Relative velocity

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  1. Introduction to relative velocity
  2. Understanding the definitions of relative velocity
  3. The "observer" method for calculating relative velocities in one dimension
  4. The "observer" method for calculating relative velocities in two dimensions
  1. Relative velocity in one dimension
    A car travelling at 75.0 km/h overtakes a 1.20 km long train travelling in the same direction on a track parallel to the road. The train moves at 60.0 km/h.
    1. How long does it take the car to pass and how far will it have travelled in this time?
    2. Find the time to pass and distance the car travels if the car and train move in opposite directions.
    1. Relative velocity in two dimensions
      1. A pilot must fly her plane due west to an airport. The plane has a speed of 445 km/h relative to the air. There is a steady wind blowing 82.5 km/h toward the south.

        1. Draw a vector diagram.
        2. What is the heading of the plane relative to the ground that the pilot should fly? Why is it not due [W]?
        3. What is the speed of the plane relative to the ground?
        4. If the airport is 312 km west, how much time does she need to arrive there?
      2. A boat heads across a 593 m wide river with a velocity of 3.50 m/s toward the east. The river current is flowing south. The boat lands 346 m downstream on the other side of the river.

        1. Draw a vector diagram for the boat's resultant velocity
        2. What is the speed of the river current?
        3. What is the velocity of the boat relative to the shore?
      3. What is the change in velocity of a ball that had an initial velocity of 16.5 m/s [S] and a final velocity of 20.8 m/s [E] after it is hit with a bat? Draw a vector diagram.
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Relative Velocity

    Relative velocity is a fundamental concept in physics that deals with how objects move in relation to each other. This concept is crucial for understanding motion from different perspectives or frames of reference. The introduction video provides an essential foundation for grasping this complex topic. It demonstrates how the velocity of an object can appear different depending on the observer's point of view. For instance, a passenger on a moving train may perceive objects outside as moving, while they appear stationary to someone on the ground. This concept is not only important in everyday scenarios but also plays a significant role in advanced physics, such as in the study of celestial bodies or in relativistic physics. By understanding relative velocity, students can better comprehend more complex physics principles and their real-world applications. The video serves as a stepping stone to explore this fascinating aspect of motion and its implications in various fields of science and engineering.

    Understanding Relative Velocity and Frame of Reference

    Relative velocity and frame of reference are fundamental concepts in physics that help us understand how objects move in relation to one another. These concepts are crucial for accurately describing motion in various scenarios, from everyday experiences to complex scientific observations.

    A frame of reference is a coordinate system used to describe the position and motion of objects. It serves as a point of view from which observations are made. In physics, we often use different frames of reference to simplify calculations or to better understand the relative motion between objects.

    Relative velocity, on the other hand, is the velocity of an object as observed from a particular frame of reference. It's important to note that the velocity of an object can appear different when viewed from different frames of reference. This is where the concept of relativity comes into play.

    To illustrate these concepts, let's consider an example of two boxes moving in opposite directions. Imagine Box A moving to the right at 5 m/s and Box B moving to the left at 3 m/s on a straight line. From a stationary observer's perspective (let's call this the ground frame of reference), the velocities are straightforward: Box A has a velocity of +5 m/s, and Box B has a velocity of -3 m/s.

    However, the relative velocity between the boxes is different. To calculate the relative velocity of Box B with respect to Box A, we need to consider Box A as the frame of reference. This means we imagine ourselves moving along with Box A and observe how Box B appears to move from this perspective.

    Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to calculate the relative velocity:

    1. Identify the velocities of both objects in the ground frame of reference:
      • Box A: +5 m/s (to the right)
      • Box B: -3 m/s (to the left)
    2. Choose one object as the new frame of reference (in this case, Box A).
    3. Subtract the velocity of the new frame of reference (Box A) from both velocities:
      • Box A relative to itself: 5 m/s - 5 m/s = 0 m/s
      • Box B relative to Box A: -3 m/s - 5 m/s = -8 m/s

    The result shows that from Box A's perspective, Box B appears to be moving to the left at 8 m/s. This is the relative velocity of Box B with respect to Box A. It's important to note that relative velocity is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

    We can also calculate the relative velocity of Box A with respect to Box B by choosing Box B as our frame of reference:

    1. Subtract the velocity of Box B from both velocities:
      • Box A relative to Box B: 5 m/s - (-3 m/s) = 8 m/s
      • Box B relative to itself: -3 m/s - (-3 m/s) = 0 m/s

    This calculation shows that from Box B's perspective, Box A appears to be moving to the right at 8 m/s. Notice that the magnitude of the relative velocity is the same in both cases (8 m/s), but the direction is opposite.

    Understanding relative velocity and frame of reference is crucial in many real-world applications. For instance, in navigation, the velocity of a ship needs to be calculated relative to the water, taking into account factors like ocean currents. In aviation, pilots must consider their velocity relative to the air, which can be affected by wind speed and direction.

    These concepts also play a significant role in more advanced physics topics, such as Einstein's theory of

    Practical Application: Car and Pedestrian Example

    Understanding relative velocity is crucial in physics, and the car and pedestrian example provides an excellent real-world scenario to demonstrate this concept. This example not only illustrates the principle of relative motion but also introduces the importance of frame of reference and velocity addition in everyday situations.

    Imagine a car moving along a straight road at a constant speed of 60 km/h. A pedestrian is standing still on the sidewalk, observing the car as it passes by. From the pedestrian's perspective, the car appears to be moving at 60 km/h relative to them. However, from the car driver's point of view, it's the pedestrian who seems to be moving backwards at 60 km/h. This scenario perfectly encapsulates the essence of relative velocity and how it changes based on the observer's frame of reference.

    To calculate the velocity of a stationary person relative to a moving car, we need to consider the frame of reference. In this case, we'll use the ground as our fixed reference point. The stationary person has a velocity of 0 km/h relative to the ground, while the car has a velocity of 60 km/h in the direction of motion. The relative velocity of the person with respect to the car is the difference between these two velocities: 0 km/h - 60 km/h = -60 km/h. The negative sign indicates that, from the car's perspective, the person appears to be moving in the opposite direction of the car's motion.

    The concept of adding velocities becomes crucial when changing frames of reference. For instance, if we want to determine how fast an object in the car appears to be moving relative to the stationary person, we need to add the car's velocity to the object's velocity relative to the car. This process allows us to transition between different frames of reference and understand how motion is perceived from various perspectives.

    Let's break down the process of solving a relative velocity problem involving a car and a pedestrian:

    1. Identify the given velocities and their directions.
    2. Choose a fixed frame of reference (usually the ground).
    3. Determine the relative velocity by subtracting the reference velocity from the object's velocity.
    4. Pay attention to the direction of motion and use appropriate signs (positive or negative).
    5. If changing frames of reference, add or subtract velocities as needed.

    For example, let's solve a problem where a car is moving at 80 km/h eastward, and a person is walking at 5 km/h westward. To find the car's velocity relative to the person:

    1. Car velocity: 80 km/h east (+80 km/h)
    2. Person velocity: 5 km/h west (-5 km/h)
    3. Relative velocity = Car velocity - Person velocity
    4. Relative velocity = 80 km/h - (-5 km/h) = 85 km/h

    The result shows that from the person's perspective, the car appears to be approaching at 85 km/h. This example demonstrates how relative velocity calculations can provide insights into how motion is perceived from different observer perspectives.

    Understanding relative velocity and its applications is essential in various fields, including physics, engineering, and transportation. It helps in analyzing complex motion scenarios, designing efficient transportation systems, and even in everyday situations like overtaking vehicles on the road. By mastering the concepts of relative velocity, frame of reference, and velocity addition, one can gain a deeper appreciation for the dynamic nature of motion in our world.

    Two-Dimensional Relative Velocity: Boat and Current Example

    Two-dimensional relative velocity is a crucial concept in physics that helps us understand motion in complex scenarios, such as a boat moving through a flowing river. This concept combines vector addition and the principle of relative motion to determine the actual path and speed of an object moving in multiple reference frames.

    Let's consider the classic example of a boat navigating a river with a current. In this scenario, we have two distinct velocities at play: the boat's velocity relative to the water and the water's velocity (current) relative to the shore. To determine the boat's actual motion as observed from the shore, we need to combine these velocities using vector addition.

    The importance of considering multiple frames of reference cannot be overstated in solving two-dimensional relative velocity problems. In our boat and current example, we have two primary frames of reference:

    1. The water frame: This is the frame in which we consider the boat's motion relative to the water.
    2. The shore frame: This is the stationary frame from which an observer on land would view the boat's motion.

    To solve problems involving two-dimensional relative velocity, we follow these steps:

    1. Identify the given velocities and their directions.
    2. Choose a coordinate system (usually with the x-axis parallel to the river's flow).
    3. Break down the velocities into their x and y components.
    4. Add the corresponding components to find the resultant velocity.
    5. Calculate the magnitude and direction of velocity.

    Let's walk through a detailed example to illustrate this process:

    Problem: A boat is traveling at 10 m/s due north across a river that flows at 5 m/s due east. What is the boat's velocity relative to the shore?

    Step 1: Identify the velocities

    • Boat velocity relative to water: 10 m/s north
    • Current velocity relative to shore: 5 m/s east

    Step 2: Choose a coordinate system

    • Let's set the x-axis pointing east and the y-axis pointing north.

    Step 3: Break down velocities into components

    • Boat: vx = 0 m/s, vy = 10 m/s
    • Current: vx = 5 m/s, vy = 0 m/s

    Step 4: Add the components

    • Resultant vx = 0 + 5 = 5 m/s
    • Resultant vy = 10 + 0 = 10 m/s

    Step 5: Calculate the magnitude and direction of velocity

    • Magnitude: (5² + 10²) 11.18 m/s
    • Direction: tan¹(10/5) 63.4° north of east

    Therefore, the boat's velocity relative to the shore is approximately 11.18 m/s at an angle of 63.4° north of east.

    This example demonstrates how vector addition allows us to combine velocities in different directions to find the resultant velocity. The boat's motion relative to the shore is a combination of its own propulsion through the water and the water's motion relative to the shore.

    Understanding two-dimensional relative velocity is essential in various real-world applications, such as navigation.

    Problem-Solving Strategies for Relative Velocity

    Relative velocity problems can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can tackle them effectively. This guide outlines various approaches to solve these problems, emphasizing problem-solving techniques, vector addition, frame of reference considerations, and visualization methods.

    One of the most crucial steps in solving relative velocity problems is identifying the correct frame of reference. This involves determining which object or observer is considered stationary and which objects are in motion relative to that reference point. Always start by clearly defining your frame of reference, as this will guide your entire problem-solving process.

    Vector addition is a fundamental tool in relative velocity problems. Remember that velocities are vector quantities, meaning they have both magnitude and direction. When dealing with multiple velocities, use vector addition to combine them correctly. This often involves breaking velocities into components and then adding or subtracting these components as needed.

    Visualization is key to understanding and solving relative velocity problems. Sketch the scenario, including all relevant objects and their velocity vectors. This visual representation helps in identifying the relationships between different velocities and can reveal the best approach to solve the problem. Don't hesitate to use diagrams, even if they're rough sketches they can significantly clarify complex scenarios.

    When interpreting results, always consider the physical meaning of your calculations. Does the answer make sense in the context of the problem? Are the magnitudes and directions of velocities reasonable? This critical thinking step can help you catch errors and deepen your understanding of the concepts involved.

    Common mistakes in relative velocity problems often stem from confusion about the frame of reference. For example, forgetting to account for the motion of the observer or mixing up relative and absolute velocities can lead to incorrect solutions. To avoid these errors, always clearly state your frame of reference at the beginning of your solution and consistently refer back to it throughout your calculations.

    Another frequent error is neglecting to consider all relevant velocities in a problem. For instance, in problems involving motion on a moving surface (like a boat crossing a river), students often forget to account for the velocity of the surface itself. To prevent this, list all velocities mentioned in the problem before starting your calculations, ensuring you don't overlook any crucial information.

    When dealing with complex scenarios involving multiple moving objects, break down the problem into simpler parts. Start by solving for the relative velocity between two objects, then use that result to find relationships with other objects in the system. This step-by-step approach can make seemingly intimidating problems more manageable.

    Practice using standard problem-solving techniques like identifying given information, determining what needs to be found, and outlining the steps to reach the solution. This structured approach helps organize your thoughts and ensures you don't miss important details in the problem statement.

    Remember that relative velocity problems often involve real-world scenarios. Try to relate the problem to practical situations you're familiar with, as this can provide intuitive insights into the problem's dynamics. For example, thinking about how a pilot adjusts for wind when navigating an aircraft can help you understand the principles of relative motion in a more tangible way.

    In conclusion, mastering relative velocity problems requires a combination of strong conceptual understanding, careful attention to detail, and practice. By focusing on identifying the correct frame of reference, utilizing vector addition effectively, visualizing the problem, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can develop the skills needed to tackle even the most complex relative velocity scenarios with confidence.

    Applications of Relative Velocity in Real-World Scenarios

    Relative velocity plays a crucial role in various fields, including navigation, sports, and transportation. Understanding this concept is essential for accurately measuring and predicting motion in different contexts. In navigation, relative velocity is fundamental to GPS systems, which rely on calculating the position and speed of receivers relative to orbiting satellites. GPS devices use these measurements to determine a user's location, speed, and direction of travel, making them invaluable for both personal and commercial applications.

    In the realm of sports, relative velocity is key to analyzing and improving athletic performance. For instance, in baseball, coaches and players use relative velocity to assess pitch speeds and batted ball trajectories. This information helps pitchers refine their techniques and batters anticipate incoming pitches more effectively. Similarly, in track and field events, understanding relative velocity is crucial for optimizing sprint starts, relay handoffs, and long jump approaches.

    Transportation systems heavily rely on relative velocity concepts for safety and efficiency. Air traffic control, for example, uses relative velocity calculations to maintain safe distances between aircraft and guide them along optimal flight paths. Controllers must constantly monitor and adjust for the relative speeds and directions of multiple planes to prevent collisions and ensure smooth traffic flow. In maritime navigation, ship captains use relative velocity to plot courses that account for ocean currents and wind effects, ensuring efficient and safe journeys.

    The automotive industry also benefits from relative velocity applications. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in modern vehicles use sensors to measure the relative speed and position of surrounding objects. This data enables features like adaptive cruise control, which automatically adjusts a car's speed to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead. Collision avoidance systems also rely on relative velocity calculations to predict potential impacts and trigger automatic braking or steering corrections.

    In the field of meteorology, relative velocity is essential for tracking and predicting weather patterns. Doppler radar systems use the concept to measure the speed and direction of precipitation, helping meteorologists forecast storms and issue timely warnings. This application of relative velocity has significantly improved the accuracy of weather predictions and saved countless lives by providing early alerts for severe weather events.


    In this article, we've explored the fundamental concept of relative velocity and its crucial role in physics and real-world applications. We've discussed how relative velocity depends on the chosen frame of reference and how it affects our perception of motion. Key points covered include the importance of vector addition in solving relative velocity problems, the river-boat scenario as a classic example, and various practical applications in navigation, sports, and transportation. Understanding relative velocity is essential for engineers, pilots, and anyone dealing with moving objects. We encourage readers to practice solving relative velocity problems to reinforce their understanding. Remember to consider different frames of reference and apply vector mathematics correctly. For visual reinforcement of these concepts, refer back to the introductory video. Mastering relative velocity will enhance your problem-solving skills and provide valuable insights into the dynamic world of motion and physics.

    Introduction to Relative Velocity

    Understanding the definitions of relative velocity is crucial for solving various physics problems. This guide will walk you through the basic concepts and definitions, providing a clear and coherent explanation based on the provided content.

    Step 1: Understanding Relative Velocity

    Relative velocity refers to the velocity of an object as observed from a particular frame of reference. It is essentially the measurement of how fast one object is moving in relation to another object. This concept is fundamental in physics, especially when dealing with problems involving multiple moving objects.

    Step 2: Frame of Reference

    A frame of reference is the perspective from which a measurement is made. It is the point of view that determines how we observe and measure the motion of objects. For example, when we measure the velocity of a car moving on a road, the ground serves as our frame of reference.

    Step 3: Basic Example with Two Objects

    Consider two objects, A and B, moving at constant velocities in opposite directions. Let's say object B is moving to the right at 5 meters per second, and object A is moving to the left at 2 meters per second. Initially, they are 10 meters apart.

    Step 4: Relative Velocities to the Ground

    The velocities given (5 meters per second for B and 2 meters per second for A) are relative to the ground. This means that B moves 5 meters to the right every second, and A moves 2 meters to the left every second, as measured from the ground.

    Step 5: Changing the Frame of Reference

    Now, let's change our frame of reference from the ground to object A. We want to determine the velocity of B relative to A. To do this, we need to consider the movement of both objects over a period of time.

    Step 6: Calculating Relative Velocity

    After one second, object A moves 2 meters to the left, and object B moves 5 meters to the right. The total distance between them increases by 7 meters (2 meters from A and 5 meters from B). Therefore, the relative velocity of B with respect to A is 7 meters per second to the right.

    Step 7: Simplifying the Concept

    While this example helps illustrate the concept of relative velocity, it can be impractical to draw out multiple scenarios for every problem. Instead, understanding the basic definitions and using vector addition can simplify the process of determining relative velocities in various situations.


    By understanding the definitions of relative velocity and frame of reference, you can solve complex physics problems more efficiently. Remember that relative velocity is always measured in relation to another object, and the frame of reference is crucial in determining how we observe and measure motion.


    1. What is relative velocity?

      Relative velocity is the velocity of an object as observed from a particular frame of reference. It describes how fast and in what direction an object appears to be moving when viewed from a specific perspective. The relative velocity can change depending on the observer's frame of reference.

    2. How do you calculate relative velocity in one dimension?

      To calculate relative velocity in one dimension, subtract the velocity of the reference frame from the velocity of the object. For example, if a car is moving at 60 km/h east and a truck is moving at 40 km/h east, the relative velocity of the car with respect to the truck is 60 km/h - 40 km/h = 20 km/h east.

    3. What is the importance of frame of reference in relative velocity?

      The frame of reference is crucial in relative velocity because it determines how motion is perceived. Different frames of reference can lead to different observations of the same motion. For instance, a passenger on a moving train may see stationary objects outside as moving, while a person on the ground sees the train moving.

    4. How is relative velocity used in navigation?

      In navigation, relative velocity is used to determine the actual course and speed of vehicles like ships and aircraft. It helps in calculating the effects of wind or currents on the vehicle's motion. For example, a pilot needs to consider both the plane's airspeed and wind velocity to determine the actual ground speed and direction.

    5. Can relative velocity be zero between two moving objects?

      Yes, relative velocity can be zero between two moving objects if they are moving at the same speed in the same direction. For instance, two cars traveling side by side at 60 km/h on a highway have zero relative velocity with respect to each other, even though both are moving relative to the ground.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding the concept of relative velocity is crucial in physics, but to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite areas. One of the most important prerequisites for mastering relative velocity is vector components. This fundamental concept plays a pivotal role in comprehending and analyzing relative velocity problems effectively.

    Relative velocity deals with the motion of objects in relation to one another, often involving multiple reference frames. To accurately describe and calculate these motions, we need to break down velocities into their component parts. This is where the knowledge of vector components becomes invaluable. By understanding how to decompose vectors into their x and y components, students can more easily visualize and solve complex relative velocity scenarios.

    When working with relative velocity, it's common to encounter situations where objects are moving in different directions or at various angles. The ability to manipulate vector components allows us to analyze these movements more precisely. For instance, when dealing with the relative velocity of two objects moving at an angle to each other, breaking down their velocities into components helps in determining their relative motion along different axes.

    Moreover, vector components are essential in understanding the concept of relative velocity in two and three dimensions. As we move beyond simple one-dimensional problems, the complexity increases, and the need for vector analysis becomes more pronounced. Students who are well-versed in vector components find it easier to transition to these more advanced relative velocity problems.

    The application of vector components in relative velocity extends to various real-world scenarios. From navigation and aviation to sports and engineering, the principles of relative velocity, underpinned by vector analysis, are widely used. For example, in air traffic control, understanding the relative velocities of aircraft involves complex vector calculations, making a strong grasp of vector components crucial.

    Furthermore, the concept of vector components lays the groundwork for more advanced topics in physics that build upon relative velocity. Topics such as projectile motion, circular motion, and even aspects of special relativity all rely on a solid understanding of both vector components and relative velocity. By mastering these prerequisite concepts, students set themselves up for success in more advanced physics courses.

    In conclusion, while relative velocity might seem like a standalone topic, its deep connection to vector components cannot be overstated. A thorough understanding of how to work with vector components not only facilitates a better grasp of relative velocity but also prepares students for a wide range of physics concepts. By investing time in mastering this prerequisite topic, students will find themselves better equipped to tackle the challenges of relative velocity and beyond in their physics studies.

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • How to solve relative velocity problems in one dimension
    • How to solve relative velocity problems in two dimensions


    • Frame of reference can be thought of as the point of view that measurements are made from.
    • A relative velocity is a velocity that is measured in a frame of reference. Usually, a moving object is the frame of reference.
      • Imagine you are on a train leaving a station at 10 m/s [E]. A bystander at the station would see the train move at 10 m/s [E]: this is the velocity of the train relative to the station ( vtraintostation\vec{v}_{train\,to\,station} ). The frame of reference is the station, since that is what the velocity is measured from.
      • If you imagine yourself looking out the window of the train it might appear that the station is moving 10 m/s [W], even though you know that it is the train that is moving. This is the velocity of the station relative to the train ( vtraintostation\vec{v}_{train\,to\,station} ) and the frame of reference is the train.