General form: Ax + By + C = 0

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  1. Slope intercept form VS. General form VS. Slope-point form
  1. Determine the General form of the following line equations:
    General form:  Ax  + By  + C = 0
    1. Line A
    2. Line B
    3. Line C
    4. Line D
  2. Rewrite the following equations into general form
    1. y=35x+2y = {3 \over 5} x +2
    2. y3=4(x+2)y - 3 = 4 (x + 2)
    3. Write all three forms of equations.
      Write the equation of the line in general form, slope intercept form, and slope point form
  3. Given the slope and a point of the line, write the equation in standard form
    1. m=3,(4,6)m = -3, (4 , 6)
    2. m=32,(1,2)m = -{3 \over 2}, (-1, 2)
    3. m=0,(2,4)m = 0, (-2 , 4)
    4. m=undefined,(2,3)m = undefined, (2, -3)
  4. Given two points through a line of question, find the general form
    1. (4,2)(-4, 2) & (3,5)(3, 5)
    2. (35,2)({-3 \over 5}, 2) & (1,23)(1, {2 \over 3})
  5. Find the slope and the yy-int from the following general form
    1. 4x5y=64x - 5y = 6
    2. 7x+2y=47x + 2y = -4
  6. A point (3,5)(3,5) passes through a linear function: kx+2y6=0kx + 2y - 6 = 0. Find kk.
    1. For the line 4x3y+10=04x - 3y + 10 = 0, find the coordinates of a point when the x-coordinate is 12{1 \over 2} of the yy-coordinate.
      1. Given Ax+By+C=0Ax + By + C = 0, describe what happens to the line when the following occurs:
        i) A=0,B0,C0A = 0, B \neq 0, C \neq 0
        ii) A=0,B0,C=0A = 0, B \neq 0, C = 0
        iii) A0,B=0,C0A \neq 0, B = 0, C \neq 0
        iv) A0,B=0,C=0A \neq 0, B = 0, C = 0
        1. Find the coordinates of intercepts of the linear equation 2x3y+30=02x - 3y + 30 = 0
          Topic Notes
          General form is another way to express line equations. Here, we will learn how to determine the general form of line equations, and how to rewrite equations into general form. We will also use general form to look for slope and intercepts.

          Introduction to Linear Equations and Their Forms

          Introduction to linear equations video are fundamental in algebra, representing straight lines on a coordinate plane. These equations can be expressed in various forms, each serving different purposes. The general form linear equation, Ax + By + C = 0, is a versatile representation of linear equations. Our introduction video is crucial for grasping this concept, as it delves into the different ways linear equations can be written. The video focuses on the general form linear equation, explaining its components and significance. You'll learn how this form relates to other common representations, such as slope-intercept and point-slope form. Understanding these various forms is essential for solving real-world problems and advancing in mathematics. The video will provide clear examples and explanations, helping you build a strong foundation in linear equations. By mastering the general form, you'll be better equipped to analyze and manipulate linear relationships in more complex mathematical scenarios.

          Understanding Linear Equations

          Linear equations are fundamental concepts in algebra that play a crucial role in mathematics and various real-world applications. These equations describe a straight-line relationship between two variables, typically represented as x and y. Understanding how to write a linear equation is essential for students and professionals alike, as it forms the basis for more complex mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques.

          At its core, a linear equation is defined as a mathematical relationship between two degree-one variables. This means that the highest power of each variable in the equation is 1. The general form of a linear equation is often written as y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept. This form is also known as the slope-intercept form and is one of the most common ways to express a linear function.

          However, it's important to note that the same linear equation can be written in different forms without altering its fundamental meaning or solutions. For example, the standard form (Ax + By = C) and point-slope form (y - y1 = m(x - x1)) are alternative ways to express the same linear relationship. Each form has its advantages depending on the given information or the problem at hand.

          To illustrate this concept, let's consider a specific linear equation: y = 2x + 3. This equation can be rewritten in various forms:

          • Slope-intercept form: y = 2x + 3
          • Standard form: 2x - y + 3 = 0
          • Point-slope form (using the point (0, 3)): y - 3 = 2(x - 0)

          Despite these different representations, all forms describe the same linear function and will produce identical results when graphed or solved.

          To further demonstrate the consistency of a linear equation across its various forms, let's examine a table of values:

          x y
          -2 -1
          -1 1
          0 3
          1 5
          2 7

          This table of values satisfies all the forms of the equation mentioned earlier. It clearly shows the linear relationship between x and y, with y increasing by 2 for every 1-unit increase in x, reflecting the slope of 2 in our original equation.

          Linear equations are important in algebra for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a simple way to model and analyze relationships between variables in various fields, including physics, economics, and engineering. For instance, they can describe the relationship between distance and time in uniform motion or the correlation between supply and demand in economics.

          Secondly, linear equations serve as a foundation for understanding more complex mathematical concepts. As students progress in their mathematical education, they build upon their knowledge of linear functions to explore quadratic, exponential, and other types of equations. This hierarchical learning approach makes mastering linear equations crucial for advanced mathematical study.

          Moreover, the ability to manipulate and solve linear equations develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students learn to interpret real-world scenarios, translate them into mathematical language, and derive solutions using algebraic techniques. These skills are transferable to many areas of study and professional fields.

          In conclusion, linear equations are essential components of algebra that describe straight-line relationships between two degree-one variables. Their versatility in representation, from slope-intercept to standard and point-slope forms, allows for flexible problem-solving approaches. By understanding how to write a linear equation and interpret its various forms, students gain a powerful tool for mathematical modeling and analysis, setting the stage for more advanced mathematical concepts and applications.

          Different Forms of Linear Equations

          Linear equations are fundamental in mathematics, representing straight lines on a coordinate plane. These equations can be expressed in three main forms: slope-intercept form, general form, and point-slope form. Each form has its unique advantages and applications, but they all represent the same linear relationship.

          Slope-Intercept Form (y = mx + b)

          The slope-intercept form is perhaps the most commonly used form of a linear equation. It's expressed as y = mx + b, where:

          • m is the slope of the line
          • b is the y-intercept (where the line crosses the y-axis)

          This form is particularly useful for quickly identifying the slope and y-intercept of a line. For example, y = 2x + 3 represents a line with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of 3. The slope-intercept form is ideal for graphing lines and understanding their behavior at a glance.

          General Form (Ax + By + C = 0)

          The general form, also known as the standard form of a linear equation, is written as Ax + By + C = 0, where A, B, and C are constants, and A and B are not both zero. For instance, 3x + 2y - 6 = 0 is in general form. This form is particularly useful in systems of equations and when working with more complex mathematical concepts. It's often preferred in formal mathematical writing and proofs.

          Point-Slope Form (y - y1 = m(x - x1))

          The point-slope form is expressed as y - y1 = m(x - x1), where:

          • (x1, y1) is a point on the line
          • m is the slope of the line

          This form is particularly useful when you know a point on the line and its slope. For example, if a line passes through the point (2, 3) with a slope of 4, its point-slope form would be y - 3 = 4(x - 2). This form is especially handy in calculus and when dealing with tangent lines.

          Converting Between Forms

          It's important to understand how to convert between these forms:

          • To convert from point-slope to slope-intercept, simply expand the equation and solve for y.
          • To convert from slope-intercept to general form, move all terms to one side of the equation.
          • To convert from general to slope-intercept, solve the equation for y.

          Advantages and Uses

          Each form has its advantages:

          • Slope-intercept form is best for quickly graphing lines and understanding their basic properties.
          • General form is preferred in formal mathematics and when working with systems of equations.
          • Point-slope form is ideal when given a point and a slope, common in calculus and physics problems.


          Let's look at examples of each form representing the same line:

          • Slope-intercept form: y = 2x + 1
          • General form: 2x - y + 1 = 0
          • Point-slope form (using the point (0, 1)): y - 1 = 2(x - 0)

          In conclusion, understanding these three forms of linear equations is crucial in mathematics. While they all represent the same linear relationship, each form has its unique advantages and applications. Being able to recognize and convert between these forms is an essential skill in algebra, geometry, and higher mathematics.

          General Form: Ax + By + C = 0

          The general form of a linear equation is a fundamental concept in algebra, representing a straight line in its most comprehensive format. This form is expressed as Ax + By + C = 0, where A, B, and C are constants, and x and y are variables. Understanding the general form is crucial for solving various mathematical problems and interpreting linear relationships in mathematics.

          In the equation Ax + By + C = 0, A and B are called the coefficients, while C is the constant term. A key restriction in the general form of a linear equation is that A, B, and C must be integers, with A and B not both being zero simultaneously. This integer requirement distinguishes the general form from other representations of linear equations.

          The coefficient A represents the slope of the line with respect to the y-axis. When A is positive, the line slopes upward from left to right, and when negative, it slopes downward. B, on the other hand, relates to the slope with respect to the x-axis. The constant C determines where the line intersects the y-axis when x is zero.

          Identifying an equation in general form is straightforward. Look for an equation where all terms are on one side, equaling zero on the other side, with integer coefficients for x and y. For example, 3x - 2y + 5 = 0 is in general form, while y = 2x + 1 is not.

          The general form has a close relationship with other forms of linear equations. It can be derived from the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) or the point-slope form. To convert from slope-intercept form to general form, move all terms to one side of the equation and ensure all coefficients are integers.

          For instance, converting y = 2x + 1 to general form involves these steps:

          1. Subtract y from both sides: 0 = 2x + 1 - y

          2. Rearrange terms: 2x - y + 1 = 0

          Now we have the equation in general form: Ax + By + C = 0, where A = 2, B = -1, and C = 1.

          Another example is converting the point-slope form y - y1 = m(x - x1) to general form. If we have y - 3 = 2(x - 1), we can expand it to y - 3 = 2x - 2, then rearrange to get 2x - y - 1 = 0, which is in general form.

          The general form is particularly useful in certain mathematical applications. It's often preferred when dealing with vertical lines (where x = a constant) as it can represent these lines without division by zero issues. For instance, a vertical line through x = 3 can be written as x - 3 = 0 or 1x + 0y - 3 = 0 in general form.

          To find the general form of a line given two points, you can follow these steps:

          1. Calculate the slope using the two points.

          2. Use the point-slope form with one of the points and the calculated slope.

          3. Expand and rearrange the equation to match the Ax + By + C = 0 format.

          In conclusion, the general form of a linear equation, Ax + By + C = 0, is a versatile and comprehensive way to represent straight lines. Its structure, with integer coefficients and all terms on one side of the equation, makes it ideal for various mathematical operations and analyses. By understanding how to identify, derive, and work with equations in general form, you can effectively solve a wide range of linear equation problems and gain deeper insights into linear relationships in mathematics.

          Converting Between Forms of Linear Equations

          Understanding how to convert linear equations from one form to another is a crucial skill in algebra. This guide will focus on converting to and from general form, using the example from the video with a slope of 1/2 and a point (-6, 3). We'll also cover tips for handling fractions and ensuring the final equation is in the correct format.

          Step 1: Identify the Given Information

          Before we begin the conversion process, let's identify what we know:

          • Slope (m) = 1/2
          • Point (x, y) = (-6, 3)

          Step 2: Start with Point-Slope Form

          The point-slope form of a linear equation is y - y1 = m(x - x1). Let's plug in our values:

          y - 3 = 1/2(x - (-6))

          Step 3: Simplify the Equation

          Simplify the right side of the equation:

          y - 3 = 1/2(x + 6)

          Step 4: Convert to Slope-Intercept Form

          To convert to slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), distribute the 1/2:

          y - 3 = 1/2x + 3

          Add 3 to both sides:

          y = 1/2x + 6

          Step 5: Convert to General Form

          To convert from slope-intercept form to general form (Ax + By + C = 0), follow these steps:

          1. Move all terms to one side of the equation:

            1/2x - y + 6 = 0

          2. Multiply all terms by 2 to eliminate fractions:

            x - 2y + 12 = 0

          3. Ensure the x-term is positive and comes first:

            x - 2y + 12 = 0

          Tips for Handling Fractions

          • When converting to general form, always try to eliminate fractions by multiplying all terms by the denominator.
          • If you have multiple fractions, find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators and multiply all terms by this value.
          • Double-check your work after eliminating fractions to ensure the equation is still equivalent.

          Ensuring Correct Format in General Form

          To ensure your equation is in the correct general form (Ax + By + C = 0):

          • The x-term should always be positive and come first.
          • The y-term should always have a coefficient (even if it's 1 or -1).
          • All terms should be on one side of the equation, with zero on the other side.
          • Simplify and combine like terms if necessary.

          Converting from General Form to Slope-Intercept Form

          To convert from general form (Ax + By + C = 0) to slope-intercept form (y = mx + b):

          1. Subtract the x-term and the constant term from both sides:

            By = -Ax - C

          2. Divide all terms by B:

            y = (-A/B)x - C/B

          Applications and Problem Solving

          General form equations play a crucial role in various real-world scenarios, offering practical applications across multiple fields. Understanding how to use and manipulate these equations is essential for solving complex problems and making informed decisions. Let's explore some examples and problem-solving techniques to illustrate the importance of general form equations in everyday situations.

          One common application of general form equations is in business and economics. For instance, a company might use the equation Ax + By = C to model the relationship between production costs (x), selling price (y), and desired profit (C). By manipulating this equation, managers can determine optimal pricing strategies or production levels to maximize profits.

          In engineering and construction, general form equations are frequently used to design structures and calculate load-bearing capacities. For example, when designing a bridge, engineers might use the equation Ax + By + Cz = D to represent the forces acting on different parts of the structure. By solving this equation, they can ensure the bridge is stable and safe under various conditions.

          Environmental scientists often employ general form equations to model pollution levels or predict climate change impacts. For instance, the equation Ax + By + Cz = D might represent the relationship between carbon emissions (x), deforestation rates (y), ocean acidification (z), and global temperature change (D). By manipulating this equation, researchers can explore different scenarios and propose effective mitigation strategies.

          Let's consider a specific example problem: A city planner needs to determine the optimal location for a new park based on population density and available land. The general form equation Ax + By = C can be used, where x represents distance from the city center, y represents land area, and C represents the desired park size. By plugging in known values and solving for the variables, the planner can identify suitable locations that meet the criteria.

          To approach problems involving general form equations, it's essential to follow a systematic process. First, identify the variables and constants in the problem. Next, translate the given information into the general form equation Ax + By = C (or Ax + By + Cz = D for three-dimensional problems). Then, use algebraic techniques to isolate the unknown variable(s) and solve for their values. Finally, interpret the results in the context of the original problem.

          It's crucial to understand the relationship between different forms of linear equations when solving real-world problems. The general form (Ax + By = C) can be easily converted to slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) or point-slope form (y - y1 = m(x - x1)). Each form has its advantages depending on the problem at hand. For instance, slope-intercept form is useful for quickly identifying the y-intercept and slope, while point-slope form is helpful when given a point on the line and its slope.

          In conclusion, mastering the use of general form equations and understanding their relationship to other linear equation forms is essential for solving real-world problems across various fields. By practicing with diverse examples and developing strong problem-solving skills, you'll be better equipped to tackle complex challenges and make data-driven decisions in your personal and professional life.


          Understanding the general form of linear equations (Ax + By = C) is crucial for success in algebra and higher mathematics. This form provides a versatile foundation for representing linear relationships and connects seamlessly with other forms like slope-intercept and point-slope form. Mastering general form equations enhances problem-solving skills and algebraic reasoning. Practice converting between different forms to reinforce your understanding and improve your ability to analyze various mathematical scenarios. Remember, the general form is particularly useful when dealing with vertical lines or equations without a y-intercept. As you continue your math journey, regularly revisit these concepts and refer back to the introduction video for visual reinforcement. By honing your skills with general form equations, you'll build a strong foundation for tackling more complex mathematical challenges in the future. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to explore real-world applications of these equations to deepen your understanding.


          Determine the General form of the following line equations:
          General form:  Ax  + By  + C = 0 Line A

          Step 1: Understanding the General Form

          The general form of a line equation is represented as Ax + By + C = 0. In this form, A, B, and C are constants, which can be positive, negative, decimals, or fractions. This form is another way of writing the equation of a line, different from the slope-intercept form (Y = MX + B), where M is the slope and B is the Y-intercept.

          Step 2: Converting to Slope-Intercept Form

          To determine the general form of a line, we first need to convert the line equation into its slope-intercept form (Y = MX + B). This involves finding the slope (M) and the Y-intercept (B) of the line. For Line A, we will start by identifying two points on the line and using them to calculate the slope.

          Step 3: Calculating the Slope (M)

          To find the slope (M) of Line A, we use the formula M = (Y2 - Y1) / (X2 - X1). We select two points on Line A: Point 1 (X1, Y1) and Point 2 (X2, Y2). For example, let's choose the points (-8, 0) and (-6, 6). Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

          M = (6 - 0) / (-6 - (-8)) = 6 / 2 = 3

          Thus, the slope (M) of Line A is 3.

          Step 4: Finding the Y-Intercept (B)

          Next, we need to find the Y-intercept (B). We can use one of the points on the line and the slope we just calculated. Using the point (-8, 0), we plug the values into the slope-intercept form equation (Y = MX + B) and solve for B:

          0 = 3(-8) + B

          0 = -24 + B

          B = 24

          So, the Y-intercept (B) is 24.

          Step 5: Writing the Slope-Intercept Form

          Now that we have the slope (M) and the Y-intercept (B), we can write the slope-intercept form of Line A:

          Y = 3X + 24

          Step 6: Converting to General Form

          To convert the slope-intercept form to the general form (Ax + By + C = 0), we need to move all terms to one side of the equation, leaving 0 on the other side. Starting with the slope-intercept form:

          Y = 3X + 24

          We move 3X and 24 to the left side:

          -3X + Y - 24 = 0

          Thus, the general form of Line A is:

          -3X + Y - 24 = 0


          Here are some frequently asked questions about the general form of linear equations:

          1. What is the general form of a linear equation?

          The general form of a linear equation is Ax + By + C = 0, where A, B, and C are constants, and A and B are not both zero. This form represents a straight line on a coordinate plane.

          2. How do you convert a linear equation to general form?

          To convert a linear equation to general form:

          1. Move all terms to one side of the equation, leaving zero on the other side.
          2. Ensure the coefficient of x is positive.
          3. Simplify and combine like terms if necessary.

          For example, to convert y = 2x + 3 to general form: 2x - y + 3 = 0

          3. What are the advantages of using the general form?

          The general form is useful for:

          • Representing vertical lines (e.g., x = 5 becomes 1x + 0y - 5 = 0)
          • Solving systems of equations
          • Formal mathematical writing and proofs

          4. How do you find the slope from the general form?

          In the general form Ax + By + C = 0, the slope is given by -A/B. For example, in 2x - 3y + 4 = 0, the slope is -2/-3 = 2/3.

          5. What's the difference between general form and standard form?

          General form (Ax + By + C = 0) and standard form (Ax + By = C) are very similar. The main difference is that in standard form, C is on the right side of the equation, while in general form, all terms are on the left side, equaling zero.

          Prerequisite Topics for Understanding the General Form: Ax + By + C = 0

          Mastering the general form of linear equations (Ax + By + C = 0) is crucial in algebra, but it's essential to first grasp several prerequisite topics. Understanding these foundational concepts will significantly enhance your ability to work with and apply the general form effectively.

          One of the most important prerequisites is the applications of linear equations. This topic provides real-world context for linear equations, helping you understand how the general form relates to practical scenarios. By exploring various applications, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for the versatility of linear equations in problem-solving.

          Another key concept to master is the point-slope form: y - y_1 = m(x - x_1). This form is closely related to the general form and understanding the relationship between the two will enhance your ability to manipulate and interpret linear equations. It's also crucial for converting between forms of linear equations, which is an essential skill when working with the general form.

          When dealing with linear equations, you'll often encounter distance and time related questions. These types of problems frequently utilize the general form, and being comfortable with solving them will greatly improve your overall understanding of linear equations and systems.

          Graphing linear functions is another critical skill that directly relates to the general form. Being able to visualize and interpret graphs will help you understand the geometric representation of Ax + By + C = 0 and how changes in A, B, and C affect the line's position and slope.

          Understanding the domain and range of a function is crucial for interpreting linear relationships. This knowledge will help you analyze the validity and limitations of solutions obtained from the general form in various contexts.

          Lastly, familiarity with solving rational equations can be beneficial when working with more complex forms of linear equations or when the general form involves fractions. This skill will expand your problem-solving toolkit and prepare you for advanced applications of linear equations.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for understanding and working with the general form Ax + By + C = 0. Each concept contributes to a comprehensive understanding of linear equations, enabling you to approach problems with confidence and tackle more advanced mathematical concepts in the future.