Vector operations in two dimensions

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  1. Introduction to vector operations in two dimensions
  1. Perform tip-to-tail addition in two dimensions

    A student arrives at school and from the entrance walks 20 m north to go to English. After, they walk 30 m east to physics class. What is their overall displacement? Answer with a vector diagram and a vector equation that describes the displacements.

    1. Solve vector additions graphically

      Solve the following vector equations graphically:

      i. Δd1+Δd2=Δdres\Delta \vec{d}_{1} + \Delta \vec{d}_{2} = \Delta \vec{d}_{res}

      PHYS 1 3 2a

      ii. v1+v2=vres\vec{v}_{1} + \vec{v}_{2} = \vec{v}_{res}

      PHYS 1 3 2b

      iii. A+B+C=D\vec{A} + \vec{B} + \vec{C} = \vec{D}

      PHYS 1 3 2c
      1. Solve vector subtraction, multiplication, and division graphically

        Solve the following vector equations graphically:

        i. Δd1Δd2=Δdres\Delta \vec{d}_{1} - \Delta \vec{d}_{2} = \Delta \vec{d}_{res}

        PHYS 1 3 3b

        ii. 2v1+0.2v2=vres2\vec{v}_{1} + 0.2 \vec{v}_{2} = \vec{v}_{res}

        PHYS 1 3 3c

        iii. A2BC2=D\vec{A} - 2\vec{B} - \frac{\vec{C}}{2} = \vec{D}

        PHYS 1 3 3c
        1. Write and draw the angles of vectors relative to compass directions PHYS 1 3 4

          i. Write the vector using vector notation

          ii. Draw the vector C\vec{C} = 2.5 m [40° S of E] on a set of compass axes.

          1. Calculate two dimensional displacement with Trigonometry

            A car drives at 13.8 m/s [W] for 115 s. It then turns left and travels south at 19.4 m/s for 135 s. Find the displacement of the car from its starting position.

            Topic Notes

            Introduction to Vector Operations in Two Dimensions

            Welcome to our exploration of vector operations in two dimensions. The introduction video serves as a crucial foundation for understanding this topic, providing visual representations and key concepts. In this lesson, we'll delve into the fundamental operations of 2D vectors, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are essential for solving various problems in physics, engineering, and computer graphics. We'll also cover the description of angles in vector systems and utilize trigonometry to determine both angle and magnitude of 2D vectors. By mastering these concepts, you'll gain a powerful toolkit for analyzing and manipulating vectors in two-dimensional space. Whether you're a student or professional, understanding vector operations in two dimensions is crucial for many fields. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of vector mathematics and discover how these principles apply to real-world vector problems.

            Understanding 2D Vectors

            Hey there! Let's dive into the fascinating world of 2D vectors. Imagine you're on a treasure hunt, and instead of just moving forward or backward like with 1D vectors, you can now move in any direction on a flat surface. That's essentially what 2D vectors allow us to do in mathematics!

            2D vectors are a step up from their 1D counterparts. While 1D vectors only have one component and move along a single line, 2D vectors have two components and can represent movement or position in a plane. Think of it as the difference between walking along a tightrope (1D) and exploring an entire field (2D).

            In a 2D plane, we use a coordinate system to represent these vectors. You've probably seen this before - it's that familiar x-y grid from your math classes! Each 2D vector is represented by an ordered pair of numbers (x, y), where x represents the horizontal component and y represents the vertical component.

            Let's visualize this! Imagine drawing an arrow on this grid. The tail of the arrow starts at the origin (0, 0), and the tip points to the coordinates that represent the vector. For example, a vector (3, 2) would be an arrow pointing to a spot 3 units right and 2 units up from the origin.

            Here's where it gets interesting: 2D vectors have both magnitude and direction, and both are crucial. The vector magnitude tells us how long the vector is - think of it as the vector's "strength" or "size." We calculate this using the Pythagorean theorem: (x² + y²). The vector direction, on the other hand, tells us which way the vector is pointing. This is usually expressed as an angle relative to the positive x-axis.

            Why are both vector magnitude and vector direction important? Well, in many real-world applications, we need to know not just how much of something there is (magnitude) but also where it's going or where it's located (direction). Think about wind, for instance. A weather forecast telling you the wind speed (magnitude) isn't very helpful without also knowing which way it's blowing (direction)!

            2D vectors have countless applications. In physics, they're used to describe forces and velocities. In computer graphics, they help position objects on a screen. Even in video games, character movement is often calculated using 2D vectors!

            Here's a fun way to think about it: imagine you're giving directions to a friend. Instead of saying "go forward 3 blocks, then right 2 blocks," you could simply say "go to point (3, 2)." That's the power and simplicity of 2D vectors!

            As you continue to explore 2D vectors, you'll discover operations like addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication. These allow us to combine and manipulate vectors in interesting ways, opening up even more possibilities for problem-solving and modeling real-world scenarios.

            Remember, mastering 2D vectors is all about practice. Try sketching some vectors on graph paper, calculate their magnitudes, and experiment with different directions. Before you know it, you'll be navigating the 2D vector plane like a pro!

            Vector Addition and Subtraction in 2D

            Understanding vector addition and subtraction in two dimensions is crucial for many fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics. These operations allow us to combine or find the difference between vectors, which represent quantities with both magnitude and direction. Let's explore how to perform these operations both graphically and algebraically, along with their real-world applications.

            Vector Addition

            Vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors to obtain a resultant vector. Graphically, this is done using the tip-to-tail method:

            1. Draw the first vector.
            2. Place the tail of the second vector at the tip of the first vector.
            3. Draw a line from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second vector. This line represents the resultant vector.

            Algebraically, vector addition is performed by adding the corresponding components:

            Given vectors A(x, y) and B(x, y), their sum C = A + B is:

            C(x + x, y + y)

            Vector Subtraction

            Vector subtraction is similar to addition, but we reverse the direction of the vector being subtracted. Graphically:

            1. Draw the first vector.
            2. Draw the second vector in the opposite direction.
            3. Use the tip-to-tail method as in addition to find the resultant.

            Algebraically, vector subtraction is performed by subtracting the corresponding components:

            Given vectors A(x, y) and B(x, y), their difference C = A - B is:

            C(x - x, y - y)

            Step-by-Step Algebraic Method

            1. Identify the components of each vector (x and y coordinates).
            2. For addition: Add the x-components and y-components separately.
            3. For subtraction: Subtract the x-components and y-components separately.
            4. Write the result as a new vector with the calculated components.

            Practical Examples and Applications

            Vector addition and subtraction have numerous real-world applications:

            • Navigation: Calculating the total distance and direction traveled by combining multiple leg journeys.
            • Physics: Determining the resultant force acting on an object when multiple forces are applied.
            • Meteorology: Predicting wind patterns by combining wind vectors from different sources.
            • Computer Graphics: Transforming and moving objects in 2D and 3D space.
            • Robotics: Planning movement paths for robotic arms or autonomous vehicles.

            For example, in navigation, if a ship sails 50 km east and then 30 km north, we can use vector addition to find the direct path from the starting point to the final destination. This helps in optimizing routes and calculating fuel consumption.

            In physics, when multiple forces act on an object, vector addition allows us to determine the net force. This is crucial for predicting the object's motion and solving problems in mechanics.

            Vector subtraction is particularly useful in relative motion problems. For instance, if we know an aircraft's velocity relative to the air and the wind velocity, we can calculate the aircraft's ground velocity by vector subtraction.

            Understanding these operations is fundamental in many scientific and engineering disciplines. They provide a powerful tool for analyzing and solving problems involving direction and magnitude. As you practice these concepts, you'll find that they become intuitive tools for tackling complex real-world scenarios.

            Remember, while the graphical method provides a visual understanding,

            Scalar Multiplication and Division of 2D Vectors

            Understanding scalar multiplication and scalar division of 2D vectors is crucial in various fields, including physics and engineering. Let's dive into these concepts and explore how they affect vector properties and their practical applications.

            Scalar multiplication involves multiplying a vector by a real number (scalar). When we multiply a vector by a scalar, we're essentially scaling the vector. For example, if we have a vector v = (3, 4) and multiply it by 2, we get 2v = (6, 8). This operation changes the magnitude of the vector while preserving its direction. The new vector is twice as long but points in the same direction.

            The effect of scalar multiplication on vector magnitude is straightforward: multiplying a vector by a positive scalar k increases its magnitude by a factor of k. If k is negative, the magnitude increases by |k|, but the direction reverses. For instance, if we multiply v = (3, 4) by -2, we get -2v = (-6, -8), which points in the opposite direction of v but is twice as long.

            Scalar division works similarly but in reverse. When we divide a vector by a scalar, we're scaling it down. For example, v ÷ 2 = (1.5, 2). The magnitude of the resulting vector is half of the original, but its direction remains unchanged. It's important to note that dividing by zero is undefined, just as in regular arithmetic.

            These operations have numerous practical applications. In physics, scalar multiplication is often used to represent forces. If a force F acts on an object and we want to double its strength, we simply multiply F by 2. In computer graphics, scaling vectors is essential for resizing objects on screen. Engineers use vector scaling to adjust dimensions in design processes or to normalize vectors for easier calculations.

            Let's consider a real-world example: suppose you're designing a rocket, and you've calculated its velocity vector v = (100, 200) m/s. If you want to increase the speed by 50%, you'd multiply v by 1.5, resulting in 1.5v = (150, 300) m/s. This new vector represents the increased velocity while maintaining the original direction of travel.

            Scalar division is particularly useful in finding unit vectors. By dividing a vector by its magnitude, we obtain a vector pointing in the same direction but with a magnitude of 1. This process, called normalization, is crucial in many physics and engineering calculations where only the direction is relevant.

            In navigation, scalar multiplication and division help in adjusting course vectors. If a ship needs to travel twice as far in the same direction, its displacement vector would be multiplied by 2. Conversely, if it needs to reduce its journey by a third, the vector would be divided by 3.

            Understanding these operations also aids in problem-solving. For instance, if you know the resultant force acting on an object and want to find the individual component forces, you might use scalar division to break down the vector into its constituents.

            As you continue to work with vectors, you'll find that scalar multiplication and division are fundamental tools in vector manipulation. They allow us to adjust vector magnitudes precisely while controlling their directions, making them indispensable in various scientific and engineering applications. Remember, practice is key to mastering these concepts, so don't hesitate to work through multiple examples to solidify your understanding.

            Describing Angles of 2D Vectors

            Understanding vector angles is crucial in many fields, from physics to computer graphics. In the realm of 2D vectors, angles play a vital role in describing the direction and orientation of these mathematical entities. Let's explore how angles are described for 2D vectors and the various methods used to measure and express them.

            When we talk about the angle of a 2D vector, we're typically referring to the angle between the vector and the positive x-axis. This angle is a fundamental characteristic of the vector, providing essential information about its direction in the 2D plane. Imagine drawing a line from the origin to the tip of your vector; the angle this line makes with the positive x-axis is what we're interested in.

            There are two primary units used to measure vector angles: degrees and radians. Degrees are likely more familiar to most people, with a full circle containing 360 degrees. Radians, on the other hand, are often preferred in mathematical and scientific contexts. A full circle in radians is equal to 2π (approximately 6.28). Both units have their merits, and the choice between them often depends on the specific application or personal preference.

            To determine the angle of a given 2D vector, we can use various mathematical techniques. One common method involves using the arctangent function (also known as inverse tangent or tan^-1). If we have a vector with coordinates (x, y), we can calculate its angle θ using the formula: θ = arctan(y/x). However, it's important to note that this basic formula has limitations, particularly when dealing with vectors in different quadrants of the coordinate plane.

            To address these limitations, many programming languages and mathematical tools provide a two-argument arctangent function, often called atan2(y, x). This function takes into account the signs of both x and y coordinates, allowing for accurate angle calculation in all quadrants. The atan2 function typically returns the angle in radians, which can then be converted to degrees if needed.

            Let's look at a few examples to illustrate how to determine vector angles:

            1. For a vector (3, 4): Using atan2, we get: θ = atan2(4, 3) 0.927 radians Converting to degrees: 0.927 * (180/π) 53.13 degrees

            2. For a vector (-2, 2): Using atan2, we get: θ = atan2(2, -2) 2.356 radians Converting to degrees: 2.356 * (180/π) 135 degrees

            It's worth noting that when working with vector angles, we often encounter the concept of the unit circle. The unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1 centered at the origin. It's particularly useful for visualizing angles and understanding the relationship between radians and the x and y coordinates of a point on the circle.

            In practical applications, vector angles are used in a wide range of scenarios. For instance, in physics, they're essential for describing the direction of forces or velocities. In computer graphics, vector angles are crucial for rotating objects or determining the orientation of game characters. Navigation systems rely heavily on vector angles to calculate directions and plot courses.

            As you delve deeper into working with 2D vectors, you'll find that understanding and manipulating angles becomes second nature. Whether you're calculating the direction of a projectile, designing a user interface, or analyzing data patterns, the ability to work with vector angles is an invaluable skill.

            Remember, while the mathematics behind vector angles can sometimes seem complex, the fundamental concept is straightforward: we're simply describing the direction a vector points in relation to a fixed reference (the positive x-axis). With practice and application, you'll become proficient in working with vector angles, opening up a world of possibilities in various fields of study and practical applications.

            Using Trigonometry to Solve 2D Vector Problems

            Trigonometry plays a crucial role in solving problems involving 2D vector problems, providing powerful tools to analyze and manipulate these mathematical entities. Let's explore how sine, cosine, and tangent functions help us determine vector components calculation and angles, and how we can apply these concepts to real-world situations.

            First, let's understand what a 2D vector is. It's a quantity that has both magnitude (length) and direction, represented by an arrow in a two-dimensional plane. The beauty of trigonometry lies in its ability to break down these vectors into their horizontal and vertical components, making complex problems much more manageable.

            The sine, cosine, and tangent functions are our go-to tools for this task. Here's how they relate to a vector:

            • Sine (sin) gives us the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse
            • Cosine (cos) provides the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse
            • Tangent (tan) is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side

            When working with a vector, we often need to find its components or its angle with respect to the x-axis. Let's break down the process step-by-step:

            Finding Vector Components:

            1. If you know the vector's magnitude (|v|) and angle (θ) with the x-axis:
              • x-component = |v| * cos(θ)
              • y-component = |v| * sin(θ)

            Finding Vector Magnitude and Angle:

            1. If you know the x and y components (a and b):
              • Magnitude: |v| = (a² + b²)
              • Angle: θ = tan¹(b/a)

            Let's look at a practical example to solidify these concepts. Imagine you're analyzing the flight path of a drone. The drone travels 100 meters at an angle of 30° above the horizontal. How far does it travel horizontally and vertically?

            Step 1: Identify the given information
            Magnitude (|v|) = 100 meters
            Angle (θ) = 30°

            Step 2: Calculate the horizontal component (x)
            x = |v| * cos(θ) = 100 * cos(30°) 86.6 meters

            Step 3: Calculate the vertical component (y)
            y = |v| * sin(θ) = 100 * sin(30°) = 50 meters

            So, the drone travels approximately 86.6 meters horizontally and 50 meters vertically.

            Now, let's reverse the problem. Suppose you know the drone traveled 80 meters horizontally and 60 meters vertically. How can we find its total distance traveled and the angle of its path?

            Step 1: Calculate the magnitude (total distance)
            |v| = (x² + y²) = (80² + 60²) = (10,000) = 100 meters

            Step 2: Calculate the angle
            θ = tan¹(y/x) = tan¹(60/80) 36.9°

            These examples demonstrate how trigonometry allows us to switch between vector representations effortlessly, whether it's for vector components calculation or calculating vector angle.

            Conclusion and Further Applications

            In this lesson, we explored essential 2D vector operations, including addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, and dot product. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these concepts. These operations are fundamental in various fields, with applications ranging from physics and engineering to computer graphics. In physics, 2D vectors are used to analyze forces and motion. Engineers apply them in structural design and electrical systems. Computer graphics rely heavily on vector operations for rendering and animation. To deepen your understanding, we encourage you to explore additional resources and tackle practice problems. Consider investigating more advanced topics like cross products and vector projections. Remember, mastering these concepts opens doors to numerous practical applications in science and technology. Challenge yourself with real-world problems to solidify your knowledge. By continuing to study and apply 2D vector operations, you'll develop valuable skills applicable across multiple disciplines. Don't hesitate to seek out further learning materials and engage with online communities to enhance your expertise in this fascinating area of mathematics.


            Q1: What is the difference between scalar and vector quantities in 2D?
            A: Scalar quantities have only magnitude, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. In 2D, vectors are represented by two components (x and y), whereas scalars are single numbers. For example, speed is a scalar, but velocity is a vector.

            Q2: How do you add two vectors in 2D?
            A: To add two vectors in 2D, you add their corresponding components. For vectors A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2), the resultant vector C = A + B is given by C(x1 + x2, y1 + y2). Graphically, this can be visualized using the tip-to-tail method.

            Q3: What is scalar multiplication of a vector?
            A: Scalar multiplication involves multiplying a vector by a real number (scalar). If vector v = (x, y) is multiplied by scalar k, the result is kv = (kx, ky). This operation changes the vector's magnitude and, if k is negative, its direction.

            Q4: How can trigonometry be used to find vector components?
            A: Trigonometry is used to find vector components when the magnitude and angle are known. For a vector with magnitude |v| and angle θ with the x-axis, the x-component is |v|cos(θ) and the y-component is |v|sin(θ).

            Q5: What are some real-world applications of 2D vector operations?
            A: 2D vector operations have numerous applications, including: - Physics: Analyzing forces and motion - Engineering: Structural design and electrical systems - Computer Graphics: Animation and object rendering - Navigation: Calculating routes and distances - Meteorology: Predicting wind patterns

            Prerequisite Topics

            Understanding vector operations in two dimensions is a crucial skill in mathematics and physics, but it requires a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental concepts you'll need to grasp is the unit circle, which serves as a cornerstone for many aspects of vector operations.

            The unit circle is intimately connected to vector operations in two dimensions because it helps visualize and understand trigonometric functions, which are essential for describing vector components and transformations. When working with vectors, you'll often need to determine their magnitude and direction. The magnitude of a vector is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, a principle directly related to the unit circle's properties.

            Moreover, the coordinate system and ordered pairs are crucial concepts that form the basis for representing vectors in two-dimensional space. These fundamental ideas allow us to precisely define a vector's position and direction. The direction angle of a vector, another key concept, is often determined using trigonometric functions derived from the unit circle.

            When performing vector operations, you'll frequently use the tip-to-tail method for addition and subtraction. This method relies on a solid understanding of coordinate systems and ordered pairs. Scalar multiplication, another important vector operation, involves changing a vector's magnitude while maintaining its direction a concept that can be visualized using the unit circle.

            The arctangent function, which is the inverse of the tangent function, plays a significant role in determining vector angles. This function is closely related to the unit circle and is essential for converting between Cartesian and polar representations of vectors.

            Trigonometric functions, particularly sine and cosine, are indispensable tools for vector operations. These functions, which are defined using the unit circle, allow us to break down vectors into their horizontal and vertical components, a crucial step in many vector calculations.

            By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for understanding and working with vector operations in two dimensions. The unit circle, in particular, serves as a unifying concept that ties together many of these ideas. It provides a visual and conceptual framework for trigonometric functions, angle measurements, and vector representations.

            As you delve deeper into vector operations, you'll find that these prerequisite concepts continually resurface, reinforcing their importance. For instance, when dealing with vector projections or dot products, your understanding of trigonometric functions and the unit circle will prove invaluable. Similarly, when rotating vectors or transforming coordinate systems, the principles derived from the unit circle will guide your calculations.

            In conclusion, a solid grasp of these prerequisite topics, especially the unit circle and its related concepts, is essential for success in vector operations. By investing time in understanding these foundational ideas, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more complex vector problems and applications in various fields of mathematics and physics.

            In this lesson, we will learn:
            • How to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on vectors in two dimensions
            • How to describe the angles of two dimensional vectors
            • How to solve for the angle and magnitude of two dimensional vectors with trigonometry.


            • When adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing vectors in two dimensions, the same rules are followed as in one dimensional problems:
              • When vectors are added, the vector diagram is drawn by tip-to-tail addition. To add A\vec{A} and B\vec{B}, draw the vector A\vec{A}, then starting at the tip of A\vec{A} draw B\vec{B}. The tail of B\vec{B} connects to the tip of A\vec{A}.
              • Taking the negative of a vector "flips" the vector to point in the opposite direction, while keeping the same magnitude.
              • Multiplying or dividing a vector by a positive scalar changes the magnitude of the vector, while keeping the same direction.
            • The graphical solution to a vector problem in two dimensions can make a vector triangle that can be solved using trigonometry.
            • In this course we will be using navigational notation to specify the angles of vectors, which also called to compass notation when compass directions are used in the problem. Some examples of this notation:
              • To specify a displacement of 1 m directly northwest, write 1 m [45° N of W].
              • To specify a velocity that that is 1 m/s at an angle of 30° above the ground, write 1 m/s [30° above horizontal]
            Right Triangle Trigonometric Equations

            sin(θ)=opp.hyp.\sin(\theta) = \frac{opp.}{hyp.}

            cos(θ)=adj.hyp.\cos(\theta) = \frac{adj.}{hyp.}

            tan(θ)=opp.adj.\tan(\theta) = \frac{opp.}{adj.}

            a2+b2=c2a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2} (Pythagorean theorem)

            θ\theta: angle, in degrees (°)

            opp.opp.: side opposite angle

            adj.adj.: side adjacent angle

            hyp.hyp.: hypotenuse of triangle (longest side, side opposite 90° angle)

            aa and bb: non-hypotenuse sides of triangle

            cc: hypotenuse of triangle