Scalars, vectors, and one dimensional motion

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  1. Introduction to scalars, vectors, and one dimensional motion
  2. How to write scalars and vectors; definitions of distance, position and displacement
  3. Definitions of speed and velocity
  1. Distance and displacement, speed and velocity
    Betty walks 5 m to the east, then 7 m to the west, in 10 s.
    1. What is the total distance travelled?
    2. What are Betty's initial and final positions, and displacement?
    3. What is Betty's speed?
    4. What is Betty's velocity?
    1. Rearranging v=Δd/t\vec{v} = \Delta\vec{d}/t for displacement and time
      A car travels at 11.0 m/s [E]
      1. What is its displacement if it travels for 13.5 s?
      2. How long does it take to travel 542 m?
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Scalars, Vectors, and One-Dimensional Motion

      Welcome to our exploration of scalars, vectors, and one-dimensional motion! These fundamental concepts are crucial for understanding physics and mathematics. Let's start with scalars, which are quantities that only have magnitude, like temperature or mass. Vectors, on the other hand, have both magnitude and direction, such as velocity or force. One-dimensional motion focuses on movement along a single axis, simplifying complex scenarios. Our introduction video provides a visual guide to these concepts, making them easier to grasp. As we delve deeper, you'll see how these ideas form the building blocks for more advanced topics. The video demonstrates real-world examples, helping you connect theory to practice. Remember, mastering these basics is key to your success in physics and math. So, let's dive in and unravel the fascinating world of magnitude and direction and velocity in one-dimensional motion together!

      Scalars vs. Vectors: Understanding the Basics

      What are Scalars?

      Scalars are fundamental quantities in mathematics and physics that are defined by their magnitude alone. These are simple numerical values that represent a single piece of information. Examples of scalar quantities include temperature, mass, time, and speed. When we say it's 25°C outside or that an object weighs 5 kg, we're dealing with scalar quantities.

      Understanding Vectors

      Vectors, on the other hand, are more complex quantities that possess both magnitude and direction. Unlike scalars, vectors provide information about not just how much, but also in which direction. Common examples of vector quantities include velocity, force, and displacement. For instance, when we say a car is traveling at 60 km/h north, we're describing a vector quantity.

      The Key Difference: Magnitude and Direction

      The primary distinction between scalars and vectors lies in their components. While both have magnitude, only vectors have an associated direction. Magnitude refers to the size or amount of a quantity. For a scalar, the magnitude is simply its numerical value. For a vector, the magnitude represents its length or strength, but this alone doesn't fully describe the vector.

      Exploring Magnitude

      Magnitude is crucial for both scalars and vectors. In the case of scalars, the magnitude is straightforward it's the value itself. For vectors, calculating magnitude can be more complex, especially in multi-dimensional spaces. In a two-dimensional plane, for example, the magnitude of a vector can be determined using the Pythagorean theorem.

      The Importance of Direction in Vectors

      Direction is what sets vectors apart from scalars. It gives vectors their unique ability to represent quantities that have a specific orientation in space. This directional component is essential in many fields, particularly physics and engineering. For instance, when analyzing forces acting on an object, both the strength (magnitude) and the direction of each force are crucial for understanding the overall effect.

      Practical Applications

      Understanding the difference between scalars and vectors is vital in various real-world applications. In navigation, for example, knowing both the speed (a scalar) and velocity (a vector) of a vehicle is crucial. In weather forecasting, wind is typically described as a vector quantity, with both speed and direction being important factors.

      Mathematical Representation

      Mathematically, scalars are represented by single numbers, while vectors are often denoted by letters with arrows above them or by ordered pairs or triples of numbers. For instance, a vector in three-dimensional space might be written as (3, 4, 5), representing its components in the x, y, and z directions.

      Operations with Scalars and Vectors

      The operations performed on scalars and vectors differ significantly. Scalar operations are straightforward arithmetic, like addition or multiplication. Vector operations, however, can be more complex, involving concepts like dot products and cross products, which take into account both magnitude and direction.


      In summary, while scalars and vectors are both fundamental quantities in mathematics and physics, they serve different purposes. Scalars provide simple numerical information about magnitude, whereas vectors offer a more complete description of quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone studying or working in fields that deal with physical quantities and their interactions.

      Distance and Position: Scalar and Vector Representations

      Understanding Distance

      Distance is a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics that describes how far apart two points are. As a scalar quantity, distance is represented by a single number and doesn't include information about direction. Let's explore this concept further:

      Key Characteristics of Distance:

      • Scalar quantity: Only magnitude, no direction
      • Always positive
      • Measured in units of length (e.g., meters, kilometers, miles)

      Imagine you're walking along a straight path. The total length you've traveled, regardless of the direction you've moved, is the distance. For instance, if you walk 5 kilometers east and then 3 kilometers west, your total distance traveled is 8 kilometers.

      Exploring Position

      Position, on the other hand, is a vector quantity. It not only tells us how far something is from a reference point but also in what direction. Let's break down the concept of position:

      Key Characteristics of Position:

      • Vector quantity: Includes both magnitude and direction
      • Can be positive or negative
      • Requires a reference point or origin

      To understand position, imagine a number line. The point 0 is our reference point or origin. If we're at position +3, we're 3 units to the right of the origin. If we're at -2, we're 2 units to the left. This simple example illustrates how position provides both distance and direction information.

      Comparing Distance and Position

      Let's look at a practical example to highlight the difference between distance and position:

      Imagine you're in a park, standing at a point we'll call the origin (0,0). You walk 4 meters east and then 3 meters north. Your final position can be described as (4,3) - 4 meters east and 3 meters north of the origin. This is a vector quantity.

      However, the total distance you've walked is the sum of your two movements: 4 meters + 3 meters = 7 meters. This is a scalar quantity, representing only the total length of your path, not the direction.

      Real-World Applications

      Understanding the difference between distance and position is crucial in many fields:

      • Navigation: GPS systems use position (latitude and longitude) to pinpoint locations.
      • Physics: Calculating velocity requires understanding both distance traveled and change in position.
      • Engineering: Designing robotic arms or automated systems requires precise position control.

      Visualizing Distance and Position

      To help visualize these concepts, consider the following scenarios:

      1. A hiker walks 5 km east, then 5 km west. Their total distance traveled is 10 km, but their final position is the same as where they started.
      2. A bird flies 3 km north, then 4 km east. Its position can be represented as a vector (3,4), while the total distance flown is 7 km.


      In summary, while distance and position are related concepts, they provide different types of information. Distance tells us how far something has moved, while position tells us where something is relative to a reference point. Understanding these distinctions is key to mastering many areas of mathematics and physics.

      Remember, when working with distance, focus on the total length of the path. When dealing with position, always consider both the distance from the reference point and the direction. By keeping these concepts clear, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more complex

      Displacement: Understanding Change in Position

      What is Displacement?

      Displacement is a fundamental concept in physics that describes the change in position of an object. It's a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. When we talk about displacement, we're referring to the shortest distance between an object's initial and final positions, regardless of the path taken.

      Displacement vs. Distance: Key Differences

      While displacement and distance are related, they're not the same. Distance is a scalar quantity that measures the total length of the path an object travels. Displacement, on the other hand, only considers the straight-line difference between start and end points. For example, if you walk around a circular track and return to your starting point, your total distance traveled might be significant, but your displacement would be zero.

      Understanding Change in Position

      Change in position, often denoted by the Greek letter delta (Δ), is at the heart of displacement. It represents the difference between an object's final and initial positions. This change is what makes displacement a vector quantity, as it inherently includes direction. When we calculate displacement, we're essentially asking, "How far and in what direction has the object moved from its starting point?"

      Vector Representation of Displacement

      As a vector, displacement is typically represented by an arrow pointing from the initial position to the final position. The length of the arrow indicates the magnitude of displacement, while its direction shows the path of movement. In mathematical notation, displacement is often written as Δr or s, where the arrow above the letter denotes its vector nature.

      Calculating Displacement: Examples and Methods

      To calculate displacement, we use the formula: Displacement = Final Position - Initial Position. In one-dimensional motion, this is straightforward. For instance, if a car moves 50 meters east from its starting point, its displacement is 50 meters east. In two or three dimensions, we need to consider components and use vector addition.

      Example 1: A hiker walks 3 km north, then 4 km east. Their displacement isn't 7 km, but rather the straight-line distance from start to finish. We can calculate this using the Pythagorean theorem: (3² + 4²) = 5 km, in a northeasterly direction.

      Example 2: An airplane flies 100 km east, then 150 km north, and finally 50 km west. Its displacement would be the vector sum of these movements: 50 km east and 150 km north. The magnitude of this displacement is (50² + 150²) 158.11 km.

      Practical Applications of Displacement

      Understanding displacement is crucial in various fields. In navigation, it helps determine the most efficient route between two points. In physics and engineering, it's essential for analyzing motion, forces, and energy. Even in everyday life, we unconsciously use the concept of displacement when planning trips or estimating travel times.

      Conclusion: The Importance of Displacement in Physics

      Displacement is more than just a measurement; it's a fundamental concept that helps us understand and describe motion in the physical world. By focusing on the change in position and representing it as a vector, displacement provides a concise and powerful tool for analyzing movement. Whether you're studying physics, engineering, or simply trying to understand the world around you, grasping the concept of displacement is an essential step in comprehending the mechanics of motion.

      Speed and Velocity: Scalar and Vector Motion Descriptors

      Understanding Speed: The Scalar Quantity

      Speed is a fundamental concept in physics that describes how quickly an object is moving. As a scalar quantity, speed only considers the magnitude of motion, not its direction. When we talk about speed, we're focusing on the distance traveled over a specific time period.

      Speed Formula

      The basic formula for speed is:

      Speed = Distance ÷ Time

      For example, if a car travels 60 kilometers in 1 hour, its speed would be 60 km/h.

      Velocity: The Vector Quantity

      Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity. This means it considers both the speed of an object and the direction in which it's moving. Velocity provides a more complete picture of motion, as it tells us not just how fast something is going, but where it's headed.

      Velocity Formula

      The formula for velocity is similar to speed, but includes direction:

      Velocity = Displacement ÷ Time

      Note that we use displacement instead of distance here. Displacement is the shortest path between the starting and ending points, taking direction into account.

      Key Differences Between Speed and Velocity

      While speed and velocity are related, they have some crucial differences:

      • Speed is scalar (magnitude only), while velocity is vector (magnitude and direction).
      • Speed uses distance, while velocity uses displacement.
      • Speed is always positive, but velocity can be positive, negative, or zero.

      Derived Units in Motion

      Both speed and velocity are expressed in derived units. The most common unit is meters per second (m/s), which combines the base units of length (meters) and time (seconds). Other common units include:

      • Kilometers per hour (km/h)
      • Miles per hour (mph)
      • Feet per second (ft/s)

      Real-World Examples

      Let's look at some practical examples to illustrate these concepts:

      1. Speed Example: A runner completes a 5 km race in 25 minutes. Their average speed would be 5 km ÷ (25/60) hours = 12 km/h.
      2. Velocity Example: A plane flies 500 km east in 1 hour. Its velocity would be 500 km/h east.

      Why Understanding These Concepts Matters

      Grasping the difference between speed and velocity is crucial in physics and many real-world applications. For instance:

      • In navigation, knowing both speed and direction (velocity) is essential for accurate positioning.
      • In weather forecasting, wind velocity (speed and direction) is critical for predicting storm movements.
      • In sports, understanding velocity helps athletes optimize their performance in activities like throwing or jumping.


      Speed and velocity are fundamental concepts in physics that describe motion. While speed tells us how fast an object is moving, velocity provides a more complete picture by including direction. Understanding these concepts and their related formulas is essential for anyone studying physics or working in fields that involve motion analysis. Remember, practice is key to mastering these concepts, so don't hesitate to work through various problems and real-world scenarios to solidify your understanding.

      Practical Applications and Problem Solving

      Understanding Scalars and Vectors

      Before diving into problem solving, it's crucial to understand the difference between scalars and vectors in one-dimensional motion. Scalars are quantities that only have magnitude, such as distance or speed. Vectors, on the other hand, have both magnitude and direction, like displacement or velocity. Let's explore some practical examples to illustrate these concepts.

      Example 1: Distance vs. Displacement

      Problem: A jogger runs 3 km east, then turns around and runs 2 km west. Calculate the total distance traveled and the displacement.


      1. Total distance = 3 km + 2 km = 5 km (scalar quantity)
      2. Displacement = 3 km - 2 km = 1 km east (vector quantity)

      This example demonstrates how distance and displacement differ in one-dimensional motion. Distance is the total path length, while displacement is the shortest path between start and end points.

      Example 2: Average Speed vs. Average Velocity

      Problem: A car travels 60 km east in 1 hour, then 40 km west in 30 minutes. Calculate the average speed and average velocity.


      1. Total distance = 60 km + 40 km = 100 km
      2. Total time = 1 hour + 0.5 hours = 1.5 hours
      3. Average speed = Total distance / Total time = 100 km / 1.5 hours = 66.67 km/h (scalar)
      4. Displacement = 60 km - 40 km = 20 km east
      5. Average velocity = Displacement / Total time = 20 km / 1.5 hours = 13.33 km/h east (vector)

      This problem solving example highlights the difference between scalar speed and vector velocity in practical applications.

      Acceleration in One-Dimensional Motion

      Acceleration is a vector quantity that describes the rate of change of velocity. Let's look at a problem involving constant acceleration.

      Example 3: Constant Acceleration

      Problem: A car accelerates from rest to 90 km/h in 10 seconds. Calculate the acceleration and the distance traveled.


      1. Initial velocity (u) = 0 m/s
      2. Final velocity (v) = 90 km/h = 25 m/s
      3. Time (t) = 10 seconds
      4. Acceleration (a) = (v - u) / t = (25 - 0) / 10 = 2.5 m/s²
      5. Distance (s) = (u * t) + (0.5 * a * t²) = (0 * 10) + (0.5 * 2.5 * 10²) = 125 meters

      This example demonstrates practical applications of acceleration calculations in one-dimensional motion.

      Projectile Motion in One Dimension

      While projectile motion typically involves two dimensions, we can analyze the vertical component as one-dimensional motion under constant acceleration due to gravity.

      Example 4: Vertical Projectile Motion

      Problem: A ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the maximum height reached and the time taken to reach that height.


      1. Initial velocity (u) = 20 m/s
      2. Final velocity (v) = 0 m/s (at maximum height)
      3. Acceleration (a) = -9.8 m/s² (due to gravity)
      4. Time to reach maximum height (t) = u / |a| = 20 / 9.8 2.04 seconds
      5. Maximum height (h) = u * t + 0.5 * a * t² = 20 * 2.04 + 0.5 * (-9.8) * (2.04)² 20.4 meters

      This example demonstrates practical applications of vertical projectile motion calculations in one-dimensional motion.

      Conclusion and Further Study

      In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of scalars, vectors, and one-dimensional motion. We've learned that scalars are quantities with only magnitude, while vectors have both magnitude and direction. Understanding these key concepts is crucial for grasping more advanced physics topics. We've also delved into one-dimensional motion, examining displacement, velocity, and acceleration. These foundational principles form the basis for understanding more complex motion in multiple dimensions. To solidify your understanding, we encourage you to explore additional resources and tackle practice problems. Try applying these concepts to real-world scenarios or engage in interactive simulations. Remember, mastering these basics will significantly enhance your ability to comprehend more advanced physics topics. Don't hesitate to revisit this material as needed, and consider joining online physics forums or study groups to discuss and reinforce your learning. Keep exploring, stay curious, and enjoy your journey through the fascinating world of physics!

      Introduction to Scalars, Vectors, and One-Dimensional Motion

      In this section, we will explore the fundamental concepts of scalars, vectors, and one-dimensional motion. We will learn how to write scalars and vectors and understand the definitions of distance, position, and displacement.

      Step 1: Understanding Scalars and Vectors

      Scalars and vectors are two different types of quantities used in physics. A scalar is a quantity that has only magnitude, such as mass or energy. For example, the mass of an object is a scalar quantity because it only has a magnitude (e.g., 5 kg).

      On the other hand, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. For example, velocity is a vector because it describes how fast an object is moving and in which direction (e.g., 5 m/s to the right).

      Step 2: Writing Scalars

      To write a scalar, you need three components: the symbol, the magnitude, and the unit. For example, if you want to describe the distance an object has traveled, you would use the symbol 'd', the magnitude (e.g., 1), and the unit (e.g., meter). So, the distance would be written as d = 1 meter.

      Step 3: Writing Vectors

      Vectors are written similarly to scalars but with an additional component: direction. To indicate that a quantity is a vector, you can put an arrow on top of the symbol. For example, if you want to describe the position of an object, you would use the symbol 'd' with an arrow on top, the magnitude (e.g., 1), the unit (e.g., meter), and the direction (e.g., to the right). So, the position would be written as d = 1 meter [right].

      Step 4: Defining Distance

      Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the total length of the path traveled by an object. It is always positive and does not depend on the direction of motion. For example, if an object moves 1 meter to the right and then 1 meter to the left, the total distance traveled is 2 meters.

      Step 5: Defining Position

      Position is a vector quantity that represents the location of an object with reference to a certain point. It includes both the magnitude and the direction. For example, if an object is 1 meter to the right of a reference point, its position can be written as d = 1 meter [right].

      Step 6: Defining Displacement

      Displacement is a vector quantity that represents the change in position of an object. It is the straight-line distance between the initial and final positions of the object, including the direction. For example, if an object moves from 1 meter to the right of a reference point to 2 meters to the right, the displacement can be written as Δd = 1 meter [right].

      Displacement can be calculated using the formula: Δd = dfinal - dinitial. In this case, Δd = 2 meters [right] - 1 meter [right] = 1 meter [right].

      Step 7: Using Vectors to Represent Motion

      Vectors can be represented graphically using arrows. The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the vector, and the direction of the arrow represents the direction of the vector. For example, if an object moves 1 meter to the right, you can draw an arrow 1 meter long pointing to the right to represent its displacement.

      Using vectors allows for a more precise description of motion, as it includes both the magnitude and direction of the quantity. This is particularly useful in physics problems where the direction of motion is important.

      Step 8: Summary

      In summary, scalars and vectors are fundamental concepts in physics used to describe quantities. Scalars have only magnitude, while vectors have both magnitude and direction. Distance is a scalar quantity representing the total length of the path traveled, position is a vector quantity representing the location of an object, and displacement is a vector quantity representing the change in position. Understanding these concepts is essential for accurately describing and analyzing motion in one dimension.


      1. What is the difference between a scalar and a vector?

        A scalar is a quantity that only has magnitude, while a vector has both magnitude and direction. For example, speed is a scalar quantity, as it only tells you how fast something is moving. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector quantity because it includes both speed and direction of motion.

      2. How do you calculate displacement in one-dimensional motion?

        Displacement in one-dimensional motion is calculated by subtracting the initial position from the final position. It's represented by the formula: Displacement = Final Position - Initial Position. Remember, displacement is a vector quantity, so it includes direction (positive or negative) along the axis of motion.

      3. What's the difference between distance and displacement?

        Distance is the total length of the path traveled by an object, regardless of direction. It's a scalar quantity. Displacement is the shortest straight-line distance between the starting and ending points, including direction. It's a vector quantity. For example, if you walk 3 km east and then 3 km west, your total distance is 6 km, but your displacement is 0 km.

      4. How is acceleration related to velocity in one-dimensional motion?

        Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. In one-dimensional motion, it describes how quickly an object's velocity is changing. It's calculated using the formula: Acceleration = (Final Velocity - Initial Velocity) / Time. Acceleration is a vector quantity, so it has both magnitude and direction in one-dimensional motion.

      5. Can you explain the concept of instantaneous velocity?

        Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of an object at a specific instant in time. It's different from average velocity, which is calculated over a period of time. In one-dimensional motion, instantaneous velocity is represented by the slope of the position-time graph at a particular point. It's a vector quantity that gives both the speed and direction of motion at that exact moment.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the foundations of physics is crucial for grasping more complex concepts, and this is especially true when it comes to "Scalars, vectors, and one dimensional motion." One of the key prerequisite topics that plays a vital role in this area is operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form. This fundamental concept is essential for students to master before delving into the intricacies of scalars, vectors, and one-dimensional motion.

      The study of magnitude and direction in vector operations provides a solid foundation for understanding how objects move and interact in space. When exploring one-dimensional motion, students must be able to differentiate between scalar quantities (which have only magnitude) and vector quantities (which have both magnitude and direction). This distinction is crucial for accurately describing and analyzing motion along a straight line.

      By mastering operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form, students develop the skills necessary to manipulate and interpret vector quantities. These skills are directly applicable to understanding velocity, acceleration, and displacement in one-dimensional motion. For instance, when analyzing the motion of an object along a straight path, students must be able to add, subtract, and scale vectors to determine the object's position and motion characteristics at different points in time.

      Furthermore, the concept of magnitude and direction is fundamental to grasping the vector nature of certain physical quantities. In one-dimensional motion, while the direction may seem straightforward (either positive or negative along a single axis), understanding how to work with magnitudes and directions becomes crucial when transitioning to more complex scenarios in two or three dimensions.

      Students who have a strong grasp of vector operations will find it much easier to visualize and solve problems related to scalars, vectors, and one-dimensional motion. They will be better equipped to understand concepts such as relative velocity, projectile motion, and force interactions, which build upon the foundations of vector mathematics.

      In conclusion, the study of operations on vectors in magnitude and direction form is not just a prerequisite but a fundamental building block for understanding scalars, vectors, and one-dimensional motion. It provides students with the necessary tools to analyze and describe motion accurately, setting the stage for more advanced topics in physics and engineering. By mastering this prerequisite, students will be well-prepared to tackle the challenges and complexities of motion analysis in various dimensions.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • Definition of scalar and vector
      • How to write scalars and vectors in physics
      • The definitions of distance, displacement, speed, and velocity
      • Calculations involving scalars and vectors


      • Scaler: a quantity with a magnitude only

      • Vector:a quantity with magnitude and direction

      • Symbols for vectors can be written with arrows on top (like d\vec{d}), symbols for scalars do not have arrows (like t)
      • Distance, speed, time, and mass are examples of scalars: they do not have a direction.
      • Position, displacement, and velocity are examples of vectors: they do have direction.


      Δd\Delta \vec{d}: dfdi\vec{d}_f - \vec{d}_i

      Δd:displacement,  in  meters  (m)\Delta \vec{d}: \mathrm{displacement, \;in\;meters\;(m)}

      df:final  position,  in  meters  (m)\vec{d}_f: \mathrm{final\;position, \;in\;meters\;(m)}

      di:initial  position,  in  meters  (m)\vec{d}_i: \mathrm{initial\;position,\;in\;meters\;(m)}


      v=d/tv = d/t

      v:speed,  in  meters  per  second  (m/s)v:\mathrm{speed, \;in \;meters \;per \;second \;(m/s)}

      d:distance,  in  meters  (m)d:\mathrm{distance, \;in \;meters \;(m)}

      t:time  interval,  in  seconds  (s)t:\mathrm{time \;interval, \;in \;seconds \;(s)}


      v=Δd/t\vec{v} = \Delta \vec{d}/t

      v:velocity,  in  meters  per  second  (m/s)\vec{v}: \mathrm{velocity,\;in\;meters\;per\;second\;(m/s)}