Introduction to kinetics

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  1. Introduction to kinetics
  2. What is kinetics? Recap on reactions.
  3. Activation energy – definition.
  4. Rate of reaction – definition and meaning.
  5. How can chemists measure the rate of reaction?
  1. Find the rate of the following chemical process/reaction.
    i) 20 g of sodium metal took 90 seconds to react in water completely. Give the rate of this reaction in grams per minute.
    ii) Give the rate of the same reaction in grams per second.
    1. Use the rate equation and the rate of the following chemical process/reaction to find other factors.
      In one experiment, burning propane (C3H8) in oxygen produces CO2 gas at a rate of 12 liters every 15 minutes.
      1. Find the rate of this reaction in liters per hour.
      2. What volume of CO2 gas will be produced after 3 hours and 45 minutes of this experiment running?
    2. Find the rate of the following chemical process/reaction.
      The following is a neutralization reaction between an acid and a base in water:

      H2SO4+2NaOHNa2SO4+2H2O\mathrm{H_2SO_4 + 2NaOH \to Na_2SO_4 + 2 H_2O}

      1. Water is being produced at a rate of 0.85 mol per minute in this process during one experiment. What is the rate of Na2SO4 production in this process?
      2. What is the rate of NaOH consumption?
      3. What mass of water, in grams, will be produced if this reaction runs for 25 minutes?
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Kinetics

    Kinetics in chemistry is a fundamental concept that explores the rates of chemical reactions and the factors influencing them. Our introductory video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this complex topic. As we delve into kinetics, we'll focus on three main objectives. First, we'll define activation energy, the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. This concept is essential for grasping why some reactions happen quickly while others are slow. Second, we'll explore reaction rates, which measure how fast reactants are converted into products. Understanding reaction rates is vital for predicting and controlling chemical processes. Lastly, we'll examine various methods to measure reaction rates, including monitoring changes in concentration, pressure, or color over time. By mastering these key aspects of kinetics, you'll gain valuable insights into the dynamic world of chemical reactions and their practical applications in industry and research.

    Activation energy is a critical factor in determining the speed of a reaction. By lowering the activation energy, catalysts can significantly increase the rate of a reaction. This principle is widely used in industrial processes to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. Understanding how to manipulate activation energy allows chemists to design better catalysts and optimize reaction conditions for various applications.

    Activation Energy and Energy Diagrams

    Activation energy is a fundamental concept in chemistry that plays a crucial role in understanding how chemical reactions occur. It refers to the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to take place. This concept is essential in explaining why some reactions happen spontaneously while others require an input of energy to proceed. To fully grasp the importance of activation energy, we need to explore its relationship with exothermic and endothermic reactions, as well as understand how it is represented in energy diagrams.

    Let's start by examining exothermic reactions. These are chemical processes that release energy to their surroundings. Despite releasing energy overall, exothermic reactions still require an initial energy input to begin. This initial energy requirement is the activation energy. Once the reactants overcome this energy barrier, the reaction proceeds, releasing more energy than was initially invested. A common example of an exothermic reaction is the combustion of methane, where the burning process releases heat and light.

    On the other hand, endothermic reactions absorb energy from their surroundings. These reactions also have an activation energy barrier that must be overcome for the reaction to proceed. However, unlike exothermic reactions, endothermic processes continue to absorb energy throughout the reaction. A familiar example of an endothermic reaction is the process of photosynthesis, where plants use sunlight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

    To visualize the concept of activation energy and the energy changes in chemical reactions, chemists use energy diagrams. These diagrams are graphical representations that show the energy levels of reactants, products, and the transition state of a reaction. The x-axis typically represents the reaction progress, while the y-axis shows the potential energy. In these diagrams, the activation energy is represented as a hill or barrier that the reactants must overcome to form products.

    The key components of an energy diagram include:

    1. Reactants: The starting point of the diagram, representing the initial energy state of the substances before the reaction begins.

    2. Products: The endpoint of the diagram, showing the final energy state of the substances after the reaction is complete.

    3. Activation energy barrier: The peak of the energy "hill," representing the maximum energy that must be overcome for the reaction to proceed.

    4. Transition state: The highest point on the reaction coordinate, representing the unstable intermediate state between reactants and products.

    In exothermic reactions, the energy level of the products is lower than that of the reactants, while in endothermic reactions, the products have a higher energy level than the reactants. The difference in energy between the reactants and products is known as the enthalpy change of the reaction.

    The importance of activation energy in chemical kinetics cannot be overstated. It directly influences the rate at which a reaction occurs. Reactions with lower activation energies tend to proceed more quickly than those with higher activation energies. This is because a larger proportion of molecules in the system will have sufficient energy to overcome the activation barrier in reactions with lower activation energies.

    Activation energy also plays a crucial role in determining whether a reaction will occur spontaneously under given conditions. Even if a reaction is thermodynamically favorable (has a negative Gibbs free energy change), it may not occur at an appreciable rate if the activation energy is too high. This is why many reactions require catalysts or increased temperatures to proceed at observable rates.

    Catalysts work by providing an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy, thereby increasing the reaction rate without changing the overall energy change of the reaction. Temperature also affects reaction rates by increasing the average kinetic energy of the molecules, making it more likely for them to overcome the activation energy barrier.

    Understanding activation energy is essential for predicting and controlling chemical reactions in various fields, from industrial processes to biological systems. In biochemistry, for instance, enzymes act as biological catalysts by lowering the activation energy of metabolic reactions, allowing them to occur at rates compatible with life processes.

    In conclusion, activation energy is a critical concept that bridges the gap between thermodynamics and kinetics in chemistry. By understanding how it relates to exothermic and endothermic reactions and how it is represented in energy diagrams, we gain valuable insights into the nature of chemical reactions.

    Understanding Reaction Rates

    Reaction rates are a fundamental concept in chemistry that describe how quickly a chemical reaction occurs. In essence, the rate of reaction measures the speed at which reactants are converted into products. This concept is crucial for understanding various chemical processes in both laboratory settings and everyday life.

    To comprehend reaction rates, it's essential to consider how they are measured. Chemists typically measure rates in terms of changes in reactant or product concentrations over time. For instance, if we're monitoring a reaction where substance A is converted to substance B, we might track how quickly the concentration of A decreases or how rapidly the concentration of B increases over a specific time period.

    The general formula for rate can be expressed as a change in something measurable over a change in time. Mathematically, this is often written as:

    Rate = Δ[Quantity] / Δt

    Where Δ[Quantity] represents the change in concentration (or another measurable property) and Δt represents the change in time. This formula is versatile and applies to various scenarios beyond chemistry.

    To help relate this concept to everyday experiences, consider the familiar notion of speed. When we talk about a car's speed, we're essentially discussing a rate - the distance traveled over a period of time. For example, if a car travels 60 miles in one hour, its speed (rate) is 60 miles per hour. This is analogous to reaction rates, where we might measure how many moles of a substance react per second or minute.

    In chemistry, factors influencing reaction rates can be influenced by several factors. These include the concentration of reactants, temperature, presence of catalysts, and the physical state of the reactants. Understanding these factors is crucial for controlling and optimizing chemical reactions in various applications, from industrial processes to biological systems.

    Let's consider a simple example to illustrate reaction rates. Imagine we're studying the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen. We could measure the rate of this reaction by tracking how quickly the concentration of hydrogen peroxide decreases over time, or alternatively, how rapidly the concentration of oxygen increases.

    Rate = -Δ[H2O2] / Δt = Δ[O2] / Δt

    Here, the negative sign for the change in H2O2 concentration indicates that it's decreasing over time.

    Understanding reaction rates is not just academically interesting; it has practical applications in various fields. In the pharmaceutical industry, for instance, knowing reaction rates is crucial for drug development and production. In environmental science, reaction rates help us understand processes like the depletion of ozone in the atmosphere or the breakdown of pollutants in water bodies.

    Moreover, in our daily lives, we encounter numerous examples of factors influencing reaction rates, even if we don't always recognize them as such. The rate at which food spoils, how quickly a battery discharges, or the speed at which a cut heals are all examples of processes governed by reaction rates at the molecular level.

    As we delve deeper into the study of reaction rates, we encounter more complex concepts like rate laws, which describe how the rate of a reaction depends on the concentration of reactants. These laws provide a mathematical framework for predicting and controlling reaction rates, further emphasizing the importance of this concept in chemistry and related fields.

    In conclusion, reaction rates are a vital aspect of chemistry, providing insights into how quickly chemical processes occur. By understanding and measuring these rates, scientists can better control reactions, optimize industrial processes, and explain natural phenomena. Whether in a laboratory setting or in everyday life, the concept of reaction rates helps us quantify and understand the dynamic nature of chemical changes occurring around us.

    Measuring Rates of Reaction

    In chemistry laboratories, measuring rates of reaction is crucial for understanding the kinetics of chemical processes. Several methods are employed to accurately track the progress of reactions over time. This article explores three common techniques: loss of reactant mass, color change, and volume of gas produced.

    Loss of Reactant Mass

    One of the simplest methods for measuring reaction rates involves monitoring the loss of reactant mass. This technique is particularly useful for reactions where a solid reactant is consumed or a gas is produced and escapes the reaction vessel. To implement this method:

    1. Place the reactants on a balance.
    2. Start the reaction and begin timing.
    3. Record the mass at regular intervals.
    4. Plot the mass against time to determine the reaction rate.

    For example, when calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide gas is produced and escapes, resulting in a decrease in mass over time. The rate of mass loss corresponds to the reaction rate.

    Advantages of this method include its simplicity and the ability to use common laboratory equipment. However, it is limited to reactions where a measurable mass change occurs and may not be suitable for very fast reactions.

    Color Change

    Many chemical reactions involve a change in color as reactants are consumed or products are formed. This visual indicator can be used to measure reaction rates, especially when one of the reactants or products has a distinct color. The process typically involves:

    1. Preparing solutions of known concentrations.
    2. Mixing the reactants and starting a timer.
    3. Observing the color change at regular intervals.
    4. Using a colorimeter or spectrophotometer to measure the intensity of the color.

    A classic example is the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid, which produces a yellow sulfur precipitate. The time taken for the solution to reach a specific opacity can be used to determine the reaction rate.

    The color change method is advantageous for its visual appeal and the ability to use sophisticated instruments for precise measurements. However, it is limited to reactions with observable color changes and may be subjective when relying on visual observation alone.

    Volume of Gas Produced

    For reactions that generate gases, measuring the volume of gas produced over time is an effective way to determine reaction rates. This method often employs a gas syringe or an inverted measuring cylinder. The steps involved are:

    1. Set up the reaction vessel connected to a gas collection apparatus.
    2. Initiate the reaction and start timing.
    3. Record the volume of gas collected at regular intervals.
    4. Plot the volume against time to calculate the reaction rate.

    A common example is the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid, which produces hydrogen gas. The rate of hydrogen production directly correlates with the reaction rate.

    The gas volume method is particularly useful for reactions involving gaseous products and provides clear, quantitative data. However, it requires specialized equipment and is limited to gas-producing reactions.

    Comparison of Methods

    Method Advantages Limitations
    Loss of Reactant Mass Simple, uses common equipment Limited to reactions with measurable mass change
    Color Change Visual, can use precise instruments Requires color change, potential subjectivity
    Volume of Gas Produced Clear quantitative data Limited to gas-producing reactions

    Factors Affecting Reaction Rates

    Chemical reactions are fundamental to many processes in nature and industry. The rate at which these reactions occur is influenced by several key factors. Understanding these reaction rate factors is crucial for controlling and optimizing chemical processes. In this section, we'll explore the main factors that affect reaction rates: temperature, concentration and reaction rate, surface area, and catalysts in chemical reactions.

    Temperature is one of the most significant factors influencing reaction rates. As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of reactant molecules rises. This increased energy leads to more frequent and energetic collisions between molecules, thereby increasing the reaction rate. According to collision theory, molecules must collide with sufficient energy to overcome the activation energy and reaction rate barrier for a reaction to occur. Higher temperatures provide more molecules with this necessary energy, resulting in faster reactions. For example, food spoils more quickly when left at room temperature compared to when refrigerated, as the warmer conditions accelerate chemical reactions responsible for decay.

    Concentration and reaction rate plays a vital role in determining reaction rates, especially for reactions in solution or gas phase. Higher concentrations of reactants mean more molecules are present in a given volume, increasing the probability of collisions between reactant molecules. This increased collision frequency leads to faster reaction rates. For instance, in the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulfate, increasing the concentration of either reactant will result in a more rapid formation of sulfur precipitate, demonstrating the direct relationship between concentration and reaction rate.

    Surface area is another crucial factor, particularly for reactions involving solids. Increasing the surface area of a solid reactant exposes more of its molecules to the other reactants, allowing for more frequent collisions. This effect is often achieved by breaking a solid into smaller pieces or using powders instead of larger chunks. A classic example is the comparison between a whole antacid tablet and a crushed one dissolving in water. The crushed tablet, with its greater surface area, will dissolve and react much faster with the water, neutralizing stomach acid more quickly.

    Catalysts in chemical reactions are substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. They work by providing an alternative reaction pathway with lower activation energy, allowing more molecular collisions to result in successful reactions. Catalysts are essential in many industrial processes and biological systems. For example, the enzyme catalase in living organisms catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, greatly accelerating a reaction that would otherwise occur very slowly. In the automotive industry, catalytic converters use precious metal catalysts to speed up the conversion of harmful exhaust gases into less harmful emissions.

    The impact of these factors on reaction rates can be explained through collision theory. This theory posits that for a reaction to occur, reactant molecules must collide with sufficient energy and in the correct orientation. Temperature increases both the frequency and energy of collisions. Higher concentrations and greater surface area increase collision frequency. Catalysts enhance the effectiveness of collisions by lowering the energy barrier that must be overcome, known as the activation energy and reaction rate.

    In conclusion, understanding and manipulating these reaction rate factors - temperature, concentration, surface area, and catalysts - allows chemists and engineers to control chemical processes effectively. Whether it's preserving food, optimizing industrial production, or developing new materials, the ability to influence reaction rates is a powerful tool in chemistry and related fields. By applying these principles, we can accelerate desired reactions, slow down unwanted ones, and ultimately harness chemical reactions for a wide range of practical applications in our daily lives and industries.

    Applications of Kinetics in Real-World Scenarios

    Kinetics, the study of reaction rates and mechanisms, plays a crucial role in various fields, offering practical applications that significantly impact our daily lives. In industry, medicine, and environmental science, understanding kinetics is essential for optimizing processes and developing innovative solutions. Let's explore how kinetics applications are revolutionizing these sectors.

    In industrial processes, kinetics is fundamental to enhancing efficiency and productivity. Chemical manufacturers utilize kinetic principles to optimize reaction conditions, such as temperature, pressure, and catalyst selection. For instance, in the production of ammonia through the Haber-Bosch process, kinetic studies have led to the development of more effective catalysts and reaction conditions, significantly increasing yield and reducing energy consumption. Similarly, in the petroleum industry, kinetic models help refine crude oil more efficiently, maximizing the production of valuable products like gasoline and diesel.

    The field of medicine has greatly benefited from kinetics applications, particularly in drug delivery systems. Pharmacokinetics, a branch of kinetics, focuses on how drugs move through the body. This knowledge is crucial for developing controlled-release medications that maintain therapeutic levels over extended periods. For example, transdermal patches use kinetic principles to regulate the rate at which medication is absorbed through the skin, providing consistent dosing and reducing side effects. In cancer treatment, understanding reaction rates helps in designing targeted therapies that release drugs specifically in tumor environments, minimizing damage to healthy cells.

    Environmental science heavily relies on kinetics to address pressing issues such as pollution and climate change. Kinetic studies help scientists understand the degradation rates of pollutants in various ecosystems, enabling the development of more effective remediation strategies. For instance, in water treatment, kinetic models are used to optimize the removal of contaminants through processes like adsorption and biodegradation. In atmospheric science, kinetics is crucial for understanding the rates of ozone depletion and the formation of smog, guiding policies and technologies to combat air pollution.

    The importance of kinetics in reaction optimization cannot be overstated. In the production of biofuels, kinetic studies have led to the development of more efficient enzymatic processes for converting biomass into usable energy sources. This has significantly improved the viability of renewable energy alternatives. Additionally, in the food industry, kinetics helps in preserving food quality by predicting and controlling the rates of spoilage reactions, extending shelf life and reducing waste.

    As we continue to face complex challenges in industry, healthcare, and the environment, the applications of kinetics will undoubtedly expand. From developing more sustainable industrial processes to creating personalized medical treatments and tackling global environmental issues, kinetics remains at the forefront of scientific innovation, driving progress across multiple disciplines.


    In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of chemical kinetics, focusing on activation energy and reaction rates. We've learned that activation energy is crucial for initiating chemical reactions, and understanding it helps predict and control reaction speeds. We've also discussed various methods of measuring reaction rates, providing insights into the dynamics of chemical processes. The introduction video served as a valuable tool in grasping these complex concepts, offering visual representations of kinetic principles. As we've seen, kinetics plays a vital role in numerous fields, from industrial processes to biological systems. To deepen your understanding, we encourage you to explore additional resources on chemical kinetics. Consider investigating its applications in pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and materials engineering. By mastering these concepts, you'll gain valuable insights into the fascinating world of chemical reactions and their practical implications. Remember, kinetics is not just about speed, but about understanding and controlling chemical reactions.

    Introduction to Kinetics

    Introduction to kinetics What is kinetics? Recap on reactions.

    Step 1: Understanding Kinetics

    Kinetics is a branch of chemistry that deals with the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect these rates. It essentially answers the question, "How fast is a reaction happening?" The study of kinetics involves understanding how different conditions such as temperature, concentration, and the presence of catalysts influence the speed of a reaction. In simpler terms, kinetics is all about the speed at which reactants turn into products.

    Step 2: Defining Activation Energy

    Activation energy is a crucial concept in kinetics. It is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. Think of it as the initial push needed to start a reaction. Without this energy, the reactants will not transform into products. Activation energy is often represented by the symbol EA and is measured from the energy level of the reactants to the peak of the energy barrier they must overcome.

    Step 3: Reaction Rates

    The rate of a reaction is a measure of how quickly reactants are converted into products. This can be influenced by several factors, including the concentration of reactants, temperature, and the presence of a catalyst. In everyday life, we encounter the concept of rates in various forms, such as the speed of a car or the rate at which we complete tasks. In chemistry, the rate of reaction is a specific application of this broader concept.

    Step 4: Measuring Reaction Rates

    To measure the rate of a reaction, scientists use various methods depending on the nature of the reactants and products. Common techniques include monitoring the change in concentration of reactants or products over time, measuring the volume of gas produced, or observing changes in color or temperature. These measurements help in calculating the rate of reaction using specific equations.

    Step 5: Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

    Reactions can be categorized into two types based on their energy changes: exothermic and endothermic. In an exothermic reaction, energy is released into the surroundings, usually in the form of heat. This is why exothermic reactions often feel warm. On the other hand, endothermic reactions absorb energy from the surroundings, making them feel cold. Understanding these types of reactions helps in comprehending how energy changes during a chemical process.

    Step 6: Energy Diagrams

    Energy diagrams are graphical representations that show the energy changes during a chemical reaction. The x-axis represents the progress of the reaction, while the y-axis represents the energy level. In an exothermic reaction, the energy level of the reactants is higher than that of the products, resulting in a release of energy. Conversely, in an endothermic reaction, the products have a higher energy level than the reactants, indicating an absorption of energy.

    Step 7: The Role of Activation Energy in Kinetics

    Activation energy plays a pivotal role in determining the rate of a reaction. Even in exothermic reactions, which release energy, a certain amount of activation energy is required to initiate the process. This is why fuels need an ignition source to start burning. The activation energy acts as a barrier that reactants must overcome to transform into products. Once this energy is provided, the reaction can proceed, often releasing or absorbing energy as it progresses.

    Step 8: Practical Implications of Kinetics

    Understanding kinetics has practical applications in various fields, including industrial processes, environmental science, and even everyday life. For instance, controlling the rate of reactions is crucial in manufacturing processes to ensure product quality and safety. In environmental science, kinetics helps in understanding the degradation of pollutants. In everyday life, cooking is a simple example where controlling the rate of reactions (like heating) affects the outcome of the food.


    1. What is activation energy and why is it important in chemical reactions?

      Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. It's important because it determines the rate of a reaction and explains why some reactions happen spontaneously while others need an energy input. Understanding activation energy helps chemists predict reaction speeds and design more efficient processes, such as using catalysts to lower the activation energy barrier.

    2. How do temperature and concentration affect reaction rates?

      Temperature increases reaction rates by providing more kinetic energy to molecules, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions. Higher concentrations of reactants increase the probability of molecular collisions, thus speeding up reactions. For example, doubling the concentration of a reactant often doubles the reaction rate, while a 10°C increase in temperature typically doubles or triples the rate.

    3. What are some common methods for measuring reaction rates?

      Common methods include monitoring the loss of reactant mass, observing color changes, and measuring the volume of gas produced. Each method is suited to different types of reactions. For instance, the loss of mass method works well for reactions producing gases, while color change is useful for reactions involving colored reactants or products. The choice of method depends on the specific characteristics of the reaction being studied.

    4. How do catalysts work in chemical reactions?

      Catalysts increase reaction rates by providing an alternative reaction pathway with lower activation energy. They don't change the overall energy change of the reaction but make it easier for reactants to overcome the energy barrier. Catalysts are not consumed in the reaction, so they can be used repeatedly. In industries, catalysts are crucial for making many processes economically viable by significantly speeding up reactions.

    5. What are some real-world applications of chemical kinetics?

      Chemical kinetics has numerous applications in various fields. In industry, it's used to optimize production processes, such as in the manufacture of ammonia or petroleum refining. In medicine, kinetics principles are applied in drug delivery systems and understanding how medications are metabolized. Environmental scientists use kinetics to study pollutant degradation and develop remediation strategies. In food science, kinetics helps in predicting shelf life and improving food preservation techniques.

    Prerequisite Topics for Introduction to Kinetics

    Understanding the fundamentals of chemical kinetics is crucial for students delving into the world of chemistry. Before diving into the intricacies of kinetics, it's essential to grasp several key prerequisite topics that form the foundation of this subject. These topics not only provide a solid base but also enhance your comprehension of the more complex concepts in kinetics.

    One of the most critical prerequisite topics is activation energy. This concept is fundamental to understanding how chemical reactions occur and why some reactions proceed faster than others. Activation energy represents the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to take place. In kinetics, we often examine how this energy barrier affects reaction rates and how catalysts can lower this barrier to speed up reactions.

    Another crucial prerequisite is having a solid introduction to chemical reactions. This foundational knowledge helps students understand the basic principles of how substances interact and transform. It's particularly important when studying kinetics, as we often analyze how these reactions progress over time. Understanding the role of catalysts in chemical reactions, for instance, is vital when exploring reaction mechanisms and rates in kinetics.

    Perhaps the most directly relevant prerequisite topic is understanding the factors affecting rate of reaction. This topic serves as a bridge between basic chemistry concepts and the more advanced principles of kinetics. By exploring how factors such as temperature, concentration, and surface area influence reaction rates, students gain insights into the core principles of kinetics. This knowledge is essential for predicting and controlling reaction speeds in various chemical processes.

    As you embark on your journey into kinetics, remember that these prerequisite topics are not isolated concepts but interconnected pieces of a larger puzzle. Activation energy, for example, is directly related to the factors affecting reaction rates. Similarly, understanding chemical reactions is crucial for grasping how kinetics applies to real-world chemical processes.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of kinetics. You'll find it easier to understand complex rate laws, reaction mechanisms, and the applications of kinetics in industrial and biological systems. Moreover, this foundational knowledge will help you appreciate the significance of kinetics in fields ranging from pharmaceutical development to environmental science.

    In conclusion, taking the time to thoroughly understand these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your learning experience in kinetics. It will enable you to connect theoretical concepts with practical applications, fostering a deeper appreciation for the dynamic world of chemical reactions and their rates.

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • To define activation energy and its importance in kinetics.
    • To define reaction rate and understand the idea of a rate of a process.
    • To use equations to find the rate of reaction.
    • To identify ways to measure rate of reaction.

    • Kinetics as an idea is about rate – it asks the question "how fast is that happening?" In chemistry, it is chemical processes; how fast does any chemical reaction happen?
    • Remember that whenever chemical reactions happen, nearly every process can either be described as exothermic or endothermic:
      • Exothermic reactions are reactions which have the overall effect of releasing heat energy to the environment. In other words, the energy put in that was needed to break up the reactant bonds was less than the energy given out when the new bonds in the products formed. This is shown by the energy diagram below:
      • Endothermic reactions are chemical reactions which have the overall effect of absorbing heat energy from the environment. In other words, the energy given out when the products formed was less than what was needed to break up the bonds in the reactant substances. This is shown by the energy level diagram below:
    • Look at the energy diagram of an exothermic reaction. If the change in energy is literally exactly like that, scientists would expect that any reaction that is exothermic happens spontaneously – without any outside influence at all. This is not observed in the world though; burning fuels is generally very exothermic but it needs igniting, which involves a spark of initial energy to start the reaction.
      • Therefore, there must be some form of barrier or wall that stops exothermic (and endothermic) reactions from happening spontaneously. Given this, energy diagrams are more accurately drawn like this:

    • This wall or 'hill' of energy that must be overcome for ANY reaction to overcome is called the activation energy of a reaction.
      • The activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for reactants to successfully collide and convert to products in a chemical reaction.
        • Think of it like the process of a ball going over a hill. A ball won't roll over a hill by itself; you need to put in enough energy to get it to the top. Once it's at the top and reaches a decline, it starts to roll down – the rest is done by itself! The energy you put in to get it to the top is the activation energy.
    • One way to learn more about this activation energy 'wall' is by observing either side of it – the reactants and products in the reaction! The reaction rate is the rate at which a chemical process converts reactants to products, and can be measured in different ways:
      • Rate  of  reaction=amount  of  product  formedtimeRate\;of\;reaction=\frac{amount\;of\;product\;formed}{time}
      • Rate  of  reaction=amount  of  reactant  usedtimeRate\;of\;reaction=\frac{amount\;of\;reactant\;used}{time}
      • Both of these are specific versions of the general:
        Rate=change  in  amountchange  in  timeRate = \frac{change\;in\;amount}{change\;in\;time}
    • Do you notice no units in these equations? Rate is just a general idea! As long as you are measuring a change in quantity over a period of time, you are measuring rate!
      • A chemical reaction might measure change in mass of reactants used per minute, which is rate of reaction.
      • An athlete might measure their change in distance they run per second – you know this as a rate called speed!
      • A business person might measure the change in growth in a business per year. This is a rate called annual growth (normally later turned into a percentage by comparing it to previous years).
    • Depending on what chemical reaction you are doing, there are different methods for measuring rate of reaction which include:
      • Using a gas syringe to measure the volume of gas being created (as one of your products is a gas produced from a solution).
      • Using a colorimeter to measure the change in colour (as colored reactants produce colorless products or vice versa).
      • Using a weighing balance to measure the change in mass of your reaction mixture (if a solid reactant is being converted to a gas product(s), a drop in mass will be observed).
    • When finding a rate of reaction, make sure you are clear what units you are giving it in – rate can be measured in a lot of different ways and you may need to convert from one unit to another. If you need to do this, use the unit conversion method (See lesson C1.3).