Titration curves

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  1. Using titration data in graphs
  2. How do graphs explain titration?
  3. Different titration curves: strong acid/strong base.
  4. Different titration curves: weak acid/strong base.
  5. Different titration curves: weak base/strong acid.
  6. Which indicator do we use for this titration?
  1. Explain the use of suitable indicators for combinations of strong and weak acids and bases.
    Below is a table with information on three common pH indicators used in titrations.


    Acid (protonated) color

    Base (deprotonated) color

    pH range





    Bromothymol blue




    Alizarin yellow




    1. If phenolphthalein is used, what type of acid and what type of base is likely being used in the titration experiment?
    2. Sketch a titration curve for a titration of this type, showing the range where the equivalence point is expected.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Titration Curves

Welcome to our exploration of titration curves, a fundamental concept in chemistry! Titration curves are graphical representations of acid-base titrations, providing crucial insights into the behavior of solutions during the titration process. These curves are essential for understanding the relationship between pH and the volume of titrant added. By visualizing the titration curve, chemists can easily identify the equivalence point, where the amount of acid and base are exactly equal. This concept is vital for various applications in analytical chemistry, environmental science, and biochemistry. Our introductory video will guide you through the basics of titration curves, making this complex topic more accessible. You'll learn how to interpret different regions of the curve, recognize buffer zones, and determine the strength of acids or bases. Whether you're a high school student or pursuing a college degree, mastering titration curves will enhance your understanding of acid-base chemistry and equip you with valuable analytical skills.

Understanding Titration Curves

Titration curves are essential tools in analytical chemistry that graphically represent the progress of a titration experiment. These curves provide valuable information about the acid-base reactions occurring during the titration process. To fully grasp the concept of titration curves, it's crucial to understand what they represent and how to interpret them.

A titration curve typically shows the relationship between the pH of a solution and the volume of titrant added. The x-axis represents the volume of titrant, while the y-axis shows the pH of the solution. As the titration progresses, the pH change in the solution is plotted against the amount of titrant added, creating a distinctive curve.

One of the most important aspects of a titration curve is the pH change that occurs during the experiment. Initially, when a strong acid is being titrated with a strong base, the pH change is gradual. However, as the titration approaches the equivalence point, the pH change becomes more rapid. This sudden change in pH is a key feature of titration curves and helps identify critical points in the reaction.

The equivalence point is a crucial concept in titration curves. It represents the point at which the amount of acid and base in the solution are chemically equivalent. At this point, the number of moles of acid equals the number of moles of base. On a titration curve, the equivalence point is typically identified by a sharp vertical rise in the pH, often referred to as the "jump" in the curve.

For example, in a titration of a strong acid like hydrochloric acid (HCl) with a strong base like sodium hydroxide (NaOH), the equivalence point occurs at pH 7. This is because the reaction between a strong acid and a strong base produces a neutral salt solution. However, it's important to note that the equivalence point may occur at different pH values depending on the specific acid and base used in the titration.

Reading a titration curve involves identifying key points and regions. The curve typically starts with a relatively flat portion, representing the initial pH of the solution. As the titrant is added, the curve begins to rise gradually. The steepest part of the curve indicates the region around the equivalence point. After the equivalence point, the curve levels off again, representing the excess of titrant in the solution.

Understanding the shape of the curve is crucial for interpreting titration results. A steep curve indicates a strong acid-base reaction, while a more gradual curve suggests a weaker acid or base. The shape of the curve can also provide information about the concentration of the acid or base being titrated.

Titration curves are not only useful for determining the equivalence point but also for selecting appropriate indicators for titrations. An indicator changes color at a specific pH range, and by examining the titration curve, chemists can choose an indicator that changes color near the equivalence point for accurate endpoint detection.

In practice, titration curves have numerous applications in chemistry and related fields. They are used to determine the concentration of unknown solutions, analyze the purity of substances, and study the properties of acids and bases. In environmental science, titration curves help in water quality analysis and soil pH testing. In the pharmaceutical industry, they play a role in drug quality control and formulation studies.

To better understand titration curves, it's helpful to perform simple titration experiments. For instance, titrating vinegar (acetic acid) with sodium hydroxide can demonstrate the principles of acid-base titration and help visualize the pH changes. As the base is added to the acid, students can observe the gradual change in pH, followed by the rapid change near the equivalence point.

In conclusion, titration curves are powerful tools that provide visual representations of acid-base reactions. By understanding how to read and interpret these curves, chemists can gain valuable insights into the properties of acids and bases, determine unknown concentrations, and select appropriate indicators for titrations. The concept of pH change during titration and the identification of the equivalence point are fundamental to mastering this important analytical technique. As students and professionals in chemistry continue to work with titration curves, they develop a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of acid-base chemistry and its wide-ranging applications in science and industry.

Strong Acid-Strong Base Titration Curves

Strong acid-strong base titration curves are fundamental tools in analytical chemistry, providing valuable insights into the neutralization process between these powerful electrolytes. These curves exhibit distinct characteristics that set them apart from other types of acid-base titrations. Understanding the shape, features, and phases of these curves is crucial for accurate analysis and interpretation of experimental results.

The shape of a strong acid-strong base titration curve is characterized by its distinctive S-curve or sigmoid shape. This shape results from the rapid and complete dissociation of both the strong acid and strong base in aqueous solutions. As the titration progresses, the curve demonstrates a sharp transition near the equivalence point, reflecting the abrupt change in pH that occurs when the acid and base are present in stoichiometrically equivalent amounts.

One of the most notable features of a strong acid-strong base titration curve is the location of the equivalence point. In these reactions, the equivalence point consistently occurs at pH 7, which is the neutral point on the pH scale. This phenomenon is due to the complete neutralization of the strong acid by the strong base, resulting in the formation of water and a salt. At this point, the number of moles of acid initially present equals the number of moles of base added, leading to a neutral solution.

The equivalence point at pH 7 is a unique characteristic of strong acid-strong base titrations. This consistency makes these titrations particularly useful in analytical chemistry, as it provides a clear and predictable endpoint for the neutralization reaction. It's important to note that this is not the case for weak acid-weak base titrations or combinations involving a strong and weak electrolyte, where the equivalence point may occur at different pH values.

To fully understand the strong acid-strong base titration curve, it's essential to examine its three distinct phases:

1. Initial Horizontal Phase: This phase occurs at the beginning of the titration when a small amount of base is added to the strong acid solution. The pH change is minimal during this phase, resulting in a relatively flat or horizontal portion of the curve. This is because the strong acid's high concentration effectively buffers against small additions of base, maintaining a low pH.

2. Vertical Phase: As the titration approaches the equivalence point, the curve enters a steep, nearly vertical phase. This dramatic increase in pH occurs with the addition of small volumes of base. The vertical nature of this phase is due to the rapid consumption of H+ ions by OH- ions, leading to a significant change in pH with minimal volume addition. This phase is characterized by its high slope and represents the region where the titration is most sensitive to pH changes.

3. Final Horizontal Phase: After the equivalence point, the curve enters another relatively flat phase. In this region, excess base is being added to an already neutralized solution. The pH changes more slowly in this phase compared to the vertical phase, as the solution now contains an excess of OH- ions. The curve gradually approaches the pH of the strong base being added.

The transition between these phases, particularly the sharp change in the vertical phase, makes it possible to accurately determine the equivalence point. This point is often identified by the inflection point of the curve, where the rate of pH change is at its maximum.

In practice, indicators or pH meters are used to track these pH changes during titration. The choice of indicator is crucial, as it should change color as close to the equivalence point (pH 7) as possible for accurate results. Phenolphthalein, which changes color around pH 8-10, is commonly used for strong acid-strong base titrations, as the rapid pH change near the equivalence point makes the slight overshoot negligible.

Understanding these characteristics of strong acid-strong base titration curves is essential for students and professionals in chemistry. These curves not only provide a visual representation of the neutralization process but also offer valuable information about the concentrations and strengths of the acids and bases involved. The consistency of the equivalence point at pH 7 and the distinct phases of the curve make strong acid-strong base titrations a reliable and widely used method in quantitative analysis, quality control, and various industrial applications.

Weak Acid-Strong Base Titration Curves

Titration curves for weak acids titrated by strong bases are essential tools in analytical chemistry, providing valuable insights into acid-base reactions. Unlike strong acid-strong base titrations, weak acid-strong base titrations exhibit unique characteristics that reflect the partial dissociation of the weak acid. Understanding these curves is crucial for accurately determining the endpoint and analyzing the behavior of weak acids in solution.

The titration curve for a weak acid-strong base system differs significantly from that of a strong acid-strong base titration. The most notable distinction is the location of the equivalence point, which occurs above pH 7. This higher pH at equivalence is due to the hydrolysis of the conjugate base formed from the weak acid, resulting in a slightly basic solution at the endpoint.

The curve can be divided into four distinct phases: the initial rise, the horizontal phase (buffer region), the vertical phase, and the final horizontal phase. Each of these stages provides valuable information about the titration process and the properties of the weak acid being analyzed.

The initial rise of the curve is more gradual compared to strong acid titrations. This is because the weak acid only partially dissociates in solution, releasing fewer hydrogen ions initially. As the strong base is added, it neutralizes these available hydrogen ions, causing a slow increase in pH. The rate of pH change in this region is influenced by the acid's dissociation constant (Ka).

The horizontal phase, also known as the buffer region, is a distinctive feature of weak acid titrations. In this region, the solution resists changes in pH despite the addition of base. This buffering action occurs because the weak acid and its conjugate base form a buffer system. The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation governs the pH in this region, maintaining a relatively stable pH until approximately half of the acid has been neutralized.

As the titration progresses, the curve enters the vertical phase. This steep rise in pH occurs near the equivalence point and is characterized by a rapid increase in pH with small additions of base. The steepness of this region is less pronounced than in strong acid-strong base titrations due to the weaker nature of the acid. The equivalence point is reached when the moles of added base equal the moles of acid initially present.

The final horizontal phase occurs after the equivalence point. In this region, excess strong base is present, and the pH changes slowly with further additions. The pH in this phase is typically higher than in strong acid-strong base titrations due to the presence of the weak acid's conjugate base, which contributes to the solution's alkalinity.

One of the key features of weak acid-strong base titration curves is the equivalence point occurring above pH 7. This is in contrast to strong acid-strong base titrations, where the equivalence point is at exactly pH 7. The exact pH at equivalence depends on the strength of the weak acid, with weaker acids resulting in higher equivalence point pH values.

The buffer region in weak acid-strong base titrations is particularly important for understanding the acid's behavior. This region allows for the calculation of the acid's pKa (negative logarithm of the acid dissociation constant (Ka)) and provides insights into the acid's strength and buffering capacity. The midpoint of the buffer region, where pH = pKa, is a valuable reference point for these calculations.

Analyzing weak acid-strong base titration curves requires careful consideration of the acid's properties and the solution's behavior throughout the titration process. Factors such as temperature, concentration, and the presence of other ions can influence the shape of the curve and the location of the equivalence point. Advanced techniques, such as derivative plots or Gran plots, may be employed to accurately determine the endpoint in cases where it is not clearly visible on the primary curve.

In conclusion, weak acid-strong base titration curves provide a wealth of information about acid-base reactions and the properties of weak acids. The distinctive features of these curves, including the equivalence point above pH 7 and the prominent buffer region, make them valuable tools in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and environmental science. Understanding and interpreting these curves is essential for accurate analysis and characterization of weak acids in various applications.

Weak Base-Strong Acid Titration Curves

The titration curve for a weak base titrated by a strong acid is a fundamental concept in analytical chemistry, offering insights into acid-base reactions and pH changes. This process differs significantly from the titration of a weak acid with a strong base, and understanding these differences is crucial for students and professionals alike.

In a weak base-strong acid titration, the curve begins at a high pH, typically around 11-12, due to the basic nature of the solution. As the strong acid is added, the pH gradually decreases, creating a distinctive curve shape. This initial drop is more pronounced than in a weak acid-strong base titration, reflecting the immediate neutralization of hydroxide ions by the strong acid.

The curve then enters a horizontal phase, often referred to as the buffer region. Here, the weak base and its conjugate acid form a buffer system, resisting rapid pH changes. This region is characterized by a gradual slope, demonstrating the solution's ability to minimize pH fluctuations despite the addition of strong acid.

As the titration progresses, the curve reaches a vertical phase near the equivalence point. This steep drop in pH occurs as the weak base is almost completely neutralized. Notably, the equivalence point in a weak base-strong acid titration occurs below pH 7, typically around pH 5-6. This is a key difference from weak acid-strong base titrations, where the equivalence point is above pH 7.

The reason for the equivalence point being below pH 7 lies in the nature of the reaction products. When a weak base is fully neutralized by a strong acid, the resulting solution contains the conjugate acid of the weak base. This conjugate acid undergoes hydrolysis, producing hydronium ions and lowering the pH below neutral.

After the equivalence point, the curve enters its final horizontal phase. Here, excess strong acid dominates the solution, causing a gradual decrease in pH. This section of the curve is less steep compared to the initial drop, as the solution now behaves more like a dilute strong acid.

Comparing this to a weak acid-strong base titration reveals several key differences. In a weak acid-strong base titration, the curve starts at a low pH and ends at a high pH. The equivalence point occurs above pH 7 due to the basic nature of the salt formed. The initial rise in pH is more gradual, and the buffer region occurs at a lower pH range.

The shape of the weak base-strong acid titration curve is crucial for determining the pKb of the weak base and for selecting appropriate indicators. The curve's steepest point, which occurs slightly before the equivalence point, is ideal for endpoint detection. This is where indicators that change color in the pH range of 4-6 are most effective.

Understanding these titration curves is essential for various applications in chemistry, including environmental analysis, pharmaceutical quality control, and food science. The ability to interpret these curves allows chemists to determine the concentration and strength of unknown bases, as well as to design effective buffer systems.

In conclusion, the weak base-strong acid titration curve, with its distinctive shape and below-neutral equivalence point, provides valuable insights into acid-base chemistry. Its comparison with the weak acid-strong base titration highlights the nuanced behavior of different acid-base pairs, reinforcing the importance of understanding these fundamental chemical processes in both theoretical and practical contexts.

Choosing Appropriate Indicators for Titrations

Selecting the right indicator is crucial for accurate and reliable titration results. Titration indicators play a vital role in determining the endpoint of a chemical reaction, signaling when the equivalence point has been reached. The choice of indicator depends on several factors, primarily the equivalence point of the specific titration being performed.

Indicators are weak acids or bases that change color at specific pH ranges. This color change is the visual cue that helps analysts determine when the titration is complete. The pH range of an indicator must closely match the pH at the equivalence point of the titration for accurate results. If the indicator's pH range is too far from the equivalence point, it can lead to significant errors in the titration results.

For strong acid-strong base titrations, the equivalence point occurs at pH 7. Indicators suitable for these titrations should change color near this neutral pH. Phenolphthalein is a popular choice for such titrations, with a pH range of 8.2 to 10.0. It changes from colorless in acidic solutions to pink in basic solutions. Another option is bromothymol blue, which has a pH range of 6.0 to 7.6 and changes from yellow in acidic solutions to blue in basic solutions.

Weak acid-strong base titrations have equivalence points above pH 7, typically between 8 and 10. Phenolphthalein is often used for these titrations due to its higher pH range. Thymol blue, with a pH range of 8.0 to 9.6, changing from yellow to blue, is another suitable indicator for these types of titrations.

In weak base-strong acid titrations, the equivalence point is below pH 7, usually between 4 and 6. Methyl red is a common indicator for these titrations, with a pH range of 4.4 to 6.2, changing from red in acidic solutions to yellow in basic solutions. Bromocresol green, with a pH range of 3.8 to 5.4, changing from yellow to blue, is another appropriate choice.

Understanding indicator pH ranges is essential for selecting the right indicator. The pH range of an indicator is the span of pH values over which the indicator changes color. This range is typically about two pH units wide. For example, methyl red's pH range of 4.4 to 6.2 means it starts changing color at pH 4.4 and completes its color change by pH 6.2.

It's important to note that some titrations may require multiple indicators or specialized indicators for more precise results. For instance, in polyprotic acid titrations or complex buffer systems, a single indicator may not be sufficient to accurately determine all equivalence points.

In addition to pH range, other factors to consider when choosing an indicator include the sharpness of the color change, the intensity of the color, and any potential interactions between the indicator and the substances being titrated. Some indicators may also be affected by temperature or the presence of certain ions, which should be taken into account when selecting an appropriate indicator.

In conclusion, the selection of the right titration indicator is a critical step in ensuring accurate and reliable results. By matching the indicator's pH range to the expected equivalence point of the titration and considering other relevant factors, analysts can optimize their titration procedures and obtain more precise measurements. As analytical techniques continue to advance, the development of new and more sensitive indicators further enhances the accuracy and applicability of titration methods across various fields of chemistry and related sciences.

Conclusion and Practical Applications

Titration curves are essential tools in analytical chemistry, providing valuable insights into acid-base reactions. These graphical representations illustrate the pH changes during a titration process, allowing chemists to determine equivalence points and endpoint detection. The introduction video has highlighted the significance of titration curves in understanding acid-base equilibria and their applications in various chemical analyses. By mastering the interpretation of these curves, students and professionals can accurately determine unknown concentrations, select appropriate indicators, and optimize titration procedures. Applying this knowledge in laboratory settings enhances precision in analytical techniques and fosters a deeper understanding of acid-base chemistry. As you continue your studies, remember that titration curves are fundamental to quality control in industries, environmental monitoring, and pharmaceutical research. We encourage you to explore further applications of titration curves and their role in advancing analytical chemistry methodologies. By doing so, you'll develop crucial skills for your future career in chemistry and related fields.

Using Titration Data in Graphs

How do graphs explain titration?

Step 1: Introduction to Titration Curves

Titration curves are graphical representations of the data obtained from titration experiments. These curves illustrate how the pH of a solution changes as a titrant is added. The shape and features of these curves depend on the nature of the acid and base involved in the titration. Understanding these curves is crucial for interpreting the results of titration experiments and determining the concentration of unknown substances.

Step 2: Understanding the Basics of Titration

Titration is a technique used to determine the concentration of an unknown chemical sample by reacting it with a known substance. For instance, if you have an unknown base, you would titrate it with a known acid to find its concentration. During the titration process, you measure the volume of the titrant added and the corresponding pH change. This data is then plotted to create the titration curve.

Step 3: Components of a Titration Curve

A typical titration curve has several distinct phases:

  • Initial Horizontal Phase: At the beginning of the titration, there is little change in pH as the titrant is added. This phase represents the buffering capacity of the solution.
  • Vertical Phase: As the titration approaches the equivalence point, a small addition of titrant causes a significant change in pH. This steep rise or fall in the curve indicates the point where the amount of titrant is stoichiometrically equivalent to the amount of substance in the sample.
  • Final Horizontal Phase: After the equivalence point, further addition of titrant results in minimal pH change, indicating that the reaction is complete.

Step 4: Identifying the Equivalence Point

The equivalence point is a critical feature of the titration curve. It is the point at which the amount of titrant added is exactly enough to react with the substance in the sample. On the graph, this point is typically located in the middle of the vertical phase. Identifying the equivalence point allows you to calculate the concentration of the unknown substance.

Step 5: Choosing the Right Indicator

Selecting an appropriate indicator is essential for accurately determining the equivalence point. The indicator should change color at a pH close to the equivalence point of the titration. The choice of indicator depends on the type of titration being performed (e.g., strong acid-strong base, weak acid-strong base, etc.). The indicator helps in visually identifying the equivalence point during the experiment.

Step 6: Analyzing Different Types of Titration Curves

Titration curves can vary based on the nature of the acid and base involved:

  • Strong Acid-Strong Base Titration: The curve typically shows a sharp vertical rise at the equivalence point, with the pH changing from very low to very high.
  • Weak Acid-Strong Base Titration: The curve has a more gradual slope before the equivalence point and a less pronounced vertical phase. The equivalence point occurs at a pH greater than 7.
  • Strong Acid-Weak Base Titration: The curve shows a sharp rise, but the equivalence point occurs at a pH less than 7.
  • Weak Acid-Weak Base Titration: The curve is more complex, with a less distinct vertical phase and an equivalence point that can vary widely depending on the specific substances involved.

Step 7: Practical Applications of Titration Curves

Titration curves are used in various fields, including chemistry, biology, and environmental science. They help in:

  • Determining the concentration of unknown solutions.
  • Identifying the strength and nature of acids and bases.
  • Choosing appropriate indicators for different types of titrations.
  • Understanding the buffering capacity of solutions.
By analyzing titration curves, scientists can gather valuable information about the chemical properties of substances and their interactions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about titration curves:

1. What does a titration curve tell you?

A titration curve provides information about the pH changes during a titration process. It shows the relationship between the volume of titrant added and the pH of the solution. From this curve, you can determine the equivalence point, buffer regions, and the strength of acids or bases involved in the reaction.

2. What are the four parts of a titration curve?

The four main parts of a titration curve are: 1) Initial pH region, 2) Buffer region, 3) Equivalence point region, and 4) Excess titrant region. Each part provides specific information about the titration process and the properties of the substances involved.

3. How do you draw a titration curve?

To draw a titration curve, plot the pH of the solution on the y-axis against the volume of titrant added on the x-axis. Record pH values at regular intervals as you add the titrant. Connect the points to create a smooth curve, paying special attention to the region near the equivalence point where the pH changes rapidly.

4. Why is a titration curve S-shaped?

A titration curve is S-shaped due to the changing rate of pH as titrant is added. The curve is relatively flat at the beginning and end, where the solution resists pH changes. The steep middle section represents the rapid pH change near the equivalence point. This shape reflects the buffering action and the sudden neutralization at the equivalence point.

5. How do you interpret the shape of a titration curve?

The shape of a titration curve provides information about the strength of the acid and base involved. A steep curve near the equivalence point indicates a strong acid-strong base titration. A more gradual curve suggests weak acid or weak base involvement. The location of the equivalence point (above, at, or below pH 7) also indicates the type of titration (e.g., weak acid-strong base, strong acid-strong base).

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding titration curves is a crucial skill in chemistry, but to truly grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. One of the most important prerequisites for mastering titration curves is the acid dissociation constant (Ka). This fundamental concept plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of acids and bases during titration processes.

The acid dissociation constant, often referred to as Ka, is a quantitative measure of the strength of an acid in solution. It represents the extent to which an acid dissociates into its constituent ions in water. When studying titration curves, knowing the Ka value of the acid being titrated is crucial for predicting and interpreting the shape of the curve.

Titration curves graphically represent the change in pH during a titration process. The acid dissociation constant directly influences the shape and key features of these curves. For weak acids, which have smaller Ka values, the titration curve will have a more gradual slope in the buffer region. In contrast, strong acids with larger Ka values will produce curves with steeper slopes and more pronounced equivalence points.

Understanding the relationship between Ka and titration curves allows students to: 1. Predict the pH at different points during the titration 2. Identify the equivalence point and half-equivalence point 3. Calculate the concentration of the acid or base being titrated 4. Choose appropriate indicators for specific titrations

Moreover, the acid dissociation constant concept is essential for comprehending buffer solutions, which are often encountered in titration experiments. Buffers resist changes in pH, and their behavior can be explained using Ka values and the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, which is derived from the acid dissociation constant.

By mastering the concept of Ka, students can more easily interpret titration data, perform calculations related to acid-base equilibria, and understand the underlying principles of pH changes during titrations. This knowledge is not only crucial for academic success but also has practical applications in various fields, including environmental science, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical research.

In conclusion, a solid understanding of the acid dissociation constant (Ka) is indispensable for students aiming to excel in their study of titration curves. It provides the necessary foundation for interpreting experimental results, predicting chemical behavior, and solving complex problems in acid-base chemistry. By investing time in mastering this prerequisite topic, students will find themselves better equipped to tackle the intricacies of titration curves and related concepts in their chemistry studies.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the types of titration curves and their general shapes.
  • How to choose an appropriate indicator for the type of titration being performed.


  • Titration is an important technique in finding the concentration of a chemical sample.
    Depending on what combination of strong/weak acid/base you are using, when plotting volume of added titre (the chemical with known concentration) against pH from a titration run, you will get distinct graph shapes.

  • You need to be careful with the descriptions of a titration: the chemical with unknown concentration is being titrated by the titer, which is the chemical with known concentration.
    For example in the sentence “The titration of chemical A by chemical B”, A is the sample (with unknown concentration) in the beaker that you want to investigate, and B is the known chemical being added from the burette.

  • The simplest titration curve is a titration of a strong acid/base by a strong base/acid. The following phases occur in order as titer volume increases:
        • An initial ‘horizontal’ phase of extremely little change in pH as titer volume increases.
        • A ‘vertical’ phase when close to the equivalence point, where a very small addition of titer causes a large change in pH. Around the equivalence point, pH changes nearly ‘vertically’ on the graph (rising in acid titrated by base and dropping in base titrated by acid) as opposed to nearly ‘horizontally’ outside this region. The equivalence point in a strong acid and strong base titration, whichever way around, should occur at pH 7.
        • A second horizontal phase with a levelling-off, like the beginning, after the equivalence point.
    • See the graph below, where:
        • Va / Vb = volume of acid or base required to reach the equivalence point:
    • The titration of a weak acid by a strong base has a graph with these phases in sequence as titer volume increases:
        • An initial rise in pH seen with the first small amounts of titer,
        • A horizontal levelling off phase (like in strong acid by strong base), where very little pH change occurs. This is known as the buffer region, where pH is staying nearly constant due to the weak base equilibria being disturbed and re-established as per Le Chatelier’s principle.
        • A nearly vertical rise near the equivalence point, like the curve with strong acid/strong base titrations. The equivalence point in these titrations will occur at a pH greater than 7 (basic conditions).
        • Another near horizontal level-off after the equivalence point where very little pH change occurs.

      See the graph below, where:
        • VB = volume of strong base required to reach equivalence point.
        • V1/2 = half the value of VB
        • pH1/2 = pH at V1/2:
    • The titration of a weak base with strong acid has all the same features as the curve of a weak acid with strong base except it is has been turned upside down
        • An initial drop in pH seen with the first small amounts of titer,
        • A horizontal levelling off phase, where very little pH change occurs with titer being added. This is known as the buffer region, where pH is staying nearly constant due to the weak base equilibria being disturbed and re-established as per Le Chatelier’s principle.
        • A nearly vertical pH drop around the equivalence point, similar to the curve with strong acid/strong base titrations. The equivalence point in these titrations will occur at a pH lower than 7 (acidic conditions).
        • Another near horizontal level-off after the equivalence point where very little pH change (a very slow drop) occurs.

      See the graph below, where:
        • VA = volume of strong acid required to reach equivalence point.
        • V1/2 = half the value of VA
        • pH1/2 = pH at V1/2:
  • The Va / Vb measurements, along with can be used to find the concentration of the unknown acid

  • Knowing which type of titration you’re doing is important for your choice of pH indicator. When performing a titration you will need to use an indicator that has a ‘pH range’ that changes color through the equivalence point. Depending on whether you have a strong acid and base or strong/weak acid/base, this gives you specific options.
    • Titrating a strong acid with a strong base needs an indicator with a range covering pH 7, for example bromothymol blue which has a pH range of 6.0 – 7.6. This ensures the equivalence point (where a massive change in pH occurs with minimal titer being added) will be flagged by the color.
    • Titrating a weak acid with a strong base means the equivalence point will be at a pH above 7, so pick an indicator with a pH range above 7. Phenolphthalein is a very good choice for titrating acids with strong bases as it has a pH range from 8.2-12.
    • Titrating a weak base with a strong acid means your equivalence point will be at a pH below 7, so you need an indicator with a pH range below 7 too. Methyl red is a good choice with a pH range of 6.2-4.4.