Reaction rate graphs

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  1. Reaction rate graphs
  2. Product formed over time graphs.
  3. Reactant mass over time graphs.
  4. Rate over time graphs.
  1. Interpret graphs to describe chemical reactions by their reaction rate.
    Interpret the graphs below to describe the chemical reaction in terms of its rate. Include the time when the reaction rate is highest, and when the reaction stops.
    1. example graph a
    2. example graph b
    3. example graph c
Topic Notes


Reaction rate graphs are essential tools in understanding the dynamics of chemical reactions. These visual representations provide valuable insights into how quickly reactants are consumed and products are formed over time. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point for grasping the fundamentals of reaction rate graphs. It offers a clear and concise explanation of the basic concepts, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of this topic. Throughout this article, we will delve into various types of graphs used to illustrate reaction rates, including concentration-time graphs, rate-time graphs, and rate-concentration graphs. Each type of graph offers unique perspectives on the progression of chemical reactions, allowing scientists and students to analyze and interpret reaction kinetics more effectively. By understanding these different graphical representations, you'll be better equipped to predict reaction outcomes, optimize reaction conditions, and apply this knowledge to real-world chemical processes.

Product Over Time Graphs

Product over time graphs are essential tools in chemistry for visualizing and analyzing the progress of chemical reactions. These graphs provide valuable insights into reaction kinetics analysis and help scientists understand how quickly products are formed or reactants are consumed during a chemical process. To interpret these graphs effectively, it's crucial to understand their components and what they represent.

The x-axis of a product over time graph typically represents time, usually measured in seconds, minutes, or hours, depending on the reaction's duration. The y-axis represents the amount of product formed, often expressed in concentration (mol/L) or mass (grams). As the reaction progresses, the graph shows how the product amount changes over time.

One of the most important features of these graphs is the gradient, which represents the reaction rate gradient. The steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction is occurring. To calculate the reaction rate at any given point, you can determine the slope of the tangent line at that point. This is done by finding the change in product amount (Δy) divided by the change in time (Δx). The resulting value gives you the rate of product formation in units such as mol/L/s or g/s.

Product over time graphs often exhibit common features that provide insights into the reaction's behavior. At the beginning of many reactions, you'll observe a steep rise in the curve. This initial rapid increase indicates that the reaction is proceeding quickly, with reactants readily available and conditions favorable for product formation. As the reaction progresses, you may notice the curve beginning to level off or flatten. This gradual decrease in the gradient suggests that the reaction is slowing down, often due to decreasing reactant concentrations or approaching equilibrium.

Eventually, many product over time graphs will reach a plateau, where the curve becomes completely flat. This flat curve is significant because it indicates that the reaction has essentially stopped, and no more product is being formed. There are several reasons why a reaction might reach this point: all reactants may have been consumed, the system may have reached equilibrium, or other factors like product inhibition might be preventing further reaction.

Let's consider an example to illustrate these concepts. Imagine a graph showing the formation of hydrogen gas (H) from the reaction of zinc with hydrochloric acid. The x-axis might show time in minutes, while the y-axis displays the volume of H gas produced in milliliters. Initially, you'd see a steep curve as the reaction begins vigorously. The gradient here would be high, indicating a fast reaction rate. As time passes, the curve would begin to level off as zinc is consumed and less acid remains available. Eventually, the graph would flatten completely when all the zinc has reacted or the acid is depleted.

Understanding how to interpret these graphs is crucial for chemists and students alike. By analyzing the shape of the curve and calculating gradients at different points, researchers can determine reaction orders, rate constants, and other kinetic parameters. This information is valuable for optimizing reaction conditions, predicting reaction outcomes, and designing more efficient chemical processes.

It's worth noting that not all product over time graphs will look identical. Some reactions might show a more linear increase throughout, while others could have multiple stages with varying rates. Factors such as temperature, catalyst presence, and reactant concentrations can all influence the shape of these graphs. By comparing graphs under different conditions, scientists can gain insights into how these factors affect reaction rate gradient.

In conclusion, product over time graphs are powerful tools for visualizing and analyzing chemical reactions. By understanding how to interpret these graphs, including the significance of the gradient and the meaning of a flat curve, chemists can gain valuable insights into reaction kinetics analysis and behavior. Whether you're a student learning about chemical kinetics or a researcher optimizing industrial processes, mastering the interpretation of these graphs is an essential skill in the field of chemistry.

Reactant Over Time Graphs

Reactant over time graphs are essential tools in chemistry for visualizing and understanding the progress of chemical reactions. These graphs typically display a downward trend, illustrating the consumption of reactants as the reaction proceeds. In contrast, product over time graphs show an upward trend, representing the formation of products during the same reaction.

The characteristic downward trend in reactant over time graphs occurs because reactants are being used up as the reaction progresses. This trend is often more pronounced at the beginning of the reaction when reactant concentrations are highest, and gradually levels off as the reaction nears completion. The shape of the curve can provide valuable insights into the reaction kinetics and mechanism.

Interpreting these graphs requires careful consideration of several factors. The y-axis typically represents the concentration or amount of the reactant, while the x-axis shows time. The starting point of the graph is particularly significant, as it often begins at a non-zero value on the y-axis. This initial value represents the initial concentration or amount of the reactant at the start of the reaction.

The slope of the curve at any point indicates the reaction rate at that specific time. A steeper slope corresponds to a faster reaction rate, while a gentler slope indicates a slower rate. To calculate the reaction rate, one can determine the change in reactant concentration over a given time interval. This is typically expressed as the negative of the change in concentration divided by the change in time (-Δ[A]/Δt for a reactant A). This process is known as reaction rate calculation.

As the reaction progresses, the curve often begins to flatten out. This flattening occurs because the reaction rate slows down as reactant concentrations decrease. In some cases, the curve may become completely flat, parallel to the x-axis. A flat curve in a reactant over time graph signifies that the reaction has essentially stopped or reached equilibrium, with no further significant changes in reactant concentration.

It's important to note that the shape of these graphs can vary depending on the order of the reaction. For example, a first-order reaction will show an exponential decay in reactant concentration, while a zero-order reaction will display a linear decrease. Understanding these patterns can help chemists determine the reaction order and mechanism.

Comparing reactant over time graphs with product over time graphs can provide a comprehensive view of the reaction progress. While reactant graphs show a decrease, product graphs exhibit an increase, often mirroring the shape of the reactant curve. The point at which these curves intersect can indicate the reaction's half-life or the time at which half of the initial reactant has been consumed.

In some cases, reactant over time graphs may start at a non-zero value and end at another non-zero value. This scenario often occurs when the reaction reaches equilibrium before all reactants are consumed, or when there are limiting reagents in the reaction. The final non-zero value represents the equilibrium concentration of the reactant.

Analyzing these graphs can also reveal information about reaction yields and efficiency. The difference between the initial and final reactant concentrations, when compared to the theoretical maximum change, can indicate how completely the reaction has proceeded.

For more complex reactions involving multiple reactants, overlaying several reactant over time graphs can provide insights into the relative rates at which different species are consumed. This can be particularly useful in understanding reaction kinetics and identifying rate-determining steps.

In conclusion, reactant over time graphs are powerful tools for visualizing and analyzing chemical reactions. Their downward trend, slope characteristics, and eventual flattening provide crucial information about reaction kinetics, mechanisms, and equilibrium states. By carefully interpreting these graphs alongside product over time graphs, chemists can gain a comprehensive understanding of reaction dynamics and optimize processes for various applications in research and industry.

Rate Over Time Graphs

Rate over time graphs are essential tools in chemistry for understanding the dynamics of chemical reactions. Unlike product and reactant over time graphs, which show the changing concentrations of substances involved in a reaction, rate over time graphs directly measure and display the speed at which a reaction is occurring. This unique perspective provides valuable insights into reaction kinetics and reaction mechanisms.

The key distinction of rate over time graphs lies in their y-axis. While product and reactant graphs typically show concentration on the y-axis, rate graphs display the reaction rate. This rate is usually expressed in units such as moles per liter per second (mol/L/s) or similar units that capture the change in concentration over time. This direct representation of rate allows chemists to observe how quickly a reaction is proceeding at any given moment.

The typical shape of a rate over time graph often reveals crucial information about the reaction progress. In many cases, these graphs start with a high rate, indicated by a peak at the beginning of the reaction. This initial high rate occurs because the concentrations of reactants are at their maximum, leading to frequent collisions and rapid product formation. As the reaction progresses, the graph typically shows a gradual decrease in rate. This decline is due to the depletion of reactants, resulting in fewer successful collisions and a slower reaction speed.

One of the most informative aspects of rate over time graphs is their ability to illustrate different phases of a reaction. The initial steep decline in rate often corresponds to the fastest part of the reaction, where reactant concentrations are high. As the reaction continues, the curve may become less steep, indicating a slowing of the reaction as reactants are consumed. Towards the end of the reaction, the curve often flattens out, approaching a rate close to zero.

A flat curve in a rate over time graph has a specific and important meaning. When the graph shows a horizontal line, it indicates a constant rate of reaction. This scenario can occur in zero-order reactions, where the rate is independent of reactant concentrations, or in situations where the reaction conditions are carefully controlled to maintain a steady rate. Constant rates are particularly interesting in industrial processes where a consistent output is desired.

Identifying when a reaction has stopped is straightforward in rate over time graphs. When the rate curve reaches the x-axis or remains at zero for an extended period, it signifies that the reaction has essentially ceased. At this point, either the reactants have been completely consumed, or the reaction has reached equilibrium where the forward and reverse rates are equal, resulting in no net change.

Rate over time graphs also provide valuable information for comparing different reactions or the same reaction under varying conditions. By overlaying multiple rate curves, chemists can easily visualize how factors such as temperature, concentration, or catalysts affect reaction speeds. This comparative analysis is crucial for optimizing reaction conditions in both research and industrial settings.

Understanding rate over time graphs is fundamental in reaction kinetics studies. These graphs allow chemists to determine rate laws, calculate rate constants, and elucidate reaction mechanisms. By analyzing the shape and features of these graphs, researchers can infer whether a reaction follows first-order, second-order, or more complex kinetics. This information is vital for predicting reaction behaviors and designing efficient chemical processes.

In conclusion, rate over time graphs are powerful tools in chemical kinetics, offering a direct visualization of reaction speed throughout the course of a chemical transformation. Their unique focus on rate, rather than concentration, provides immediate insights into reaction progress, helps identify constant rate of reaction periods, and clearly indicates when reactions have reached completion. Mastering the interpretation of these graphs is essential for anyone studying or working with chemical reactions, as they unlock a deeper understanding of reaction dynamics and kinetics.

Comparing Different Types of Reaction Rate Graphs

When studying chemical reactions, three main types of graphs are commonly used to visualize and analyze reaction rates: product over time, reactant over time, and rate over time. Each of these graphs offers unique insights into the reaction process and serves different purposes in data interpretation. Understanding the differences between these graphs and knowing when to use each type is crucial for effective analysis of reaction kinetics.

Product over time graphs show the increase in the concentration or amount of products as the reaction progresses. These graphs typically start at zero and rise to a plateau as the reaction reaches completion. They are particularly useful when studying the yield of a reaction or determining the time required for a reaction to finish. Reactant over time graphs, on the other hand, display the decrease in the concentration or amount of reactants throughout the reaction. These graphs start at the initial reactant concentration and decrease, eventually leveling off as the reactants are consumed. Reactant graphs are valuable for tracking the depletion of starting materials and estimating reaction completion times.

Rate over time graphs differ from the previous two by directly showing how the reaction rate changes during the course of the reaction. These graphs typically start at a high point and decrease over time as the reaction slows down due to the depletion of reactants. Rate graphs are particularly useful for studying reaction kinetics, identifying rate laws, and understanding the factors that influence reaction speeds.

Choosing the appropriate graph depends on the specific scenario and the information needed. For instance, if you're interested in product yield or reaction completion, a product over time graph would be most suitable. If you're concerned about reactant consumption or want to ensure sufficient starting materials, a reactant over time graph is preferable. For studying reaction mechanisms or determining rate laws, a rate over time graph is the best choice.

Converting data between these graph types is often necessary for comprehensive analysis. To convert from a product or reactant graph to a rate graph, you need to calculate the slope at various points along the curve. This slope represents the instantaneous reaction rate at each point. Conversely, to convert from a rate graph to a product or reactant graph, you would integrate the rate curve, essentially finding the area under the curve at each point.

Let's consider an example to illustrate how the same reaction data might look on each type of graph. Imagine a simple first-order reaction where A B. On a reactant over time graph, you would see an exponential decay curve for substance A, starting at its initial concentration and decreasing rapidly at first, then more slowly as the reaction progresses. The corresponding product over time graph for substance B would show a mirror image of this curve, starting at zero and increasing rapidly before leveling off as it approaches the initial concentration of A.

The rate over time graph for this reaction would show a curve that starts at its highest point (when the concentration of A is highest) and decreases over time. The shape of this curve would be similar to the reactant graph but would represent the rate of change rather than the actual concentration. By analyzing these three graphs together, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the reaction dynamics, including how quickly products form, how rapidly reactants are consumed, and how the reaction rate changes throughout the process.

In conclusion, each type of reaction rate graph - product over time, reactant over time, and rate over time - offers valuable insights into different aspects of chemical reactions. By understanding the strengths and applications of each graph type, chemists can choose the most appropriate visualization method for their specific research needs. Furthermore, the ability to convert between these graph types allows for a more comprehensive analysis of reaction kinetics, enabling researchers to extract maximum information from their experimental data.

Interpreting Reaction Rate Graphs

Reaction rate graphs are essential tools in chemistry for understanding the kinetics of chemical reactions. This comprehensive guide will help you master the art of graph interpretation, focusing on key features such as initial reaction rate, reaction completion, and rate changes in reactions. We'll also explore how to determine reaction order and rate constants, discuss common pitfalls, and provide practice examples to test your understanding.

Key Features of Reaction Rate Graphs

When interpreting reaction rate graphs, it's crucial to identify the following key features:

  • Initial Rate: The slope of the curve at the beginning of the reaction, representing the fastest rate of reaction.
  • Reaction Completion: The point where the curve plateaus, indicating that the reaction has reached equilibrium or one of the reactants has been consumed.
  • Rate Changes: Any changes in the slope of the curve, which can indicate changes in reaction mechanisms or the influence of catalysts.

Determining Reaction Order and Rate Constants

Reaction rate graphs can be used to determine the order of a reaction and calculate rate constants. Here's how:

  1. Zero-Order Reactions: The concentration vs. time graph is a straight line with a constant slope.
  2. First-Order Reactions: The natural log of concentration vs. time graph is a straight line.
  3. Second-Order Reactions: The inverse of concentration vs. time graph is a straight line.

To calculate the rate constant, use the slope of the appropriate graph based on the reaction order.

Common Pitfalls in Graph Interpretation

Avoid these common mistakes when interpreting reaction rate graphs:

  • Misidentifying the reaction order based on the shape of the concentration vs. time graph alone.
  • Neglecting to consider the effects of temperature and catalysts on reaction rates.
  • Failing to account for competing reactions or side products.
  • Overlooking the importance of units and scales on the axes.

Tips for Accurate Graph Interpretation

To ensure accurate interpretation of reaction rate graphs, follow these tips:

  • Always start by identifying the variables on each axis and their units.
  • Look for distinct patterns in the curve shape to determine the likely reaction order.
  • Use tangent lines to measure instantaneous rates at different points in the reaction.
  • Compare multiple graphs with different initial concentrations to confirm reaction order.
  • Consider external factors that might influence the reaction rate, such as temperature changes or the presence of catalysts.

Practice Examples

To test your understanding, try interpreting the following hypothetical reaction rate graphs:

  1. Example 1: A concentration vs. time graph shows a straight line with a negative slope. What is the likely reaction order?
  2. Example 2: The natural log of concentration vs. time graph is curved. What does this suggest about the reaction order?
  3. Example 3: A concentration vs. time graph shows an initial rapid decrease followed by a gradual approach to a horizontal asymptote. What can you infer about the reaction?

(Answers: 1. Zero-order, 2. Not first-order, possibly higher order or complex kinetics, 3. The reaction rate decreases as reactants are consumed, approaching completion)


Mastering the interpretation of reaction rate graphs is a valuable skill in chemistry. By identifying key features, understanding how to determine reaction order and rate constants, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can gain deep insights into chemical reactions. Remember to consider initial reaction rate and rate changes in reactions to make accurate interpretations.


Reaction rate graphs are essential tools for analyzing chemical reactions. These visual representations provide crucial insights into how reaction rates change over time or with varying concentrations. Understanding these graphs is fundamental for chemists and students alike. Key points to remember include the significance of slope in determining reaction rates, the importance of initial rates, and how different graph shapes indicate various reaction orders. To truly master this subject, practice interpreting a variety of graphs, including zero-order, first-order, and second-order reactions. This hands-on experience will enhance your ability to analyze chemical processes effectively. Don't forget to revisit the introduction video, which complements this written content and offers a visual explanation of reaction rate graphs. By combining the video with the information provided here, you'll develop a comprehensive understanding of this critical aspect of chemical analysis. Remember, proficiency in graph interpretation is a valuable skill that will serve you well in your chemistry studies and beyond.

Reaction Rate Graphs

Reaction rate graphs Product formed over time graphs.

Step 1: Introduction to Reaction Rate Graphs

Welcome to the section on reaction rate graphs. In this section, we will explore how to present data from chemical reactions using graphs. After conducting an experiment to measure the speed of a reaction, the next step is to present this data effectively. There are several ways to do this, and we will focus on one of the most common methods: the product formed over time graph.

Step 2: Understanding the Axes

When interpreting any graph, the first step is to understand what the graph is measuring. This involves looking at the axes. In chemical reaction graphs, time is almost always on the X-axis. If time is not on the X-axis, there should be a very good reason for it. The Y-axis typically represents the volume of gas made, which indicates the amount of product formed during the reaction.

Step 3: Identifying the Graph Type

A product formed over time graph, or product over time graph, shows the amount of product made on the Y-axis and the time taken on the X-axis. This type of graph is popular for illustrating how fast reactions occur. By examining the slope or gradient of the graph, we can infer the reaction rate.

Step 4: Calculating the Reaction Rate

The reaction rate can be determined by calculating the gradient of the graph, which is the change in Y over the change in X. For example, if the volume of gas (Y) changes from 60 to 80 cm³ over a time period (X) of 10 seconds, the rate is calculated as follows:

Change in Y: 80 cm³ - 60 cm³ = 20 cm³

Change in X: 30 seconds - 20 seconds = 10 seconds

Rate = Change in Y / Change in X = 20 cm³ / 10 seconds = 2 cm³ per second

Step 5: Interpreting the Gradient

The gradient of the graph represents the reaction rate. A steeper gradient indicates a faster reaction. To find the gradient, use data points from the graph. The more data points you have, the more accurate your results will be.

Step 6: Recognizing a Flat Curve

A flat curve on a product over time graph indicates that no reaction is occurring. If the Y-axis value remains constant while the X-axis value increases, it means that the volume of gas made is not changing, and thus, no product is forming. This typically happens when the reactants are depleted, and the reaction has stopped.

Step 7: Common Graph Shapes

Product over time graphs often show a curve that rises quickly at the beginning and then levels off. This shape indicates that the reaction rate is fastest at the start and slows down as the reactants are used up. Always pay close attention to the axes, as they provide crucial information about the reaction.

Step 8: Identifying Mistakes

Be vigilant for potential mistakes in the graph. For instance, if the graph shows a non-zero product volume at time zero, it suggests an error in data collection or plotting. At the start of the reaction (time zero), there should be no product formed.

Step 9: Conclusion

In summary, product formed over time graphs are a valuable tool for presenting and interpreting data from chemical reactions. By understanding the axes, calculating the gradient, and recognizing common graph shapes, you can accurately determine the reaction rate and identify any potential errors in the data.


  1. Consider the energy diagram below. Which line indicates a higher rate of reaction?

    In an energy diagram, the line with a lower activation energy typically indicates a higher rate of reaction. This is because a lower activation energy barrier means that more reactant molecules will have sufficient energy to overcome this barrier and form products. Therefore, the reaction with the lower activation energy will generally proceed at a faster rate.

  2. What is a higher rate of reaction?

    A higher rate of reaction refers to a chemical process that occurs more quickly, with reactants being converted to products at a faster pace. It is typically characterized by a steeper slope in concentration-time graphs or a larger value when measuring the change in concentration over time. Factors that can lead to a higher reaction rate include increased temperature, higher reactant concentrations, presence of catalysts, and increased surface area of solid reactants.

  3. How can you tell which line shows the faster reaction?

    In reaction rate graphs, the line showing the faster reaction will typically have a steeper slope. For product-time graphs, the steeper upward slope indicates faster product formation. For reactant-time graphs, a steeper downward slope shows faster reactant consumption. In rate-time graphs, a higher position on the y-axis indicates a faster reaction rate at that point in time.

  4. Which line indicates a higher reaction rate: A because it has a lower activation energy or B because it has a higher activation energy?

    Line A, which has a lower activation energy, typically indicates a higher reaction rate. Lower activation energy means that reactant molecules require less energy to form the activated complex and proceed to products. This results in more successful collisions and a faster overall reaction rate. However, it's important to note that other factors, such as the frequency factor in the Arrhenius equation, can also influence reaction rates.

  5. What indicates a reaction rate in graphical representations?

    In graphical representations, reaction rate is typically indicated by the slope of the line or curve. In concentration-time graphs, the rate is represented by the change in concentration over time (Δ[concentration]/Δtime). For product formation, a steeper positive slope indicates a faster rate, while for reactant consumption, a steeper negative slope shows a faster rate. In rate-time graphs, the y-axis directly represents the reaction rate, with higher values indicating faster reactions.

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Reaction Rate Graphs

When delving into the world of reaction rate graphs, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas of chemistry. Understanding these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to interpret and analyze reaction rate graphs effectively.

First and foremost, a thorough introduction to kinetics is essential. This fundamental concept serves as the backbone for comprehending reaction rate graphs. Kinetics provides the framework for studying the speed of chemical reactions and the factors that influence them. By mastering the basics of reaction kinetics analysis, you'll be better equipped to interpret the visual representations of reaction rates in graphical form.

Another critical aspect to consider is the various factors affecting rate of reaction. These factors play a significant role in shaping the curves and trends observed in reaction rate graphs. Understanding how temperature, concentration, surface area, and catalysts impact the initial reaction rate will help you make sense of the patterns and slopes you encounter in these graphs. This knowledge is invaluable when analyzing real-world chemical processes and predicting reaction outcomes.

Additionally, familiarity with reaction mechanisms is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of reaction rate graphs. Reaction mechanisms provide insights into the step-by-step processes that occur during a chemical reaction. This knowledge allows you to connect the microscopic events happening at the molecular level with the macroscopic trends displayed in reaction rate graphs. By understanding reaction mechanisms, you can better interpret the shape of rate curves and identify key features such as rate-determining steps.

The interplay between these prerequisite topics creates a robust foundation for studying reaction rate graphs. For instance, your knowledge of kinetics will help you understand the overall concept of reaction rates, while your understanding of factors affecting reaction rates will explain why certain graphs show steeper or flatter curves. Similarly, your grasp of reaction mechanisms will provide context for the shapes and trends observed in these graphs.

As you progress in your study of reaction rate graphs, you'll find that these prerequisite topics are not isolated concepts but interconnected elements that work together to provide a comprehensive understanding of chemical kinetics. By mastering these fundamental areas, you'll be well-prepared to tackle more complex aspects of reaction rate graphs, such as interpreting zero-order, first-order, and second-order reaction kinetics, as well as analyzing more sophisticated multi-step reaction processes.

In conclusion, investing time in understanding these prerequisite topics will pay dividends as you explore the fascinating world of reaction rate graphs. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a strong knowledge base that will serve you well in your chemistry studies and beyond.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How data from chemical reactions can be presented in graphs.
  • How to interpret graphs showing data from chemical reactions.

  • After an investigation into the rate of a reaction, graphing the results to find the rate can be done in a number of ways, depending on what you measure and how you represent it.
  • The most important thing to do when interpreting ANY graph is to read the axes – what are they measuring? What does a change in x or a change in y represent? Time should ALWAYS be displayed on the x-axis.
  • This is very important when reading reaction rate graphs or graphing them yourself – you should choose how to display your data carefully.
  • Reaction rate graphs often have very distinct curves or shapes which are strong evidence of a change in rate. However, these are very dependent on what is being displayed on the graph!
    • On a graph of product formed over time:
      • A flat curve (where gradient = 0) shows the reaction has stopped. Because your y-axis is measuring product formed, if it doesn't change, it is showing that more product has formed since the last data point, therefore the reaction has stopped and the reaction rate is zero. This normally happens after some time to show all the available produce has been made.
      • The curve rising (y value increasing) shows more product is being formed – the reaction is still occurring.
      • The steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction rate (greater dydx\frac{dy}{dx} )
      • Product formed over time graphs do not show declines! Once a product is formed, it does not revert back to reactants. These graphs should not decline – if they do, there could be a mistake in your measurements.
    • On a graph of change in reactant mass over time:
      • A flat curve (where gradient = 0) shows the reaction has stopped. As above, this normally happens after some time to show the
      • The general trend will be the y axis dropping – a declining curve, because reactant mass is going to be decreasing as products are formed.
      • Again, the steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction rate (greater dydx\frac{dy}{dx} ) because the amount of reactant mass is decreasing more per unit time.
      • In summary, these graphs are similar to the 'product formed over time' graphs except the curve generally drops instead of increases!
    • On a graph of rate over time, the shape of the curve will have a different meaning:
      • A flat curve means the reaction rate is constant. Unless y = 0, the y axis staying constant shows that the reaction is still occurring at the same rate it was when measured at the last data point.
      • Any change in y is showing a change in rate – the reaction is speeding up or slowing down.
      • The curve dropping to zero (the y-axis 0) shows the reaction has stopped.