Express linear inequalities graphically and algebraically

  1. i) What is an inequality?
    ii) How to solve linear inequalities?
    iii) How to graph inequalities on a number line?
  1. Express the following inequalities algebraically.

    1. Express linear inequalities graphically

    2. Express linear inequalities graphically on a number line

    3. Express linear inequalities graphically on a number line
  2. Graph each inequality on a number line.
    1. 3.63.6 > x x
    2. x347x \le - 3\frac{4}{7}
    3. y11y \le 11
    4. 55 < 16 - \frac{1}{6}x
  3. Find the possible values of xx on a number line.
    1. x6x \ge 6 and x11x \le 11
    2. xx > 237 2\frac{3}{7} and x5x \le 5
    3. x3.6x \ge - 3.6 and x0.25x \le 0.25
    4. xx > 7 -7 and x312x \le - 3\frac{1}{2}
  4. A Christmas tree must be 2 feet or taller so that the farmers will cut it down and sell it in the market.
    1. Use a number line to express the situation.
    2. Express the situation in a statement.
Topic Notes
Linear inequalities can be represented both graphically and algebraically. In this lesson, we will learn how to express linear inequalities as an equation and on a number line.


Linear inequalities are fundamental concepts in mathematics that extend beyond simple equations, allowing us to express relationships where one quantity is greater than or less than another. These powerful tools find applications in various fields, from economics to engineering. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point, providing a clear and engaging overview of linear inequalities and their significance in mathematical problem-solving. Throughout this lesson, we'll explore both the graphical and algebraic representations of linear inequalities, equipping you with essential skills to visualize and solve these mathematical expressions. The graphical approach offers a visual understanding of inequality solutions, while the algebraic method provides a systematic way to manipulate and solve inequalities. By mastering both techniques, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of linear inequalities, enabling you to tackle complex problems and make informed decisions in real-world scenarios. Join us as we delve into this important mathematical concept that bridges theory and practical application.

Understanding Equations vs. Inequalities

Equations and inequalities are fundamental concepts in mathematics, each serving a unique purpose in problem-solving. While they may appear similar at first glance, understanding their differences is crucial for mastering algebraic concepts and their applications. Let's compare and contrast these two mathematical expressions using simple examples to highlight their distinct characteristics.

Equations are mathematical statements that assert the equality of two expressions. For instance, consider the equation x + 1 = 5. This equation has a single, specific solution: x = 4. When we solve an equation, we're looking for the exact value(s) that make the statement true. In this case, only when x equals 4 does the left side of the equation equal the right side.

On the other hand, inequalities express a relationship where one quantity is greater than, less than, or not equal to another. Take the inequality x + 1 > 5 as an example. Unlike the equation, this inequality doesn't have a single solution. Instead, it has a range of solutions: any value of x greater than 4 will satisfy this inequality. This fundamental difference in solution sets is key to understanding how equations and inequalities behave.

The solution set for an equation typically consists of discrete values. In our example, x + 1 = 5 has only one solution. However, more complex equations might have multiple solutions or no solutions at all. Inequalities, by contrast, almost always have an infinite number of solutions, represented by a range or interval on the number line.

This distinction becomes particularly important when graphing solutions. For equations, we often plot points on a coordinate plane. For inequalities, we shade regions on a number line or in a coordinate plane to represent all possible solutions. Understanding this difference is crucial for correctly interpreting and representing mathematical relationships visually.

The importance of distinguishing between equations and inequalities extends beyond basic algebra. In real-world applications, equations are used when we need exact values, such as calculating a specific quantity or balancing a chemical equation. Inequalities, however, are invaluable when dealing with ranges or limits, like setting budget constraints or determining safe operating temperatures for machinery.

Mastering the concept of solution sets for both equations and inequalities is essential for advancing in mathematics. It forms the foundation for more complex topics like systems of equations and inequalities, optimization problems, and even aspects of calculus. By understanding the fundamental differences between these two types of mathematical expressions, students can develop a more intuitive grasp of algebraic concepts and their practical applications.

Graphing Linear Inequalities on a Number Line

Graphing linear inequalities on a number line is a fundamental skill in algebra that helps visualize the solution set of an inequality. This process involves understanding the use of open and closed circles, as well as the concepts of 'greater than' and 'less than'. Let's explore this step-by-step, using the example from the video: x + 3 > 7.

To begin, we need to solve the inequality algebraically. For x + 3 > 7, we subtract 3 from both sides: x > 4. This gives us the critical point, which is 4 in this case. The critical point is where the solution begins or ends on the number line.

Next, we draw a number line and locate the critical point. For x > 4, we place an open circle at 4. An open circle is used for strict inequalities (> or <) to show that the point itself is not included in the solution. If the inequality was x 4, we would use a closed circle to indicate that 4 is included in the solution.

After marking the critical point, we determine which side of the number line to shade. For 'greater than' inequalities, we shade to the right of the critical point. For 'less than' inequalities, we shade to the left. In our example, x > 4, so we draw an arrow pointing to the right from the open circle at 4.

Let's consider another example: x - 2 < 5. Solving this algebraically, we get x < 7. On the number line, we place an open circle at 7 and shade to the left, indicating all numbers less than 7.

It's important to note the difference between strict and non-strict inequalities. For x 3, we use a closed circle at 3 and shade to the left. For x -1, we use a closed circle at -1 and shade to the right.

Practice is key to mastering this skill. Try graphing linear inequalities, such as x > -2, x 1, and x < 0. Remember to solve the inequality first, identify the critical point, use the appropriate circle (open or closed), and shade in the correct direction.

Understanding how to graph linear inequalities on a number line is crucial for more advanced algebraic concepts. It provides a visual representation of solutions, making it easier to interpret and solve more complex problems involving inequalities.

Solving Linear Inequalities Algebraically

Solving linear inequalities algebraically is a fundamental skill in mathematics that builds upon the principles of solving equations. While the process shares similarities with equation-solving, there are crucial differences that students must understand to master this concept. Let's explore the step-by-step approach to solving linear inequalities, using the example 2x - 3 7 to illustrate the process.

The first step in the algebraic solution of linear inequalities is to isolate the variable on one side of the inequality. This process is similar to solving equations, but with one critical difference: the inequality sign must be maintained throughout the solution. In our example, 2x - 3 7, we begin by adding to both sides of the inequality:

2x - 3 + 3 7 + 3
2x 10

Notice that the inequality sign remains unchanged when we add the same value to both sides. This principle holds true for addition and subtraction operations. Next, we divide both sides by 2 to isolate x:

2x ÷ 2 10 ÷ 2
x 5

Again, the inequality sign remains the same because we're dividing by a positive number. However, it's crucial to understand that when multiplying or dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign must be reversed. For example, if we had -2x 10, dividing both sides by -2 would yield:

-2x ÷ (-2) 10 ÷ (-2)
x -5

This reversal of the inequality sign is a key difference between solving equations and inequalities. Students must be vigilant about the sign of the number they're multiplying or dividing by to ensure they maintain the correct relationship between the two sides of the inequality.

Let's consider another example to reinforce these concepts. Suppose we have the inequality 3x + 4 > 13. We would solve it as follows:

3x + 4 > 13
3x > 13 - 4 (subtracting 4 from both sides)
3x > 9
x > 3 (dividing both sides by 3)

In this case, all operations maintained the original direction of the inequality sign because we only performed addition, subtraction, and division by a positive number.

It's also important to note that inequalities can have infinite solutions. Unlike equations that often have a single solution, inequalities represent a range of values that satisfy the given condition. In our original example, x 5 means that x can be any number less than or equal to 5.

When solving more complex inequalities, students may encounter situations where they need to combine like terms or distribute a negative sign. These operations follow the same rules as equation solving, but always with the added consideration of maintaining or reversing the inequality sign as appropriate.

In conclusion, mastering the algebraic solution of linear inequalities requires a solid understanding of equation-solving techniques combined with careful attention to the inequality sign. By practicing with various examples and consistently applying the rules for mathematical operations on inequalities, students can develop the skills necessary to solve these problems confidently and accurately. Remember, the key to success lies in recognizing when to maintain the inequality sign and when to reverse it, especially when dealing with negative numbers in multiplication or division operations.

The Special Case: Multiplying or Dividing by Negative Numbers

When working with inequalities, there's a crucial rule that often catches students off guard: the need to flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers. This rule is essential for solving inequalities correctly and avoiding common mistakes. Let's dive into why this rule exists and how to apply it effectively.

To understand the importance of this rule, let's start with a simple inequality: 5 > 2. We all know this is true - five is indeed greater than two. Now, what happens if we multiply both sides by -1?

(-1) × 5 > (-1) × 2

This gives us: -5 > -2

But wait! Is -5 really greater than -2? No, it's not. In fact, -5 is less than -2 on the number line. This is where our crucial rule comes into play. When we multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number, we must flip the inequality sign to maintain the correct relationship between the numbers.

So, the correct result when multiplying 5 > 2 by -1 is:

-5 < -2

This rule applies to all inequalities, whether they involve simple numbers or complex algebraic expressions. It's a fundamental concept that students must master to solve inequalities accurately.

Let's walk through a step-by-step example to see how this rule is applied in practice. Consider the inequality:

-3x + 1 -5

Step 1: Subtract 1 from both sides to isolate the term with the variable.

-3x -6

Step 2: Now, we need to divide both sides by -3 to solve for x. This is where our crucial rule comes into play. Since we're dividing by a negative number, we must flip the inequality sign.

x 2

And there we have our solution! x is less than or equal to 2.

It's important to note that this rule only applies when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers. When adding or subtracting, or when multiplying or dividing by positive numbers, the inequality sign remains the same.

Common mistakes often occur when students forget to flip the sign or flip it unnecessarily. Always double-check whether you're multiplying or dividing by a negative number before deciding whether to flip the sign.

To reinforce this concept, try solving a few inequalities on your own, deliberately including some that require multiplying or dividing by negative numbers. Practice will help you internalize this rule and apply it automatically when needed.

Remember, mathematics is all about relationships between numbers, and inequalities express these relationships. The flip rule ensures that these relationships remain accurate even when we perform operations with negative numbers.

In conclusion, mastering the rule of flipping inequality signs when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers is crucial for solving inequalities correctly. It's a simple yet powerful concept that, once understood, will significantly improve your ability to work with inequalities in various mathematical contexts. Keep practicing, stay vigilant about negative numbers, and you'll find that solving inequalities becomes second nature.

Real-World Applications of Linear Inequalities

Linear inequalities have numerous practical applications in various fields, making them an essential tool for problem-solving in real-world scenarios. Understanding these applications can help students appreciate the relevance of mathematical concepts beyond the classroom. Let's explore some practical examples from different disciplines and everyday life.

In economics, linear inequalities play a crucial role in budget constraints. For instance, when planning personal finances, individuals often face limitations on their spending. A typical scenario might involve allocating money for rent, food, and entertainment while staying within a monthly income. This can be represented as an inequality: Rent + Food + Entertainment Monthly Income. By graphing this inequality, one can visualize the possible combinations of expenses that fit within the budget.

Physics offers another field where linear inequalities find practical use, particularly in describing ranges of motion. For example, when analyzing the trajectory of a projectile, inequalities can define the possible landing area based on initial velocity and angle. This application directly relates to the graphical representation of inequalities, where the solution region represents all possible outcomes within given constraints.

In everyday life, time management provides a relatable example of using inequalities. Students juggling multiple responsibilities might use inequalities to plan their day: Study Time + Work Time + Leisure Time 24 hours. This inequality helps in visualizing how different time allocations fit within the constraints of a day, allowing for better scheduling and prioritization.

The business world also heavily relies on linear inequalities for optimization problems. For instance, a manufacturing company might use inequalities to maximize profit while considering production capacity, resource availability, and market demand. These complex scenarios often involve systems of inequalities, which can be solved graphically or algebraically to find the optimal solution.

Environmental science utilizes inequalities to model sustainable resource use. For example, determining the maximum number of visitors a natural park can accommodate without causing ecological damage involves setting up inequalities that consider factors like waste production, trail erosion, and wildlife disturbance.

As students explore these real-world applications, they can begin to see how the graphical and algebraic representations of inequalities translate into practical decision-making tools. The solution regions in graphs become feasible areas for real-life choices, while algebraic manipulations help in finding specific values that satisfy multiple constraints.

Encouraging students to think about how inequalities might be used in their own lives or future careers can foster a deeper appreciation for mathematics. They might consider how inequalities could help in planning a road trip (balancing distance, time, and fuel costs), designing a garden (considering space, sunlight, and water requirements), or even in social contexts (balancing time spent with different groups of friends).

By recognizing the versatility of linear inequalities across various disciplines, students can develop a more holistic understanding of mathematics and its role in solving real-world problems. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances learning but also prepares students for applying mathematical thinking in diverse future endeavors.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When working with linear inequalities, students often encounter several common errors that can hinder their progress and understanding. By recognizing these mistakes and implementing effective strategies, students can improve their proficiency in this crucial mathematical concept. One of the most frequent errors is forgetting to flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number. This oversight can lead to incorrect solutions and misinterpretations of the problem at hand. To avoid this mistake, students should develop a habit of always checking the sign of the number they're multiplying or dividing by a negative number and remembering the rule: when multiplying or dividing by a negative, the inequality sign must be reversed.

Another common error involves misinterpreting the meaning of open and closed circles on number lines when graphing inequalities. Students often confuse which type of circle to use for "less than or equal to" () and "greater than or equal to" () versus "less than" (<) and "greater than" (>). To prevent this mistake, it's essential to understand that a closed circle (filled-in dot) represents inclusion of the endpoint, while an open circle (empty dot) indicates exclusion. Associating "or equal to" with a closed circle and remembering that the line always extends in the direction of the inequality can help students accurately represent inequalities on number lines.

Translating word problems into inequalities is another area where students frequently stumble. This error often stems from a lack of practice in identifying key phrases and their corresponding mathematical symbols. To improve in this area, students should focus on building a strong vocabulary of mathematical terms and their translations. For example, "at most" typically translates to "less than or equal to" (), while "at least" corresponds to "greater than or equal to" (). Regular practice with varied word problems can significantly enhance a student's ability to correctly interpret and translate verbal descriptions into mathematical inequalities.

To avoid these and other common errors, it's crucial for students to prioritize conceptual understanding over mere memorization of rules. While knowing the rules is important, truly grasping the underlying concepts allows students to apply their knowledge more flexibly and accurately across different problem types. Encouraging students to explain their reasoning, use visual representations like number lines, and regularly check their work can help reinforce correct practices. Additionally, working through problems step-by-step, rather than rushing to a solution, can help students catch potential errors before they lead to incorrect answers. By focusing on these strategies and maintaining a mindset of continuous improvement, students can significantly reduce errors and build confidence in their ability to work with linear inequalities.


In this lesson, we explored the fundamental concepts of equations and inequalities in mathematics. We learned that equations express equality between two expressions, typically containing variables, and have specific solutions that make the equation true. On the other hand, inequalities represent relationships where one quantity is greater than, less than, or not equal to another. We discussed how to solve both equations and inequalities, emphasizing the importance of maintaining balance and using inverse operations. The lesson covered various types of equations, including linear and quadratic, as well as different forms of inequalities. We practiced graphing solutions on number lines and coordinate planes, highlighting the visual representation of these mathematical concepts. Additionally, we explored real-world applications of equations and inequalities, demonstrating their practical importance in problem-solving across various fields. By mastering these concepts, students gain essential tools for advanced mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Understanding the principles of solving inequalities and the application of inverse operations is crucial for tackling more complex problems. The ability to solve quadratic equations and accurately graph solutions on coordinate planes provides a strong foundation for further studies in mathematics and related disciplines.


Express the following inequalities algebraically.
Express linear inequalities graphically

Step 1: Understand the Graph

First, take a close look at the graph provided. Identify the key elements such as the dot and the direction of the arrow. The dot represents the starting point of the inequality, and the arrow indicates the direction in which the inequality extends.

Step 2: Identify the Starting Point

Next, observe the position of the dot on the number line. In this case, the dot is located at zero. This is the point from which the inequality starts. The nature of the dot (whether it is open or closed) will determine if the inequality includes this point or not.

Step 3: Determine the Direction of the Inequality

Look at the direction in which the arrow is pointing. In this example, the arrow points to the right, indicating that the inequality extends towards the greater numbers. This means that the values of x are increasing from the starting point.

Step 4: Analyze the Dot

Check if the dot is open or closed. A closed dot means that the starting point is included in the inequality, which requires the use of an equal sign ( or ). An open dot means the starting point is not included, and the equal sign is not used.

Step 5: Formulate the Inequality

Based on the observations, you can now write the inequality. Since the dot is closed and located at zero, and the arrow points to the right, the inequality will include zero and extend to greater values. Therefore, the inequality is written as x 0.

Step 6: Verify the Inequality

Double-check your inequality to ensure it accurately represents the graph. Confirm that the starting point, direction, and inclusion of the starting point are correctly reflected in the inequality. In this case, x 0 correctly represents the graph.


Here are some frequently asked questions about linear inequalities:

1. How do you plot inequalities on a number line?

To plot inequalities on a number line, first solve the inequality. Then, mark the solution point on the number line. Use an open circle for strict inequalities (< or >) and a closed circle for non-strict inequalities ( or ). Finally, shade the line in the direction that satisfies the inequality.

2. How do you write an inequality expression?

To write an inequality expression, use the appropriate symbol (< for less than, > for greater than, for less than or equal to, for greater than or equal to) between two expressions. For example, x + 3 > 7 is an inequality expression.

3. How do you solve inequalities with numbers?

Solve inequalities similarly to equations: perform the same operations on both sides to isolate the variable. Remember to flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number. For example, to solve 2x - 3 7, add 3 to both sides, then divide by 2: x 5.

4. How do you solve one-step inequalities on a number line?

For one-step inequalities, solve the inequality algebraically first. Then, plot the solution on the number line using an open or closed circle at the solution point, and shade in the appropriate direction based on the inequality sign.

5. What's the difference between strict and non-strict inequalities?

Strict inequalities (< or >) do not include the endpoint in the solution set and are represented by open circles on number lines. Non-strict inequalities ( or ) include the endpoint and are represented by closed circles on number lines.

Prerequisite Topics for Expressing Linear Inequalities Graphically and Algebraically

Understanding how to express linear inequalities graphically and algebraically is a crucial skill in mathematics, but it requires a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental skills needed is solving multi-step linear inequalities. This ability allows students to manipulate complex inequalities and prepare them for more advanced graphical representations.

Another essential prerequisite is graphing linear inequalities in two variables. This skill directly relates to expressing inequalities graphically and provides the visual foundation for understanding how inequalities behave in a coordinate plane. Similarly, knowing how to draw on coordinate planes is crucial for accurately representing inequalities graphically.

To fully grasp the algebraic aspect of linear inequalities, students should be proficient in solving linear equations with variables on both sides. This skill helps in manipulating and simplifying complex inequalities. Understanding the relationship between two variables is also vital, as it forms the basis for interpreting linear inequalities in real-world contexts.

The applications of inequalities provide practical context and motivation for learning this topic. Students can see how inequalities are used to solve real-world problems, making the learning process more engaging and relevant. Additionally, familiarity with solution sets of linear systems helps in understanding how multiple inequalities interact and define regions in a coordinate plane.

While it may seem less directly related, multiplying and dividing complex numbers can enhance overall algebraic skills, which are beneficial when working with more complex inequalities. Similarly, the application of integer operations is fundamental to performing calculations within inequalities accurately.

Lastly, understanding distance and time related questions in linear equations can provide practical examples of how linear inequalities are applied in everyday scenarios, making the topic more relatable and easier to grasp.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the challenges of expressing linear inequalities both graphically and algebraically, setting a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts.