Adding fractions with like denominators

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  1. Simplify fractions: Method A - By using greatest common factors
  2. Simplify fractions: Method B - By using common factors
  3. How to add fractions?
  1. Adding One-digit Fractions
    Add. Then, simplify when possible.
    1. 25+35\frac{2}{5}+\frac{3}{5}
    2. 34+24\frac{3}{4}+\frac{2}{4}
    3. 29+19\frac{2}{9}+\frac{1}{9}
  2. Word Problems Involving One-digit Fractions
    Laura and Mary are making bread for their grandchildren. They have one bag of flour. Laura needs 24\frac{2}{4} of the bag and Mary needs 34\frac{3}{4} of the bag. Do they have enough flour to make the bread? Show your work.
    1. Abby and her 2 friends are each making one necklace. They are sharing one package each of glittery beads, clear beads and blue beads. For each necklace, they need 16\frac{1}{6} of a package of glittery beads, 36\frac{3}{6} of a package of clear beads and 26\frac{2}{6} of a package of blue beads. Do they have enough beads? Show your work.
      1. Adding Multiple-digit Fractions
        Add. Then, simplify when possible.
        1. 1284+1884\frac{12}{84} + \frac{18}{84}
        2. 82198+113198\frac{82}{198} + \frac{113}{198}
        3. 169475+137475\frac{169}{475} + \frac{137}{475}
        4. 173198+(101198)\frac{173}{198} + (-\frac{101}{198})
        5. 221345+124345\frac{221}{345} + \frac{124}{345}
        6. 13140+5140+10140\frac{13}{140} + \frac{5}{140} + \frac{10}{140}
      Topic Notes
      In this section, we will add fractions with like denominators using addition statements. When adding fractions with like denominators, the numerators are added together to get the sum of the parts; however, the denominators stay the same. We will write our answers in lowest terms by first finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of both the numerator and denominator and then dividing the numerator and denominator by this GCF. Finally, we will solve word problems involving the addition of fractions with like denominators. We will make these word problems easier to visualize by incorporating diagrams.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • Adding One-digit Fractions
      • Word Problems Involving One-digit Fractions
      • Adding Multiple-digit Fractions