Multiplying decimals

  1. How to multiply decimals?
  1. Complete each multiplication statement.
    1. 0.57 x 100 =
    2. 5.43 x 0.1 =
    3. 8.71 x 3.6 =
    4. 32.8 x 0.02 =
  2. Hannah's favorite soft drink is coke. Her mother gives her $4.50 to spend on coke one afternoon. She goes to the local grocery store and buys four bottles of coke. Each bottle costs $1.05. Does she have enough money to make this purchase?
    1. Every Saturday morning Alan's bakery sells cinnamon buns for a special price of $2.50. If Barb's two sisters go to the bakery every Saturday morning for two years, how much will they spend? Assume they each purchase one bun per visit. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
      Topic Notes
      Previously, we learned how to add and subtract decimal numbers. In this section, we will learn how to multiply decimal numbers. As learned in previous section, when adding and subtracting decimal numbers, the decimal points must be lined up. In contrast, when multiplying decimal numbers, it is not important that the decimal points be lined up. Instead, it is important to line up the digits in the lowest place values of both numbers. In order to figure out where to place the decimal point in the answer, we must count how many digits total, between the two numbers being multiplied together, are behind the decimal points.

      Introduction to Multiplying Decimals

      Multiplying decimals is a crucial mathematical skill that builds upon your previous knowledge of adding and subtracting decimals. This concept is essential for various real-world applications, from calculating prices to solving complex scientific problems. Our introduction video serves as a valuable starting point, offering a clear and concise explanation of decimal multiplication. By watching this video, you'll gain a solid foundation for understanding the process and rules involved in multiplying decimals. The video demonstrates step-by-step techniques, making it easier to grasp this important mathematical operation. As you progress through this lesson, you'll discover that multiplying decimals follows similar principles to whole number multiplication, with a few key differences in placing the decimal point. This knowledge will enhance your overall mathematical proficiency and prepare you for more advanced topics in the future.

      Understanding the basics of adding and subtracting decimals is fundamental before diving into more complex operations. Additionally, being able to apply these skills in real-world scenarios, such as solving scientific problems, showcases the practical importance of mastering decimal operations.

      Understanding Decimal Multiplication

      When working with decimals, it's crucial to understand the key differences between addition/subtraction and multiplication. This distinction is particularly important when it comes to the placement of decimal points and the overall calculation process. Let's explore these differences and delve into the concept of decimal multiplication.

      In addition and subtraction of decimals, aligning the decimal points is essential. This alignment ensures that we're adding or subtracting corresponding place values correctly. For example, when adding 3.14 and 2.5, we would line up the decimal points and add the tenths and hundredths separately.

      However, when it comes to multiplying decimals, the process is quite different. The most significant distinction is that decimal points don't need to be lined up for multiplication. This is because multiplication involves creating a new number, rather than combining existing place values.

      Instead of aligning decimal points, the key to decimal multiplication lies in counting place values. This method helps determine the final position of the decimal point in the product. To illustrate this concept, let's use the example from the video: 2.15 x 1.4.

      In this multiplication, we first ignore the decimal points and multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers: 215 x 14 = 3010. Now, to determine where to place the decimal point in our result, we count the total number of decimal places in both factors.

      In 2.15, there are two decimal places (tenths and hundredths). In 1.4, there is one decimal place (tenths). Adding these together, we get a total of three decimal places. This means our final answer should have three decimal places as well.

      Counting three places from the right in our product (3010), we place the decimal point to get 3.010. This is our final answer: 2.15 x 1.4 = 3.010.

      This place value counting method is a fundamental aspect of the multiplication process for decimals. It ensures accuracy without the need to align decimal points as we do in addition and subtraction.

      Understanding this difference is crucial for students learning decimal operations. It helps avoid common mistakes, such as misaligning decimal points during multiplication or forgetting to count total decimal places.

      Moreover, this method of counting place values extends to more complex decimal multiplications. For instance, when multiplying three or more decimal numbers, you would simply count the total decimal places across all factors to determine the final decimal point position in the product.

      By mastering this concept, students can approach decimal multiplication with confidence, knowing they have a reliable method for placing the decimal point correctly in their answers. This skill is invaluable not only in academic settings but also in real-world applications where precise calculations involving decimals are required.

      In conclusion, while addition and subtraction of decimals require careful alignment of decimal points, multiplication follows a different rule. By focusing on counting place values rather than aligning decimal points, students can accurately multiply decimals and determine the correct placement of the decimal point in their final answer. This fundamental difference in approach is key to mastering decimal operations and building a strong foundation in mathematics.

      The Distributive Property in Decimal Multiplication

      Long multiplication is a fundamental arithmetic operation that relies heavily on the distributive property. This property is a cornerstone of algebra and arithmetic, allowing us to break down complex multiplication problems into simpler, more manageable parts. When we apply long multiplication, we're essentially using the distributive property to multiply each digit of one number by every digit of the other number.

      Let's consider an example to illustrate this concept. Imagine we're multiplying 23.5 by 4.2. In long multiplication, we treat these numbers as if the decimal points weren't there, focusing solely on the digits. We start by multiplying 235 by 42, and then adjust the decimal point in our final answer.

      Here's how the process unfolds, applying the distributive property:

      1. We multiply 235 by 2 (the ones digit of 42): 235 × 2 = 470

      2. Then we multiply 235 by 40 (the tens digit of 42): 235 × 40 = 9400

      3. We add these partial products: 470 + 9400 = 9870

      This process demonstrates the distributive property in action: 235 × 42 = 235 × (40 + 2) = (235 × 40) + (235 × 2).

      When dealing with decimals, the multiplication process remains identical. We focus on the digits and temporarily ignore the decimal points. The key is to remember that the decimal point in the final answer will be placed based on the total number of decimal places in both factors.

      In our example of 23.5 × 4.2:

      1. We multiply 235 by 42 as shown above, getting 9870.

      2. We count the total decimal places: 23.5 has one, and 4.2 has one, so 1 + 1 = 2 total.

      3. We place the decimal point in our result to give two places after the decimal: 98.70.

      This method works because the distributive property applies to all real numbers, including decimals. Whether we're multiplying whole numbers or decimals, we're still breaking down the multiplication into smaller parts and then combining the results.

      The beauty of this approach is its consistency. By focusing on the digits and applying the distributive property, we can multiply any two numbers, regardless of their decimal places. This technique simplifies complex calculations and provides a systematic way to handle multiplication, making it an essential tool in mathematics and everyday calculations.

      Converting Decimals to Whole Numbers

      Converting decimal multiplication to whole number multiplication is a powerful strategy that simplifies complex calculations and makes mental math easier. This technique leverages the properties of powers of 10 to transform decimals into more manageable whole numbers. Let's explore this method in detail and understand why it works mathematically.

      The core principle behind this strategy is that multiplying or dividing by powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc.) simply moves the decimal point in a number. For example, multiplying by 10 moves the decimal point one place to the right, while multiplying by 100 moves it two places to the right. Conversely, dividing by these powers of 10 moves the decimal point to the left.

      To convert decimal multiplication to whole number multiplication, we follow these steps:

      1. Identify the decimal numbers in the multiplication problem.
      2. Determine how many decimal places need to be moved to convert each number to a whole number.
      3. Multiply both numbers by the appropriate power of 10 to make them whole numbers.
      4. Perform the multiplication with the new whole numbers.
      5. Adjust the final answer by moving the decimal point back the total number of places moved in step 3.

      Let's consider an example to illustrate this process. Suppose we need to multiply 3.75 by 2.4:

      1. We have two decimal numbers: 3.75 and 2.4.
      2. 3.75 needs two decimal places moved, and 2.4 needs one decimal place moved.
      3. Multiply 3.75 by 100 (375) and 2.4 by 10 (24).
      4. Now multiply 375 by 24, which equals 9000.
      5. Since we moved the decimal point a total of three places (two for 3.75 and one for 2.4), we need to move the decimal point in our answer three places to the left: 9.000.

      This method works because of the distributive property of multiplication. When we multiply 3.75 by 100 and 2.4 by 10, we're essentially multiplying our original problem by 1000 (100 * 10). By moving the decimal point back three places in our final answer, we're dividing by 1000, which cancels out the initial multiplication and gives us the correct result.

      The beauty of this strategy lies in its simplicity and versatility. It can be applied to any decimal multiplication problem, regardless of the number of decimal places involved. By converting to whole numbers, we eliminate the complexity of dealing with decimal points during the multiplication process, reducing the likelihood of errors and making mental calculations more manageable.

      This technique is particularly useful in real-world applications, such as financial calculations, scientific computations, and everyday problem-solving scenarios. It empowers individuals to perform complex decimal multiplications quickly and accurately, even without the aid of a calculator.

      In conclusion, the strategy of converting decimal multiplication to whole number multiplication by using powers of 10 is a valuable tool in mathematical problem-solving. It simplifies calculations, reduces errors, and enhances mental math abilities. By understanding and applying this technique, students and professionals alike can approach decimal multiplication with confidence and efficiency.

      Placing the Decimal Point in the Final Answer

      Determining the correct placement of the decimal point in the final answer is a crucial step in multiplication involving decimals. This process requires careful attention to the number of decimal places in the factors and understanding their relationship to the answer. By mastering this skill, you'll ensure accurate results in your calculations.

      The key to placing the decimal point correctly lies in counting the total number of decimal places in all factors. This total determines where the decimal point should be positioned in the final product. Let's break down this process step-by-step:

      1. Count the decimal places: Begin by counting the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in each factor. For example, if you're multiplying 3.14 by 2.5, you'll count two decimal places in the first factor and one in the second.

      2. Add the counts: Sum up the total number of decimal places from all factors. In our example, 2 + 1 = 3 total decimal places.

      3. Multiply the numbers: Perform the multiplication as if the numbers were whole numbers, ignoring the decimal points for now. So, 314 × 25 = 7850.

      4. Place the decimal point: In the product, count from right to left the same number of places as the total you calculated in step 2. In this case, we'll count three places from the right in 7850 and insert the decimal point, resulting in 7.850.

      The video example illustrates this process clearly. It shows how to count the decimal places in each factor, add them together, and then move the decimal point in the product accordingly. This visual demonstration helps reinforce the concept and makes it easier to apply to various multiplication problems.

      Understanding the relationship between the number of decimal places in the factors and the answer is essential. The rule is simple: the number of decimal places in the product equals the sum of decimal places in all factors. This principle holds true regardless of the number of factors or their individual decimal place counts.

      For instance, when multiplying 0.1 × 0.01 × 0.001, we have a total of 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 decimal places. The product of these numbers is 0.000001, which indeed has six decimal places. This consistency allows for quick verification of your answer's accuracy.

      Practicing with various examples will help solidify your understanding of decimal placement. Try multiplying numbers with different combinations of decimal places, such as:

      • 1.5 × 2.3 (one decimal place each, resulting in two in the answer)
      • 0.25 × 4 (two decimal places in one factor, none in the other, resulting in two in the answer)
      • 3.14 × 0.001 (two and three decimal places, resulting in five in the answer)

      Remember, the process of counting decimal places and moving the decimal point in the product is consistent across all multiplication problems involving decimals. By following these steps and understanding the underlying principle, you'll be able to confidently place the decimal point in your final answers, ensuring accuracy in your calculations.

      In conclusion, mastering decimal placement in multiplication is a fundamental skill in mathematics. It requires attention to detail in counting decimal places, understanding the additive nature of these counts, and correctly positioning the decimal point in the final product. With practice and application of these principles, you'll enhance your ability to perform decimal multiplication accurately and efficiently.

      Shortcut Method for Multiplying Decimals

      After mastering the fundamental concepts of decimal multiplication, it's time to explore a more efficient calculation technique: the shortcut method for multiplying decimals. This approach streamlines the process, making complex calculations quicker and easier to manage.

      The key to this shortcut method for multiplying decimals is to temporarily ignore the decimal points during multiplication. This might seem counterintuitive at first, but it's based on the solid understanding we've developed in previous sections. Here's how it works:

      1. Start by multiplying the numbers as if they were whole numbers, disregarding the decimal points completely.
      2. Perform the multiplication as you normally would for integers.
      3. Once you have your product, it's time to consider the decimal placement.
      4. Count the total number of decimal places in both original factors combined.
      5. In your final answer, place the decimal point by counting that many places from right to left.

      Let's illustrate this decimal multiplication technique with an example. Suppose we need to multiply 3.14 by 2.5:

      1. Ignore the decimals and multiply 314 by 25.
      2. 314 × 25 = 7850
      3. Count the decimal places: 3.14 has 2, and 2.5 has 1. Total: 3 decimal places.
      4. In 7850, count 3 places from right to left: 7.850
      5. Therefore, 3.14 × 2.5 = 7.850

      This shortcut method significantly reduces the complexity of decimal multiplication, especially when dealing with multiple decimal places. It eliminates the need to align decimal points during the calculation process, which can be a common source of errors.

      The efficiency of this technique becomes even more apparent with larger numbers or more complex decimal values. For instance, multiplying 0.0314 by 25.0 becomes as simple as multiplying 314 by 250 and then placing the decimal point correctly in the final answer.

      It's crucial to emphasize that this shortcut is not a mathematical trick, but rather a practical application of the principles we've learned about place value and decimal operations. By understanding that multiplying by 0.1 is equivalent to dividing by 10, we can see why this method works consistently.

      As you practice this efficient calculation method, you'll find that your confidence in handling decimal multiplications grows. Remember, the key is to treat the numbers as integers during multiplication and then adjust the decimal placement at the end. This approach not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors in complex calculations.

      Practice and Application

      To master decimal multiplication, it's essential to practice with various examples and problem types. Let's explore additional practice problems, complete with step-by-step solutions using both the long method and the shortcut method. Remember, consistent practice is key to improving your decimal multiplication skills.

      Example 1: 2.5 × 3.7

      Long method:

      1. Multiply as if they were whole numbers: 25 × 37 = 925
      2. Count decimal places (1 + 1 = 2)
      3. Place the decimal point: 9.25

      Shortcut method:

      1. Multiply: 25 × 37 = 925
      2. Divide by 100 (move decimal point 2 places left): 9.25

      Example 2: 0.08 × 0.6

      Long method:

      1. Multiply: 8 × 6 = 48
      2. Count decimal places (2 + 1 = 3)
      3. Place the decimal point: 0.048

      Shortcut method:

      1. Multiply: 8 × 6 = 48
      2. Divide by 1000 (move decimal point 3 places left): 0.048

      Now, try these practice problems on your own:

      1. 4.2 × 1.5
      2. 0.03 × 0.9
      3. 7.25 × 0.8
      4. 0.125 × 0.4

      After attempting these problems, compare your results with the following solutions:

      1. 4.2 × 1.5 = 6.3
      2. 0.03 × 0.9 = 0.027
      3. 7.25 × 0.8 = 5.8
      4. 0.125 × 0.4 = 0.05

      Remember to check your work by estimating the answer before calculating. This helps catch potential errors. For example, in problem 1, you can estimate that 4 × 1.5 is about 6, so 6.3 is a reasonable answer.

      As you practice, focus on accuracy first, then work on improving your speed. Don't hesitate to use calculators to verify your answers, but try to solve problems manually to strengthen your skills. Regular practice with decimal multiplication will enhance your problem-solving abilities and prepare you for more advanced mathematical concepts.


      In summary, multiplying decimals involves key steps that build on fundamental arithmetic skills. Remember to align decimal points, multiply as if working with whole numbers, and then correctly place the decimal point in the final answer. While shortcuts can be helpful, it's crucial to understand the underlying process to avoid errors and build a strong mathematical foundation. We encourage you to rewatch the introduction video to reinforce these concepts and solidify your understanding. For further practice, try solving a variety of decimal multiplication problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Engage with online resources, workbooks, or study groups to challenge yourself and improve your skills. Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek additional explanations if needed. Mastering decimal multiplication is an essential step in your mathematical journey, opening doors to more advanced concepts and real-world applications. Keep practicing, stay curious, and watch your confidence grow with each problem you solve!

      Multiplying Decimals: Complete Each Multiplication Statement

      Let's solve the multiplication statement: 0.57 x 100

      Step 1: Understand the Problem

      We are given the multiplication problem 0.57 x 100. Our goal is to find the product of these two numbers. Multiplying decimals by whole numbers can be simplified by understanding the placement of the decimal point.

      Step 2: Identify the Number of Zeros in the Multiplier

      In this problem, we are multiplying by 100. Notice that 100 has two zeros. This is a crucial observation because the number of zeros in the multiplier will determine how many places we move the decimal point in the multiplicand (0.57).

      Step 3: Move the Decimal Point

      When multiplying a decimal by a power of 10 (like 10, 100, 1000, etc.), you move the decimal point to the right by the number of zeros in the multiplier. Since 100 has two zeros, we will move the decimal point in 0.57 two places to the right.

      Step 4: Perform the Decimal Shift

      Starting with the number 0.57, we move the decimal point two places to the right. Heres how it looks:

      • Original number: 0.57
      • Move the decimal one place to the right: 5.7
      • Move the decimal another place to the right: 57.

      After moving the decimal point two places to the right, we get 57. The decimal point is now at the end of the number, which means it is effectively 57.

      Step 5: Write the Final Answer

      After shifting the decimal point, we find that 0.57 x 100 equals 57. Therefore, the final answer is 57.


      By following these steps, you can easily multiply any decimal by a power of 10. The key is to count the number of zeros in the multiplier and move the decimal point in the multiplicand accordingly. This method simplifies the process and ensures accuracy in your calculations.


      1. Q: Why is it important to learn how to multiply decimals?

        A: Learning to multiply decimals is crucial because it's a fundamental mathematical skill used in various real-world applications. It's essential for financial calculations, scientific measurements, and everyday problem-solving. Mastering decimal multiplication enhances overall mathematical proficiency and prepares you for more advanced mathematical concepts.

      2. Q: How does multiplying decimals differ from adding or subtracting them?

        A: The main difference lies in the placement of the decimal point. In addition and subtraction, decimal points must be aligned. In multiplication, you multiply as if working with whole numbers and then place the decimal point in the final answer based on the total number of decimal places in the factors.

      3. Q: What is the shortcut method for multiplying decimals?

        A: The shortcut method involves multiplying the numbers as if they were whole numbers, ignoring the decimal points. After multiplication, count the total number of decimal places in all factors and move the decimal point in the product that many places from right to left.

      4. Q: How do you determine where to place the decimal point in the final answer?

        A: To place the decimal point correctly, count the total number of decimal places in all factors. Then, in the product, count from right to left the same number of places and insert the decimal point there. For example, if you multiply 3.14 (2 decimal places) by 2.5 (1 decimal place), the answer will have 3 decimal places.

      5. Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when multiplying decimals?

        A: Common mistakes include forgetting to count all decimal places, misaligning numbers during multiplication, and incorrectly placing the decimal point in the final answer. It's also important to avoid confusing the process with addition/subtraction rules. Always double-check your work and use estimation to verify if your answer is reasonable.

      Prerequisite Topics for Multiplying Decimals

      Understanding the fundamentals of multiplying decimals is crucial for advancing in mathematics. To master this skill, it's essential to have a solid grasp of several prerequisite topics. One of the most important foundations is adding and subtracting decimals. This skill helps you understand how decimal numbers interact and prepares you for more complex operations like multiplication.

      Another critical concept is place value, particularly decimal place value. Knowing the significance of each digit's position in a decimal number is vital when multiplying, as it affects how you align numbers and where to place the decimal point in the result.

      While not directly related to decimals, understanding the principles of whole number multiplication is essential. These basic multiplication skills form the foundation for working with decimal numbers. Similarly, grasping the distributive property of multiplication can be helpful when breaking down more complex decimal multiplication problems.

      An often overlooked but important skill is converting decimals to whole numbers. This ability can simplify certain multiplication problems and help you check your work. It's also beneficial to understand how decimals relate to fractions, as this connection can provide alternative methods for solving problems.

      Lastly, proficiency in solving problems with rational numbers in decimal form is crucial. This skill encompasses many aspects of working with decimals and prepares you for the various real-world applications of decimal multiplication.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for multiplying decimals. Each concept contributes to your overall understanding and ability to work with decimal numbers effectively. For instance, place value knowledge helps you align numbers correctly, while addition and subtraction skills aid in checking your multiplication results. Understanding whole number multiplication and the distributive property provides strategies for breaking down complex problems.

      Moreover, the ability to convert between decimals, fractions, and whole numbers gives you flexibility in problem-solving approaches. This versatility is particularly useful when dealing with word problems or real-world scenarios involving decimal multiplication. As you progress, you'll find that these foundational skills not only support your ability to multiply decimals but also contribute to your overall mathematical proficiency.

      Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject where each new concept builds upon previous knowledge. By ensuring you have a solid grasp of these prerequisite topics, you're setting yourself up for success in multiplying decimals and in more advanced mathematical concepts that follow. Take the time to review and strengthen these fundamental skills, and you'll find that multiplying decimals becomes a more manageable and even enjoyable task.