Power, energy and efficiency

  1. Introduction to Power, Energy and Efficiency:
  2. What is electric power?
  3. What are the formulas relating to power?
  4. What is electrical energy?
  5. How can we measure the efficiency of an electric circuit?
  6. What are the differences between voltage, power and energy?
  1. Solving for Power and Resistance

    Power, Energy and Efficiency
    1. What is the power dissipated by resistor RA?
    2. What is the resistance of RA?
  2. Solving for Power, Current and Energy

    Power, Energy and Efficiency
    1. What is the current leaving the battery?
    2. How much energy is used by RB in 2 minutes?
  3. Solving for Power and Voltage

    Power, Energy and Efficiency
    1. What is the voltage of the battery supply?
    2. What is the current going through RC?
    3. What is the power dissipated by the circuit?
  4. Solving for Power and Efficiency
    An electric crane runs off of a 100V source at a current of 14A. The crane lifts a 180kg block 17.5m in the air (vertically) in 35 seconds. What is the efficiency of the crane?
    1. Solving for Power and Efficiency
      A lightbulb emits approximately 300 J of light energy in 5 seconds. If this bulb is 16% efficient, what is the power supplied to the lightbulb?
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Power, Energy, and Efficiency in Electric Circuits

      Welcome to our exploration of power, energy, and efficiency in electric circuits! These fundamental concepts are crucial for understanding how electricity works in our everyday devices. In the introduction video, we'll dive into these topics, providing you with a solid foundation for your electrical engineering journey. Power in circuits refers to the rate at which energy is transferred or converted, measured in watts. Energy, on the other hand, is the capacity to do work, often measured in joules. Efficiency is all about how effectively energy is used in a circuit, comparing useful output to total input. As we progress, you'll see how these concepts interrelate and apply to real-world scenarios. From smartphones to power grids, grasping these principles will help you comprehend the inner workings of modern technology. So, let's get started and unlock the mysteries of electric circuits together!

      Understanding Power in Electric Circuits

      Power is a fundamental concept in electric circuits, representing the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. In electrical systems, power is typically measured in watts (W) and plays a crucial role in understanding how devices consume energy. To grasp the concept of power in circuits, we need to explore its definition, formulas, and practical applications.

      The basic electric power formula is P = IV, where P represents power in watts, I is the current in amperes, and V is the voltage in volts. This formula is essential for calculating power in any electrical system. For example, if a device draws 2 amperes of current at 120 volts, its power consumption would be P = 2A × 120V = 240 watts.

      To derive other power formulas, we can utilize Ohm's Law, which states that voltage equals current multiplied by resistance (V = IR). By substituting this into our original power formula, we can obtain two additional expressions for power:

      1. P = I²R: This formula is particularly useful when we know the current and resistance in a circuit. To derive it, we start with P = IV and substitute V with IR from Ohm's Law: P = IV P = I(IR) P = I²R

      2. P = V²/R: This formula is handy when voltage and resistance are known. We can derive it by starting with P = IV and substituting I with V/R from Ohm's Law: P = IV P = (V/R)V P = V²/R

      These power formulas circuits are interchangeable and can be used depending on the information available in a given problem. Let's look at some examples to illustrate their application:

      Example 1: A 60W light bulb is connected to a 120V power source. Using P = IV, we can calculate the current: 60W = I × 120V I = 60W / 120V = 0.5A

      Example 2: A heating element with a resistance of 20 ohms draws 5A of current. Using P = I²R, we can find its power consumption: P = 5²A × 20Ω = 500W

      Example 3: A 240V appliance has a power rating of 1200W. To find its resistance, we can use P = V²/R: 1200W = 240²V / R R = 240²V / 1200W = 48Ω

      Understanding these power formulas and their applications is crucial for electrical engineers, technicians, and anyone working with electrical systems. They allow us to analyze and design circuits efficiently, ensuring that components are properly rated and systems operate safely within their power limits.

      It's important to note that power calculations become more complex in alternating current (AC) circuits, where factors like power factor and reactive power come into play. However, the basic principles and formulas we've discussed form the foundation for more advanced power analysis in electrical engineering.

      In practical applications, power calculations help determine the energy consumption of devices, the capacity required for power supplies, and the heat generated in electrical components. For instance, when designing a home electrical system, understanding power requirements ensures that wiring and circuit breakers are properly sized to handle the expected loads safely.

      As we continue to advance in technology and energy efficiency becomes increasingly important, the ability to accurately calculate and manage power in electric circuits remains a critical skill. Whether you're working on small electronic projects or large-scale electrical systems, mastering these power formulas and concepts will prove invaluable in your endeavors.

      Energy in Electric Circuits

      Understanding energy in electric circuits is crucial for anyone working with electrical systems or studying physics. Energy is a fundamental concept that relates closely to power in electrical systems. In this section, we'll explore how energy and power are interconnected, how to calculate energy, and the units used to measure it.

      Energy in electric circuits refers to the capacity to do work or transfer heat. It's often confused with power, but there's a key difference: power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted, while energy is the total amount of work done over time. This relationship is crucial in understanding how electrical devices function and consume electricity.

      The relationship between energy and power is expressed by the equation E = Pt, where E is energy, P is power, and t is time. This formula is essential for calculating energy consumption in electrical systems. For example, if a 100-watt light bulb is left on for 2 hours, the energy consumed would be 100 watts × 2 hours = 200 watt-hours.

      The standard unit for energy in the International System of Units (SI) is the joule (J). One joule is equal to one watt-second, meaning it's the amount of energy transferred when one watt of power is applied for one second. In practical applications, especially when dealing with household electricity consumption, we often use kilowatt-hours (kWh) as a larger unit of energy. One kilowatt-hour is equal to 3,600,000 joules, as there are 3,600 seconds in an hour.

      To better understand how power and energy are related, consider this: power tells us how quickly energy is being used or produced, while energy gives us the total amount used or produced over a period of time. For instance, a 1000-watt (1 kW) electric heater running for 1 hour will consume 1 kilowatt-hour of energy. If we run the same heater for 2 hours, it will consume 2 kilowatt-hours.

      Let's look at some practical examples of energy calculations in electric circuits:

      1. A 60-watt light bulb is left on for 5 hours. The energy consumed is: E = 60 W × 5 h = 300 Wh or 0.3 kWh.
      2. A 1500-watt hair dryer is used for 10 minutes (1/6 of an hour). The energy used is: E = 1500 W × (1/6) h = 250 Wh or 0.25 kWh.
      3. A 2000-watt electric oven operates for 45 minutes. The energy consumption is: E = 2000 W × (3/4) h = 1500 Wh or 1.5 kWh.

      Understanding the relationship between power and energy is crucial for managing electricity usage and costs. When you see your electricity bill in kilowatt-hours, you're looking at the total energy consumed by all your electrical devices over the billing period. By knowing how to calculate energy from power and time, you can estimate the energy consumption of your appliances and make informed decisions about their usage.

      In summary, energy in electric circuits is a measure of the total work done or heat transferred, typically measured in joules or watt-hours. It's calculated by multiplying power (in watts) by time, using the formula E = Pt. While power tells us the rate of energy transfer, energy gives us the total amount over time. This understanding is essential for anyone working with electrical systems, managing energy consumption, or studying physics and engineering.

      Efficiency in Electric Circuits

      Efficiency is a crucial concept in electric circuits, playing a vital role in understanding how effectively electrical energy is converted into useful work. In the realm of physics and electrical engineering, efficiency is defined as the ratio of output power to input power. This fundamental principle helps us evaluate the performance of electrical systems and devices.

      The efficiency formula, a key component in assessing power efficiency, is expressed as:

      Efficiency = (Output Power / Input Power) × 100%

      This percent efficiency formula allows us to quantify how much of the input power is successfully converted into useful output power. It's important to note that efficiency is typically expressed as a percentage, making it easier to interpret and compare different systems.

      In electric circuits, the electrical efficiency formula takes into account various factors that affect power transfer. These may include resistance in conductors, heat dissipation, and energy losses in components. By calculating efficiency, engineers and technicians can identify areas for improvement and optimize circuit designs.

      One of the fundamental principles in physics is that efficiency is always less than 100% in real-world scenarios. This is due to unavoidable energy losses that occur during power transfer and conversion processes. Factors contributing to these losses include:

      • Resistance in conductors, causing heat dissipation
      • Friction in moving parts of electrical machines
      • Electromagnetic losses in transformers and motors
      • Leakage currents in semiconductors

      To illustrate the application of the efficiency formula, let's consider a few examples:

      1. Electric Motor: Suppose an electric motor draws 1000 watts of electrical power and produces 850 watts of mechanical power. Using the efficiency formula, we can calculate:

      Efficiency = (850 W / 1000 W) × 100% = 85%

      This means the motor has an efficiency of 85%, with 15% of the input power being lost as heat and other forms of energy.

      2. Power Supply: A computer power supply unit (PSU) draws 400 watts from the wall outlet and delivers 360 watts to the computer components. Its efficiency would be:

      Efficiency = (360 W / 400 W) × 100% = 90%

      This PSU has a 90% efficiency rating, which is considered quite good for modern power supplies.

      Understanding and improving efficiency in electric circuits is crucial for several reasons:

      • Energy Conservation: Higher efficiency means less wasted energy, leading to reduced power consumption and lower electricity bills.
      • Environmental Impact: Efficient electrical systems contribute to reduced carbon emissions and a smaller ecological footprint.
      • Heat Management: More efficient circuits produce less waste heat, which can extend the lifespan of components and reduce cooling requirements.
      • Cost-effectiveness: Improved efficiency can lead to smaller, more compact designs and reduced material costs in manufacturing.

      Engineers and designers constantly strive to improve efficiency in electric circuits through various means, such as:

      • Using high-quality, low-resistance conductors
      • Implementing advanced power management techniques
      • Utilizing more efficient components and materials
      • Optimizing circuit layouts to minimize energy losses

      In conclusion, efficiency is a fundamental concept in electric circuits that helps us understand and improve the performance of electrical systems. By applying the efficiency formula and understanding the factors that affect power efficiency, we can develop more effective and sustainable electrical technologies. Whether you're working with simple circuits or complex power systems, considering efficiency is crucial for optimizing performance and reducing energy waste.

      Comparing Power, Energy, and Voltage

      When discussing electric circuits, it's crucial to understand the fundamental concepts of power, energy, and voltage. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct aspects of electricity. Let's dive into each concept and explore how they relate to one another while clearing up common misconceptions.

      Voltage, also known as electric potential difference, is the driving force behind the flow of electric current in a circuit. Measured in volts (V), it represents the difference in electric potential energy between two points in a circuit. Think of voltage as the "pressure" that pushes electrons through a conductor. One way to understand voltage is to consider it as joules per coulomb, which relates to the energy carried by each unit of charge.

      Energy, on the other hand, is the capacity to do work. In electrical systems, energy is typically measured in joules (J) or kilowatt-hours (kWh). It represents the total amount of work that can be performed by an electrical system. When we talk about the energy stored in a battery or consumed by an appliance, we're referring to this concept. Energy is what allows electrical devices to function and perform tasks.

      Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. Measured in watts (W), power tells us how quickly energy is being used or produced. In simpler terms, power is energy per unit of time. For example, a 100-watt light bulb consumes energy at a rate of 100 joules per second. Power is crucial for understanding the capacity of electrical systems and devices.

      Now, let's explore how these concepts are related. Voltage and current together determine the power in a circuit. The relationship is expressed by the formula: Power (W) = Voltage (V) × Current (A). This means that increasing either voltage or current will result in higher power. Energy, in turn, is the product of power and time. So, if we know the power consumption of a device and how long it operates, we can calculate the total energy used.

      Despite their interconnectedness, these concepts differ in important ways. Voltage is a potential difference that exists even when no current flows, while power only exists when there's actual energy transfer. Energy represents the total work capability, whereas power indicates how quickly that work can be done.

      Common misconceptions often arise when people confuse these terms. For instance, many believe that higher voltage always means more power, which isn't necessarily true. A device can have high voltage but low current, resulting in low power. Another misconception is equating energy with power. While a 1000-watt microwave and a 10-watt LED bulb have vastly different power ratings, the LED could use more energy over time if left on for much longer.

      To illustrate these differences, let's consider some examples. A 9-volt battery and a car battery both have voltage, but the car battery can deliver much more power due to its ability to supply higher current. In your home, a toaster might use 1000 watts of power while operating, but it consumes less total energy than a refrigerator that runs continuously at 150 watts. This is because energy consumption depends on both power and time.

      Understanding these concepts is essential for anyone working with or studying electrical systems. Voltage provides the potential for current flow, power determines how quickly energy is transferred, and energy represents the total work that can be done. By grasping these distinctions, you'll be better equipped to analyze and design electrical circuits, choose appropriate power sources, and optimize energy consumption in various applications.

      In conclusion, while power, energy, and voltage are closely related in electric circuits, each plays a unique role. Voltage is the driving force, power is the rate of energy transfer, and energy is the total capacity for work. By understanding these concepts and their relationships, you can gain a deeper appreciation for how electrical systems function and make more informed decisions about electrical devices and energy usage in your daily life.

      Applications of Power, Energy, and Efficiency

      Understanding power, energy, and efficiency concepts in electric circuits is crucial for developing and using electrical devices effectively. These principles have numerous real-world applications that impact our daily lives, from household appliances to complex power systems. Let's explore how these concepts are applied and why they matter.

      In our homes, power efficiency plays a significant role in the design and operation of various appliances. Take, for example, modern refrigerators. These appliances have come a long way in terms of energy efficiency. Manufacturers now use advanced compressor technologies and improved insulation materials to reduce power consumption while maintaining optimal cooling performance. This not only saves energy but also reduces electricity bills for consumers.

      Another common household item where power and energy concepts are crucial is the humble light bulb. The shift from traditional incandescent bulbs to LED lighting is a perfect example of how understanding these principles can lead to significant improvements. LED bulbs consume far less power while producing the same amount of light, resulting in substantial energy savings over time. This transition has been so impactful that many countries have phased out incandescent bulbs in favor of more energy-efficient alternatives.

      In the realm of electronic devices, power efficiency is a key consideration in product design. Smartphones, laptops, and tablets are constantly evolving to provide more features and performance while consuming less power. This is achieved through various techniques such as dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, where the device adjusts its power consumption based on the current workload. Additionally, modern processors are designed with multiple power states, allowing them to enter low-power modes when not in use, further conserving energy.

      The concept of energy efficiency extends beyond individual devices to entire power systems. In the field of renewable energy, understanding power and energy principles is crucial for optimizing solar panel and wind turbine installations. Engineers must consider factors such as power conversion efficiency, energy storage solutions, and grid integration to maximize the output and reliability of these sustainable energy sources.

      Smart grid technologies are another area where these concepts are applied on a large scale. By implementing advanced monitoring and control systems, power companies can better manage electricity distribution, reduce losses, and improve overall grid efficiency. This not only helps in energy conservation but also enhances the reliability and stability of our power supply.

      In industrial settings, electric motors are a prime example of where efficiency improvements can have a significant impact. High-efficiency motors, designed with advanced materials and optimized electromagnetic properties, can reduce energy consumption by 2-8% compared to standard motors. When applied across multiple machines in a factory, these savings can be substantial, both in terms of energy costs and environmental impact.

      Understanding these concepts can lead to more informed decisions about energy conservation in our daily lives. For instance, knowing how standby power works can encourage us to unplug devices when not in use or use smart power strips to eliminate phantom loads. Similarly, understanding the relationship between power and energy can help us make better choices when purchasing appliances, considering not just the initial cost but also the long-term energy consumption.

      In the automotive industry, the principles of power and energy efficiency are driving the development of electric vehicles (EVs). Engineers are constantly working to improve battery technology, motor efficiency, and regenerative braking systems to extend the range and performance of EVs. This not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also demonstrates how understanding these electrical concepts can lead to more sustainable transportation solutions.

      As we continue to face global energy challenges, the importance of applying power, energy, and efficiency concepts in electrical devices cannot be overstated. From improving the performance of our gadgets to developing more sustainable energy systems, these principles are at the heart of technological progress. By embracing energy-efficient practices and technologies, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future while enjoying the benefits of improved device performance and reduced energy costs.


      In this exploration of electric circuits, we've delved into the crucial concepts of power, energy, and efficiency. The introduction video provided a solid foundation for understanding these interconnected elements. Power, measured in watts, represents the rate of energy transfer in a circuit. Energy, quantified in joules, is the capacity to do work. Efficiency, expressed as a percentage, indicates how effectively energy is converted from one form to another. These concepts are fundamental to designing and analyzing electrical systems. By grasping these principles, you're better equipped to tackle real-world applications in electronics and energy management. We encourage you to further investigate these topics, perhaps by conducting simple experiments or researching advanced circuit designs. Remember, the knowledge you've gained here is not just theoretical it has practical implications in our increasingly electrified world. Apply these concepts in your projects, and you'll see how they shape the functionality and performance of electrical devices. Keep exploring, and let your newfound understanding power your future endeavors in the fascinating realm of electric circuits!

      Introduction to Power, Energy and Efficiency: What is electric power?

      Step 1: Understanding the Circuit

      In our introduction to power, we start by examining a typical electric circuit. This circuit includes a battery with positive and negative terminals, and a resistor connected in series. The conventional current flows from the positive terminal of the battery, through the resistor, and back to the negative terminal. This setup helps us visualize how electric power is distributed and used within a circuit.

      Step 2: Defining Electric Power

      Electric power is defined as the rate at which energy is transformed. In simpler terms, it is the speed at which electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or light. For instance, a battery converts chemical potential energy into electrical potential energy, which then powers the circuit.

      Step 3: Energy Transformation in Devices

      When discussing power, we focus on the device within the circuit that transforms electrical energy into another form. For example, a resistor or a light bulb in the circuit converts electrical energy into heat and light. This transformation is crucial for understanding how power is utilized in various electrical devices.

      Step 4: Power as a Rate

      Power is considered an instantaneous rate, meaning it measures the frequency of energy transformation at a specific point in time. The formula for power is given by:

      Power (P) = Energy (E) / Time (T)

      Where power is measured in watts (W), energy in joules (J), and time in seconds (s). This formula helps us quantify the rate at which energy is being transformed in a circuit.

      Step 5: Power in Terms of Current and Voltage

      Power can also be expressed as the product of current and voltage. The formula is:

      Power (P) = Current (I) × Voltage (V)

      Here, current (I) is measured in amperes (A) and voltage (V) in volts (V). This formula is derived from the basic understanding of energy transformation over time and the relationship between charge, voltage, and current.

      Step 6: Deriving the Power Formula

      To derive the power formula, we start with the basic equation:

      Power (P) = Energy (E) / Time (T)

      We then recall the formula from electrostatics:

      Energy (E) = Charge (Q) × Voltage (V)

      Substituting this into the power equation, we get:

      Power (P) = (Charge (Q) × Voltage (V)) / Time (T)

      Recognizing that charge per time (Q/T) is current (I), we simplify the equation to:

      Power (P) = Current (I) × Voltage (V)

      Step 7: Applying the Power Formula

      To apply this formula, let's consider a simple circuit with a 5-ohm resistor. Given the current (I) is 2 amperes and the voltage (V) is 10 volts, we can calculate the power dissipated by the resistor:

      Power (P) = Current (I) × Voltage (V) = 2 A × 10 V = 20 W

      Thus, the resistor dissipates 20 watts of power, indicating the rate at which it transforms electrical energy into heat.

      Step 8: Solving for Power Without Given Current

      If the current is not given, we can use Ohm's Law to solve for it. Ohm's Law states:

      Voltage (V) = Current (I) × Resistance (R)

      By rearranging this formula, we can solve for current (I) and then use the power formula to find the power dissipated by the device.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about power, energy, and efficiency in electric circuits:

      1. What is the formula for energy efficiency?

      The formula for energy efficiency is: Efficiency = (Output Energy / Input Energy) × 100%. This formula calculates the percentage of input energy that is converted into useful output energy. For example, if a light bulb converts 20 joules of electrical energy into 18 joules of light energy, its efficiency would be (18 / 20) × 100% = 90%.

      2. How do you calculate power in a circuit?

      Power in a circuit can be calculated using three main formulas:
      1. P = V × I (Power = Voltage × Current)
      2. P = I² × R (Power = Current² × Resistance)
      3. P = V² / R (Power = Voltage² / Resistance) Choose the formula based on the known variables in your circuit.

      3. What is the relationship between power and energy?

      Power is the rate at which energy is transferred or converted, while energy is the capacity to do work. The relationship between power and energy is expressed as: Energy = Power × Time. For instance, if a 100-watt bulb operates for 2 hours, it consumes 100W × 2h = 200 watt-hours of energy.

      4. How is power efficiency measured?

      Power efficiency is typically measured as a ratio or percentage of output power to input power. It's calculated using the formula: Efficiency = (Output Power / Input Power) × 100%. For example, if a motor draws 1000 watts of electrical power and produces 850 watts of mechanical power, its efficiency would be (850 / 1000) × 100% = 85%.

      5. What does efficiency mean in electricity?

      In electricity, efficiency refers to how effectively electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy or work. It's the ratio of useful output to total input, usually expressed as a percentage. High efficiency means less energy is wasted as heat or other unusable forms. For instance, LED bulbs are more efficient than incandescent bulbs because they convert a higher percentage of electrical energy into light rather than heat.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the fundamental concepts of physics is crucial when delving into more complex topics like power, energy, and efficiency. Two key prerequisite topics that form the foundation for this subject are electric potential and electric potential energy and power and efficiency. These concepts are intricately linked and provide essential knowledge for grasping the broader principles of energy systems and their applications.

      The concept of electric potential difference is fundamental to understanding how energy is transferred in electrical systems. This prerequisite topic explores the relationship between electric charges and the potential energy they possess. By comprehending electric potential, students can better grasp how energy is stored and transferred in various electrical devices and systems, which is crucial when studying power and energy efficiency.

      Moreover, the study of power conversion efficiency builds upon the basic principles of energy transfer and conservation. This prerequisite topic introduces students to the concepts of power as the rate of energy transfer and efficiency as a measure of how effectively energy is converted from one form to another. These foundational ideas are essential for analyzing and optimizing energy systems in real-world applications.

      When studying power, energy, and efficiency, students will find that their understanding of electric potential and potential energy helps them analyze electrical circuits and power distribution systems. The ability to calculate potential differences and energy transfers in electrical systems is crucial for designing efficient power delivery mechanisms and understanding energy losses in transmission.

      Similarly, the concepts learned in power and efficiency studies directly apply to evaluating the performance of various energy systems. Whether it's assessing the efficiency of a power plant, optimizing the energy consumption of household appliances, or developing renewable energy technologies, a solid grasp of power conversion principles is indispensable.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle more advanced concepts in power, energy, and efficiency. They will be able to analyze complex energy systems, understand the factors affecting energy losses, and develop strategies for improving overall system efficiency. This knowledge is not only academically valuable but also highly relevant in addressing real-world challenges such as energy conservation, sustainable power generation, and the development of energy-efficient technologies.

      In conclusion, the study of electric potential and electric potential energy along with power and efficiency provides a robust foundation for exploring the broader topic of power, energy, and efficiency. These prerequisite topics offer the necessary tools and concepts for students to engage meaningfully with more advanced energy-related subjects, preparing them for both academic success and practical applications in the field of physics and engineering.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • How we can understand power as the rate of energy transformation.
      • The definition of power related to energy and the 3 version of the power formula (related to voltage, current, and resistance)
      • About energy as a property and the accumulation of power dissipation across a span of time that the circuit/device is operating
      • How power is related to the efficiency of an electric circuit.
      • How to solve for power, energy, and efficiency using:
        • The formula for power: P=IV=I2R=V2RP = IV = I^{2}R = \frac{V^{2}}{R}
        • The formula representing the relationship between energy and power: P=EtP = \frac{E}{t} and E=Pt=IVtE = Pt = IVt
        • The efficiency formula: efficiency=PoutputPinputxefficiency = \frac{P_{output}}{P_{input}} x\, 100%


      • Power is the rate at which energy is transformed (when the resistor/device transforms electric energy into another form of energy such as heat, light, etc.)
      • Thus, power is defined as:
        • P=EtP = \frac{E}{t}
      • Where:
        • PP is the power dissipated (in watts, W)
        • EE is the energy transformed (in joules, J)
        • tt is the time that the device/circuit is operating (in seconds, s)

      • The unit for power is in watts (W) which represents: 1 Watt = 1Joule1Second \frac{1 \, Joule}{1 \, Second}

      • Power can also be conceptualized as the product of current and voltage, giving the first power formula:
        • P=IVP = IV
      • The formula can be written in two other versions by substituting of Ohm’s Law into the power formula:
        • P=I2RP = I^{2}R and P=V2RP = \frac{V^{2}}{R}
      • Energy is the property of the ability to do work (where work refers to energy transferred to objects in order to move them, heat them up, etc.)
      • Energy is defined through rearranging the first power definition; energy is the accumulation of power dissipation for a duration of time:
        • P=EtP = \frac{E}{t} therefore, E=PtE = Pt
        • And by substituting P=IVP = I V (the power formula), it is given that: E=IVtE=I V t
      • The unit for energy is in joules (J) which represents a variety of physics concepts (gravitational potential energy; force and work; charge and voltage; power and time):
        • J=(kg)(m2)s2=Nm=CV=WsJ= \frac{(kg)(m^{2})}{s^{2}} = Nm = CV = Ws
      • For your monthly electricity bill, you pay for energy (and NOT power). You are paying for how much energy you’re using by keeping your electronics on for an amount of time (power is the rate at which your devices are transforming electrical energy). You are not billed for the number of joules, but rather in the units of kilowatt-hours (1kWh = 3.6x106J).

      • The efficiency of an electric circuit is a percentage that represents the proportion of power that is produced by a device (useful output of dissipated power) over how much power is actually supplied to that device (input power that is consumed):
        • efficiency=PoutputPinputxefficiency = \frac{P_{output} }{P_{input}} x 100%
      • The efficiency is not perfect (100%) because there is energy loss when electrical energy is transformed into other forms (i.e. a lightbulb transforms electrical energy into thermal energy to heat up its wire filament so that it will glow and produce light energy; the initial heating is lost partially to the environment).