Group 18: Noble gases

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  1. Noble gases: A summary
  2. History of the noble gases.
  3. Properties of the noble gases.
  4. Uses of the noble gases.
  1. Apply your knowledge of types of bonding to explain the properties of the noble gases.
    Explain why the noble gases have such a low melting and boiling point compared to other groups in the Periodic Table.
    1. Apply your knowledge of types of bonding to explain trends in the properties of the noble gases.
      Explain using ideas of intermolecular forces (Intermolecular forces lesson), why the melting and boiling point of the noble gases increases going down the group.
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Noble Gases

      Noble gases, also known as inert gases, occupy the rightmost column of the periodic table. This unique group of elements, including helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, was the last to be discovered, making them a fascinating subject in chemistry. These elements are characterized by their full outer shell of electrons, which contributes to their remarkable stability and low reactivity. The introduction video provided offers an essential overview of noble gases, their properties, and their significance in various applications. Understanding noble gases is crucial for grasping fundamental concepts in chemistry and physics. Their discovery revolutionized our understanding of atomic structure and chemical bonding. Despite their name suggesting inertness, noble gases can form compounds under specific conditions, leading to exciting research opportunities. Their unique properties, such as low boiling points and high ionization energies, make them valuable in numerous industrial and scientific applications, from lighting to medical imaging.

      Discovery and Historical Context

      The late discovery of noble gases in the 1890s marked a significant milestone in the field of chemistry, completing the periodic table and revolutionizing our understanding of elemental properties. These elusive elements, known for their inertness, posed unique challenges to scientists of the time, leading to their delayed identification compared to other elements.

      The story of noble gases discovery begins with the detection of argon in 1894 by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay. This breakthrough came as a surprise to the scientific community, as argon's existence had not been predicted by the periodic table. The discovery of argon paved the way for the identification of other noble gases, including helium, neon, krypton, and xenon, all within a span of five years.

      The challenges in detecting noble gases stemmed primarily from their chemical inertness. Unlike most elements, noble gases do not readily form compounds or react with other substances, making them incredibly difficult to isolate and study using conventional chemical methods. This inert nature is due to their stable electron configuration, with a full outer shell of electrons, rendering them unreactive under normal conditions.

      The origin of noble gas names is a fascinating aspect of their discovery. Helium, for instance, has a particularly intriguing history. Its name is derived from the Greek word "helios," meaning sun, reflecting its initial discovery through solar observation. In 1868, nearly three decades before its isolation on Earth, helium was first detected in the sun's spectrum during a solar eclipse. This remarkable finding showcased the power of spectroscopy in identifying elements, even at astronomical distances.

      Spectral lines played a crucial role in the discovery and identification of noble gases. Each element produces a unique set of spectral lines when excited, acting as a fingerprint for identification. For helium, the bright yellow line observed in the sun's spectrum was initially attributed to an unknown element, which was later confirmed to be helium when it was isolated on Earth in 1895 by Sir William Ramsay.

      The rarity of noble gases on Earth added to the complexity of their discovery. While helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, it is scarce on our planet due to its light nature, allowing it to escape Earth's atmosphere. Other noble gases, such as neon, krypton, and xenon, are present in trace amounts in the atmosphere, making their detection and isolation challenging.

      The significance of noble gases discovery in completing the periodic table cannot be overstated. Their identification filled a gap in the table that had puzzled chemists for years. The addition of this new group of elements, initially called "inert gases," provided a more comprehensive understanding of elemental properties and chemical behavior. It demonstrated that not all elements were reactive and that a complete electron shell could result in chemical stability.

      The discovery of noble gases also led to numerous practical applications. Helium, for instance, found use in airships and balloons due to its lightness and non-flammability. Neon became essential in lighting technology, while argon is widely used in light bulbs and welding processes. The unique properties of these gases, stemming from their inertness, have made them invaluable in various scientific and industrial applications.

      In conclusion, the late discovery of noble gases in the 1890s represents a fascinating chapter in the history of chemistry. Overcoming the challenges posed by their inertness and rarity, scientists unraveled the mysteries of these elusive elements, completing the periodic table and expanding our understanding of chemical properties. From helium's solar origins to the spectroscopic techniques that enabled their detection, the story of noble gases discovery highlights the ingenuity and perseverance of scientific inquiry, paving the way for numerous advancements in chemistry and related fields.

      Properties of Noble Gases

      Noble gases, a group of elements in the periodic table's rightmost column, possess unique properties that set them apart from other elements. These gases, including helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon, are renowned for their remarkable unreactivity, earning them the moniker "noble." This characteristic stems from their stable electron configuration, which plays a crucial role in determining their behavior and properties.

      One of the most notable noble gases properties is their extreme chemical inertness. Unlike other elements that readily form compounds, noble gases rarely participate in chemical reactions. This unreactive nature is due to their fully occupied outer electron shells, which provide exceptional stability. The complete octet (or duplet for helium) in their valence shell makes them highly resistant to forming chemical bonds with other elements.

      Noble gases exist as monatomic entities, meaning each atom of these elements exists independently rather than forming molecules. This monatomic nature is a direct consequence of their electron configuration and contributes to their unique physical properties. In their natural state, noble gases are colorless and odorless, making them virtually undetectable by human senses. This characteristic has led to their use in various applications where invisibility and inertness are desirable, such as in lighting and protective atmospheres.

      Another key aspect of noble gases is their non-metallic character. Unlike metals, which typically conduct electricity and heat well, noble gases exhibit properties more akin to non-metals. This brings us to a common question: Do noble gases conduct electricity? The answer is generally no, at least not under normal conditions. Noble gases are excellent electrical insulators due to their stable electron configuration. The tightly held electrons in their outer shells are not free to move and carry electric current, unlike the mobile electrons in metals.

      The physical state of noble gases at room temperature is another distinguishing feature. All noble gases exist as gases under standard conditions, with extremely low melting and boiling points. This is attributed to the weak intermolecular forces between their atoms. The lack of strong attractive forces means that very little energy is required to separate the atoms, resulting in low melting and boiling points. For instance, helium has the lowest boiling point of any element at -268.9°C, remaining liquid even at temperatures approaching absolute zero.

      The electron configuration of noble gases is fundamental to understanding their properties. Each noble gas has a full outer shell of electrons: 2 for helium and 8 for the others. This configuration, known as the octet rule for elements beyond helium, provides exceptional stability. The full outer shell means these elements have no tendency to gain, lose, or share electrons, which explains their chemical inertness. This stable arrangement also contributes to their non-conductivity, as there are no "free" electrons available for conduction.

      While noble gases are generally unreactive, it's worth noting that under extreme conditions, some of the heavier noble gases can form compounds. Xenon, for example, can form compounds with highly electronegative elements like fluorine under high pressure and temperature. However, these instances are rare and require specific conditions, further highlighting the overall unreactive nature of noble gases.

      The unique properties of noble gases make them valuable in various applications. Their inertness makes them ideal for creating non-reactive atmospheres in industrial processes. The low reactivity and thermal properties of helium make it useful in cryogenics and as a coolant in nuclear reactors. Neon, argon, and other noble gases are used in lighting, providing the characteristic glow in neon signs and other gas-discharge lamps.

      In conclusion, the properties of noble gases, including their unreactivity, monatomic nature, and unique electron configuration, make them a fascinating group of elements. Their inability to conduct electricity under normal conditions, coupled with their colorless, odorless, and non-metallic characteristics, sets them apart in the periodic table. Understanding these properties not only enhances our knowledge of chemical behavior but also enables us to harness the unique qualities of noble gases in various technological and industrial applications.

      Uses of Helium: From Balloons to Deep-Sea Diving

      Helium, the second lightest element in the periodic table, possesses unique properties that make it invaluable in various applications. This noble gas is renowned for its inertness, low density, and distinctive characteristics, which contribute to its widespread use in both recreational and scientific fields. One of the most recognizable helium uses is in balloons, but its applications extend far beyond simple party decorations, reaching into the depths of the ocean in deep-sea diving equipment.

      The low density of helium is the primary reason for its popularity in balloons. Helium is significantly lighter than air, allowing balloons to float effortlessly. This property makes helium-filled balloons a staple at celebrations and events. Unlike hydrogen, which is even lighter but highly flammable, helium is non-flammable and safe for use in public spaces. This safety aspect, combined with its lifting power, makes helium the preferred choice for both recreational balloons and larger applications like weather balloons used in meteorological research.

      In the realm of deep-sea diving, helium plays a crucial role in ensuring diver safety and extending the limits of underwater exploration. When divers descend to great depths, the increased pressure can cause nitrogen in the air to dissolve into the bloodstream, leading to a dangerous condition known as nitrogen narcosis. Helium, being inert and less soluble in blood than nitrogen, is used in breathing mixtures to replace nitrogen. These helium-based mixtures, such as heliox (helium and oxygen) and trimix (helium, oxygen, and nitrogen), allow divers to reach greater depths while minimizing the risk of nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness.

      The inertness of helium is particularly beneficial in deep-sea diving applications. Unlike nitrogen, helium does not react with the human body under high pressures, reducing the risk of physiological complications. Its low density also makes it easier for divers to breathe at depth, where the increased pressure can make breathing regular air mixtures difficult and exhausting. The combination of inertness and low density allows divers to stay underwater for longer periods and at greater depths than would be possible with conventional air mixtures.

      Another interesting property of helium is its thermal conductivity. While helium is not a good conductor of electricity, it is an excellent conductor of heat. This property is utilized in cryogenics and in cooling systems for superconducting magnets, such as those used in MRI machines. In deep-sea diving, the high thermal conductivity of helium can be both an advantage and a challenge. It helps in regulating the temperature of breathing gases but can also lead to increased heat loss from the diver's body, necessitating proper thermal protection.

      The unique properties of helium extend its usefulness beyond balloons and diving. Its inertness makes it ideal for creating controlled atmospheres in manufacturing processes, such as in the production of fiber optic cables and semiconductors. The low boiling point of liquid helium (-268.9°C) makes it invaluable in achieving ultra-low temperatures required for certain scientific experiments and in the operation of superconducting magnets.

      In conclusion, the distinctive properties of helium, particularly its low density, inertness, and behavior under pressure, make it an indispensable element in various applications. From bringing joy with floating balloons to enabling scientific breakthroughs in deep-sea exploration and beyond, helium continues to play a vital role in both everyday life and cutting-edge research. As we continue to explore the depths of our oceans and push the boundaries of technology, the importance of helium in these endeavors remains undiminished.

      Applications of Neon and Argon

      Neon lights have become an iconic element of urban landscapes, particularly in the form of neon signs. These vibrant, eye-catching displays have been captivating audiences for decades with their bright, colorful glow. But how exactly do neon lights work, and what makes them so special?

      Neon is a noble gas that exhibits a unique property when exposed to an electric current. When electricity passes through neon gas contained within a glass tube, it causes the gas atoms to become excited. As these excited atoms return to their normal state, they release energy in the form of light. This process, known as electroluminescence, is what gives neon its characteristic glow.

      One might wonder, "Is neon a good conductor of electricity?" The answer is no, neon is not a good conductor of electricity in its normal state. In fact, like all noble gases, neon is typically an insulator. However, when a high voltage is applied across a tube containing neon gas at low pressure, it can become ionized. In this ionized state, neon can conduct electricity, which is what allows it to produce its distinctive glow in neon signs.

      While neon is famous for its use in signage, another noble gas, argon, plays a crucial role in a different type of lighting: incandescent light bulbs. Argon is preferred over air in light bulbs for several important reasons. First and foremost, argon is an inert gas, meaning it doesn't react with the tungsten filament inside the bulb. This is crucial because it prevents the filament from oxidizing and burning out quickly, as it would if the bulb were filled with air.

      But why is argon specifically chosen over other inert gases? Argon has a lower thermal conductivity compared to air, which means it transfers heat less efficiently. This property is beneficial in light bulbs because it helps maintain the high temperature of the filament without losing too much heat to the surrounding gas. As a result, the filament can reach higher temperatures, producing more light while consuming less energy.

      Additionally, argon's atomic mass is higher than that of air molecules. This higher mass means that argon atoms move more slowly at a given temperature, reducing the rate at which tungsten atoms evaporate from the hot filament. This further extends the life of the light bulb by slowing down the gradual thinning of the filament.

      It's worth noting that while argon is used in light bulbs, the question "Is argon a good conductor of electricity?" is similar to that of neon. In its normal state, argon is not a good conductor of electricity. Like neon, it can become conductive when ionized under specific conditions, but this property is not utilized in standard light bulbs.

      The applications of neon and argon in lighting demonstrate the ingenious ways in which we've harnessed the properties of noble gases. Neon's ability to produce vibrant light when excited by electricity has given us the dazzling neon signs that light up our cities. Meanwhile, argon's inert nature and thermal properties have allowed us to create more efficient and longer-lasting incandescent light bulbs. These gases, often overlooked in our daily lives, play a crucial role in illuminating our world in both practical and aesthetic ways.

      Other Noble Gases and Their Applications

      Noble gases, known for their stability and inertness, have found numerous applications in various fields. While helium and neon are more commonly known, other noble gases like krypton and xenon possess unique properties that make them valuable in scientific research and industry. This article explores the uses of krypton and xenon, their distinctive characteristics, and the compounds they form.

      Krypton uses extend across multiple sectors. In lighting technology, krypton is employed in high-performance light bulbs, providing a whiter and brighter light compared to conventional bulbs. The gas is also utilized in certain types of lasers, particularly in laser light shows and medical applications. In the field of insulation, krypton's low thermal conductivity makes it an excellent choice for energy-efficient windows, where it is used between glass panes to reduce heat transfer.

      Xenon applications are even more diverse and significant. One of the most prominent uses of xenon is in the automotive industry, where xenon headlights provide brighter and more efficient illumination. In the medical field, xenon is used as an anesthetic gas and in diagnostic imaging. Its ability to be easily ionized makes it valuable in plasma displays and certain types of ion propulsion systems used in spacecraft.

      A fascinating aspect of noble gases, particularly xenon, is their ability to form compounds, challenging the long-held belief that these elements were completely inert. Xenon compounds have been a subject of intense scientific interest since their discovery in the 1960s. Xenon difluoride (XeF2) and xenon tetrafluoride (XeF4) are among the most well-known xenon compounds. These compounds have potential applications in chemical synthesis and as powerful oxidizing agents.

      The importance of noble gases in scientific research cannot be overstated. They serve as crucial tools in various experimental setups and analytical techniques. For instance, krypton-85 is used in the detection of leaks in sealed containers, while xenon is employed in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study molecular structures. The unique electronic configurations of these gases make them invaluable in spectroscopy and plasma physics research.

      In industry, noble gases play critical roles beyond lighting and insulation. Krypton is used in the manufacture of energy-saving fluorescent lamps and in the production of high-power gas lasers. Xenon finds applications in the semiconductor industry for etching silicon wafers and in the production of optical lenses. Both gases are also used in various types of arc welding processes, providing inert atmospheres that protect the weld from contamination.

      The rarity of these gases, especially xenon, contributes to their high value and specialized applications. Xenon is one of the rarest gases in Earth's atmosphere, making its extraction and purification processes costly. This scarcity has led to ongoing research into more efficient methods of production and utilization.

      As our understanding of noble gases and their properties continues to evolve, new applications are constantly being discovered. For example, recent research has explored the potential of xenon in treating brain injuries due to its neuroprotective properties. Similarly, krypton isotopes are being investigated for their potential in dating ancient ice cores and groundwater, providing valuable insights into Earth's climate history.

      In conclusion, while often overlooked, noble gases like krypton and xenon play crucial roles in modern technology, scientific research, and industry. Their unique properties, from their ability to form compounds to their inertness and light-emitting capabilities, make them indispensable in various applications. As research continues, it's likely that we will uncover even more uses for these fascinating elements, further cementing their importance in our technological and scientific advancement.


      Noble gases, a crucial group in the periodic table, possess unique properties that make them invaluable in chemistry and various applications. Their stable electron configurations result in low reactivity, making them ideal for inert atmospheres and lighting. Understanding noble gases is essential for grasping fundamental concepts in chemistry education. From helium's use in balloons to argon's role in welding, these elements demonstrate the practical significance of chemical knowledge. The introduction video provides a solid foundation for comprehending noble gases, but further exploration is encouraged to fully appreciate their impact on science and technology. By studying noble gases, students gain insights into atomic structure, electron behavior, and chemical bonding. This knowledge not only enhances understanding of the periodic table but also contributes to a broader appreciation of chemistry's role in our daily lives. Continued research into noble gases may lead to exciting discoveries and innovative applications in the future.

      Noble gases: A summary

      History of the noble gases

      Step 1: Introduction to Noble Gases

      Noble gases, also known as Group 18 elements, are a unique set of elements in the periodic table. This group includes helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. These gases are characterized by their lack of reactivity, which sets them apart from other elements. In this section, we will explore the history of their discovery and the reasons behind their unique properties.

      Step 2: The Last Group to be Discovered

      Noble gases were the last group of elements to be discovered in the periodic table. Unlike other elements that were identified through their reactivity and the compounds they formed, noble gases remained elusive due to their inertness. Their lack of reactivity meant they did not form compounds easily, making them difficult to detect using traditional methods.

      Step 3: The Challenge of Detection

      The primary reason noble gases were discovered so late is their inertness. In chemistry, the detection of elements often relies on their reactivity. For example, elements that react with oxygen or halogens can be identified through the compounds they form. However, noble gases do not react with other elements under standard conditions. They are colorless, odorless, and tasteless, making them nearly impossible to detect with the human senses.

      Step 4: The Discovery in the 1890s

      It wasn't until the 1890s that noble gases were finally discovered. Helium, the first of the noble gases to be identified, was discovered through the observation of the sun. Scientists noticed certain spectral lines, which are specific wavelengths of light absorbed by molecules, that indicated the presence of helium. This discovery was significant because it was the first time an element was identified outside of Earth.

      Step 5: Naming and Characteristics

      The names of noble gases often reflect their inert nature. For instance, the name "helium" is derived from "helios," the Greek word for the sun, because it was first detected in the solar spectrum. Other noble gases like krypton, argon, and xenon have names that originate from Greek words meaning "hidden" or "inactive," highlighting their lack of reactivity.

      Step 6: The Inertness of Noble Gases

      The inertness of noble gases is due to their complete electron shells. In chemistry, elements react to achieve a stable electron configuration, often by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons. Noble gases already have a full outer electron shell, making them stable and unreactive. This unique electronic structure explains why they do not form compounds easily and why they were so difficult to discover.

      Step 7: Conclusion

      In summary, the history of noble gases is a fascinating tale of scientific discovery. Their inertness and lack of reactivity made them the last group of elements to be identified in the periodic table. Through the observation of spectral lines and the understanding of their unique electronic structure, scientists were able to uncover these elusive elements. Today, noble gases are known for their stability and are used in various applications, from lighting to cooling systems.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about noble gases:

      1. What is the noble gases group number?

      Noble gases are in Group 18 of the periodic table. This group was formerly known as Group 0 or Group VIIIA in older periodic table notations.

      2. Do noble gases conduct electricity?

      Under normal conditions, noble gases do not conduct electricity. They are excellent insulators due to their stable electron configuration. However, they can become conductive when ionized under specific conditions, such as in neon signs.

      3. Why is neon used in lighting?

      Neon is used in lighting because it produces a bright orange-red glow when an electric current passes through it. This property makes it ideal for signs and decorative lighting. Other colors can be achieved by using different gases or phosphor coatings.

      4. Why is argon used in light bulbs?

      Argon is used in incandescent light bulbs because it's inert and doesn't react with the hot tungsten filament. It also has low thermal conductivity, which helps maintain the filament's high temperature, improving efficiency and bulb lifespan.

      5. Can noble gases form compounds?

      While noble gases are generally unreactive, some can form compounds under specific conditions. Xenon, for example, can form compounds with highly electronegative elements like fluorine. These compounds are rare and typically require extreme conditions to form.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding Group 18: Noble gases requires a solid foundation in key chemistry concepts. Two crucial prerequisite topics are atomic structure and the history and development of the periodic table. These fundamental areas of study provide the necessary context and knowledge to fully grasp the unique properties and behaviors of noble gases.

      A thorough understanding of atomic structure is essential when studying noble gases. This topic covers the basic components of atoms, including protons, neutrons, and electrons, as well as their arrangement within the atom. Noble gases are characterized by their full outer electron shells, which directly relates to their atomic structure. By comprehending how electrons are distributed in energy levels and orbitals, students can better appreciate why noble gases are so chemically inert and stable.

      The history and development of the periodic table is another critical prerequisite for understanding noble gases. This topic explores how scientists organized elements based on their properties and atomic structure. Noble gases play a significant role in this history, as their discovery and placement in the periodic table helped complete and validate the table's structure. Learning about the periodic table's evolution provides insight into why noble gases form their own distinct group and how their properties relate to their position in the table.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to explore the fascinating world of noble gases. The atomic structure knowledge will help explain why noble gases have full outer electron shells and how this influences their chemical behavior. Meanwhile, understanding the periodic table's development will provide context for the noble gases' discovery and their importance in completing the table's arrangement.

      As students delve into Group 18: Noble gases, they'll find that their prior knowledge of atomic structure helps them comprehend why these elements are so unreactive and have such high ionization energies. Similarly, their familiarity with the periodic table's history will enhance their appreciation of how noble gases fit into the broader picture of element classification and chemical trends.

      In conclusion, a solid grasp of atomic structure and the history of the periodic table serves as a crucial foundation for studying noble gases. These prerequisite topics provide the necessary context and fundamental principles that make the study of Group 18 elements more accessible and meaningful. By investing time in these foundational concepts, students will be well-prepared to explore the unique properties and applications of noble gases in greater depth.

      In this lesson, we will learn:
      • To recall the properties of noble gases.
      • To understand some of the uses of the noble gases.
      • To apply understanding of electronic structure to explain the properties of the noble gases.


      • We have seen that the Periodic Table is arranged, top-left to bottom-right, by proton number and number of outer shell electrons. The number of outer shell electrons dictates the chemical properties of an element.
        Therefore, you can see which elements have similar properties – they will be in the same column of the table as each other - the columns which we call groups.

      • The noble gases are another group of well-studied elements in the periodic table with a specific set of properties that make them unique. They are in group 8 (18 if you include transition metals), the right-most column of the table.

      • The noble gases have the following properties:
        • They are colorless, odorless gases.
        • They are very unreactive – this is the most important fact to know about noble gases. It is the main reason the whole group of noble gases were discovered very late (after Mendeleev had developed the Periodic Table). Being gases with no color or smell humans could sense, and no reactions with anything around them to study, chemists could not prove they were there!
        • Noble gases exist as single, monatomic atoms.
        • They are non-metals and are therefore very poor conductors of electricity.

      • There is not much change in the properties of noble gases going down the group, however their melting and boiling point does slightly increase – however all of them are still well below zero degrees Celsius. The density of the noble gases also increases going down the group.

      • Despite their unreactive nature they have a few important uses:
        • Helium is used in hot air balloons and air ships. Objects filled with helium float because helium isn't as dense as air. It is also used in air containers for deep sea divers. At high underwater pressure, too much nitrogen and oxygen gets into the blood causing toxic side effects. Because it is inert, if some air in the containers is replaced by helium, it keeps the container pressurized, and the helium has no side effects on the divers because it is inert!
        • Neon is used in signs – if an electric current is ran through a glass tube with neon in it, the gas will start glowing.
        • Argon is used in small quantities to protect light bulb filaments – the very hot filament metal burns in oxygen but not in argon.