Waves behave like particles

  1. Waves Behave Like Particles 
  2. Introduction to particle model of waves.
  3. New theory of quantum mechanics.
  4. Wave practice duality of light
  5. Compton effect
  6. Compton experiment
  1. The stopping potential, V0V_{0}, that prevents electors from flowing across a certain photocell is 6.0V. What is the kinetic energy given to the electrons by incident light? Give your answer in both JJ and eVeV. Sketch the problem and calculate your answer.
    1. Potassium threshold wavelength is 564 nm,
      1. Find the work function of potassium in eVeV.
      2. If the ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 246 nm falls on potassium, what is the energy of the ejected electrons in eVeV. Sketch the problem and calculate your answer.
      1. The stopping potential required to prevent current through a photocell is 4.2VV. Calculate the kinetic energy in joules and in eVeV of the photoelectrons as they are emitted.
        1. The threshold wavelength of copper is 264 nmnm.
          1. Find the threshold frequency of copper.
          2. What is the work function in eVeV of copper?
          3. Copper in a photocell is irritated by ultraviolet light of 140 nmnm wavelength. What is the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons in eVeV?
          1. The work function for cadmium is 4.07 eVeV.
            1. Find the threshold wavelength for cadmium.
            2. What is the kinetic energy in eVeV of photoelectrons ejected when 190 nm violet light falls on the cadmium?
            1. An X ray with a wavelength 6.0 x 10-14 mm is travelling in a vacuum.
              1. Calculate the momentum associated with this X ray.
              2. Why does the X ray exhibit little particle behavior?
              1. The work function of sodium is 2.28 eVeV.
                1. What is the threshold wavelength of sodium?
                2. Sodium is exposed to radiation of wavelength 160nmnm. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electrons in eVeV?
                Topic Notes

                Introduction: Waves Behaving Like Particles

                Welcome to the fascinating world of quantum mechanics! Today, we're going to explore how waves can behave like particles, a concept that might seem mind-bending at first. Our introduction video is a great starting point to visualize this phenomenon. It beautifully illustrates how waves, which we typically think of as spreading out in space, can sometimes act like discrete particles. This dual nature is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics and helps explain many puzzling observations in the subatomic world. The video demonstrates key experiments that led to this revolutionary understanding, such as the double-slit experiment. By watching it, you'll gain a clearer picture of how light and matter can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. This concept is crucial for understanding modern physics and has far-reaching implications in fields like electronics and materials science. Let's dive in and unravel this intriguing aspect of nature together!

                Radiation from Incandescent Lamps

                Introduction to Incandescent Lamp Radiation

                Incandescent lamps, once the standard for indoor lighting, produce light through a unique process of thermal radiation. These lamps emit a characteristic spectrum of electromagnetic waves, including visible light and infrared radiation. Understanding the properties of this radiation is crucial for comprehending the lamp's efficiency and its effects on our environment.

                Spectrum of Colors

                The radiation from an incandescent lamp spans a wide range of wavelengths, creating a continuous spectrum. This spectrum includes:

                • Visible light: Ranging from red to violet
                • Infrared radiation: Felt as heat
                • A small amount of ultraviolet radiation
                The visible portion of this spectrum gives incandescent lamps their warm, yellowish glow, which many find aesthetically pleasing.

                Heat Energy and Efficiency

                A significant property of incandescent lamp radiation is its high heat output. In fact, about 90% of the energy emitted by these lamps is in the form of heat rather than visible light. This characteristic makes incandescent lamps relatively inefficient as light sources, as most of the electrical energy is converted to heat rather than light.

                Temperature and Its Effects on Radiation

                The temperature of the lamp's filament plays a crucial role in determining the properties of the emitted radiation. As the temperature increases:

                • The overall intensity of radiation increases
                • The peak of the emission spectrum shifts towards shorter wavelengths
                • A larger proportion of the radiation falls within the visible spectrum
                This relationship between temperature and radiation is described by Planck's law of black-body radiation.

                Frequency and Energy Relationship

                The frequency of the radiation emitted by an incandescent lamp is directly related to its energy. Higher frequencies correspond to higher energy photons. As the lamp's temperature increases:

                • The average frequency of emitted photons increases
                • The energy of individual photons increases
                • The color of the light appears to shift towards the blue end of the spectrum
                This phenomenon is known as Wien's displacement law.

                Color Temperature and Perceived Light

                The concept of color temperature, measured in Kelvin, is used to describe the appearance of light from incandescent lamps. Lower color temperatures (around 2700K) produce a warm, yellowish light, while higher temperatures (above 3000K) result in a cooler, more bluish-white light. This property allows incandescent lamps to create different moods and atmospheres in various settings.

                Environmental and Practical Considerations

                While the warm glow of incandescent lamps is often preferred for its aesthetic qualities, their low efficiency and high heat output have led to their phasing out in many countries. Modern alternatives like LED and CFL bulbs offer higher efficiency and lower heat emission, though they may not perfectly replicate the spectrum of incandescent radiation.


                The radiation from incandescent lamps is a complex interplay of light and heat, governed by fundamental physical principles. Understanding these properties helps us appreciate both the strengths and limitations of this classic lighting technology. As we move towards more energy-efficient lighting solutions, the unique characteristics of incandescent radiation continue to serve as a benchmark for light quality and color rendering.

                Planck's Quantum Hypothesis

                Max Planck's quantum hypothesis revolutionized our understanding of the atomic world and laid the foundation for modern quantum mechanics. At the turn of the 20th century, Planck proposed a groundbreaking idea that energy, at the microscopic level, is not continuous but comes in discrete packets called quanta. This concept, known as energy quantization, challenged the classical view of physics and opened up a new realm of scientific exploration.

                To understand Planck's quantum hypothesis, imagine a staircase instead of a ramp. While you can walk up a ramp smoothly, you must take distinct steps on a staircase. Similarly, in the quantum world, energy changes occur in specific, discrete jumps rather than in a continuous flow. This analogy helps visualize how energy behaves at the atomic and subatomic levels.

                The cornerstone of Planck's hypothesis is the famous equation: E = nhf. Let's break down this equation to understand its significance:

                • E represents energy
                • n is an integer (1, 2, 3, etc.)
                • h is Planck's constant, a fundamental constant of nature
                • f is the frequency of the radiation

                Planck's constant (h) is incredibly small, approximately 6.626 × 10^-34 joule-seconds. Its tiny value explains why we don't observe quantum effects in our everyday macroscopic world. However, at the atomic scale, this constant plays a crucial role in determining the behavior of particles and energy.

                The equation E = nhf tells us that energy can only exist in multiples of hf. This means that energy is quantized, much like how money is quantized in cents or dollars. You can't have half a cent, and similarly, in the quantum world, you can't have fractional energy states between the allowed levels.

                To further illustrate this concept, consider a guitar string. In classical physics, we might expect the string to vibrate at any frequency. However, in the quantum world, the string would only be allowed to vibrate at specific frequencies, corresponding to different energy levels. Each "jump" from one energy level to another would release or absorb a specific amount of energy, a quantum.

                The implications of Planck's quantum hypothesis for atomic energy levels are profound. It explains why atoms have discrete energy levels and why electrons can only exist in specific orbitals around the nucleus. This quantization of energy levels in atoms is responsible for the distinct spectral lines we observe when elements are heated or excited, providing a unique "fingerprint" for each element.

                Another analogy to help grasp this concept is to think of a vending machine that only accepts specific coin denominations. You can't insert any arbitrary amount of money; you must use the allowed coin values. Similarly, atoms can only absorb or emit energy in specific, quantized amounts.

                Planck's quantum hypothesis also explains phenomena like the photoelectric effect, where light behaves as particles (photons) rather than waves when interacting with matter. This dual nature of light and matter is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, stemming directly from Planck's revolutionary idea.

                The concept of energy quantization has far-reaching consequences in various fields of science and technology. It forms the basis for understanding chemical bonding, the behavior of semiconductors in electronic devices, and even the functioning of lasers. Quantum mechanics, built upon Planck's initial hypothesis, has led to technological advancements such as MRI machines, transistors, and potentially quantum computers in the future.

                In conclusion, Planck's quantum hypothesis introduced the revolutionary idea of energy quantization, fundamentally changing our understanding of the microscopic world. The equation E = nhf encapsulates this concept, showing how energy is discretized at the atomic level. By using analogies like staircases, guitar strings, and vending machines, we can better grasp this abstract concept and appreciate its profound impact on our understanding of atomic energy levels and the universe at large.

                The Photoelectric Effect

                The photoelectric effect is a fundamental phenomenon in physics that played a crucial role in demonstrating the particle nature of light. This effect occurs when light shines on certain materials, causing the emission of electrons. The discovery and explanation of the photoelectric effect were pivotal in the development of quantum mechanics and earned Albert Einstein the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

                At its core, the photoelectric effect showcases the dual nature of light as both a wave and a particle. When light of sufficient energy strikes a metal surface, it can cause electrons to be ejected from the material. This process, known as electron ejection, is the essence of the photoelectric effect. The ejected electrons are often referred to as photoelectrons.

                One of the most significant aspects of the photoelectric effect is the concept of threshold frequency. This is the minimum frequency of light required to cause electron ejection from a specific material. Light below this frequency, regardless of its intensity, will not produce photoelectrons. This observation was crucial in challenging the classical wave theory of light and supporting the particle (photon) theory.

                The relationship between threshold frequency and electron ejection is fundamental to understanding the photoelectric effect. When light with a frequency above the threshold strikes the material, electrons are emitted almost instantaneously. The kinetic energy of these ejected electrons depends on the frequency of the incident light, not its intensity. This was a puzzling observation that classical physics could not explain.

                Einstein proposed that light consists of discrete packets of energy called photons. Each photon's energy is directly proportional to its frequency. When a photon with sufficient energy (above the threshold) interacts with an electron in the material, it transfers all of its energy to the electron. Part of this energy is used to overcome the electron's binding energy (work function) to the material, and any excess energy becomes the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.

                The equation that describes this relationship is: E = hf - W, where E is the kinetic energy of the ejected electron, h is Planck's constant, f is the frequency of the incident light, and W is the work function of the material. This equation elegantly explains why the photoelectric effect has a threshold frequency and why the kinetic energy of the electrons increases linearly with the frequency of light above this threshold.

                To practically demonstrate and utilize the photoelectric effect, scientists and engineers developed the photoelectric cell. This device consists of two main components: a photocathode and an anode. The photocathode is a metal plate coated with a photosensitive material that readily emits electrons when exposed to light. The anode is a positively charged electrode that attracts the emitted electrons.

                In a typical photoelectric cell, the photocathode and anode are enclosed in a vacuum tube or filled with an inert gas. When light of sufficient frequency strikes the photocathode, electrons are ejected and flow towards the anode, creating an electric current. This current can be measured and is proportional to the intensity of the incident light, making photoelectric cells useful in various applications.

                Photoelectric cells have found widespread use in modern technology. They are essential components in solar panels, where they convert light energy into electrical energy. They are also used in light meters for photography, automatic door openers, and various types of sensors and detectors. The ability to precisely control and measure light-induced electron emission has made photoelectric cells invaluable in scientific research and industrial applications.

                The significance of the photoelectric effect extends beyond its practical applications. It provided strong evidence for the quantum nature of light and matter, challenging the classical understanding of physics. This effect demonstrated that light, which was previously thought to behave solely as a wave, could also exhibit particle-like properties. This duality concept became a cornerstone of quantum mechanics and led to a revolutionary understanding of the microscopic world.

                In conclusion, the photoelectric effect stands as a testament to the power of scientific observation and theoretical insight. Its explanation not only resolved a puzzling phenomenon but also opened the door to a new era in physics. From Einstein's groundbreaking theory to the development of practical devices like photoelectric cells, this effect continues to influence our understanding of light and matter, driving technological innovations and scientific discoveries.

                Einstein's Interpretation of the Photoelectric Effect

                Albert Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect using the concept of photons revolutionized our understanding of light and laid the foundation for the particle-wave duality in quantum mechanics. The photoelectric effect, first observed by Heinrich Hertz in 1887, occurs when light incident on a metal surface causes the emission of electrons. However, classical wave theory of light failed to explain certain aspects of this phenomenon, prompting Einstein to propose a radical new interpretation in 1905.

                Einstein hypothesized that light consists of discrete packets of energy called photons. Each photon carries a specific amount of energy proportional to its frequency, as described by the equation E = hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency. This concept of light as particles directly challenged the prevailing wave model and offered a compelling explanation for the photoelectric effect's observed characteristics.

                According to Einstein's theory, when a photon interacts with an electron in the metal, it transfers its entire energy to the electron. If this energy exceeds the work function (the minimum energy required to eject an electron from the metal's surface), the electron is emitted with kinetic energy. This explanation elegantly accounted for several key observations:

                • The instantaneous nature of electron emission, regardless of light intensity
                • The existence of a threshold frequency below which no electrons are emitted
                • The linear relationship between the maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons and light frequency

                Einstein's interpretation challenged the wave model of light in several ways. First, it introduced the idea that light energy is quantized, contradicting the continuous energy distribution predicted by the wave theory. Second, it explained why increasing light intensity (which would increase wave amplitude) only increased the number of emitted electrons, not their energy. This was inconsistent with the wave model's predictions but aligned perfectly with the concept of photons.

                The success of Einstein's photon theory in explaining the photoelectric effect led to the development of the particle-wave duality concept. This fundamental principle of quantum mechanics states that all matter and energy exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties, depending on the experimental context. For light, this means it can behave as both a stream of particles (photons) and as an electromagnetic wave, reconciling seemingly contradictory observations.

                The particle-wave duality has profound implications for our understanding of nature at the quantum level. It challenges our classical intuitions and highlights the limitations of purely classical descriptions of physical phenomena. Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect not only earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 but also paved the way for the development of quantum mechanics and modern physics.

                In conclusion, Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect using photons marked a pivotal moment in physics. It successfully resolved the discrepancies between experimental observations and classical theory, introduced the revolutionary concept of light quanta, and laid the groundwork for the particle-wave duality. This interpretation continues to be a cornerstone of our understanding of light and matter, influencing fields ranging from quantum optics to photovoltaic technology.

                The Compton Effect

                The Compton effect, discovered by American physicist Arthur Holly Compton in 1923, is a pivotal phenomenon in quantum physics that further solidified the particle nature of light. This groundbreaking observation provided compelling evidence for the concept of photons, which had been proposed by Einstein in 1905 but was still controversial at the time. The Compton effect demonstrates how light behaves as both a wave and a particle, a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics.

                Compton's experiment involved directing X-rays at a graphite target and observing the scattered radiation. He noticed that the scattered X-rays had a longer wavelength than the incident X-rays, a phenomenon that could not be explained by classical wave theory. This wavelength shift, now known as the Compton shift, was dependent on the scattering angle and independent of the intensity of the X-rays.

                To explain this observation, Compton applied the principles of conservation of energy and momentum to the interaction between X-rays and electrons in the graphite. He treated the X-rays as particles (photons) with specific energy and momentum, colliding with loosely bound electrons in the graphite atoms. This particle-like interaction resulted in the transfer of energy and momentum from the photon to the electron, causing the photon to lose energy and consequently increase its wavelength.

                The importance of the Compton effect in physics cannot be overstated. It provided direct experimental evidence for the particle nature of light, supporting Einstein's earlier work on the photoelectric effect. The Compton effect demonstrated that photons possess both energy and momentum, properties traditionally associated with particles. This discovery was crucial in advancing our understanding of the dual nature of light and matter, a cornerstone of quantum mechanics.

                The mathematical formulation of the Compton effect relates the change in wavelength (Δλ) to the scattering angle (θ) and the properties of the electron: Δλ = (h / mec) (1 - cos θ) where h is Planck's constant, me is the mass of an electron, and c is the speed of light. This equation, known as the Compton formula, accurately predicts the wavelength shift for any scattering angle.

                The implications of the Compton effect extend beyond just confirming the particle nature of light. It demonstrated that photon energy and momentum are conserved in interactions with matter, a principle that is fundamental to our understanding of quantum electrodynamics. The effect also played a crucial role in the development of medical imaging techniques, particularly in the field of radiology, where understanding the scattering of X-rays is essential for improving image quality and reducing radiation exposure.

                Furthermore, the Compton effect has applications in astrophysics, where it helps explain phenomena such as the scattering of cosmic rays and the behavior of high-energy photons in extreme environments like neutron stars and black holes. In particle physics, the principles underlying the Compton effect are used in the design of detectors and in the analysis of particle interactions at high energies.

                In conclusion, the Compton effect stands as a landmark discovery in the history of physics, providing irrefutable evidence for the particle nature of light and the concept of photons. Its explanation required a paradigm shift in our understanding of light, leading to the development of quantum mechanics and influencing fields ranging from medical imaging to astrophysics. The effect continues to be a cornerstone in physics education, demonstrating the fundamental principles of energy and momentum conservation in quantum interactions.

                Conclusion: The Dual Nature of Light

                In this exploration of quantum mechanics, we've delved into the fascinating dual nature of light. The photoelectric effect and Compton effect serve as compelling evidence for light's particle-like behavior, challenging classical wave theory. These phenomena demonstrate that light can interact with matter as discrete packets of energy called photons. The introductory video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these complex concepts, illustrating how light exhibits both wave and particle properties. This particle-wave duality is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics, revolutionizing our understanding of the microscopic world. As we've seen, the dual nature of light defies our everyday intuitions, highlighting the need for new frameworks in physics. We encourage readers to continue their journey into quantum mechanics, exploring topics like wave functions, uncertainty principle, and quantum entanglement. The world of quantum physics offers endless possibilities for discovery and innovation, promising to reshape our understanding of reality itself.

                Waves Behave Like Particles: Introduction to Particle Model of Waves

                In this guide, we will explore the concept of wave-particle duality, focusing on how waves can exhibit particle-like properties. This phenomenon is crucial in understanding various physical effects and the behavior of electromagnetic radiation.

                Step 1: Understanding Wave-Particle Duality

                Wave-particle duality is the concept that every particle or quantum entity can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. This duality is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics. In this context, we will discuss how waves, typically understood as continuous and oscillatory phenomena, can also behave like discrete particles.

                Step 2: Properties of Spectrum Emitted from Hot Bodies

                When a hot body, such as an incandescent lamp, emits radiation, it produces a spectrum of light. This spectrum can be observed by passing the light through a narrow slit and a prism, revealing different colors. These colors correspond to different wavelengths and frequencies of light, which are related to the temperature of the emitting body. The hotter the body, the higher the frequency and energy of the emitted radiation.

                Step 3: The Photoelectric Effect

                The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where light incident on a material surface causes the emission of electrons. This effect demonstrates the particle nature of light, as it can be explained by considering light as composed of discrete packets of energy called photons. Each photon has an energy proportional to its frequency, given by the equation E=hfE = hf, where EE is the energy, hh is Planck's constant, and ff is the frequency of the light.

                Step 4: The Compton Effect

                The Compton effect further supports the particle model of waves. It involves the scattering of X-rays by electrons, resulting in a change in the wavelength of the X-rays. This change can be explained by treating the X-rays as particles (photons) that collide with electrons, transferring energy and momentum in the process. The Compton effect provides clear evidence that electromagnetic waves can exhibit particle-like behavior.

                Step 5: Quantization of Energy

                Max Planck proposed that the energy of vibrating atoms in solids is quantized, meaning it can only take on specific discrete values. This idea led to the development of the equation E=nhfE = nhf, where nn is an integer (0, 1, 2, ...), hh is Planck's constant, and ff is the frequency of vibration. This quantization explains the discrete energy levels observed in atomic spectra and supports the particle model of waves.

                Step 6: Planck's Hypothesis and Electromagnetic Radiation

                Planck also suggested that atoms do not continuously emit electromagnetic radiation as they vibrate. Instead, radiation is emitted only when there is a change in the energy state of the atom. For example, if an atom's energy changes from 4hf4hf to 3hf3hf, it emits a photon with energy hfhf. This hypothesis aligns with the particle model of waves, where energy is transferred in discrete packets.

                Step 7: Practical Implications and Observations

                Understanding wave-particle duality has significant implications in various fields of physics and technology. For instance, it helps explain the behavior of semiconductors in electronic devices, the functioning of lasers, and the principles behind quantum computing. Observations such as the spectrum of incandescent lamps and the photoelectric effect provide practical evidence of this duality.


                In summary, waves can exhibit particle-like properties, as demonstrated by phenomena such as the photoelectric effect and the Compton effect. The quantization of energy and Planck's hypothesis further support the particle model of waves. Understanding this duality is essential for comprehending the behavior of electromagnetic radiation and its applications in modern technology.


                Here are some frequently asked questions about the dual nature of light and related quantum phenomena:

                1. What is the dual nature of light?

                  The dual nature of light refers to the fact that light exhibits both wave-like and particle-like properties. In some experiments, light behaves as a wave, showing interference and diffraction patterns. In others, like the photoelectric effect and Compton scattering, it behaves as particles called photons. This duality is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics.

                2. How does the photoelectric effect demonstrate the particle nature of light?

                  The photoelectric effect shows that light can eject electrons from a metal surface only if its frequency is above a certain threshold, regardless of intensity. This behavior is explained by treating light as discrete particles (photons) with energy proportional to frequency, rather than as continuous waves. Each photon interacts with a single electron, transferring its energy all at once.

                3. What is the significance of the Compton effect in quantum physics?

                  The Compton effect provides strong evidence for the particle nature of light. It demonstrates that X-rays (high-energy light) can scatter off electrons as if they were particles, with a change in wavelength that depends on the scattering angle. This effect can't be explained by classical wave theory and supports the concept of photons with definite energy and momentum.

                4. How does Planck's quantum hypothesis relate to the dual nature of light?

                  Planck's quantum hypothesis proposed that energy is emitted and absorbed in discrete packets called quanta. This idea laid the foundation for understanding light as both waves and particles. It explains why light energy is quantized and why certain phenomena, like blackbody radiation and the photoelectric effect, can only be explained using the particle model of light.

                5. What are some practical applications of the dual nature of light?

                  The dual nature of light has numerous applications in modern technology. Solar cells use the photoelectric effect to convert light into electricity. Lasers rely on the quantum nature of light emission. Medical imaging techniques like X-ray and CT scans utilize our understanding of how light interacts with matter at the quantum level. Additionally, fiber optic communications take advantage of light's wave properties for data transmission.

                Prerequisite Topics

                Understanding the concept of "Waves behave like particles" is a fascinating journey into the realm of quantum mechanics. However, to fully grasp this complex idea, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite topics. One of the most important prerequisites is the principle of conservation of energy. This fundamental concept plays a pivotal role in comprehending the wave-particle duality of matter and energy.

                The conservation of energy principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. This concept is essential when exploring how waves can exhibit particle-like behavior. When we consider light, for instance, it can be described both as a wave and as a stream of particles called photons. The energy of these photons is directly related to the frequency of the light wave, demonstrating a clear connection between wave and particle properties.

                Moreover, the conservation of energy and momentum is crucial in understanding phenomena like the photoelectric effect, where light behaves as particles when interacting with matter. In this process, the energy of the incident photons is transferred to electrons in a material, causing them to be ejected. The conservation principle ensures that the energy of the ejected electrons plus any remaining energy in the system equals the initial energy of the photons.

                When studying how waves behave like particles, it's important to recognize that this duality extends to matter as well. Electrons, typically thought of as particles, can exhibit wave-like properties in certain experiments. The energy associated with these matter waves is directly related to their wavelength and frequency, again invoking the principles of energy conservation.

                Understanding conservation of energy also helps in grasping concepts like quantum tunneling, where particles can pass through energy barriers that classical physics would deem impossible. This phenomenon relies on the wave-like nature of particles and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics, all while adhering to the conservation of energy principle.

                In conclusion, the prerequisite topic of conservation of energy serves as a crucial foundation for understanding how waves can behave like particles. It provides a framework for analyzing the energy exchanges in quantum phenomena, helps explain the relationship between a particle's energy and its wave properties, and underpins many of the counterintuitive aspects of quantum mechanics. By mastering this fundamental concept, students can better navigate the complex and fascinating world of wave-particle duality, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of modern physics.

                In this lesson, we will learn:

                • Waves behave like particle
                • Property of the spectrum emitted from the hot bodies
                • Photoelectric effect
                • Compton effect


                Radiation from Incandescent Lamp

                • Hot bodies contain vibrating particles, which radiate electromagnetic waves.
                • Looking through a prism at light coming from an incandescent lamp, you will see colors of rainbow.
                Waves Behave Like Particles

                • The bulb also emits infrared radiation that you cannot see.
                • The spectrum of incandescent bodies shows different color at different temperatures and various frequencies.
                • Energy is emitted at variety of frequencies that depend on the temperature.
                • As temperature increases the frequency increases.
                • To explain the shape of the spectrum, Plank assumed that energy is not continues. He assumed that the energy of vibration of the atoms in a solid have only specific frequencies,

                • E=nhfE = nhf

                  ff : Frequency
                  hh : Plank’s constant
                  n n: Integer such as (0,1,2,3, 4. . . )
                So the energy could have values hf,2hf,3hfh f,2h f, 3h f
                • This behavior is described by saying that energy is “quantized”, package of specific amounts.
                • He also proposed that atoms do not always radiate electromagnetic waves as they vibrate, the radiation is emitted only when their vibrating energy changes. For instance, if the energy of an atom changes from 4hf4h f to 3hf3h f, atom emits radiation.

                New Theory of Quantum Mechanics

                Planck’s Quantum Hypothesis:
                • Energy comes in little bundles, quanta (plural of quantum), quanta is the smallest bundle of energy, we can not have an amount of energy smaller than quanta, like we can not have an amount of charge smaller than one electron.
                • As you move up the stairs, they are certain levels at which you can stand, you cannot stand between the steps,
                • In similar ways electrons around an atom exist at different energy levels, electrons jump around randomly from one layer to another, we cannot say exactly where they are, but we can say where they are likely to be Circles representing different levels of energy associated with electrons
                Waves Behave Like Particles

                • The further we move from the nucleus the higher the amount of energy
                • According to the quantum mechanics theory, electrons can exist one energy level or another but not anything between, so the energy is quantized, we can have only discrete amount of energy.
                • So the Planck’s hypothesis states that molecular oscillations are quantized; their energy E can only be integer (nn) multiplies of hfhf, where h is the Planck’s constant and ff is the natural frequency of oscillations:
                E=nhfE = nhf

                Wave Practice Duality of Light

                Photoelectric Effect
                • A negatively charged zinc plate discharges when ultra violet radiation falls on it, but it remains charged when ordinary visible light falls on it.
                • The positively charged zinc plate does not charge similarly.
                • Further study showed that the negatively charged zinc plate was discharged by losing or emitting electrons.
                • The emission of electron upon upon electromagnetic radiation is called the “photoelectric effect”.

                Waves Behave Like Particles
                • Photoelectric cell contains two metal electrodes sealed in evacuated tube.
                • The larger electrode, cathode, is coated with cesium.
                • The second electrode, anode, made of a thin wire to block only smallest amount of radiation.
                • The potential difference across the electrodes attract the electrons.
                • Only specific type of radiation produces current in the circuit which is read by the ammeter.
                • The frequency that produces current in the circuit called “threshold frequency”, f0f_{0}
                • Frequency below f0f_{0}, does not eject any electrons, no matter how intense the light is.
                • Frequency above f0f_{0}, ejects electrons , even if the light is very dim.
                • According to wave model, intensive light should knock more electrons but, in this case is not true.
                • So the photoelectric effect can not be explained by wave model of light.
                • The only way to explain this phenomenon is the particle model of light.
                • According to Einstein, light and other forms of radiation consist of discrete bundles of energy, called “photons”.
                • Energy of each photon depends on the frequency of the light.

                E1=hf1E_{1} = hf_{1}
                E0=hf0E_{0} = hf_{0}
                K=E1E0=hf1hf0K = E_{1} -E_{0} = hf_{1} - hf_{0}

                “The excess energy becomes the kinetic energy of the electron”

                The Compton Effect

                This effect proves that light has particle property.

                • The photoelectric effect reveals that a photon, even though it has no mass, has kinetic energy. So according Einstein, photon has another particle property, momentum.

                • Since photon is travelling as fast as light, we cannot use the p=mvp = mv equation to find the photon’s momentum.

                • For those particles that travel at speed of light, momentum is calculated using special relativity, which allows massless particles to have momentum.

                • Momentum of a photon is: p=h/λp= h/\lambda, where h is the Plank’s constant.
                  h= h =6.626 x 10-34J.s λ=\qquad \lambda = wavelength in meters.

                • The energy of photon is calculated using; E=hfE=hcλ E = hf \enspace \Rightarrow \enspace E = \frac{hc} {\lambda}

                  and λ=c.T=c/ff=c/λ \lambda = c.T = c/f \, \Rightarrow \, f = c/\lambda

                • To study the nature of photons, Compton directed X-rays of known wavelength at a graphite retarget, the wavelength of the scattered X-ray was longer than the original one.

                • The above equation shows that the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength. The increase in wavelength observed by Compton, means that the X-ray photons had lost both energy and momentum.
                Waves Behave Like Particles

                • The shift in the energy of scattered photons is called “Compton effect”.
                • Compton observed that electrons were ejected from the graphite block, so the energy and momentum of the photons are transferred to electrons, similar to the elastic collisions of particles.
                • Therefore, a photon is a particle that has energy and momentum.