Exploring pH Indicators: The Colorful World of Chemistry
Dive into the fascinating realm of pH indicators. Understand how these vibrant substances change color to reveal acidity levels, and explore their crucial role in scientific research and everyday applications.

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  1. How do we use pH indicators?
  2. How do we use pH indicators?
    Indicator: definition and examples.
  3. How do we use pH indicators?
    Using equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle) with indicators.
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  1. Understand how the colour change of pH indicators is related to acid-base chemistry.
    Alizarin yellow is a pH indicator which is yellow when protonated and blue when deprotonated.
    1. Write a Ka expression and equilibrium equation showing the dissociation of alizarin yellow, using the symbols HIn and In-.

    2. In terms of equilibrium concentration, what happens to the pH indicator at the titration endpoint?

    3. Explain, in terms of equilibrium, why the solution turns yellow when [H3O+] is high.

Introduction to acid-base theory

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • To recall the definition of an indicator and their uses in chemistry.
  • How to describe an indicator’s action in terms of equilibrium.
  • How to use the Ka expression to predict an indicator’s color at a given pH.


  • In chemistry, measuring pH is done by using indicator solutions. There are many different indicators in chemistry but all of them are either a weak organic acid or base that is a different color to its conjugate pair. Some examples are:


    Acid (protonated) color

    Base (deprotonated) color

    pH range





    Bromothymol blue




    Alizarin yellow




    Each indicator has a specific pH range in which it will change color by accepting or donating a proton. The choice of indicator used in an experiment will depend on the solution being investigated and its pH.

  • As with any weak organic acid or base, you can write an equilibrium equation to show the change from acidic to basic form. Because indicators are quite complicated molecules, we either use abbreviations of the name in equilibrium equations (e.g. ‘Aliz’ for Alizarin) or simply In (for Indicator).

    HIn + H2O \rightleftharpoons H3O+ + In-

    For example, with bromothymol blue which is yellow in acidic conditions and blue in basic conditions:

    HIn + H2O \rightleftharpoons H3O+ + In-
    Yellow \qquad \rightleftharpoons\qquad Blue

    In basic conditions, [H3O+] is low. The equilibrium will shift to the right to produce more H3O+ and as a consequence, more In-. This will eventually cause there to be more In- molecules than HIn molecules – more blue molecules than yellow molecules. This causes the color change from yellow to blue.

    In acidic conditions, [H3O+] is high. The opposite effect happens here, where the equilibrium shifts left, reacting blue In- molecules to produce more yellow HIn molecules. This causes the color change from blue to yellow when conditions become more acidic.

  • As with any equilibrium, we can write an Keq equilibrium expression for this reaction. This equilibrium is just showing dissociation to give off H+ or accepting H+ to go to a conjugate base. This is acid dissociation! So we label it Ka:

    Ka = [H3O+][In][HIn]\frac{[H_{3}O^{+}][In^-]}{[HIn]}

    The point where the indicator is on the brink of changing color (or ‘halfway through’ changing color) is called the endpoint. This is where [HIn] = [In-]. At this point, the expression can be simplified:

    Long run: entry & exit

    Therefore, the Ka of the indicator at the endpoint equals [H3O+]. This also means that at the endpoint, pH = pKa of the indicator.

  • Indicators can be added to different acids or bases to compare their relative strengths. For example: Methyl orange is an indicator which is red when protonated (when in acidic solution) and yellow when deprotonated (when in basic solution).

    In- + HA \rightleftharpoons A- + HIn
    Yellow \qquad \rightleftharpoons\quad Red

    Methyl orange is added to a solution of acid HA, where it turns yellow. It is also added to another acid HB where it turns red in solution.

    If methyl orange is yellow (In-) in the presence of HA, it means that more of its molecules are deprotonated, and therefore that HA is in protonated form. Since a stronger acid (a stronger proton donor) will always protonate a weaker acid, this suggests that methyl orange is the stronger proton donor, and is therefore a stronger acid. Methyl orange is a stronger acid than HA.

    Conversely, if methyl orange is red (HIn) in a solution of HB, it means that more of its molecules are protonated than deprotonated, and therefore HB is mostly deprotonated. This suggests HB is a stronger proton donor and therefore HB is a stronger acid than methyl orange.

    The relative acid strength is therefore HB > HIn > HA

Introduction to pH Indicators

pH indicators are essential tools in chemistry that provide visual cues about the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. These remarkable substances change color depending on the pH level, making them invaluable in various scientific and industrial applications. Our introduction video offers a captivating glimpse into the world of pH indicators, showcasing their vibrant transformations and practical uses. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the fascinating realm of pH indicators, exploring their definition, diverse applications, and common examples. From laboratory experiments to environmental monitoring, pH indicators play a crucial role in countless fields. Whether you're a student, researcher, or simply curious about chemistry, understanding pH indicators is key to grasping fundamental chemical concepts. Join us as we unravel the colorful science behind these indispensable chemical indicators and discover how they help us decode the hidden properties of solutions in our everyday lives and scientific endeavors.

  1. What is a pH indicator and how does it work?

    A pH indicator is a chemical compound that changes color in response to the pH of a solution. It works by undergoing protonation or deprotonation reactions, which alter its molecular structure and, consequently, its color. For example, phenolphthalein is colorless in acidic solutions but turns pink in basic solutions.

  2. What are 5 common pH indicators?

    Five common pH indicators are: 1. Phenolphthalein (colorless to pink, pH 8.2-10) 2. Methyl orange (red to yellow, pH 3.1-4.4) 3. Bromothymol blue (yellow to blue, pH 6.0-7.6) 4. Litmus (red to blue, pH 4.5-8.3) 5. Universal indicator (red to violet, pH 1-14)

  3. What is the best pH indicator?

    The "best" pH indicator depends on the specific application. Universal indicators are versatile for a wide pH range, while phenolphthalein is excellent for titrations involving strong bases. For precise measurements in narrow pH ranges, specific indicators like bromothymol blue (for near-neutral solutions) are preferred.

  4. What is an example of a natural pH indicator?

    Red cabbage juice is a well-known natural pH indicator. It contains anthocyanins that change color from red in acidic solutions to purple in neutral solutions, and green to yellow in basic solutions. Other natural indicators include turmeric (yellow to red) and beetroot (red to purple).

  5. What are some pH indicators available at home?

    Several household items can serve as pH indicators: 1. Red cabbage juice 2. Turmeric solution 3. Tea (black or green) 4. Grape juice 5. Beet juice These natural indicators can change color in response to acids or bases, providing a simple way to test pH at home.


Before delving into the fascinating world of pH indicators, it's crucial to grasp several fundamental concepts in chemistry. These prerequisite topics form the foundation for understanding how pH indicators work and their significance in various chemical processes.

One of the most important concepts to comprehend is the distinction between strong and weak acids and bases. This knowledge is essential because pH indicators are designed to react differently with various strengths of acids and bases, allowing us to visually determine the pH of a solution. Understanding the characteristics of weak acids and bases helps explain why some indicators change color gradually over a range of pH values, while others have more abrupt color changes.

Another critical prerequisite topic is the acid dissociation constant. This concept is directly related to how pH indicators function. The acid dissociation constant of an indicator determines at what pH range it will change color. By understanding this principle, you can better appreciate why different indicators are used for various pH ranges and how they provide accurate measurements of a solution's acidity or basicity.

Additionally, grasping the concept of solubility and ion concentration, particularly hydrogen ion concentration, is crucial when working with pH indicators. The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution directly affects its pH, and consequently, the color of the pH indicator. This knowledge helps in interpreting the results obtained from using pH indicators and understanding how changes in concentration can influence pH measurements.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be better equipped to understand the intricacies of pH indicators. You'll be able to explain why certain indicators are chosen for specific applications, how they interact with different types of solutions, and how to interpret the results accurately. Moreover, this foundational knowledge will enable you to predict how changes in solution composition might affect pH readings and indicator behavior.

Understanding these concepts also opens doors to more advanced applications of pH indicators in various fields, such as environmental monitoring, biochemistry, and industrial processes. For instance, knowing how weak acids and bases behave can help you understand why certain biological systems use natural pH indicators to maintain optimal conditions.

In conclusion, a solid grasp of strong and weak acids and bases, acid dissociation constants, and solubility and ion concentration is essential for anyone looking to work with or study pH indicators. These prerequisite topics not only enhance your understanding of how pH indicators function but also provide a broader context for their applications in chemistry and related fields. By investing time in mastering these fundamental concepts, you'll be well-prepared to explore the fascinating world of pH indicators and their diverse applications in scientific research and everyday life.