundation in these prerequisite areas, students will be better prepared to explore more advanced concepts in chemical equilibrium and related fields.

In conclusion, the journey to mastering the equilibrium constant is paved with these essential prerequisite topics. Each concept contributes uniquely to the overall understanding of chemical equilibrium, providing the necessary tools and insights to tackle more complex problems in chemistry. As students review and strengthen their knowledge in these areas, they'll find themselves better prepared to delve into the intricacies of the equilibrium constant and its wide-ranging applications in chemistry.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To write an expression for the equilibrium constant Keq.
  • How to interpret the value of Keq and describe the reaction using this value.
  • How to use the equilibrium expression with equilibrium concentrations to solve for Keq (and vice versa).
  • To write an expression for the reaction quotient, Q, and learn the difference between Q and Keq.


  • We now know the definition of equilibrium; a chemical process where the forward reaction rate is equal to the reverse rate. Be careful – this tells us nothing about how much product or reactant is there! To find that, we need to use the equilibrium constant expression.

  • Using measurements of reactant and product concentrations, it is possible to find what is called the equilibrium constant, Keq, (sometimes Kc) of a given reaction at equilibrium. This is done using the expression:
    For the reaction at equilibrium:
    aA+bBcC+dDaA + bB \rightleftharpoons cC + dD

    Keq is calculated by:
    Keq=[C]c[D]d[A]a[B]b\large K_{eq} = \frac{[C]^c[D]^d}{[A]^a[B]^b}

    Be clear with your language:
    • The whole equation is the equilibrium expression.
    • Keq is the equilibrium constant.
    • Keq is the general term – if the equilibrium is measuring concentration (in mol dm-3) it might be called Kc. Kp would be used if it was partial pressures (for gases).

  • The equilibrium constant is called a constant because it is not affected by changes in some conditions. Changes to concentration of reactants or products and changes in pressure do not affect the equilibrium constant!
    • Remember Le Chatelier’s principle: the system will counteract any change made. If you add reactant, more product will be made to counteract the change. This keeps Keq constant in the long run.
    • Changing temperature WILL affect Keq, depending on whether the reaction is endothermic or exothermic.
      Because of this, ALWAYS quote Keq with a temperature.

  • The equilibrium expression looks complicated, so breaking it down using simple math can help.
    • It is a fraction. It has terms for amount of product and reactant.
    • You can write fractions as ratios. So…
    • It is a ratio of products to reactants in the reaction. Written as a decimal, the value of Keq tells us something important:
      • Keq is smaller than 1: There is less product than reactant in the reaction mixture. The smaller the value of Keq, the less product there is.
      • Keq is approximately 1: There is roughly the same amount of product as reactant in the reaction mixture.
      • Keq is larger than 1: There is more product than reactant in the reaction mixture. The larger Keq is, the more product compared to reactant.

  • When writing Keq for heterogeneous systems, where the substances are not all in the same phase, ignore any substances in the solid state. Solid reagents do not affect the equilibrium constant; everything else in the Keq expression is written as normal.
    For example, let’s look at the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate:

  • CaCO3 (s) \, \rightleftharpoons \, CaO (s) + CO2 (g)

  • If CO2 escapes the reaction vessel because it’s open, equilibrium cannot and will not be established. CO2 alone dictates whether the equilibrium happens, so that is all the Keq expression contains.

  • Keq = [ CO2 (g)]

  • Remember that Keq is only used for reactions at equilibrium.
    The reaction quotient (symbol Q) is used for reactions not at equilibrium to reveal which direction a reaction favours. Practically, Q is a Keq value for reactions that are not yet at equilibrium!
    It is calculated using largely the same information as Keq would be.

  • For the reaction:

    aA + bB \, \, cC + dD

    We find Q by calculating:

    Q= Q = [C]c[D]d[A]a[B]b\large \frac{[C]^{c} [D]^{d}} {[A]^{a} [B]^{b} }

    This would be for reactants and products in the aqueous or gaseous phase, where concentration is measured by partial pressure (see Kp and partial pressure). Like with Keq, pure solids and liquids are not included in this calculation.

    For some reactions, Q isn’t very useful. Reactions that go to completion will have an infinitely large Q (all product, no reactant), and reactions that don’t proceed will have a Q value equal to zero. A reaction with Q = 1 is already at equilibrium.

    But many aqueous and gaseous reactions can go to equilibrium. Recall Le Chatelier’s principle: Q is useful because comparing Q to Keq lets us predict changes to concentration as the reaction tries to reach equilibrium.
    You can think of Q then as a pendulum; Keq is the point at rest and Q is where it currently is:
    • If Q is smaller than Keqfor a reaction, the products will be favoured. Q > Keq suggests there are more reactants in the mixture than the ideal equilibrium concentrations, so according to Le Chatelier’s principle there will be a shift back toward the products.
    • If Q is equal to Keq, there is no favouring of products or reactants. Q = Keq means the reaction is already at ideal equilibrium concentrations. In this situation, nothing would be expected to change.
    • If Q is greater than Keq, the reactants will be favoured. Q < Keq suggests that there is more product in the vessel than the ideal equilibrium concentration, so the equilibrium will shift back toward the reactants to remove this product surplus.

    This Q value is larger than the quoted Keq. Which means there is currently more product than there is at ideal equilibrium conditions. Applying Le Chatelier’s principle, we expect that in the current conditions, the reaction will favour the reactants.