Mastering Reaction Rate Graphs: Identifying Higher Rates
Dive into the world of reaction rate graphs! Learn to interpret concentration-time curves, analyze rate-time relationships, and understand how different lines indicate varying reaction rates. Enhance your chemistry skills today!

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Now Playing:Reaction rate graphs – Example 0a
  1. Reaction rate graphs
  2. Reaction rate graphs
    Product formed over time graphs.
  3. Reaction rate graphs
    Reactant mass over time graphs.
  1. Interpret graphs to describe chemical reactions by their reaction rate.
    Interpret the graphs below to describe the chemical reaction in terms of its rate. Include the time when the reaction rate is highest, and when the reaction stops.
    1. example graph a

    2. example graph b

    3. example graph c

Introduction to kinetics

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • How data from chemical reactions can be presented in graphs.
  • How to interpret graphs showing data from chemical reactions.

  • After an investigation into the rate of a reaction, graphing the results to find the rate can be done in a number of ways, depending on what you measure and how you represent it.
  • The most important thing to do when interpreting ANY graph is to read the axes – what are they measuring? What does a change in x or a change in y represent? Time should ALWAYS be displayed on the x-axis.
  • This is very important when reading reaction rate graphs or graphing them yourself – you should choose how to display your data carefully.
  • Reaction rate graphs often have very distinct curves or shapes which are strong evidence of a change in rate. However, these are very dependent on what is being displayed on the graph!
    • On a graph of product formed over time:
      • A flat curve (where gradient = 0) shows the reaction has stopped. Because your y-axis is measuring product formed, if it doesn't change, it is showing that more product has formed since the last data point, therefore the reaction has stopped and the reaction rate is zero. This normally happens after some time to show all the available produce has been made.
      • The curve rising (y value increasing) shows more product is being formed – the reaction is still occurring.
      • The steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction rate (greater dydx\frac{dy}{dx} )
      • Product formed over time graphs do not show declines! Once a product is formed, it does not revert back to reactants. These graphs should not decline – if they do, there could be a mistake in your measurements.
    • On a graph of change in reactant mass over time:
      • A flat curve (where gradient = 0) shows the reaction has stopped. As above, this normally happens after some time to show the
      • The general trend will be the y axis dropping – a declining curve, because reactant mass is going to be decreasing as products are formed.
      • Again, the steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction rate (greater dydx\frac{dy}{dx} ) because the amount of reactant mass is decreasing more per unit time.
      • In summary, these graphs are similar to the 'product formed over time' graphs except the curve generally drops instead of increases!
    • On a graph of rate over time, the shape of the curve will have a different meaning:
      • A flat curve means the reaction rate is constant. Unless y = 0, the y axis staying constant shows that the reaction is still occurring at the same rate it was when measured at the last data point.
      • Any change in y is showing a change in rate – the reaction is speeding up or slowing down.
      • The curve dropping to zero (the y-axis 0) shows the reaction has stopped.


Reaction rate graphs are essential tools in understanding the dynamics of chemical reactions. These visual representations provide valuable insights into how quickly reactants are consumed and products are formed over time. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point for grasping the fundamentals of reaction rate graphs. It offers a clear and concise explanation of the basic concepts, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of this topic. Throughout this article, we will delve into various types of graphs used to illustrate reaction rates, including concentration-time graphs, rate-time graphs, and rate-concentration graphs. Each type of graph offers unique perspectives on the progression of chemical reactions, allowing scientists and students to analyze and interpret reaction kinetics more effectively. By understanding these different graphical representations, you'll be better equipped to predict reaction outcomes, optimize reaction conditions, and apply this knowledge to real-world chemical processes.

  1. Consider the energy diagram below. Which line indicates a higher rate of reaction?

    In an energy diagram, the line with a lower activation energy typically indicates a higher rate of reaction. This is because a lower activation energy barrier means that more reactant molecules will have sufficient energy to overcome this barrier and form products. Therefore, the reaction with the lower activation energy will generally proceed at a faster rate.

  2. What is a higher rate of reaction?

    A higher rate of reaction refers to a chemical process that occurs more quickly, with reactants being converted to products at a faster pace. It is typically characterized by a steeper slope in concentration-time graphs or a larger value when measuring the change in concentration over time. Factors that can lead to a higher reaction rate include increased temperature, higher reactant concentrations, presence of catalysts, and increased surface area of solid reactants.

  3. How can you tell which line shows the faster reaction?

    In reaction rate graphs, the line showing the faster reaction will typically have a steeper slope. For product-time graphs, the steeper upward slope indicates faster product formation. For reactant-time graphs, a steeper downward slope shows faster reactant consumption. In rate-time graphs, a higher position on the y-axis indicates a faster reaction rate at that point in time.

  4. Which line indicates a higher reaction rate: A because it has a lower activation energy or B because it has a higher activation energy?

    Line A, which has a lower activation energy, typically indicates a higher reaction rate. Lower activation energy means that reactant molecules require less energy to form the activated complex and proceed to products. This results in more successful collisions and a faster overall reaction rate. However, it's important to note that other factors, such as the frequency factor in the Arrhenius equation, can also influence reaction rates.

  5. What indicates a reaction rate in graphical representations?

    In graphical representations, reaction rate is typically indicated by the slope of the line or curve. In concentration-time graphs, the rate is represented by the change in concentration over time (Δ(concentration)/Δtime). For product formation, a steeper positive slope indicates a faster rate, while for reactant consumption, a steeper negative slope shows a faster rate. In rate-time graphs, the y-axis directly represents the reaction rate, with higher values indicating faster reactions.


When delving into the world of reaction rate graphs, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas of chemistry. Understanding these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to interpret and analyze reaction rate graphs effectively.

First and foremost, a thorough introduction to kinetics is essential. This fundamental concept serves as the backbone for comprehending reaction rate graphs. Kinetics provides the framework for studying the speed of chemical reactions and the factors that influence them. By mastering the basics of reaction kinetics analysis, you'll be better equipped to interpret the visual representations of reaction rates in graphical form.

Another critical aspect to consider is the various factors affecting rate of reaction. These factors play a significant role in shaping the curves and trends observed in reaction rate graphs. Understanding how temperature, concentration, surface area, and catalysts impact the initial reaction rate will help you make sense of the patterns and slopes you encounter in these graphs. This knowledge is invaluable when analyzing real-world chemical processes and predicting reaction outcomes.

Additionally, familiarity with reaction mechanisms is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of reaction rate graphs. Reaction mechanisms provide insights into the step-by-step processes that occur during a chemical reaction. This knowledge allows you to connect the microscopic events happening at the molecular level with the macroscopic trends displayed in reaction rate graphs. By understanding reaction mechanisms, you can better interpret the shape of rate curves and identify key features such as rate-determining steps.

The interplay between these prerequisite topics creates a robust foundation for studying reaction rate graphs. For instance, your knowledge of kinetics will help you understand the overall concept of reaction rates, while your understanding of factors affecting reaction rates will explain why certain graphs show steeper or flatter curves. Similarly, your grasp of reaction mechanisms will provide context for the shapes and trends observed in these graphs.

As you progress in your study of reaction rate graphs, you'll find that these prerequisite topics are not isolated concepts but interconnected elements that work together to provide a comprehensive understanding of chemical kinetics. By mastering these fundamental areas, you'll be well-prepared to tackle more complex aspects of reaction rate graphs, such as interpreting zero-order, first-order, and second-order reaction kinetics, as well as analyzing more sophisticated multi-step reaction processes.

In conclusion, investing time in understanding these prerequisite topics will pay dividends as you explore the fascinating world of reaction rate graphs. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a strong knowledge base that will serve you well in your chemistry studies and beyond.