Characteristics of polynomials

  1. What is a polynomial?
    • Review on Variables, Coefficients, and Expressions
    • What are Monomials, Binomials, and Trinomials?
    • What are the Degree, Leading Term, and Constant term of a polynomial?
    • Name polynomials based on degree: Quadratic, Cubic, Quartic, Quintic, etc.
  2. How to find the degree of a polynomial?
  1. Determine the number of terms and the name for each of the expression.
    1. 5y2 - 5{y^2}
    2. 2x2+4x+62{x^2} + 4x + 6
    3. 7.3 - 7.3
    4. y3+ay+nxx2y^3 + ay + nx - x^2
  2. Find the degree and number of terms for each of the following expression.
    1. 2xy3y2+62xy - 3{y^2} + 6
    2. 4a3+a4{a^3} + a
    3. 4 - 4
  3. Write the expression for each set of the algebra tiles.

    1. polynomials expressed in algebra tiles

    2. what is the polynomial that the algebra tiles represented

    3. Algebra tiles set and polynomials
  4. Peter wants to buy some comic books and magazines. A bookstore sells comic books for $12 each and magazines for $8 each.
    1. Write an expression to represent the money Peter needs to spend on both comic books and magazines.
    2. How much does Peter need to spend if he wants 9 comic books and 3 magazines?
    3. Write a new expression for Peter's expenditure on books if the bookstore raises the price of a comic book to $15 and a magazine to $10.
Topic Notes
A polynomial consists of constants, variables and exponents. Polynomials are named based on the number of terms they have. Polynomials with 1 term are called monomials. Those with 2 terms are called binomials, and the ones with 3 terms are called trinomials.

Introduction to Polynomials

Welcome to the fascinating world of polynomials! These mathematical expressions are fundamental in algebra and have numerous real-world applications. Polynomials are made up of variables, coefficients, and exponents, combined using addition and subtraction. They come in various degrees, from simple linear equations to more complex higher-degree forms. Understanding polynomials is crucial for advancing in mathematics and related fields. To kick off our journey, we've prepared an introduction video that will give you a solid foundation. This video covers the basic characteristics of polynomials, including their structure, terminology, and how to identify them. It's an essential starting point that will make our subsequent lessons much easier to grasp. As we progress, we'll explore operations with polynomials, factoring techniques, and solving polynomial equations. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of these versatile mathematical expressions together!

Understanding Polynomial Terms

Polynomial terms are the building blocks of algebraic expressions, and understanding them is crucial for mastering mathematics. Let's break down the components of polynomial terms and explore their significance.

At its core, a polynomial term consists of constants, variables, and exponents. Constants are fixed numerical values that don't change, such as 3, 7, or -2. Variables, typically represented by letters like x, y, or z, are symbols that can take on different values. Exponents, written as superscript numbers, indicate how many times a variable is multiplied by itself.

For example, in the term '3x squared' (written mathematically as 3x²), we can identify each component:

Coefficients are the numerical factors that multiply the variables in a term. In our example, 3 is the coefficient. Coefficients can be positive, negative, or even fractions. When no coefficient is written, it's assumed to be 1.

Expressions are combinations of one or more terms. For instance, '3x² + 2x - 5' is a polynomial expression consisting of three terms: 3x², 2x, and -5. Each term is separated by addition or subtraction signs.

It's important to note that in polynomials, exponents must be whole numbers (non-negative integers). This rule distinguishes polynomials from other types of algebraic expressions. Terms like x^(1/2) or x^(-2) are not considered polynomial terms.

Let's look at more examples to solidify these concepts:

  • 5y³: 5 is the coefficient, y is the variable, and 3 is the exponent
  • -2z: -2 is the coefficient, z is the variable, and the exponent is 1 (often omitted)
  • 7: This is a constant term with no variable
  • x²: The coefficient is 1 (implied), x is the variable, and 2 is the exponent

Understanding polynomial terms is essential for solving equations, graphing functions, and analyzing mathematical relationships. As you progress in algebra and calculus, you'll encounter more complex polynomials, but the fundamental concepts remain the same.

Remember, when working with polynomials:

By mastering these basics, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques. Practice identifying and manipulating polynomial terms to build your confidence and skills in algebra.

Degrees of Polynomials

Understanding the concept of degree in polynomials is crucial for anyone studying algebra or higher mathematics. The degree of a polynomial plays a significant role in determining its behavior and properties. Let's dive into this topic and explore how to identify the degree of both individual terms and entire polynomials.

First, let's define what we mean by the degree of a polynomial. In simple terms, the degree refers to the highest power of the variable in the polynomial. For a single term, determining the degree is straightforward: it's the sum of the exponents of all variables in that term. For example, in the term 3x²y, the degree is 3 (2 from x² plus 1 from y).

When we look at an entire polynomial, the degree is determined by the term with the highest degree. This is where the concept of the leading term comes into play. The leading term is the term with the highest degree in the polynomial, and it's this term that ultimately determines the degree of the entire expression.

Let's consider an example to illustrate this. Take the polynomial 4x³ + 2x² - 5x + 7. Here, the leading term is 4x³, and therefore, the degree of the entire polynomial is 3. It's important to note that the constant term (7 in this case) has a degree of 0, as any number raised to the power of 0 equals 1.

The leading term is not just important for determining the degree; it also plays a crucial role in controlling the polynomial's behavior, especially as the variable approaches very large or very small values. This is why we often focus on the leading term when analyzing polynomial functions.

For instance, if we have a polynomial function f(x) = 2x³ - 5x² + 3x - 1, the leading term 2x³ will dominate the function's behavior as x becomes very large (positive or negative). This means that for very large values of x, the function will behave similarly to y = 2x³.

Understanding the degree and leading term of a polynomial is essential for various mathematical applications. It helps in graphing polynomial functions, solving equations, and predicting function behavior. For example, the degree of a polynomial tells us the maximum number of times its graph can cross the x-axis, which is equal to the degree of the polynomial.

It's also worth noting that polynomials can have multiple variables. In such cases, we consider the total degree, which is the sum of the exponents of all variables in the term with the highest degree. For example, in the polynomial x²y + xy² + x³, the term with the highest total degree is xy², with a degree of 3.

As you delve deeper into algebra and calculus, you'll find that the concept of degree becomes increasingly important. It's used in techniques like polynomial long division, finding roots of equations, and even in more advanced topics like differential equations.

To summarize, the degree of a polynomial is determined by its leading term, which has the highest power of the variable. This concept is fundamental in understanding polynomial behavior and is a key tool in mathematical analysis. Whether you're sketching graphs, solving equations, or exploring more complex mathematical ideas, a solid grasp of polynomial degrees will serve you well in your mathematical journey.

Types of Polynomials

Polynomials are essential mathematical expressions that play a crucial role in algebra and higher mathematics. They come in various forms, and understanding their types can help you tackle more complex problems with ease. Let's explore the different types of polynomials based on the number of terms and their degrees.

First, let's look at polynomials classified by the number of terms:

1. Monomials: These are the simplest type of polynomials, consisting of just one term. For example, 5x, 3y², or 7 are all monomials. They're like the building blocks of more complex polynomials.

2. Binomials: As the name suggests, binomials have two terms. Examples include x + 3, 2y - 5, or x² + 7. The famous quadratic formula deals with a specific type of binomial.

3. Trinomials: These polynomials have three terms. Common examples are x² + 2x + 1, 3y³ - 2y + 5, or 2x² - 7x + 3. Trinomials often appear in quadratic equations.

Polynomials with four or more terms don't have special names - they're simply called polynomials.

Now, let's explore how polynomials are named based on their degree. The degree of a polynomial is determined by the highest power of the variable in the expression:

Linear polynomials: These have a degree of 1, like 2x + 3 or -5y + 7. They form straight lines when graphed.

Quadratic polynomials: With a degree of 2, these form parabolas when graphed. Examples include x² + 3x - 2 or 4y² - y + 1.

Cubic polynomials: These have a degree of 3, such as x³ - 2x² + 4x - 1 or 2y³ + 5y - 3.

Quartic polynomials: With a degree of 4, these can be quite complex. An example is x + 2x³ - 3x² + x - 5.

Polynomials can have even higher degrees, but they don't have special names beyond quartic. We simply refer to them by their degree number, like a "fifth-degree polynomial" or a "seventh-degree polynomial."

It's important to note that a polynomial can be both classified by its number of terms and its degree. For instance, x² + 3 is both a binomial and a quadratic polynomial.

Understanding these types of polynomials is crucial for solving equations, graphing functions, and tackling more advanced mathematical concepts. As you progress in your math journey, you'll encounter these different forms frequently, and being able to identify and work with them will be a valuable skill.

Remember, practice is key when working with polynomials. Try creating your own examples of monomials, binomials, and trinomials. Experiment with different degrees and see how they behave when graphed. The more familiar you become with these various types, the more comfortable you'll be solving polynomial-related problems in the future.

Standard Form and Descending Degree

Let's dive into the world of polynomials and explore the concept of standard form and descending degree! In mathematics, we often encounter polynomials, which are expressions consisting of variables and coefficients. But did you know there's a special way to write them? That's where standard form comes in!

Standard form is a convention in mathematics where we arrange polynomial terms in a specific order. Specifically, we write the terms in descending degree. But what does that mean? Well, the degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of its variables. In standard form, we start with the term that has the highest degree and work our way down to the lowest.

For example, let's take the polynomial: 3x² + 2x³ - 5x + 7. To write this in standard form, we rearrange it as: 2x³ + 3x² - 5x + 7. See how the terms are now in order from highest degree (3) to lowest (0 for the constant term)?

You might be wondering, "Why bother with this arrangement?" Great question! There are several important reasons why mathematicians and students use standard form:

  1. Consistency: It provides a uniform way of writing polynomials, making them easier to read and compare.
  2. Simplification: It helps in grouping like terms together.
  3. Degree identification: The degree of the polynomial is immediately apparent as it's the highest exponent in the first term.
  4. Solving polynomial equations: Many techniques for solving polynomial equations rely on the polynomial being in standard form.

Let's practice arranging some polynomials in standard form:

  • x - 3x² + 2 becomes: -3x² + x + 2
  • 5 + 2x - x³ + x becomes: 2x - x³ + x + 5
  • x² + x³ - x + 4x becomes: -x + x³ + x² + 4x

Remember, when arranging terms, pay attention to the exponents, not the coefficients. The term with the highest exponent always comes first, regardless of its coefficient.

Now it's your turn! Try arranging these polynomials in standard form:

  1. 3 - 2x + x³
  2. x - 2x² + 5x - x³ + 1
  3. 2x - x + 3x² - 4

Take your time and remember the rule: highest degree first, then work your way down. Once you've given it a try, check your answers: 1) x³ - 2x + 3, 2) x - x³ - 2x² + 5x + 1, 3) -x + 3x² + 2x - 4.

By mastering standard form and the concept of descending degree, you're building a strong foundation for more advanced polynomial operations. Keep practicing, and soon arranging polynomials will become second nature!

Multivariable Polynomials

Welcome to the fascinating world of multivariable polynomials! These mathematical expressions are an extension of the polynomials you're familiar with, but they involve two or more variables. Let's dive into this concept and explore how to work with these more complex expressions.

A multivariable polynomial is an algebraic expression that consists of terms with multiple variables, each raised to non-negative integer powers. For example, 3x²y + 2xy³ - 5z + 7 is a multivariable polynomial with three variables: x, y, and z.

To determine the degree of a term in a multivariable polynomial, we sum the exponents of all variables in that term. For instance, in the term 3x²y, the degree is 2 + 1 = 3. The degree of the entire polynomial is the highest degree among all its terms. In our example, 2xy³ has the highest degree of 4, so that's the degree of the polynomial.

Constant terms in multivariable polynomials are numbers without variables, like the 7 in our example. These terms always have a degree of 0, regardless of their value. This is because any number raised to the power of 0 equals 1, so constants don't contribute to the overall degree of the polynomial.

When writing multivariable polynomials in standard form, we typically arrange the terms in descending order of degree. Variables are usually written in alphabetical order within each term. Here's our example polynomial in standard form: 2xy³ + 3x²y - 5z + 7

Let's look at a few more examples of multivariable polynomials:

  • 5x³y² + 2xy - 3x + 1 (degree 5)
  • z - 2x²y²z + xy - 6 (degree 4)
  • 4a²b³c - 3abc² + 2ab - 5 (degree 6)

Now, let's practice! Try these problems:

  1. Determine the degree of the polynomial: 3x²y³z - 4xy²z³ + 2x³z² - 1
  2. Write the following polynomial in standard form: 5 - 2xy + 3x²y³ - z³ + xz²
  3. Identify the constant term in: 2a³b² - 5ab + 3a²b - 7

Working with multivariable polynomials might seem challenging at first, but with practice, you'll find them to be powerful tools in algebra and calculus. They're essential in modeling complex real-world scenarios and solving advanced mathematical problems.

Remember, when dealing with multivariable polynomials:

  • The degree of a term is the sum of its variables' exponents
  • The degree of the polynomial is the highest degree among its terms
  • Constant terms always have a degree of 0
  • Standard form arranges terms by descending degree

As you continue your mathematical journey, you'll encounter multivariable polynomials in various contexts, from graphing three-dimensional surfaces to solving advanced mathematical problems. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be handling these expressions with confidence and ease!

Practical Applications and Importance

Polynomials are not just abstract mathematical concepts; they have a wide range of practical applications across various fields. In physics, polynomials are essential for describing motion, energy, and wave functions. For instance, the trajectory of a projectile can be modeled using a quadratic polynomial, allowing scientists to predict its path accurately. In engineering, polynomials play a crucial role in designing structures, optimizing processes, and analyzing complex systems. Engineers use polynomial equations to model stress and strain in materials, helping them create safer and more efficient designs.

The world of economics also heavily relies on polynomials. Economic models often use polynomial production functions to represent supply and demand curves, production functions, and cost-benefit analyses. For example, a company might use a polynomial equation to determine the optimal production level that maximizes profits. Understanding polynomials is crucial for advanced mathematics because they serve as building blocks for more complex mathematical concepts. They form the foundation for calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations, which are essential in fields like computer science, data analysis, and machine learning.

Real-world examples of polynomial applications are all around us. In computer graphics, Bézier curves, which are based on polynomial functions, are used to create smooth and realistic animations. Weather forecasting models utilize polynomial regression to predict temperature changes and rainfall patterns. Even in everyday life, polynomials are present in the algorithms that power smartphone apps, recommend products on e-commerce websites, and optimize traffic flow in smart cities.

For students, grasping the concept of polynomials opens up a world of possibilities. It's not just about solving equations; it's about developing problem-solving skills that can be applied to real-world challenges. Whether you're interested in designing the next breakthrough in renewable energy, creating more accurate climate models, or developing innovative financial instruments, a solid understanding of polynomials will be invaluable. So, embrace the power of polynomials! They're not just abstract symbols on a page but tools that can help you make a tangible impact in the world. As you delve deeper into this fascinating subject, remember that each polynomial you master brings you one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of the universe and solving some of society's most pressing problems.


In this lesson, we've explored the fascinating world of polynomials. We've learned that polynomials are expressions with variables and exponents, and they come in various degrees. The introduction video was crucial in helping us understand these concepts, so be sure to review it if needed. Remember, polynomials can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and even divided. We've also discovered how to identify the degree and leading coefficient of a polynomial. To truly master these concepts, practice is key. Try working with different polynomials, factoring them, and solving polynomial equations. Don't hesitate to explore further resources, such as online tutorials or textbooks, to deepen your understanding. Polynomials are fundamental in algebra and have numerous real-world applications, so mastering them will serve you well in your mathematical journey. Keep up the great work, and remember, every step you take in understanding polynomials brings you closer to becoming a math whiz!

Determine the Number of Terms and the Name for Each Expression

Given the expression: 5y2 - 5{y^2}

Step 1: Identify the Terms in the Expression

To determine the number of terms in a polynomial expression, you need to look at how the expression is structured. Terms in a polynomial are separated by addition (+) and subtraction (-) signs. In the given expression 5y2 - 5{y^2} , there are no addition or subtraction signs separating different parts of the expression. This means that the entire expression is a single term. Therefore, the number of terms in the expression 5y2 - 5{y^2} is one.

Step 2: Determine the Name of the Expression Based on the Number of Terms

Polynomials are named based on the number of terms they contain:

  • A polynomial with one term is called a monomial.
  • A polynomial with two terms is called a binomial.
  • A polynomial with three terms is called a trinomial.
  • Polynomials with more than three terms are generally just referred to as polynomials.
Since the expression 5y2 - 5{y^2} has only one term, it is classified as a monomial.

Step 3: Additional Information (Optional)

While not necessary for determining the number of terms or the name of the expression, it can be useful to know additional characteristics of the polynomial:

  • Leading Coefficient: The coefficient of the term with the highest degree. In this case, the leading coefficient is -5.
  • Degree of the Polynomial: The highest power of the variable in the polynomial. For 5y2 - 5{y^2} , the degree is 2.
This additional information can provide more insight into the nature of the polynomial.


Here are some frequently asked questions about polynomials:

  1. What is a polynomial?

    A polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of variables, coefficients, and exponents, combined using addition and subtraction. It can have one or more terms, and the exponents must be non-negative integers.

  2. How do you determine the degree of a polynomial?

    The degree of a polynomial is the highest power of the variable in the polynomial. For a single term, it's the sum of the exponents. For the entire polynomial, it's the highest degree among all terms.

  3. What is the standard form of a polynomial?

    Standard form arranges the terms of a polynomial in descending order of degree. For example, ax³ + bx² + cx + d, where a, b, c, and d are constants and a 0.

  4. What are some real-world applications of polynomials?

    Polynomials are used in various fields, including physics (for modeling motion), engineering (for designing structures), economics (for supply and demand curves), computer graphics (for creating smooth curves), and weather forecasting.

  5. How do you identify the leading term of a polynomial?

    The leading term is the term with the highest degree in the polynomial. It's the first term when the polynomial is written in standard form and plays a crucial role in determining the polynomial's behavior for large values of the variable.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the characteristics of polynomials is a crucial aspect of algebra, but to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental areas provide the building blocks necessary for comprehending the intricacies of polynomial behavior and manipulation.

One of the most important prerequisites is a thorough understanding of linear equations. Linear equations form the simplest type of polynomial, and mastering their applications lays the groundwork for more complex polynomial structures. By grasping how linear equations model real-world situations, students can better appreciate the versatility and power of polynomials in various fields.

As we progress to higher-degree polynomials, knowledge of quadratic equations becomes indispensable. The ability to solve quadratic equations using methods like the quadratic formula is crucial for analyzing the behavior of second-degree polynomials. This skill directly translates to understanding the roots and turning points of polynomial graphs.

Familiarity with the standard form of polynomials is another key prerequisite. Learning to factor polynomials, particularly those in the form x^2 + bx + c, provides insight into the structure of polynomial expressions and their roots. This knowledge is fundamental when exploring the characteristics of more complex polynomials.

As students delve deeper into the subject, understanding polynomial functions becomes crucial. Being able to determine the equation of a polynomial function from given information helps in visualizing and analyzing polynomial behavior. This skill is essential for identifying key characteristics such as degree, leading coefficient, and end behavior.

Perhaps the most directly relevant prerequisite is proficiency in solving polynomial equations. This skill encompasses various techniques, from factoring to using the rational root theorem, and is fundamental to understanding the zeros of polynomials. Mastering this topic allows students to fully explore the characteristics of polynomials, including their roots, factors, and graphical representations.

By building a strong foundation in these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to explore the fascinating world of polynomial characteristics. Each of these areas contributes uniquely to the overall understanding of polynomials, from their basic structure to their complex behaviors. As students progress in their study of polynomials, they'll find that these prerequisite skills continually resurface, reinforcing their importance in the broader context of algebraic understanding.