Transforming vectors with matrices

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  1. Transforming vectors with matrices overview
  1. Finding the Transformed Vectors
    Apply the transformation matrix TT to the following column vector Transforming vectors with matrices to find the transformed vector:
    1. Transforming vectors with matrices
    2. Transforming vectors with matrices
    3. Transforming vectors with matrices
    4. Transforming vectors with matrices
    5. Transforming vectors with matrices
  2. Graphing the Transformed Vector
    Plot the column vector Transforming vectors with matrices on the graph. Then apply the transformation matrix Transforming vectors with matrices to the column vector to find the transformed vector, and plot the transformed vector on the graph.
    1. Plot the column vector Transforming vectors with matrices on the graph. Then apply the transformation matrix Transforming vectors with matrices to the column vector to find the transformed vector, and plot the transformed vector on the graph.
      1. Plot the column vector Transforming vectors with matrices on the graph. Then apply the transformation matrix Transforming vectors with matrices to the column vector to find the transformed vector, and plot the transformed vector on the graph.