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  1. Introduction to Ratios
  2. Introduction to Ratios
  3. What are equivalent ratios?
  4. Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
    • What are they?
    • How are they different from each other?
  1. Write the following ratios using ratio notation in lowest terms.
    1. 5 km in 30 minutes.
    2. 4 cases for $500.
    3. 5 cupcakes need 325 g of flour.
    4. 130 mm of precipitation in 2 days.
  2. Write the following ratios in fraction form in lowest terms.
    1. 3 hours in 1 week.
    2. 35 g sugar in a 335 ml can of pop.
    3. 4 servers to serve 6 tables with 4 guests each.
    4. 22 sheep and 30 cows. What is the ratio of sheep to the total number of animals?
  3. The following table shows the sugar and flour needed for different kinds of bakery.


    Sugar (g)

    Flour (g)










    1. Which 2 kinds of bakery have the same sugar-flour ratio? Show your work.
    2. What is the ratio of sugar needed for cookie to the total weight of sugar needed for all 3 kinds of bakery?
  4. Ratios With Decimals

    Simplify the following ratios.

    1. 1.2 : 4
    2. 1.4 : 1.6
  5. Ratios With Fractions

    Simplify the following ratios.

    1. 25:4\frac{2}{5} : 4
    2. 23:78\frac{2}{3} : \frac{7}{8}
  6. Ratios in Different Units

    Simplify the following ratios.

    1. 5 cm : 30 km
    2. 4 hr 15 min : 3hr 30 min
  7. Application of Ratios

    Jack and Jill are to share the candies in the ratio 3:4. If there are 21 candies in total, how many candies does each of them get?

    1. Harry and Sally got some pocket money from their mother and they were to split it in the ratio 3:5. If Sally got $30, how much money in total did their mother give them?
      Topic Notes
      What are two-term and three term ratios? After watching this lesson, you will be able to answer this question by writing ratios in the lowest terms as well as in fraction and percent form. Practice your understanding by doing some real-life word questions too.

      Introduction to Ratios

      Welcome to our intro to ratios lesson! Ratios are fundamental concepts in mathematics that express the relationship between two or more quantities. They play a crucial role in various fields, from everyday problem-solving to advanced scientific calculations. Our introduction video will provide a visual overview of this important topic. In this lesson, we'll cover the basics of ratios, including two-term ratios and three-term ratios. You'll learn how to write ratios in their lowest terms, as fractions, and in percent form. This content is designed for beginners and includes real-life examples to help you understand the practical applications of ratios. Whether you're comparing ingredients in a recipe or analyzing financial data, mastering ratios will enhance your mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of ratios and discover how they shape our understanding of proportions and relationships in mathematics.

      Understanding Ratios: Definition and Basic Rules

      A ratio is a mathematical concept that compares two or more quantities, expressing their relative sizes or proportions. In essence, a ratio is a way to describe how much of one thing there is compared to another. Ratios play a crucial role in mathematics, allowing us to analyze relationships between numbers, make comparisons, and solve various real-world problems.

      The purpose of ratios in mathematics is multifaceted. They help us understand proportions, scale models, calculate probabilities, and make informed decisions based on numerical relationships. Ratios are used in various fields, including science, engineering, finance, and everyday life situations.

      The Three Most Important Rules of Ratios

      1. Simplifying to the Most Reduced Form: This rule involves expressing a ratio in its simplest terms by dividing both quantities by their greatest common factor (GCF). For example, a ratio of 8:12 can be simplified to 2:3 by dividing both numbers by their GCF of 4. This simplification makes ratios easier to understand and work with.
      2. Using Integers When Possible: Whenever feasible, ratios should be expressed using whole numbers or integers. This makes them more straightforward to interpret and manipulate. For instance, instead of writing a ratio as 1.5:2.5, it's preferable to express it as 3:5 by multiplying both terms by 2.
      3. Scaling Ratios: This rule allows us to maintain the proportion of a ratio while changing its scale. By multiplying or dividing both terms of a ratio by the same non-zero number, we can create equivalent ratios. This principle is essential for solving problems involving proportions and scaling.

      Examples of Ratio Rules in Action

      Let's illustrate these rules with clear examples:

      • Simplifying Ratios: Consider a classroom with 15 boys and 20 girls. The ratio of boys to girls is 15:20. To simplify this, we find the GCF (5) and divide both terms: 15 ÷ 5 : 20 ÷ 5 = 3:4. The simplified ratio of boys to girls is 3:4.
      • Using Integers: Imagine a recipe that calls for 1.5 cups of flour to 2.25 cups of sugar. We can express this as a ratio of 1.5:2.25. To use integers, we multiply both terms by 2: (1.5 × 2) : (2.25 × 2) = 3:4.5. Further simplifying by multiplying both by 2 again gives us 6:9, which reduces to 2:3.
      • Scaling Ratios: Let's use the yellow and green dots example from the video. If we have a ratio of 2 yellow dots to 3 green dots (2:3), we can scale this up by multiplying both terms by 2 to get 4:6, or by 3 to get 6:9. All these ratios (2:3, 4:6, 6:9) represent the same proportion of yellow to green dots.

      Relating Ratios to Fractions and Division

      Ratios are closely related to fractions and division, which can sometimes lead to confusion. Here's how they connect:

      • Ratios as Fractions: A ratio can be expressed as a fraction. For example, the ratio 3:4 can be written as the fraction 3/4. However, it's important to note that while all ratios can be expressed as fractions, not all fractions represent ratios in a meaningful way.
      • Ratios and Division: The colon in a ratio (e.g., 3:4) can be interpreted as division. In this case, 3:4 is equivalent to 3

      Types of Ratios: Two-Term and Three-Term

      Understanding the difference between two-term and three-term ratios is crucial in mathematics and real-world applications. Two-term ratios compare two quantities, while three-term ratios involve three related quantities. Let's explore these concepts in detail.

      Two-Term Ratios

      A two-term ratio compares two quantities and is typically written as a:b or a/b. For example, if a recipe calls for 2 cups of flour and 3 cups of sugar, the ratio of flour to sugar is 2:3. Two-term ratios are commonly used in everyday situations, such as:

      • Mixing paint colors (e.g., 1 part blue to 2 parts white)
      • Calculating odds in gambling (e.g., 3:1 odds of winning)
      • Expressing scale in maps (e.g., 1:100,000)

      Three-Term Ratios

      Three-term ratios compare three related quantities and are written as a:b:c. For instance, if a fruit salad contains 2 parts apples, 3 parts oranges, and 1 part grapes, the ratio would be 2:3:1. Three-term ratios are often used in:

      • Cooking recipes (e.g., 3:2:1 ratio for a vinaigrette - oil:vinegar:mustard)
      • Color mixing (e.g., 5:3:2 for RGB values in digital design)
      • Financial planning (e.g., 50:30:20 rule for budgeting - needs:wants:savings)

      Converting Between Two-Term and Three-Term Ratios

      Converting between these types of ratios involves understanding the context and relationship between the quantities. To convert a three-term ratio to multiple two-term ratios:

      1. Compare the first and second terms: a:b
      2. Compare the first and third terms: a:c
      3. Compare the second and third terms: b:c

      For example, the three-term ratio 2:3:4 can be expressed as three two-term ratios: 2:3, 2:4, and 3:4.

      When to Use Each Type

      Two-term ratios are best for simple comparisons between two quantities. They're ideal for expressing proportions, odds, or rates. Three-term ratios are more suitable when dealing with three interrelated quantities, such as in complex recipes, color mixing, or when analyzing the composition of a whole with three parts.

      Practice Problems

      1. Convert the three-term ratio 4:6:5 into all possible two-term ratios.
      2. A paint mixture uses red, blue, and yellow in the ratio 3:2:1. If you need 12 parts of red paint, how many parts of blue and yellow will you need?
      3. In a class of 30 students, the ratio of boys to girls to non-binary students is 2:3:1. How many students are in each category?

      By mastering both two-term and three-term ratios, you'll be better equipped to handle a wide range of mathematical and practical problems. Remember, the key is to understand the relationship between the quantities and choose the appropriate ratio format for your specific situation. Practice with various examples to enhance your skills in working with these essential mathematical concepts. For more ratio practice problems, visit StudyPug.

      Writing Ratios in Different Forms

      Understanding how to express ratios in various forms is a crucial mathematical skill with wide-ranging applications. In this section, we'll explore how to write ratios in their lowest terms, as fractions, and as percentages. We'll provide step-by-step instructions and examples for each conversion process.

      Ratios in Lowest Terms

      To express a ratio in its lowest terms, we need to simplify it by dividing both parts by their greatest common factor (GCF).

      Example: Simplify the ratio 24:36

      1. Find the GCF of 24 and 36 (in this case, it's 12)
      2. Divide both parts by the GCF: 24 ÷ 12 = 2, 36 ÷ 12 = 3
      3. The simplified ratio is 2:3

      Ratios as Fractions

      Converting a ratio to a fraction is straightforward. Simply write the first number as the numerator and the second as the denominator.

      Example: Convert the ratio 5:8 to a fraction

      1. Write 5 as the numerator and 8 as the denominator: 5/8
      2. The ratio 5:8 as a fraction is 5/8

      Ratios as Percentages

      To convert a ratio to a percentage, follow these steps:

      1. Convert the ratio to a fraction
      2. Divide the numerator by the denominator
      3. Multiply the result by 100 and add the % symbol

      Example: Convert the ratio 3:4 to a percentage

      1. Write as a fraction: 3/4
      2. Divide: 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75
      3. Multiply by 100: 0.75 × 100 = 75%

      Importance of Ratio Conversions

      Being able to express ratios in different forms is essential for several reasons:

      • It allows for easier comparison between different ratios
      • Percentages are often more intuitive for many people to understand
      • Lowest terms simplify calculations and reduce errors
      • Different forms are preferred in various fields and contexts

      Applications in Various Fields

      Ratio conversions are used in numerous areas, including:

      • Finance: For calculating interest rates and investment returns
      • Science: In chemical formulas and population studies
      • Statistics: For data analysis and probability calculations
      • Engineering: In scale drawings and material compositions

      Practice Exercises

      Try these exercises to apply the conversion techniques:

      1. Simplify the ratio 18:24 to its lowest terms
      2. Express the ratio 5:12 as a fraction
      3. Convert the ratio 7:20 to a percentage


      1. 18:24 simplifies to 3:4
      2. 5:12 as a fraction is 5/12
      3. 7:20 as a percentage is 35%

      By mastering these conversion techniques, you'll be better equipped to understand the applications of ratio conversions in various fields.

      Equivalent Ratios and Proportions

      Equivalent ratios and proportions are fundamental concepts in mathematics that play a crucial role in solving real-world problems. Understanding these concepts is essential for students and professionals alike. Let's dive into the world of equivalent ratios and explore how they relate to proportions.

      Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent the same relationship between two quantities, even though they may use different numbers. For example, 1:2 and 2:4 are equivalent ratios because they both represent the same relationship one quantity is half of the other. To visualize this concept, imagine two rectangles: one with dimensions 1x2 and another with dimensions 2x4. Although the second rectangle is larger, both maintain the same proportional relationships between their width and height.

      The 'multiply by one' rule is a powerful tool for creating equivalent ratios. This rule states that multiplying both parts of a ratio by the same non-zero number results in an equivalent ratio. For instance, if we start with the ratio 3:5 and multiply both parts by 2, we get 6:10, which is equivalent to the original ratio. This rule works because multiplying by 1 (in any form, such as 2/2 or 3/3) doesn't change the value of a number or ratio.

      To illustrate this concept visually, imagine a set of balance scales. If you have 3 apples on one side and 5 oranges on the other, the scale would be in a certain position. Now, if you double both sides (6 apples and 10 oranges), the scale would remain in the same position, demonstrating that the ratios 3:5 and 6:10 are equivalent.

      Proportions are statements that two ratios are equal. In other words, a proportion is an equation showing that two ratios are equivalent. For example, 3:5 = 6:10 is a proportion. Proportions are incredibly useful for solving problems involving ratios, especially when one part of the ratio is unknown.

      To set up a proportion problem, you typically have two ratios, with one value missing. Let's say you know that 3 cups of flour make 2 loaves of bread, and you want to know how many loaves you can make with 9 cups of flour. You would set up the proportion like this: 3:2 = 9:x, where x represents the unknown number of loaves.

      Solving proportion problems often involves cross-multiplication. In our bread example, you would cross-multiply 3 and x, and 2 and 9, resulting in the equation 3x = 18. Solving for x gives you 6, meaning 9 cups of flour would make 6 loaves of bread.

      Another visual way to understand proportions is through scaling. Imagine you have a small model car that's 1:24 scale. If the model is 6 inches long, you can set up a proportion to find the length of the real car: 1:24 = 6:x. Solving this proportion would tell you the real car is 144 inches long.

      Equivalent ratios and proportions have numerous real-world applications. They're used in cooking to adjust recipe quantities, in art to maintain proper scaling when resizing images, in engineering to ensure structural integrity when building to different scales, and in finance for currency conversions and financial modeling.

      Understanding these concepts also helps in more advanced mathematical topics. For instance, in geometry, similar triangles have proportional side lengths. In algebra, linear equations often represent proportional relationships. Even in calculus, the concept of rates of change can be understood through the lens of ratios and proportions.

      To practice working with equivalent ratios and proportions, try creating your own visual representations. Draw rectangles with different dimensions but the same proportions, or use objects like Lego bricks to build structures with equivalent ratios. You can also challenge yourself with real-life scenarios, such as adjusting recipes or calculating travel times based on different speeds.

      Remember, the key to mastering equivalent ratios and proportions is recognizing the underlying relationships between quantities. Whether you're scaling up a small design to life-size dimensions or figuring out how much paint you need, understanding these concepts is crucial.

      Ratios, Rates, and Unit Rates

      Understanding the differences between ratios, rates, and unit rates is crucial in mathematics and everyday life. Let's explore these concepts and their applications.


      A ratio is a comparison between two quantities, typically expressed as a fraction or with a colon. For example, 3:4 or 3/4 represents a ratio of 3 to 4. Ratios don't have units and simply show the relationship between numbers.


      A rate is a special kind of ratio where two quantities with different units are compared. Adding units to a ratio creates a rate. For instance, if you travel 240 miles in 4 hours, your rate would be 240 miles / 4 hours, or 60 miles per hour. Rates always include units and show how one quantity changes in relation to another.

      Unit Rates

      A unit rate is a rate where the denominator is 1. It's created by simplifying a rate so that the second quantity equals one unit. Using our previous example, 60 miles per hour is a unit rate because it shows the distance traveled in one hour. Unit rates make comparisons easier and are often used in everyday situations.

      Examples and Applications

      Let's look at some examples to clarify these concepts:

      • Ratio: 3 apples to 5 oranges (3:5)
      • Rate: 50 kilometers per 2 hours (25 km/h)
      • Unit Rate: 25 kilometers per hour (25 km/h)

      The video example of meters per second is an excellent illustration of a unit rate. If someone runs 100 meters in 20 seconds, their rate is 100 meters / 20 seconds. To find the unit rate, we divide both the numerator and denominator by 20, resulting in 5 meters per second.

      Real-World Applications

      Rates and unit rates are used extensively in daily life:

      • Fuel efficiency: miles per gallon or liters per 100 kilometers
      • Cooking: cups of flour per batch of cookies
      • Shopping: price per unit (e.g., $2 per pound of apples)
      • Wages: dollars per hour
      • Internet speeds: megabits per second

      Practice Problems

      Try solving these problems to test your understanding:

      1. If a car travels 210 miles in 3 hours, what is its speed in miles per hour?
      2. A recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar for every 3 cups of flour. What's the ratio of sugar to flour?
      3. If oranges cost $3.60 for 4 pounds, what's the unit rate (price per pound)?
      4. A printer can print 180 pages in 6 minutes. How many pages can it print per minute?

      Understanding the differences between ratios, rates, and unit rates is essential for problem-solving in mathematics and real-life situations. Ratios compare quantities without units, rates add units to these comparisons, and unit rates simplify rates to a per-unit basis. By mastering these concepts, you'll be better equipped to analyze and interpret numerical relationships in various contexts, from cooking and shopping to more complex applications in science and engineering.

      Applying Ratios to Real-Life Situations

      Ratios are fundamental mathematical concepts that find applications in numerous real-life scenarios. From cooking to map reading and financial planning, understanding how to use ratios can greatly enhance our problem-solving skills. Let's explore various situations where ratios come into play and learn how to tackle these problems step-by-step.

      Cooking with Ratios

      In the culinary world, ratios are essential for scaling recipes. For instance, a classic pancake recipe might call for a 2:1:1 ratio of flour to milk to eggs. If the original recipe uses 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of milk, and 1 egg, how would we adjust it to serve more people?

      Problem: Scale the pancake recipe to use 3 cups of flour.

      1. Identify the scale factor: 3 cups / 2 cups = 1.5
      2. Apply the scale factor to all ingredients:
      Flour: 2 cups × 1.5 = 3 cups
      Milk: 1 cup × 1.5 = 1.5 cups
      Eggs: 1 × 1.5 = 1.5 eggs (round up to 2 eggs for practicality)

      Map Scales and Distances

      Map scales use ratios to represent real-world distances. A map scale of 1:100,000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 100,000 units in reality.

      Problem: On a map with a scale of 1:50,000, two cities are 6 cm apart. What is the actual distance between these cities?

      1. Set up the proportion: 1 cm : 50,000 cm = 6 cm : x cm
      2. Cross multiply: 1x = 6 × 50,000
      3. Solve for x: x = 300,000 cm = 3 km

      Financial Calculations

      Ratios are crucial in finance for comparing financial metrics and making investment decisions.

      Problem: A company's price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is 15:1. If its stock price is $60, what are its earnings per share?

      1. Understand the ratio: Price : Earnings = 15 : 1
      2. Set up the equation: 60 / x = 15 / 1
      3. Cross multiply: 60 = 15x
      4. Solve for x: x = 60 / 15 = 4
      The earnings per share are $4.

      Mixing Solutions

      Ratios help in determining the composition of mixtures, which is useful in chemistry and everyday life.

      Problem: A paint mixture requires a 3:2 ratio of blue to yellow paint. How much yellow paint is needed if 12 liters of blue paint are used?

      1. Set up the proportion: 3 : 2 = 12 : x
      2. Cross multiply: 3x = 2 × 12
      3. Solve for x: x = (2 × 12) / 3 = 8
      8 liters of yellow paint are needed.

      These examples demonstrate the versatility of ratios in solving real-life problems. By breaking down each scenario into steps and applying the concepts of equivalent ratios and proportions, we can tackle a wide range of practical challenges. Whether you're adjusting recipes, planning a road trip using a map, making financial decisions, or


      In conclusion, understanding ratios is a fundamental skill that has wide-ranging applications in both everyday life and various professional fields. This article has explored the concept of ratios, their importance, and how to effectively use them. We've covered the basics of ratio notation, simplification, and comparison, as well as practical applications of ratios in fields such as finance, cooking, and engineering. The ability to interpret and manipulate ratios enhances decision-making, problem-solving, and analytical skills. We've also discussed common pitfalls to avoid when working with ratios and provided strategies for improving ratio comprehension. By mastering ratios, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of proportional relationships, make more informed choices, and excel in numerous academic and professional pursuits. Remember, ratios are not just mathematical concepts but powerful tools that help us make sense of the world around us and make more accurate comparisons between quantities.

      Understanding ratios also involves recognizing their practical applications of ratios in various scenarios. For instance, in the field of engineering, ratios are used to determine the strength and stability of structures. In finance, ratios help in analyzing the performance of investments. By grasping the concept of ratios, one can better understand proportional relationships and apply this knowledge to solve real-world problems effectively.


      Write the following ratios using ratio notation in lowest terms. 5 km in 30 minutes.

      Step 1: Understand the Problem

      First, we need to understand the problem. We are given a ratio of 5 kilometers to 30 minutes. Our task is to express this ratio using ratio notation and reduce it to its lowest terms. Ratio notation typically uses a colon (:) to separate the two quantities.

      Step 2: Write the Initial Ratio

      Next, we write the initial ratio as given in the problem. In this case, the ratio is 5 kilometers to 30 minutes. Using ratio notation, we write this as:

      5 km : 30 min

      Step 3: Identify the Common Factor

      To reduce the ratio to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the two numbers. The GCF is the largest number that divides both quantities without leaving a remainder. For 5 and 30, the GCF is 5.

      Step 4: Divide Both Quantities by the GCF

      Now, we divide both quantities in the ratio by the GCF. This will simplify the ratio to its lowest terms. Heres how we do it:

      • Divide 5 km by 5: 5 km ÷ 5 = 1 km
      • Divide 30 min by 5: 30 min ÷ 5 = 6 min

      Step 5: Write the Simplified Ratio

      After dividing both quantities by the GCF, we get the simplified ratio. Using ratio notation, we write this as:

      1 km : 6 min

      Step 6: Verify the Simplification

      Finally, we verify that the ratio is in its lowest terms by ensuring that there are no common factors other than 1 between the two quantities. In this case, 1 and 6 have no common factors other than 1, so the ratio is indeed in its lowest terms.


      By following these steps, we have successfully written the ratio of 5 kilometers to 30 minutes using ratio notation and reduced it to its lowest terms. The final simplified ratio is 1 km : 6 min.


      1. What is the easiest way to understand ratios?
      The easiest way to understand ratios is to think of them as comparisons between two or more quantities. Start with simple, real-life examples like comparing the number of boys to girls in a classroom or the ingredients in a recipe. Visualize ratios using objects or drawings to make the concept more concrete. Practice writing ratios in different forms (e.g., 3:4, 3/4, 3 to 4) to become comfortable with various representations.

      2. How do you explain ratios to a child?
      To explain ratios to a child, use familiar objects and scenarios. For instance, use colored blocks or candies to demonstrate ratios visually. Say, "If you have 2 red blocks and 3 blue blocks, the ratio of red to blue blocks is 2:3." You can also use examples from their daily life, such as mixing juice concentrate with water or sharing toys among friends. Encourage hands-on activities and games that involve creating and identifying ratios to make learning interactive and fun.

      3. How do you introduce students to ratios?
      Introduce students to ratios by starting with concrete examples and gradually moving to more abstract concepts. Begin with simple comparisons using objects in the classroom or pictures. Then, introduce the concept of equivalent ratios using visual aids like tape diagrams or double number lines. Provide plenty of practice problems and real-world applications to reinforce understanding. Use collaborative activities and games to make learning engaging and interactive.

      4. How can I learn ratios easily?
      To learn ratios easily, follow these steps: 1. Start with basic concepts and simple examples. 2. Practice writing ratios in different forms (e.g., 3:4, 3/4, 3 to 4). 3. Use visual aids like diagrams or manipulatives to represent ratios. 4. Solve plenty of practice problems, gradually increasing in difficulty. 5. Apply ratios to real-life situations to understand their practical use. 6. Use online resources, videos, and interactive tools for additional support. 7. Work with a study group or tutor for personalized guidance.

      5. What are some common applications of ratios in everyday life?
      Ratios have numerous applications in everyday life: 1. Cooking: Adjusting recipe ingredients for different serving sizes. 2. Finance: Comparing financial metrics like price-to-earnings ratios. 3. Shopping: Comparing prices per unit to find the best deal. 4. Sports: Analyzing player statistics and team performance. 5. Art and Design: Maintaining proportions in drawings or layouts. 6. Construction: Scaling blueprints and determining material proportions. 7. Health: Calculating body mass index (BMI) or medication dosages. 8. Transportation: Determining fuel efficiency in miles per gallon.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding ratios is a fundamental concept in mathematics that builds upon several key prerequisite skills. One crucial prerequisite topic that significantly enhances your ability to work with ratios is factoring by taking out the greatest common factor. This skill is essential because it directly relates to simplifying ratios and finding equivalent ratios, which are core operations when working with this mathematical concept.

      When dealing with ratios, you often need to simplify them to their lowest terms. This process is remarkably similar to factoring out the greatest common factor from algebraic expressions. By understanding how to identify and remove common factors, you can more easily reduce ratios to their simplest form. For instance, if you have a ratio of 12:18, recognizing that 6 is the greatest common factor allows you to simplify it to 2:3.

      Moreover, the ability to work with the greatest common factor helps in comparing ratios and determining if they are equivalent. This skill is particularly useful when solving problems involving proportions, which are essentially statements of equality between two ratios. By factoring out common terms, you can more readily see if two ratios are proportional to each other.

      Understanding how to factor by taking out the greatest common factor also aids in scaling ratios up or down. This is a common operation when working with recipes, map scales, or any situation where you need to maintain the same proportions while changing the overall size. The process of scaling involves multiplying or dividing both parts of the ratio by the same factor, which is conceptually linked to factoring.

      Furthermore, this prerequisite skill enhances your ability to work with complex ratios involving algebraic expressions. In more advanced mathematics, you may encounter ratios of polynomials or other algebraic terms. The ability to factor out common terms becomes invaluable in simplifying these expressions and finding equivalent forms.

      By mastering the skill of factoring by taking out the greatest common factor, you're not only preparing yourself for working with ratios but also laying a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. This skill transcends simple arithmetic and becomes a powerful tool in algebra, geometry, and even calculus, where ratios play a significant role in various forms.

      In conclusion, while ratios may seem straightforward at first glance, a solid understanding of factoring and working with common factors greatly enhances your ability to manipulate and understand them. This prerequisite knowledge allows for more efficient problem-solving and a deeper comprehension of the relationships between numbers, setting the stage for success in more complex mathematical endeavors.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • Ratios With Decimals
      • Ratios With Fractions
      • Ratios in Different Units
      • Application of Ratios

      • A ratio should always be in its simplest/most reduced form (no common factors).
      • The values in a ratio should always be integers if possible.
      • A ratio can be scaled up/down by multiplying/dividing the ratio numbers by the same value. This process is called scaling, and the value used for scaling is called the scale factor.
      Basic Concepts