Conics - Hyperbola

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  1. Hyperbola:
    horizontal hyperbola horizontal hyperbola
    vertical hyperbola vertical hyperbola

    • Graph looks sort of like two mirrored parabolas, with the two "halves" being called "branches".
    • "Vertices" are defined similarly to the way of a "vertex" is defined for a parabola.
    • Just as the focus for a parabola, the two foci for a hyperbola are inside each branch.
    • The line connecting the two vertices is called the "transverse axis".
  1. properties of a hyperbola
    (x64)2+(y+53)2=1 -(\frac{x-6}{4})^2 + (\frac{y+5}{3})^2=1
    1. Identify the type of conic section.
    2. State the "center".
    3. Set up the guidelines for the conic graph.
    4. Find the "vertices".
    5. Locate the "foci".
    6. Find the "eccentricity".
    7. Find the equations of the "asymptotes".
    8. Find the lengths of transverse axis and conjugate axis.
Topic Notes

Introduction to Hyperbolas

Welcome to the fascinating world of hyperbolas! Our introduction video serves as an essential starting point for understanding these intriguing conic sections. Hyperbolas are unique curves with two distinct branches that extend infinitely, creating a captivating visual representation in mathematics. The video provides a comprehensive overview, offering students a solid foundation to grasp the concept of hyperbola graphs. By watching this introductory content, you'll gain insights into the basic shape, key components, and general behavior of hyperbolas. The video's significance lies in its ability to simplify complex mathematical concepts, making them more accessible to learners. As you begin your journey into the realm of hyperbolas, this visual guide will help you visualize the curves and understand their fundamental properties. Remember, while the video gives a rough idea of hyperbola graphs, it's an excellent springboard for deeper exploration and understanding of these remarkable mathematical entities.

Types of Hyperbolas

Let's dive into the fascinating world of hyperbolas! These unique curves come in two main types: horizontal hyperbolas and vertical hyperbolas. Imagine you're looking at a pair of mirrored parabolas facing away from each other that's essentially what a hyperbola looks like. It's like two graceful curves dancing apart from one another, never to meet.

First, let's talk about horizontal hyperbolas. Picture two parabolas lying on their sides, opening towards the left and right. The curves stretch out along the x-axis, creating a shape that resembles an elongated letter 'H' turned on its side. These hyperbolas have their transverse axis (the line that passes through the vertices of both curves) running horizontally. The branches of a horizontal hyperbola extend infinitely to the left and right, getting closer and closer to imaginary diagonal lines called asymptotes, but never quite touching them.

Now, let's flip our perspective and look at vertical hyperbolas. These are like two parabolas standing upright, opening towards the top and bottom. The overall shape is similar to a vertical letter 'X' with curved instead of straight lines. In this case, the transverse axis runs vertically, and the branches of the hyperbola stretch upwards and downwards indefinitely. Just like their horizontal cousins, vertical hyperbolas also have asymptotes that they approach but never reach.

Both types of hyperbolas share some interesting properties. They each have two focal points, or foci, which play a crucial role in defining the curve. The distance between any point on the hyperbola and one focus, minus the distance to the other focus, is always constant. This property gives hyperbolas their unique shape and is what sets them apart from other conic sections like ellipses or parabolas.

When you're looking at a hyperbola, whether horizontal or vertical, you'll notice that it has two distinct parts called branches. These branches are symmetrical, mirroring each other perfectly across the center point of the hyperbola. It's as if nature decided to create a perfectly balanced pair of curves!

The orientation of a hyperbola whether it's horizontal or vertical depends on the equation that describes it. For horizontal hyperbolas, the x-terms in the equation are positive, while for vertical hyperbolas, the y-terms are positive. This might sound a bit technical, but it's just math's way of telling us which way the hyperbola is facing.

Understanding these two types of hyperbolas is crucial in many fields, from mathematics and physics to engineering and astronomy. They help us describe and predict the paths of comets, the shapes of satellite dishes, and even the behavior of sound waves in certain situations. So, the next time you see a pair of curves that look like they're running away from each other, you'll know you're looking at one of these fascinating hyperbolas!

Vertices of Hyperbolas

Let's dive into the fascinating world of hyperbolas and their vertices! Just like their curvy cousin, the parabola, hyperbolas have some special points called vertices. But while they share a name, these points have some unique characteristics that set them apart.

First, let's refresh our memory about parabola vertices. In a parabola, the vertex is the point where the curve changes direction, either the highest or lowest point depending on whether it opens up or down. It's like the turning point of the parabola's smile (or frown)!

Now, when it comes to hyperbolas, things get a bit more interesting. A hyperbola actually has two vertices, one on each of its two separate curves. These vertices are the points on the hyperbola that are closest to each other. Think of them as the tips of two boomerangs facing each other!

The location of these vertices depends on whether we're dealing with a horizontal or vertical hyperbola. In a horizontal hyperbola, the vertices lie on the x-axis, one on each side of the center. They're like two points ready to bounce off in opposite horizontal directions. For a vertical hyperbola, the vertices are found on the y-axis, again one on each side of the center, poised to zoom off vertically.

Here's a cool way to remember: for a horizontal hyperbola, the vertices are horizontal neighbors, while for a vertical hyperbola, they're vertical neighbors. The distance from the center to each vertex is always the same, giving the hyperbola its perfect symmetry.

Unlike a parabola, where the vertex is often the starting point for sketching the curve, in a hyperbola, the vertices are more like guideposts. They help define the shape and orientation of the hyperbola, but they're just part of the story. The hyperbola stretches infinitely beyond these points, creating its distinctive open curves.

Understanding the vertices is crucial for graphing hyperbolas and solving related problems. They're the key to finding the equation of a hyperbola and can help you quickly visualize its shape and position. Plus, knowing about vertices can make tackling hyperbola questions in math class a whole lot easier!

So, next time you encounter a hyperbola, remember those twin vertices. They might not be the turning points like in a parabola, but they're definitely the stars of the hyperbola show, marking the closest approach of those two infinite curves. Whether horizontal or vertical, these vertices are the hyperbola's way of saying, "Hey, look at me!" in the vast world of conic sections.

Foci of Hyperbolas

Let's explore the fascinating concept of foci in hyperbolas, an important element in the study of conic sections. Just as with other conic sections like ellipses and parabolas, foci play a crucial role in defining the shape and properties of hyperbolas. Understanding foci will help you grasp the unique characteristics of these intriguing curves.

First, let's recall what foci are. In geometry, foci (singular: focus) are special points that help define certain curves. For hyperbolas, there are two foci, and they have a unique relationship with points on the curve. The difference of the distances from any point on the hyperbola to the two foci is always constant. This property is what gives hyperbolas their distinctive shape.

Now, let's compare the location of foci in hyperbolas to those in parabolas. In a parabola, there is only one focus, and it's located on the axis of symmetry. The focus of a parabola is always inside the curve. However, in a hyperbola, there are two foci, and they are positioned differently. The foci of a hyperbola are always outside the curve, one on each side of the center.

Locating the foci of a hyperbola depends on whether it's a horizontal or vertical hyperbola. For a horizontal hyperbola, the foci are located on the transverse axis, which is the horizontal line passing through the center of the hyperbola. The distance from the center to each focus is calculated using the formula c² = a² + b², where 'a' is the distance from the center to a vertex, and 'b' is the length of the conjugate axis.

For a vertical hyperbola, the process is similar, but the foci are located on the vertical transverse axis. Again, we use the formula c² = a² + b², but in this case, 'a' represents the distance from the center to the vertex along the vertical axis.

To help you visualize this, imagine drawing a rectangle around the center of the hyperbola. The width of this rectangle would be 2a for a horizontal hyperbola or 2b for a vertical hyperbola. The height would be 2b for a horizontal hyperbola or 2a for a vertical hyperbola. The foci would be located beyond the vertices of this rectangle, at a distance 'c' from the center.

Understanding the location of foci is crucial because it helps determine the eccentricity of the hyperbola, which is a measure of how much it deviates from a circular shape. The eccentricity is calculated as e = c/a, and for hyperbolas, it's always greater than 1.

When working with equations of hyperbolas, the location of the foci can be determined once you identify the center and the values of 'a' and 'b'. For a horizontal hyperbola with center (h,k), the foci would be at (h±c, k). For a vertical hyperbola, they would be at (h, k±c).

It's important to note that while parabolas have a directrix (a line perpendicular to the axis of symmetry), hyperbolas have two directrices. These lines are perpendicular to the transverse axis and are located at a distance of a²/c from the center.

Practicing with various examples of hyperbolas will help you become more comfortable with locating foci. Remember, the key is to first identify whether the hyperbola is horizontal or vertical, then determine the center and the values of 'a' and 'b'. From there, calculating 'c' and plotting the foci becomes straightforward.

As you continue to study hyperbolas, you'll discover how the position of the foci influences the shape of the curve. Hyperbolas with foci that are closer together will have a narrower, more pinched appearance, while those with foci farther apart will appear more open.

In conclusion, understanding the concept of foci in hyperbolas is essential for grasping the geometry of these curves. By comparing them to the simpler case of parabolas and learning how to locate them for both horizontal and vertical hyp

Transverse Axis of Hyperbolas

The transverse axis is a crucial element in understanding hyperbolas, playing a significant role in their shape and orientation. In simple terms, the transverse axis is the line segment that passes through both foci of the hyperbola and extends to intersect the curve at two points called the vertices. This axis is fundamental to the hyperbola's structure and helps define its key characteristics.

The significance of the transverse axis lies in its relationship to the hyperbola's shape and orientation. It determines the direction in which the hyperbola opens and provides essential information about the curve's eccentricity and focal points. Understanding the transverse axis is crucial for graphing hyperbolas accurately and solving related mathematical problems.

Identifying the transverse axis depends on whether you're dealing with a horizontal or vertical hyperbola. For horizontal hyperbolas, the transverse axis is parallel to the x-axis. In this case, the hyperbola opens to the left and right, and the vertices are located on the x-axis. The equation of a horizontal hyperbola typically takes the form (x²/a²) - (y²/b²) = 1, where 'a' represents half the length of the transverse axis.

On the other hand, vertical hyperbolas have a transverse axis that is parallel to the y-axis. These hyperbolas open upward and downward, with vertices located on the y-axis. The standard equation for a vertical hyperbola is (y²/a²) - (x²/b²) = 1, where 'a' again represents half the length of the transverse axis.

To identify the transverse axis in practice, look at the equation of the hyperbola. If the x-term is positive and the y-term is negative, you're dealing with a horizontal hyperbola, and the transverse axis will be horizontal. Conversely, if the y-term is positive and the x-term is negative, it's a vertical hyperbola with a vertical transverse axis.

The length of the transverse axis is determined by the value of 'a' in the equation. For both horizontal and vertical hyperbolas, the distance from the center to each vertex is 'a' units. Therefore, the total length of the transverse axis is 2a units.

Understanding the transverse axis is essential for various applications, including graphing hyperbolas, finding their eccentricity, and determining the locations of foci and directrices. In real-world scenarios, hyperbolas and their transverse axes play roles in fields such as astronomy, physics, and engineering, particularly in describing orbital paths and modeling certain physical phenomena.

As you continue to explore hyperbolas, remember that the transverse axis is your key to unlocking their properties. Practice identifying it in different equations and visualizing its position in graphs. This skill will greatly enhance your ability to work with hyperbolas and apply your knowledge to more complex mathematical concepts and real-world problems.

Graphing Hyperbolas

Hey there, math enthusiast! Ready to dive into the exciting world of graphing hyperbolas? Don't worry; I'll guide you through each step with ease. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be a pro at plotting these fascinating curves!

Let's start with the basics. A hyperbola is a smooth curve with two separate parts, or branches, that are mirror images of each other. The key to graphing hyperbolas lies in understanding their components: vertices, foci, and the transverse axis. We'll cover both horizontal and vertical hyperbolas, so you'll be prepared for any problem that comes your way.

Step 1: Identify the Equation

First, determine if you're dealing with a horizontal or vertical hyperbola. The standard form for a horizontal hyperbola is (x²/a²) - (y²/b²) = 1, while a vertical hyperbola is (y²/a²) - (x²/b²) = 1. The larger term (with a²) always comes first!

Step 2: Find the Center

The center of the hyperbola is the point (h, k) in the equation. If your equation is already in standard form, the center is at (0, 0). Easy peasy!

Step 3: Locate the Vertices

For a horizontal hyperbola, the vertices are a units to the left and right of the center: (h ± a, k). For a vertical hyperbola, they're a units above and below the center: (h, k ± a). Mark these points on your graph they're where the hyperbola intersects the transverse axis.

Step 4: Find the Foci

The foci are always further from the center than the vertices. Calculate c using the formula c² = a² + b². For a horizontal hyperbola, the foci are at (h ± c, k). For a vertical hyperbola, they're at (h, k ± c). Plot these points they're crucial for the hyperbola's shape!

Step 5: Draw the Transverse Axis

The transverse axis is the line that passes through both vertices. For a horizontal hyperbola, it's a horizontal line; for a vertical hyperbola, it's vertical. This axis defines the "openness" of your hyperbola.

Step 6: Sketch the Asymptotes

Asymptotes are imaginary lines that the hyperbola approaches but never touches. To find them, use the equation y = ±(b/a)x for horizontal hyperbolas, or y = ±(a/b)x for vertical ones. These lines pass through the center and form an "X" shape.

Step 7: Draw the Hyperbola

Now for the fun part! Sketch the two branches of the hyperbola, starting at the vertices and curving outward. Remember, they'll get closer and closer to the asymptotes without ever touching them. Make sure your curves pass through the vertices and approach the asymptotes smoothly.

Differences Between Horizontal and Vertical Hyperbolas

The main difference lies in their orientation. Horizontal hyperbolas open left and right, with the transverse axis parallel to the x-axis. Vertical hyperbolas open up and down, with the transverse axis parallel to the y-axis. The equations and some calculations (like finding vertices and foci) differ slightly, but the overall process remains similar.

Tips for Success

1. Always start by identifying whether your hyperbola is horizontal or vertical.
2. Double-check your calculations for vertices and foci they're the foundation of your graph.
3. Use graph paper for more accurate plotting.
4. Practice with different equations to become familiar with various hyperbola shapes.

Remember, graph


In this article, we've explored the fascinating world of hyperbolas, delving into their key components and graphing techniques. We've learned about the crucial elements of a hyperbola, including its vertices, foci, and transverse axis. The introduction video provided a visual understanding of these concepts, making it easier to grasp the hyperbola's unique shape and properties. Remember, practice is essential when it comes to graphing hyperbolas. As you become more comfortable with the basics, don't hesitate to explore more advanced concepts related to this conic section. By mastering hyperbolas, you'll enhance your overall understanding of analytical geometry and its real-world applications. Whether you're a student or simply curious about mathematics, the knowledge gained from studying hyperbolas will prove invaluable in your mathematical journey. Keep practicing, stay curious, and continue to explore the captivating world of hyperbolas and other conic sections.


properties of a hyperbola
(x64)2+(y+53)2=1 -(\frac{x-6}{4})^2 + (\frac{y+5}{3})^2=1 Identify the type of conic section.

Step 1: Write Down the Given Equation

We are given the equation (x64)2+(y+53)2=1 -(\frac{x-6}{4})^2 + (\frac{y+5}{3})^2=1 . This is the equation we need to analyze to determine the type of conic section it represents.

Step 2: Identify the Squared Variables

First, let's identify whether the variables xx and yy are squared. In this equation, both xx and yy are squared. This is evident from the terms (x64)2(\frac{x-6}{4})^2 and (y+53)2(\frac{y+5}{3})^2.

Step 3: Check for a Parabola

To determine if the equation represents a parabola, we need to check if only one of the variables is squared. In this case, both xx and yy are squared, so this equation does not represent a parabola.

Step 4: Check for an Ellipse or Circle

Next, we need to check if the equation could represent an ellipse or a circle. For an equation to represent an ellipse or a circle, two conditions must be met:

  • Both variables must be squared.
  • The squared terms must have the same sign.
In our equation, both variables are squared, so the first condition is met. However, the squared terms do not have the same sign. The term (x64)2(\frac{x-6}{4})^2 has a negative sign, while the term (y+53)2(\frac{y+5}{3})^2 has a positive sign. Therefore, this equation does not represent an ellipse or a circle.

Step 5: Check for a Hyperbola

Since the equation does not represent a parabola, ellipse, or circle, the remaining option is a hyperbola. For an equation to represent a hyperbola, two conditions must be met:

  • Both variables must be squared.
  • The squared terms must have opposite signs.
In our equation, both variables are squared, and the squared terms have opposite signs (one is negative and the other is positive). Therefore, this equation represents a hyperbola.


Based on the analysis, we can conclude that the given equation (x64)2+(y+53)2=1 -(\frac{x-6}{4})^2 + (\frac{y+5}{3})^2=1 represents a hyperbola. This conclusion is drawn from the fact that both variables are squared and the squared terms have opposite signs.


  1. What is a hyperbola?

    A hyperbola is a type of conic section that consists of two open curves, called branches, which are mirror images of each other. It is formed when a plane intersects both nappes of a double cone. Hyperbolas have unique properties, including two focal points and asymptotes that the curves approach but never touch.

  2. How do you distinguish between horizontal and vertical hyperbolas?

    Horizontal hyperbolas open left and right, with their transverse axis parallel to the x-axis. Their standard form equation is (x²/a²) - (y²/b²) = 1. Vertical hyperbolas open up and down, with their transverse axis parallel to the y-axis. Their standard form equation is (y²/a²) - (x²/b²) = 1. The orientation affects the placement of vertices and foci.

  3. What are the key components of a hyperbola?

    The key components of a hyperbola include: center (the midpoint between vertices), vertices (points where the hyperbola intersects its transverse axis), foci (two fixed points that define the hyperbola), transverse axis (the line segment connecting the vertices), conjugate axis (perpendicular to the transverse axis), and asymptotes (lines that the hyperbola approaches but never touches).

  4. How do you find the foci of a hyperbola?

    To find the foci, use the formula c² = a² + b², where 'a' is the distance from the center to a vertex, and 'b' is half the length of the conjugate axis. Calculate 'c', then for a horizontal hyperbola with center (h,k), the foci are at (h±c, k). For a vertical hyperbola, they're at (h, k±c).

  5. What are some real-world applications of hyperbolas?

    Hyperbolas have various real-world applications, including: modeling the paths of comets and other celestial bodies in astronomy, designing satellite dishes and radio telescopes for optimal signal reception, calculating sound wave trajectories in acoustics, and describing cooling tower shapes in architecture and engineering. They're also used in navigation systems and in studying relativistic physics.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the foundations of mathematics is crucial when delving into more advanced concepts like Conics - Hyperbola. One of the most essential prerequisite topics for mastering hyperbolas is graphing from slope-intercept form y=mx+b. This fundamental skill serves as a stepping stone to comprehending the more complex equations and graphical representations associated with hyperbolas.

The ability to graph linear functions using various forms, particularly the slope-intercept form, provides students with a solid foundation for visualizing mathematical relationships on a coordinate plane. This skill is directly applicable when working with hyperbolas, as it helps in understanding how changes in equation parameters affect the shape and position of the curve.

When studying hyperbolas, students encounter the standard form equation, which is more intricate than the linear equations they've previously worked with. However, the principles learned from graphing linear functions remain relevant. For instance, the concept of intercepts, which is crucial in slope-intercept form, also plays a significant role in determining key points of a hyperbola.

Moreover, the slope in linear equations relates to the rate of change, which is analogous to the steepness of the hyperbola's asymptotes. Understanding how to manipulate the 'm' and 'b' values in y=mx+b prepares students for working with the more complex parameters in the hyperbola equation standard form.

As students progress from linear functions to conics, they build upon their existing knowledge. The skills developed in graphing linear equations, such as plotting points, identifying x and y intercepts, and recognizing the impact of coefficients on the graph, are all transferable to the study of hyperbolas. This continuity in mathematical concepts helps students make connections and grasp new ideas more effectively.

Furthermore, the confidence gained from mastering linear graphing techniques provides a strong foundation for tackling the challenges presented by hyperbolas. Students who are proficient in graphing from slope-intercept form are better equipped to visualize and interpret the more complex conic sections, including hyperbolas.

In conclusion, the journey from basic linear equations to the intricacies of hyperbolas is a natural progression in mathematics. By thoroughly understanding prerequisite topics like graphing linear functions, students develop the necessary skills and intuition to explore more advanced concepts with confidence. This solid foundation not only facilitates learning about hyperbolas but also enhances overall mathematical proficiency and problem-solving abilities.

hyperbola: the difference of the distances from any point on a hyperbola to each focus is constant and equal to the transverse axis 2a2a.
ellipse: the sum of the distances from any point on an ellipse to each focus is constant and equal to the major axis 2a2a.

c=a2b2c= \sqrt{a^2 - b^2} cc: distance from the center to a focus

e=cae= \frac{c}{a} ee: eccentricity; the larger the value of ee, the straighter the hyperbola