Probability distribution - histogram, mean, variance & standard deviation

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  1. Discrete VS. Continuous
  1. Probability Histogram, Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
    The following table gives the probability distribution of a loaded (weighted) die:















    1. Using calculator commands to find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the probability distribution.
    2. Based on the "range rule of thumb", determine the outcomes that are considered as "usual" and "unusual".
Topic Notes

Introduction to Probability Distributions

Welcome to our exploration of probability distributions! In this section, we'll dive into key concepts that form the foundation of statistical analysis. We'll start by examining histograms, which are visual representations of data that help us understand the underlying distribution. Next, we'll discuss the mean, a measure of central tendency that gives us an average value for our dataset. We'll then move on to variance, which quantifies the spread of data points around the mean. Closely related to variance is standard deviation, which provides a more intuitive measure of dispersion. These concepts are crucial for understanding how data behaves and making informed decisions based on statistical information. Our introduction video will guide you through these topics, offering clear explanations and examples to solidify your understanding. By mastering these fundamental concepts, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced statistical analyses in the future. Let's begin this exciting journey into the world of probability distributions!

Understanding Random Variables

Random variables are fundamental concepts in probability theory and statistics, representing numerical outcomes of random events. To grasp this concept, let's explore it through familiar examples and distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables.

Imagine rolling a fair six-sided die. The outcome of this roll is a random variable because it's unpredictable and can take on different values. In this case, the possible values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. This is an example of a discrete random variable, as it can only take on specific, countable values.

Another example of a discrete random variable is the number of heads obtained when flipping a coin three times. The possible outcomes are 0, 1, 2, or 3 heads. These are distinct, countable values, making it a discrete random variable.

Now, let's consider a spinner divided into different colored sections. If we measure the angle at which the spinner stops, we have a continuous random variable. Unlike discrete variables, continuous random variables can take on any value within a given range. In this case, the angle could be any real number between 0 and 360 degrees.

Real-life examples of discrete random variables include:

  • The number of customers entering a store in an hour
  • The number of defective items in a production batch
  • The number of emails received in a day

Examples of continuous random variables in everyday life include:

  • The time it takes to complete a task
  • The height of a person
  • The temperature at a specific location

The key difference between discrete and continuous random variables lies in their possible values. Discrete random variables have a countable set of possible values, often whole numbers. Continuous random variables, on the other hand, can take on any value within a range, including fractions and decimals.

To further illustrate, consider the following scenarios:

1. Number of cars in a parking lot (Discrete): You can only have a whole number of cars. It's impossible to have 3.5 cars in a parking lot.

2. Weight of a person (Continuous): A person's weight can be any value within a range, such as 65.7 kg or 70.2 kg.

3. Number of children in a family (Discrete): Families can have 0, 1, 2, 3, or more children, but not 2.5 children.

4. Time spent waiting in line (Continuous): Waiting time can be any positive real number, like 5.3 minutes or 12.7 minutes.

Understanding random variables is crucial in probability and statistics as they form the basis for many statistical analyses and predictions. They allow us to quantify uncertainty and variability in various situations, from scientific experiments to everyday occurrences.

In conclusion, random variables are numerical representations of random events. Discrete random variables have distinct, countable outcomes, while continuous random variables can take on any value within a range. By recognizing the type of random variable in a given situation, we can apply appropriate statistical methods and make more accurate predictions and decisions based on probability.

Probability Distribution Histograms

Probability distribution histograms are powerful visual tools used in statistics to represent the frequency or probability of different outcomes in a dataset. These graphical representations provide a clear and intuitive way to understand the distribution of data, making them invaluable for data analysis and interpretation.

A probability distribution histogram, also known as a probability distribution histogram, is a bar chart that displays the probability or frequency of various outcomes in a dataset. Each bar in the histogram represents a specific range of values, called a bin, and the height of the bar indicates the probability or frequency of outcomes falling within that range.

To create a probability distribution histogram, follow these steps:

  1. Collect your data: Gather a set of observations or outcomes from your experiment or dataset.
  2. Determine the range: Identify the minimum and maximum values in your dataset.
  3. Choose the number of bins: Decide how many intervals or bins you want to divide your data into. This can depend on the size of your dataset and the level of detail you need.
  4. Calculate bin width: Divide the range of your data by the number of bins to determine the width of each bin.
  5. Sort data into bins: Assign each data point to its appropriate bin based on its value.
  6. Count frequencies: Tally the number of data points in each bin.
  7. Calculate probabilities: Divide the frequency of each bin by the total number of data points to get the probability for each bin.
  8. Create the histogram: Draw vertical bars for each bin, with the height of each bar representing the probability or frequency of that bin.

Let's consider an example from the video: rolling a six-sided die. If we roll the die 100 times and record the outcomes, we can create a probability distribution histogram to visualize the results. In this case, we would have six bins, one for each possible outcome (1 through 6). The height of each bar would represent the probability of rolling that number.

Another example mentioned in the video is a spinner with different colored sections. If we spin the spinner multiple times and record the color it lands on, we can create a histogram showing the probability distribution of each color outcome.

Interpreting a probability distribution histogram involves analyzing several key features:

  • Shape: Look at the overall shape of the distribution. Is it symmetric, skewed, or uniform?
  • Center: Identify where the majority of the data is concentrated.
  • Spread: Observe how spread out the data is across the range of values.
  • Outliers: Check for any unusual or extreme values that stand out from the rest of the distribution.
  • Peaks: Note any high points or modes in the distribution.

For example, in a fair die roll, we would expect to see a relatively uniform distribution across all six outcomes, with each bar having approximately the same height. If one bar is significantly taller than the others, it might indicate that the die is biased or not truly random.

Probability distribution histograms are particularly useful in various fields, including statistics, data science, and scientific research. They help in identifying patterns, making predictions, and understanding the underlying characteristics of a dataset. By visualizing the distribution of data, researchers and analysts can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions based on the probabilities of different outcomes.

In conclusion, probability distribution histograms are essential tools for representing and analyzing data distributions. By following the steps to create these histograms and learning to interpret their features, you can gain a deeper understanding of your data and make more accurate predictions and decisions based on probability distributions.

Mean of Probability Distributions

The mean of a probability distribution, also known as the expected value, is a fundamental concept in statistics and probability theory. It represents the average outcome or central tendency of a random variable. Understanding the probability distribution mean is crucial for analyzing data, making predictions, and interpreting statistical results.

To find the mean of the probability distribution, we use a specific formula that takes into account both the possible values of the random variable and their associated probabilities. The formula for calculating the mean (μ) of a discrete probability distribution is:

μ = Σ(x * P(x))

Where x represents each possible value of the random variable, and P(x) is the probability of that value occurring. For continuous probability distributions, we use integration instead of summation.

Let's walk through an example calculation to illustrate how to find the mean of a probability distribution. Suppose we have a discrete probability distribution for the number of customers visiting a store in an hour:

  • 0 customers: P(0) = 0.1
  • 1 customer: P(1) = 0.3
  • 2 customers: P(2) = 0.4
  • 3 customers: P(3) = 0.2

To calculate the mean, we multiply each value by its probability and sum the results:

μ = (0 * 0.1) + (1 * 0.3) + (2 * 0.4) + (3 * 0.2)

μ = 0 + 0.3 + 0.8 + 0.6

μ = 1.7

Therefore, the mean of this probability distribution is 1.7 customers per hour.

The significance of the mean in understanding probability distributions cannot be overstated. It provides valuable insights into the central tendency of a random variable and helps in making predictions about future outcomes. The probability distribution mean serves several important purposes:

  1. Central Tendency: It represents the average or typical value of the random variable, giving us a sense of where the data is centered.
  2. Prediction: The mean can be used to make predictions about future events or outcomes based on the probability distribution.
  3. Comparison: It allows us to compare different probability distributions and assess their relative positions.
  4. Decision Making: In many fields, such as finance and risk management, the mean is used to inform decision-making processes.
  5. Statistical Inference: The mean plays a crucial role in hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation.

It's important to note that while the mean provides valuable information, it should be considered alongside other measures such as variance and standard deviation to get a complete picture of the probability distribution. These additional measures help us understand the spread and shape of the distribution.

In conclusion, the probability distribution mean is a fundamental concept in statistics that helps us understand and analyze random variables. By knowing how to find the mean of a probability distribution and interpreting its significance, we can make more informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusions from data. Whether you're working in finance, science, or any field that deals with uncertainty, mastering the concept of the mean in probability distributions is essential for effective data analysis and interpretation.

Variance in Probability Distributions

Variance is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics, playing a crucial role in understanding the spread and dispersion of data within a probability distribution. It is a measure of variability that quantifies how far a set of numbers are spread out from their average value. The variance of a probability distribution provides valuable insights into the distribution's shape, spread and dispersion of data, and overall characteristics.

The importance of variance in probability distributions cannot be overstated. It serves as a key indicator of the distribution's dispersion, allowing statisticians and data analysts to assess the reliability and consistency of data. A low variance suggests that the data points tend to be close to the mean, while a high variance indicates a wider spread of values.

The formula for calculating the variance of a probability distribution is:

Var(X) = E[(X - μ)²]


  • Var(X) is the variance of the random variable X
  • E[] denotes the expected value
  • X is the random variable
  • μ is the mean (expected value) of the distribution

To demonstrate the application of this formula, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we have a discrete probability distribution for the number of customers visiting a store in a day:

  • 0 customers: probability 0.1
  • 1 customer: probability 0.3
  • 2 customers: probability 0.4
  • 3 customers: probability 0.2

First, we calculate the mean (μ):

μ = (0 × 0.1) + (1 × 0.3) + (2 × 0.4) + (3 × 0.2) = 1.7

Now, we can calculate the variance:

Var(X) = [(0 - 1.7)² × 0.1] + [(1 - 1.7)² × 0.3] + [(2 - 1.7)² × 0.4] + [(3 - 1.7)² × 0.2]

Var(X) = 0.81

This variance value of 0.81 provides information about the spread of the data in our distribution. It tells us how much, on average, the number of customers deviates from the mean of 1.7.

The relationship between variance and spread of data in a distribution is direct and significant. A larger variance indicates a wider spread of data points around the mean, while a smaller variance suggests that the data points are more tightly clustered around the mean. This concept is visually represented in the shape of the probability distribution curve.

In a normal distribution, for instance, the variance determines the width of the bell curve. A distribution with a small variance will have a tall, narrow bell curve, indicating that most of the data points are close to the mean. Conversely, a distribution with a large variance will have a shorter, wider bell curve, showing that the data points are more spread out.

Understanding the variance of a probability distribution is essential in various fields, including finance, physics, and social sciences. In finance, for example, variance is used to measure the volatility of investment returns. In physics, it helps describe the distribution of particles in quantum mechanics. In social sciences, variance analysis aids in understanding the dispersion of demographic data.

The variance of a probability distribution is closely related to other statistical measures, such as standard deviation, which is simply the square root of the variance. Together, these measures provide a comprehensive understanding of the distribution's characteristics, enabling more accurate predictions and informed decision-making in various analytical contexts.

Standard Deviation of Probability Distributions

Standard deviation is a fundamental concept in statistics and probability theory, particularly when dealing with probability distributions. It serves as a measure of dispersion or variability within a dataset or distribution. The standard deviation of a probability distribution provides valuable insights into how spread out the values are from the mean.

To understand standard deviation, we must first grasp its relationship to variance. Variance is the average of the squared differences from the mean. While variance is useful, it has a drawback: it's expressed in squared units. This is where standard deviation comes in. Standard deviation is simply the square root of the variance, bringing the measure back to the original units of the data.

The formula for standard deviation (σ) of a probability distribution is:

σ = [Σ(x - μ)² * P(x)]


  • σ (sigma) is the standard deviation
  • x represents each value in the distribution
  • μ (mu) is the mean of the distribution
  • P(x) is the probability of x occurring

Let's walk through a step-by-step example to calculate the standard deviation of a simple probability distribution:

  1. Consider a discrete probability distribution:
    x: 1, 2, 3, 4
    P(x): 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2
  2. Calculate the mean (μ):
    μ = (1*0.1) + (2*0.3) + (3*0.4) + (4*0.2) = 2.7
  3. Calculate (x - μ)² for each value:
    (1 - 2.7)² = 2.89
    (2 - 2.7)² = 0.49
    (3 - 2.7)² = 0.09
    (4 - 2.7)² = 1.69
  4. Multiply each (x - μ)² by its probability and sum:
    (2.89 * 0.1) + (0.49 * 0.3) + (0.09 * 0.4) + (1.69 * 0.2) = 0.61
  5. Take the square root:
    σ = 0.61 0.78

The interpretation of standard deviation is crucial for understanding probability distributions. In general, about 68% of the data falls within one standard deviation of the mean, 95% within two standard deviations, and 99.7% within three standard deviations. This is known as the empirical rule or the normal distribution bell curve.

A standard deviation histogram visually represents the spread of data points around the mean. In a normal distribution bell curve, the classic bell curve shape emerges, with the standard deviation determining how wide or narrow the bell is. A smaller standard deviation results in a taller, narrower curve, indicating less variability, while a larger standard deviation produces a shorter, wider curve, signifying more spread-out data.

The standard deviation of a probability distribution has numerous practical applications of standard deviation across various fields:

  • Finance: Measuring investment risk and volatility
  • Quality control: Assessing product consistency in manufacturing
  • Weather forecasting: Predicting temperature ranges and precipitation
  • Social sciences: Analyzing survey data and population statistics
  • Healthcare: Evaluating treatment efficacy and patient outcomes

Understanding the standard deviation for probability distributions is essential for data analysis and decision-making. It provides a standardized measure of variability that can be compared across different datasets and distributions. When working with real-world data, the sample standard deviation

has numerous practical applications of standard deviation across various fields.

Practical Applications and Examples

Probability distributions and their associated statistical measures play a crucial role in various real-world applications. Let's explore how histograms, mean, variance, and standard deviation are used to analyze data across different fields.

In finance, these tools are invaluable for risk assessment and portfolio management. For instance, investment firms use histograms to visualize the distribution of stock returns. The mean return helps investors understand the average performance, while the variance and standard deviation provide insights into the volatility or risk associated with an investment. A stock with a higher standard deviation is considered more volatile and potentially riskier.

Consider a mutual fund that has an average annual return of 8% with a standard deviation of 12%. This information tells investors that while they can expect around 8% return in a typical year, the actual returns may vary significantly. Approximately 68% of the time, the annual returns will fall between -4% and 20% (one standard deviation from the mean).

In the scientific field, particularly in quality control, these statistical concepts are crucial. Manufacturers use histograms to visualize the distribution of product measurements, such as the diameter of machine parts. The mean represents the average size, while the standard deviation indicates how much variation exists from the ideal size. A smaller standard deviation suggests more consistent production quality.

For example, a light bulb manufacturer might aim for a mean lifespan of 1000 hours with a standard deviation of 50 hours. This data helps them ensure product consistency and set realistic warranties. Quality control teams can use this information to identify and investigate any bulbs falling outside the expected range, potentially improving manufacturing processes.

In social studies and public health, these statistical tools help analyze population data and trends. Researchers might use histograms to visualize the distribution of household incomes in a city. The mean income provides an average, while the variance and standard deviation reveal the extent of income inequality. A large standard deviation would indicate significant income disparities within the population.

For instance, a city with a mean household income of $50,000 and a standard deviation of $20,000 suggests considerable income variation. Policymakers could use this information to design targeted economic policies or social programs to address inequality.

In our daily lives, we encounter these concepts more often than we might realize. Weather forecasts often include the average temperature and the range of expected temperatures, which relate to the mean and standard deviation of temperature distributions. When we see a 70% chance of rain, we're dealing with probability distributions of weather patterns.

Students can apply these concepts to their academic performance. By tracking test scores over time, they can calculate their mean performance and use standard deviation to understand their consistency. A student with a high mean but large standard deviation might focus on improving consistency, while one with a lower mean but small standard deviation might work on overall improvement strategies.

In conclusion, histograms, mean, variance, and standard deviation are powerful tools for analyzing probability distributions across various fields. From financial decision-making to scientific research and social policy development, these statistical measures provide valuable insights into data patterns and variability. By understanding these concepts, we can make more informed decisions in both professional settings and our personal lives, enhancing our ability to interpret and act upon the vast amounts of data available in today's world.


Understanding probability distributions, histograms, mean, variance, and standard deviation is crucial in data analysis. The introduction video provides a solid foundation for grasping these concepts. Probability distributions illustrate the likelihood of various outcomes, while histograms visually represent data frequency. The mean offers a central tendency measure, variance quantifies data spread, and standard deviation indicates dispersion from the mean. These statistical tools are essential for interpreting data patterns and making informed decisions. To reinforce your understanding, practice creating and analyzing probability distributions using real-world datasets. Experiment with different histogram bin sizes to observe how they affect data representation. Calculate mean, variance, and standard deviation for various datasets to gain practical experience. Remember, mastering these concepts opens doors to advanced statistical analysis. For further exploration, engage in online forums, attend workshops, or collaborate with peers on data projects. Your journey into the world of probability and statistics has just begun!

Probability Histogram, Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation

Probability Histogram, Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
The following table gives the probability distribution of a loaded (weighted) die:















Using calculator commands to find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the probability distribution.

Step 1: Entering Data into the Calculator

To begin, you need to enter the data into your calculator. For this example, we will use a TI-84 calculator, but the steps are similar for other models like the TI-83.

First, turn on your calculator and press the "STAT" button. This will bring up the statistics menu. From here, select "EDIT" to enter the data editing mode.

In the first list (L1), enter all the possible outcomes of the die roll. These are the numbers 1 through 6. In the second list (L2), enter the corresponding probabilities for each outcome. The table should look like this:

  • L1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • L2: 0.05, 0.10, 0.30, 0.33, 0.15, 0.07

Step 2: Calculating the Mean

Once the data is entered, you can calculate the mean. Press the "STAT" button again, then navigate to the "CALC" menu. Select "1-Var Stats" and press "ENTER".

On the next screen, you need to specify the lists you are using. Enter "L1" for the list of outcomes and "L2" for the list of probabilities. This is done by pressing "2nd" followed by the number corresponding to the list (e.g., "2nd" + "1" for L1). The command should look like this: 1-Var Stats L1, L2.

Press "ENTER" to perform the calculation. The calculator will display several statistics, including the mean (denoted as ). For this example, the mean is approximately 3.64.

Step 3: Calculating the Standard Deviation

Next, you can find the standard deviation. The standard deviation is also displayed in the results from the "1-Var Stats" calculation. It is denoted as σx (for the population standard deviation) or Sx (for the sample standard deviation). For this example, the standard deviation is approximately 1.20.

Step 4: Calculating the Variance

To find the variance, you simply square the standard deviation. Using the standard deviation from the previous step (1.20), the variance is calculated as follows:

Variance = (Standard Deviation)² = 1.20² 1.44

Therefore, the variance is approximately 1.44.


By following these steps, you can easily calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of a probability distribution using a calculator. This method is much quicker and less error-prone than performing the calculations by hand. Here is a summary of the results for the given probability distribution:

  • Mean: 3.64
  • Standard Deviation: 1.20
  • Variance: 1.44


Here are some frequently asked questions about probability distributions, histograms, mean, variance, and standard deviation:

  1. How do you find the probability of a histogram?

    To find the probability from a histogram, divide the height of each bar by the total area of all bars. This gives you the probability for each bin. For a continuous distribution, you can estimate probabilities by calculating the area under the curve between specific points.

  2. How do you interpret a probability histogram?

    Interpret a probability histogram by looking at the height of each bar, which represents the probability or frequency of values falling within that bin. The shape of the histogram indicates the distribution type (e.g., normal, skewed). The center shows where data is concentrated, while the spread indicates variability.

  3. What is the standard deviation of a probability distribution?

    The standard deviation of a probability distribution is a measure of the spread of values around the mean. It's calculated as the square root of the variance. For a discrete distribution, use the formula: σ = [Σ(x - μ)² * P(x)], where x is each value, μ is the mean, and P(x) is the probability of x occurring.

  4. How do you find the mean of a probability distribution?

    To find the mean of a probability distribution, multiply each possible value by its probability and sum the results. For a discrete distribution, use the formula: μ = Σ(x * P(x)), where x is each possible value and P(x) is its probability. For a continuous distribution, integrate x * f(x) over the entire range.

  5. What is the difference between frequency and probability histograms?

    Frequency histograms show the count of observations in each bin, while probability histograms show the proportion or probability of observations in each bin. Probability histograms have a total area of 1, with the y-axis representing probability density rather than count. Frequency histograms can be converted to probability histograms by dividing each bar's height by the total number of observations.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the foundations of probability and statistics is crucial when delving into more advanced concepts like probability distributions, histograms, means, variances, and standard deviations. One of the most fundamental prerequisite topics for this area of study is the introduction to normal distribution. This concept serves as a cornerstone for comprehending more complex statistical analyses and probability models.

The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution or the bell curve, is a symmetrical probability distribution that forms the basis for many statistical concepts. Grasping this fundamental idea is essential because it directly relates to understanding probability distributions in general. When studying histograms, which are graphical representations of data distribution, having a solid foundation in normal distribution helps in interpreting the shapes and patterns of various data sets.

Moreover, the normal distribution curve is intimately connected to measures of central tendency and dispersion, such as mean, variance, and standard deviation. The mean, which represents the average of a data set, is a key parameter in the normal distribution. Understanding how the mean relates to the peak of the normal curve provides valuable insights into data interpretation and probability calculations.

Variance and standard deviation, which measure the spread of data points around the mean, are also closely tied to the normal distribution. These concepts become much clearer when viewed through the lens of the normal curve. For instance, the standard deviation in a normal distribution determines the width of the bell curve, affecting how probability is distributed across different values.

By mastering the introduction to normal distribution, students build a strong foundation for understanding more complex probability distributions. This knowledge enables them to better interpret histograms, calculate and understand means, variances, and standard deviations in various contexts. It also prepares them for advanced topics in statistics, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and regression analysis.

In conclusion, the importance of grasping prerequisite topics like the normal distribution cannot be overstated when studying probability distributions and related statistical concepts. It provides the necessary context and understanding to tackle more advanced ideas, ensuring a comprehensive and interconnected knowledge of statistical principles. Students who invest time in mastering these fundamental concepts will find themselves better equipped to handle complex statistical problems and analyses in their future studies and careers.

For a probability distribution:
\cdot mean:μ=[xp(x)]mean:\mu = \sum [x \cdot p(x)]
\cdot variance:σ2=[(xμ)2p(x)]=[x2p(x)]μ2variance:\sigma^2 = \sum [(x-\mu)^2 \cdot p(x)]= \sum[x^2 \cdot p(x)] - \mu^2
\cdot standard  deviation:σ=σ2=[(xμ)2p(x)]=[(x2p(x)]μ2standard\;deviation: \sigma = \sqrt{\sigma^2}= \sqrt{\sum [(x-\mu)^2 \cdot p(x)]} = \sqrt{\sum [(x^2 \cdot p(x)]- \mu^2}

Range Rule of Thumb (Usual VS. Unusual):
\cdot maximum usual value =μ+2σ= \mu+2\sigma
\cdot minimum usual value =μ2σ= \mu-2\sigma