Torque and rotational inertia 

  1. Definition of "Torque"
  2. Rotational Inertia
  1. A person exerts a force of 45N on the handle of a door 65cm wide.
    1. What is the magnitude of the torque if the force is exerted perpendicular to the door?
    2. What is the magnitude of the torque if the force is exerted at a 35°?
  2. Calculate the net torque about the axle of the of the wheel shown below. Assume that a friction torque of 0.60 N.mN.m opposes the motion.

    Torque and Rotational Inertia
    1. A torque of 66 N.mN.m is required to tighten the bolts on the cylinder head of a car engine. The wrench used to tighten the bolt is 26cm long.

      Torque and Rotational Inertia
      1. What is the perpendicular force that is exerted by the mechanics to the end of the wrench to tighten the bolts?
      2. If the six-sided bolt head has a diameter of 20mm, how much force will be applied near each of the six points?
    2. Two small weights of mass 4.0kg and 6.0kg are mounted 6.0m apart on a light rod as shown below. Calculate the moment of inertia of the system;

      Torque and Rotational Inertia
      1. When rotated about an axis halfway between the weights.
      2. When rotated about an axis 0.40m to the left of the 4.0kg mass.
    3. A 12.0N force is applied to a cord wrapped around a pulley of mass MM = 6.00kg and radius RR= 22.0cm. The pulley accelerates uniformly from rest to an angular speed of 40.0 rad/s in 2.00s. If there is a frictional torques τfr\tau _{fr} = 1.20m.Nm.N at the axle, determine the moment of inertia of the pulley as it rotates around its center.
      1. Determine the moment of inertia for the following uniform objects:
        1. A 12.80 kg sphere of radius 0.464m rotating through its center.
        2. A bicycle wheel 88.2cm in diameter. The rim and tire have a combined mass of 1.36kg
        3. A helicopter rotor blade (long thin rod), 2.76 m long and has a mass of 140kg.
      2. An Atwood's machine consists of two masses, m1m_{1} = 4.0kg and m2m_{2} = 7.0kg, which are connected by a massless inelastic cord that passes over a pulley. The pulley has radius RR = 0.4m and moment of inertia II =4.0 kg. m2m_{2} about its axle.

        Torque and Rotational Inertia
        1. Determine the acceleration of the masses m1m_{1} and m2m_{2}.
        2. Find tensions supporting m1m_{1} and m2m_{2}.
      Topic Notes


      Torque and rotational inertia are fundamental concepts in physics that play a crucial role in understanding the motion of rotating objects. Torque, often described as the rotational equivalent of force, measures the tendency of a force to cause an object to rotate around an axis. Rotational inertia, on the other hand, represents an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. The introduction video provided offers a comprehensive overview of these concepts, serving as an essential starting point for students and enthusiasts alike. By watching this video, viewers can gain a solid foundation in understanding the principles of torque and rotational inertia, which are vital in various fields of physics and engineering. These concepts have numerous real-world applications, from the design of machinery and vehicles to the analysis of celestial bodies' movements. Mastering torque and rotational inertia is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in physics, engineering, or related disciplines, as they form the basis for more advanced topics in mechanics and dynamics.

      Understanding Torque

      Torque is a fundamental concept in physics that plays a crucial role in our everyday lives, often without us realizing it. To understand torque, let's consider a simple example: a ruler lying flat on a table. When you push one end of the ruler, you might observe two different types of motion: translational and rotational.

      Translational motion occurs when an object moves from one point to another in a straight line. If you push the ruler along its length, it will slide across the table in a straight path. This is an example of translational motion, where every part of the ruler moves in the same direction and at the same speed.

      Rotational motion, on the other hand, involves an object turning around a fixed point or axis. If you push one end of the ruler perpendicular to its length, it will rotate around a point. This point, known as the pivot, acts as the center of rotation. In rotational motion, different parts of the object move at different speeds and in different directions.

      Torque is specifically associated with rotational motion. It is defined as the turning effect of a force and is responsible for causing an object to rotate. In our ruler example, when you apply a force perpendicular to the ruler's length, you create torque that causes it to rotate around the pivot point.

      The formula for torque is τ = r × F, where τ (tau) represents torque, r is the distance from the pivot point to where the force is applied, and F is the magnitude of the applied force. The × symbol denotes the cross product, which takes into account the angle between the force and the distance vector.

      Several factors affecting torque:

      1. Distance from the pivot: The farther the force is applied from the pivot point, the greater the torque. This is why it's easier to turn a door by pushing near the handle rather than close to the hinges.
      2. Magnitude of the force: Applying a greater force results in more torque, assuming all other factors remain constant.
      3. Angle of force application: The maximum torque is produced when the force is applied perpendicular to the distance vector. As the angle deviates from 90 degrees, the torque decreases.

      Understanding torque is essential in various fields, from engineering to biomechanics. In everyday life, we encounter torque when opening doors, using wrenches to tighten bolts, or even in the way our muscles work to move our limbs. For instance, when you use a wrench to tighten a bolt, you're applying torque. The longer the wrench handle, the more torque you can generate with the same amount of force, making it easier to turn the bolt.

      In the context of machines and vehicles, torque is a critical factor in determining performance. For example, in automobiles, engine torque affects acceleration and the ability to climb hills. High torque at low engine speeds is particularly useful for tasks that require a lot of turning force, such as towing heavy loads.

      The concept of torque also extends to more complex systems. In physics and engineering, it's used to analyze the rotational dynamics of objects, from spinning tops to planetary motion. In biology, understanding torque helps explain how joints and muscles work together to produce movement in living organisms.

      To visualize torque, imagine trying to open a door. The force you apply to the handle creates torque around the hinges (the pivot point). If you push perpendicular to the door's surface, you maximize the torque and make it easiest to open. Pushing at an angle reduces the effective torque, making the door harder to open. Similarly, pushing closer to the hinges (reducing the distance from the pivot) also makes it more difficult to open the door.

      In conclusion, torque is a fundamental concept that describes the rotational effect of a force on an object. By understanding torque and its influencing factors affecting torque distance from pivot, force magnitude, and angle of application we can better comprehend and manipulate the world around us, from simple tasks like opening doors to complex engineering challenges in machinery and robotics.

      Translational and Rotational Equilibrium

      Understanding the conditions for translational equilibrium and rotational equilibrium is crucial in physics and engineering. These concepts play a vital role in analyzing the stability of objects and structures. Translational equilibrium refers to the state where an object remains at rest or moves with constant velocity, while rotational equilibrium describes the absence of angular acceleration in a rotating body.

      For an object to be in translational equilibrium, the sum of all forces acting on it must be zero. This condition is expressed mathematically as sigma F = 0, where sigma represents the sum, and F denotes the forces. In other words, all forces acting on the object in different directions must cancel each other out. For example, a book resting on a table is in translational equilibrium because the gravitational force pulling it downward is balanced by the normal force exerted by the table surface.

      Rotational equilibrium, on the other hand, occurs when the sum of all torques acting on an object is zero, represented by the equation sigma tau = 0. Torque is the rotational equivalent of force and is calculated as the product of force and the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation. A seesaw with two children of equal weight sitting at equal distances from the pivot point exemplifies rotational equilibrium.

      It's important to note that an object can be in translational equilibrium without being in rotational equilibrium, and vice versa. For instance, a spinning top that isn't moving across a surface is in translational equilibrium but not rotational equilibrium. Conversely, a rotating ceiling fan that isn't moving up or down is in rotational equilibrium but not translational equilibrium.

      When solving problems involving equilibrium, it's crucial to consider both translational and rotational aspects. Engineers designing bridges, architects planning buildings, and physicists analyzing complex systems must account for both types of equilibrium to ensure stability and safety. By applying the principles of sigma F = 0 and sigma tau = 0, we can accurately predict the behavior of objects under various forces and torques, leading to more efficient and reliable designs in numerous fields.

      Rotational Inertia and Moment of Inertia

      Rotational inertia, also known as the moment of inertia, is a fundamental concept in physics that describes an object's resistance to rotational acceleration. Just as mass represents an object's resistance to linear acceleration, rotational inertia quantifies how difficult it is to change an object's rotational motion. This property plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of rotating bodies, from spinning tops to planetary systems.

      The concept of rotational inertia is closely tied to the distribution of mass within an object. It depends not only on the total mass but also on how that mass is arranged relative to the axis of rotation. Objects with more mass concentrated farther from the axis of rotation have a larger rotational inertia, making them more resistant to changes in their rotational speed.

      To understand rotational inertia mathematically, we use the formula I = mr^2 for a single point mass, where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass, and r is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the mass. This simple equation forms the basis for calculating the rotational inertia of more complex objects. For systems with multiple masses, we sum the individual contributions: I = Σ(mr^2), where the summation is taken over all the masses in the system.

      The significance of rotational inertia becomes apparent when we consider its effect on angular acceleration. According to Newton's Second Law for rotation, the angular acceleration (α) of an object is inversely proportional to its moment of inertia: τ = Iα, where τ is the applied torque. This relationship demonstrates that objects with larger rotational inertia require more torque to achieve the same angular acceleration as objects with smaller rotational inertia.

      The impact of rotational inertia is evident in various real-world applications. For instance, figure skaters exploit this principle during their spins. By pulling their arms close to their body, they reduce their moment of inertia, allowing them to spin faster without additional energy input. Conversely, when they extend their arms, their rotational inertia increases, slowing their spin.

      In engineering, the concept of rotational inertia is crucial for designing efficient rotating machinery. Flywheels, for example, are designed with high rotational inertia to store rotational energy and maintain steady motion in engines. On the other hand, components like fan blades or turbine rotors are often designed to minimize rotational inertia, allowing for quicker acceleration and deceleration.

      The distribution of mass plays a significant role in determining an object's rotational inertia. A hollow cylinder and a solid cylinder of the same mass and radius will have different moments of inertia, with the hollow cylinder having a larger value. This is because more of its mass is concentrated at a greater distance from the axis of rotation. This principle is utilized in the design of various sports equipment, such as baseball bats and tennis rackets, where the distribution of mass can affect performance.

      Understanding rotational inertia is also essential in astrophysics. The formation and evolution of galaxies, the rotation of planets, and the behavior of binary star systems all involve complex interactions governed by rotational dynamics. The concept helps explain phenomena such as the flattened shape of rotating galaxies and the stability of planetary orbits.

      In practical applications, engineers and physicists often use moment of inertia tables or computer simulations to calculate the rotational inertia of complex shapes. These tools are invaluable for designing everything from industrial machinery to spacecraft, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency in rotational systems.

      The study of rotational inertia extends beyond rigid bodies to fluid dynamics, where it plays a role in understanding phenomena like vortex formation and the behavior of rotating fluids. In meteorology, the concept is crucial for modeling atmospheric circulation patterns and understanding the dynamics of storms and weather systems.

      As we continue to explore and innovate in fields ranging from nanotechnology to space exploration, the principles of rotational inertia remain fundamental. Whether it's developing more efficient wind turbines, designing stable satellites, or understanding the complex motions of celestial bodies, the concept of moment of inertia continues to be an indispensable tool in our quest to comprehend and harness the rotational dynamics of our universe.

      Moment of Inertia for Uniform Objects

      The moment of inertia is a crucial concept in physics that measures an object's resistance to rotational acceleration. For uniform objects, specific formulas can be used to calculate their moments of inertia. These formulas are essential for solving problems related to rotational motion and angular momentum. Let's explore the moment of inertia formulas for various uniform objects and discuss their applications.

      1. Thin Hoop: I = MR²
      2. Thin Loop: I = MR²
      3. Solid Cylinder (rotating about its axis): I = ½MR²
      4. Hollow Cylinder (rotating about its axis): I = MR²
      5. Uniform Sphere: I = MR²
      6. Long Uniform Rod (rotating about its center): I = 1/12ML²
      7. Rectangular Thin Plate (rotating about an axis through its center, perpendicular to its plane): I = 1/12M(a² + b²)

      In these formulas, M represents the mass of the object, R is the radius, L is the length of the rod, and a and b are the dimensions of the rectangular plate. It's important to note that these formulas assume rotation about specific axes, typically through the center of mass or along a symmetry axis.

      When solving problems involving moment of inertia, it's crucial to consider the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia can change significantly depending on the chosen axis. For example, the formula for a long uniform rod rotating about its center (1/12ML²) differs from the formula when it rotates about one end (1/3ML²). This difference highlights the importance of clearly identifying the axis of rotation in any given problem.

      To use these formulas effectively in problem-solving, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the shape of the object and its composition (solid, hollow, etc.).
      2. Determine the axis of rotation for the problem at hand.
      3. Select the appropriate formula based on the object's shape and axis of rotation.
      4. Plug in the known values for mass, radius, or other relevant dimensions.
      5. Calculate the moment of inertia using the formula.

      The axis of rotation plays a critical role in determining an object's moment of inertia. This is because the distribution of mass relative to the axis affects how much the object resists rotational acceleration. Generally, the further the mass is distributed from the axis of rotation, the greater the moment of inertia. This principle explains why a hollow cylinder has a larger moment of inertia than a solid cylinder of the same mass and radius when rotating about their central axes.

      Understanding and applying these formulas is essential in various fields, including engineering, physics, and mechanics. They are used in designing rotating machinery, analyzing the stability of structures, and studying the motion of celestial bodies. For instance, in the design of flywheels for energy storage, engineers use the moment of inertia formulas to optimize the shape and mass distribution for maximum energy storage capacity.

      It's also worth noting that for more complex shapes or non-uniform objects, calculating the moment of inertia becomes more challenging. In such cases, integration techniques or computer-aided design (CAD) software may be necessary to determine the moment of inertia accurately.

      In conclusion, the moment of inertia formulas for uniform objects provide a powerful tool for analyzing rotational motion. By understanding these formulas and the significance of the axis of rotation, you can solve a wide range of problems in physics and engineering. Remember to always consider the specific geometry of the object and its axis of rotation when selecting and applying these formulas. With practice, you'll become proficient in using these concepts to tackle complex rotational dynamics problems and gain deeper insights into the behavior of rotating systems.

      Applications of Torque and Rotational Inertia

      Torque and rotational inertia are fundamental concepts in physics that have numerous real-world applications across various fields, including engineering, sports, and everyday life. Understanding these principles is crucial for designing efficient machines and improving athletic performance.

      In engineering, torque plays a vital role in the design and operation of numerous mechanical systems. For instance, in automotive engineering, torque is essential for engine performance and vehicle acceleration. Engineers consider torque when designing transmissions, ensuring that vehicles can efficiently convert engine power into motion. In industrial settings, torque is crucial for the operation of machinery such as conveyor belts, pumps, and turbines. By optimizing torque in these systems, engineers can improve energy efficiency and reduce wear on components.

      Rotational inertia, also known as moment of inertia, is equally important in engineering applications. It affects the behavior of rotating objects and is a key consideration in the design of flywheels, gyroscopes, and centrifuges. For example, in wind turbine design, engineers must carefully consider the rotational inertia of the blades to maximize energy capture while minimizing structural stress.

      In the world of sports, understanding torque and rotational inertia can significantly impact athletic performance. In gymnastics, athletes use their understanding of rotational inertia to perform complex aerial maneuvers. By adjusting their body position, gymnasts can change their moment of inertia, allowing them to speed up or slow down their rotations. Similarly, figure skaters utilize this principle to execute precise spins and jumps.

      In sports like baseball and golf, torque is crucial for generating power in swings. Athletes and coaches analyze the torque applied at different points in the swing to optimize technique and increase hitting distance. Tennis players also rely on torque to generate powerful serves and groundstrokes, with proper technique maximizing the torque applied to the racket.

      Even in everyday life, we encounter applications of torque and rotational inertia. Opening a door involves applying torque to the handle, with the door's weight and distribution affecting its rotational inertia. When tightening a screw or bolt, we apply torque to overcome friction and secure the fastener. Understanding these principles can help in tasks like properly tightening lug nuts on a car wheel or adjusting the tension on a bicycle chain.

      In the realm of product design, engineers apply torque and rotational inertia concepts to create more user-friendly and efficient devices. For example, the design of computer hard drives takes into account the rotational inertia of the spinning disks to optimize read/write speeds while minimizing power consumption. Similarly, the development of energy-efficient washing machines involves careful consideration of the drum's rotational inertia to balance cleaning effectiveness with energy use.

      Understanding these concepts also contributes to safety in various applications. In the design of vehicles, engineers consider the rotational inertia of wheels and other rotating components to improve stability and handling. In aerospace engineering, the principles of torque and rotational inertia are crucial for the design of control systems in aircraft and spacecraft, ensuring precise maneuvering and stability in flight.

      By applying knowledge of torque and rotational inertia, engineers can create more efficient machines that consume less energy and have longer operational lifespans. This is particularly important in the context of sustainable engineering, where reducing energy consumption and improving the longevity of mechanical systems are key goals. From optimizing the design of wind turbines to improving the efficiency of electric motors, these principles play a crucial role in advancing green technologies.

      In conclusion, the concepts of torque and rotational inertia have far-reaching applications that impact various aspects of our lives. From enhancing athletic performance to improving the efficiency of machines, understanding these principles is essential for engineers, athletes, and everyday individuals alike. As technology continues to advance, the importance of these fundamental physics concepts in driving innovation and improving our world cannot be overstated.


      In summary, torque and rotational inertia are fundamental concepts in physics that govern the motion of rotating objects. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these principles. Key points include the relationship between force, distance, and torque, as well as how mass distribution affects rotational inertia. Applying these concepts can enhance your understanding of various real-world phenomena, from the spinning of a figure skater to the design of efficient machinery. We encourage you to explore these ideas further in your studies and daily observations. Look for examples of torque and rotational inertia in action, such as in sports, transportation, or household appliances. To deepen your knowledge, consider experimenting with simple objects to demonstrate these principles. For further engagement, join online physics forums, attend workshops, or explore advanced courses on rotational dynamics. Your journey into the fascinating world of rotational physics has only just begun!

      Definition of "Torque"

      Torque is a fundamental concept in physics, particularly in the study of rotational motion. It is often referred to as the turning effect of a force. To understand torque better, let's break down the concept step by step.

      Step 1: Introduction to Torque

      In this section, we are going to talk about torque, which is the turning effect of a force. We will also discuss related concepts such as translational equilibrium versus rotational equilibrium, rotational inertia, and the moment of inertia of uniform objects. To grasp the meaning of torque, we need to consider an everyday life example.

      Step 2: Everyday Example to Understand Torque

      To have a better understanding of torque, let's consider the following activity. You can place a ruler on a flat horizontal surface and try this at home. If a force is applied at the center of mass of the ruler, the ruler will move, and the whole object will accelerate in the direction of the force exerted. This type of motion is known as translational motion, where the ruler moves forward on the horizontal surface and accelerates.

      Step 3: Force Applied Away from the Center of Mass

      Now, what if we exert the force away from the center of mass, say at the end of the ruler? In this case, the whole object will rotate about its end. If you exert a force at the end of the ruler, you will end up rotating the ruler instead of moving it forward. This type of motion is known as rotational motion, where the whole object rotates about its end.

      Step 4: Result of the Activity

      As a result of exerting force, the object will rotate about a pivot, which is a fixed point, or it might rotate about an axis of rotation. The exerting force doesn't only accelerate the object linearly; it might also cause angular acceleration, moving the object in a circular path. Therefore, we can define torque as the turning effect of a force. It is represented by the Greek letter tau (τ), and the standard unit of torque is Newton-meter (Nm).

      Step 5: Mathematical Representation of Torque

      In conclusion, if a force causes linear acceleration, we use the equation F = ma. Similarly, torque causes angular acceleration, and it is represented by the equation τ = rF sin(θ), where τ is torque, r is the distance from the pivot, F is the magnitude of the force, and θ is the angle between the force and the lever arm. This equation shows that torque is a vector quantity.

      Step 6: Variables Affecting Torque

      Let's check the variables that affect the quantity of torque. Torque is directly proportional to the distance (r) from the pivot. The further you apply the force from the pivot, the larger the torque. Conversely, the closer you are to the pivot, the smaller the torque. The relationship between the angle (θ) and torque is also significant. The larger the angle, the bigger the torque. A larger sine(θ) will give you a larger quantity of torque.

      Step 7: Equilibrium Conditions

      An object can be in translational equilibrium and rotational equilibrium at the same time. If the object is in translational equilibrium, we use the equation ΣF = 0, meaning there is no linear acceleration. For rotational equilibrium, we use the equation Στ = 0, meaning there is no angular acceleration. Sometimes, you need to consider both cases to calculate unknown variables when solving questions.


      1. What is the difference between torque and force?

        Torque is the rotational equivalent of force. While force causes linear motion, torque causes rotational motion. Torque is calculated as the product of force and the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force. Unlike force, which is measured in Newtons, torque is measured in Newton-meters (N·m).

      2. How does rotational inertia affect an object's motion?

        Rotational inertia, also known as moment of inertia, affects an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. Objects with higher rotational inertia require more torque to change their angular velocity. This property depends on both the mass of the object and how that mass is distributed relative to the axis of rotation.

      3. Why do figure skaters pull their arms in during a spin?

        Figure skaters pull their arms in during a spin to decrease their rotational inertia. According to the conservation of angular momentum, as the skater's rotational inertia decreases, their angular velocity must increase to maintain constant angular momentum. This results in the skater spinning faster without additional energy input.

      4. How is torque applied in everyday life?

        Torque is applied in many everyday situations. Examples include opening a door (applying force to the handle), using a wrench to tighten a bolt, pedaling a bicycle, and turning a steering wheel. In each case, a force is applied at a distance from a pivot point to create a rotational effect.

      5. What is the relationship between torque and angular acceleration?

        The relationship between torque and angular acceleration is described by the rotational form of Newton's Second Law: τ = Iα, where τ is torque, I is the moment of inertia, and α is angular acceleration. This equation shows that for a given torque, objects with larger moments of inertia will experience less angular acceleration, and vice versa.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the concept of torque and rotational inertia is crucial in physics, but it's essential to have a solid foundation in prerequisite topics. One of the most important prerequisites for grasping torque and rotational inertia is Newton's second law of motion. This fundamental principle serves as the cornerstone for understanding how forces affect the motion of objects, including rotational motion.

      Newton's second law of motion, typically expressed as F = ma, describes the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration in linear motion. However, when dealing with rotational motion, we need to adapt this principle to account for the unique characteristics of rotating objects. This is where the concept of Newton's Second Law for rotation comes into play, forming a bridge between linear and rotational dynamics.

      By understanding Newton's second law, students can more easily grasp how torque (the rotational equivalent of force) affects the angular acceleration of an object. Just as force causes linear acceleration in Newton's second law, torque causes angular acceleration in rotational motion. This parallel helps students draw connections between linear and rotational physics, making the transition to more complex rotational concepts smoother.

      Moreover, the concept of mass in Newton's second law translates to rotational inertia (also known as moment of inertia) in rotational dynamics. Rotational inertia represents an object's resistance to rotational acceleration, much like how mass represents an object's resistance to linear acceleration. By understanding the relationship between force and mass in linear motion, students can more easily comprehend the relationship between torque and rotational inertia in rotational motion.

      The mathematical form of Newton's Second Law for rotation (τ = Iα, where τ is torque, I is rotational inertia, and α is angular acceleration) mirrors the structure of F = ma. This similarity helps students recognize the parallels between linear and rotational motion, reinforcing their understanding of both concepts.

      In conclusion, a solid grasp of Newton's second law of motion is invaluable when studying torque and rotational inertia. It provides the necessary framework for understanding how forces and motion work in both linear and rotational contexts. By mastering this prerequisite topic, students will find themselves better equipped to tackle the complexities of rotational dynamics, ultimately leading to a more comprehensive understanding of physics as a whole.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • Definition of Torque
      • Translational equilibrium Vs. Rotational equilibrium
      • Rotational Inertia
      • Moment of inertia of uniform objects



      • To have better understanding of the meaning of “torque”, let’s try the following activity and compare the motion of object as different forces are exerted.
      • A ruler is placed on a horizontal flat surface.

      • (a) The force is applied at the center of mass

      Torque and Rotational Inertia

        \quad The whole object (ruler) will accelerate in the direction of the force exerted.

        (b) The force is applied away from the center of mass

      Torque and Rotational Inertia

      The whole object (ruler) will rotate about the center of mass.

      Torque and Rotational Inertia

      As the result of exerting force, the object will rotate about the “Pivot” or “Axis of Rotation”.

      Therefore, we can define Torque as the “Turning Effect of a Force”.

      Torque is represented by the Greek letter τ\tau and the standard unit is N.m.N.m.

      • Force causes acceleration; F=maF=ma

      • Torque causes angular acceleration: τ=rFsinθ  \tau = r F \sin \theta \; (vector quantity)
        θ\theta : angle between r r and F F
        r r : distance between the pivot and point at which the force is exerted on.

      Torque and Rotational Inertia

      τr \tau \, \propto \, r : the further the force, the bigger the torque
      τθ \tau \, \propto \, \theta : the larger the angle, the bigger the torque 

      The object could be in Translational Equilibrium and Rotational Equilibrium;

      F=0 \sum F = 0 \qquad \qquad “Translational Equilibrium”    \; \Rightarrow \, acceleration is zero
      τ=0 \sum \tau = 0 \qquad \qquad “Rotational Equilibrium”    \; \Rightarrow \, angular acceleration is zero

      Rotational Inertia

      Let’s consider a mass m rotating in a circle of radius r about a fixed point. The object is going to experience tangential and angular acceleration.

      Torque and Rotational Inertia

      I=mr2I = mr^{2} \quad (scalar quantity) Unit: kg.m2

      “Rotational Inertia represents the resistance to angular acceleration”

      • Large Rotational Inertia: the mass of the object is distributed far from the axis of rotation.
        Objects with larger Rotational Inertia are harder to get rotating and harder to stop rotating.
      • Small Rotational Inertia: the mass of the object is distributed close to the axis of rotation.

      I=mr2I = mr^{2} \qquad (single mass rotating of a single radius)
      I=mr2  I = \sum mr^{2} \enspace \; (multiple individual masses rotating in circles of different radius)

      • Moment of inertia for objects of uniform composition is constant;

      Torque and Rotational Inertia